C fctzteassBcacst THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT SUCCESSOR TO CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT EOBBBT GOOD Editor and Publisher OffieiitlFacr of Cherry Conii 100 lcn Ycttr itt Advance rUBLJliHlJD EVERY TIHJRSBAi Entered at the Post ofllce at ValcHtine Cherry county Nebraska as Second class matter p mm i ii -- i This paper will be mailed regularly p its subscribers untila definite order o discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full Advertising rates 50 cents per inch per month Kates pen column ox for long time ads made known- on- appli cation tothisOiBce TKTJKSDAY JULY 16 1896 Will the populists indorse Bryan Mqlyinleys triumph is democratic opportunity New York World k trow thuV the democratic national convention has been held it is time to call the state convention to nominate a man who will defeat Jack MColl The A P A element fought Bland because his wife and daughters are Catholics lie says that if he was as good a Christian as his wife he would never desprtirof reaehing Jieaven lion W J Bryan of Nebraska was the unanimous choice of the Chicago Convention for president Now for a square light Will the convention which Kieets at SU Louis on the do the right thing II ay Springs Leader Fifty years ago the ground thdiaus upon ranch Des Moines the capital of Iowa now stands was occupied by a United States military post with a garrison of 100 men and half a dozen of Indian traders The country north of -that point to the north line of Minnesota Those who claim protec tive tariff will increase the price of potatoes are respectfully referred to the crop statistics of last year to find the reason for the present low price of the tubers The yield for 1891- was 179787000 bushels aud the imports- 3002000 bushels For 189t3r yield was 400000000 bushels and the im ports 1341000 bushels Perhaps this will explain the low price Developments in Chicago now indi cate that Hon W J Bryan whom every true patriot of this state delights to honor mav be the choice the Chicago convention for president Every monetary reformer of the west would be pleased with such a happy result and be much better pleased if only one- electorial ticket could be placed in the field against Bill McKin ley the golden calf we are all asked to worship Falls- Gity PopulM The Detroit Tribune a republican paper which does not support the St Louis platform gives a few political definitions as follows Democracy Something republican leaders are emuousto imitate Honest money- Money designed for the payment of debts and of double the value of the money borrowed International agreement A polite term signifying till hell freezes over Bollicliilds A foreign potent whose influence in the United States is great er byafhan that of Leo XIII Standard Money Something wince not one fce - politician in a dozen can de- x was wholly occupied by-wild-tribes of Tlie republicans insist upon having a protective tariff to keep out British goodaud in the next breath they- say- this country must not coin free silver without the consent of England Why should this country ask Englands con tfcnt to coin silverauy more than we showklnsk her consent to enact a pro tective tari If law ONeill Sun The liushville Democrat lias been Conditionally sold to a republican and if the necessary conditions materialize that paper will change hands in the near future and in that case the democrats of Sheridan county will Have no- organ Then if- it should occur that Silver Dick becomes Grover Clevelands successor at the white house there might be sorrowful tears shed RvishtUle Standard The Nebraska State Sunday School Convention will be held in First M E Church Omaha July -28-30 1896 Ever ySunday School in the state is en titled to three delegates including its Superintendent and Pastor Enter tainment will be provided for all del egates presenting proper credentials Keduced rates of one and one third fare have been granted by all railroads in- Nebraska Prominent- Sunday School workers of other states are ex pected to be in attendance For a copy of programme or blank creden tials address E J Wightman Secre tary York Nebraska AVith profuse apologies to the Alli ance Pioneer Grip we remark that if you vant to keen nosced read The Democrat It tells you who hasjwho is and who will get married and to whom notices births and deaths cau tions the reckless and advises the good deed and condemns all infringement of the law tell you when where and what to buy and how to make the most of your purchases in fact its the moral and religious monitor of this section a shining light unto all beholders Come on everybody subscribe- for The Democrat Who says Nebraska isnt in it in politics this year There is Bentley for president on the National Prohibi tion ticket Thurston was chairman of the republican national conveutiou Bryants president on the democratic ticket Allen will be a powerful fac tor in the populist convention at St Louis Should- the gold men put a ticket in the field Jl Sterling Morton will be to the front Whats the mat ter with a showing like that A Chicago policeman arrested a young woman and her husband- the other day because they had kissed each other iu the public street as they were about to part The sight ot a lusn kissing his own vife is more tLan a Chicago poij ceman can stand WJ MS M4 I T SArrai P rrmmat f 4 5rr mr r w t mr mm jLJiiiji -v r zJXiVi lt tllJS0 tFJXJi MU5 1 H ttu FOllM AXD THE FllOSPIDCTS The National Convention of the Democratic Eaisfcy met in the city o Chicago July Ttli and adjourned July 11th after adopting a platform and nominating candidates for President and Yice President of these United States Polio wing is a brief record of rhetoric of the convention For President WILLIAM J BBYAN of Nebraska For Yice President ARTHUR SEWALL of Maine Platform Principally free silver A full report of the convention including the platform andS the various nominating speeches -will be found on the inside pages of this paper Bryan was nominated on the fifth ballot 162 votes nothing cast Sewall was nominated on the fifth ballot Saturday While the declaration of the convention in favor of the free In dependent and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 is in direct opposition to the views of The Democrat as- repeatedly ex pressed yet this paper cannot but feel proud of the fact that our own Billy Bryan received the nomination from the greatest political organization ever known the democratic party Handsome refined genial educated and eloquent possessing a quick perception and a power to sway men and audiences he is- a man who appeals to all classes of people His magnetic personality will win for himmany friends which his free silver views might otherwise repel Just now his election seems a foregone conclusion provided the populists at St Louis endorse him This it seems will be done as most of the leaders favor the move The republicans will labor hard to prevent ft aiid the rumored 20j000000 campaign fund may be tapped for the occasion There wa3 no bolt from the convention but a sound money can didate will be put in the field This it is thought will Help Bryan by drawing strength from McKinley No intelligent forecast of the probable result of the election can be made for at least a month The campaign this-fall-is-going to be a hot one and many demo crats will do -as Horace Greeley did- with Winfield Scott Support the candidate but spit upon the platform Very few democrats will support McKinley ne is too much tariff and too little sound money Of the two democrats will choose Bryan We fought a good fight we were whipped we wont sulk Tjte Newport Bepublicau says A-G- A K reunion should be run as a Chautauqua or any other educational gathering The people attend the re union for their love of- country and out of respect for the old soldiers It is lor the old soldier a sooiql gathering and for the young people an education al instruction X reunion is- not ex pected sporting program or sidesliowsto detract from the real object of the gathering it needs a great deal off labdf and unneocessary expense to undertake so mucn and is really a damage to the reunion Prom all of which this paperrinf erg- that the reunion at Newport last week was riot to the- Republicans taste Bro Wiltse ought to have said all that before not directly after the reunion All eyes are turned upon St Louis as upon the action of the Sfc Louis convention depends the success of Mc- iviniey une republicans will- open a barTto prevent the endorsementf of Br - van - Ever since- Tim Democrat has been run by the present management it iias been in receipt of numerous re quests that It run a stock brand de partment and if enough subscribers to the department can be secured it will do so The value of stock brand ad fully dbmbttstteitk and tlie value of this paper a- an ad vertising medium is becoming so ap parent that it needs no discussion Bring on your stock brands Speaking of the probable result of the coming election the Sioux City Tribune says- Mfc Teller will probably advise sup port of Bryam THis means support by silver republicans in every hamlet in the country It means supportof him by the populists almost in mass Lfet republicans take their pencils and run over the list of states which may be carried by a combination of the demo cratic populist and silver republican vote This study will give the judici ous at least reason to think something else than ridicule is required An eastern exchange says Every bloated millionaire lolling in his easy chair resting from the arduous task of clipping coupons is deeply sympa thetic with poormen over the results of free coinage Marsbal FieldVthe rich merchant of Chicago Chairncy Deper the well paid attorney of the Yander bilts Carnegie the multi millionaire Iron man of Pittsburg all on their way to Europe for a pleasure trip stop on the gang plank long enough to pity the poor man ifjree silver wins Isnit it a burlesque on statesmanship on politics to think of it seriously The complacency with which some of the republican organs invite sound money democrats to come over into the McKinley oamp oh that issue is en tirely unwarranted by the situation We may put aside the question of Mc Kinleys sincerity in support of the gold standard he may or may not act in the spirit of the platform on which lie has been nominated But in the matter of a tariff for the profit ot fat frying monopolies he is in thorough agreement with the platform and with his party and everyone knows what is to be expected on this line in the case of republican success To ask- demo crats to support a candidate and a par ty which is pledged to legislation in behalf of private interests to increase private fortunes at the cost of the pep--pie through a tariff tax upon industry is too much Boston Pott - iJh -- - - j WHAT- THEV AY inscner since a tree silver man was to be nominated I am glad it was Bryan A stronger man could not hav been put up Martin Christensen I led the pro cession which started the stampede for Bryan Free silver at 16 to 1 I have always advocated and the candidate onthat platform is a winner The populists at St Louis will endorse Bryan M Clynes Bryan is and was my choice and he is sure of election The platform could not be better T C Hornby While Bryans silvee viens do- not harmonize with- my financial opinions under the circum stances it was the best nomination that could be made When The Democrat asked the various populists around town for their opinion the following replies were made D H Thurston The populist con vention should make their own plat form and nominate Bryan This will preserve the autonony ofi tlie party and insure a free silver victory W A Pettycrew The populists should not endorse Bryan or any other man outside of the populist party Free sliver is not the only issue in the coming oampaigii P W Whillans lam for Bryan and free silver and think the populists should support him G P Crabb Hes all right both as verc Jievu sparks -If Bryan expects populist support he should have united with the populist party Among the republicans various opinions were expressed the general feeling appearing to be a- commingled mixture of sorrow and joy Sorrow that Bryan is not a republican joy that he is a Nebraskao A few talk ed more were silent These are the opinions heard J C Petti john I am proud of Bryan as a Nebraska man but dont believe lie stands any show of election cituoi wiiu ui wiuiouc popunst en dorsement Jv W Tucker Bryan is not heavy enougn to nu the position and1 Ii ouiU endorse 16 to 1 E J Davenport In my opinion the Chicago convention was composed of anarchists and its 16 to 1 that Bryan will be defeated E E Sparks I am not specially favorable to tne Bryan movement aud think the wisest move the democrats can make is to nominate another can didate J H Yeast Bryan is all right on the money question Hia only defect is that he is not a republican Who promised a boom as seon as McKinley was nominated pray tell Nobody No reasonable man demo crat or republican expects a boom till after McKinley is inaugurated and re publicans Have had a chance to undo unwise and pernicious democratic leg islation and put some good sound sensible boom begetting legislation in its place Sanborn Pioneer Hanna promised a jeturn of better times immediately aften McKinley was nominated Mr Hanna- was mis taken evidently MortaL nab is liable to mistakes and we can charge up Mr Hannas breaUto an oversupply of en thusiasm over the prospects of his iron business when McKinley is elected But why cannotthei business interests anticipate eight months ahead just as easily as we are told they did two years ahead of any democratic tariff enactment We were going to ha-vs-a Ldemocratic tariff you say therefore jthe country collapsed at once Now you say we are going to ha McKin ley and high tariff therefore why should not the country at once go on the mend Choose the lesser evil Tne A rus Leader of Siour Pall The nomination of Bryan came with the only democratic daily in such a suddenness and was so unloos ed for by the majority of our people that The Democrat has takn pains to ascertain the sentiment of the lead ing men of all parties in Valentine re garding his candidacy and the plat form upon which he stands Among the democrats we find the following who are willing to go on record W E Haley With the- endorse ment of the populist convention Bryan will be a winner Without it on a 16- to 1 platform his defeat is Gertain A E Thacher I h ave been oppos ed to the 16 to 1 movement but I will support the democratic nominee W S Jackson Bryan is a man whom I admire in every way but his financial views do not harmonize with mine He will probably win W W Thompson Bryan is all right rQUth Dakota has decided to support Mc Kinley in view of the free silver plane in the democratic platform Demo crats will doubt whether the- Argus Leader ever was a democratic paper Ex Covernor Robert L Pattison of Pennsylvania who was a sound money candidate for the presidential nomina tion at Chicago and as such received a liberal support said before a nomina tion had been made that after the nomination of a- silver man the gold men should support him Continuing he said I would rather suffer the ills I now have that fly to others I know not of Why sihouI Ii associate with a party that offers no other inducement than abuse The corn liar is getting in his work again this year as evidenced by the following from the Gorrectionville News The rapidity with whlcnrcom has grown the pa3t week is illustrated by the experience of a farmer living north of town He had a piece of corn which is latej and last Monday when he started to cultivate it he- put the guards onto the cultivator He had only got a- few rods when the corn had grown sufficiently to mak the guards unnecessary and the farmer stopped to take them- off He- again started across the field but did not get more than half way to the further side before he waa breaking down the corn so bad ly that he decided to qjiifc He started back for the house but the corn- soon hid it from view and he was lost He turned the team loose and thought he could findhis way out ne wand ered around for some hours and finally got into a piece of timber adjoining ftifv fmrnfield hut as the trees were until lie came to tile river when some familiar landmarks told him where he wasand he got home just as a search ing party was starting to find him Til E PRESTON MYSTERY The Democrats mystery story will be commenced next week and great interest is- already being manifested among the readers of this paper The first instalment of the story is now in the hands of the editor and the vi- amanand as an advocate of free sil v m8niD5 instalments are in course ofpfenar atibm This first time ia tho tiiBttocy of ne wspnperdom fena a country paper has undertaken to pre sent to its readers a story of this char acter and the result of the experiment is awaited with anxiety The paper does not expect to make any money out of this venture and simply ctoes itJ for the benefit of its readers and the advertising ft will give the paper Since last week it has- been decided to add two more prizes to the list so that there will be a greater chance of winning if you enter the competition which promises to be lively The list of prizes is as follows For the best solution 500 For the second best solution o C JW For file third best solution- 200l IFor the fourth best solution One years subscription to The Democrat to be sent to any address required For the fifth best solution Six months subscription to The Demo crat Alh that is necessarv forvou to do to become a competitor is to send one dollar for a years subscription to The Valentine Democrat from July 1st 1896 or some later date All those who are in arrears on subscription-may become competitors by paying such arrearages and a year in advance The competition is open to the world under these terms Should you wish to send in more than one solution you may- do so pro vided each solution iw aocbtnpanied by a years subscription Have the paper sent to friends in the east They will appreciate the gift Subscriptions received at any time as all who pay in advance from July -1st may enter the competition No one connected with The Demo crat will be allowed to compete Two weeks time will expire between the publishing of the last instalment and the final chapter which solves the mystery of- the story and the final diopter will not be written untWall so lutions are received This will preclude the possibility of anyone but the au thor knowing the solution and as the solutions will not be opened except iu the presence of witnesses ail will be absolutely fair The author Mr Lellby Leach has devoted considerable time to evolution of the story aud it will undoubtedly be the bes i of the mauy guod things he hag written THE jSBPA82TA PARADE The knights of wJli again give their series of Annual Par ades during the State Fair which will be held in Omaha from August 31st to September 5th 189G The Nebraska Parade will take place on Wednesday evening September 2nd apdeach town and county in the state is invited to enter a float for this par ade which will be a representative feature of the locality As an induce ment to those entering floats for this parade aim at the highest excellence the prizes have been increaaei as com pared with last year The following is a list of prizes offered for 189T to be distributed as follows First Prize for best float 20000 Second Prize for 2nd best float 15000i Third Trize for 3rd best float 10000 Fourtlv Frfee for 4th best float 5000 Douglas Comity will be barred from participating in prize money The Committee has arranged with the rail way companies to floats which are to be entered for this- parade to and fronu Qmaha free of charge We- further agree to- furnish one team of horses to haul each float during the parade on the streets of Omaha and to render any other assistance in the way of un loading and loading floats on cars ami storing them for 23 hours prior to par ade E E Bryson Chairman PauaGbe Committee 1012 Chicago street OUR CORRESPONDENTS Tin- Democrat is proud of itsoorps of correspondents Xb paper in the- state has a larger or better staff of porters than this paper therefore The Democrat says once again it lFproud of them The latest addition to Wit 1anks is imf He- r thiclr he did not notice the difference a daisy too The country correspond ence department is one of the best and most interesting features of this paper At present the- paper has a rep resentative at Wood Lake Fort Nio brara Eli Precinct Kennedy Simeon Kewanee Oasis Kilgore Cody Sparks and Brownlee Pretty good Hat isnt it If your locality is not represented write the editor about it and reft him wlio you thinlc would be ai goodi repre sentative of the paper if yoiv dbnfc want it yourself Tie will give them flniOpoiiiTitlyfomniGii ftiw dbHtws witlr very little exetioc will be- tC corftpetitioni t awaken the Interest or the- boys awl girls this fall We want the news of the entire countv J G Northrop F E M V agent at this place- tha follow ing letter which may be of interest to the readers of The Democrat Alt agents As yon are doubtless aware the Nebraska State Fair and Exposition will beheld at Omaha Aug 27th to Sept 5th 1896- Vb is possible that this oompanv wilt- nnake a collective exhibit of erniin fruits vegetables minerals and other products of the country traversed bv our lines of railroad showing its re sources and deyeloperaeut To thi3 end will you please malte such collec tions of choice samples oil -grain etc as you can before harvest rid retain possession of them until yau are in structed as to their disposition- The grain should be cut fujl length cart fully tied in bundles and preserved in as good condition as possible It would be- a- good- idfca to caUi the attention of your people to this Fair aud urge them to preserve before it is too late samples of their products for exhihition We expect to transport exhibits to Omaha free and will be glad to co operate iu every way possL pie in making a good displaj Yours truly K C Morehouse G F A Tho Macraillan Company call our at tention to an oppotnne revision of The Science of Money by Alexanfer xel Mar Those who rememberthe wealth of financial fact which the book con tains will be glad to have it brought to date He is a stanch bimetallic and his views on the evil influence of the demonetization of silver are well known nere he points out the f and amental principles which underlie them His conclusion is that it is time iu the general interest that the suicidal legislation of recent years be abandon ed in favor of a- scientific basis for the regulation of public currency He offers suggestions to this end thought fully not as sulution3 absolute but iu the hope that they may aid in the solu tion of a difficult problem A leading critical authority inEngIand has spok en of a part of this volume as the finest efforts of analytic faculty in-the-whole range of economic literature The big fight is now on the populist conveutiou at i t - week Wait for St Louib t y v