The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 30, 1896, Image 1

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Tenclier sSicial Julyso
Populist Gdunty Conveiitteu August 1st
Harvest is about with
ShoesfcSe at T C Kornbys
1 Ifyou want to buy tame pigeons
xall at tills oflice
J Iowileaesotne it will be when tho
teachers go home
J Stetter wecsfc to Omaha on
business iib week
The institute enrcment this year is
iiargerthasi ever before
W M Francke has returned from
his visit t JJes Aloises
450 a month buys a
chine at T C Hornbys
Sewing ma
Old papers fqr sale at this oflice
Two bundtes for live oeuts
iL H Layport sold his pet monkey
jeanie to Rattlesnake Jack
Eirery teacher in tlie county vvill
read The Democrat this week
Wasted Good girl for general
Jiousesvork Enquire at postoffice
4 T Scomber returne4 tQ his home
near Wooujake yesterday morning
Chas Little of Jjakecreek S I
registered at the City Hotel Tuesday
Lost July 4th black cape trimmed
-with braid Finder leave at this oflice
Uya Seamstress Sewing MacUiaeJ
of f C IToruby oh the installment
plan 23-
Miss Lillian Stoner has purchased
the Prof E E Good property on Hall
The annual conference of the Methodist-church
will be held at Amsworth
Sept 9
Dutch John is completing the
Stone building on his property near
Villsons barn
Great Dane
dog Turk had an eye put out by some
Occident Saturday
Prospects are good for the erection
Of another stone v business block on
Main strSefc this fail
Charles Anderson of Neligh was in
town from Monday to Wednesday in
the interest of Gates college
Mrs F M
lard went over to St Marys Mission
on a visit Tuesday morning
- Mrs Vivian Lawrie and Miss Celia
Vaughn went to Wood Lake Tuesday
returning yesterday evening
J H Kay has sold thirty tons of ice
fo the government and same is being
liauled to Fort Niobrara this week
Prof Alex 31 Charbonneau was
over from Kbsebud yesterday aiid
liiade this oflice a very pleasant call
Eldridge Messenger of Cedar Creek
was in town Tuesday and left for a
visit among frVeilds in Iowa Wednes
C II Glover went to Longpine Mon
day afternodn to attend a meeting of
the officers of the Longpine Chautau
Mrs J CPettijohn visited with her
sister Mrs Weymouth at Longpine
and attended Chautauqua the past
Geo TI Reinert has been in town
from Osceola this week and contem
plates statting a cigar factory here
Arkahsaw Bob is in town this
itfeek Came up from the ranch with
four carloads of cattle fot the Omaha
The Gillaspie boys sold a bunch of
about due hundred two and three year
old steers to narrison Reece last week
for feeders
The Misses Edna land Millie Malory
of Valentine are staying with their
gririidpaients Mr and Mrs Beers
Hteyprinys Leader
Witter Hate and E J Davenport
V6t to Rosebud Agency and the
ljrlcVyard this morning and will be
gone ilbout three days
W E Haley has laid in -a supply of
Campaign song books democratic re
publican aud populist You pays your
inoney and you takes yourchuie
Joe Sweeney one of the properoua
yoeng cattlemen of Cheny county
was in the city Monday Ckadron
From the Isfc of February to fchs
50th of June tfcis year the canteen
and store at Fort Niobrara took in
V P Alsip -came down from the
Pine Ridge brickyard last Sunday
OToming and immediately went to
The populists failed to celebrate or
ratify last Saturday but we under
stand they will liave a blow out next
Saturday evening
Laurent Fournier an old resident
of Ainsworth died July 17th of neu
ralgia of tne heart after an illness of
only three days
A traveling man was hearl to re
mark the other day that Valentine is
tle paly town in the state showing
evidence of prosperity
Lqst Wednesday evening July 21
ladies black pocketbook containing 1
Finder may keep money if he will re
turn book to this oflice
H R Corbett state superintendent
of public instruction came up from
Longpine Monday morning and re
turned to Lincoln Tuesday morning
In Justice Dunns court last Satur
day E E Thorn obtained judgement
against Geo Lang for 3650 De
fendant will carry the case to the dis
trict court
While coming to town the first of
the week G C Thompson had a couple
of very exciting runaways but no ma
terial damage was done either to him
or his rig
The members of the Odd Fellows
lodge are wearing the memorial badge
of the order a Ted and black ribbon in
memory of the late grand master
Harry Hotohkiss
Mr and Mrs H W Dunbar came
over from llosebud Monday and start
ed for Chamberlain S D They will
be located on the GrowCreelrIndTah
reservation in the future
The foundation for the Jackson
Brayton and J W Yeast building is
nearly completed The first named
gentlemeu are talking of patting
another story on their part of the
At a meeting of the Christian En-
Walcott and deliver society Sunday evening J W
Whiilans was elected president of the
society Mr J H uigley vice presi
dent and Elmer Bristol secretary
Dr W E McConville wife child
Sind nurse arrived from Charlesville
Virginia Monday night and drove
over to llosebud Tuesday Dr Mc-
Convilleis the government physician
recently appointed for the agency
Sheriff Strong took Sammy Yusam
ah 11-year-old colored boy to the re
form school at Kearney Sunday The
little fellow was growing up without
proper parental care and he seemed
very well pleased with his new home
For Sale Complete outfit for
hotel consisting of furniture bedding
etc for ten rooms besides din
ing room and kitchen utensils Hotel
building is in good location and can be
bought or leased on reasonable terms
M S Welch- Valentine Nebr
An effort will be made to secure W
J Bryan demo -pop ocratic candidate
for President to speak at the Sheridan
bounty fair this fall As Sheridan
county is the banner county of Amer
ica for popsi Mr Bryan can iiardly re
fuse the request Gordon Journal
The Hyannis Tribune bewails the
factthattlie Chicago platform didnt
denounce the schemers who try to work
country newspapers for advertising
space giving uothing in return but
promises The newspaper man who
needs to be warned against these fakes
ought to get let down a few times
Prof C M Pinker ton leaves for
Fremont in the morning He goes
from there to bgallaia Sunday where
he is engaged as an instructor in the
countv institute After two weefcs at
that place he will go to Lead City to j
preparfe for his coming work ift tire
city schools Prof Pinkettoh has
made many warm friends w Mile here
and the best wishes bi all bf them go
with him
W11 lias Keen Done Ourinjj tf lat
Wedc Examinatisns Tomorro ar
sioeialile Tonight Reported
by Vivian JST Ijawrle
institute pursued the even tenor of
ts way during the last part sf last
week and the first of this with an at
tendance of sixty Very good work is
Jjeing done by the instructors and a
gceat leal accomplished by the teach
ers The lessons in drawing by Mrs
Pile and the talks upon child study by
Mr Pinkerton continued to be the
most interesting features as many
points are brought outju both studies
which are very instructive Friday
evening we were entertained and in
structed by Chaplain O J Nave on
The Eastern Question Satuday
we had examination in arithmetic Out
are still in a state of suspense as to
the grades received Sunday a num
ber of our teachers attended Longpine
Chautauqua and reported an enjoyable
time Monday the teachers had the
pleasure Qf listening to a very interest
ing talk given by State Supt Corbett
and in the evening he lectured at the
Presbyterian church His subject was
WatcU That Boy and it is needless
to say the lecture- coming from our
state superintandaut was appreciated
by the teachers
Tuesday evening Prof Pinkerton de-
livered a lecturo at the same place en
titled Needs of the Hour His-subject
was Nvell chosen and the- points
well brought out
The visitors are as follows
July 21 Miss Gillett Ada and Ida
Stinard Amos Strong Carrie Dillon
and Katie Noble July 25 Mr Pteinr
ert D H Thurston Mrs Craob Judge-
Waloott Iv RamseyvMrs Northrop
Airs Thorn Mrs Vincent and Mr
Sparks July 27 Mrs Holsclaw Mrs
JefCers Mrs Crabb and State Su
tendant Corbett July 28 - Prof ano
MrsI Anderson July 29 Miss Nutt
of llushville Judge Tucker Mrs Fike
Mrs Pettijohn Mrs Callen Mrsi Hoe
nig Mrs Pettycrew Mrs Northrop
Mrs Stillwell Mrs Dunn Mrs Crabb 1
Mrs- Ilalian Mrs- Glover Miss Edna
Dwyer Ada and Ida Stinard By the
number of our visitors we recognize
the intense interest manifested m edu
cational work in this city
There will be a social at Cornell Hall
Thursday evening The program for
the evening is aS follows
Music r
Oration Fred Gordon
Dialogue -
Elmer Bristol and Isis Lincoln
Original Poem Mr Doty
Recitation - Vivian N Lawrie
Talk Miss Lillian Stoner
Recitation Lottie Hubbard
Song Mattie Schrieak
Names of teachers enrolled this
Mary Farnain Sarah Ayers Mrs Ir
win Carrie Dillori Eva Gordon and
Edna McDonald
A number of teachers drove out to
Ft Niobrara on Wednesday evening
to enjoy the slerioptican views given
by Chaplain Nave
Vivian N Lawrie
fixer Seven iftiritif ed
Students attended the Lincoln Nor
mal University last year and a larger
number will attend this year Best
equipped Normal School and Business
College in the West Thirty instruc
tors A school for masses Expenses
Next term will begin August
Send for catalogue
Hill M Bell President
Normal Lincoln- Neb
Mrs Levi Sparks is the pfbud pos
sessor of a plant belonging tothe same
species as the night blooming xereus
and her home is Visited every evenirig
by curious Citizens -who come to see
the flower The plant is full of buds
three iff Which -are-now in bloom
Schtfbi teachers are generally good
grammarians but when they do lapse
from the rules of Harvey and Green it
is awful Witness this Mr is
selfisner than I kin tell
The Presbyterian Ladies Aid Soci
ety will serve ice cream and cake this
evening at the Court House All are
invited to cbhie and partake ot the
Pnbliahed for iionv Years as
FbitrthJRfeUJL Jay
Next Monday will be the fourth field
day of the year at Fort Niobrara
Snorts begin at 7 a m and twelve
events are listed by circular No 19
received at this oflice In addition to
ie regular running gnd jumping
matches something nevj to this section
will be presented a gcTrne of hand
ball between two men froni each com
pany Resides this there will lie pole
wvulting and a 100 yard awimming
race All the events promise be
hotly contested
Hint to Teachers
In one of his evening talks last
weelcProf Pinkerton said that to be
successful a teacher should keep post
ed This refers not only to national
affairs but to state county and pre
cinct happenings In our own sphere
we are as important as kings and
queens arein theirs Sometimes it is
more important that you should be
able to discuss local affairs than that
you be prepared to talk of the latest
developments in Armenia or the Sou
dan The D enocii at is the best
newspaper and is the only democratic
paper in the Northwest Its county
correspondence department is unexcel
led The subscription price is only 1
ptr year do youjseetue
Tmlinii Wnucliouftc Sews
Indians have just completed the job
of hauling 100000 ponnds of flour
from this place to Rosebud andt var
ious issue stations and are now en
gaged in transporting about 100000
of shelled corn to the same places
Some pounds of sugar and
50000 pounds of coffee are waiting to
be freighted to the Agency and the
business has just begun Of the 200
wagons sent here- for allotment to
Indians only two remain They look
lonesome standing out on thej prairie
without their fellows Receiving
Agent Carroll sports a brand new ice
water tank in his office which by the
way is one of the neatest and most
pleasant iuthe city Mr Carroll -is
talking Df putting a flag staff on the
warehouse in which event 01d Glory
will float from the top every day dur
ing business hours The land oflice
should follow suit
Siun tlic Petition
The adjourned meeting- of the
voters of school district No 1 was
held last night at Cornell Hall Very
few of those interested were present
President Walcott called the meeting
ordef and in the absence of Secretary
Pettijohn Robert Good was appointed
to record the doings of the meeting
After considerablediscussion of the
object for which the meeting was call
ed a motion wasoarrledHb the effect
that a committtee of three be appoint
ed to draw up and circulate a petition
praying the school board to call a
special meeting for the purpose of
voting on a proposition to issue bonds
to the amount of 10000 for the pur
pose of building a new schoool house
It was stipulated that the petition
should state that the school bowse
should be built of native stone or
brick and that the bonds should be
made to bear six per cent interest tor
twenty years with the option that
they could be paid in ten years
W S Darker J H Yeast and W E
Haley were appointed as suqh commit
tee andthe petitions will be prepared
andcirciiUited at dnce One copy of
same will be found at the postofiice
Now is the tirife for the people of
Valentine to show their loye of and
regard for the proper education of
their children A poor school building
is a naisance and should not be toler
ated The present building is more
than jioor It is abominable Some
Object to the location of the building
as decided upon in our last meeting
but location is one of minor considera
tion when ii comes to a school house
Lay aside your prejudice and all work
fot the improvement It is a necessity
and its completion should not be de
layed This paper thinks the people
of Valentine are too broad minded to
allow the- question of location to de
feat the bond project Prove td the
world the correctness xst
Iavenport Tha sher have adopted
A new system of newspaper advertis
ing and the first ad ot the series will
I ssppear next wtJSk
NO 27
Invite you to call
and examine their
Nqw is the time to buy your
Summer Goods 2S per cent
off en Mens Childrens and
Ladies Underwear Fine Or
gandies Diniities Lawns etc
that were 2Qc and 25c all go
now for 15c per yard
Wliy do so maixv people to
Wliy because he sells the freshest and best
at the lowest prices Try him
Just Received
Qherry Qounty gAMK
alentinev Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banEfng
Exchange bought and soldi Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable
rates County depository
E SPAR K3 President CHARLES SPARKS Gashier
Valentine Kerasfea
C If COltELL President III- T NICHOLSON Cftakiev
Valentine Nebraska
A General Hanlsiitg lousiness Tvansnefed
Xtitfs and Sells JPmestic anil Foreign Exchange
Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York lfirst National Bank Oaaba
Fish Game Tender Steaks
Jucy Roasts Dry Salt Meats
and the finest line of Smoked
Hams and Breakiast Bacon
ever sold in town
At Old Stand on Main Street
Ol the Choicest Brands