The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 13, 1896, Image 4

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1BOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher
iftCLcial Paper of Cherry
ty Nebraska
100 Per Fear in Advance
the Postofflce at Valentine Cherry
COOKg IrtDraita as Becona ciass matter
i 2his paper wtfl be mailed regularly
Us subscribers until a definite order
S jfcotcliscontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Advertising rates 50 cents per inch
gmppth -Bates per column or for
jtong time ads made known on appli
rscationto this office
AUGUST 13 1896
Democratic Ticket
For President
Of Lihcoln JSebraska
For Vice President
Of Bath Maine
Who is noine to be nominated for
representative from the 52nd district
The official organ of the Knights of
labor announces that it will support
It is claimed that one hundred re
publicans in Chadron will vote for
Bryan and free silver
Maryland will give its electoral vote
to Bryan if municipal elections show
the trend of public sentiment
The St Louis- Eepublic says that
doctors claim tornadoes produce hys
teria So do political cyclones Mark
Hanna for instance
A sound money democratic candi
date for president will be put in the
field September 2 What effect this
will have on the chances of the other
candidates is hard to determine
The issue of the present campaign
is to elect McKinley according to
Mark Hanna Why should not demo
crats take the same platform substitu
ting the word defeat for elect
A man named Lyle was airested at
Eushville last week on the charge of
incest with his own daughter During
the night preceding the trial the girl
changed her mind about prosecuting
and the villiauwas discharged
Did it ever occur to you that the fel
lows who charge the farmers from
teen to forty per cent for money are
Jnot the bloated bondholders and capi
talists of the east but the money
sharks of the west Gordon
- Several republican papers are pub
lishing extracts from the Chicago
Times Herald and label them demo
cratic There isnt a more pronoun
ced republican paper in the United
States and hasnt been since the death
of Editor Scott
Down in Kichardson
county the re
publicans dare net mention -the name
of William J Bryan in their meet
ings because the mere name awakens
duuu euuiuBiasm as to seriously
turb the faithful in their adoration
of the Joss of Canton
To make things still harder for- the
poor newspaper mana certain patent
medicine concern is inserting a clause
in its advertising contracts to the
effect that they have the privilege of
revoking same if Candidate W J
Bryan is elected president
Numerous papers which are opposed
to Bryan merely because the Joss of
Canton is in the race are accusing
him of borrowing the expression cross
of gold This is peanut politics in its
Worst form There is nothing- new
under the sun
The BM railroad does not allow
in its shops but circulars announcing
republican meetings and advising
the workmen to join McKinley clubs
can be distributed among its employes
and posted on its buildings- All
feers are barred v
Soineueople are very inquisitive
Notwithstanding the fact that The
Democrat carries at its masthead the
democratic ticket and has repeatedly
produced editorials on the subject
these inquisitive ones continue to ask
what are we going to do
Bight now ThB Democrat wishes
to state that it will support the demo
cratic ticket
The editor of this paper is a young
man in vears but he has always been
a democrat When he first took charge
of this paper he advocated sound
money through its columns because
he believed it was right and that it
was a principle of democracy
convention of the
The - national t
democratic party met at Chicago and
declared that free coinage of silver at
the ratio of 16 to 1 was democratic
Older and wiser heads than that of the
editor were present at that convention
and enunciated this doctrine It
would be folly for him to say they
were wrong Should he do so he
would have no political standing what
ever He cannot support McKinley
and retain his democracy He does
not believe any democrat can do so
McKinley represents the perfect
antithesis of everything democratic
He does not even represent the gold
standard The platform was forced
under him while he was being held up
to the gaze of the thousands by Mark
Hanna and other monopolists of the
east He is a man without marked
ability in any direction his notoriety
as the apostle of high protection being
forced upon him while chairman of a
congressional committee Since that
time he has done nothing but talk
protection and extend sympathy to
the verv nennle which the infamous
bill which bears his name reduced to
poverty and want
William J Bryan is a democrat all
reports to the contrary notwithstand
ing The editor has enjoyed his per
sonal acquaintance for years and a
sounder or more able exponent of
democracy it has not been his fortune
to meet Those who deny his demo
cracy lay themselves liable to the same
charge The Democrat admires
Bryan in every way as a gentleman
as a scholar as a politician and as a
democrat If the principles he advo
cates are wrong the people will say so
Another ticket is to be put in the
field labeled National Democracy
but what its obiect is to be is not
clearly defined It is said that it will
aid Bryan and injure McKinley but
even its most ardent supporters are
not predicting its success They say
that none of the platforms so far pre
sented to the people represent their
convictions If an attempt was made
to make a platform to suit each indi
vidual it is safe to say that every voter
would have a platform of his own
To vote for the new ticket seems to
this paper like voting for nothing
therefore it cannot support it
There is only one course for demo
crats to pursue and that is to support
the ticket as nominated at Chicago
Bryan on a free coinage of iron plat
form is more acceptable than McKin
ley on a protection to monopoly plat
There are just three things in the
present campaign which militate
against republican success at the polls
this fall and try as hard as they may
republicans cannot get around them
First the present financial depres
sion and the great panic of 1893 were
not caused by the repeal of the McKin
ley tariff bill The present tariff pro
duces more revenue than that of 91
Second the Sherman law the in
famous Sherman law as it is general
ly called was the work of a republican
congress and it is this law which the
golcLstandanLpeople claim precipita7
ted the panic
Third Wm McKinley the idol the
savior the leader of the masses
has not even to this day declared in
favor of the existing gold standard
which the republican platform says
must be maintained
The Democrat would be pleased
to have some republican attempt to re
fute these statements and drop the
profuse use of the words anarchist
repudiation commerce destroyers
export killers etc which embellish
the usual republican speeches and
Above all things else teach the girls
the distribution of advertising matter j to cook wash and sew The highest
compliment that can be paid a woman
is to be able to say of her that she is a
model housewife It carries with it
greater worth and honor than to say of
a man he is a statesman Gordon
A Bryan and
117 members
wood last week
rsBm w Preston Mystery
of 45 republicans 20 populists 51
democrats and 1 prohibitionist Polk
Co Independent
And yet they tell us Bryan wont
carry the state of Nebraska This club
seems to be a little behind time
though as it only contains 45 republi
cans or 40 per cent of the total mem
The prospect is not very good for
democratic voters It is evident that
the Chicago convention really indexed
the feelings of the democracy Those
democrats who want honest money
must vote for McKinley and bitter as
the pill is it is the only golden one now
upon the market Bolting is out of
the question
The above is a sample of the editor
ials now going the rounds of the oppo
sition press How they exult over the
dissensions in the ranks of democracy
and add insult to injury by gleefully
exclaiming that McKinley is a bitter
pill but you will have to take it De
republicans think democrats are cred
ulous enough to vote for McKinley
under the pretense that he is a sound
money man when he himself t shies
away from the money question every
time it is presented to him and rattles
off protection like a phonograph or
some other piece of mechanism Nit
There is a superstition which is quite
general that the number 13 is unlucky
How it originated is not exactly
known There is another superstition
which is as well known as that regard
ing the 13 to the effect that number
7 is a lucky number It is the natural
offset of the 13 Numerous articles
have been written showing McKinleys
connetcion with the number 13 and
now it is time to work the opposite for
In the first place there are just 7
letters in the name W J Bryan- IHe
was nominated by a convention which
met on the 7th day of the 7 th month
in a city which is spelled with 7 letters
Bryan stopped at a hotel whose name
is composed of 7 letters Clifton
and was assigned to room number 7
He wasnominated by H T Leiois
and the first state to vote for him was
Georgia and the state that secured his
nomination was Montana The chair
man of the convention was S ilf White
There were 7 candidates before the
convention and seven states followed
the standard of Nebraska for a long
time until Illinois joined the proces
sion The most prominent womans
club in Nebraska was organized by
Mrs Bryan and is called Sorosis
Bryan wears a number 7 shoe and No
7 haf
We could go on almost indefinitely
in this strain but it is unnecessary If
there is any virtue in the- mystic 7
Bryan who is in his 37th year will be
president in 1897 McKinley used to
boast that he looked like Napoleon
and the fact that he was nominated on
the anniversary of the battle of Water
loo is full of significance
Democrats should not hesitate in
their support of The Valentine
Democrat It is rapidly attaining a
reputation second to none in north
western Nebraska and it3 influence is
bound to be felt in the coming cam
paign During the four months in
which the paper ha3 been in control of
the present management the subscrip
tion list has increased just 106 Of
this number not over 25are democrats
so it can be readily seen that the paper
is appreciated for its news features
The following extract from the Gordon
Journal is but a sample of the many
compliments received by this paper
Laying aside its politics the Valen
tine Democrat is the best local news
paper in at least seven counties along
the FEMV In the language of
the Eushville Eecorder which - came
to fill a long felt political want on the
part of the editor To hades with
politics anyway
The people of Valentine appreciate
the paper a3 is shown by the advertis
ing columns We cant resist the
temptation to give just one more tes
timonial to the excellence of the paper
This was unsolicited and comes from
a staunch republican down the road to
whom we sent a copy of the paper
I received a copy of your newsy
little sheet and am glad to learn of
your success in the newspaper busi
ness Although its politics are not of
my Delief its appearance is a credit to
any town
Dont think tor a moment that this
is an old and intimate friend We
never met the gentlemen until last
winter For a distance of 400 miles
along the FEMV railroad there is
not another democratic paper The
subscription price is only 1 a year I
Author of The Adventures of DonEnrique2Romero etc etc
Copyrighn89Cbythe AuthorJf All rights reserved
Tiie Democrat offers a prize of
500 for the best solution of the mys
tery on which this story is based A
prize of 300 will be given for the
next best solution 200 for the third
best one years subscription for the
fourth and six months subscription
for the fifth best solution
Chapter I- Introduces the heroine Isabel
Preston the only daughter of the wealthy Ne
braska ranchman Henry Preston with whom
tnrfie eowhoys unaries anompson wm roweu
and Edward Belden are m love Chanter n
The Preston Mystery After supper Will Powell
and Isabel take a stroll Will declares his love
and is assured that be is loved in return As the
loer bends to kiss his sweetheart a shot is fired
from the bushes and Isabel sinks to the ground
shot through the breast Chapter III A Vain
Pursuit Ranchman Preston hears the shot and
calls the cowboys together They visit the river
but Isabel and rowellt hare disappeared Dis
covering tracks of horses they follow them and
almost overtake three horsemen who escape In
the darkness Chapter IV John Preston of
the U S Secret Service arrives at the ranch
It is found that Edward Belden and Charles
Thompson have left the ranch A party of cow
boys find the body of Isabel and led by Dick
Jones swear to avenge her murder Chapter V
A Broken Heart Mrs Preston dies of grief
over her murdered daughter Isabel Chapter VI
An Extract The Omaha Weekly Hornet
comments on the mystery and says no traces of
the murderers have been found Chapter VII
The Silver Three Time about one year
later Henry Preston John Preston and Dick
Jones are at North Platte when a stranger gives
them a silver 3 which when opened discloses
a paper telling them to go to a round topped hill
near the mouth of the MInnechaduza for further
developments in the mystery
Jones Story
Early next morning the two Pres
tons and Dick Jones were in the sad
dle and headed for the northward It
was a lovely morning The prairie
larks here and there among the flowers
made merry music the cool breeze and
fresh prairie air caused even the
gloomy brow of Henry Preston to wear
an unusually pleasant expression As
for John all the tragedies in the world
could not make him sad for any length
of time He and Dick were constant
ly exchanging jokes and stories of the
I wonder where Jim and his four
pards are this morning said Dick
suddenly the last I heard of them
they were searching the bad lands of
Wyoming running down a supposed
clew that they had found It may be
we will fall in with them in the Nio
brara country
He alluded to the live men who were
with him when they discovered the
body of the murdered Isabel
I trusty we may replied John
they say the Sioux are restless up in
that section and our party of three
men wouldnt make much of a showing
in case they saw fife to moiesi us
Well I should say not if old Spot
ted Tail should take a fancy to our
Winchesters he would probably re
quest us to hand them over Hang it
all I dont half like the idea of going
up there into that country just now
without an escort of soldiers It isnt
safe for any white man unless it
might be one of Doc Middletons
cheerful horse appropriators By the
1 way Doc is a cheerful old boy isnrfc
he I wouldnt be suprisedr if we go
up into his territory to have him and
some of his gang riding our horses in
side of two weeks with us on foot
Well try to keep our eyes open
Dick for if we iose our horses we lose
Of course we will keep our eyes
open but even that is of little use
against the craftiness of Doc Middle
ton as I will prove to you by the fol
long story
Not long ago three men lelt Fre
mont headed for the hills Meeting a
couple of scouts they were warned to
keep a bright lookout or they would
lose their horses They laughed at
the idea said that if Doc Middleton
was smart enough to get their horses
he was welcome to them etc A few
nights later they were encamped in
Loup valley and a severe thunder
storm came up soon after sundown
the wind blew a gale and the roar of
thunder was incessant Securing
their horses to one of the wagons with
chains and getting inside with a lan
tern lighted they got out their Win
chesters and prepared to keep watch
The horses pulled quite a bit at first
but finally quieted down and naught
was heard but the fury of the storm
and the rush of water About mid
night the storm slacked up and the
men elambered out for a look about
and found six filed chains and a bit of
card board pinned to the wagon box
with a bowie knife which contained
the following brief inscription r Com
pliments of Doc Middleton
Ha Ha laughed John and what
did the over confident three do did
they go gnnning for the genial Doc
No that ia Iho best of Iho story
They wailed- and curded themselves
sick until toward evening of the fol
lowing day and then just as they
were going to pack up and take the
back track for the nearest ranch up
rode Middleton with a dozen of his
gang and the six horses
Good evening gentlemen said he
politely I thought perhaps you might
need these goodly steeds so I conclud
ed to return them with a bit of good
advice to you
Hereafter dont boast about how
you would serve or outwit Doc Mid
dleton for believe me if a New York
banker had a horse in his city stable to
which I took a fancy I would certain
ly have him Now with best wishes
for the success of your trip I will Did
you good evening
John and eyen Preston were much
amused over the Middleton story and
Dick related several others equally as
Captured by Sioux
The trip was uneventful for ten days
and the trio had by this time reached
that picturesque portion of Nebraska
the Niobrara country and one evening
camped five or six miles from the
Minnechaduza on the south bank of
the JNiobrara river They had as yet
seen but few Indians and these hun
ters and were feeling quite jubilant
over their good luck in getting within
a few miles of their destination with
out trouble They were cooking their
supper when glancing toward the
river John suddenly observed an
Indian riding leisurely toward them
He was elaborately decked out in
eagle feathers and seemed to be a
chief How was his salutation as
he rode up and drew rein Where
paleface go what want in Injuns
Jonn explained as best he could but
the chief regarded the trio with sus
picious eves
Ugh paleface tell Injun heap lie
Injun no fool paleface go back or
lose scalp maybe
But chief we wish to reach the
hill then we will willingly return
said John But the Indian shook his
head and turning his horses head
started back toward the river
Nice state of affairs growled
Jones I suppose if we try to go
across the river in the morning we will
get our hides full of lead
We are going over said Preston
quietly I would gain that hill in
spite of the entire Sioux nation
And I am with you Uncle Henry
said John
And in the fight which is sure to
ensue as a result of our crossing
Eichard Jones will endeavor to main
tain the fighting record of the Jones
family established by the great John
Paul chimed in the cowboy
Thank you boys said Preston
briefly I would not ask for braver
comrades in time of need
This compliment pleased Dick and
he immediately struck up his favorite
song for the composition of which he
has always received full credit
Three cowboys of the prairie
Were herding yearling steers
And of the hostile reds about
Had not the slightest fears
One was long and bony
ThA Tiprt was cshnrh ntirl afnnf
As the last words left the lips of
Jones zip I went a bullet close past his
ear while the spiteful craclc of a rifle
sounded from the river bluff
Fall back boysl shouted Preston
running for his horse
As quick as I give them my com
pliments replied Dick as he leveled
his- rifle and fired at the smoke of the
shot A yell of derision was the only
reply to the shot and Jones quickly
sparred after the vanishing forms of
the Prestons
Gaining a level stretch of ground a
couple of hundred yard3 distant where
they were out of range of the Indians
Preston halted
Now boys spread your blankets
and try to get a little sleep while I
keep first watch over the horses said
The night passed without any fur
ther demonstration from the Sioux At
daybreak they saddled up and headed
for the river ford
Go easy boys and perhaps we can
slip through Once over the river and
we are all right
The throe men rode quietly forward
No sigu of Indiana could be seen any-
where andlhey at last gained the
ford They breathed freer as their
ponies drank and splashed through the
shallow waters of the Niobrara
They gained the opposite shore and
as Jones was feeling in a jolly mood
he began on the second ver3e of his
song when suddenly with a hair rais
ing shout of Hi yi yip yip I fully
two score of Sioux braves sprang up as
if by magic all around them and siezed
their bridle reins With a curse Jones
knocked the two nearest flat with the
stock of his gun and driving spurs
leaped his horse fairly on half a dozen
more who had blocked the way His
fiery mustang had made several leaps
up the river bank when the loop of a
lasso settled gracefully over his head
and Jones horse and rifle described a
series of summersaults and brought up
with a thud upon the ground Jones
head struck a stone and he was render
ed insensible When he came to he
found himself bound to a pine tree
and a grinning Sioux standing before
Ugn exclaimed the Indian pale
face heap clumsy dog fall down no
ride good like Injun
Thats all right my worthy devour
er of boiled dog Perhaps it may some
day be my turn to have you at the
loop end of my rawhide in which caso
it will be heap clumsy Injun replied
Jones grimly
The warrior made no reply but
stalked off Gazing about him Jones
observed the Indians gathered- in a
circle a little way off and beyond tbem
the forms of his two comrades bound
like himself to trees
Cheerful I must say he snorted
It looks to me very much as if the
Preston mystery would always remain
a mystery if nobody has a better
chance for unraveling it than the
Messrs Preston and Eichard Jones
Nebraska is attracting the attention
of the world just now to its political
complexion It has been said that
Bryan cannot carry his own ward his
county his congressional district or his
state That remains to be seen His
congressional district is usually repub
lican by 4000 and the state gave Har
rison a large majority over Weaver in
1892 and at that time the populists
were strongest Bryans county and
ward are largely republican If Mc
Kinley cannot carry them where has
he any hope
Oneoftbe most despicable thing3
that has occurred in the present cam
paign was the attempt of republicans
to drag the Trans Mississippi Exposi
tion info politics at the recent repub
lican rally held in Omaha The fate
of the exposition depends upon the
success of no party- and the attempt to
make it appear that it does arouses
nothing but anger and contempt for
the men who so arduously tried to link
its fate with McKinley But this is
the way some people stand up for
The democrats of Minnesota have
nominated Hon John Lind for gover
nor on a free silver platform Mr Lind
was twice elected to congress on the
republican ticket but he cbuldhfc
stand McKinley Frank Day present
lieutenant governor and Congressman
Towne of the same state will take the
stump for Bryan The combined vote
of the democrats and populists in Min
nesota is 134468 against 109205 re
publican votes This seems to
The last one of the lolly three we cant say eate that Minnesota will go for Bryan
much about
When we return to aur more sober
thoughts we ahould not take into con
sideration the victory of our party or
anybodys party but we should take
into consideration our own interests
and the welfare of our country gener
sUy8pnnginew Herald
Some gold standard people admit
that free eoinage will make money
more plentiful but say theyr no- man
can get a dollar unless he works for it
True but isnt it easier to catch rab
bits when they are plentiful than
when they are scarce
The Alabama election wabeld last
week and resulted in the election of
the democratic nominee for governor
by about 45000 This doosnfc look
much like Bryan was to be defeated
next November-
Some way or other the old gtaud by
charge that England hopes for the
success of democratic nominees for
president and vice president has been
unheard of thia year England want