A THIRD PARTY MEETS PROCEEDINGS OF THE POPULIST NATIONAL CONVENTION Senator Butler la Chosen Temporary Chairman Got Stone Delivers Wel coming Address Delegates Manifest Enthusiasm in Spite of the Heat Opening Session The national convention of the Peo ples party was called to order in St Louis shortly after noon Wednesday by Chairman Taubeneck of the national com inittee The hall in -which the Populists met was the same in which the national convention was held last month There were the same arrangements as to seats The State delegations were in the pit each marked by a guidon The galleries reared themselves above the pit on all sides The platform in front was flanked by the press benches The -decorations were not elaborate and were practically the same as those of the Re publican convention The delegates be gan to come in before 10 oclock but the spectators were slow in arriving Among the first to arrive were the Kan sas delegation with long yellow ribbons -on their breasts and many of them with reunflowers in their lapels Ignatius Don nelly of Minnesota short and round with ills small blue eyes a twinkle and his good matured face beaming came in early and -talked awhile with Sergeant-at-Arms Mc- Dowell who stood on the platform sil Vrrer baton in band surveying the final PEKMAXEXT CHAIRMAN AIXEX rangements Congressman Howard of Alabama who wrote If Christ Came to Congress was a striking figure in his delegation He is tall powerfully built with a swarthy complexion and long -straight black hair that gives him almost the appearance of an Indian Buffalo Jones of Oklahoma sat with his delega tion stolidly reading a newspaper Here and there was a dark face There was one colored delegate each from Colorado and Georgia ien Coxey of the famous commonweal army and his son-in-law -Carl Browne came in together As the air in the hall grew oppressive the delegates did not hesitate to shed their coats There were several woman dele gates on the floor among them Mrs J O -A Bush of Prescott Ariz Mrs Jennie B Atherhold and Mrs lies of Colorado Senator Allen received the first person al ovation The Texas delegation grew demonstrative A woman posed with a middle-of-the-road streamer pinned to her gown and they cheered wildly She waved her handkerchief frantically in and the enthusiastic Texans crowded about to shake her hand She proved to be a Mrs Jones of Chicago The day for the opening of the two na tional conventions broke clear and bright in striking contrast to the dark and drip ping skies which stretched a shadow over the preliminary days of the conventions The Populist crowds were abroad early The crowds in the corridors of the hotels where the delegates headquarters were Jocated were dense and noisy but there was a striking absence of the brass bauds which at the conventions of the old par ties jarred the air with their clash and -clamor Before 10 oclock the crowds and dele gates began moving in steady streams toward the convention hall Bryan and the middle-of-the-road factions were both girded for the fray and both claim ed the victory The first test of strength was eagerly looked forward to Welcomed by Governor Stone It was just 1237 when Chairman Tau beneck called the delegates to order Rev R Hill Smith invoked the divine blessing after which Gov Stone was introduced who as the chief executive of Missouri and not as a member of the Democratic national committee made an address wel coming the Peoples party to St Louis Gov Stone only hinted at the past differ ences of opinion between the Democrats SSUk L y ill Si iWrT2fia8i HEEMAX E TAUBEXECK and Populists and hoped that in the future they would unite for the welfare of the country This allusion to a Bryan indorsement set the Nebraskans friends on the floor to cheering Ignatius Donnelly replied to the Gov ernors address in behalf of the conven tion Mr Donnelly made a middle-of-the-road speech in which he mentioned the names of Lincoln Jackson Washing ton and Jefferson thereby arousing en thusiasm He paid an earnest tribute to the Peoples party and in brief detailed its doctrines which he claimed seek to array the people against those who would seek to deprive them of their rights ilary Ellen Lease came into the hall as Mr Donnelly finished his address and was greeted with cheers She was to a seat on the platform Smri y -X V H I S S THURSDAY At 1012 the convention was called to order and at 1242 took a recess till 3 oclock Shortly before 10 oclock MDOWELL ators Stewart of Nevada and Kyle of North Dakota joined Senator Allen and Gen Field of Virginia on the platform The tall form of Cyclone Davis of Texas could be seen on the floor tower ing above the delegates Stump Ash by of the South State held forth from a rostrum composed of a chair At 1005 Senator Butler the handsome temporary chairman appeared on the platform Sim ultaneously the band struck up Dixie and the delegates uncorked some of their pent up enthusiasm Five minutes later Chairman Butler called the convention to order and the Rev Mr Smith offered the invocation The report of the committee on creden tials was called for but no one responded and the States were called for members of the committees on permanent organ ization and resolutions There were at times long delays and the delegates grew perceptibly impatient The were extremely sus picious They intimated that it was part of the plot to defeat them A Dramatic Outburst After the announcement of the commit tee on permanent organization the mem bers retired While other announcements were being made a middle-of-the-road man attempted a demonstration It was dramatically arranged A squad of suddenly plunged into the hall through the main entrance and came whooping down the center aisle Delegate Branch bore aloft a big white banner with the inscription Middle-of-the road a straight ticket The Texas Georgia Maine Missouri and Mississippi delegations mounted their chairs and yell ed At the same time a middle-of-the-road delegate stationed in the gallery over the platform hurled out through the air about a peck of small green tickets which broke and fell like a cloud of stage snow over the pit The green tickets contained the following financial plank We demand a national treasury note issued by the general government receiv able for all public dues and a full legal tender in payment of all debts public and private and loaned direct to the people through postal and other governmental banks at cost for the benefit of the peo ple and the purchase and coinage of such amount of gold and silver bullion at the ratio of 1G to 1 as may be necessary to pay the debts of the Government which i l HI i J J THE NATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE PEOPLES PARTY IN SESSION Chairman Taubeneck announced that the national committee had named Sena tor Marion Butler of North Carolina by acclamation for temporary chairman The fight which was expected on Butlers se lection did not materialize Somebody on the platform proposed three cheers for the new chairman and they were given with a will Senator Butlers speech was long and his voice was not capable of penetrating the vastness of the auditorium The del egates wanted to hear what he said how ever and regardless of the protests of the sergeant-at-arms and his assistants ran into the aisles and crowded around the platform The Senator closed with an ardent appeal to the convention to stand together no matter what might be the result of its deliberations The only routine business transacted by the convention was the formation of the usual committee after which an adjourn ment was taken until S oclock A sort of free-for-all meeting was held after the convention proper had adjourned at which many men prominent in the party voiced their views The meeting lasted for nearly three hours No Nijrht Session The attempt of the convention to hold a night session was a failure Through somebodys omission no provision was ma le for lighting the hall and when the delegates and spectators assembled there the interior of the big auditorium was dark The telegraph companies sent for a supply of tallow candles with which they lighted the tables of their operators They also furnished candles to the news paper correspondents and the flickering lights burning in the two press sections were the only illuminations in the hall They served to throw fantastic shadows across the floor where the delegates were assembled but were not strong enough to enable the convention to proceed with business Chairman Butler arrived long after S oclock and announced that as no arrangement couldgat that late hour be made for light the convention would ad journ until 10 oclock Thursday morning are made payable in coin We demand that the lume of money shall speedily increase to an amount necessary to trans act the business of the country on a cash basis There was a ripple of applause and a few shouts when the name of Jacob S Coxey was announced as a member of the committee on platform from Ohio TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN BUTLER There were also demonstrations for Gov Holcomb of Nebraska Gen Weaver of Iowa and ex Gov Lewelling of Kansas when their names were shouted out Afternoon Session It was half an hour after -the chairman had called the convention to order for the afternoon session when the committee on credentials reported When the matter of contests had been settled New York called for the report of the committee on permanent organization Some of the delegates wanted to adjourn until S oclock but the anti Bryan people ob jected Senator W V Allen of Nebraska was named for permanent chairman by the majority of the committee on permanent organization This was a straight out-and-out Bryan recommendation and the Bryan delegates stood on chairs and wav ed hats and handkerchiefs Then the mi nority report was made It recommended James E Campion of Maine as the per manent chairman With a whoop and a yell Texas 103 delegates jumped up and Georgia followed and soon the middle-of-the-road and anti Bryan demonstra tion was in full blast Un motion the previous question on the adoption of the majority report was ordered The call of States began in the midst of great con fusion Before it was finished darkness set in and after losing a quarter of an hour the electric lights were turned on and the roll call proceeded Many of the States had their votes challenged and each side watched the other closely The vote as announced was 758 for Al len and 534 for Campion indicating a majority for Bryan Instantly the con vention became a mob of howling shriek ing yelling cheering men The sponta neous outburst of Bryan enthusiasm put the previous anti Bryan demonstration in the shade Colorado pulled its standard out of the socket and started the march around State after State fell into line until twenty five States were in the procession The excitement grew wilder and wilder every minute men pulled off their coats and waved them frantically Hats were thrown to the rafters and men tramped down the aisles with other men on their shoulders The procession paraded all over the floor and at last surrounded the Texas delegation whose members sat si lent looking out of sullen eyes The middle-of-the-road men were game however for one of them carried a banner to the front and Texas Arkan sas Tennessee and Ohio sent their stand ards to re enforce it The excitement reached its height at this point and sev eral personal encounters took place At last after a quarter of an hour of almost riotous enthusiasm the delegates calmed down and Senator Allen was brought to the platform When Senator Allen ap peared the Bryan men gave him three hearty cheers He was introduced by Cyclone Davis and addressed the con vention in a speech of considerable length It was nearly 10 oclock when the Sen ator concluded and shortly after the con vention adjourned until the following morning THE SILVER PARTY White Metal Men Hold a Convention of Their Own in St Louis The delegates to the national silver convention in St Louis were slow in as sembling at the Grand Music Hall Wed nesday and there were not enough visit ors to fill the galleries when J J Mott chairman of the national committee call ed the convention to order He too was tardy and it was long after 12 oclock when he stepped to the platform and rap ped for order It was not surprising that Ue delegates the visitors and the chair man should have been slow in coming to gether The weather was intensely hot It was of that variety of heat that one finds in the steam room at a Turkish bath The hall had been attractively draped with flags and bunting but the atmos phere was so close and hot that it was al most suffocating When Chairman Mott came forward to call the convention to or der the delegates for the moment ceased the use of fans and roused from the torpor caused by the awful heat and indulged in enthusiastic cheering Prayer was offer ed after which Miss Lillie B Pierce of St Louis read the declaration of inde pendence This caused another outburst of applause When the call for tae convention had been read Congressman Francis G New lands of Nevada was introduced by Chairman Mott as temporary chairman of the convention and the delegates gave him a vigorous reception In his speech he urged the silverites to support the nom inee of the Democratic party The Democratic party Mr Newlands said has declared for the free and un limited coinage of silver at a ratio of 15 to 1 without waiting for international action Whilst it has made other declara tions in its platform it has announced that the silver question is the paramount issue of the day and that to it all other questions are to be subordinated It has nominated a candidate of unimpeach able character of exalted ability of in flexible integrity of high purpose who has never faltered for a moment in his devotion to the cause of bimetallism Firm but not headstrong confident but not self sufficient near to the people but not demagogic determined for reform yet without a single incendiary speech or passionate utterance to mar his record possessing a happy combination of the oratorical and logical qualities young courageous and enthusiastic yet delib erate and wise he stands as the ideal can didate for a movement which though termed a movement for reform really means a return to the wise conservatism of our fathers Wm P St John of New Yort was chosen for permanent chairman and when escorted to the platform addressed PERMAXEXT CHAIRMAX W P ST JOHX the convention What he said was quite in accord with the sentiments of the as semblage and he got several salvos of ap plause The platform declares in favor of a dis tinctly American financial system op poses the single gold standard and de mands the immediate return to the consti tutional standard of gold and silver by the restoration by this Government inde pendently of any foreign power of the unrestricted coinage of both gold and sil ver into standard money at the ratio of 1G tol and upon terms of exact equality as they existed prior to 1S73 the silver coin to be a full legal tender equally with gold for all debts and dues public and private and we favor such legislation as will prevent for the future the demone tization of auy kind of legal tender money by private contract It holds that the power to control and regulate a paper currency is inseparable from the power to coin money and hence that all -currency intended to circulate as money should be issued and its volume controlled by the general government only and should be a legal tender The declaration unalterably opposes the issue by the Unit ed States of interest bearing bonds in time of peace and appeals to the people of the MISS TLILLIE B PIERCE United States to leave in abeyance for the moment all other questions and unite in one supreme effort to free themselves and their children from the domination of the money power Report comes from Pike County Ky that in a fight between a party of revenue men under command of Kid Greer of Floyd County and moonshiners on Elk horn creek three of the raiding parcy and two of the shiners were shot though how badly is not known SENATOR BUTLERS SPEECH Stirrins Address 3Iadc at the Popnlist Convention in bt Louis Senator Marion Butler of North Caro lina on being introduced as temporary chairman of the Peoples party conven tion in St Louis spoke in part as fol lows Two political parties have held national conventions this year Both have had their say made their promises and put forward their leaders Another political party young but a growing giant of strength applause has assembled to apeak to the American peo ple at this Important and critical hour Wo are here because there Is need for us to be nere The two parties that have already spoken have between them had charge of 2e machinery of a great representative gov rnmenf In which kind of government there re the greatest possibilities for good and or evil the kind of government where the prosperity of the people or their misery can be affected to the greatest degree The two parties have between them had charge of your government for over twenty five years and during that time a great and prosperous people a people laboring to carry out the Injunction to make two blades of grass grow where one grew before have performed their iuty In the eyes of God and man and have made this country blossom like a rose as far as creating wealth was concerned yet dur ing this time of unexampled creation of wealth of unexampled Industry and econ omy on the part of the people these two parties have succeeded In bringing this great uutlon to the verge of ruin Did they know better or didnt they know better Were they honestly mistaken or did they do it on purpose In either event their leadership Is a discredit to the existence of the party and the necessity of this organiza tion Is proven Every candidate put before the American people since the war by both of these parties has been a man whose nomina tion and election has carried joy to the hearts of the aggregate capital and combined creed The yhave selected the men who nave stood in touch with and been the allied agents of the elements of powers that have brought this country to the verge of bank ruptcy and those powers which have de stroyed every republic In the past and will destroy this one unless checked These two great parties under false leader ship have succeeded In keeping from the people the grentest Issue In American poll tics They have managed to array the great masses of the American voters with frenzied zeal on two sides of a great national cam paign when the Issue was a sham put up for the purpose of dividing the people It made no difference which side won the people lost Wall street In the United States and Lombard street In England won While these things were going on the great Ameri can heart was wrapped In prejudice of party It was not until they had awakened from this condition and aroused themselves that they began to think upon these questions Then It was that the great middle classes began to put their heads together for the common good and when that small cloud ap peared upon the horizon the hearts of the people of the country went forth and the light of this great doctrine spread through nit the land The minute that all bitterness was laid aside and the great heart of the people beat as one that very minute tho American people began to move for them selves Then it was that the people of the South and West who had been trodden Into the dust and loaded with great burdens knew that their Interests were the same as the people of the North and East That very moment they placed themselves upon the same platform of principles founded by Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln In 1S02 we went down to defeat but our prin ciples grew and flourished they could not be trampled down They were eternal they were right and from that hour to this they have continued to grow throughout this broad land A few weeks ago the great national Repub lican party met In this city The politicians wanted to straddle the great Issue again that was before the people but the Peoples party had exposed the straddling treachery The logic of events caused them to express them selves clearly upon the question of the day and consequently they went over bag and baggage to the great money kings of Wall street and of Europe A few weeks after that the great national Democratic party met in Chicago and was forced there to take a position for It could not evade the Issue longer the delegates were frightened they were so alarmed and some of them no doubt so conscience stricken that they for mally decided to deliberately commit petty and grand larceny by stealing the Peoples party platform almost entire They almost tried to steal Into our party I am reminded of the old fellow who had his Bible stolen He said Faith and I hope It will cure the disease My friends I hope It will cure the disease My only surprise is tnat wnen tney were stealing they did not steal all the plat form If they had been frightened a little worse I think they would The Peoples party came Into existence tc perform a great mJsson There was a neces sity for It and It Is going to stay here as long as there is any necessity for It Aa long as the American people need an or ganization that Is true and one that will stand by them under all circumstances and and give them the rights to which they are entitled this party will continue to exist We have done a good deal No young party has ever accomplished so much In the same length of time as we have done We have endured the bitterness of denunciation and the abuse and malignity of party feellnjr Right here comes upon us the greatest re sponsibility that has ever rested upon any party We have raised an Issue so universal so great so Important that we have split both of the old parties In two Now we have either to save that issue or to renounce what we have gained and lay It down in de feat No greater responsibility ever rested upon any convention Shall It ever be said In the future that this great band of patriots who have had the nerve and the courage to leave the parties of a lifetime this great band of patriots who have broken every tie that bound us and our fathers and our grandfathers In political or ganization shall it be said that we who have forced this issue to the front that we at this trying and critical hour shall our selves be controlled more by party prejudices than by patriotism The only way you and I have to build up this party Is by appealing to the best element of the old parties and appealing to their patriotism by telling them that this Issue Is greater than party That is the only way we have ever taken a single man out of the old parties who was worth having and It Is the only way we shall ever take any man out of them in the future who is worth having In this solemn hour let us drop the bitter feelings that may have been engendered since we came here Let ns stop believing that In one small head all of wisdom and patriotism Is contained My friends I have enough faith in the faces before me and enough faith In the God above me to believe that this convention will not turn Itself into a Democratic annex I have got too much faith In its patriotism and in Its sense to believe that it will turn Itself into a Republican annex There Is your danger There stands one danger and here stands another and one is as big as the other It has been a part of my experience that whenever you see some good men going to one extreme and other good men to the other extreme the path of truth lies between them What is our duty It Is to indorse and approve what is right and condomn what Is wrong Any other course is not true Popu lism The mission of the Peoples party has been to strike down what is wrong and to hold up what Is right and we have appealed to patriotism to rise above party to do this and our appeal has brought forth 2000000 of patriots and there are 2000000 more patri ots coming sweeping Into our camp Tho doctrine I am now preaching is the doctrine we built the party on and I tell vou to day If you waver from your position of consistency from this high patriotic position your party is built on you be no better than the old parties that you rose up to destroy I believe that this convention is going to do what Is wisest We split both of the old par ties and we split them on principle We can not split because we all stand for the same principles And of course a party that has raised up a great principle and split two old parties Is not going to be foolish enough to allow itself to split on method and detail We will stand together and we will go home from here a united band of brothers We will strip our coats for the fray and see the minions of organized capital and gold monop oly stricken down in this country We -will do more than that We will show you that this young giant the Peoples party comes out of that campaign stronger than It went into It Remember that you are Peoples party men that you have accomplished more 3n four years than the old parties have ac complished in a hundred Reoember that If we do our duty at this hour the time Is not far distant when we will he the majority party In America TRUMPET CALLS Barns Horn Sounds a Warnlug Note to the Unredeemed 4 sin suffer ed to remain ia the heart raises Urin i family The Lord gains nothing whea trood men w Innc fnpos V V A s v Adam named animals he bad a language The love of the beautiful is a gift that comes from God In one way the egg of a wren Is bigger than a turkey cock When the mother of Abraham Lin coln took her babe to her breast she lifted a race The Bible is the most attractive book In the world when we know how to tell what is in it Men are alike in nature but different In character They are one family but many children To make home a dismal place on Sun day is to invite the devil to come and get the children The man who has no use for the gold en rule in a horse trade had better be watched everywhere One shot in the wing means a wound ed bird no matter how fast It may be flying when it is hit Love is the greatest thing in the world and yet nine people out of every ten are after money The man who can say The Lord la my strength will always be able to easily carry his burden The acorn that makes the forest la bigger than the forest but we fail to realize it as we pick it up from under our feet Some parents fail in leading their children to Christ because the subject of religion is never mentioned in the home except at prayers Jesus never preached any higher about anything that he lived He em phasized every sermon by showing what it meant in his own life A star is added to the soul winners crown when an old man is saved but when a child is put into the arms of Christ it may mean a whole Milky Way THE TRUE HERO Brave in Presence of Dancer but Careful of Human Lfe Mr Archibald Forbes in his biogra phy of Lord Clyde better known as Sir Colin Campbell the hero of the Sikh wars draws unconsciously a sharp contrast between physical and moral courage Sir Colin was the son of a carpenter in Glasgow named Mac liver His mothers brother Colonel Campbell took the boy at fifteen to the Duke of York and asked for a com mission for him The duke assented and remarking Another of the clan I suppose wrote his name down as Colin Campbell When they were in the street again Colin anxiously said He did not get my name Macliver Bide a Campbell said his uncle gruffly Itll pay better among fight ing men And Colin Campbell he remained while he lived The lads strongest wish was to prove that he had courage enough to do honor to his Campbell blood and adopted name His first battle was at Vimiera when he was sixteen His battalion halted under a fierce fire of artillery but his company was protected being in the rear of the column His captain at the lads desire took him out to the head of the battalion and walked with him through the rain of bullets for several minutes It killed the coward in him When he was an old man he told the in cident saying I have been grateful to that man all of my life At a subsequent assault he was se verely woundedin both legs and sent to the hospital but finding that a battle was imminent he deserted from the hospital and limped back to his com pany taking command without leave His courage was so marked in the fight which followed that he was promoted while he was severely reprimanded for his disobedience But Sir Colin grown old and wiser and at the head of the English forces in the Punjab was curiously tender of human life He begrudged every man that fell in a battle and planned so resolutely to save them that he was dubbed Old Kubberdar Old Take Care by his officers He was urged by the Punjab govern ment to invade the Swat territory where the number of the swarming en emy would have brought annihiliation on his troops With reinforcements yes was his reply They were refused Then I will not go calmly replied the old soldier Lord Dalhousie branded him as a coward but the stern veteran persisted in his refusal resigned and returned to England to receive the rewards and honors of a grateful country The lad marching aimlessly into fire had physical courage but the old man returning in disgrace rather than sacri fice his troops to no purpose possessed moral bravery and was the true hero The Shahs Jewel Quart Measure The jeweled quart measure owned by the late Shah of Persia was sold in London a few days ago for 2 The Shah used to measure his diamonds and pearls in it It is called in Persia the dek tzaninek and was in the royal family for ninety years The Shahs grandfather had another one but lost it overboard together witU quart of rubies and emeralds m f