sA II- L - r f L i X A n I7 mTT71 VOL XI THIS AND THAT Com Uia Events Chaplain Naves lecture July 24 G A It Entertainment July 25 School meeting July 29 Teachers Social July 31 Populist County Convention AugustlSt Hello Bob Work for the court house Work for the school house Shoe sale at T C Hornbys 24 V A Bonsep is over from Rosebud today c S Q Spain was- up from Kennedy yesterday J A Pike visited his farm atNew port Sunday - We have the site Will we get the school house W A Selden came- up from Long pine Thursday 0 W S Garcelon came up fromLong pine yesterday Roland Eobertson is clerking in E McDonalds store 450 a month buys a chine at T C Hornbys Sewing ma 25 The first installment of The Preston Mystery appears on another page- Wanted Good girl for general housework Enquire at pstoffice Notice Bergers new advertisement and remember his prices when buying Messrs Wilkinson and Wallingford of Kennedy are in town on business E M Eaddis shipped a consignment of cattle from Wood Lake last week Lost July 4th black cape trimmed with braid Einder leave at this office Buy a Seamstress Sewing Machine of T C Hornby on the installment plan 22 J E Nye bridge builder of Merri man registered at the City Hotel this morning In another column will be found a full account -of W CiTJ7 day at Prof Sam Hudson was up from Simeon Monday and made this office a pleasant little call S G- Chaney came up from Ains worth yesterday to be examined by the pension board here WE Haley and Tite Democrat man went to Longpine Saturday to liear Governor Holcomb P Meholin came over from Nor den on business Sunday evening and returned Monday afternoon The county commissioner are in session and are making their settle ment with the county treasurer N E Gardner of Borden stopped in town a few hours Monday while on his way home from Chadron Mrs O W Mbrey Mrs W A Pettycrew aricTlylrs J C Northrop attended Chautauqua Monday ilrs T A Pike is recovering from the effects of the poison ivy with which she came in contact some time age C E Bowring transacted business in the west end of the county during the past week and returned Tuesday morning D 33 Jenckins was down from Chadron to look after the railroad companys interest in the school dis trict case The Democrat this week prims a larger edition than usual aud adver tisers receive the benefit of the extra circulation The silver and gold hats are very neat in design Davenport Thacher have samples of all the cam Xiaign hats Judge M P KinKaid was in town vesterday looking after his political fence Incidentally court business he did a little 7 A T WATT E W 1 ml J 1 J v MKM - Hva V M T- Mrs S F Gilman has Deeu quite ill this week but at present writing is much improved The families of J W Stettec and Geo Schwalm will start for Virginia next week for an extended visit Lost Wednesday evening July 21 ladies black pocketbook containing 1 Einder may keep money if he will re turn book to this office A T Schriber Carl Lurz and A Schatzthauer were up from Wood Lake Monday on the district No 36 case in Judge Westovers court D M Miller was over from Norden Monday as a witness before the land office ior M Moholin who made final proof on his timber claim Miss Dora Carter trained nurse of Clarkson Hospital Omaha anived on last nights passenger and will nurse Mr and Mrs Gilman during their ill ness W T Kincaid went to Chadron Tuesday morning where he pene trated still farther into the mysteries nf Masonry and was made a Knight Templar Wm Barker has resigned his posi tion as clerk with E McDonald dealer in general merchandise and Indian goods and will spend a few days at the Agency this week Davenport Thaeher have put a bench in front of their store on Main street which will probably last until after election It is six inches thick made of oak fence posts D H Thurston has opened his law office in The Democrat building and is ready for clients He may take un to himself a partner soon not how ever in a matrimonial way In the mandamus case of Mrs Matt Bowen vs Thos Kelly treasurer of school district No 3 Judge Westover issued an alternative writ returnable at llushviile next Thursday July 28th Mrs Geo H Hornby and children went down to Longpine to attend Chautauqua Saturday Hornby went Saturday afternoon and returned Sunday night with the little bovs Mrs Meltendorf very nicely enter tained the members of the Ladies Guild of St Johns Episcopal church yeslerday afternoon Light refresh ments were served between four and five oclock The G A K benefit at Cornell Hall Saturday evening July 25 will con sist ot a Patriots Drill by twenty four little girls a tableau Gun Drill songs and a negro farce entitled Uncle Jeff Admission 25 cents children 15 cents Among the Cherry county people at Longpine Chautauqua are Mr and Mrs C A Johnson Mr and Mrs C M Bailey and Mr and Mrs Chas Holt David and Melvin nanna and families expect to spend a part of the session on the grounds G H Dodd has opened a tailor shop m the old Fischer saloon building on Main street and will do all kinds of tailoring cleaning and repairing He makes a specialty of altering ladies and childrens cloaks sacques and capes Notice his advertisement Jos Stesch and Jos Nollette of near Nenzel lost heavily by the hail storm last Saturday The wheat was pretty badly thrashed out in that vi cinity but corn is all right The rain resembled a waterspout more than anything else and raised the chaduza several inches Kobert C Campbell the 18-year-old son of Stephen G Campbell of Brown lee was brought before the board of insanity Saturday but no finding was made The asylum at Norfolk is full The young man is subject to epileptic fits and after each spasm seems de mented Otherwise he appears to be sane TliR various committees who had W S Jackson has been appointed l - Qf the Qf j cdfibra vice member ot tne scnooi Doaru o W Burleigh resigned on account of leaving the district M W Moir and Jas H Stoltz of Eldora Iowa were in town Tuesday on business connected with some tax titles held by them The editor of this paper has a dou ble Twice has he been mistaken for Tills Democrat man If it happens again there will be war tion met yesterday evening and wound up their affairs The report of the finance committee showed a balance on hand of 1188 after all expenses were paid It was decided to save this money as a nucleus for the next celebration and it will be added to as circumstances will permit Look out for a series if dances socials and en tertainments of various kinds next winter and spring PnhW GO INSTITUTE is IN SESSION WITH AN EN ROLLMENT OF 54 From our Argus Eyed ami Ever lres ent Reporters we Learn of What is Being Done Tlie Visitors JLrosrhin and Teachers Institute opened Monday with an attendance of 35 with County Super intendent Lillian Stocer in charge The instructors are Mrs Pile who one of the faculty of the is college at Wayne Neb r and Prof Piukerton erf Fairbury Not another county in Nebraska can boast of the fact that all its teachers excepting four are attending institute upon the third day but that is the case in Cherry Some of our teachers have driven as far as eighty miles to be pre sent at our institute while others have travelled almost one hundred miles by rail which goes to show the intense enthusiasm and interest manifested in the school work Mrs Pile our lady instructor is one of theTnstruetors in the Normal school at Wayne she was also with us last year and too much can not be said about her ability to help and direct the teacher The instruction received from her is appreciated by each indi vidual teacher attending institute Prof Pinkerton has been superin tendent of the Eairbury city schools for three years past and goes from here to Lead City to superintend the City Schools cf that place The teach ers are more than pleased with the in struction he is giving them His keen wit and intelligent sayings are appre ciated by all who are so fortunate as to hear him His talk on mental philoso phy and child study the last thing in the evening is the most important sub ject of the day as that question is be ing more closely interwove in the life of teachers as time passes by Our visitors during the week up till the present time have been as follows ThUTStdn Kobt Good Rev Murr and wife Mrs D E Sherman Mrs Chas Sherman Mrs C E Bow ring Mrs Jaycox Mr Eeece Mr Ilolsclaw Edith Pettycrew Edna Dwyer Lottie Dwyer Mr Vail Nors tran Kev Ramsey The program for each day is as fol lows 8 810 Opening exercises 810 845 Arithmetic and reading 845 930 U S History 930 935 Intermission 935 1015 Grammar 1015 1050 Civil Government 1050 1140 Arithmetic and read in 1140 1 Noon 1 130 Drawing 1 30 2 Phvsiology 2-230-Geography 230 3 Child study Mrs Pyle teaches primary arithme tic reading TJ S history civil govern ment drawing and geography while Prof Pinkerton handles arithmetic grammar physiology and child study The institute will continue in ses sion for two weeks There are few specialties or extra attractions being announced The teachers will be favored by a lecture by Chaplain O J Nave Friday evening on The Eastern Question The chaplain is well known and his name is sufficient to gather an audience Next week there will be a social probably on Fri day evening and a lecture by Prof Pinkerton Examinations will be held Saturday Fifty four teachers are enrolled up to Thursday as follows lva L Efnerx Estella Bartley Mattie Shreiak Mary Shaughnesy Myrtle Pettijohn J H Horner Elva V Hackler Lizzie Hayes Mrs Kate Norman Laura Tillson Bertha Thorn Abigail Razey Lillie Collett Eva Williams Belle nornback Elmer Bristol CeliaYaughn Mabel Towne Florence Hamer P F Gordon Celia Schopp Mamie Jeffers C II Doty Mrs Vivian Lawrie Tacy Collett May Williams Walter Flowers Edith Stark Isis Lincoln Katie McLaughlin H O Tucker W F Morgareidge Lizzie Morgareidge Jennie Morgareidge Lottie Hubbard E Messenger Mrs SEA Fowler Cena Downing Jessie Bowring Givce Furry Carrie Hunter Mrs Carrie Gee Ida Holsclaw Adella Sawyer Cora Boyer U G Stevenson A T Schriber Alma Carlson Florence Austin Ella Still well Nellie Bullis Martha Maxwell Fred Yincent Maude VanBuskirk RWsW KiHE VJ JftOifer L TV iFOirsfg tr s fSd Uflttj3 - 7fcL 4T - - wLv M I 1 onr Years as mSE AJ JENNINGS BRYAN Whp was nominated by the National convention of the democratic party for President of trie United States and who will probably be indorsed by the free silver and populist conventions now in session at St Louis The IMstrict Won In the mandamus case from school district No 3b an order was issued by Judge Westover at a special term of court held here last Monday to the county treasurer requiring him to pay to the district treasurer the sum of 496 The railroad company interven ed as plaintiff thus letting Treasurer Crabb out of the case and paid the costs A bill of exceptions- may be filed and the case carried to the su preme court but it is not probable that it will be done School House Site Selected Tuesday evening the adjourned meeting of the voters of school dis trict No 1 was held at Cornell Hall with President Walcott in the chair Secretary Pettijohn read the minutes of the previous meeting the president stated the object of the meeting ques tions were asked and answered aa libi tum W E Haley and Kobert Good were appointed tellers and the ballot ing began No new propositions were offered and balloting waaavuu vJSsv last weeks Demo crat There was considerable inter est manifested but a poor attendance considering the importance of the question to be considered The first ballot gave site No 1 west of Zarrs 13 votes site No 2 north of Walcotts 14 votes site No 4 east of M E par sonage 11 votes and site No 5 east ofHittsbarn 7 votes The second ballot Drought out 49 votes No 2 nnd No 4 onlv 11 votes 0 Third ballot gave No 2 a total of 22 votes At this point a motion was made to add 4 lots to sits No 1 mak ing it almost a full block Motion lost Fourth ballot was precisely the same as the third A motion to take a re cess was lost Fifth ballot showed things in worse shape than before No 2 receiving 17 votes and No 4 12 votes Sixth ballot put No 4 in the lead with 17 votes and No 5 next with 16 Seventh ballot gave No 4 29 votes j three less than enough to carry Eighth ballot gave the same site 31 votes 1 less than two thirds Ninth ballot resulted No 111 votes 23 votes 436 votes 52 votes Total 50 votes This settled the question of a school house so far as the selection of a site is concerned and ihe meeting adjourned to next Wed nesday evening at 8 oclock when ways and means for issuing bonds will be discussed and preliminaries ar ranged The site chosen is a good one and is centrally located north and south The site comprises an entire block is easy of access cheap as could be desired almost and is no farther from the west part of town than the present buildincr Some of the residents of that part of the city are inclined to feel agrieved over the face that the lo cation is east instead of west and threaten to fight the issue of bonds which will be necessary to insure a new school building but this paper i believes that in their cooler moments they will see the folly of so doing Certainly the will of two thirds of the voters was expressed at the meeting Tuesday night and nothing can be gained by continuing the light Up to date everything has been harmonious and it would be a pity for anyone to advocate or attempt to promote dis cord All should ivork together for a new school house The town needs it and needs it badly DEMO CHERRY GOCWY INDEPENDENT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY JULY 23 1896 CRAT NO 26 f Thacher Invite you to call and examine their MAMMOTH STOCK Now is the time to Tbuy your Summer Goods 25 per cent off on Mens Childrens and Ladies Underwear Fine Or gandies Dimities Lawns etc that were 20c and 25c all go now for 15c per yard WHILE YOU ARE BUYING GROCERIES CONFECTIONERY B FRUIT Dont forget that W A PETTYCREW is TILL ON DECK A LOT OF NIOE FRESH TOMATOES Just Received HERRY QOUNTY gANK Valentine Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonahlp Lrates County depository js SLAUKS President uiiAiajJSS srAKKS Cashier- - THE RED FRONT CARRIES A COMPLETE LIKE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE JACKSON BEAYTON Props Valentine Nebraska ANK OF VALENTINE C Ml CORNELL JPresirtenf jtl V XICJIOLSOX Cashier Valentine Nebraska A General Baiikiny Business Transacted Buys find Sells Bomestie and Foreign Encchange Correspondents Chemical National Bank New Yorlc tfirst National Bank Omaua ITIZENS - MEAT - MARKET - WILL furnish - Fish Game Tender Steaks Jncy Roasts Dry Salt Meats and the finest line of Smoked Hams and Breakiast Bacon ever sold in town GEO OuHWALm PROP U At StettersOldStana on Main Street THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS I LIQUQRS and CIGARS Valentine J ihe Choicest Brands J -at ibr iA Nebraska 1 it