The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 06, 1896, Image 1

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    Li -
r a
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Vomittu Evetits
McKiuley Chr Meeting August 8
Old Settlers iwueting Sparks August 8
Ball Games August 8 9 and 10
sCharley Strickland is in town this
T C HSrnby was over to the Agen
cy Monday
n The Preston Mystery grows more
LeEoy Leach visited with the editor
last Saturday 4
A Selden made a trip to Long
pine Sunday
G II Sawyer of Sparks was in
town Monday
A non partisan Bryan club is to be
organized sood
Jll J Case is building an addition to
iris livery barn
If you want to buy tame pigeons
call at this office
J II Baumgartel as down from
Crookston yesterday
A sister of C E Bowring is visiting
vat his home this week
D H Thurston is clerking for Dav
enport Thacher to day
One of Henry Stetters little boys is
ill with summer complaint
Miss Dolly Lang of Butte Nebr is
Tisiting friends in the city
Prof J A Ilornbaok was in from
Sparks on business Saturday
V Mrs J J Guth has returned home
from her visit to tbe Agency
Miss Belle Callen returned home
from Lincoln last Friday night
Miss Mattie Shrieak returne d to her
home at Gordon Monday evening
Wanted Good girl for general
housework Enquire at postoffiee
iThetfoundation for the new building
n n KXnin afmouf ic olmnofc nnrrmlpfWI
Xexi Sparks and Miss Dolly Lang
fcwent to Ainsworth Sunday morning
US Marshal of Rush-
was in town a few hours Sunday
Wanted Baled hay For particu
lars enquire of Davenport Thachef
Bev Johnson and wife of Johns
town were in town Sunday and Mon
Mrs ft J Cook has returned from
her visit with friends on the reserva
Be sure to sign the petition for
school house bonds when it is present
ed you
Wm Francke is entitled to the pre
jRx of Prof when his name appears in
this paper
W P Alsip came over from the
brick yard yesterday and went to Pine
Ridge last night
W E Haley has added a nne new
antique oak desk to the equipment of
his abstract office
August 7 to 14 will be
ment week at the Nebraska Kormal
College at Wayne
Geo H Hornby and wife returned
from their visit to the Black Hills
Tuesday morning
Rattlesnake Jack left town last
Monday morning He went from
here to Fort Mobrara
Every time you pay d dbMr for sub
scription to The Democrat you are
entitled to be called Professor
Miss Iais Lincoln is visiting Mrs
Vivian Lawrie at Gorddh She
remain there about two weeks
H J Case bought the lumber from
the bowiiug alley and will iise it on
the addition to his livery stable
0The Fort Meade ball team will be
here next Saturday and will play
three sanies with the Niobrara boys
V Xdrthrop has returned from Chi
cago and is at his old post m the tele
grap1i office He will go to Chadron
abdut the 15th
W A Boriser of Rosebud a promi
nent stockman on the reservation is in
townoii business this week His fam
ily accoihpauy him
C W Beiinett Levi Sparks and
Miss Lilliau Stoiier started for Hast
ings Tuesday morning to attend the
populist State contention
Ed Hanks and Wm Hook of Cody
made final proof on their timber claims
last Friday Prof Hook made this
office a pleasant call
The old bowling alley has been torn
down and the billiard hall is being re
paired This will make quite a nice
little store room fprsome one
Mrs F L Brewster of 2orden was
in town last Friday and left on the
midnight passenger for Sturgis S D
where she will join her husband
The biggest catch of fish for the
season was that made by Francke
Fike et al last Friday The boys
brought in 90 pounds of trout bass
C W Huffback who has been night
operator tor the Western Union at this
station for some time -was relieved
and went to Chadron Tuesday morn
Miss Flora Sageser came up from
Brownlee where she has been visiting
her sister Mrs Lew Horton and visi
ted with her brother Clarence Sageser
Chas F STagle of Norfolk pension
commisioher for this district went out
to Kennedy yesterday morning to look
into the daims of D A Piercy and
Micky Ward
Five gold bricks worth 100000
each are said to have been shipped
through here by the American Express
Co yesterday morning They came
from Lead City S D
County Clerk Elliott and Deputy
Pettijohn are busily engaged in mak
ing out the tax list for the present
year This work will probably not be
completed until October
Lost -At Cornell Hall Thursday eve
ning black silk parasol steel rod
miniature dogs head in handle Any
one having same please leave at this
office and receive reward 23
Hemingford and Chadron played
two games of ball last week the first
resulting 21 to 11 in favor of
iord The second game was won by
Chadron on a score of 10 to 1
Farmers- nBar Crookston who plant
ed millet thisspring are very fortunate
The crop has been harvested and there
is volunteer growth on the fields which
in some instances is two feet in height
The attention of tbe general public
is called to O W Moreys advertising
card which appears in this issue of The
Democrat Mr Morey carries an ex
cellent assortment of goods in his line
Postmaster Haley is setting a good
example for other citizens by improv
ing his residence property on Hall
street He has made quite a reputa
tion as a fence builder in the last
Geo H Hornby brought soine ex
cellent photos and specimens with him
when he returned from the Black Hills
He says the Chautauqua at Deadwood
is excellent but the attendance is not
as large as expected
The bridge gang has been at work
just west of the depot widening out
the railroad bridge When completed
the town will not be in so much danger
being submerged by the water backing
up from the railroad embankment dur
ing a flood Hay Springs Leader
L A German- of Gibbon Custer
county has purchased a rarich and
will locate in Gillaspie precinct next
spring unerry county is always giuu
to welcome men like Mr German and
itexteiids to him a warm greeting and
assuraifces of success if he moves
within her borders
- t - -
Km no -row wppItr ncrn it was
ed that a civilian was to be appointed
agent at Pine Eidge This is not a
fact as the following dispatch recent
ly handed to The Kecorder signed by
Commissioner Browning shows To
Capt Clapp Pine Ridge S D Re
port that you are to be relieved as
agent is unfounded Your work is
satisfactory Rushville Recorder
Brigadier General T H Stariton
paymaster general of the United States
army accompanied by his private sec
retary C F Cobb airived on last
nights passenger frbrii Washington
D C and will remain here for a few
days General -Stanton is well known
here he havriig been stationed at this
post in yeafsgone by and while in
town he ia the guest of Mr A E
1 Thacher
Pnlilisliftl fox TQJt M Years as
ject tneir party action m order
laborer instead ot the usurer
to work for the
and we wish to
nrowerlv recinrocate this feehns and do
duty iu restoring prosperity to our country and
-in doing this we serve notice oh Europe we dis
canlits dictation and set up for ourselves
Resolved That we are populists but that we
alsoare patriots and while we will not surrend
er our principles or desert our organization for
the accomodation ot otner parties we are wm
ing for the good of our country and to save our
selves from distmction to join all other patriots
in turning back this gold iniquity
Recognizing the especial fitness of Miss Lillian
Stoner lor the ollice of state superintendant of
public instruction We the populist party of
Cherry Co in convention assembled recom
mend that the delegates to the state convention
use allhonorabls means to secure her nomina
Jakes IJahtley
y ThosFowjek
r Ghas kennjetb
A minority report wasshelved
dominations for county attorney
were next in order D H Thurston
was the only candidate and he was
nominated by a vote of 32 to 3 Levi
Snarks received the three votes from
some admirer and he took occasion to
make a few witty and sarcastic re
marks Thurston was called upon for
a speech and made a few pertinent
Election of delegates to the various
conventions came next and resulted
To attend the state convention at
Hastings August C W Bennett W
D Morgareidge L C Sparks B P
Gordon C II Doty and B Bruce
To congressional convention at
Crawford August 19 J E Lee J II
Quigiey J B Ayer F P Bothleut
ner D H Thurston and James Bay
To senatorial convention 13th dis
trict J T McClean L D Lenz Le
Boy Leach D Webster A G Ware
and H A Daniels
To representative convention 51st
district D W Morgareidge J W
Whillans O W Harm Saml Hols
claw Steele Sr and Jas Bay
At this point Morgareidge moved
that delegates to state convention use
all honorable means to secure the nom
ination of Miss Lillian U Stoner for
state superintendent of public instruc
tion L C Sparks offered a few re
marks endorsing the motion and was
follDAved by D fr Thurston The
speakers were frequently interrupted
by storms or applause from delegates
and spectators and when the motion
was put to a vote it was carried with
such a vim as could leave no doubt re
garding Miss Stoners popularity with
the people of Cherry county Miss
Stoner was called for and in the quiet
ladylike manner which is her chief
characteristic thanked the convention
for their manifestation of appreciation
of her labors Her remarks were en
thusiastically received
A motion was made to instruct the
delegates to the congressional conven
tion to support Otto Mutz of Key a
Paha but was lost on a tie vote most
of the delegates remaining in their seat
when a division Was called for
After the convention adjourned the
delegates from the second corrirhissidb
r district met and organized by elect
ing W D Morgareidge chairman and
LeRdy Leach secretary They then
I proceeded to nominate a candidate for
into the rear of the
Anil Endorse 3Iiss JLilJian Stoner for
Jtate Superintendent W
JParber Xoniinatect for
misBioner on Otli Ballot
The county convention of the popu
list party was called to order Saturday
August 1 at 11 oclock a m by chair
man CrabD Levi C Sparks was
secretary On motion BV Morgar
eidge J T McCIain and Dunham
were appointed as a committee on
credentials Jas Bartlev C II Doty
C W Bennett Thomas Fowler and
E N Bruce were appointed a com
mittee on resolutions and R P Gor
don Jas Bay and J E Lee on per
manent organization The conven
tion then adjourned to 1 oclock p m
Upon the reassembling of the dele
gates the committee on credentials
made their report and recommended
that those present be empowered to
commissioner to succeed M Dunham
Five nominations were made and the
first ballot resulted W A Parker of
Woodlake 7n M Dinham of Kennedy
of Loup 6 J J Lowe L
The second ballot resulted sarne as
tlie first with the exception that Hugh
Boyer was dropped and W A Parker
received eight votes Balloting con
tinued with little change in the result
untiron the ninth round when the vote
stood Parker 11 Dunham 6 Lowe 3
giving Parker the nomination
A Small Wreclc
Last Sunday morning about 430 a
special stock train pulled by engine
ISo 86 Engineer Smith went through
town The pusher engine Uo 24
Engineer Strickland ran in front of
the special to the bridge over the Nio
brara where it was to wait and help
the train over the Thacher hill The
special came down the hill at a good
rate of speed and failed to slow up for
the bridge The men on the 24 tried
to get out of the way but couldnt
cast the entire vote of the precinctrmake it and the heavy train crashed
represented Accepted
Committee on permanent organiza
tion recommended that the temporary
organization be made permanent
Accepted on a vote of 18 to 4
Committee on resolutions reported
the following
Resolved Tlmt as the St Louis platform em
bodies the uriaciples of the Omaha platform
and adds the referendum principle we indorse
the same
Resolved That -we are in touch with the
noble men in the republican party and the danv j
ocratC party and the prohibitioniParty
ii 7 a i n
cne arawqar ana snncmg tnetanK on
the trucks The pilot of the 86 ran
into the ground shoving the engine to
one side and spreading the rails so it
dropped to the ground The momen
tum of the train was so great that five
cars of stock were derailed but other
wise not much damage was done A
wrecking crew from Longpine was
soon on the scene and the track was
repaired by 10 oclock Three stock
trains and the east bound passenger
were delayed here until that time
The accident was singularly fortu
nate as the engines were upon a high
embankment at the time of the colli
sion and part 6f the stock tram was
still on the bridge Had any of the
cars been overturned it might have
caused the entire train to leave the
track jn which- case the v damage
j would have amounted to thousands of
iFielcl ay at the Fortr
The people of Yalentine do not reaU
ize what sport they miss when they fail
to attend the Field JDay sports at Port
Niobrara Those of Monday were of
exceptional interest and a great deal
of skill was shown by the various par
ticipants The games of hand ball
wore especially good every point be
ing hotly contested The results of
the games are as follows
Swimming match Williamson G
company first- Ehrlich B company
second Dews B company third JSo
time taken
100 yard dash Becker Mc
Quavey Plickinger Time 11 seconds
Pole vaulting Becker F 8 ft 6 in
Borger E 8 3 ORourke A- 8
Half mile walk Fritz B 4 mm
13 sec Hall A 415 Reisland D 4
Throwing 161b Shot Knox E 34 ft
4InBaker A 336 Scully B 302
220 yard Bun McQuavey F 24 sec
Becker F Marks B
Mile Bun Iverson B- 5 min 17
sec Shaw E 543 Johnson If
Bunning Broad Jump Michel E 17
ft 7 in M T Collins E 17 J J Collins
E 1611
Sack Bace Shaw E 15 3 5 sec
Monahan F McQuarey F
Hand Ball First games
McMeneman and McCarthy A 21
Fritz and Egan B i 4
Gavin and Doran F 21
Leonard and Knox E 19
Boche and Ross G 21
Murphy aud Malone H 3
A Company -- 21
G Company - 8
A Company 21
F Company - 5
F company fwon the championship
on a score of 30 points
- The game between the F and E com
pany teams was a beauty the score
being tied frequently There were
eight entries in the swimming race
which was a pretty exhibition of skill
and endurance
Lieutenant E Dove has the
thanks of The DEMOORATtfoftbe fore
going list of winners with their time
The editor was not present during all
df the sports
An effort is being raade f o organize
a McKinleycluD aud to that end a pe
tition has been circulated this week
VVe are told that tip date abdttt 65 sig
natures have been secured arid a meet
ing will bo held- next Saturday-
t Ba M JET 9
tWrSw ft jlJ JVi
NO 28
Thats a peculiarity of cats
they always do So do the hund
reds of persons who buy their dry
goods and shoe3 of us They do
not return merely from force of
liabit like the feline hut because
they have learned that in the threo
great essentials Promptness Qual
ity and Price we are never found
wanting When you want to buy
shoes for the children ask for the
Henderson make Special bar
gains tliis month See them
Why do so many people go to
Why because he sells the freshest and best
at uhe lowest prices Try him
Just Received
Talentine Nebraska
JE very facility exterded ustomersrconsistentitrpconservatrve ibahkin
Exchange bought pnd sold Loans upongood66ciirityLLiiouiretta6Tiab
ratesj Count7 depository
Drugs sboAiJd be chosen witix care
and should always be treated right if
you wish to obtain good from theni
You can get the right kind at
C IB COKNETjIj President Jtt V NlCHOhSOK thi
Valentine Nebraska
A General Banking Susines Transacted
JBnys find Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
Correspondents -Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha
Fish 3 amey Tender Steaks
Jncy Roasts Dry Salt Meats
and the finest line of Smoked
Hams and Breakiast Bacos
ever sold in town
At Stetters Old Stand on Main Staffet
Ol lite Cloieeg Branda