ck 1 14 r tf ra j vn Wlv i b 1 W O i CHILDREN BUY THE FLOWEffSHOE Made of the best materials Solidthroughout No shoddy in them The peculiarity of the sunflower is fihat it always looks the sun squarely in the face If you buy a pair of these shoes we can look you squarely in the face when you come for another pair Tor a fine shoe buy the EAISPEOOF Durability is notsacrificert for fineness Eiateststyle A model school shoe THE ADMIRAL Pormen and boys ikceor congress Globe or needle toe A stylish duroble shoe for a small price FOR THE LADIES A nice assortment of dress patterns at a bargain In Cashmere Henrietta Sferge SriHiantine and iNTouelty Goods Just in Dont fail to see them TRUNKS VALISES Hats Clothing- and furnishings We pride ourselves on always turning out a first class lit SELDEN THE TAILOR Knows how to do it JOB m G M SAGESER TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W H Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS Valentine Nebr WILLET NO 17 1 09 Sire of Nabob 4 230 Sire Mochester 616 Record 231 1 Sire of - 2244 DINNIE - 225 MINOT 22GJ4 SENSATION AnA many others 225 22G 229J4 lBtf dauT 5EASNETTE by HAM- BEETONIAST 157 Dam of Willet sire of Nabob 230 and Ka tana dam of Nornette 225 Hazels Sire of the dams of Ida Belle 223 and Lottie K 227 2nd dam DAUGHTER OF ABDEL LAH 15 Sire of Goldsmith Maid 2ii Will stand the season at M R Far ris place one fourth mile south of the depot at Valentine Nebraska THERMS 1000 to insure foal X TV llANlTMy Keeper 1 6ULANDER ILACKSMITH ad VAGONMAKER Repairing a Specialty prices Strjiekly Cash and Loyv I i er than ever SHOP on Cherry -St opposite J 1 - m miMii va THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT SUCCESSOlt TO CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT EOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher f iI AUTIITJB SEWALL Democratic nominee for vice president Judge Walcott is hearing a rape case this morning but we have not heard the particulars Bitten by I a KattlcsnalvC Last Monday the little daughter of A H Earley south of town was bit ten on theright ankle by a rattlesnake and for a time her life was in danger The limb swelled rapidly but was lanced by D S Sherman who happen ed along just then after which the girl was brought to town and placed in the hands of Dr J C Dwyer and at last account the girl was said to be out of danger An hours delay would have proven fatal Weather Report Following- is a summary of the weather experienced here during the past week and up to 10 oclock this morning DAY TEMP 3IAX ItfIN PltECP Thursday 82 55 Friday 84 G3 22 Saturday S4 57 52 Sunday 88 60 10 Monday 83 54 trace Tuesday 78 60 Wednesday 71 54 Thursday 76 58 116 Precipitation is given in inches and hundredths Observations by C K Watson of TJ S weather bureau The weather bureau day is from 6 p m to 6 p m Four Accidents Dr A Lewis has had a number of cases during the past week where his skill as a surgeon has been tested One week ago Sunday a daughter of Mrs Harris met with ft mishap of some kind and broke an arm Thursday a son of Mr Trueson broke his arm and Monday little Hollister Brandon fell over a tin can and- broke an arm There is something peculiar about these three cases In each instance both bones of the right forearm were broken and Dr Lewis was called to set the fractures Tuesday Mrs James Searby of Crookston metwith an acci dent which will probably deprive her of the use of her left arm for some time to come While riding a horse the animal fell and pinioned her under him badly crushing her left shoulder The injury is a serious as well as pain ful one The Preston Mystery On the fourth page of this paper will be found the first instalment of the story with the above title For the benefit of those who have not read the former announcements we append the list of prizes and the rules governing the competition For the best solution 500 For the second best solution 300 For the third best solution 200 For the fourth best solution One year subscription to Tiie Democrat to be sent to any address required For the fifth best solution Six months subscription to Tiie Demo crat All that is necessary for you to do to become a competitor is to send one dollar for a years subscription to The Valentine Democrat from July 1st 1596 or some later date All those who are in arrears on sub scription may become competitors by paying such arrearages and a year in advance The competition is open to the world under these terms Should you wish to send in more than one solution you may do so pro vided each solution is accompanied by a years subscription Have the paper sent to friends in the east They will appreciate the gift Subscriptions received at any time as all who pay in advance from July 1st may enter the competition No one connected with The Demo crat will be allowed to compete Two weeks time will expire between the publishing of the last instalment and the linaL chapter which solves the mystery of the story and the final chapter will not be written until all so lutions are received This will preclude the possibility of anyone but the au thor 3tnbwing the solution and as the solutions will not be opened except in the presence of witnesses all will be absolutely fair- Ai 4 r f f If f I t yv - BBKBMMBJgBtBBSe5y1MKiiajmaSJCeSWWfctM II II Hi 11 l i I fjuum u saHB HBgaPEigeg ii m WOOD lAKEJEPARTMENT LeEoy Leach Editor Mr and Mrs C A Johnson went to Longpine Saturday to hear Governor Holcomb speak They expect to re main some time as it is thought the change may be beneficial to Mrs John sons health she having been unwell for some time We have received congratulations from many people for our elaborate description of the habits of the bach elor girl and are much- pleased over same j We received a suprise Saturday eve ning We were preparing to go to the city when without any provocation it began to rain and forced us to remain at home Slow this is not right after making people believe that we were going to have things nice and dry as they were before uSToah constructed his ferryboat to rain and soil ones Sunday rainment but such is life and then to be sure it benefits the sunflower and festive thistle so we should not com plain We understand that some of our former citizens who a few years since were wont to sing Carry me back to old Virginia and finally went back are now crying Oh for the hills of Cherry county Where we lived on natures bounty Where we breathed the healthy air Would that we could now be there But it costs something to go to Vir ginia and once there one never has an opportunity to earn the price of a return ticket Fellow citizens take thou warning Sing with voice so gay and free Nebraska is the place tor me A TRIP TIIROUGn NEBRASKA We went to Grand Island last week and enjoyed the trip very much At fully six stations on the way down we observed our former best girl strolling with the other fellow a discouraging sight truly Under ordinary circum stances wo should have wept but being in too good a humor just then we could not Last winter we saw the train news boy play a prank which- we thought broke the worlds record for scheming He had the brakeman turn on the gas which set all the passengers coughing at which opportune moment he ap peared with a suave smile and a large box of the latest improved Chicago cough drops and retailed same at ten cents per box making about 500 But he did still better the other day The thermometer registered 100 de grees in the shade After we had pas sed ths division the newsboy emptied the tank of ice water into four spoons ful of citric acid and a six gallon pitcher then when the passengers were lying back slowly dying of thirst he suddenly raised the roar of Ice lemonade only 10 ceats and sold it to the last drop clearing not less than five dollars The crops below look fine It does one good to se6 corn six and 3even feet in height and wheat and oats not much shorter dense groves of lovely shade trees cover that loveliest portion of Nebraska land of romance and ad venture the valley of the Platte As one rides whizzing up the shady dells viewing the silvery waters of the Platte gleaming here and there through the bright green foliage one can look back and in fancy see a picture of the past Gone are the farm houses the meas ureless fields of grain Around us we see the picturesque tepeesof the Paw nee and Sioux while here and there graze vast herds of American bison To the eastward can be seen an ap proaching train of snowy topped wa gons between each the double yoke of oxen as Westward the star of empire takes its way and asln a dream we see the panorama of silvery streams deer grazing here and there buffalo in thousands and in places enormous herds of cattle roaming the flower decked prairie then comes a dark cloud across the sky of reverie and in its midst we see scenes of awful mas sacre committed by the red man- and white outlaw then shuddering at the sight we awake to hear around us the sounds of modern progress and see the darkness cleft by the rays of the elec tric light then as we reflect over the advantages of both the past and pre sent of a truth we know not which is best We are doubtless what some might term old fashioned but we somehow cannot help bat love the past Those bright days when men were honest When to live itjwas a pleasure Politics caused not dissensions And the name of Bill BlcKinley Troubled not our peaceful slumbers Long before our Billy TJryan Showed himself oer strifes horizon When we raised in peace our pumpkins- Jn the bright land of Nebraska a t TV CTpfr Iy at Chnntaiumn Convention Halt Longpine July 20 Morning session opened at 10 oclock with thepresident Mrs Glover in the chair After devotional exercises Mrs Glover ave a comprehensive and able address to the assembly af ter which reports from the district un ions were read followed by selections on the autobarp by Mrs Walker In the afternoon the meeting was called to order by Mrs Glover and opened with devotional exercises She called attention briefly to the de partments of work as conducted by the W C T TJ and gave some very help ful remarks on several of these depart ments After a finely executed piano solo by Prof Shubert Mrs Cory was called upon and reported the work of the L T L She spoke of the import ance of training the boys in temper ance work Did not press the accept ance of the three fold pledge out in sisted that it should be signed only af ter examination by paients She finds boyshesitate to sign the pledge against tobacco and profanity She spoke warmly of the good results ot normal lessons and diplomas followed by seal courses She spoke feelingly of the fact that this work in jSTebraska is be hind other states and made a strong appeal for county and state organiza tion in behalf of the L T L Miss Hedrick was then called upon and read an extract from a paper by Miss Willard on Rational Amusements At this point Mrs Walker sang very beautifully jtfobody knows but moth er Temperance work in the schools was discussed by Mr Fee This work can be made most effective among the young Should be careful not to lose the confidence of our pupils Hence careful and conscientious work very important How can we make the work of the Union most effective Mrs Walker Care necessary in preparing programs Devote little time to business and be sure to have something to pay for the trouble of coming out to the meeting Scientific Temperance in Colleges by Prof Anderson Scientific temperance important but for results we reach the pupils through their hearts and this can only be done by religious in struction Mrs Walker read a paper sent in by the Supt of Temperance work The presentation of Temperance in the Sunday School by Mrs Morey Children can be reached by temperance instruction in the Sunday School that can not be reached in any other place Bible temperance can be made more effective than any other way of teach ing unless it be the Christian home Can you tell how to conduct a meeting by Mrs jNorthrop Short session brilliant program light refreshments varied programs Hdw shall we interest the fathers Mrs Walker Illustrated by an inci dent drawn from her own experience A report of this meeting is incom plete without mention of the many very pertinent and helpful remarks up on the various topics which were made by Mrs Glover in the intervals be ween the several speakers Election of officers resulted r President Mrs C R Glover Vice President Mrs Bisiug Ains worth Treasurer Mrs Geo Hornby Cor Secy Mrs Ada Northrop Eec Secy Mrs C V Wilson- Simeon Fine rain Sundav W D Morgareidge is list this week Mr Carr has gone up after his binder and son begin on the- sick Eev Lee preached at the school house Sunday and gave good satisfac tion The house was so crowded that there was scarce standing room He will be here again after haying A Bennett has returned from the eastern part of the state where he went to see his baby and visit his friends The Sunday School people are all glad to see him back again W F Morgareidge is attending the institute at Valentine this week Miss Hamer departed this week for Dawson county C W Bennett is buying cattle Mrs Stratton was down from Oasis2 and spent a few days with W n The Hobbs boys are making hay this week to the table harvest will Oscar The F E M V has had an en gine stationed here during the past week to assist stock trains over the Thacher hill Two engines will be kept here as soon as stock begins to- k move in- earnest- - - LIKE FRIENDS Drugs should be chosen with care and should always be treated right if you wish to obtain gcGdfcom tbein ninn n yvlU sLl 1 W K HALEY i You can get the right kind at ift nmifn nT finn mt ACTER Valentine Nebraska The DONOHER M JF IMPNOHER Proprietor Vi -X Has been rebuilt and rooms furnished with NEW SUITS OF FURNITURE Making it the most complete and comfortable HOTEL IN THE NORTHWEST SAMPLE ROOM AND LIVERY STABLE IN CONNECTION Talentine Nebraska Eli Precinct F F Devine was in Valentine on businessithe first of the week Arthur Hotz of Gordon spent last week in this neighborhood I B 2sTichols and son Bert took in the soldiers reunion at Bordeaux last week Wheat harvest is in full blast The crop is light Spring chickens are ripe and choke cherries are beginning to turn Bgosh well all get fat yet Some of the residents1 of Eli had a hoplast Saturday night The political pot is sizzling Several bets have already been made Sandy Wanted To rent a house Call at this office dwelling Wanted Ten men at once to work on brick yard at Sosebud Indian Reservation Fifteen cents per hour and three months job Board 350 per week W P Alsip Struck by JjiKlitnlnc During the storm last Saturday night the house of Joseph Miller who is living on the Dunbar ranch 20 miles south east of Valentine was struck by lightning and afterwards burned to the ground together with all its con tents Mra Miller and little daughter were alone in the house at the time the male members of the family being at the stables and were completely prostratod by the shock The prompt action of the men irr coming to the rescue is all that saved the woman and child from being burned to death Parties were sent to this place for a physician and Dr Ed Dwyerrespond ed and aft last accounts those who were prostrated by the bolt were doing nicely Everything the family owned was burned and citizens of Valentine responded liberally to the request for aid which was made Monday Order fo Show Cause Tn the District court of Cherry county Nebras ka In the matter ot Guardianship ot Leta A Stetter July 22 1890 this cause came on for hearing before me in Chambers rt Valentine Nebraska anil it appearing to me that the order heretofore granted by me to show cause bearim date April 24 180J and requestine that all parties interest ed appear before me at Chambers at ONeill Nebraska on the 0th day of May 18 to show cause if any why a license should not be grant ed to sell the real estate herein described and it appearing to me that the applicant did not ap pear and make proof on said sotli day of Slay 1S9G or in any manner piosi cute said applica tion and said applicant now lenewing his appli cation for a license to sell said real estate said order of April 24th isoc is hereby revoked vaca ted and set aside anmiHed and on considera tion of the application of John G Stetter guar dian of Leta A Stetter to sell the real estate of said ward sai I real estate being the wV ucH See 25 Tp W5 it 34 Cherry county State of Nebraska and it appealing to me from the peti tion in wiu applicant mat it woiuu ne lor tue use and beneiit and best interest of the said LetatA Stetter minor aforesaid to sell said real estate and place the proceeds thereof at interest Therefore it is considered by me that all per sons interested in saul estate appear before me the undersigned at Chambers iu the City of ONeill in the 15th Judicial District Nebraska on the 25th day of August 1806 and then and there show cause if anvthev have why the li cense should not be in anted to the said John G Stetter applicant guardian of the said minor Leta A Stetter to sell the above described real estate and place the proceeds thereof at inter est for the use and benefit nf said ward It is further ordered that notice of the making of this order shall be made upon all persons in terested in said estate by publication in The Valfntixk Dkmockat a weeklv newspaper published and of general circulation in the county of Cherry State of Nebraska published in the City of Valentine Given under my hand this 22nd day of Julv I89d M P Ki KiD District Judge- H DODD Mas opened a shop in tTte Fischer Building just north of Xiewis vig Store and i prepared to do all Mnd of xvorli in his line Sjjeeial at tention to CUSANIN AND AlLTEMZNG AIZXE AJS MENTS Iopnlist Cbnventionv The Peoples Independent Party County Convention is hereby called to meet at Valentine Nebraska on Sat urday August 1st 1896 at 11 oclock a m for the purpose of nominating a county attorney electing six delegates to ttie state convention six to ther congressional convention six to the senatorial convention six to the repre sentative convention also to elect a county committee and transact such other business as shall come up It has been recommended that we base our representation on McFaddenrs vote for Secretary of State in 1894 giving one delegate at large and one for each- ten votes or major fraction thereof which entitles the several precincts to delegates as follows Valentine 6 2Tenzel2 Irwin 3 Table 4 Tower 2 Pleasant Hill 2 ICewanie 3 Keunedv 4 Lavaca 6 Minnechaduza 5 Wood Lake 7 Sharps ranch Loup 4 Mother Lake S Deweys Lake 2 Sparks 5 Sehlagie 4 Steen 1 Eh 2 Enlow l C4erman 2 Georgia 3 Gillaspie 2 Cleveland 5 Boiling Springs 4 Buffalo Lake 2 It is recommended that eaeb pre cinct hold its primary on Saturday the 25th day of July at 2 oclock p m at the usual vgting place It is further recommended that each precinct elect a precinct committeman and that the delegate present be empowered to cast the entire vote of their delegation Immediately after the county con vention there will be a convention of delegates from the second commission er district to put in nomination a com missioner from that district Lillian U Stoker G- P Chairman Ordinance No tj ViKKTiN Kr Nebraska July 15 1396 An Ordinance for the Repeal of Ordinance No Twenty two 22 Entitled An Ordnance tff ici i jceusu nx onuraymenand venders BE IX OlIDAINEI bv thft rhRlrman and Board of Trustees ot the Village of Valen tine that Ordinance No Twenty two -22 of th Village of shall be repeaed Attest TCHORNUY - t c o Tm Ckairraast rx X IV H M i JM