The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 06, 1896, Image 5

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I f
Governor Silas AHolcomb
Lieutenant Sovprnor ltouert E Jloore
Secretary of State Joel A riper
Treasurer J S Hartley
Auditor Eugene Moore
Coin Landsand Buildings Henry C Russell
Attorney General fArtliur S Churchill
Sunt Public Instruction Henry 11 Corbett
fC H Gere Lincoln
L Burnliem Omaa
JRegents University- J M Hait J Alma
mjVLM a
Judge -
County Attdruev
P numms i iciuc
T Ma
Mallalleu Keaniey
Hull Edgar
Senators Wm V Allen Madison John M
iThurston Omaha
Usnresen tJitiveb Fi rst District J esse 13 Strode
i Lincoln Second D fl Mercer Omaha Third
Geo D Meiklciohn Fullerton Fourth E J
ncr Aurora ilftli Wm K Andrews Hastings
Sixth O M Kfcui Broken Bow
Supreme Court T L Korval Chief Justice
Harribon and Polk sissociates
Fifteenth Judicial District M P Kinkaid
ONeill V 11 Westover Rushvillc
Renreseiltetive Fifty second District Frank
4 liotlilciituer KUgore
Senator Fourlt enth District Henry G Stew
art Crawford
RcRlster GtUiJIovcr Loiigpiue Receiver J
A Fike XewK
G P Crabb
Goo Elliott
Anio Strong
FM Walcott
Ed Clarke
County SunerinteiKieit Lillian -Stoner
Surveyor ChasTait
Coroner -- A Lewls
Max viertel
iCommihsioners s M Dunham
P Sullivan
Overseers of Highways It Hansen and J Ray
Constable Jt Towne
Justices of the Peace John Dunn and J 21
Assessor- John Dunn
TownJJoard E R Sparks president C H Cor
nell tajasircr T C Hornby clerk D S Ludwig
and J W BtirlciKii
Marshal and Water Commissioner R Towne
Mhool District No 1 F M Walcott president
31 VNicboison treasurer J C Petti John secre
tary J W Burleigh G P Crabb and J T Keoley
YOUNG Wednesday evening at the resi
cnccoIMrslIelcn Hornby
Jons N Kjxg President
FitAMv E Thoiin Secretary
LM1 0 li M
3ittinj Bull Tribe No Improved Orlcr of
Red Men inei Ls everv second ami fourth Friday
evening of each month at DavenportsJHall
Yblting brethren are friternaily invited -to be
lircscnr at the councils of the tribe
J D WigKins r of it C II Thompson Sachem
A l1 A 2sl
Minnekadusa Lodge No 192 A F A M
ineets hvf eaular communication Saturday eveu
ing on or before the full moon in each month
members of the order in good
b cordiallv and fraternally invited to attend
J T ivceley W M
WW Tnoarrbox Sccy
Northern Star Chapter No 50 Order of the
-Eastern Star meets on second and fourth Tues
day evenings of cash month m Hornbys hall
v w Thompson Magii2 Walcott
Secretary Worthy Matron
Valentine Lodge No 70 A O U W meets
i m iinrt srd Monday in each month
Carl Damas Rec W Holscla w M W
Valentine Lodge No Degree of Honor
holds regular meetings lirst and third
dav evenings of each month
M Chris teusen Rec Mrs R Robinson C of H
Valentine Lodge No 205 I O O F meets
every Thursday evening Visiting brothers cord
ially nvited to attend our meetings
JT Keeley NG
G A Pt
Col Wood Past No 208 Department of Ne
braska regular meeting 2d and4th Saturdays of
-each iHoutl at Z v in sham Comrads from
ether Posts are cordiallv invited to attend
J W lucKEit Commander
Joiix D172W adjt i
It j
Col AVood W R C No 179 regular -meeting
2d and 4th Saturdays of each month
Helex Hoksjv 3ce
Valentine Camp No 1751 Modern Woodmen of
America meets second and fourth Wednesday
evenings of each month at Davenports Hall
Visiting neighbors cordially invited to attend
P F biniiiis Ven Counsel
tV opirk Clerk
Jv of P
Cherrv Lodge No 169 Knights of Pythias meets
-every Tuesday e ening atDavenpoits Hall
Jos Putmecll K of R and S
Arrival and Departure of Mails
Mail east and west closes at 8 pm
Rosebud leaves at 800 a m daily except Sun
day and arrives at 500 p in
s Simeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves
at 7 00 am Mondays Wednesdays and Fri
days and arrives at 700 p m Tuesdays and
Ft Niobrara leaves daily at700 a m and
1500 p m arrives at 930a maud 730 p m
Kewauee and Sparks arrives Mondays
Wednesdays and Fridays at 509 pm and
leaves Tuesdays -Thursdays and Saturdays at
7a om
General deliveryopen fromee a m to 700
p m General delivery open on Sundays frotn
8 to 10 a m Lock boxes opeudaily form 0 a
m to 830 pm
W EHALEY Postmaster
Physician and Surgeon
Ollice at C R Watsons Drug Store Prompt
attention given to all professional calls
Valkntike - Neukaska
Teachers Examination
The regular monthly Teachers
Examination will be held the
third Saturday of eaeli month
at mv office in the Court House
Supt of Schools
Allkluds of legal business promptly attended to
Valestikb - Nebraska
gfeBacaEssaaga Mjja
The Democrat and the Thrice a
week 3Tew York World one year
Wanted Ten men at once to
work on brick yard at Rosebud Indian
Reservation Fifteen cents per hour
and three months job Board 350
per week W P Alsip
Parties having final proof noticesln
these columns will receive a marked
copy of the paper which contains
first insertion of same It is the duty
of each olaimant to examine their
notice carefully and should there be
any error the fact should be reported
to the land office and to this office at
once for correction
Iuhlic iAiml Sale
U S Land Office Valentine Nebraska
June 30tb 1896
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
instructions from the Commissioner of the
General Land Ollice under authority visted in
him by section 2455 U S Revised Statutes as
amended by an act of Congress approved Feb
ruary 20 1895 wc will proceed to offer atpublie
sale on the ll day of August 189G at this office
the following tract oi land to wit s4 swM sec it
Tp 31 n R 27 w Any and all persons claiming
adversley the above described lands are advised
to file their claims in this ottice on or before the
day abovo designated for the commencement of
said sale otherwise theiraights will be iorfeited
C R GuVit Register
J A Fikk Receiver
Land Ollice at valentine Nebr
July 3rd 189C f
Notice is hereby given that Mmnie DodJ for
merly Minnie Ewart of Lake City Colorado has
filed notice of intention to make final proof be
fore Register and Receiver at their ollice in Val
entine Nebr on Wednesday the 19 day of Aug
ust 189S on timber culture application No 7C02
for the snw iAswli otseetion No 2C in
Township No 2TJRajige No 29 w
She names as witnesses JobiuE Lee Thom
as McLean William Lee and Frank Lee oli of
Brownlee Neb
Testimony of claimaut Minnie Dodd formerly
Minne Ewart will be taken before the clei k of
the District Court of Hinsdale County at his
ollice in Lake City Colorado August 14 1890
C KGLOVER Register
U S Laud Office Valentine Nebr I
July 2nd 1890 J
Notice is hereby given that Jean Morrow of
Mapleton Minn has filed notice of intention to
make final proof before Register and Receiver
at their ollice in Aalentine Nebr en Friday the
14th day of August 18i on timber culture appli
cation No 7477 for the nVSiiw1 swjnwji
nw3isw4 of section No 14 in Township No 29 n
Range No 27 W
He names as witnesses James M Hanna
Cavid Hanna John Dale of Wood Lake Nebr
Clarence Walcott of Hrnwnlee Npbr
C IX GLOVER Register
Land Ollice at Valentine Nebraska r
July 9th 1S9G f
Notice is hereby given that
-ed settler has filed notico of his intention to
make final proof in support of iiis elaim and
that said proof will be made before the Regis
ter or Receiver at Valentine Nebr on August
28th 1896 viz
George E Tracewell of Yalentine
II E 9222 for the swueM seJnwV and n
livcii Sec 22 Tp 35 R 20
He names the following witnesses to prove
his -continuous residence on and cultivation of
said land viz
Nelson Poleu Sparks Nebr Samuel Parry
Jr and Qnincy Buck of Fort Niobrara Neb and
Martin Becker of Valentine Nebr also
Frederic Smith of Ft Niobrara Nebr
H E S76S for the Lofs 5 9 and eS sv sec 30
Tp 34 R 25
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of1
said land viz
Julius A Brewer and Joseph A Hornback
of Ft Niobrara Nebr David Stinard of Valen
tine Nebr John Clarkson of Sparks Nebr
C R GLOVER Regi ter
U S Land Office at Valentine Neb I
July istli 1890 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim and
that said prosf will be made before the Register
and Receiver at Valentine Neb on Am 27th
1896 viz
J Wesley Tucker of Valentine 2sTeb
H E 9730 for the iteji see 15 Tp 34 R 2S
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous Jpesidence upon and cultivation
of said land
Richard IJ Hovell Frank Sender William
Taylor and Mifflin P Brosious all of Valentine
Isobr C It GLOVER Register
U S Land Office at Valentine Neb I
Julv 13th 1800 f
Notice is hereby given that Myra E Hoga
boom formerly Myra E Upjohn of La
Platte Sarpy County Neb has filed noticp
of intention to make final proof before the Reg
ister or Receiver at his ollice in Valentine Nebr
on Friday the 23th day of August 1890 on timber
culture application No 7V0 for the wimv4 seH
nwJ4 and sw4uei of sec No 13 in Tp No 30 N
11 25 W
She names as witnesses Ely D Valentine
David Leach Manlv Wyman Robert N Bruce
all of Wood Lake Neb
C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebraska I
July 23 1896 i
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Sept 9th
1890 viz
Andrew J Wallingford of Kennedy
H E 8S23 for the neJ4 Sec 9 Tp SO n R 31 w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
William H Wilkinson Milton Dunham and
Nelson S Rowley of Kennedy Neb Willard S
Morgareidge of Simeon Nebr also
William TVilknsion of Kennedy
H E 8819 for the SJSuwii lU4SWj Soc S2 Tp 30
nil SOw
He names the following -witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultivation
of siidland viz
Andrew J Wallingford Milton Dunham aud
Nelson S Rowley of Kennedy Nebr willard S
Morgareidge of Slmeom Nebr
C E GLOVER Register
U S Lakd Ojjtick Valentine Neb
July 24 1890 J
Notice is hereby given that Daniel Egan of
Avnat Cheer Iowa has filed notice of intention
to make final proof before Register and Recei
ver at their office in Valentine Neb on Satur
day the 12th day of Sfcpt 1896 on timber culture
application No 7402 f r the swJ4 Sec 1 Tp 34 n
He names as witnesses Micheal McLaughlin
James Smith of Valentine Michael Kenuealey
and Baitlett White of Crookston Neb
Testimony of claimant Daniel Egan will be
taken before the Clerk of the District Court at
Sigourney Keokuk county Iowa Sept 5th 1896
C R GLOVER Register
U S Laud Ollice Valentine Nebr 1
July 24 1S96
Notice is hereby given that Laura E Young
formerly LaurE Bishop of Belle Fourche S D
has filed notice of intention to make final proof
before Register and Receiver at their office in
Valentine Nebr on Saturday the 12th day of
Sept 1896 on timber culture application N
7750 for the wJSneK andwseJi Sec 2 Tp rl n
He names as Witnesses George Shadbolt
George Seager and John Bishop or Cody Neb
Bazil Hunt of Merriman Neb
Testimony of Claimaut Laura E Young for
merly lAiuni K Bishop will be taken before the
Clerk of the Disict Court of Butte county South
Dakota at Mlnuesela Sept 5th 1896
R GLOVER Register
JL chasing Commissary of Subsistence
Omaha Neb July 27 1S3C Sealed proposals m
duplicate subject to the usual conditions Mill
be received at this ollice until it oclock a in
August 12th 1890 at which time and place they
will be opened in presence of bidders for fur
nishing Subsistance Department U S Army
on or before August 31 189G as may be lequired
with Flnur for issue and Flour choice family at
the following places of delivery viz On board
of cars or at subsistance storehouse at Omaha
Nebraska or at Fort Crook Robin
sou Neb D -A Russell and Washakie Wyo
and Fort Meade S D Preference will be given
to articles of domestic production The right is
reserved to reject or and all bids or anv part of
any bid Blank proposals and specifications
showing in detail the articles and quantities re
quired and giving full information as to condi
tions will be furnished on application to this
office or any of the Commissaries at posts
named above Proposals will also be received
by the Purchasing Commissary of Subsistance
Denver Colo at 10 a m mountain standard
time August 12 1890 for the f urnishag and de
livery of the above Subsistance free on
board R R cars at Denver or near the place of
production or purchase or at the posts named
FRANK E NE Major and C S U S A
Order to Show Caitsc
In the District court of Cherrv county Nebras
ka In the matter of Guardianship ot Leta A
July 22 1896 this cause came on for hearing
before me in Chambers at Valentine Nebraska
and it appearing to me that the order heretofore
granted by me to show cause bearing date April
24 1896 and requesting that all parties interest
ed appear before me at Chambers at ONeill
Nebraska on tlic 30th day of May 1896 to show
cause if any why a license should not be in-ant
ed to sell the real estate herein described and it
appearing to me that the applicant did not ap
pear and make proof on said 30th day of Mav
J896 or in any manner prosecute said applica
tion and said applicant now renewing his appli
cation for a license to sell said real estate said
order of April 24th 1896 is liereby revoked vaca
ted and set aside annulled and on considera
tion of the application of John G Stetter guar
dian of Leta A Stetter to sell the real estate of
said ward said real estate being the vi ikjJ
Sec 25 Tp 3 R 34 Cherry county State of
Nebraska and it appearing to me from the peti
tion of the applicant that it would be for the use
and benefit and best interest of the said Leta A
Stetter minor aforesaid to sell said real estate
and place the proceeds thereof at interest
Therefore it is considered by me that all per
sousinterested in said estate appear before me
the undersigned at Chambers in the City of
ONeill in the 15th Judicial District Nebraska
onthe25thdayof August 1896 and then and
there show cause if any they have why the li
cense snouia not ue granteu to tne said joun g
Leta A Stetter to sell the above described real
estate and place the proceeds thereof at inter
est for the use and benefit of said ward
It i6Surther ordered that notice of the making
of this order shall be made upon all persons in
teresteS in said estate by publication in The
Valkk elxe Demockat a weekly newspaper
published and ot general circulation in the
county of Cherry State of Nebraska published
in the City of Valentine
Given under my hand this 22nd day of Jnlv
MPKiifKAiD District Judge
J O ICorthrop F E M V agent
at tbis place has received the follow
ing letter which may be of interest to
the readers of The Democrats
All agents As you are doubtless
aware the Nebraska State Fair and
Exposition will be held atOmaha Aug
27th to Sept 5th 1896
It is possible that this company will
make a collective exhibit of grain
fruits vegetables minerals and other
products of the eountry traversed bv
our lines of railroad showing its re
sources aud developement To this
end will you please make such collec
tions of choice samples of grain etc
as you can before harvest and retain
possession of them until you are in
structed as to their disposition The
grain should be cut full length care
fully tied in bundles and preserved in
as good condition as possible
It would be a good idea to call the
attention of your people to this Fair
and urge them to preserve before it is
too late samples of their products for
exhihition We expect to transport
exhibits to Omaha free and will be
glad to co operate in every way possi
ple in making a good display
Yours truly
K C MoREnousE P A
Sharpen your wits and try for one
of the prizes for the best solutions t f
The Preston Mystery
k er Seven Hundred
Students attended the Lincoln Nor
mal University last year and a larger
number will attend this year Best
equipped Normal School and Business
College in the West Thirty instruc
tors A school for masses Expenses
low 1ext term will begin August
31st Send for catalogue
Hill M Bell President
Normal Lincoln Neb
Following is a complete list of the
Christian Endeavor topics from the
first of August to the last of October
2 Little kindnesses Luke 736 47
9 The conquest of temptations Eph G 10 18
16 Seeing God in Nature Ps 191 6 211 10
23 The duty aud joy of church membership
Matt 1016 33
30 The happiness of heaven Rev 211-722-27
6 Getting the most out of the Bible Deut 6
1 9
13 Our tongues f6r Christ Pro v in l 2 4 7
10 14 23 26 28
20 The need of home missionary work Isa
621 12
27 Lessons from Davids life and words
2 Sam 221 22
4 Why I believe- in the atonement Heb 9
11 28
It God or mammon Matt 619 21
18 Are we doing our best Matt 513 16 25
14 30
25 My favorite Bible proverb and jvhv Pro v
21 9
Ladies and Gentlemens Bicycles at
Any of the leading makes furnished you
upon easy payments at catalogue prices
as follows Wheels costing 500u and
uuder will be delivered to you for Sld00
cash and S2j0 per month Wheels cost
ing over 5000 for 1500 cash and 8300
per month Wheels deliver etl on
receipt of the Jirst jHtymeut
Wit eels Guaranteed to he
New and IPirst Class in all
rcsjoeets or Monet Slefunded
Decide upon make of wheel you desire
aud order by number from catalogue of
that manulacturer Can also furnish
an thing in the cycle line Address
Which wilt he Sishiuittecl to the Peo
ple for their Approval ov
proval at the Vext General
Election Study Them
The following proposed amendments
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska as hereinafter set forth iu fall
axe submitted to the electors of the
State of Nebraska to be voted npon
at the general election to be held Tues
day November 8 A D 1896
A joint resolution proposing to
amend sections two 3 four 4 and
fire 5 of article six 6 of the Consti
tution of the State of Nebraska relating
to number of judges of the supreme
court and their term of office
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legisla
ture of the State of Nebraska
Section 1 That section two 2 of article
six 0 of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska bo amended so as to read as fol
Section 2 The supreme court shall until
otherwise provided by law consist of five
5 judges a majority of whom shall be
Bary to form a quorum or to pronounce
a decision It shall have original jurisdiction
in cases relating to revenue civil cases in
which the atate shall he a party mandamus
quo warranto habeas corpus and such
appellate jurisdiction as may be provided by
Section 2 That section four 4 of article
six 6 ot the constitution ot the State
of Nebraska be amended so as to read as fol
Section 4 The judges of the supremo
court shall be elected by the electors of the
state at large aud their term of office ex
cept as heremaftar provided shall be for a
period of not loss than five 5 years as the
legislature may prescribe
Section 3 That section five 5 of article
six 6 of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska be amended to read as follows
Section 5 At tho first general election to
be held In the year 1896 there shall be elected
two 2 judges of tho supreme court one
of whom shall be elocted for a torm of
two 2 years one for tha term of four 4
years and at each general election there
after there shall bo elected one judge of
tho supremo court for the term of five
5 years unless otherwise provided by
law Provided that the judges of the su
preme fcourt whose terms have not expired
at the timo of holding the general elec
tion of 1896 shall continue to hold their
office for the remainder of the term for
which they were respectively commis
Approved March 29 A D 1895
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to section thirteen 13 of
article six of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska relating to com
pensation of supreme and district court
Be it resolved by the Legislature of the State
of Nebraska
Section 1 That section thirteen 13 of
article six G of tho Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amended so as to read as fol
Seo 13 The judges of the supreme and
district courts shall receive for their services
such compensation as may be provided by law
payable quarterly
The legislature shall at its first session
after the adoption of this amondmont
three fifths of the members elected to
each house concurring establish their
compensation The compensation so es
tablished shall not bo changed oftenor
than once in four years and in no event unless
two thirds of the members elected to
each house of the legislature concur
Approved March 30 A D 1835
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section twonty four 24 of
article five 5 of the Constitution of
the State of Nebraska relating to com
pensation of the officers of the executive
Be ife resolved and enacted by the Legislature
of tho State of Nebraska
Section 1 That seotion twenty four 24
of article five 5 of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
Section 24 The officers of the oxecutive
department of the state government shall
rscoive for their services a compensation
to be established by law which shall be
neither increased nor diminished during the
term for which they shall have been com
missioned and they shall not receive to their
own use any fees cots interests upon public
monoys in their hands or under their control
perquisites of office or other compen
sation und all feo3 that may here
after be payable bv law for services
performed by an officer provided for in
this article shall be paid in advance into the
state treasury Tho legislature shall at its
first session after the adoption of this amend
ment three fifths of tho members elected to
each house of tho legislature con
curring - establish tho salaries of the
officers named in this article Tho com
pensation so established shall not be changed
oftenur than once in four years and in no
event unless two thirds of the members
electod to eacbhouso of the legislature concur
Approved March 29 A D 1895
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section one 1 of article six G of
the Constitution of the State of Nebras
ka relating to judicial power
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legisla
ture oCthe State of Nebraska
Section 1 That section one 1 of article six
6 of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
be amended to read as follows
Section 1 Tho judicial power of this state
shall be vested in a supreme court district
courts county courts justices of the
peace police magistrates and in such other
courts inferior to the supreme couit as may
be created by low in which two thirds of
the members elected to each house
Approved March 29 A D 1895
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section eleven 11 of article six
6 of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska relating to increase in num
ber of supreme and district court
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislature
of the Stato of Nebraska
Section 1 That section eleven 11 of
article six G of the Constitution of the State
of Nebiaska be amended to read a3 fol
Section 11 The legislature whenever two
thirds of the members elected to each house
shall concur therein may in or after the year
one thousand eight hundred and ninety seven
and not of tener than once in every four years
raorease tho number of judges of su
premo and district courts and the judical
dlstiio s of the state Such districts shall
be foined of compact territory and
bouaued by county lines and such in
crease or any change in the boundaries
of a district shall not vacate tho office of any
Approved March 80 A D 1895
A joint resolution proposing to amend
-section six 6 of article one 1 of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska
relating tp trial by jury
vT7rsjTjvTwvrziiyjj ug
Be it reaolvodand enactsd by tka Lejlalaiara
of ths State of Nebraska
Section 1 Tuat section six 6 article one
1 of the Constitution of tha State or Ne
braska be amended to read as follows
Section 6 The right of trial by jury shall
remain inviolate but the legislature may pro
vide that In clvd actions fivo alxtha of the jury
mar render a verdict and the lcgislaturo may
alno authorize trial by s jury of a less number
than twelve meu in court3 inferior to the dia
trict court
Approved March 29 A D 1895
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section one 1 of article five 5
of the Constitution of Nebraska relat
ing to officers of the exeeutiye depart
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legisla
ture of the State of Nebraska
8eotion 1 That section one 1 of ar
ticle five 3 of the Constitution of the Stato
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
Section 1 The executive department shall
consist of a governor lieutenant governor
secretary of state auditor of public accounts
treasurer superintendent of public in
struction attorney general commissioner
-of public lands and buildings and three
railroad commissioners each ot whom
except the said railroad commissioners
shall hold his office for a term of
two years from the first Thursday after
the first Tuesday in January after
his election and until his successor is
elected and qualified Each railroad com
missioner shall hold his office for a term of
three years beginning on the first Thursday
after the first Tuesday in January after
his election and until his succes
sor is elected and qualified Provided
however That at the first general elec
tion held after tho adoption of this amend
ment there shall be elected three railroad
commissioners one for the period of one
year one for the period of two years and
one for the period of three years The gov
ernor secretary of 9tate auditor of pub
lic accounts -and treasurer shall reside at
the capital during their term of office
they shull keep the public record books
and papers there aud shall perforin auch du
ties as may be required by law
Approved March 30 A D 1895
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty six 20 of ar
ticle five 0 of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska limiting the num
ber of executive state officers
Be it resolved and enacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska
Section 1 That section twenty six 26 of
article five 5 of the Constitution of tho
State of Nebraska bu amended to read as
Section 26 No other executive state offi
cers except those named in soctiou one 1
of this article shall be created except
by an act of the legislature which is
concurred in by not less than
of the members elected to each house
Provided That any office created by an
act of the legislature may be abolished by
the legislature two thirds of the mem
bers -elected to each house thereof concur
Approved March BO A D 1895
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section nine 9 of article eight
8 of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska providing for the investment
of the permanent educational funds of
the state
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legisla
ture of the State of Nebraska
Section 1 That section nine 9 of article
eight 8 of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
Section 9 All funds belonging to the state
for educational purposes the interest and
income whereof only are to bo used shall
be deemed trusi funds held by tha state
and the state shall supply all losses there
of that may in any manner accrue so that
the same shall remain forever inviolate
and undiminished and shall not be in
vested or loaned except on United States
or state securities or registered county
bonds or registered school district botidj of
this state and such funds with th inter
est and income thereof are hereby solemn
ly pledgod for the purposes for which they
are granted and set apart and shall not
be transferred to any other fund for other
Provided The board created by section
1 of this article is empowered to sell from
time to time any of the securities belonging
to the permanent school fund and invest
the proceeds arising therefrom in any of the
securities enumerated in this section bear
ing a higher rate of interest whenever
an opportunity for better investment is pre
And provided further That when any
warrant upon the state treasurer reg
ularly issued in pursuance of an appropri
ation by the legislature and secured by The
levy of a tax for ita payment shall
be presented to tho state treasurer for
payment and there shall not be any
money in the proper fund to pay such
warrant the board created by section 1
of this article may direct the state treas
urer to pay the amount due on such war
rant from moneys in his hands belonging
to the permanent school fund of the state
and he- shall hold said warrant as an in
vestment ofsaid permanent school fund
Approved March 29 A D 1895
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska by adding a new
section to article twelve 12 of said
constitution to be numbered section
two 2 relative to the merging of the
government of cities of the metro
politan class and the government of
the counties wherein such cities are
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska
Section 1 That article twelve 12 of the
Constitution of the State of Neoraska be
amended by adding to said article a new sec
tion to be numbered section two 2 to read
as follows
Section 2 The government of any city of
the metropolitan class and the gov
ernment of the county in which
it is located may be merged wholly
or in part when a proposition so to do has
been submitted by authority of law to the
voters of such city and county and re
ceived the assent of a majority of the
votes cast in such city and also a majority
of tha votei cast in the county exclusive
of those cast in such metropolitan city at such
Approved March 29 A D 1S95
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to section six 6 of articls
seven 7 of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska prescribing the
manner in which votes shall be cast
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislat
ure of the Stats of Nebraska
Section 1 That section six G of article
seven 7 of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska bu amended to read as fol
Section 8 All votes shall be by ballot or
such other method as may be prescribed
by law provided the 9ecrecy of voting be
Approved March 29 A D 1895
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section two 2 of article four
teen U of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska relative to donations
to woj kjs oi internal improvement and
Ba it Teeolvbd and enacted by tha
islature of tha State of Nebraska
Section 1 That section vwo 8 of trHA
fourteen li -at th3 Consrtitutfoa at tb
State of Nebraska bo amended to d as
See 3 No city county towa precise
municipality or other aubdlvlvioa of tho
state ihall ever vnke donation to asjr
forks of internal mprqven
manufactory unless a proponHtap so to
do shall have been first submitted to tha
qualified electors and ratified by a twa
thirds vote at an election by authority of
law Provided That such donations of s
county with the donation of suoh wtUdi
visions in the aggrbgato shall not axei
ten por cent of the assessad VfuuaMMu
such county Provide J further Tfcjrt any
city or county may by a thraMuitaa
vote increase such flvaar
cent in addition to such ten per cast aad
no bonds or evidence of indabtedawa
issued shall be valid unless the ant shall
have endoracd thereon a cartlflpate alfitad
by the secretary and auditor ot fltit
showing that the same is issued purauaaC to
Approved March 29 A D 1893
I J A Piper secretary of state of
the state of Nebraska do hereby oettjr
that the foregoingprupesed meadnt
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska are true and oorrcot copUa c2
the original enrolled and engroawd
bills as passed by the Twenty fourth
session of the legislature of the Stato
of Nebraska as appears from said
original bills on file in this office aad
that all and each of said propose
amendments are submitted to th
qualified votera of tht State of Ne
braska for their adoption or -rejection
at the general election to be held on
Tuesday the 8d day of November A
D I89i
In testimony whereof I have here
unto set my hand and affixed the great
seal of the State of Nebraska -
Done at Lincoln this J 7th day of
July in the year of our Lord One Thou
sand Eight Hundred and Ninety Six
of the Independence of the United
States the One Huudred and Twenty
First and of this state the Thirtieth
Secretaiy of State
Eclipse and Fairbanks WIa
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