The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 13, 1896, Image 2

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he nJenUnB democrat
ROBERT B GOOD - Editok Prop
Wheeled a Mile in 103 Over a
Elanic Path Three Killed and Fifteen-Hurt
by the Derailment of a
Trolley Car
Cyclist Makes Fast Time
At3 oclock Sunday afternoon after
three preliminary trials Cyclist E E
bLnderson wheeled a mile in 103 over a
plank path He was paced by a locomo
tive pulling a coach and rode a wheel
geared to 92 Anderson could have bet
tered this a few seconds but he mistook
Ihe signals and slowed up a little too
soon The trial tcok place near Olden
burg 111 on the Bluff line For a dis
tance of two miles the road had been
iplanked up between the rails perfectly
smooth One mile was marked off in the
center of this stretch with flags and tor
pedoes the latter for the timers and to in
dicate to Anderson when to go ahead fast
and when to slow up Anderson an
nounces that he will make another at
tempt on August 23 on a wheel geared to
Derailment of a Trolley Car at Co
lumbia Pa
Three persons were Instantly killed and
fifteen injured some probably fatally by
the derailment of a trolly car on the Co
lumbia and Donegal Electric Itoad just
outside the borough limits of Columbia
The place where the accident occurred
rts at the base of a steep incline alongside
of which runs a high embankment The
car was loaded with passengers and as jt
Teached the edge of the incline there was
no indication of impending danger Once
on the Incline however the car began to
plip owing to wet tracks The motorman
applied the brakes and at that moment
Ihe goer wheel broke rendering the
brakes useless The car dahed along at
a terrific rate while within the terror
stricken passengers sat and stood petrified
iwith fear The car upon reaching the
bottom took a sharp turn and was thrown
up against the embankment Word was
quickly sent to Columbia and a relief car
was sent to the scene
Three Italian Murderers Hanged by
a Hahnville Mob
There was a triple lynching in Nasb
villle La just before 12 oclock on the
night of the Sth and the next morning the
bodies of three Italian murderers were
found swinging from the rafters of a tree
iLorenzo Saladino who so foully assassi
nated Jules Gueymard at Freetown La
on the 4th and the other two were Decino
JSorcoro and Angelo Marcuso who mur
dered an old Spaniard on the Ashton
plantation near station some
time ago The mob which had been
concentrated on the outskirts of town be
gan to move on the jail between 1100 and
1200 p m They captured the old negro
guard and by the vigorous use of axes
witliAvhich they were well supplied soon
demolished the jail and cell doors and
took the prisoners out and hanged thein
Henry Stow Sues the City of St
Paul for 300000
Henry M Stow of Chicago through his
attorney has brought suit in the United
tatescourt against the city of St Paul
laying damages at 300000 His com
plaint alleges that he was the owner of a
jpatentfor improvement in wood pave
ixnents and that the pavement was used
Joy the city of St Paul which gave him
no royalty
Murdered and Placed On the Rails
Robert Hopper and Mattie Johnson
whose bodies were found on the Louis
ville and Southern tracks so mangled
that the coroners jury could fiudno evi
dence of foul play were murdered by five
negroes Both were shot and their bodies
oarried several hundred yards- and placed
on the track near a curve A negro who
witnessed the murder has told about it
and the sheriff has gone to arrest the ne
groes Bobbery was the motive u
Young Wife Dies of Neglect
Mrs J Larson aged 21 years died at -the
Silver Cross Hospital Joliet 111 She
bad been without proper food for the past
two weeks which led to her sickness and
death She was a stranger in the neigh
borhood where she lived and the neigh
bors knew nothing of her wants Her
husband went to Aurora several days ago
to get his eldest daughter by his first wife
to take care of her stepmother and did
Double California Tragedy
Harvey Allender shot and killed Miss
Wally Fiehier and V Crossette at San
Jose Cal and then attempted to kill
himself but failed The sliooiing occur
jred in a crowded street and caused In
tense excitement Allender was in love
with the woman He says he does not
know why he shot her Crossette he
says attempted to putl a pistol but he
jiothisout first and lcillid
Carriage Makers Fail
O H Short Co carriage manufac
turers at Syracuse X Y have been
t closed byie sheriff on execution on
-confessed judgments for 35000 It is
said the firms other debts do not exceed
20000 Mr- Short says the assets will pay
ithem in full
Pump Works Fail
A receiver has been appointed for the
HowePump Tories of lndianapolis lud
a concern engaged w building water
works plants The liabilities are 50000
assets 130003
xbo Junta Raises 375000 in the
United States
A New York Heralds Philadelphia dis
patch says it is reported liere that the
Cuban junta in the United States this
week raised a fund amounting to 875
303 Part of the money has been changed
Into gold and is now on shipboard bound
for Cuba where it will be placed in the
bands of the officers commanding the in
surgent army The balance has been re
lained by the heads of the junta in Phil
adelphia and New York who will use it
n a way that will best serve the Cuban
jause The contributions were as fol
lows Jacksonville and other sections of
Florida 100000 New York and Brook
lyn 50000 Philadelphia 25000 Balti
more 10000 Washington 10000 Kich
mond 5000 Savannah 5000 New
Orleans 10000 through Chicago and
the west 100000 and from several south
ern points C0T0O
South Chicago Shipbuilding Yards
May Bo Closed
Fourteen hundred of the 2500 employes
of the South Chicago Shipbuilding Com
pany have struck which will necessitate
it is said the closing of tbeyards The
strike originated with 300 boys employed
to heatrivets whose wages were cut from
150 to 125 a day The men riveters
1100 in number followed their example
The strike is regarded as too precipitate
an affair to meet with the sanction of
even organized labor-
Progressive Red Men Elect Their
Candidate invOsage Nation
Saucy Chief qandidateof the half
breeds has been elected chief or governor
of the Osage nation The half breeds
also claim the election of a majority of
the council The election marks an epoch
in the affairs of the Osages as the gov
ernment of the nation will pass into the
hands of the progressive element who
favor taking allotments and becoming
citizeus of the United States
President Winter Secures the Sec
tions for 1703200
All of the lands of the Northern Pacific
Railroad in the state of Washington com
prising 11902 sections of patented and an
indefinite quantity of unpatented lands
were sold at public auction The proper
ty was bought in by Edwin W Winter
for the Northern Pacific Uailway Com
pany of which he is president for 1705
Services of a Vagrant for Six Months
Purchased for 1275
A novel auction sale was held at the
Westdorf Ky court house recently
Lawrence Polk a white man was sold
for six months under the vagrancy laws
Deputy Sheriff M A Williams cried the
sale in the presence of a large crowd
John Creil was the purchaser The price
paid was 1275
Famous Outlaw Eludes a Posse of
United States Marshals
Bill Doolin the outlaw who escaped
from the United States jail at Guthrie
Oklahoma four weeks ago was sur
rounded by deputy marshals at Wewoka
on the night of the 5th A desperate fight
took place During the f usilade of shots
Doolin escaped Deputies T M Gregor
and Horace Reynolds were killed
Michigan Farmer Succumbs to Poi
son Virus in His Blood
Norman Williams a farmer near St
Johns Mich was bitten by a vicious hog
recently Blood poisoning set in and in
spite of medical aid the victim failed
rapidly and died in great pain
Boys Fight -with Pocket Knives
A bloody fight among a crowd of school
boys atBuckville Montgomeiy County
Ark occurred a few days since llobert
Chew and1 Beauregard Poole became in
volved in a rough and tumble fight and
friends of both the belligerents joined in
the fray Packet knives weie used and
several of the -boys were dangerously
wounded was stabbed in the
breast several times and died of his
wounds Chew escaped and is still at
Big Price for a Prizs Sow
Ninety one head of Poland China hogs
were sold on the stale fair grounds at
Springfield 111 which brought an aver
age price of about 120 each J Williams
Son of Briant Ind paid 1310 for a
prize sow Minus Model This it is
said is the highest price ever paid for a
single sow A dozen others sold brought
prices ranging from 5300 to C50 each
Diphtheria Epidemic in Kansas
An epidemic of diphtheria is raging in
the town of Russell in Russell County
Kansas and the state board of health has
ordered a strict quarantine established
The secretary of the board visited Russell
and found thirty two cases under treat
ment by local physicians There have
been ten deaths
Horse Thiefs Fatal Jump
John Hazel jumped front an Illinois
Central passenger train that was run
ning at the rate of forty miles an hour
near Tuscola 111 and was almost in
stantly killed He was in custody of an
officer and was wanted for steaiing horses
in Missduri
Vanderbilt Is Worse
The condition of Cornelius Vanderbilt
ts reported to be not quite so favorable
His brother W K Vanderbilt came
ashore from his yacht at Newport to visit
him as the result of theuufavorabIe turn
Fatal Shooting in Springfield
During a quarrel between Richard Shep
herd a larm hand and Gue an emigrant
radver atSpringfield 111 the former was
shot and mortally wounded by the latter
ht -
Railroad Agent Disappears
J G Jones agent of the Pitisburg and
Western Railroad atLowellville Ohio is
missing His accounts -are short several
hundred dollars
Gold Democrats Will Hold a Con
vention at Indianapolis in Septemi
bcr to Name a New Ticket and
Platform Dun Cos Review
For a New Ticket
As a result of the conference held by
the gold Democrats at Indianapolis the
name of the new organization is the Na
tional Democratic Party lis organizers
call those supporting the Chicago plat
form and ticket the Populist Democratic
party The national convention of the
National Democratic party will be held
at Indianapolis the first week in Septem
ber There was unanimity in the confer
ence on the selection o the name of the
National Democratic party and also in
determining to distinguish the two parties
by referring to those supporting the Chi
cago platform as the Populist Democratic
The Business World as Seen by
Dun Co
R G Dim Cos Weekly Review of
Trade says The sensational collapse of
speculators at Chicago who controlled
Diamond Match and New York Biscuit
stocks and had hoisted them to fane y
prices with the consequent closing of the
Chicago stock exchange for a period yet
indefinite though followed by remark
ably few failures brings a sudden change
in monetary conditions throughout the
country The oollapse also increased the
caution of bankers and other lenders re
garding loans on securities of a similar
It is important that the increase of mer
chandise exports 3800000 or 12 per cent
over last year for the week and the de
crease of imports 700000 or 77 per cent
still continues to limit the sum payable
abroad In five weeks the increase of ex
ports has been 1800030 or 16 per cent
and the decrease of imports 59200000 or
18 per cent which helps to balance ac
counts The movement of wheat is again
large Atlantic exports being 1761083
bushels for the week flour included
against 753330 last year Conflicting
crop reports are as numerous and noisy
as ever but the more reliable mark up
winter wheat to 300000000 bushels and
the movement tends to sustain such esti
mates for since July 1 western receipts
have been 17 633334 bushels against 9
330020 last year It is not easy to believe
that with prices 10 cents lower than a
year ago farmers have marketed from a
smaller crop 90 per cent more wheat
Corn is also moving rapidly with western
receipts of 4873091 bushels against 1551
074 last year
Millionaire Kept Bound and Gagged
for Two Dajs c
James Campbell the millionaire sugar
planter of Honolulu who mysteriously
dropped out of sight for twodays recently
at San Francisco says lie was imprisoned
and robbed by Oliver W Wiuthrop and a
confederate who attempted to obtain the
capitalists signature to a 20009 check as
the price of his liberty AVinthrop who
was tried and acquitted last year on the
charge of poisoning a woman in the Lau
rel Hill cemetery of which he was assist
ant superintendent has disappeared and
no trace can be found of his confederate
When the newspapers published Hie
fact that Campbell had disappeared the
millionaire says his captors became
frightened and after dark released him
no was bound and gagged for tvo days
Slide for Life Ends in Death
Mile Zoe who has been doing her dar
ing slide for life at Curtic Bay a
suburban pleasure resort of Baltimore
was drowned there Mile Zoes act was
to slide by her teeth across a cable
stretched from a tower on one side of the
river to the other She had gone about
150 yards when the tower collapsed and
Mile Zoe was drowned
Dead Man Found on the Track
The body of a man- who had evidently
been struck by a train was found beside
the Pennsylvania Railroad traek near
Columbus Ohio He has not been identi
fied but a receipt in his pocket shows
that Ceorge Brier shipped a truuk to
Milwaukee Wis care of John Weaver
Aug 5
Crude Oil in English Lake
Considerable excitement prevails at
North Judson Ind over the discovery of
crude oil floating on the surface of the
water of English Lake A committee
will investigate thoroughly and endeavor
to trace it to its source
As Kaoter3 Tlicy Put Men Far in the
It does not require any extended view
into futurity to reveal the tremendous
possibilities of the new woman in com
ing presidential campaigns Already
her influence is felt and she is recogniz
ed by the leaders of both great parties
as a most potent factor in the light She
has become an established and indis
pensable feature of the national con
vention and her services in the galler
ies and wherever she can wave her
handkerchief ana show herself to the
prettiest advantage are appreciated
and eagerly sought for Give me one
woman declared a party leader and
organizer at -St Louis and have her
pretty and loaded with the courage of
her husbands convictions rand I can
stampede a convention quicker and
harder than you could with a mob of
paid rooters and eight brass bands All
you have to do is to place her in a con
spicuous position give her the tip when
you want her to burst out into sponta
neous cheering and wave her hat and
umbrella with that French thing they
call pretty abandong and she will4 do
the rest Why I have known women
to rehearse that spontaneous enthusi
asm days andweeks ahead and spent
whole afternoons training on the
ty abandong
Rioting Scares the Heads of thcr
Trouble of a serious nature is being
fomented in Spain particularly in the
province of Valencia
That the large Spanish army in Cuba
must be still further and heavily re-enforced
is looked upon as a confession of
weakness and an admission of the grow
ing strength of the Cubans In addition
many letters have been received by the
relatives of the Spanish soldiers in Cuba
that tell such a terrible tale of sickness
privation incompetency mismanage
mentand lack of pay that a dangerous
feeling against the Government has arisen
among the Republicans as well as the
Cuban sympathizers the latter taking ad
vantage of the situation to push their
propaganda and the combined move
ments are making more headway with
the masses than the Government will ad
Madrid up to the present has been
quiet but signs are not wanting that a
spirit of discontent is around and the
efforts of the Government to gain support
by trying to throw the blame for every
thing upon the United States is the chief
bugaboo of the Spanish politicians and
will not much longer avail
Blacks Can No Longer Sliare - in
Tribal Relations of the Creeks
The final decree has been promulgated
from Okmulga the capital of the Creek
nation as it has been handed down by
Judge Adams chief justice of the su
preme court of the nation in the citizen
ship case It strikes from the roll of citi
zenship of the nation the names of over
1700 negroes The decision held that the
action of the Indian council after the pas
sage of the emancipation act by the
United States in admitting negroes to
tribal relations was unconstitutional and
therefore is at this time invalid Since
the passage of the act these negroes have
drawn in annuities 1000000 from the
Creek Government have held positions of
official trust and improved farms and edu
cated children at the nations expense for
twenty years From the decision of the
court there is no appeal The Interior
Department has held the same opinion in
a similar case The Dawes commission
which has been appealed to by the de
posed negroes claims it has no right to
interfere with the decision of the Indiay
Sections of Land Dropping into the
Earth Causes Alarm
The people in the vicinity of Mansfield
Mo are becoming much alarmed over
what appears to be the gradual sinking of
the earth in certain localities It has
been a littls more than a jrear ago since a
whole field fell an average of a little more
than two feet Within the last two weeks
the ground has become very dry from
want of moisture and as a result crev
ices some of which are a foot wide have
appeared in the earth In Douglas
County there is a very noticable depres
sion of several inches covering more thaw
a section of land
Another evidence of this inexplicable
phenomena occurred in Texas County a
day or two ago when a sudden sagging
of tlie earth swallowed up a horse while
hitched to a plow and it was with diffi
culty that the driver saved himself
The negroes have become so wrought up
over the matter that many of them are
leaving the country They declare that
it is an indication of the early arrival of
the judgment day
Kansas City Electric Line Bought in
by alfe Bondholders
The Northeast Street Railway an elec
tric line at Kansas City has been sold at
public auction to Roland R Conklin of
New York for SOOOOO Mr Conklin rep
resents the holders of bonds of the first
mortgage of 292000 By order of the
court the first money to be paid out ofthe
150000 which the road sold for will be
lie claim of 17000 of the Westinghouse
Company which is the largest claim
The road is said to be paying 8 per cent
on an investment of 250000
Fly Causes the Loss of an Arm
Isaac Zane of Chesterton Ind was bit
ten by a fly on the arm recently which
has swollen to three times its normal n
and physiciana will amputate the arm
save his life
Sioux City
Hogs 2 75 3 00
Cows and Heifers 1 25 2 85
Stockers and Feeders 3 00 J 15
Veal Calves 2 55 3 25
Sheep- 3 10
Wheat 44 45
Corn 15 19
Oats 15 17
Hay i 50 5 50
Butter 12 13
JESSS 9 10
Hogs 53 05 3 60
Beeves 3 35 3 60
Stockers and Feeders 2 60 3 70
Wheat 57 5S
Corn 24 255
Oats 17 ISJf
Rye 3WK
Timothy Seed 3 15v
Flaxseed 72J
South Omaha
Hogs 2 80 3 10
Steers 3 00 4 10
Cows 1 25 3 00
Feeders 2 50 3 55
Kansas City
Hogs I 2 85 3 15 -
Beeves 3 30 4 20
Feeders 2 10 3 00
Sheep 3 50 4 ao
August 0 te
fceptember 54
December 57
Oats - 1B0 19
Fusion Consumes Much Time of the
Populist Convention which Con-
vened at Hastings on the 5th Gov
Holcomb Renominated
Populist Convention
The Populist state convention met in
Hastings on the 5th Chairman Arthur
JEdgerton of the state central committee
sailed the convention to order at 11 a m
and prayer was offered byRevMrIshain
f Hastings
Mayor Gr J Evans briefly welcomed the
convention and evoked tremendous ap
plause by his reference to the administra
tion of Governor Holcomb The entire
afternoon aud up to midnight was con
sumed in a contention over the terms of
on During a brief intermission uov
liolcomb was nominated
acclamation and John Z
n ant governor
for governor by
Resolutions were finally passed giving
the central committee authority to name
an electoral ticket in conjunction with the
Thursdays Session
The convention finished it labors and
vljourned sine die ou tlie 0 h after having
been in s s ion all nfcht C S Smyth
chairman of the Democratic state central
committee was on the ground with a prop
osition that rwo places ou the Populist
state ticket be left vacant A committee
was appointed to confer with the Dem
ocratic leaders The eonferenc resulted
in a failure to agree and made a partial
report to the convention stating that the
Democrats demanded the treasurer and
the attorney general The proposition
provoked a debate which dragged alone
without result until Chairman Smyth
broke off all negotiations by withdrawing
the request for the two places on the state
picket This action on the part of the
Democrats seemed to have a pacific effect
on the radioil element ii the convention
for after nominating nearly the entire
ticket a molion to leave ie attorney gen
eralship vacant was cariied
The Ticket and Platform
The ticket a completed is as follows
Governoi 5 las A Holcomb
Lieutenant Governor Jcm E Harrisl
Secretary ot State W IT Porter of
Auditor John F Cornell of Richard
Treasurer J N Meserve of Red
t V
ow -
Superintendent of Public Instruction
W R Jackson of Holt
Commissioner of Public Linds and
Buildings J V- Wolfe of Lancaster-
Regent of the State University A A
Munroe of Douglas
Justices of the Supreme Court William
Xeville of Lincoln and J 25 Kirkpatrick
of Lancaster
The Peoples party of Nebraska in convention
assembled declares We most heartily indorse
the platform and action of the Peoples party
national convention recently held a St Louis
and congratulate the country upon the bright
prospect of an effectual union of all reform
forces in the nation
We favor national aid for an effectual system
of irrigation of all arid and semi arid lands
VVe indorse the course of Senator Allen in the
Senate during the past two years where he has
so ably stood for the rights of tlie people against
the insolence of organized wealth
We recognize in the administration of Gover
nor Holcomb an dble and economical manage
ment of the executive department of our state
ind a complete refutation of the charge of in
competency often made by the enemies of our
We denounce the Republican state officers for
their persistent and unlawful refusal to invest
the permanent state trust funds amounting to
5530000 and we unhesitatingly approve the po
sition taken by Gov Holcomb in his his efforts
o invest said funds in state and county bonds
and registered warrants as directed by the con
We hold that tlie formation of mutual and fra
hrnal associations for the protection of their
members against loss by fire death and accident
is a right of the American citizen that should be
ostered and protected by law We approve the
present valued policy law aud demand its rigid
ind honest enforcement
We cordially indorse the trans Mississippi and
international exposition to be held at Omaha in
IS93 and we urge upon the people of the state
i iicouragement and support thereof We recog
nize in the enactment of the law the untiring
sfforts of Nebraskas senior senator for the ui
tmilding and prosperity of our state and of the
creat west
Charged with Horse Stealing
Frank Ingraham who has just served
thirty days in jail at Tecumseh for steal
ing clothing from a farm house has been
taken to Beatrice He is wanted for
stealing a horse near Courtland July 1
Crippled by a Windmill
A young man named Jseilson had his
and caught in a windmill atKimballand
it was frightfully mangled before he
could extricate it It will be neccessary
to amputate all or part of the hand
Prostrated by the Heat
P A Hildebrand switchman in the
Turlington yards at Plattsraouth was
overcome by the heat He was immedi
ately carried to his home and medical at
tention liven -
Will Have a Fair Exhibit
A meeting was held -at Ogalalla and
committees appointed to organize fork
grand county exhibit at the North Platte
Kicked by a Horse
Amos Wiseman one of Polk Countys
roung farmers while working about his
horses was kicked
nearly killed
iu the abdomen and
Let the force of your own merit make
ycur way and you will occupy a place
next te vmr
For the Murder- of Samuel DaBois
Claude H Hoover the murderer of
Samuel HuBois was execnted Friday
the 7th at 1187 oclock Just thirteen
minutes later he was pronounced dead
his neck having been pronounced dislo
cated by physicians selected for the ex
amination by Sheriff McDonald Twenty
minutes from the time tlie button was
pressed the sheriff cut the rope by which
the body had been suspended and the re
mains of the dead man were given over to
the undertakers
Hoover walked firmly to the scaffold
Xot for a single moment did he hesitate
and falter At no time not even for the
briefest instant did he hold back or
shrink from the awful death that awaited
him If inwardly he had any fear or
misgivings he concealed such ieelinRs in
an admirable manner and well played tho
part of an intrepid actor
Plnttsmouth Institution Promised
Help from Unexpected Sources
W H Cushing the cashier of the de
funct Citizens Rank has notified friends
in Plattsmouth that lie has realized hand- r
somely on some mining investments and
that he intends to liquidate the liabilities
of the bank and then take full charge of
the affairs of the institution The bank
closed its doors September 8 1891 with
liabilities o over 70000 and assets of
equal amount but of slow and difficult
collection A receiver Charles C Parm
ele was appointed and the affairs are in
process of liquidation but owing to dis
satisfaction among some of the depositors
a good deal of litigation has ensued
There are 133 depositors some of whom
have all their savings locked up and this
good news will be a Godsend to them
Had Hobbed a Farmer
It appears that Thomas Wilson Jack
Bright and Rert Algnire who recently
pleaded guilty to grand larceny in con
nection with robbing the hardware store
of Robert McNear at Crawford took oc
casion on their trip to Chadron to stop at
the house of a well-to-do farmer and find
ing no one at home went through the
house taking most of the articles of jew
elry to the amount of about 30 The
stolen goods were all recovered and as
Judge W II Westover will hold a special
term at Chadron for the purpose of sen
tencing the prisoners who pleaded guiltj
to the former offense it is probable no
complaint will be made against the pris
oners on the house breaking matter at
Xovel Trip of a Boy
Peter Peterson a lad of 8 years has just
completed a rather notable journey His
parents died and he was left in Denmark
with only one brother much younger than
himself While the latter will be cared
forby friends in the old cauntry Peter
was placed aboard a steamer labeled for
DanneborgiNeb and through the atten
tion of steamship and railroad officials
reached Grand Island safely on the 3d
Xo train going out from there to Danne
borg that afternoon the child was taken
care of by S P Peterson Young Peter
goes to an uncle Rev Peter Peterson
wlio lives in Danneborg The boy can
not speak a word of English
Barn Fired by Lightning
During a storm at Peru a few nights ago
lightning set lire to a large barn on A M
Rorsts farm The barn with its contents
was entirely consumed There was no
live stock in the barn but about 700
worth of hay crain farm implement
and wagons were burned The building
and contents were valued at 2000 partly
covered by insurance During the same
storm lightning killed a fine horse for
Lincoln Cowell
Caught Stealing Shirts
One Xichols a fanner living near Dub
lin Boone County and John Clark were
caught stealing shirts from BrowderBros
store in Albion They were arrested and
jailed A search was made and a wagon
load of merchandise was found on their
farm a part of which has been identified
by parties in town as their property
Nichols is said to have formerly lived at
Misiouri Valley
Trouble for an Express Compauj
While John Y Morgan was looking
over iome old papers which belonged Eu
gene Wilhelm an old resident of 2fe
braska City who recently died he found
an Adams Express money order for 1500
which was issued iu 1853 at Placerville
Cal Mrs Wilhelm is unable to explain
why the order was not cashed as it was
payable to her order It has been placed
in the bank for collection
New Bridge Across the Papio
The county commissioners are putting
in a new bridge over the Papio at Benr
nington The bridge when completed
will be a fine structure 150 feet loh by
20 feet wide It will be a donbfe track
and also have a track for foot passengers
The old bridge was entirely unsafe
To Handle Nebraska Grain
George Warren an old time grain buyer
at Grafton is fitting up a Shovel house
scales etc to help handle the wheat crop
lie has just freshed over 2000 bushels of
his own raising
New Elevator at Yorlc
An elevator has been opened on the
K uisas City and Omaha Railroad at
York- by a firm new to that city known
as the York Gram Company
A Harvest Picnic
A harvest picnic will be held at Dixon
August 15 A number of prominent
speakers will be present and bicycle
races will amuse the crowd
Butler Countys Fair
The Butler County Agricultural Society
will hold its fair Sept 8 9 10 and 11
Something like 51150 is hung up for the
spsed department
Juniatas New School Building
7 H Craddock the Lincoln architect
has been employed by the school board to
draw plans for the brick school building
at Juniata
Farmer Loses a Hand
William Gill a farmer living near
Bcone while running a corn sbelleratr
Albion lost his hand in the machine
Clever Jail Delivery at Blair
Thomas Wilson a man who has bpon
held in the county jail at Blair since last
March for breaking into cars on the EIc
horn has escaped He had to go through
three doors and had made three sepantu
keys and unlocked every door It was
the finest of work ever been- tnere
as some of the locks were warrautel
burglar proof
Sell 50000 Bushels of Corn
Since the special freight rate -went into
effect tha farmers in the vicinity of Valley
have sold 50000 bushels of corn
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