The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 16, 1896, Image 6

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Russian Family
TVhen a Russian family moves from
one house to another it is customary
to rake all the fire from the hearth of
the old domicile and carry it in a closed
pot to the new residence
The Hands
It is a strange fact that the right
iiand which is more sensible to the
touch than the left is less sensible
-than the latter to the effect of heat or
The platform as reported by the Committee on Resolutions to the Demo
cratic National Convention in Chicago is as follows
Sve the democrats oi the United States In national convention assembled
do reaffirm our allegiance to those great essential principles of justice and lib
flerty upon which our Institutions are founded and which the democratic party
lias advocated from Jeffersons time to our own freedom of speech freedom
of the press freedom of conscience the preservation of personal rights the
equality of all citizens before the law and the faithful observance of constitu
tional limitations
FINANCIAL PLANK Recognlzln g that the money question is paramount
to all others at this time we invite attention to the fact that the federal con
stitution names silver and gold together as the money metals of the United
States and that the first coinage law passed by congress under the constitution
made the silver dollar the unit of value and admitted gold to free coinage at the
ratio measured by the silver dollar unit
We declare that the act of 1873 demonetizing silver without the knowledge
or approval of the American people has resulted in the appreciation of gold and
a corresponding fall In the prices of commodities produced by the people a
heavy increase In the burden of taxation and of all debts public and private
the enrichment of the money lending class at home and abroad prostration of in
dustry and impoverishment of the people
We are unalterably opposed to the single gold standard which has locked
fast the prosperity of an industrial people in the paralysis of hard times
Gold monometallism is a British policy and its adoption has brought other na
tions into financial servitude to London It is not only un American but anti
American and it can be fastened on the United States only by the stifling of
that indomitable spirit and love of liberty which proclaimed our political inde
pendence in 1776 and won it in the war of the revolution
We demand the free and unlimited coinage of j
both gold and silver at the present legal ratio of j
16 to i without waiting for the aid or consent of
any other nation We demand that the standard
silver dollar shall be a full legal tender equally
with gold for all debts public and private and we
favor such legislation as will prevent the demon-
etization of any kind of legal tender money by
private contract
k1 U
We are opposed to the policy and practice cf surrendering to the holders of
-the obligations of the United States the option reserved by law to the government
of redeeming such obligations in either silver coin or gold coin
BONDS We are opposed to the issuing of interest bearing bonds of the
United States in time of peace and condemn the trafficking with banking syndi
cates which in exchange for bonds and at an enormous profit to themselves
supply the federal treasury with gold to maintain the policy of gold monometal
Congress alone has the power to coin and Issue money and President Jack
son declared that this power could not be delegated to corporations or individuals
We therefore demand that the power to issue notes to circulate money be taken
from the national banks and that all paper money shall be issued directly by the
treasury department
TARIFF AND TAXATION We hold that tariff duties should be levied for
purposes of revenue and that taxation should be limited by the needs of the
government honestly and economically administered We denounce as disturb
ing to business the republican threat to restore the McKinley law which has
been twice condemned by the people in national elections and which enacted
under the false plea of protection to home industry proved a prolific breeder of
trusts and monopolies enriched the few at the expense of the many restricted
trade and deprived the producers of the great American staples of access to their
natural markets Until the money question is settled we are opposed to any agi
tation for further changes in our tariff laws except such as are necessary to
make the deficit in revenue caused by the adverse decision of the Supreme Court
on the income tax There would be no deficit in the revenue but for the annul
ment by the Supreme Court of a law passed by a democratic congress in strict
pursuance of the uniform decisions of that court for nearly one hundred years
that court having sustained constitutional objections to its enactment which
has been overruled by the ablest judges who had ever sat on that bench We
declare that it is the duty of congress to use all the constitutional power which
remains after that decision or which may come from Its reversal by the court as
Itmay hereafter he constituted so that the burdens of taxation may be equally
and impartially laid to the end that wealth may bear its proportion of the ex
penses of the government
We hold that the most efficient way of protecting American labor is to pre
vent the importation of foreign pauper labor to compete with it in the home
market and that the value of the home market to our American farmers and
artisans Is greatly reduced by a vicious monetary system which depresses the
prices of their products below the cost of production and thus deprives them of
the means of satisfying their needs
REPUBLICAN CONGRESSES We denounce the profligate waste of the
money wrung from the people by oppressive taxation and the lavish appropria
tions of recent republican congresses which have kept taxes high while the la
bor that pays them Is unemployed and the product of the peoples toll are de
pressed in price till they no longer repay the cost of production We demand
a return to that simplicity and economy which best beflts a democratic gov
ernment and a reduction In the number of useless officers the salaries of which
drain the substance of the people
FEDERAL INTERFERENCE We denounce the arbitrary interference by
-federal authorities in local affairs as a violation of the constitution of the United
States and a crime against free Institutions and we especially object to gov
ernment by injunction as a new and highly dangerous form of oppression by
-which federal Judges in contempt of the laws of the states and rights of citi
zens become at once legislators judges and executioners and we approve the
bill passed at the last session of the United States senate and now pending in
the house relative to contempts in federal courts and providing for trials by
jury in certain cases of contempt
PACIFIC FUNDING BILL No discrimination should be indulged in by the
government of the United States in favor of its debtors We approve of the
refusal of the Fifty third congress to pass the Pacific railroad funding bill
denounce the effort of the present republican congress to enact a similar meas
PENSIONS Recognizing the just claims cf deserving union soldiers we
heartily Indorse the rule of Commissioner Murphy that no names shall be ar
bitrarily dropped from the pension roll and the fact of enlistment and ser
vice should be deemed conclusive evidence against disease and disability be
fore enlistment
SYMPATHY FOR CUBA We extend our sympathy to the people of Cuba
in their heroic struggle for liberty and Independence
CIVIL SERVICE We are opposed to life tenure in the public service We
favor appointments based upon merits fixed terms of office and such an admin
istration of the civil service laws as will afford equal opportunities to all citizens
of ascertained fitness
AGAINST THIRD TERM We declare it to be the unwritten law of this re
public established by custom and usage of one hundred years and sanctioned
by the examples of the greatest and wisest of those who founded and have main
tained our government that no man should be eligible for a third term of the
presidential office
Confiding in the justice of our cause and the necessity of its success at the
polls we submit the foregoing declaration of principle and purposes to the con
siderate judgment of the American people We Invite the support of all citizens
who approve them and who desire to have them made effective through legisla
tion for the relief of the people and the restoration of the countrys prosperity
Jilted by Famous Men
It is a curious fact says a AYashing
ton correspondent that there are sev
eral women here who find a source of
gratification in advertising that they
have been jilted by famous men A
former sweetheart of John C Calhoun
is an inmate of Louise Home She lias
a ring that he gave her a lock of hair
and other mementoes of an early en
gagement and she likes to tell the story
of her love affair
Another woman here was once en
gaged to Tames Buchanan and might
have been mistress of the White House
liad she been so inclined She does not
-advertise the fact however but the
story is related by her friends to ex
plain the reason why she prefers to re
main a recluse rather than occupy the
social position which her wealth and ac
complishments would comamnd
Monopoly of Quinine
Italy proposes to take the sale of
Tannine out of the hands of the drug
gists and to make it a government
monopoly Druggists sell it at the rate
of from 50 to 100 a pound while the
-government gets it for the army at 5
a pound It will be sold in sealed
rtubes to prevent adulteration in doses
-of one gramme at a cost of three and
four cents
Family Life
Family life sustains national life
that is by lightening the duties that
would otherwise fall heavily upon the
State No one can compute the de
gree to which the family circle with
its ever prevading influence anticipates
wants prevents crime promotes indus
try and independence and thus holds
back many of the burdens that would
otherwise be borne by the State It is
safe to say that there would be a ten
fold necessity for laws and penalties
all through the country were it not for
the controlling and guiding influence
of the home
Electricity from the Sea
At first glance there seems to be no
connection between the breaking of sea
waves and the electrical condition of
the air Recent investigations how
ever show that the shattering of the
waves and the scattering of the spray
have the effect of imparting positive
electricity to the atmosphere Visitors
to the seashore experience a stimula
tion from the ozone contained in the air
and the presence of this is ascribed to
the electrifying action of the spray
from the breaking waves This same
effect from the same cause is noticed
near waterfalls
He Knows
Patient How often should I take this
prescription doctor
Doctor The apothecary ought to
have told you that He knows what his
business requirements are Exchange
A Theory
She I wonder why Mrs Browu
changed her physician She seemed to
be getting along nicely
He But didnt you say he ordered
her to be kept quiet Up-To-Date
Two Favor the Adoption of the Ee
port of the Committee on Resolu
tions and Two Do Battle for the
Gold Standard
Debate on the Platform
In the discussion of the platforui before
the national Democratic convention
Senators Hill and Vilas opposed the sil
ver bond and income tax planks and
Senator Tillman and Congressman Bryau
supported the committees report Sen
ator Tillman spoke in part as follows
Senator Tillman
I came here from South Carolina I camo
at an opportune time South Carolina in
1860 led the light In the Democratic party
which resulted In Its disruption That dis
ruption of that party brought about the war
The war emancipated the black slaves We
tut Me UW leadln u fiflt to emancipate
the white slaves I
do not know whether I
can truly say whether I am a representative
of the entire South or not I have been in
fourteen States since April making the an
nouncement of a new declaration of inde
pendence that 1C to 1 or bust Is the slogan
In the last three or four or five vears the
Western people have come to realize that
the condition of the South and the condition
of the West was identical Hence we And
to day that the Democratic party of the
West is here almost in solid phalanx appeal
ing to the South the South have responded
to come to their help to remove this yoke
It is not worth while for me to say that
which will breed any discord between the
sections for such a thought does not harbor
In my breast I deny utterly having oue
ill thought or angry passion lu my bosom in
contemplating the wrong which we have en
dured But if you have listened to the truth
and it has entered your brain you are bound
to acknowledge that the most of these im
provements and money In the Eastern and
Southern States where all this wealth has
gone has not gone for the benefit of the
people but the wealth is owned by a few
men Look at this city here not a paper in
It In favor of the money of the Constitution
and of the people every one of them howling
day by day and abusing the majority of their
fellow citizens in this section even and
further West by calling them howling der
vishes and silver lunatics We have Instead
of a slave oligarchy a money oligarchy The
one is more insolent than the other was
The only thing which can keep the move
mentthis revolution from succeeding in
sweeping this country from end to end is
that we may submerge our patriotism here
forget the duty which we owe our people
follow after the banner of some individual
rather than a principle and fail to discharge
that duty which we owe to the masses of se
lecting a man here whose record will tit this
platform The Senator from New York is
to follow me He despised the President of
the United States in 1 S92 He has had cause
since to more than despise him But for some
inscrutable reason although ho lias been be
trayed by his own party and his own State
he appears here as the sponsor and apologist
for the administration As Grover Cleveland
stands for gold monometallism and we have
J Jr
Av Cii si
sFV ii SI
repudiated It then when we are asked to in
dorse Grover Clevelands administration we
are asked to write ourselves down as liars
We need money to spend or we cannot pa
tronize the local merchants if we have not
money the local merchant cannot order from
the jobber the jobber cannot order from the
factory and you see the sequence of conse
quences The farmers of the Northeastern
States are just as poor and just as hard up
as we are They are ready to join this army
of emancipation The Democracy are face
to face with this issue and it must be met
We of the South have burned our bridges
so far as the Northeastern Democracy is
concerned as now organized We have turn
ed our faces to the West asking our breth
ren of these States to unite with us in re
storing the Government to the liberty of our
fathers or which our fathers left us The
West has responded by its representatives
here For myself and for those of my State
who came with me we came here primarily
to see that we had a platform which meant
what it said and said what it meant We
have got it Now give us any man you please
who is a true representative of that plat
form we have no choice and we pledge you
that every vote Soutli of the Potomac will
go to him
Senator Hill
I am a Democrat but I am not a revolution
ist No matter what the provocation you
canot drive me out of the Democratic party
That party has survived the attempt of every
section of the country to divide it to dis
tract it it lives to day and I hope it will
long survive My mission here is to unite
not to divide The question which this con
vention is to decide is which is the best posi
tion to take at this time upon the financial
question It is not a question of patriotism
It is not a question of courage It is a ques
tion of business It is a question of finance
I think that the safest the best course for
this convention to have pursued was to take
the first step forward in the great cause of
monetary reform by declaring in favor of
International bimetallism I do not think that
we can safely ignore the monetary systems
of other great nations I know that it ap
peals to the pride of the average American
to say that it matters not what other coun
tries may do we can arrange this matter
for ourselves But I beg to remind you if
that suggestion Is carried out to its legitimate
conclusion you might as well do away with
International treaties you might as well do
fway with commercial treaties with other
countries you might as wel do away with
all the provisions in your tariff bills that
have relation to the Taws of other countries
What does this silver platform provide
Your committee has recommended for adop
tion a platform which makes the test of
Democratic loyalty to hang up6ii a single
ratio and that lQ to J I doubt the wisdom
of having entered into detail I doubt the
propriety of saying that 15 or 17 is heresr
and 1G is the only true Democratic doctrine
With all due respect I think it an unwise
step I think It an unnecessary step and I
think It will return to plague us in the fu
ture Another suggestion What was the
necessity for putting into the platform other
questions which have never been made the
tests of Democratic loyalty before Why
we find the disputed question of the policy
and constitutionality of an income tax Will
some one tell me what that clause means in
this platform Whenever before in the his
tory of this country has devotion to an in
come tax been made the test of Democratic
loyalty Never Another question I think
should have been avoided is this What was
the necessity what the propriety of taking
up the vexed question of the issue of bonds
for the preservation of the credit of the na
tion Why not have left this financiaVques
tiou of the free coinage of silver alone You
have announced the bold policy that under
no circumstances shall there ever be a single
bond Issued in times of peace It means the
virtual repeal of your resumption act it
means repudiation per se and simple The
statement is too broad the statement is too
sweeping it has not been carefully considered-
No no my friends this platform has
not been wisely considered In your zeal for
inonetarv reform you have gone out of the
true path you have turned from the true
course and lu your anxiety to build up the
silver currency you hive unnecessarily put
In this platform provisions which cannot
stand a fair discussion I dislike tho Itepu
lican party I dislike all their tenets I havo
no sympathy with their general principles
Do not attempt to drive old Democrats out
of the party that have grown gray In its
service to make room for a lot of Republi
cans and old Whigs and other Populists that
will not vote your ticket ufter all No matter
who your candidate may he in this conven
tion with possibly one exception your Popu
list friends upon whom you arc relying for
suport In the West and South will nominate
their own ticket and your silver forces will
be divided Mark the prediction which I
make My friends I thus speak more in sor
row than In auger You know what this plat
form means to the East You must realize
the result But calamitous as it may be to
us it will be more calamitous to you if after
all taking these risks you do not win the
fight My friend3 we want the Democratic
party to succeed We want to build It up
A fcYTr Yi
Lft Kr
- VH
jBiii ffr
We do not want to tear it down We want
our principles the good old principles of
Jefferson of Jackson of Tilden of hard
money of safe money we want no green
back currency on our plates We want no
paper currency whatever We want to stand
by the principles under which we have won
during the history of this country and made
it what it is If we keep in the good old
paths of the party we can win If we depart
from them we shall lose
Ex Convres9nian Brj an
On the 4th of March 1S95 a few Demo
crats most of them members of Congress
issued an address to the Democrats of the
nation asserting that the money question
was the paramount issue of the hour assert
ing also the right of a majority of the Demo
cratic party to control the position of the
party on this paramount issue concluding
with the request that all believers in free
linage of silver in the Democratic party
should organize and take charge of and cou
trl the policy of the Democratic party
Three months later at Memphis an organi
zation was perfected and the silver Demo
crats went forth openly and boldly and cour
ageously proclaiming their belief and de
claring that if successful they would crystal
lize in a platform the declaration which they
had made and then began the conflict with
a zeal approaching the zeal which inspired
the Crusaders who followed Peter the ner
mlt Our silver Democrats went forth from
victory unto victory until they are assem
bled now not to discuss not to debate but
to enter up the judgment rendered bv the
plain people of this country In this contest
brother has been arrayed against brother
and father against son The warmest ties of
love and acquaintance and association have
been disregarded Old leaders have been
cast aside when they refused to give expres
sion to the sentiments of those whom they
would lead and new leaders have sprung up to
give direction to thi cause of truth Thus has
the contest been waged and we nave assem
bled here under as binding and solemn in
structions as were ever fastened upon the
representaitves of a people We do not come
as individuals Why as individuals we might
have beeu glad to compliment the gentleman
from New York Senator Hill but we knew
that the people for whom we speak would
never be willing to put him in a position
where he could thwart the will of the Demo
cratic party I say it was not a question of
persons it was a question of principle and
It is not with gladness my friends that we
find ourselves brought into conflict with
those who are now arrayed on the other
side If they ask here why It is that we say
more on the money question than we say
upon the tariff question I reply that if pro
tection has slain its thousands the gold
standard has slain its tens of thousands If
they ask us why we did not embody all
these things in our platform which we be
lieve we reply to them that when we have
restored the money of the Constitution all
other necessary reforms will be possible and
that until that is done there is no reform that
can be accomplished Mr McKinley was nom
inated at St Louis on a platform that de
clared for the maintenance of the gold
standard until it should be changed into bi
metallism by an international agreement
Mr McKinley was the most popular man
among the Republicans and everybody three
months ago in the Republican party prophe
sied his election How is it to day Why
that man who used to boast that he looked
like Napoleon that man shudders to day
when he thinks that lie was nomiuated oh
the anniversary of the battle of Waterloo
Not only that but as he listens he can hear
with ever increasing distinctness the sound
of the waves as they beat upon the ionelv
shores of St Helena Why this change Ah I
my friends is not the change evident to any
one who will look at the matter It is no
private character however pure no personal
popularity however great that can protect
from the avenging wrath of an Indignant
people the man who will either declare that
he is in favor of fastening the gold stand
ard upon this people or who Is willing to
surrender the right of self government and
place legislative control In the hands of tor
eign potentates and powers We go forth
confident that we shall win Why Be
cause upon the paramount issue In this cam
paign there Is not a spot of ground upon
which the enemy will dare to challenge
battle We care not upon which issue thev
force the fight Mr Carlisle said in 1S7S that
this was a struggle between the Idle holders
of idle capital and the struggling masses
who produce the wealth and pay the taxes
of the country and my friends It is simply
a question that we shall decide upon which
side shall the Democratic party fight Upon
the side of the idle holders of idle capital or
upon the side of the struggling masses
They tell us that the great cities are in
favor of the gold standard I tell you that
the great cities rest upon these broad and
fertile prairies Burn down your cities and
leave our farms and your cities will spring
up again as if by magic But destroy our
farms and the grass will grow in the streets
of every city in this country My friends
we shall declare that this nation is able to
legislate for its own people on every ques
tion without waiting for the aid or consent
of any other nation on earth and upon that
issue we expect to carry every single State
in this Union It is the issue of 177G over
again Our ancestors were the 3000000 who
had the courage to declare their political
independence of every other nation upon
earth Shall we their descendants when
wf have crown to 70000000 declare that we
are less independent than our forefathers 1
No my friends It win never ue tug juugmen
of this people Therefore we care not upn
what lines the battle Is fought It they say
bimctallism is good but wo cannot have IV
till Home nation hlps us we reply that in
stead of having a gold standard because En
glnnd has we shall restore bimetallism and
then let England linve bimetallism because
tho United States has If they dare to
come out In tho open and defend the gold
standard as n good thing we shall fight them
to the uttermost having behind us the pro
ducing masses of this nation and the world
Having behind ua the commercial Interests
and the laboring interests and ull the toiling
masses we shall answer their demands for
a gold standard by saying to them you shall
not press down upon the brow of labor this
crown of thorns You shall not crucify man
kind upon a cross of gold
Senator Vilas
As a Democrat who has always maintained
a reasonable obedienco to be tha first duty to
accomplish the partys mission I ask a hear
ing for tho partys sake which from youth
I have devotedly believed necessary for our
good and our liberty I speak for a State
which has maintained the Democratic faith
under circumstances of trial uud with con
stant fidelity The question which you are
about to decide Is momentous painfully so
Its right decision demuads intelligence and
reasoning Order will reverse no law of na
ture and flat rage in vain against principles
of finance This convention has power over
neither but will be powerful for good as It
shall respect that higher law which It cannot
alter though disobey and counter The mi
nority believe the proposal of the majority
to be disobedient to that cause recklessly and
flagrantly so and will cause a fearful penal
ty I will not protract the argument The
Senator from New York has already stated
the argument His speech in direct proposal
Indicates what serious injury to the country
may come In the change of the standard of
values If that proposition is carried out It
will not produce bimetallism far from It It
is in diametric opposition to the platform of
1S02 which proposed an honest bimetallism
if the thing be possible at all when condi
tions shall make it possible And the super
lative victory of this scheme will be the hon
est bimetallism contended for to day in the
belief that you will thereby secure bimetal
lism Those who are in favor of this scheme
believe that it will produce an abundance
of money This It will not do It will shrink
and not swell our currency The silver dollar
Is ho new thing to the United States This
scheme of silver monometallism is no new
thing to this country however novel to the
ignorance perhaps of some of this genera
tion The silver standard is no new thing In
the United States beginning without early
povertyaud weakness and abiding until 1834
then money was scant in this country it pos
sessed no gold It was to get gold and with It
abundance so far as the want of currency is
concerned that the act of 1834 was passed
That was a Democratic measure That was
a measure created under Democratic leader
ship by Benton with the favor of Andrew
Jackson That was distinctly accused then as
a gold measure and It raised the standard of
gold in this country but it raised this coun
try from the grade of China and Japan and
Mexico to a place among the foremost na
tions that maintain and rule the worlds com
merce and carry the colors of civilization to
the farthest regions of the globe The gold
standard is now accused of responsibility for
falling prices but it is never credited when
prices rise In truth it is entitled neither
to the credit nor to the fault The argument
Is a false deduction Would you stop the
fail of prices suppress invention extinguish
enterprise discard improvements in trans
portationin short smite with paralysis the
forces of civilization Take from the farmer
the harvester and thrashing machine and
wheat will rise snatch away from the plant
er the cotton gin the press and cotton will
rise Let loose on society the things of de
- --
struction and they will soon deliver you
from this supposed curse of civilization to a
cheap abundance But the gold standard has
nothing to do with it When auy standard
be fixed with continuing stability it has no
more to do with price than a yard stick or
pair of scales
Oh fellow Democrats why must you launch
our old party on this wild career What in
spiration warrants our pursuit of that which
the wisdom of mankind condemns Who
teaches us with authority a lesson In
finance which the world of the highest
stands aghast at Is It possible that
this old party of Jefferson this old Demo
cratic party of constitutional law and liberty
shall thus fall before the machinations of
a propaganda maintained by silver mine
owners which had its origin many years ago
It was not for such uses it was not for such
an end that the Democratic party was cre
ated I protest with solemn earnestness
with sincerity and personal kindness that
the Democrats of the North ought not to
have accepted this result For thirty years
they have stood at great personal cost light-
ing devotedly for the principles of Deniocj
racy until in a restored Union with equal
rights shared by every part and every por J
tion of the people they have seen the tri
umph apparently of Democracy And now lu
the hour when we thought everything before
us was well we are to have this newly
given strength everted to pull down the pillars
of the temple and crush us all beneath the
ruins So I hope for a better future for the
Democratic party The evil times the evil
days though filled with darkness and with
dangers and compassed around with clouds
may pass I hope to live to see a Demo
cratic convention asembled here when all
shall be united and the whole party restored
to the vigor and power which Is necessary
for Its service to the Constitution
Great Waves
A traveler who crossed the Atlantic
in company with an army officer says
that in spite of his sympathy for his
companions suffering from the pangs
of seasickness he could not help deriv
ing considerable amusement from it
Going into the stateroom one partic
ularly rough day he found his compan
ion tossing in his berth muttering in
what at first appeared to be a sort of
Stooping over to catch his words the
friend heard him say Sergeant major
sergeant major or only eighth corpor
al brigadier general brigadier general
ugh lieutenant general
What are you saying asked the
friend in some alarm as the sufferer
looked piteously up at bim after his last
gasping I
Assigning the waves their rank
said the military man rolling over to
ward the wall again There have been
eight lieutenant generals -within the
last twenty minutes
Mourning takes odd forms in some
countries but none more curious than
at Sitka in India where when a -woman
loses her husband she mourns him
by painting the upper part of her face
a deep jet black
Will Make Clothing Cheap
An electrical machine for cutting
cloth has been invente a which is cap
able of cutting out frvm 200 to 3C0
suits a day
Their Power andlnflnencc Una Ccm
pletely Passed Away
The first to come were the men or
Portugal then in the fresh springtime
of its power Bartholomew Diaz dis
covered the Cape of Storms as he
called it in 14SG and after Vasco Da
Gama in 1407 OS had traced the south
east coast as far as Sofnla a little to
the south of the modern port of Beira
the Portuguese established settlements
at that place and farther to the north
of it and thence carried on a considera
ble trade with the natives chiefly iri
gold brought down from the mines of
Mashonaland However theunhealth
iness of the flat country which lies be
tween the coast and the interior pla
teau checked their projects of explora
tion and conquest Individual traders
and sometimes missionaries also pene
trated farinto the interior and articles
which the Portuguese must have brought
to Africa such as fragments of Indian
and Chinese pottery and even in one or
two instances small cannon have been
found many hundreds of miles from the
seaboard But on the whole the Portu
guese exerted little influence on the
country and its inhabitants
The white population remained very
Bmall and it became degraded by inter
marriage with the Kafirs for in Africa
as well as in Brazil the Portuguese
have shown little of that contempt for J
the native blacks and aversion to a
mixing of their blood with the latter
which has been so generally character
istic of the Dutch and the English
During the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries the colonizing force of Portu
gal declined with the decline of her
European power She made no further
efforts to explore and even abandoned
some of her stations on the Zambesi
She remained however undisturbed in
her possession till a few years ago
when a question arose between her
and Great Britain regarding the right
to Delagoa Bay a port harbor fit for
large vessels along the whole stretch
of the southeast coast south of Beira J
was now generally perceived Presi
dent MacAlahon to whom as arbitrator
the controversy was referred decided
in favor of Portugal Subsequently
Germany appeared as a formidable
neighbor on the north while boundary
disputes arose with the British settlers
who in 1S90 had occupied the inland
country to the west
1 Thus tho Portuguese frontier whicn
had been very uncertain has now be
come defined It includes a vast area
but in that area the number of white
men or even of semi civilized half
breeds is so small that although sonie
fitful efforts have been made by the
Mozambique Company little or no
progress in occupying or improving the
country can be recorded Portugal
sends no emigrants to Africa Her
government now hard pressed for
money cannot find the sums needed
to develoi her African territories nor
is there private capital in Portugal to
supplement the weakness of the gov
ernment The Beira Railway and the
Delagoa Bay Railway have both been
built by foreign companies Practically
Portugal may be looked on as an ex
tinct force in South Africa Century
The Race Question in South Africa
Hitherto the most interesting features
in the history of South Africa have
been the relations to one another of
the races that originally inhabited or
have recently occupied it and the most
difficult problems which its future pre
sents arise from the relations of these
races Three races are native four are
European The cases of contact or con
llict between European and aboriginal
races which have been numerous dur
ing the last four centuries include
those where the native race though
perhaps numerous is comparatively
weak and unable to assimilate Euro
pean civilization or to thrive under
European rule a rule which has often
been harsh or even to survive in the
presence of a European population oc
cupying its country those where Euro-
peans have conquered a country al
ready filled by a more or less civilized
population which is so numerous and
so prolific as to maintain itself in their
presence and those in which the native
race is numerous and strong enough to
maintain itself in the face of Euro
peans while on the other hand there
is plenty of room left for a large Euro
peon population to press in This is
what has happened in South Africa
the Dutch and English settlers do not
mix their blood with that of the na
tives So far as can be predicted both
whites and natives will go on increas
ing but not blending We shall pres
ently see how grave are the problems
to which this fact must in time give
rise Century
The Development of St Louis
The development of St Louis as a
manufacturing city has been swift and
prosperous Great factories lie for
the most part southward from the
business center although many of them
have also spread northward Various
industries moveover remain within
the confines of the district which is
chiefly given over to office buildings
financial institutions wholesale houses
and large retail establishments For
merly the factories lay for the most
part outside the circle of the factories
The building and loan associations of
which there are a great number in St
Louis seem to have played an import
ant part in the new housing movement
while the real estate companies with
the facilities which they have offered
for the purchase of small houses on the
installment plan have also doubtless
made it possible for thousands of me
chanics and employed men of small in
comes to own their own homes Cen
tury j
Those who hold positions over a man
may be sorry when te dies but those A
holding positions under him look at hja
remains with considerable liope