The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 06, 1896, Image 8

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Jtu JUdiisasgESsasxDERSBaaxaaKaM
Kjf 1
r a
Made of the best materials
Solid throughout
Ko shoddy in them
The peculiarity of the sunflower is
hat it always looks the sun squarely
in the face If you buy a pair of these
shoes we can look you squarely in the
face when you some for another pair
For a fine shoe buy the
Durability is not sacrificed for fineness
Latest stvle A model school shoe
For men and boys
tiace o congress Globe or needle toe
A stylish dufoble shoe for a small
A nice assortment of dress patterns at
bargain In Cashmere Henrietta
Serge Brilliantine and Kbuelty Goods
JuBt in Dont fail to see them
Hat Clothing and furnishings
We pride ourselves on always turning
out a first class tit
Ivnows how to do it
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the W H Moses building
Valentine Nebr
Is tlie only
Democratic Newspaper
In Northwestern Nebraska
and -It
is the
Best Local Paper
Published inClierry County
These Facts
Are Indisputable
And make the paper
Especially valuable to those
Who wish to keep posted
Per Year
In Advance
EOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher
Davenport Thacher carry a com
plete line of coffins and undertakers
supplies 27
Notice Jackson Braytbns adver
tisement The tenor of the ad is in
keeping with the facts
Wanted to But Match for a
dark brown horse with black mane and
tail Weight about 500 Enquire at
Northwestern Livery and Sale Stable
Pole Creek Itemizer sends in a
Eewsy communication from Lavaca
this week and The Democrat hopes
to add Itemizer to its list of regular
Davenport Thacher present a new
advertisement in this issue and will
shortly commence giving some aston
ishing bargains to customers Watch
the upper right hand corner of the first
For Sale Complete outfit for
hdtel consisting of furniture bedding
etc for ten rooms besides din
ing room and kitchen utensils Poor
health alone compels me selU
M S Welch Valentine Nebr
Fred Papke returned Tuesday from
Lousiania and he expects to again
make his residence in Holt county
Mr Papke has traveled over a good
many of the southern states but says
he has seen no place that suited him
better than Nebraska Stuart Ledger
Mr S F Gilman has so far recover
ed from his long illness that he is able
to sit up and even walk a little and it
is a question of only a few days until
he will be out on the streets again
Mrs Gilman and eldest daughter and
mother started for their home at Dav
enport Iowa yesterday morning
We have just recevied from the mu
sic publishing house of the S Brai
nards Sons Co 151 Wabash Ave
Chicago copies of the True Blue Re
publican and the Red Hot Demo
cratic Campaign Song Books for 1896
They are not cheap word editions but
contain solos duets mixed and male
quartets and are especially arranged
for campaign clubs They are sold at
the low price of 10 cents each by W
E Haley
Tlie Tfcaelicrs Sociable
The Cherry County Tea chers Insti
tute was closed last Thursday evening
in a blaze of glory the teachers giving
a sociable at Cornell Hall to their
many friends Although a heavy rain
was falling a large number were pre
sent to join in the festivities of the
The program was opened with an
oration by Fred Gordon which occu
pied 15 minutes time for delivery
and was listened to with rapt atten
tion The young man showed con
siderable force and power in the
treatment of his subject The Birth of
Freedom The next on the program
was a dialogue by Miss Isis Lincoln
and Mr Elmer Bristol which brought
the nouse down Mr C II Doty
followed with an original prose -poem
Growth which was deftly handled
Mrs Vivian Lawrie recited a poem on
The Dude which was as sarcastic a
thing as could well be written and
the sarcashflost none of its flavor bv
Mrs Lawries treatment Miss
Lillian Stoner gave a short talk on the
National Educational Association and
her trip to Buffalo followed by a reci
tation by Miss Lottie Hubbard and a
songby Miss Mattie Shrieak Misses
Edna MacDonald and Stella Bartley
furnished the music for the occasion
and one feature which excited un
bounded admiration was the - Indian
Club Drill by Edna MacDobald
Myrtle Tettijohu and Mabel Towne
A committee on resolutions had
been appointed prior to the sociable
and they reported -at the meeting The
resolutions as adopted congratulated
Miss Stoner on her choice of instruct
ors and the entertainment provided
for the teachers thanked the instruct
ors for their painstaking work and in
terest manifested also thanked the
lecturers the trustees Df the Presby
terian church Mrs Carroll and the two
papers of the county Were too
modest to give the last resolution as it
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church served ice cream and cake in
the old land office room and they were
liberally patronized - The sociable
part of the eutertainment was a com
plete success and Mrs J M Pile dem
onstrated that she was as much of a
success as a promoter of games as she
is in leachiug history or geography
Lots of us wish institute was held
every month of so
1 i
i i
LeRoy Leach Editor
The recent heavy rains are doing
wonders for our hay cropj and every
body looks pleased
B Is Bruce represented Woodlake
precinct at the county convention of
populists held at Valentine Saturday
August 1
C A Johnson who lias -been
seriously ill for the past ten days is
rapidly recovering and will no doubt
be all Tight in a few days
Willis Barnard and family have
moved out to their raridh on Bed
Deer lake and will remain there until
the end of the haying season
Several families are preparing to
move into their town houses at the
close of haying Our citizens are Very
Hinglish dawnt sher know
C A Johnson has at last succeeded
in getting a water supply after boring
down 145 feet unsuccessfully by put
ting a windmill on another well and
laying a long line of pipe to it
We are pleased to note that our
many friends are taking considerable
interest in oui story The Preston Mys
tery rs we have endeavored to make
the tale one that would interest and
please one and all
y V Johnson who has been absent
for quite a period returned from the
east on Friday evenings passenger
accompanied by his recently wedded
wife and his mother Wills face now
wears a happy smile
We had several narrow escapes from
death last week During the thunder
storm Thursday evening the lightning
struck an oak post about twenty feet
from the window of the room within
which we were peacefully dreaming
It disturbed our sleepiness quite a bit
Sunday morning we came near being
involved in a railroad wreck These
two accidents make us realize that life
is very uncertain so we are going to at
tend Sunday school with fair regular
ity hereafter
Srort Niobrara
Mr and Mrs Robert Quisenbery of
Pelican lake were visitors at the fort
last Sunday They were the guests of
your correspondent
Corporal McGirr Co G has lately
purchased a wheel and now Mac has
been trying to wager he can beat the
Empire State Express Walter StoKes
says Kit
Strgents Young and Lindsey Co H
are regular agents for the Golumbia
and Hartford bicycles If you antici
date purchasing a wheel call on them
before buying elsewhere They offer
good inducements
Nebraska I think is strictly in the
swim With two candidates the
field for the presidency Bryan and
Bently with fine prospects for an im
mense harvest this fall and last but
not least the exposition in 1898 were
all right and dont you forget it
In spite of the large number of
wheels in the Fort and the individual
enthusiasm there is no fcohcerted
action We ought to have several
clubs amoung our wheelmen and
wheel ladies
Some one start the good
Wednesday 29th of last month a
100 yard race was run between Hutt
and Weykmau of Co G The stakes
were 6000 Much talk betting and
excitement was caused by this race
Hutt has run several fast races here
and Weykman has a record as a
sprinter of no mean ability but Hutt
showed his superiority in winning the
race in a walk distancing his oppon
ent 8 vards Time 11 seconds
Private Donald Sherwin Co G was
discharged from the service last Tues
day and left the Fort enroute to his
home in Kansas City Donald ad
mitted to a few of his most intimate
friends before leaving here that he
had been offered a position in a
mercantile house in Kansas City His
friends here think that a place in a
bank where he would not have any
thing to do but look pretty and de
clare dividends in a shrill falsetto
voice would please him veryT much
He is a fluent conversationalist and
can talk for hours without fatigue to
himself We all recognize Donald
by the wonderful confidence which he
has in himself and which is not shared
by those who know him here
And the golden hair was hanging downJiia hack
We call it golden for it was anything hut black
Ho was a star at every dauee
And he never missed a chance
For he did so love to prance
Who Guess
He was an accomplished athlete on the bar
But he was never known to smoke a strong cigar
But he will smoke a cigarette
If the makings he can get
We have never found his equal yet
Who Guess
To Sioiur City asifltheEast
Buy your tickets to OKeili and
take Pacific Short Line there It
doesnt cost auy -more and it saves
Items of news are hard to collect
these days Everybody biisy on the
farms and in the hay fields all get
ting ready for approaching winter
The Valentine mill men have beep
repairing their grain house in Georgia
and getting ready to buy as soon as
the crop is threshed and ready for
Everything is smiling in our part of
the country since the rain of last week
The corn crop is safe as far as rain is
concerned and vegetables are im
Here we are not washed out or
snowed under only lost our political
bearings and are at a loss to know
where we are at since the populists
have played the whale and Jonah trick
at St Louis
Our school officers are looking over
the list of teachers and trying to make
a good selection for the coming term
This is as it should be for we all real
ize that in the virtue and intelligence
of the people rests the perpetuity of
our government
And now how shall we sing the
Lords song in a strange land is the
trouble with U and I
liavaca Precinct
Postmaster Payton talks of starting
a store at Lavaca
Mrs Sidney Irwin is visiting her
parents this week
Corn is doing fine Farmers are
counting on forty bushels per acre
Wheat harvest is now over and
stacking is the rage The crop is very
Ex Sheriff Parker is stacking his
grain He thinks It will not more than
average five bushels per acre
Mrs Wm Welch was thrown from
a buggy two weeks ago and got her
arm broken She is now visiting in
this neighborhood
Mr and Mrs J H Baker have
moved to the sand hills near Merriman
expecting to live a ranchmans life
hereafter and Pole creek will be with
out a doctor
Preaching at the new church near
Lavaca called Xewman Chapel by
the M E minister Rev Baulch every
two weeks and by the Christian minis
ter Elder Walker every four weeks
Pole Creek Itemize
3311 IPreciiact
Work for the court house
F B Vanish is buildng a house for
Len Winslow
Bert Goodrich is working on the
Dunbar ranch
Alex Morse lost a valuable English
Shire mare last week
Chet Goodrich moved his family out
to the Churn ranch last week lie is
employed there during haying
F H Robinson has a new set of
buggy harness and has ordered an
English dog cart
horses last week
Look out girls
r fLx TiMillVJ I HT -
The rain last week was a soaker
More water fell than at any one time
in the last four years and if nothing
unforseen happens there will be an
abundance of potatoes For a time
we thought we would be reduced to
the necessity of exchanging our stom
ach for that of a calf- so we could live
on My this winter but now we have
hopes of being able to puil through
without doing so Sandy
Some of the boys were exchanging
Miss Sageser of Brownlee was Visit
ing in the flats last week
The pleasant face of Chas Bullis
was seen in the flats last week
Fine weather and nearly all the har
vesting done Haying is the order of
the day
C W Bennett is a delegate to the
state independent convention which
is held at Hastings this week
Mr 2STapp a cattle buyer was up
from Hastings Saturday and drove a
car load of fat cattle to Valentine for
shipment Monday He says he will be
here again in six weeks Oscati
Fishing at the lake is still the go
Mr Charlie Bowring was home a
short time from Valentine
Mrs Peterson has built a house in
town and will now become a resident
of Merriman
Our merchants Mills Co are do
ing a rushing business no wad ays
which indicates that our town is not
Miss Lura Gallop a handsome and
accomplished young lady from the
Kockford district was the guest of
Mrs Daniel Alder last week
A meeting of those interested will
be held at Sparks on Saturday August
lr for the purpose of arranging for the
annual Old Settlers Reunion All
those who wish to run stands or take
any other part in the reunion should
be present at this meeting The re
union will be held the latter part of
iiii inn1 ii mwu i II
In the World for Ale says
the popular song On1v one
store in the town for mewsaysthjB
housekeeper who wishes to have
every dollar expended do its full
dutv Everything in our estab
lishment is marked at prices which
will retain regular patrons and
induce occasional customers to call
again The rapid increase in the
the volume of our business- is the
best evidence that the people of
Valentine appreciate this method
Valentine Nebraska
J BGNOHEH Pvojnietor
Has been rebuilt and rooms fitrnished with
Making it tlie most complete and comfortable
Valentine Nebraska
Evervbodv is busv IsaTinsr
Miss M Famham and Miss Bartley
attended institute at Valentine
Several cattle have been killed by
lightning in the last two weeks-
Mrs C A Gee and daughter have
arrived home again from Valentine
We have been informed that Grant
Spain wass married to Tilly Asbburn
Sunday night
Wm Enckson has rented his hay
claim to John Enlow of Gordon The
latter gentleman will winter several
thousand head ot eaUie
Ulortsasc Record
During the month of July three
farm mortgages were filed for a total
of 3130 and eleven were satisfied for
2675 Thirty five chattel mortgages
were filed no 10758 Worth of property
and twenty four were satisfied re
leasing property mortgaged for 13
652 This indicates that stockmen are
beginning to sell their stock and nefct
month will show a still larger balance
on the release side of the book Three
mortgages were filed on town property
for and two sheriffs deeds were
given dnring the month under fore
Weatliei Report
Following is a summary of- the
weather experienced here during the
past week and up to 10 oclock this
Thursdav 84 57 trace
Friday 71 61 189
Saturdav 82 56
Sunday 94 59
Mondav 93 66
Tuesday 90 67
Wednesday 85 58-
Thursday 96 GO-
Precipitation is given in inches and
hundredths Observations by C K
Watson of 17 S weather bureau The
weather bureau dav is from 6 p in to
G p m
The Tailor ief t Iss
A few weeks ago a man giving his
name as G H Dodd and claiming to
be a tailor struck the town and hung
out for a few days making fancy bas
sets to get a staKe so ne coma go in
to business He was taken sick and
was nursed by our generous people
Upon his recovery he started shop and
seemed in a fair way to become a re
spectable and prosperous citizen Or
ders came in rapidly and in several in
stances he received his pay in advance
so he could get a fair start m business
Everything moved along swimming
ly for a time but women and whiskey
finally got the better of him and San
day night he left town leaving behind
him nothing but unpleasant memories
unpaid bills and unfinished wotfc to
say nothing of an unsavory reputa
tion Re stuck one man for 29 ia
cash besides numerous smaller bills
Traveling tailors will please take not
ice that Valentine has a1 gocJ tailor
and needs no other
At the Irrigation meeting of one
week ago the following citizens com
was appointed with n O Paine as
chairman to act in the capacity of se
curing information and making ar
rangements for the introducing of al
falfa in this county and pushing the
matter of irrigation C F Boyd
Fred Sisson George Miles and J O
Berkley The com will act in con
junction with other committees along
the line A ivsworlh 8 far Journal
Otto Berger and W B Cary made
pleasant drive to Carnes Sunday On
returning they brought with them a
twig plucked trom an apple tree on
theiarm of Capt Tarble which is- sev
en inches long and bears ten welt de
veloped apples Tlie tree from which
the fruit was plucked was tied and
propped up here and there to- prevent
its breaking to the ground too heavily
was it loaded Republican Jonirnati
Tom Burch one of the men Who- es
caped from the connty jail lasi wee
was recaptured- on Sunday night on
the Sears place southwest of Btishvilie
He was easy game for- Sheriff Essex
and Deputy Kosht They found him
in a dugout in company with Mira
Sears and he is again occupying a ceil
in thcounty jail after a few days o
recreation He returned reluctantly
but quietly Rmlvoitle Standard
During the month of July eighte
homestead entries were made at the
U S land office here for 2597 acres of
land and 535 acres were sold for cash
Final proof was made on eight home
stead entries for 960 acres and proof
was made by fifteen paitie3 on timber
culture applications for 2394 aere3 of
3Kt i
A letter received here from Y F
Sterling at Carlisle Ark say3 that
corn cotton and other cr0p3 in thae
part of the world are almost burned
out Frank Yreekes has gone to Iew
York state to live The same letter
gives an account of the death of John
nie Bowley formerly of this county
The young man died last weel df con
gestion of the bfain
- -
Nffiice Timber Vulture
Laud Office at Valentine- Nebr I
Complaint having baea entered at thia o2Qce
by Jacob Klein asjainafc Joha A Plack for fail
ure to comply witk lav as to- timber culture
entry Jo 84 JI dated October 23 1S3 upon tfc
sVineii and emviS Sec lu Tp 23 E 2 a
Cherry county Nebraslca with a view to fee
cancellation of said entry contestant tlleein
that the saia John A Flack ha3 wholly failed 16
break or cause to be broken any Dart of wiA
tract and has wholly failedto plant or caasd to
be planted any part of said tract ia tr tree
seed or cuttings since the dateoMiis slid entrc
audhaswholiyfailctrto cure bj laches to UW
date The said parties arc herey autnraoastKo
appear at this oulce en the 10th day of Seffeih
bei 18S6 at 10 oclock a m to respond and fur
nish testimony ccsceteiug said ailc6oVJiiilure
C it GLO Yi