The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 06, 1896, Image 7

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hundreds of Thotisnndc of the Birds
Take PosBeasion of a Vessel
The crew aud passengers o a Russian
steamer engaged in the Mediterranean
trade recently had an experience that
will never be forgotten by them A
storm of swallows swooped down upon
the vessel and delayed it for many
The passage had been an unusually
stormy one but this day was fine Most
of the passengers were on deck Sud
denly a black cloud appeared in the dis
tance and moved toward them with ter
rific force Everybody became fright
ened at the mysterious visitation A
solution of the mystery came shortly
The vast cloud was composed of swal
lows The forerunners a small detach
ment of some 10000 swooped down on
the deck to the bewilderment of the
people on board These were soon fol
lowed not by thousands but by hun
dreds of thousands The birds literally
overwhelmed the vessel The man at
the wheel lost his bearings and the
wildest disorder prevailed The birds
poured into every available opening
hatchways windows and everywhere
else They got taugled in the ropes and
sails and clustered about the rigging
Even the smokestacks were so filled up
one time that the fires were nearly ex
tinguished The most amazing part of
the whole thing was that the birds did
Drevincenny disposition to leave To
heighten the confusion the steamer had
got out of its course and ran ashore
However on account of going very
slowly no material damage was done
though the passengers were badly
When the crew had recovered from
their amazement they began to clear the
deck and the vessel in general of these
unexpected and not at all welcome
guests The captain ordered the men
to use shovels aud whatever else they
could to throw the birds overboaxd
After getting fairly in shape the vessel
proceeded on its voyage having been
delayed for eight hours on account of
this singular experience The captain
could not oiler any theory as to where
the vast army of swallows came from
All he said was that the birds were ex
hausted from a long flight during the
storm of the previous day and sought
rest on his vessel
ANY ONE who fans been benefited by
the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills will
receive information of much value and in
terest by writing to Pink Pills P a
Box 1592 Philadelphia
The human system can endure heat
of 212 degrees a boiling point of water
because the skin is bad conductor and
because the perspiration cools the body
Men have withstood without injury a
heat of 300 degrees for several minutes
It is not generally known that when
metal is reduced to a very fine powder
iifwili combine with the air upon mere
i wfcentact with that element and oxidizes
so rapidly that heat is sensibly pro
duced Metal prepared in this way re
quires only to be precipitated through
the air in a thin stream to take fire and
Kite flying which used to be done for
fun has arisen to the disnity of a scien
tific experiment Two sets of such ex
periments are in progress one under
the direction of the Weather Bureau at
Washington and the other at Blue Hill
near Boston conducted by W A Eddy
of New Jersey Not only do the experi
menters send the kites up several thou
sand feet but they send up cameras
wjtli them and get pictures of the land
scape from that altitude The ostensi
ble purpose of the scientific kite flying
is to find out as much as possible about
the atmosphere and its currents bar
ometric curves temperature and other
ingredients out no doubt it is just as
good fun to fly a scientific kite as any
other sort and no doubt the scientific
grown ups enjoy it
4 Never wear cottou in the ears if they
ere discharging pus
Muscles steady nerves good appetite
refreshing sleep come with blood made pure by
The OneTrue Blood Turiner All druggists 551
Hoods Pills are the best after dinner pills
Kcmoves Tan Pimples Frecfc
les iloth Patches Rath and
o a S c w bfcin diseases ana eTery Diem
W 5R rSSflfc iffsl1 on beauty and
i o VS isS yftjvldenes detection It
srfzae n ic
ffjb V7 wv
X2 sy y
has stood the test of
7 years and is bo
hnrmless -we taste it
to be sure it is proj
erly made Accept
no counterfeit ot
similar name Dr
L A Sayre said to n
lady of the baut tor
a patient Ae you
ladies -will use them
I recommend Gou
rauds Cream astbc
least harmful of all
the Skin preparn
tions For sale by
all DrusTKists and
tancy liooas ueai
era in the United States Canadas and Europe
FERD T H0iKlNS ProDr 37 Great Jones Street N Y
A handsomely Illustrated 16 pape Alouthly Journal de
Bcriblnc the development 01 iho Middle South the
larmetM paradise PricaCOcts per year Send25cts
at onoe taentlnnlnc this paper and you will receho
The Middle South for one yearp s aeefreeorlf
you secure four subs rlbcrs an l send us 100 we will
tend your paper cne year free of charge Address
Middle South Pub Co Somerville Tena
HKBMHHH sure relief 1 n mniri
VinnCDQ DiCTII I CC Price35ctaaulilnlib
MUUCnu rflO S KLtObyraall StoweUCo
Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good
In time Bold by droeefsta
Saw a Meteoric Stone Fall
Mr J F Black a farmer living about
nine miles from Ottawa Kan saw a
email meteorite fall on his land late in
the afternoon of April 9 last and going
to the spot where it fell picked it up
It weighs thirty one ounces and con
tains a little iron but consists in the
main of stony material
New Zealands Gems
Agate hunters from Germany are now
exploring New Zealand with very prom
ising results Blue and white topaz
and splendid specimens of amethyst
have been discovered by them as well
as large pieces of quartz so filled writh
slender rutile crystals as to resemble
masses of matted hair
Javas Man Ape
Prof Marsh of Yale has recently an
nounced his opinion that the remarka
ble remains of a skull teeth and other
tossil bones found by Dr Dubos in
Java belonged to an aniiunl that was
not human but lepresenced a form
intermediate between man and the high
er apes This opinion confirms the be
lief of the discoverer of the bones who
called the animal pithe mthropos or
ape man The bones Avero found In
ancient volcanic deposits and belong
Prof Marsh thinks to the age known
as the Pliocene
New Kind of Kites
Meteorologists are now trying to
study the atmosphere high above the
ground with the aid of self recording
barometers and thermometers etc sent
up in kites This has resulted in a
great improvement in the forms of
kites which are now constructed on
scientific principles At the headquar
ters of the Weather Bureau in Wash
ington box shaped kites with open ends
and sides partly covered with silk are
used Instead of twine or cord fine
piano wire is employed to hold the kite
At the Blue Hill Observatory near Bos
ton box shaped kites have been sent
up to an elevation of almost a mile
above sea level
A Phosphorescent Party
Monsieur Henry of the Paris Acad
emy of Sciences has invented a phos
phorescent starch with which surpris
ing effects can be produced Used as a
face powder it makes the countenance
glow in a dark room with mysterious
radiance Recently a 5 oclock tea
was given in Paris after dark no light
being employed except that supplied by
phosphorescent starch sprinkled over
everything in the room The carpet
the ceiling the pictures on the walls
the furniture the teacups the flowers
the faces shoulders and dresses of the
ladies all glowed and gleamed making
d spectacle that was at once startling
nnd beautiful
Oldest Man in the World
According to statistics collected in
Germany the oldest man known to be
living anywhere on the earth is Bruno
Cotrim a negro born in Africa but now
living in Rio Janeiro Upon the same
authority is based the seemingly incred
ible statement that there are 38S3 per
sons living in Bulgaria each of whom
has reached or passed the age of 100
years making one centenarian to every
1000 inhabitants of that country Ger
many with a population of 52000000
claims only 7S centenarians and
France with a poulation of 40000000
213 centenarians while Ireland whose
population numbers only 4000000 has
oTS centenarians
Destroyinsr Friction
Af ter calling attention to the fact that
man was content with the use of oil to
keep machinery in running order until
he began to ride the bicycle when he
demanded some better labor saver and
invented ball bearings the Scientific
American proceeds to illustrate and de
scribe some recent applications of such
bearing They are employed for wag
on and carriage wheels for the carrier
wheels of cable roads and for the
shafts of swift running machinery
They practically dispense with the use
of the oil can and greatly reduce the
amount of friction to be overcome thus
adding to the effective power of all ma
chines in which they are used The
singular fact is noted that Prof Boys
of London showed experimentally that
ball bearings when properly construct
ed are practically proof aginst wear
He demonstrated this fact by weighing
the balls of a bicycle bearing when they
were new and again after they had
been subjected to long service They
showed no loss of weight
American Soapstone
In the Ragged Mountains in Albe
marle County Virginia the scene of
one of Poes weird tales exists a great
deposit of soapstone which is said to
be the finest in the world It was dis
covered only about twelve years ago
but now a small colony exists at the
spot and three quarries have been open
ed The stone which is very hard and
fine grained is cut out in blocks aver
aging nine tons in weight and after
ward is sawed into slabs It is em
ployed among other things for tanks in
chemical laboratories tubs and sinks in
laundries linings for fireplaces grid
dles which need no greasing when
made of soapstone tables and fittings
in hospitals and dissecting rooms Acid
is said to have no effect upon the stone
Does Woman Earn Her Keep
Thousands of wonia work in the
mines of Belgium England and Corn
wall In the first named count J
formerly worked from twelve to six
teen hours a day with no Sunday rest
Tile linen thread spinners of New Jer
sey according to the report of the
Labor Commissioner are in one
branch of the industry compelled to
stand on a stone floor in water the year
round most of the time barefoot with
a spray of water from a revolving cyl
inder flying constantly against the
breast and the coldest night in win
ter as well as the warmest in sum
mer these poor creatures must go to
their homes with water dripping from
their underclothing along their path
because there could not be space or a
few moments allowed them wherein to
change their clothing Yet women
are exempted from labor attended
by hardship
Despite these washerwomen miners
and linen thread spinners we are told
it is womans privilege generally to
be exempted from the care of earning
her livelihood and that of her off
It would seem to be time that this
libel upon woman should be scorned
by fair minded men From all antiqui
ty the majority of women have been
faithful workers rendering a full
equivalent in labor for their scanty
share of the worlds goods The origin
of every industry bears testimony to
this In our own era while women
were still homekeepers did they not
earn their livelihood What was the
weaving the sewing the cooking the
doctoring the nursing the child care
the work that was never done if it
was not earning a subsistence Even
in these days when woman goes forth
and receives the reward of her labor
as publicly as man she is no more
worthy of her hire Her ancestress
sweet and saintly soul did not dream
of recompense But was it not her
due aud shall we refuse to credit it
because man was then a self sufficient
ignoramus who deemed himself the
only one fit to acquire property Pop
ular Science Monthly
Will Not Submit to Dictation
The subject of renewing the privi
leges of the Bank of France will short
ly come up for discussion in the cham
ber after having been in abeyance
since 1S92 when the senate approved
a bill for the purpose
The bill has not since been modified
and the provisions included in it will
it is thought be adopted without ma
terial alteration One of them which
was to empower the bank to increase
its note issue from 3500000000 francs
to 4000000000 was passed as far back
as 1S93 The charter expires on Dec
31 1S97 and the proposal is to extend
it for a period of twenty years from
that date in consideration of the bank
making certain concessions to the
Among these concessions is one by
which the bank is to forego all future
interest on the government debt 140
000000 francs and not to demand re
payment of the capital so long as the
charter is in force The bank is to
undertake the service of the national
debt and transact other business for
the treasury both at the head office and
branches free of charge and make an
annual payment to the latter for 2000
000 francs during the first year of the
currency of the new charter and 2500
000 francs per annum subsequently
It is to open several new branches
and make advances to agricultural co
operative societies
It is not improbable that an effort
will be made to convert the bank into
a state institution but such a project
does not command support either in
financial or ministerial circles and is
not in the least degree likely to meet
with success Edinburgh Scotsman
Interviewing Casey
A reporter of a New York daily once
went to the office of the late General
Casey to get some information concern
ing the Lydecker tunnel story General
Casey looked at the young man rather
sternly at first and the reporter ex
pected but scant detail to follow
Come in sir he exclaimed in a
tone of almost unpleasant command
The two doors of his office were open
The reporter was standing The gen
eral without a word went to one
door and closed it with the utmost pre
cision then he went to the other door
and closed it with the same precision
The reporter was in doubt The two
were in the room alone Coming up
to the newspaper man he pointed his
index finger straight at his eye and
said Sit down there young man
and Ill tell you the st story you
ever heard And he did
Edisons Speech
Mr Edison has only once tried to
make a speech It was before a girls
seminary where he had agreed to lec
ture on electricity He had engaged
a friend named Adams to operate the
apparatus while he talked but when
the Wizard arose before his audi
ence he felt so dazed that he simply
said Xadies Mr Adams will now
address you on electricity and I will
demonstrate what he has to say with
the apparatus
Heard While Waiting
A passenger while waiting at a rail
way station for his train amused him
self by watching the queer looks -and
antics of a tailless cat as it played about
on the platform The stationmastei
happening to pop out of his office the
intending traveler pointed to the cal
and said What kind of a cat is that
Manx No replied the statlonmas
ter with a sly smile Brighton Ex
A Vacuum
A perfect vacuum is a perfect insula
tor It is possible exhaust a tube so
perfectly tnat no electric machine can
send a spark through the vacuous
space even when the space is only on
A woman should at least be grateful
for one thing she is never asked to b7
a pallbearer
The Old Man Did Not Seek to Dis
cover the Reason
I had been stopping for a day or two
with a mountaineer named Collins
Nho had been a widower for several
years and had grown up children and
as I was ready to proceed on my jour
ney he said hed go along for a couple
of miles says the Detroit Free Press
As we walked along he suddenly broke
out with
See here stranger do yo think Im
fitten to git married agin
Why not I queried in reply
Dunno but I thought Id ax yo
You are not an old man yet are
fairly well off and uniess the children
raise a row I dont see why you
shouldnt marry again
No the chillen wont raise a row
about it
Who is the woman in question if I
may ask
The Widder White who lives up
yere bout a mile Powerful nice wom
an the widder is Bin sorter junin up
to her for a yar past but haint cum
to the pnt I sorter reckoned sorter
Sorter reckoned what I asked as
he stammered and paused
Sorter reckoned I might stop and ax
her this mawnin if yo reckoned I was
fitten he finished
Why shouldnt you be fitten
Dunno but maybe I aint
I did all I could to assure him on that
point and before we reached the wid
ows house it was agreed that I should
go on a piece and wait for him and
after he had talked with Mrs White
he should come on and tell me the re
sult I hadnt waited ten minutes be
fore he came hurrying along and I
knew by his looks that something was
Well how did you come out I asK
ed as he took a seat on the stone beside
I want fitten he replied
But why not
Dunno I jest went in and axed the
widder if shed have me and she said
I wasnt fitten and run me over tho
bresh fence with a broomstick
Aud you didnt ask for any explana
Nary one When a man haint fitten
and1 i woman says he haint fitten
what yo gwine to do If yos fitten
yo s all right if yous unfitten then yo
aint fitten and its no use to ax about it
or waste time Mawnin stranger Im
gwine back home and git to work at the
Official Herniations a Little Vague as
to the Treatment of Live Stock
Several years ago a band of naval 01
ficers was ordered by the commandant
of one of our naval stations to hold a
survey on one of the horses belonging
to the station The board met examin
ed the horse found that he was suffer
ing from the scratches and string
halt and was generally run down
An examination of the navy regula
tions showed that only certain recom
mendations could be made by the
board ns follows
To be turned into store for use To
be retained in or for use Sold
Used for scrap metal To be issued
for any other purpose To be thrown
on the dump To be transferred to
some other station To be used for
repairs for some other article or To
be extensively repaired Since it was
the unanimous opinion of the board that
Le ought to be treated by a veterinary
surgeon it was recommended in con
formity with the regulations that
he be extensively repaired
This was three or four years ago and
he was extensively repaired by a
veterinary surgeon but evidently the
repairs were not lasting as the se
quel will show
Recently there came a recommenda
tion from the present commandant that
the horse be shot as he wras old and
worthless and that it would be a kind
ness to put him out of his misery
In the same mail came a requisition
from the same commandant asking for
authority to buy ten tons of Al first
class fertilizer
It was then that the navy department
indorsed on the requisition Why not
userthe horse to produce the fertilizer
The commandant promptly returned
the paper with the endorsement Since
the horse is not an Al first class horse
being old and decrepit he is incapable
of filling the bill
And here the matter stands for tho
present Washington Star
Thinninir Grape Bunches
Every bud of last year will make this
year a shoot and by the first of June
will be set with two three or four
buds for blossoming thus showing how
many clusters may be expected from
it The quality of the fruit will be
greatly benefited by removing from
each shoot all the buds except the two
that are largest These will grow to
larger size and ripen earlier if the full
strength of the sboot is concentrated
into them It is the multiplication of
seeds that makes grape fruiting so ex
haustive to the vine It requires an
abundance of potash to form the seed
and to ripen and color the fruit When
an overloaded vine mildews just about
the time the grapes are half grown
It is a certain indication that potash
Is deficient But even where plenty
of potash has been provided the thin
ning of the bunches should not be neg
Glass Bearns
It is reported that recent experiments
have proved that glass bearings can be
successfully used for shafts of light
machinery driven at high speed The j
glass it is said keps cool and requires
but little oil The bearing is formed
by pouring melted glass around the
shaft which has first been accurately
placed in the center of its box Afew
turns of the shaft as the glass is cool
ing prevent adhesion
Russian Distances
One gets an idea of the magnificent
distances of the Czars realm from
learning that a Russian general who
was in a hurry to get to St Petersburg
from Vladivostok found the time sav
ing route was to go to Yokohoma by
steamer thence by another steamer
across the Pacific to San Francisco by
rail to New York and by steamer to
Europe The gap between the finished
sections of the Transsiberian Railroad
is so many hundred miles in length that
the general would have lost time in
traversing the wilds of that vast coun
try where horses furnish all the trans
That Terrible Sconrge
Malarial disease Is Invariably supplemented
Oy disturbance of the liver the bowels the
stomach and the nerves To the removal of
both the cause and Its effects Hostetters
Stomach Bitters is fully adequate It fills
the hill as no other remedy does perform
ing Its work thoroughly Its ingredients are
pure and wholesome and It admirably serves
to build up a system broken by Ill health and
shorn of strength Constipation liver and
kidney complaint and nervousness are con
quered by it
Never meddle with the ear if a foreign
body such as a bead button or seed
enters it Leave it absolutely alone un
til a physician can attend to it More
damage has been done by the injudi
cious attempts at the extraction of a
foreign body than could ever come from
Its presence in the ear
Special Hot Springs S D Excursion
July 31st August 14th and August 2Sth
lickets will be sold frn Sioux City to
Hot Springs and return good 30 days at
rate of 1480
H C Cueyxey General Agent
Sioux City Iowa
Never put milk fat nor any oily sub
stance into the ear for the relief of
pain for they soon become rancid and
tend to excite inflammation Simple
warm water will answer the purpose
better than anything else
Halls Catarrh Cure
Ls a constitutional cure Price 75 cents
Thiers the historian of the French
Revolution and afterwards president
of France was the son of a lockmaker
Cardinal Antonellis father was an
Italian bandit
Picos Cure for Consumption is the best
of all cough cures George W Lotz Fa
bacher La Aug 2G 1S95
The father of Samuel Pepys was a
Ever since 1865 there have been women more each
lear who claim that there Is no soap half as good or
ts economical as Dobbins Electric There must be
lome truth in their claim Try It 6ee how much Your
grocer has it
Shakspeares father was a wool mer
Mrs Wlnslovrs Soothing S7airp for Children
eetUinn softens the Kumb reauees inflammation
illa k rain cureb wind colic 25 cut a bottle
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills which vanish before proper ef
fortsgentle efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed There is comfort in
the knowledge that so many forms of
sickness are not due to anv actual dis
ease but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system which the pleasant
family laxative Syrup of Figs prompt
ly removes That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of families and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by ail
who value good health Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without deTjilitating the
organs on which it acts It is therefore
all important in order to get its bene
ficial effects to note when you pur
chase that you have the genuine article
which is manufactured by the California
Fig Syrup Co only and sold by all rep
utable druggists
If in the enjoyment of good health
and the system is regular then laxa
tives or other remedies are not needed
If afflicted with any actual disease one
may be commended to the most skillful
I physicians but if in need of a laxative
then one should have the best and with
the well informed everywhere Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
used and gives most general satisfaction
The 103il Sesbion W1U Open TUESDAY
Full Courses In Classics Letters Science Law
Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Course
St Edwards Hall for boy tinder 13 unique in
the completpnes of its equipment Catalogues
hent free on application to Ekv Andkew Mob
rissev Notre Dame Ind
In the garden spot of West Tennessee can besecur il
on easy termg i ertlle s II eeu al climate- and Hue
transportation facilities are the inducements that ire
here in larjje numbers Wiita
Somerville Fayette County Tennessee
iNtH ztuiMiyA rintminsr u a realign AUtt
3 yrs in last war 15 adjudicating claims atty sinoa
32 96
Examination and advice as to Patentability of inven
tions Send for investors Guide or How to Get a
Patent Patrick OEarrell Washington DC
Sometimes quality is sacrificed in the
effort to give big quantity for little money
ISlo doubt about that
But once in a while it isnt
For instance theres BATTLE AX
The piece is bigger than you ever saw
before for 5 cents And the quality is as
many a man has said mighty good
Theres no guess work in this statement
It is just a plain fact
You can prove it by investing 5 cents
1 aff
A Handful of Dirt May Be a Houseful
of Shame Keep Your House
Clean with
He can make twice as much He can sell his Northern farm and pet twice as many acres for his
money down here We sell Improved Farms for 8 to 20 an acre Plenty of railroads
four of tnem No droughts Neither too hot nor too cold climate iust risht Northern farmera
are coming every week if you are interested write for free pamphlet and ak all the questions
you want to It ls a pleasure to us to answer them