The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 20, 1896, Image 1

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Comina Events
t Bryan Club Aumist 21
Bliss Hertrick Aucust 22
Presbyterian Picnic August 23
The Dkmocuat next issue August 27
AOU W Picnic September
McKinley Club Sept 4
Old Settlers Reuniou Sept 18 19
MVA Picnic Brownlec rSeptember 23
The Bryan Club will hold its -next
meeting tomorrow night in its new
club rooms over Stetters saloon
Everybody is invited to be present and
l assist in the work of the club which
has for its obiect the -election of
William J Bryan for president
Meeting called to order at 8 oclock
Turn out
Sign the school house bond petition
Croquet sets at cost at C R Wat
isons 29
Charlie Tate returned this week
from the west
Harry Tucker came in from the hay
ilats yesterday
E R Vandegrift wasin town a few
days this week
J W Burleigh and H B Clapp are
up from Simeon
Otto Berger is in town looking after
his business interests
Jos Potmesil returned from Chad
ron Monday morning
Jiorey has a lot of campaign novel
lies that are really novel
Notice the change in Davenport
Treachers advertisement
Xot much danger of getting sun
struck during this weather
Miss Adella Sawyer returned to her
home near Sparks last Saturday
Mrs C II Barth of Foit Niobrara
went to Hot Springs Tuesday night
A large assortment of wall paper
new styles cheap at C R Watsons
iProl D Wiggins was over from
the brick yard Saturday on business
Migs Dolly Lang went to ONeill
Tuesday morning to meet her mother
Wanted Baled hay For particu
lars enquire of Davenport ThacKer
J R Morris arid D L Hughes of
Carroll Nebraska were in town Mon
Fon Sale Afew full blood Brown
Leghorn roosters W F A
D0Rt 30
The Presbyterian Sunday School will
rgive -a picnic at Bristols grove next
C E subject for next Sunday is The
Duty and Joy of Church Membership
Matt 1016 32
Miss Sadie Dewey Visited at Wood
Lake Saturday iind Sunday returning
Monday morning
Mrs F A Swan came up from
Wood Lake Monday morning and re
f turned in the evening
The very best castor machine oil
lowest possible price at C R Watson
Try it and be convinced 29
John Hettle of Periorook Nebr
W M Green of CedarrRapids are reg
istered at the City Hotet
Lee Pratt and Win Hopley of
-Atlantic Iowa were in town last week
on some sort of acattle deal
W A DeBordwas in town yester
day from 6 malm looking dJT some
land in Which lie is interested
T C and wife and E E
Sparks and wife returned from their
Visit on the reservation Tuesday
L L Bivens came down from Pine
Ridge Saturday night He has given
up his situation on the brick yard
J II Quigley went up to Crawford
Tuesday night to attend the populist
congressional convention which met
there yesterday
Miss Crawford who has been visit
ing at the home of Mr and Mrs A
Morey returned to her home at West
Point Saturday morning
The fees of the cbuuty treasurer
during the seven months of this year
amount to almost as much as the fees
lor the entire year of 185
Rev Thos Sexton synbdical mis
sionary of Seward will preach at the
Presbyterian church Sunday morning
at 11 dcloukvnd Sunday evening at 8
z i i
Indians are now hauling a large con
signment of oats and beans from the
warehouse here to the Agency
J H Bratley and wife arrived from
the east last night and this morning
went to Rosebud where--they will
leach school
O W Moreyhas branched out and
now occupies the little room north of
the City Hotel as a store room for the
bulkier goods in his line
State Examiner Faudrey looked
over Treasurer Crabbs books this
-week We Eavo nob yet hearor any-
shoftagesbeing discovered
Robert SXee and Willie M Le
were up from Brownlee yesterday as
witnessesibefore the land office in the
final proof case of Minnie Dodds
BE B Kennedy and wife came
from Omaha Sunday and went
out to their ranch on the Gordon Mr
Kennedy is ex fish commissioner of
the state
Wm Francke Thos Yearnshaw
Uncle Dick Towne A T White and
J G Stetter went fishing on the
man last weekend caught about 200
fine trout
Miss -Edna vFischer entertained
Misses Tess and Mae OSullivan Edna
Dwyer and Minnie De Woody and
Messrs W S Jackson and Frank Bray
ton at tea last Friday evening
C E Bowring with Chamberlain
Co patent medicines of Des Moines
Iowa arrived in town Tuesday Char
lies many friends here have been busy
congratulating him on securing his old
position with this firm
A class of about forty probationers
will be received into full membership
in the ME church Sunday Of this
number some six or seven will be im
mersed in the Minnechaduza Sunday
afternoon at 2 oclock
Just a we go to press Otto Berger
informs us that he has sold his cloth
ing and gents furnishing establish
ment to D Stinard who will continue
the business in a building on Main
Street We wish Uim success
The republican convention for the
purpose of nominating a candidate for
state representative from the 52nd dis
trict will be held at Sparks on Septem
ber 12 Cherry county is entitled to
six delegates and Key a Paha to three-
S t Gilman arid daughter Edna
returned to their horiie in Davenport
Iowa Monday morning Mr Gilman
having almost entirely recovered from
his sgrious illness winch kept him con
fined to his bed here for a number ovf
This office is in receipt of aeopy of
the American Home Magiisirie of
Franklin Ohio containing a wferd
Mexican story by LeRby Leach entit
led The Strange Adventures of Don
Enrique Romero which deserves a
place with the productions of well
known pens
Ro bert Wilbert sold water melons at
the Osborne House a week ago meas
uring 40 inches in circumference one
way and 30 the other This is certain
ly remarkable growth for this latitude
Just think of it ripe water melons on
the first day of August Mr Wilbert
can tell you how irrigation pays
Aiiisworih Star- Journal
A meeting of farmers was held at
Rushville Saturday for the piirpbse of
formulating some plan by which they
could receive a fair niicp for tlieir
wheat Local buyers pay 25 cents per
tiushel freight to tJhicago is Vt cents
and Chicago prices for -wheat are about
55 cents They thirfk 13 cents is too
much to pay for handling
ThecOnsolidated force of this office
extends to W II McCloud its heartiest
thanks for a fine large watermelon
which was laid on our sanctum table
last Saturday The tifeloh was a daisy
both insize and quality it being 40
inches in circumference and as iuicy
and luscious as the linest product of
G eorgia or Virginia Come again
Last week Tiie DEiiocnATVaid that
Bishop Graves would conduct services
at St Johns Episcopal church on Sun
day August 23 lbut word from Rev
Bates says chatve were a little previ
ous in the announcement Bishop
Graves will be here Sunday August
30 A good cioftfishould turn out tol
hecyibe Bishop as Has is a good
The First was Harmonium and Fiill
of Enthusiasm and the Iast wfl
not Record ot What
pone at Each Meeting
The Bryan Club isstarted Seventy
two names are so far alfixedjto the toU
of honor
32Dti5iii ibr the Black Eagle of
the West the Boy Orator of the
Platte and the next president of the
United States is emboundedia its In
Last Friday evening abqut forty of
our citizensjnet in the rooms across
the hall from this office and took pre-
Jiminary steps toward organizing a
non partisan William J Bryan club
The meeting was called to order by
Gus Carlson chairman of the peoples
independent county central committee
Robert Good was elected chairman of
the meeting and p H Thurston secre
tary Some of the boys were in a
hurry and wanted to effect a perma
nent organization right away fcut af
ter a discussion of fcbe question it was
decided to leave the permanent organ
ization constitution rules and other
business of like nature to a committee
The chair appointed as such commit
tee Martin Christensen D H Thurs
ton T R T Geddis E Breuklander
and J E Case
Speeches were called for and call
was responded to by M Christensen
who spoke fluently and to the point on
the issues of the day He was follow
ed by I R T Geddis who was listen
ed to very closely
On motion the chair appointed J H
Quigley J A Hitt and E Breukland
er to see to renting and seatiiig the
rooms to be used for the club and
attend to such other business as might
need to be done
After a few remarks by Messrs G
Carlson and M Christensen the meet
ing adjournedto meet Fridayjeveriing
Aug 21 when the committee on per
manent organization will make its re
The McKinley Club or rather the
nucleus of what it is hoped will be a
McKinley Club met at Cornell Hall
last Friday night to perfect the organ
ization -which was started the week be
There were just sixteen people pre
sent Whn the chairman called the
meeting to order Of these there
were enough of the democratic faith
to leaven the mass and keep the boys
on their good behavior
The first thing done was to receive
the report of the committee on per
manent organization constitution and
bylaws etcetera The committee re
commended that officers be elected as
President E J Davenport
Secretary J C Pettijohn
Treasurer John Dunri
The report was adopted and the
constitution arid bylaws were read
The best part of this part of the pro
ceedings was when Judge Tucker who
was reading the constitution came to
the words We pledge ourselves to
support Wm McKinley and
Hobart The Judge couldnt think
of the first name of the vice presiden
tial candidate notwithstanding the
committee had been a week preparing
the constitution Wellsay you had
ought to have seeh the faithful scratch
their ears and think Finally soihe
one suggested the natne of George A
Hobart atidit came very near going
at that but somebody whb was
at the ceiling and thinking of
heaVeh blurted out Garrett and
thus the mountain was moved
Tneh C H Cornell bbjected to the
constitution and bylaws because they
did not provide rules for governing
the club or an order of business J
heedless to say his suggestion that
Roberts Rules of Order be adopted
was voted down
The president and Vice president bfj
the club together With C H Cornell
Published for yorap Year as
cherry oounty Independent
2 - A ps tv A
frai committee started to make a few
remarks but was gagged so sat down
qntil the motion was passed over his
protest Then a little war of words
fcooiplace butthat hasnt anything to
do with the club so well let it pass
The rneeting adjourned until Friday
Sept 4-
a Takeri as a whole the meeting was
without profij most of the war horses
beingabsent arid the enthusiasm the re
manifested could haye been put in a
half ounce vial and had plenty of
room for exercise
- In Favor of Division
A petition signed by Euliman
and44 others a majority of the voters
in the territory described below has
been filed in the office of the county
clerk praying that the following terri
tory bg cut off from Cherry county and
made fypart of Grant county
corner of Tp 28
N of Rv 40 w thence east to the
northeast corner of Tp 28 ST of R 36
thence south on the line between
ranges 36 and 35 -to the south line of
Cherry county thence west to south
west Qorner of the county thence north
to the place of beginning This con
templated division of the county em
braces a territory 24 by 36 miles in
size and includes all of Mother jake
precinct twelve miles of the western
portion of Buffalo Lake and six miles
of the south part of Enlow precincts
and isa fair sized county in itself The
following letter from County Clerk
Hiott to Grant county parties explains
Cherry county voted on thg division
two j ears ago and under the law can
not vote on the question again until
jiext year
The Board of Commissioners has
heretofore held in another case identi
cal with this that it amounts to the
sama4li rig Hg division and refused to
submit the question From this de
of the Board no appeal was
taken The parties interested consult
ed a number of legal authorities on the
matter and I believe it was the general
opinion that the Board was right in
their position
merely write you in advance what
J believe will -be the action of the
Board in the matter so as to give the
people interested an opportunity to
present their case if they see fit at the
next meeting in October I wish to
say in this connection that I believe
the demands of the people are just and
should be granted and also to say there
is an erroneous idea prevalent that
this section of the country is opposed
to all and every form of division trial
such is not the oase Is demonstrated
by the fact that every proposition look
ing to division has always had a small
majority in Valentine precinct
and E E Sparks frere made a tenee which would in a short VimB
mittee oh general arrangements 1hey
to seebbutgetting club room -arid so
A ihotifai was made to
arrarigethents committee to get a
speaker here by next Friday J C
3ettijcihn chairman of the county
Rattlesnake Jack Again
Last Saturday complaint was made
against Albert Mclntyre the little son
of Eattleshaike Jack by Geo H
Hornby charging him with vagrancy
and mendicancy and the trial was to
Kave been held Monday but was
postponed until Tuesday nioining J
TV Tucker - represented the defense
and asked forgury trial which was
granted TV S Jackson J M Car
penter Henry Stetter Howard Case
Theo Tillson and j TV TVhillans com
posed the jury The arguments were
submitted and upon Jack agreeing
to never more allow the boy to enter
thecageHvith his pets the jury re
turned a verdict for the boy thus
irighini a long term in the industrial
There is no question regarding
the justness of this decision j owing to
seVeral points of law which were
brought out inthe course of the trial
andit is perhaps the best thing that
could have been done under the cir
cumstances Mclntyre will -probably
leave the country soon nut if he
should return to his old haunts in
Sheridan countv his friends would
hardly recognize him Since the last
issue of this paper he has had his hair
cut and whiskers trimmed aiid bids
fair to become a respectable citizen
Tiie Dejiochat sympathizes Vithbim
and is sorry that he should ihegt with
sairiudh misfortune but he Ms no one
to blame but himself TVitlran honest
4irid earnest effort he could make his
truly marvelous ability to handle
snakes a g6und work for a
make him independent of the vvbrld
Watermelons always frefe and
compel the j always will be a great temptation to
ycrang people At least foiir of 6ur
young society folks yielded to the
iempter Sunday
fcr Irak
fjfAKPTM HI m u tifu Wr
iLnMvn i I 27vvv f Wfi
Jn IP i I F i Htfi
m MWml
wl Fiffli U Jn I ffi
Of successful advertising
nowadays are the willingness and
ability of the merchant to sell aix
things as cheap as his competitors
do and some things for less As
a general rule ever merchant has
a leader Wq have strayed off
the beaten path this week and do
not offer anything special but
wyv article in
position of a leader Groceries
Dry Goods Shoes Hats Bar
gains in everything
Davenport Thacher
Why do so many people go to
Why because he sells the freshest and best
at lowest prices Try him
Jiist Received
Qherry Qounty 3ai4k
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking
Exchange bought and sold Loans- upon- good security solicited at reasonable
rates County depository
Drugs should be chosen with care
and should always be treated right if
you wish to obtain good from them
You can get the right kind at
C M COICNELI Frefiiiterit
PI V KimMtl4SOA C8Mer
Valentine Nebraska
A Geiieral TRanhing Business Transacted
Buys and Sells Domestic and JForeign Eicchange
Correspondents Chemical National Bank New Yorfc Irirst National Bsnt Omaha
Fish t3 ame Tender Steaks
Jucy Roasts Dry Salt Meats
and the forest line of Smoked
Hams and Breakiast Bacon
ever sold in town
At Stettorvsi0iarStana on Main Street
Of the Choicest Brands