V jr A Child Enjoys The pleasant flavor gentle action and soothing effects of Syrup of Irgs when in need ol a laxatie and if the father or mother be costive or bilious the most gaalifiyinj results follow its use so that Jt is the best inmily remedy known nd every family should have a bottle A laugh to be joyous must flow from a Joyous heart for without kindness there can be no true jojv Carlyle Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally Price 75 cents Real happiness Is cheap enough yet how dearly we pay for its counterfeit H Bnllou Half A MILLION To be Given Away in Articles of m 9 m Real vacuo to tne users or KiH s Pouch Chewing and Smoking The Only ANTI NERVOUS and ANTI DYSPEPTIC TOBACCO SAVE YOUR COUPONS or EMPTY BAGS UNTIL COUPONS APPEAR AND GET IN EXCHANGE FRE THE FOLLOW ING VALUABLE and USEFUL ARTICLES e B VALUABLE PICTURES Handsome Waier Color FBC similes Land Ecape and Marine tize 14x23 12 eubjecta Fine Pastel Fac similes Landscape and Figures tize JOx21 inches 12 tuhjects Besutiful Venetian Scenes Woiks of Art tize 20z20 inches eubjects Magnificent Water Color Gravures after fa mous aitistp nize 22x23 inches 4 subjects NO ADVERTISING ON ANY OF THE ABOVE SuehExcellcntllorks of A rt liuve never before beenojTcred Except Through Dealers at very Inyh prices They are suitable decorations for uiiy homeland to be appreciated must be sun CHOICE BOOKS Cloth Bound Standard Works over 150 se lected titles by Eminent Authors Popular Novels SIM titles bjFnvoriteAnthorB TOBACCO POUCHES Rubber self closing Convenient and useful PJPES French Briar Guaranteed Genuine POCKET KNIVES Jick Knives and Pen Knives first quality American manufacture Razor Steel hand forgedfiieiy tempered Blades StegHandle RAZORS Highest Grade Steel Hcliojv Ground POCKET BOOKS - Finest Qua Leather Ladies and Gents CfGLOrVISTERS lOOtfiie Reputing Foranyeizo Bicycle lor a me ime n oniy oruinaruy carea ior t f EXCELLENT Open Face WATCHES The Mail Peach Watches are made by a lending American Watch Company and arc guaranteed without quahfcption Tneworis contain all improvements up to date They will wear and perform well Coupons explain how to secure All Articles One Cotyon ji each 5 cant 2 ounce Package Two Covpons in each 10 cent 4 ounce Package Nisi Pouch I gu2cdo is sold by ail dealers Inclcagee nolo on sale containing no coupons will Ijencceptrd as coupon u2or Empty Bag as one CortjTon 4 cz Empty Lag as tiro Coupons ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Mailed on application oiving complete hst and description ot all articles end Titles ot Books and Pictures ahv tells cir to get tlim The Blcch Brcs Tobacco Co Wheeling W Va No coupoas exchanged after July 1 1897 BICYCLISTS SHOULD USPS f it if t 1 FH I m follp if CURES bounds Bruises Sunburn Sprains Lameness Insect Bites and ALL FAIN After hard WORK or EXERCISING rub with it to AVOID LAMENESS REFUSE SUBSTITUTES -Weak Watery Worthless PONDS EXTRACT OINTMENT cures PILES JAr A POND6 EXTRT CO 76 Fifth Av New York - The Greatest Aledical Discovery of the Age 4 KENEDYS MEDiCALDtiCOVERY 8QNALB KENNEDY OF ROXBURY MASS Has discovered in one of our common Easture weeds a remedy that cures every md of Humor from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple Hehas tried it tn over eleven hundred rases and never failed -except in two cases both thunder humor He has now in hi9 possession over two hundred certificates of its value all within twenty miles of Boston Send postal card for book A benefit is aiways -experienced from the first bottle and aperfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains like needles passing through them the same with the Liver or Bowels This is caused by the ducts bein stopped and always disappears in a week after taking it Read the label If thetomach is foul or bilious It will cause squeamish feelings at first No change of diet ever necessary Eat the best you can get and enough of it Dose one tablespoonfulio water ct bed time Sold by all Druggists Dorft take substitutes to save a few pennies It worft pay you Always itisist oi HIRES Rootbeer Xfcfeanlj by The Cfcadw E Hires Co Philadelphia XSbftcksmUccSfzllcss Sold CTerrwfcere Binder Twins- Larvest sellers In the woritf Samples prices free write JlUMUUJIJtKX YtAKU CO ix u us aieJilfjia ATM Cbirta vLU E I J OBrmalUOfc Lock Box 7BaNror MB uimttnntnt wx tLSt mils Eg pif md Beet Cobu Syrup Tastes Good Use Wi f C3 tn ttaa gold by flraggteU jjg 4 tJrP J v m Homemade Potato Sprayer The sprayer illustrated herewith Is inexpensive and easily made First a heavy iron rod about 1 inches thick and 6V2 feet long must be procured 3or an axle This may be taken from an old grain drill or elsewhere and adapted to the present use For wheels take those of the hay rake as a lgh wheel makes the flow strong er The shafts should be about eight feet long They are bolted to the axle five feet apart and fastened securely that the rod may not turn Two pieces of wood three by three inches and three and one half feet long are bolted across the shafts 12 or 15 inches apart one of them being placed a trifle back of the axle and the other farther in front of it The singletree is attached to a third crosspiece farther forward Two more pieces two by six inches and two feet long are bolted edge wise across the 3x3 inch pieces two feet apart These pieces are hollowed out at the top so that a barrel will rest on them securely Two stopcocks are inserted into the barrel opposite the bung and two pieces of hose six feet long terminating in a fine spray nozzle attached to them The bnnghole is turned upward and a funnel used m filling it The horse walks between the rows of potatoes the man follow ing and holding a nozzle in each hand above the row on either side When turning at the end of a row the hose may be laid across the barrel to stop the flow The pressure of the liquid in the barrel if well elevated is suffi cient to produce a steady flow and the jolting of the machine will keep the DEVICE FOR SPKAYIXG POTATOES paris green in solution With a spray er of this kind one person can easily spray ten acres of potatoes in a day American Agriculturist The Kooning Time In the longest days of the year and when on the farm the hardest work of the year has to be done there should be generally a longer rest at noon than is usually taken The early morning and toward evening are the most com fortable times to work out of doors But with a day nearly or quite fif teen hours long there must be a con siderable resting place in the middle of the day if health is to be preserved The noon dinner may take half an hour or more but after that should be a rest of a full hour or two and if part of that time be spent in sleep both body and brain will be refreshed Few know how great is the dependence of the nerves on sleep for their continuance in vigorous health A noonday rest of not less than two hours will enable more work to be done than can be se cxired without it If storms threaten when crops have to be secured the noon rest may be omitted for in such case when rain comes there will be longer opportunities for resting and even for sleeping than will be desir able Killing Hose Slugs -with Hot Water It is very slow and difficult work thinning off the rose and near slugs when they are found on pear and grape leaves Not many people know that they can be easily killed by drench ing the leaves with water heated to 130 to 140 degrees This is death to nearly all kinds of bugs and Hie wa ter can be applied 10 to 20 degrees hotter than this without injuring the leaves either of the pear or grape vine If the water is applied by spraying it should be some hotter than is re quired so that it may reach the slugs at the temperature that is surely fatal to them Very cold water or that which has had ice dissolved in it will kill the rose slugs if dashed violently against them but it knocks off many more and they are soon found a tlieir work ajain Fences Aronnd Gardens Tnere should be no fences except those put up for temporary protection and that can be easily taken down around the garden If a permanent fence is built it is always in the way and becomes a harbor for weeds which will grow at all the more luxuriantly because the garden is rich Xeithar should fruit trees be planted around the garden for like reason The fruit garden ought to be by itself and on the farm it is better to grow all the tree fruits in the main orchard that can then be fenced inland used as a pasture for pigs By Products of the Dairy Almost all great manufacturing en- terprises now derive a great part of their profits from the careful saving -X - - I J 9 f -- I 1 11 I li 1 S J -- X Mhv - irr i 3 mS mry m - jsi rt i trra n 7 - - S ryi A MVt1 iav vViiss3 isiiwtfi inasx U2lK8 Mtxi 1 ki A and use of by products that were for merly wasted It is much the same with the dairy There is no large mar gin of profit in making butter and cheese at present prices and the ques tion how to dispose of the by products left after these are made usually de cides whether the result shall be ou the loss or on the profit side Making curd cheese without rennet from the skim milk is a profitable way to use it where a near market can be had for it Almost every city or village would dispose of a large quantity every day if it were placed on market Besid this feeding skim milk to fowls pigs and to the cows are good ways to dispose of it Which will be most profitable must depend on circum stances Removing Foul Seeds from Grain As long as it remains true that as a I man sows so shall he reap it behooves 1 him to get all foul weed seed out of his I seed grain Some practice swim- ning it out but the heaviest seeds Lrir irwiffii 1 1 Ls Mil w SIEVE FOK SEED GRAINS will not float only the seed pods of weeds and the lighter stuff Better sift the wild seed out and the illus tration shows how to do it easily and quickly Removable wire mesh bot toms may be used and thus a choice made in the size of mesh 19 use with any particular grain or beans peas 3rn - - r V t4r - r etc It will pay to use a mesh coarse enough to permit all small and in ferior kernels of grain to fall through with the weed seed Then only the best and most vigorous kernels will be sowed Such selection of the best seed year after year will bring up the quality of the grain wonderfully Farm and Home Selling Yoiuiir Piirs There is always profit in breeding pigs providing the breeder is not too greedy and is willing to sell his stock at reasonable rates Live and let live should always be the rule In nothing is this more true than in the breeding and sale of stock It is very easy to get a surplus of stock greater than can be either kept or fattened with profit As the pigs grow older it costs more to produce a pound additional growth and what is worse this extra weight is not worth so much per pound as is that of the smaller pig The sow pigs may be worth more as they grow older if set to breeding but the farmer who breeds pigs largely to sell while young does not wait for the sows to gt to breeding age before disposing of them He leaves some of the profit to the purchaser of his stock as every stock seller ought to do If no one did this the race of buyers would quickly run out and then the grower of young pigs would be worse off than ever Felect the Best Did you ever notice that certain hens in the flock always seemed more alert and active than others See how per- haps half a dozen out of thirty or forty are always running around singing perking their heads up in a Dont you see Im a rustler kind of way and doing more work in an hour than the rest of the flock in four Take care of these Separate them from the rest of the flock Look after them with great care and by breeding them care fully to choice males you can raise up a strain of fowls that will be phe nomenal layers Now dont sneer at this idea It is a fact and one that is worthy of your looking into Feeding Bran in Summer Cows at pasture are greatly helped by feeding a bran mash morning and night when giving milk Good as grass is it does not furnish the full propor tion of nitrogenous and mineral sub stance that tlie cow requires to give the largest quantity of milk and bran is a better food for this than is grain or grain meal Cows that will not eateorn meal when at pasture will eat and relish a bran mash made with water heated to blood temperature Dairy Notes The cow should have all the food that she will assimilate A cow that is heated and worried will not milk well and her milk will not make good butter You cannot feed a scrub calf into a good one but you can easily stint a well bred calf into a scrub It is no use to say that dairying doe3 not pay for it does pay those who know how to conduct the business The dairyman should not only breed up his cows but by proper course of fer tilization increase the bearing capacity of the soil The latest thing for the deception of the dairy farmer is a bogus cottonseed meal It has been analyzed and detect ed by two of the experiment stations Cows drink from four to five gallons of water daily on the average This should be as free from all impurities or surface drainage as the water used in the farnily Not every farmer can feed his cows a wide ration because it is sometimes tofl costly to be available but whatever I thfc feed there should be plenty of it assrt it shpnjfj be accampaoied by plenty j os jvater - x j ftUs - - - -- v - V -- HEALTH IN OLD AGE A Reporters Interesting Interview with a Lady of Seventy two Yearn Who Tells a Marvelous Story From the Union Port Jerois N Y But a short time ago in a distant part of the country we heard of a cure by the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills which eeemed almost marvelous and more re cently another substantial evidence of their value reached our ears Being of an inquiring turn of mind and wishing to know just how much thtre was in the story a reporter was sent to interview the person said to be thus benefited If the narrative as it had reached our ears was true it was only simple justice to iet it be known if it proved untrue it would be well to know it The person alluded to above as having been thus greatly benefited by the use of Pink Pills is Mrs Jane Ilotalen of Hainesville N J a pleasant hamlet in Sussex County about fifteen miles from this office The reporter had no difficulty in finding Mrs Hotalen It was nearly noon when we reached her pleas ant home a double house one part of which is occupied by her son She is a pleasant faced old lady looking to be about sixty five but is m reality seventy two years of age xVfter a few prelimi nary remarks in explanation of the call she was asked if she had any objection to giving us the details of the case and how she came to try this now famous remedy Not at all said she If my experi ence can be of any good to others 1 am sure tht y are welcome to it it can do me no harm When were you taken sick and what was the nature of the malady was asked It was about two years ago The trouble was rheumatic in character sci atica they called it and it was very painful indeed The difficulty began in my hip and extended the whole length of the limb crippling me completely I suffered intensely from it and the ordi nary treatment gave me not the slightest alleviation I was under treatment about a mouth as stated but grew worse instead of better and was fast becoming discour aged What brought Pink Pills to your no tice My son called my attention to an article in a paper in which it was stated that a Mr Struble of Branchviile a village in this county had been greatly benefited by their use and suggested that it would be a good plan to try them But I was skeptical in regard to their value in fact I had no confidence in their efficacy and rather laughed at the suggestion But the trouble increased and I was badly crippled A few days later my son was about to visit a neighboring town and suggested again that it might be well to try this remedy and I then consented He bought me a box of them and I began taking them at once At the end of a week I noted a marked improvement and by the time I had taken the first box I was able to walk without a cane I continued their use taking several boxes and am as you see in a very comfortable state of health Have you had any return of the trou ble Not as yet though at my time of life seventy two it would not be surprising if I should have If it comes I should at once begin the use of the pills I suppose I inherit a tendency to troubles of this kind my mother died from them Did you ever note ny ill effects from the use of Pink Pills None whatever They never disturb ed my stomach in any way or caused me any annoyance Neither did I find it nec essary to increase the dose as the direc tions say may be desirable I am able as you see to attend to my own work The reporter thanked Mrs Hotalen for her courtesy and bade her good day It is not often that one can witness such a complete recovery from such a pertina cious trouble at such an advanced age and such instances cannot fail to produce a proiounci impression ueauers ui mv Union may rely on the absolute accuracy of all the statements here given nothing has been exaggerated nothing withheld Dr Williams Pink Pills contain in a condensed form all the eeraents neces sary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves They are an unfailing specific for all forms of weakness either in male or female and all diseases resulting from vitiated hu mors in the blood Pink Pills are sold by all dealers or will be sent post paid nil receipt of price 50 cents a box or six boxes for 250 by addressing Dr Wil liams Medicine Co Schenectady X Y Not His Legs A Russian peasant having accumu lated a little money took himself to town to purchase a new pair of boots Returning homeward he espied a lux uriant spot for a siesta and being tired lay down for a quiet nap which developed into a sound sleep A con scienceless tramp passing along the road took note of the peasants new boots and also of his own very poor footgear and decided an exchange would be beneficial And accordingly he stripped the peasant of his new pur chase and proceeded on his way The driver ol a passing wagon seeing the peasants legs stretched parkway across the road yelled for him to take his legs out of the way Legs inquired the half awake peasant what legs and then rubbing his eyes he stared stupidly at his lower limbs Drive on said he those legs aint mine Mine had boots on A Great Railway The Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Railway Co owns and operates 5169 miles of road It operates its own Sleeping Cars and Dining Cars It traverses the best portion of the Slates of Illinois Wisconsin Northern Michigan Iowa Missouri Minnesota South and North Dakota Its Sleeping and Dininjj Car service is first class in every respect It runs vestibuled steam -heated and electric lighted trains It has the absolute block system It uses all modem appliances for the comfort and safety of its patrons Its train employes are civil and obliging It tries 10 give each passenger value received forhs money and Its General Passenger Agent asks every man woman and child to buy tickets over the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Rail wayfor it is A Great Railway A Double Headed Turtle D E Hudson tells about a freak tur tle be found on the shores of Lake On tario among a lot of newly hatched tur tles This turtle was just emerging from its shell There were two heads and necks to it and each head was apparently independent of the other and each seemed to have contrary ideas of the proper way to go Both heads would be asleep when one would wake up and start the body off according to its own ideas That would rouse the other head and then there would be a mix up of motions It died after a while Valuable Franchise Secured The franchise of easy digestion one of the most valuable In the gift of medical science can be secured by auy person wise enough to use Hostetters Stomach liitter3 either to Buppress growing dyspepsia or to uproot It at maturity Bilious rheumatic and fever and ague sufferers persons troubled with nervousness and the constipated should also secure the health franchise by the same means There is an alchemy of quiet malice by which women can concoct a subtle poison from ordinary trifles Haw thorne Hot Springe S D Special 30 day excursion from Sioux City July 24th at 2S0 m Kate for round trip 1480 For particulars ad dress H C Cheyxey General Agent becurity Bank Bid Sioux City Iowa Age makes say it finds Goethe Mo 1 us not childish as some us still true children Arms of snowy whiteness neck pure n alabaster complexion like the blush of a rose She patronized Glenns Sulphut Soap Of druggists Genius may be almost defined as the faculty of acquiring poverty Whipple I know that my life was saed by Pisos Cure for Consumption John A Miller Au Sable Mich April 21 1S05 Give up no science entirely for science is but one Seneca Buy 1 worth nobbns Floatns Borax Soap or your procer send wrappers to nobblns soap Mf Co Phil adelphia Pa They will send yon free of charge pnst jjU1 a Worcester Pocket Bictlciiarj 293 pages chh bound profusely Uluurated Oiler good till Aug 1 only All power appears only in transition Mrs Wlnslowg 8ootitino Sznup for Children teetbinc Bottena the srums reance iiiflaininaUoa tllajs rain curs ccic 25 cuts a bottle Eat Naturally have a good appetite keep your blood pure and your nerre3 stronj by taking Hoods Sarsaparilla The best in fact the One True Blood Purifier Hoods Pills cur biliousness headache 25c Duxbak is the name of the 4 J m BIAS VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDING that 13 rainproof and sheds water It wears like the other S H Ms and does not turn gray like the cheap kinds Put it on your traveling and sea side gowns If your dealer will not supply you we will Samplis showing labels and materials mailed free Home Dressmaking Made Easy a nsv72 pxger book by Miss Erami M Hooper cf the Ladies Home Journal giving valuable points mailed fcr 5 H 6c M Co P O Boz 699 N Y City S C N U opium ai 29 90 ablt Cured Kst In 1H71 Tliniwanft cured Uheapit aud best cure siaiecase im mahsh Qtilncr Judgment 1 1 Lv IP5T Jl il f iht umpire now aeciaes that r BATTLE AX is not only decidedly bigger in size than any r other 5 cent piece of tobacco but the quality is the finest he ever saw and the flavor delicious You will never know iust how erjod it is until you try it 3 HO Follow the directions and youll get the best work from Pearline Not that there s any harm to be feared from it no matte how you use it or how much you use V I Id Millions Milton Shoemaker M D Prest Joilx P Allison Treasurer But to make your washing and cleaning easiest to save the most rubbing the most wear and tear the most time and money keep to the directions given on every pack age of Pearline If youll do that with your flannels for instance its perfectly simple and easy theyll keep beautifully soft and without shrinking- 502 it Pearlme CONSUMPTION AND LIVE YES Has Successfully Treated oyer Eighty Cases John C Kelly Vice Prea A D Colliek Secretary hoemaker Consumption Cure CoB OF SIOUX CITY lOWA j The Officers Directors and Stockhold ers are among the best and most success Iful business men of Sioux City References Any Bank Commercial Agency or any reputable bus iness house in the city Write for terms circulars statement and in formation to Lock Box 915 A D C0LLLEB Secretary The Best Is Aye the Cheapest Avoid Imitations of and Sub stitutes for SAPOLIO t