The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 30, 1896, Image 8

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Made of tHh best material
i 1 1 n t i m ii 1 1 r 1 1 i i i
Sc2M throughout
No shoddy in them
TVe peculiarity of the sunflower is
that ifalways looks the sun squarely
in the- 1W3 If you buy a pair of these
shoes w can Jook you squarely in the
fade whtri -you come for another pair
For a fine shoe buy -the
Durability is not sacrificed for fineness
fcatest st IV A mbdel school shoe
Por men and boys
Laos or congress Clobeor needle toe
A stylish durable shoe for a Small
nice assortment of dress patterns at
a bargain In Gashmere Henrietta
-Serge Brilliantine and Xouelty Goods
iTnsfe in Dont Jail to see them
Ilats Clothing and furnishings
We pride ourselves oft always turning
out a first class fit
Knows how to do it
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the W II Moses building
Valentine Nebr
Has opened a shop in the
Wiscliet Building Just north
bf Xieicis -Drug Store and is
prepared to do all hinds of
kvorh in his line Special at
tention to CLEANING AND
Repairing a Specialty
prices Strictly Cash and Low
er ttin ever
jSHOP on Cherry S opposite LBpgs
EOBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher
Teachers sociable tit Cornell TTall
this evening
D if Underwood of Pairburn S
was iriown yesterday
L 13 PJithbonc of Buchanan Xebr
is registered at The Donoher
7 W Andrews of Premont civil
engineer was in town this morning
Come to Thk Demogkat office
wlien you have job work of any tend
to o
Daveriport Tliacher carry a com
plete line of cofiins and undertakers
supplies 27
Eev Kamsey preached a sermon es
pecially to the teachers last Snaday
V Honev was up from Wfltid Lake
yerterday looking for men lo work in
the hay field
MrsT B Irwin and Miss Dot Mc
Coy of Gordon areTisiting with Mrs
M sT Donoher and daughters
tanior League was postponed Sun
day afternoon on account df the funer
al of the child of W TV Daniels
A new free silver paper has
at Lansing Michigan and
sails Under the name of Lansing Lead
LovinaT VanHorn school teacher
bn theTeservation returned Tuesday
from -a vacation trip to the Black Hills
after having attended institute at
Pine Ridge
Rev Pr Lechleutner conducted the
funeral services over the body of Otto
Lutz who was killed by lightning last
Saturday The burial took place at
TVood Lake
TV S Jackson Miss Edna Pischer
J H Yeast Miss Mattie Shrieak Mrs
Yivian Lawrie C M Sageser and the
editor of this paper spent Sunday on
the Chautauqua grounds at Longpiue
A tisliing party headed by TVm
MJcIvinley Prancke and James Allen
Pike went out to the lakes this morn
ing They will not return without a
-good supply of fish if there is virtue in
silver or gold forbaifc
Adolph Green and Chas Golucke
two contractors from Green Bay Wis
arrived in town last night and this
morning went to the Rosebud reserva
tion They expect to bid on the new
Indian school to be built this fall
Bids miist be in ty August 18
The Donoher Hotel will Toe eniarged
next week by the addition of a new
kitchen The old kitchen will be add
ed to the dming room and new tables
placed therein This will make The
Donoher one of the most commodious
and complete hotels in the northwest
Henry Query will open a cigar fac
tory in Valentine as soon as be can
obtain his license Application for
same was made last week He has
moved to town from the southwest
part of the county and with his family
is living in the Paul house on Ma
comb street
The Journal printed wedding invita
tions this week to the marriage of
Thos Black Bear and Emma Bull
Bonnet the ceremony to occur at 8 p
m Priday 31st at St Julius church
Porcupine S D The groom is a
teacher in Day School Ko 14 Both
are full blooded Sioux Indians educa
ted and intelligent Gordon Journal
A team belonging to Ludwig Buck
ran away Tuesday evening and smash
ed his wagon into kindling wood
almost The horses started from the
rear of Jackson Braytons store ran
across a- vacant lot tore down a wire
fence then went south on Cherry
street When the rig was found the
rear wheels were in the box of the
Rattlesnake Jack audhis outfit of
snakes birds skunks etc arrived in
town Saturday and played to very
poor business that night Monday he
and bis partners bad some -kind
of a row and the show bid fair to bust
up but finally some sort of a com
promise was made and all is serene
-once more The company is stm in
town but will leave in a few days
J W Yeast has sold the building
now occupied by him as a hardware
store to W A Pettycrew who will
occupy the same with his stock of
groceries and confectionery The con
tract stipulates that the former owner
shall vacate by January 1st but Mr
Yeast will probably have his new
building completed before that and he
will givfi poession a3 soon a3 pos
sible -
LeTiOY Leach Editor
State Superintendent Corbett passed
through Woodlake Monday morning
on his wav to attend the teachers in
stitute at Valentine
Our citizens are liberally responding
to a request for aid for the family of
Joseph Miller whose home on the Dun
bar ranch was recently totally destroy
ed by lightning
The phonograph marl visited our
city last Priday and his talking ma-
chine proved as it always does a
great attraction for the numerous and
terrible small boy
The A O TJ W supper held at the
hall Saturday evening was well attend
ed despite the threatening storm and
those present report an enjoyable time
Woodlakes festivities are always up
to date and if a visitor ever leaves one
of our entertainments dissatisfied he is
a man who cant be pleased
Mr and Mrs C M Bailey Mrs
Lewis and daughter and son Mrs Wit-
lis Barnard Mr and Mrs Chandler
Mr and Mrs G A Johnson all of
Woodlake helped to swell the crowd
at the Longpine Chautauqua last week
and those who remained seemed to be
enjoying themselves to the utmost
During the thunder
ing officer
storm on the
evening of July 25th Karl Lutz and
two sons who reside a few miles west
of this place being out after hay
were struck by lightning which in
stantly Killed the younger son Otto
and severely shocked the other men
The young man was buried in Wood
lake cemetery Monday
In response to an invitation extend
ed us by Editor Berkley of the Ains
worth Star Journal we went down to
Longpine Saturday and remained un
til Monday morning We will heree
mark that we think Mr Berkley and
our other friends of Ainsworth and
Longpine very able entertainers they
certainly treated us very nicely We
suppose it is but proper to give an ac
count of our Chautauqua experiences
for the benefit of the uninitiated pil
grim who is secretly planning to some
day visit the vale of the Longpine
There were some very nice people
on the grounds among whom we ob
served our oldtirne friends the tired
looking German the inquisitive cross
eyed man and the old maid with the
cork screw ringlets we were glad to
see them
Boihg of a naturalistic botanistic
scientific and philosophical turn of
mind and possessed of a longing to
thoroughly ferret out the intricate
mysteries surrounding the study of
bugology we strolled fifty seven miles
for the purpose of finding seven bugs
which we didnt pick up We how
ever picked three boquets seven sand
cherries eight choke cherries and four
sand burrs out of our heel after Which
we had dinner
After dinner imagining that we
were near the north pole and needed
exercise to warm our blood we seized
a bicycle and started forth at break
neck speed regardless of the numer
ous rising generation the tailormade
man with his hand-me-down girl
nineteen dear little pugs four dear
big Newfoundland dogs the tall learn
ed looking gentlemen in specs who
couldnt see us coming and in spite of
all these things we had a fair ride
We then enjoyed the life of Christ in
art for two hours
About eleven p m we boarded the
westbound passenger for Ainsworth
knowing that we had had a good time
andknowing that we had Chautau
quised the Chautauqua and now had
a sunburned nose very pleasant
memories and a tired feeling
Crand Army Benefit
The G A R benefit entertainment
at Cornell Hall last Saturday night
was quite well patronised and the pro
gram was given in full Perhaps the
best number was the tableau a group
statue representing the army and the
navy C H Trotter posing for the
former and It S Dennis for the latter
branch of Uncle Sams service The
Patriots Drill which was first present
ed last Decoration Day was repeated
and -was cordially received The Gun
Drill was well executed and Miss
Edna IDwyer made a good command-
The negro farce Uncle
Jeff by six young men two of whom
represented women provoked consid
erable laughter The mako ap of the
boys was good but some of them were
afflicted with stage fright The -old
soldiers realized a neat sum frora the
S3 -
rmarr ffferrt
The new additionto the hospital is
rapidly approaching completion
BanoTconcerts every evening weath
er permitting excepting Saturday and
Judging from chapters one and iwo
the storv The Prestbn Mystery is
without doubt quite a mysterious my- j
stery Did you read it 1
Xext month will usher in drills par 1
ades practice marches and other dut
ies too numerous to mention now that
the target season is over
A game of ball was played Sunday
afternoon between E Co and a picked
nine from the other companies result
ing in a loss for the- E- Co team
Score 17 to 0
The ball team is arranging to play a
series of three games with the team
from Port Meade S Dy commencing
about August 8 A red hot contest is
looked for
Mrs Connolly daughter of Principal
Musician WenlocK 13th Infantry
Band and wire of Principal Musician
Connolly J Oth Infantry Baud Fort
Reno Indian Territory is a visitor at
the Fort
Musician Shatts Co E and Private
Hutt Co G engaged in a little dispute
as to their fleetness of foot and the re
sult was a 100 yard dash for 2500 a
side which was run on the race track
Shatts won the race Time 10 4 5
Flickinger Co B says he can beat
Shatts m a 100 yard dash Wonder
who told him he was a foot racer If
Flickinger doesnt look out and keep
away from a certain Valentine lassie
he may have to do a little sprinting in
A L Champion wholesale produce
merchant and Mr Led with of Lincoln
were visitors at the Fort last Satuday
remaining with us until Sunday when
they started on their return trip to
Lincoln These gentlemen traveled
from Lincoln by wagon for the pur
pose of enjoying an outing They
stopped several days at Pelican Hack
berry and Dewey Lakes and of course
had the usual fish stories to tell the
boys here
Kli Irecincti
I B Nichols went to Cody last
week to do a job oi plastering
Haying has commenced Henry
Heckle was the first to begin in this
Alex Morse was in Cliadtdn last
week Some of the boys say Alex
brought jugful of gold standard
home with him
Mrs Angie Ford uf Chicago who
is spending the summer with her
parents at Obdy was down on the
river One day last wees
News items are as scarce as republi
cans in this precinct If somebody
dont get married or do something else
desperate soon we will have to resign
Stewart Edgar better known here
as Dutch who has been in the east
tern part of the state the last three
years spent last week with his sister
Mrs Jennie Goodrich He is on his
way to Montana
Weatliei Report
Following is a summary of the
weather experienced here during the
past week and up to 10 oclock this
Thursday GQ 51 140
Friday 73 54 02
Saturday 89 58
Sunday 88 06
Monday 81 50 trace
Tuesday 92 65
Wednesday 87 01
Thursday -- 84 57
Precipitation is given in inches and
hundredths Observations by C R
Watson of tL S weather bureau The
weather bureau day is from 6 p m to
0 p m
Jftfrthtlnv larty
Dean Glover was eleven years old
Tuesday the 28th and he celebrated
the event by giving a party to his
friends The fun commenced at 4
oclock in the afternoon and lasted un
til 730 and everybody had a royal
good time Sixteen invited guests
were present as follows Mabel Pike
Lottie F ike Edith and Ethel Crabb
Anna Stetter Louie Stetter Louie
Hoenig Joe Peterson Geo Hunter
Frank Fischer Jay Morey Claude
Quigley Allie Cyphers Willie Mc
Donald Willie Haley Hugh Thorn
Saturday July 25 the HtUe child of
TV TV Daniels died of some infantile
complaint- and was buried Sunday
The funeral was held from the Pres
byterian euaroh services being con
ducted Bev Ilolsclav
JT S ffftAAJ
ill l J til iiiulAi A1 -1 ffla B
Drags should be chosen with carel
and should always he treated right if
you wish to obtain good from them
You can get the right kind at
Valentine Nebraska
M E DQNQMEIl Proprietor
JJanscerons but Amusing
While on their waj to Rosebud Sun
day J TV Spirk and Adolph Heller
had an exciting runaway which might
have been much more serious than it
fortunately was When abont four
miles out of town the team became
frightened and started to run imally
colliding with a telephone pole tearing
it to the ground In the melee which
followed Messrs Spirk and Heller were
dumped out of the buggy the latter
making a flying leap through the air
apparently with the intention of riding
one of the horses but missing the
equine he seemed to think a mud pud
dle was the next best place to light so
he steered for that and struck the pud
dle in the center While Mr Heller
was performing this interesting acro
batic feat Mr Spirk was trying to do
the mysteries disnppearance act by
getting himself tangled up in the
buggy top but finally bobbed up
serenely at the side of the roart y
this time the team had turned around
and started for town but were cap
tured by a iarmer before they had
gone very far The rig was not much
damaged and after a little amateur
repairing had been done to it the two
pilgrims started for Rosebud again A
weak neckyoke caused all the trouble
by allowing the buggy pole to drop to
the ground
liate Political Xews
Watson says he will not withdraw in
favor of Sewall for vice president- and
the bosses are trying to arrange a divi
sion of electors so that a fair vote on
the two men may be had without in
juring Bryan
A hot fight seems probable- in the
populist convention Saturday over the
endorsement of Dryan
iSTobody seems to know or have
much of an idea regarding who will be
nominated by the populists for com
missioner but the present incumbent
Milt Dunham is strongly talked of
Prom present indications D II Thurs
ton will capture the count attorney
J Sterling Morton is mentioned for
president on the gold standard demo
cratic Sicket
Indiana populists- have nominated
Thomas Wadsworth for governor
The prohibition candidate for presi
dent Joshua Levering has been offici
ally notified of his nomination
Governor Ilolcomb figures that
Bryan will carry Nebraska by 20000
The Rocky Mountain Xews prints a
cartoon of Bryan on horseback and
calls it Paul Revere rousing- the coun
Cry to action
Chairman Smyth has called a meet
ing of tho democratic state central
committee for August when the
date of thustate convention will Le
Has been rebuilt and rooms furnished with
Making it the most complete and comfortable
Valentine Nebraska
The Peoples Independent electors
of Valentine precinct are requested to
meet at Judge Walcotts office Friday
evening at S oclock for the purpose
of electing delegates to the county
convention and also for the purpose of
electing a precinct committeman
G P Gn abb Co Com
onnty Commissioner
ValextJxk Nebr July 22 18SC
Board met pursuant to adjournment Mem
bers uresent M Dunham Chairman P Sulli
van and Max E Viertel
On motion the board proceeded to the ofllce of
the county treasurer and engaged in the busi
ness of checkiim up his accounts in which busi
ness they continued until evening and adjourned
unSil July 23 3S
July 23 1890
Board met pursuai to adjournment member
all preent
On motion J T Howiy vas appointed roCd
overseer for district JSo 19 and A D Galloir
road overseer tor district Nt 14
On nioiiou the following overseer bonds were
approved John B Lord district Xo Lely
Leach district No 31 J T Galloway districc
No 19 A J Gallop district No 14
On motion the following- claims were allowed
on the bridge fund and warrants ordered drawn
for same
31 Dunham viewing Slayton bridge 2 00
J Cunningham repair 14 17
I S Ludwig bldg bridge on Minnechaduzo S4 w
On motion the clerk was ordered to draw war-
rants on County General Fund in payment of
amounts erroneously withheld for taxes at the
June meeting Martin Iteimers S1528 Ernest
Boudeu S3J3
On motion the resignation of John S Newel
as Justice of the Peace in Boiling Springs pre
cinct was accepted
On motion the request of the F E M V R
to be allowed to work last years roid tax for
district No V5 over which there has been sonic
misunderstanding this year was granted and
Cleik directed to notify overseer of District 21 to
have said tax worked out on Itosebnd Hill north
of Valentine On motion the treasurer was di
rected to issue distress warrants for the collec
tion of delinquent personal taxes against the
following persons
John llimers Holt Co Neb Stephen
DwoialFairbury EA Wells York C T
DworakNeligh T E Margrave Gordon Wv
w Carter SargentsIJlutfs Iowa WS Flan
ders Sargents Uluffs M U Paine Puine
Remington Fire Arms Cd
On motion the semi annual reports of fees col
lected by county clerk county Jilege and sheriff
were appro ed Whereupon flie Hoard adjourn
ed to July 2 Hit 1SJ
-July 24th 189S
Uoard met pursuant ta adjournment Mem
bers all present
Finished checking up County Treasurer It
ha ing bepn reported that the embankment at
the Jack Darr bridge was being Washed away
owinjr to change of river current caused by ob
struction m the river the board visited the same
and upon their return directed the clerk to have
the obstructions temoed at once
There beiug no further bttaiuess the board
adjodrned sine die
Attest GEO ELLIOTT Clerk
The two prisoners Whitehead and
Busch who have been Confined in thff
county jail here for several months-
escaped Tuesday night They were
evidently assisted by some one front
the outside as they sawed the bolt o
the big iron door and the outside dootf
was thrown open to them1 Sheriff E5
sex does not consider their crimes
grave enough to justify hitti in offering
a reward as they will both show -up
again somewhere around Eushviile
Whitehead had been botftfd over ta tlik
district court for stealing wheat an
Btiaeh was awaitng trfalforjBtealitig a
harseIhisJiDfth ReCdrd
Far from the land of Ms nativity tire laud he
lo rd so well beneath a straiUe ana
imong strange peoule the betitled thread of a
Feat horfeued by the
deadly ferer of a foreign ehnev A divine provi
dence has sundered the links lnat bound our be
loved Grand Master Har Hotchkiss to this
earthly lodge and called mnf to dwelt forever in
lie Supreme Lodge oi higflr Therefore
He it resolved by Valentine Lodge- No 0-
r O O F That we fully appreciate the A
work he has done for our order-
wTKincaid Committee
A Ii tjanuusox
Wanted -To rent a dwelling
louse Call al this