The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 23, 1896, Image 2

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ROBERT B GOOD - Editoii Fkop
Tenn jumped the track
stopped by the automatic
time to prevent its falling
below The passengers
though panio stricken
Fire Consumes 554 Street Cars and
Fourteen Horses Loss 500000
George J Gould Wins His Suit
Need Not Pay a Tax on 5000000
Half Million Loss
Tlie car barns of the City Railway Com
pany on Cottage Grove Avenue near
Thirty ninth Street were destroyed by
fire The barns were 150 feet long 400
feet deep and occupied three fourths of a
square They were filled with cars being
the stables for the active system The
company lost 554 cars 100 of them being
grip cars Not a thing in the buildings
was saved The loss is estimated at fully
500000 the buildings and contents being
insured for 311000 The fire once
started burned with great rapidity and
the firemen experienced great difficulty
in preserving many of the adjoining
buildings They managed however to
confine the fire to the car bains
It is thought the fire originated from the
crossing of two electric wires Thirty
horses were an the barn sixteen were
saved and fourteen were burned in the
CJar on the Lookout Mountain
clino Jumps the Trade
While passing over a high trestle a car
on the Lookout Mountain incline and
Jmla LakeSRailway near Chattanooga
The car was
brakes just in
on the rocks
weie unhurt
JTecd Not Pay Inheritance Tax on
5000000 Bequeathed Him
George J Gould has won his suit to
preven the collection of an inheritance
itax qS 5000000 bequeathed him by his
ffjer the late Jay Gould It was claimed
latthe bequest was compensation for
services rendered and this contention was
sustained by the court
Chicago Daylight Robbers Arrested
in Detroit
John Ormey with numerous aliases
iand James Dempsey known as the long
an4 short men who committed numer
ous daylight holdups in Chicago and an
other member of the gang were arrested
-at Detroit
Incendiaries Burn a Thresher
Murder in a Penitentiary
James Cox a Louisville negro in for
three years for housebreaking disem
boweled Preston Neal a Bourbon County
negro in a light at the Kentucky peni
rtiary Coxs weapon was a dining room
knife which he had stolen and sharpened
down to a fine edge
Middletown Car Works Fail
A receiver has been appointed for the
Middletown Car Works of Middletown
3Pa one of the largest ofDaupin Countys
industries The failure was due to the
financial stringency No -statement of
ithe assets and liabilities has been made
Man and Woman Fight a Duel
AtAnniston AJa Warren P Rouse
andJNora Tanner keeper of a disreput
sablehouse fought a duel with a pistol
and a knife Rouse was -shot twice and
died almost instantly The woman was
mt to pieces and died later
Headless Bodies iFound
filheheadless bodies of Joseph Hoppoer
and wife of Longdon y werefound on
the irailroad track near Lawrenceburg
that state They had evidently laid down
with their heads on the -track and com
mitted suicide
Hal let Fiano Company Fails
The Hallel Davis Piano Manufactur
ing Company of Boston assigned on ac
count of the failure of its western agents
The liabilities are 175008 The assets
are more -than double
Arkansas Town Burns
The entire town of Malvern ArkM -was
destroyed by an Incendiary fire -Only
three houses were left standing The
oss is -400000 Four men are under ai
Found Dead in a Field
At Lela Oklahoma Allen R Cook a
lawyer and farmer was murdered
land buried in a corn field Dock Ben
inett A J Montgomery and Chas Hyatt
were arrested on the charge of murdering
Cook Cook and Bennett were claimant
if or the same trabt of land
Indiana Counterfeiter Arrested
Thomas Seed of Pendleton Ind was
arrested charged with being the leader of
a gang of couaterfeiters Spurious coin
mas found on Mm The rest Qt Uw Ml
mU probably be taken -
Militia and Strikers Come Together
at Cleveland
Friday evening when the non union
men were taken from the Brown Com
pany works -at Cleveland Ohio Capt
Zimmerman with a company of militia
cleared the street Afterward the soldiers
returned to the works and a crowd of
1000 men gathered in a vacant lot across
the street They assailed the militiamen
with vile epithets and finally began to
hurl atones at them The order to charge
was given and the soldiers plunged for
ward The crowd broke and started to
run but all could not get away from the
soldiers At least a dozen men were bay
oneted and some of them were seriously
hurt The injured were hustled away so
quickly that it was impossible to learn
the names of any -of them The situation
was uglier than it has been at anytime
yet The mobs are growing desperate
and the troops have lost patience
Martial law will be enforced in the dis
turbed district from now on and any
iserious menace to the militia is likely to
be met with extreme measures The sol-
ers are m the temper to use lead
Stories of an Impending Issue Are
Revived Again
A Tally in stocks in New York Friday
was attended by revived rumors of an im
pending new government bond issue It
was again alleged that representative
financiers have been in conference with
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Cur
tis on the subject
The story went that the tieasury offi
cials and president believed a bond issue
would soon be necessary and that the
bonds could be marketed to better ad
vantage now than later and that the po
litical effect of such a step would have
practically worn off by election time
The appearance of Mr Curtis at the
sub treasury lent color to the report es
pecially in view of the strong and active
market for government bonds Friday
Bankers usually identified with the
financial measures of the administration
and members of the old government bond
syndicate discredited the report
-Steamer Bermuda Preparing Again
to Start for Cuba
Much activity has been observed of late
at the Cuban headquarters in New York
due to preparations for an expedition
which is to sail soon on the steamer Ber
muda whose machinery has been over
hauled at Philadelphia and speed power
has been increaed The expedition will
beled by Col Cabrera an old veteran
of the ten year war Capt John OBrien
will have charge of the vessel Twenty
cases of rifles and 200 cans of cartridges
have been sent to Philadelphia within the
last three days but these are not one
juarter of the war material which will be
shipped or has been shipped aboard the
INew Steamship Line to Japan
S Iwanaga of Tokio Japan general
Great excitement and indignation exists fnuimager of the Japanese Mail Steamship
in the vicinity of Lexineton III A
-threshing niachine outfit valued at 1000
owned by John Fair on the Mahon farm
was destroyed by lire undoubtedly of in
cendiary origin The machine had been
sprinkled with oil Threats have recently
been made to destroy the numerous ma
chines recently sold into that territory
The owner of the machine has offered a
reward of 250 and the agent of a machine
firm 25 forthe apprehension of the
To Sell Great Chino Ranch
Negotiationsfor the sale of the Great
Chino Ranch near Los Angeles Cal
which contains 52000 acres to an English
-syndicate is about complete The syndi
cate is represented by John F Gilmore
and the papers of sale are now being
drawn up The put chase price is said to
be 51600000
Company limited has signed in St Paul
a contract with the Great Northern Rail
way Company for The establishment of a
steamship line between Tokio and Seattle
The first steamur will probably leave
Seattle about August 15 and for the pres
ent there will be one steamer east
monthly ihe service to be increased as
Adrift on the Lake in a Scow
A dispatch from Marinette Wis says
After being adrift two days and a night
on -Green Bay Joseph Barber his son
William and two employes returned to
this city They went out in the old scow
OaloOrchurd Sunday night The scow
became free Monday with broken center
board and finally struck Chambers Island
where the half starved men were eared
-Says He Is Schlatter
A -man claiming to be Schlatter the
divine healer went to Guthrie Ok la-
homa on a bicycle lie was dressed in a
trailing gown of black wore a curling
beard and long flowing hair Great
crowds dog his footsteps He addressed
au immense throng laying on hands to
heal and blessing hundreds of handker
Trqpie Temperature in Europe
A JLondon dispatch says Intense heat
prevailed throughout the southern portion
of Gieat iBritain and in France and Ger
many uiuuiuay in juonuon tue mer
cury marked80 degrees in the shade and
in Paris the heat was so great that many
workshops were closed
Tbeoondition of Cornelius Vanderbilt
sr who was -stricken with paralysis in
New Y ock is -slightly improved although
there is -still the greatest apprehension
H Walter Webb vice president of the
New Toxk Central says Yanderbilts
condition is not dangerous
Humor of a Massacre
The Ixmdon Chronicle publishes a dis
dispatch from -Constantinople which as
serts that a massacre has occurred at
Egin in theDiarbekir district of Armenia
in which 400 persons were killed and the
city pillaged The authorities are trying
o keep the matter a secret
Woman Hanged in Virginia
News from Coeburn Va is that Mary
Snodgrass was hanged for the murder of
her child She was a disreputable char
acter and to get rid of the child threw it
in the fire and burned it to death Slie
was fried convicted 2nd hanged as above
JLieut Pearys Ship Sails
Lieut Peary has telegraphed from Syd
ney Cape Breton My steamer Hope
sails at noon I expect to remain until
the last of September It is understood
he is in search of a great meteorite dis
covered on his last polar expedition
Murder and Suicide
In a quarrel between Italians at Charles
ton S C John Gasperri stabbed and
killed John Gonsales and then cut his
own throat to escape arrest
Ship and All on Board Lost
The British ship Curfew from Dundee
tas lost in the Red Sea tfh all ou board Oats
Overcrowded Ferry Goes Down at
Cleveland Ohio
At least ten lives were lost in an acci
dent which occurred about 730 oclock
Thursday evening on the old river bed
near the ore docks of the Cleveland and
Pittsburg Railway Company at Cleveland
Ohio The ore handlers had just quit
work for the day and were waiting their
turns to cross the branch of the river on
the fiat bottom ferry boat which they had
provided for their own use A number of
the men had crossed When the ferry
reached the dock the last time at least
twenty men crowded upon it The boat
which is about IJ0 feet long and not more
than 4 feet wide would carry safely not
more than a dozen persons The stream
is not wide however and the hurrying
ore handlers had no thought of danger
The boat was pushed from the shore and
was being propelled across the stream
When it was about half way over it began
to sink Then as the men rushed to the
side it turned over All the occupants
were thrown into the water Those who
remained on the shore alarmed at the
capsizing of the little craft at once threw
life preservers and planks to the unfor
tunate men but most of them sank like
lead A few however managed to swim
ashore -while one or two were picked up
by a tug The first report of the accident
placed the number of dead at twenty two
but that proved to have been exaggerated
The life saving crew whose station is
near the scene of te accident was sum
moned at oncv and the work of recover
ing the bodies from the river was begun
Within half an hour seven corpses had
been laid side by side upon the dock
Later three more bodies were recovered
Stabs His Girl and Kills a Man Who
Attempts to Arrest Him
While resisting arrest for attempteu
murder of his sweelheartat Tinsley Ridge
iml John wiiito shot and instantly
killed Thomas Fields White had been
calling on Miss Nettie Atkinson for some
time and later she accepted the attentions
of the other young men in her town
This so angered White that he induced
the girl to take a ride with him and when
but a short distance from her home he at
tempted to murder her stabbing her in
the breast and neck and leaving her for
dead She recovered consciousness and
Thomas Fields and others attempted to
arrest White when he shot and killed
In a Collision Between Two Freight
Trains in Illinois
In a collision between two freight
trains live miles east of Quincy 111 two
men were killed and two badly injured
The engines were piled ou top of each
The dead
Engineers G Hammer Taylorville
pinned in wreck and scalded to death
Fireman Louis Athey crushed to
Fdgineer N F Vansteemburg severely
bruised i
Fireman Fred Smith leg amputated
body crushed may recover
Two Bodies Found in a Lagoon
The body of Bernard Wetzel was found
in the canal or lagoon which intersects
portions of Belle Isle Park near Detroit
Mich Later the body of an unknown
woman was found near by The womans
features were distorted and evidences of
a struggle were apparent on the bank A
post mortem examination did not tend to
show any connection between the two
mysterious deaths
Sewall Welcomed Home
A Bath Me dispatch says Arthur
Sewall had his home coming Wednesday
night and it was of the warmest sort
The formal welcome was entirely non
partisan As the special train bearing
Mr Sewall came into the city fireworks
were profusely burned the church and
city bells were rung and a national saluto
was fired by big guns
Fatal Shooting in Springfield
During a quarrel between Richard Shep
herd a farm hand and Gue an emigrant
mover at Springfield 111 the former was
shot and mortally wounded by the latter
Big Steamer on Rocks
The Pacific mail steamer Colombia
which ran onto the rocks off Pescadero
Cal is rolling heavily and thumping her
self to pieces
Sioux City
Hogs 2 90
Cows and Heifers 2 50 2 80
Stockers and Feeders 8 25
Veal Calves 4 50
Sheep 3 40
Wheat 46 47
Corn 15 17
Oats 12
Hay 4 50 6 50
Butter 10 13
Eggs 10
Hogs 2 85 3 45
Reeves 3 40
Stockers and Feeders 2 50
Wheat hi
Timothy Seed 2 85
Flax Seed
4 50
3 CO
South Omaha
Hogs 2 85 3 45n
Steers 3 40 ffi 4 50
Cows 1 25 4 00
Feeders 2 50 3 60
Kansas City
Hogs u2 50 53 224
Beeves 2
Feeders 2
Sheep 2
60 3 25
65 3 55
00 5 20
July 0 54
September f2
Flax 66K
-- 16
Ten Thousand Members of the De
nominutional Society from All Parts
of the Continent Sunrise Devotional
Services Membership Over 100000
Prominent Workers Present
The sixth international convention of
the Baptists Young Peoples Union of
America the Christian Endeavor of that
great and powerful denomination was
held in Milwaukee Delegations and scat
tering visitors from every State in the
Union as well as from Canada were in
ys Y
attendance Illinois
sent fully 5000
Wisconsin 3000 out
side of Milwaukee
Indiana 2000
Iowa- 1000 Ohio
000 Michigan 2-
uuu anu otner states
in proportion to their
distance Canada
sent from 2000 to 3-
sect viLKixs 000 visitors and del
egates The event brought to Milwaukee
probably the largest number of distin
guished Baptist divines and representa
tive members of tho denomination male
and female that has ever been brought
together in any one city
Promptly at 10 oclock on the opening
day the international convention was
called to order in the great Exposition
building next to the Coliseum in Chi
cago the largest convention auditorium
in America It has a capacity of 15000
and was filled to the doors half an hour
before President John H Chapman rap
ped for order This was speedily secured
and devotional exercises consisting of the
reading of a chapter from the scriptures
who spoke wre known throughout the
length and breadth of the land as deep
thinkers and fearless exponents of what
they deem the right The addresses de
livered and the subjects discussed com
prised all that is worth study and reflec
tion in theology sociology and metaphy
After the work of the convention was
over the delegates and visitors made ex
cursions to Lake Winnebago Devils lake
Dells of the Wisconsin Epworth League
Grove at Ludington Mich Racine Wis
and Chicago
Distinguished Son of Massachusetts
Kpirea Suddenly of Heart Disease
Ex Gov William E Russell of Massa
chusetts died suddenly at the camp of
B F Duttou at St Adelaide Pabos Que
bec Gov Russell accompanied by his
brother Col Harry E Russell and Col
Francis Peabody Jr arrived there only
the day previous in search of rest He
had run down in health after the trying
scenes at the Chicago convention and his
friends urged upon him the necessity of a
rest in the backwoods and he accepted
the invitation of Mr Dutton to go to his
beautiful Canadian camp
On reaching St Adelaide the ex-Governor
appeared in good health and spirits
and the evening was spent in a social
way and in preparation for a fishing trip
the next day He and his companions re
tired early Col Russell was the first to
arise and whan ho called his brother he
received no answer He then attempted
to arouse him by shaking him where
upon he discovered that life had flown
The position of the body and the expres
sion on the dead mans face showed that
his death was painless
William Eustice Russell was born in
Cambridge on Jan G 1857 within the
shadow of the university from which he
was graduated in 1S77 He received his
early training in the public schools of
Cambridge in which he prepared for Har
vard College entering that institution in
1873 Mr Russells political aviations
had always been Democratic In 1SS0
Mr Russell was elected Mayor of Cam
bridge by a large majority He held the
reins of government in the Mayors chair
for three terms Mr Russell was mar
ried to Miss Margaret Swan daughter of
the late Rev Joshua Swann formerly of
Cambridge on June 3 1SS5 They had
three children two sons and one daugh
In 18S8 he was nominated for Gover
nor but was defeated by Gov Ames He
was nominated again -in 1SS9 and was
elected over Mr Brackett by a plurality
of 8000 In 1801 he was successful over
Charles H Allen of Lowell by a plu
rality of 7500 In 1S92 the presidential
year he defeated William H Haile by
a plurality of 2500 votes while Benjamin
figgy mmBBsi Ewmm MMW fill m
prayer and singing led by a chorus of 700
voices were conducted by Rev E W
White of the Tabernacle Church The
services concluded A W Drake presi
dent of the Milwau
kee Union deliver
ed the address of
welcome in behalf
of the local organi
zations and ad
dresses were also
made in behalf of
the municipality A
response for the
board or managers
1 fs
of the international a w drake
union and the delegates came from Rev
E M Poteat of New Haven Conn
The preliminaries over General Secre
tary Dr Frank L Wilkins of Chicago
presented the annual report of the board
of managers In it he referred to the
fact that the total membership of the or
ganization exceeded 100000 one and all
young people enthusiastic in the work of
the church He pointed out that the Bap
tists allowed great liberty Every church
was left to its own discretion as to how
its young people should be organized
There were over 3500 Christian En
deavor societies in the denomination but
the fact that the Baptists were largely
enlisted in the interdenominational fel
lowship of Christian Endeavor did not
preclude their having a young peoples
denominational society of their own and
the fact was that a denomination that
numbered 4000000 adherents in Amer
ica had perhaps more reason than other
denominations for maintaining such an
organization He went back to the first
organization of the
union in Chicago in
1891 when 3000
delegates were pres
ent and commented
upon the phenome
nal growth of the so
ciety The address
was lengthy and re
peatedly applauded
Its adoption was
moved and seconded
by Rev Dr
der Blackburn of Cambridge Mass and
Rev W W Landrum of Richmond Va
and was carried unanimously
Some idea of what the leaders of the
assembly undertook may be gathered from
the fact that each days work began at
G30 in the morning and ended about 10
oclock at night with almost continuous
sessions throughout the day When the
convention was not in session at the ex
position hall the various churches of the
city were utilized for meetings each one
of which was in charge of some promi
nent minister or layman and transacted
business of importance to the body of
Baptist Unionists Even when the con
vention was occupying the great hall these
side meetings were kept up The subjects
treated of embraced every reJigious and
social and mora theory of life The men
Harrison carried the State by a plurality
of 30000 He retired from office at the
end of his third term and resumed the
practice of law
Notes of Current Events
The Czar and Czarina have returned to
St Petersburg
Mrs John W Mackey has been sum
moned from London to Rome on account
of the critical illness of her father
Li Hung Chang special envoy of the
Emperor of China arrived in Paris and
was welcomed with military honors
1 is rumored on the Paris bourse that
the Rothschilds will issue in Paris a Rus
sian loan for 1000000000 francs 200
Harry Askin a manager of theatrical
enterprises of wide reputation has filed
a petition in insolvency No schedules
are given
Jones Laughlin signed a special steel
scale with the Amalgamated Association
at Pittsburg and will continue in opera
tion They employ 4500 men
There arrived in New Orleans thirty
Chinese boys in charge of Rev Hule Kin
a Presbyterian minister who has charge
of a mission in New York where they
go to be placed in school and after receiv
ing a preliminary education will enter
college They are sons of prominent and
wealthy Chinamen
Milton L Ely said to be one of the
most noted bandits of the West has been
captured at Moberly Mo by William
Pinkertons detectives Ely is wanted es
pecially because of his connection with
the express car robbery at Ottumwa la
Jan 12 1895 on the Chicago Burlington
and Quincy Railroad
There is danger of a water famn In
Boston and considerable alarm is felt by
Water Commissioner Murphy nnu City
Engineer Jackson because of tiie large
and unaccountable increase in tne use of
water during the last three months The
rainfall in the last six weeks has been
very small and the water commission has
issued orders to the people of the city to
cut down their consumption
According to what is considered reliable
authority a controlling interest in the De
troit Railway a system operated under
the 3-cent-fare ordinances has been sold
by Henry A Everett proprietor of the
system to R T Wilson of New York
Mr Wilson now owns most of the stock
of the Citizens Railway Company ad
u eonsoiiuuuon oi tne roaas under
management is now anticipated
uV JffJM
The latter part of a wise mans life
is taken up in curing the follies preju
dices and false opinions he had con
tracted in the former
In ancient times bones were collect
ed from the- battlefields ground to pow
der and usfidto fertilize tae land
The Constitutional Amendments to
Be Voted Upon this Fall Soon to
Be Published for the Information
of Voters
Information for Voters
Secretary of State Piper has preparea
the copy for publication of the constitu
tional amendments as provided by law
There are twelve amendments and they
cover about 3225 words They will he
published in one paper in each county
and the cost for each county is estimated
at 225 If moreithan one paper wishes
to divide this amount they can be pub
lished in more than one paper Tile
amendments as prepared are all together
with the certificate of the secretary of
tate appended at the end It was thought
at one time that it would be necessary for
the Governor to issue a special proclama r
tion previous to election for these amend
ments and the qiiestion was submitted to
Attoruey General Churchill He has de
cided that incorporation of the amend
ments in his proclamation for a general
election will be sufficient
Farmers Will Fight the Law
August 19 pursuant to a call issued by
the executive board of the Douula County
Farmers Union a county convention will
he held at Elkhorn to devise metms to de
feat the ratification at the polls of the-
constitutional amendment enacted at tlie
last session of the legislature which pro
viding it carries at the coming election
will empower cities of the metropolitan
class to annex adjoining territory of the
county wholly or in part and merge the
two governments city and county Eich
couniry precinct will be represented at
the convention by five delegates and the
plan for a systematic and aggressive anti
annexation campaign will be adapted
The text in full follows
Be it resolved and enacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska
Section 1 That article xii of the con
stitution of the state of Nebraska be
amended by adding to said article a new
section to be numbered section 2 to read
as follows
Section II The government of any
city of the metropolitan class and tho
government of the county in which it is
located may be merged wholly or in part
when a proposition so to do has been sub
mitted by authority of law to the voters
of said city and county and received the
assent of a majority of the votes cast in
said city and also a majority of the votes
cast in the county exclusive of those cast
in said metropolitan city at said elec
Sad End of a Picnic Party
Three young married couples living
about fourteen miles south of Franklin
were having a picnic fishing etc They
were wading in the Republican River
here the water was about two or three
feet deep and Henry Daniels and his
wife went under the water stepping in a
hole where the water was about ten feet
deep and very swift Daniels was a good
swimmer and worked hard to save his
wife but became exhausted and both
went under Mrs Daniels came to tho
top and iloated so that she was taken
from the water in a few minutes She
showed signs of life Her chance for re
covery is slight Daniels body was In
the water three hours belore it was louuu
All Pleased With Fort Crook
A dispatch from Fort Crook says The
officers and enlisted men of the Twenty
second Infantry are well pleased with thet
change of station All sympathize with
the members of the Second Infantry m
ther misfortune in being sent so far out
of civilization Although Fort Crook is
situated in such a manner that it is rather
unconvenient for its people to get to the
city they are happy in the fact that when
they do go they can get something for
their money and see something worth tho
expenditure of their time
Dragged to Death by a Team
Nicholas Wurtzel an wged and
farmer living eight miles north of Wast
Point was on his way home when the
team ran away throwing him out of the
wagon He became en tangled in the lines
and was dragged some rods He was
picked up in an unconscious condition
lacerated Medical assistance
was procured but to no avail and he died
5f coucusaion of the brain
JJife of a Child Crnshnti r
Charles the 0-year-old son of Joseph
fiohac of Schyler got under the wheels of
i Union Pacific passenger tram and sus
tained a terribly crushed and maneled
right leg and left arm broken right arm
and lacerated head and chest from the
effects of which he died two hours later
Hot Dispute Settled
The controvefsey between the mayor
And city council at Nebraska City as to
uc wlj atturueysuip nas been settled by
Judge Dundy who decides that C W
seymour is city attorney of Nebraska
City Mayor Stahlhut is highiy elated as
it is a victory for him
Child Fatally Hurt
As George Phillips who lives in the
ficinity of Odell was moving his thresh
ing enginehis little boy whe
was riding on the straw carrier was
thrown off and one of the wheels passed
oyer his breast and head fatally injuring
Hastings Boys Prize
J Jones of Hastings has been noti
fied that he was the winner of the Schaff
cash prize for having the best essay of th
9li class of the Hastings VroshvtoTi
uuege me lasi decision
having been received
in IU icuu tu maKe ner
owing to her age
of the judge
Aged Woman Hurt at York
Mrs Stafford an aged woman of York
was seriously injured in a runaway Shs
received a broken arm and othr
i J
case serious
Burlington Employe Injured
Wm Cooney an employe of the Bar
fmgton dirt train fell betwppn tQ
at Nebraska City and was struck bv
brake beam and badly injured internally
Requisition for J R Ritschel
Governor Holcomb has issued an extra
dition warrant for the return of Julius R
Ritschel He stands charged with grand
larceny committed in Henry County
Missouri The requisition is made by
Governor Stone of Missouri Titnh0i u
now under arrest at Fairbury
Returns from a Foreign MIssior
John Mattes jr who was appointed
special agent of the United States AgricuU
tural Department to
Germany has re
turned to Nebraska City Bf ter an absence
of three years -