The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 09, 1896, Image 1

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M J3
tfyiiii ny IZvvttts
BiiiMft Oniiwrt fyly K
ScilOdl lilWtlllS ihfV U
Tiwluls Jul V 20
Counts roimi sIHiers July 2
ICov let politics boil
The Preston Mystery
Witit for the October races
Shoe sale at T C Hornbys
School iiioeting next Tuesday
Shirt waists at cost at T C Horn
by1 - - 24
Have you noticed The Democrats
flew sign
Dont miss residing The Preston
Lieut Elliot lists returned from his
trip in the estst
E J DeBell and family celebrated
the Fourth here
Mrs ft J Cook is visiting friends
on the llesorvation
Installation of officers at Tied Mens
lodge tomorrow night
D It Thurston will open a law
office inValentine soon
Farmers and rsinchmen have com
menced putting up hay
Mads Johnson was up from Long
pine on business Monday
Wm Fran eke has gone to Des
Moines Iowa on business
Miss Sadie Dewey is now dining
room girl at The Donoher
Ladies mens and childrens bath
ing suits at T C Hornbys 24
EJ Davenport returned from his
convention trip last evening
0 C Grady and wife were over
from to sjpend the Fourth
A grand stand has been erected on
the ball grounds at Fort iSfiobrara
Wasted Good girl for general
ousevsprkr Enquire atr postofiiee
Lost -July 4th black cape trimmed
With braid Finder leave at this office
Louis Bordeaux was among the
Tlosebud visitors to Valentine Salur
B F Gilman is improving slowly
bnt he has not yet passed the danger
- line
Tiuy a Seamstress Sewing Mrichine
of T C Horn by -oh the installment
plan 22
JiidgeF M Wulcott returned from
jii3 visit to Grand Island Mdnday
W S Garcelon of and
Chas Digelow of Sttiart were in town
S N Danks and Martin bew vere
among the Wood Lake Visitors in town
Lieut Harbison is off on a thirty day
leave of absence Eud went east Sunday
morning t3 visit friends
C E Bowring assisted he lied
Frdnt force of clerks during tfre rush
of business the last week
J T McNaniara of Kapid ity who
haS the Rosebud flour contract was in
the city on business Saturday
5uthHaesay they would be much
obliged to the parties who stole their
pet cat if they wduld return the same
There was a scarcity of county offi
cials at the courthouse Monday The
boTMrtjr treasurer was the only one pres
John Enlow the prosperdus and well
kriown ranchman from south of Gor
don was in town Sunday and Mon
tiaV -
Thefjbounty Superintendent has gone
to the National Teachers -Association
Buffalo NT and will be away abodt
ten days
The little daughter 6f TosKleteckii
was quite severely bitten by a ddg own
ed byja soldier of B company at For b r
S HtLadd of Gordon- was nomi
nated for prosecuting attorriey ot Sher
idan cduuty by the republican cosnty
convention last week
The Siromsburg Headlight printed
its last issue in red and blue ink
That rhay have been a patriotic Idea
but it made the paper ioofe rather
J A TTitt -has christened his barn j
Northwestern Livery Feed and Sale
Ststble and had the name painted all
over the ends of the same
The dirt from the cellar being dug
for Jackson Draytons new store is
used for grading Main street an im
prove me nt that is to be commended
The Fourth of July is over and it is
now time to begin preparations for a
series of races here iu October which
will eclipse anything ever before seen
in Northwestern Nebraska
W D Sadler U S special land
agent returned Saturday from Jioone
vihe Ark to resume his duties which
were interrupted by his furlough June
1st His family did not return with
The ball game between Chadron and
Fort llobinsoii on the hitters grounds
July 4th resulted in favor of the first
named team Chadron ran in a lot
of semi professionals on the Kobinson
Dr C A Wells dentist and his sister-in-law
Mrs AB Wells came down
from Lead City Sunday to stay for a
few weeks Dr Wells is already busy
at work onthe molars of our towns
people -
Lost- Saturday July 4 between
Cherry County Bank and the court
house a black broadcloth ladys cape
The collar was trimmed in black lace
and jet Finder please leave at this
office or Jackson tDray tons store
Lost -Near Valentine July 4th a
medium sized brown valise contstiuing
ladies wearing apparei Suitable re
ward for its recovery Leave with
MrKincaid at Hornbys store or ad
dress Mrs M S llsirt Fairburn South
The Donohers have moved bask to
Valentine and have taken charge of
the White House of that phice There
are no better hotel people along the
line than the Donohers and no one
knows it better than the people of
Valentine Gordon Joilrnal
The heavy rains of the past week
caused another washout on che F E
M V west of Monday
and the east bound passenger Tuesday
did not arnye until 330 p m instead
of 458 a m as per schedule Much
damage was done to railroad and tele
graph property
Mr and Mrs E B Brain visited J
A Fike and family Saturday and Sun
day returning home to Bassett Mon
day morning Mr Brain is
of Rock County- secretary of the
Golden Irrigation District and a strong
free silver democrat At present he is
doing some work for Brown county
Chaplain O J Sfave will deliver a
lecture during the County Institute
Friday evening July 24 His subject
is The Eastern Question Those
who were so fortunate as to hear his
lecture 6a Where is the Gardeh of
Eden will know that an educational
feast awaits them
Mrs M S Hart Mrs B B Mastick
and two little ous Misses Ada and
Stella Sissonj of Ainsworth with Dier
Crum for driver and general factotum
passed through town Saturday on their
way tb the Black Hills for a summers
outibg he outfit was composed of a
wageir buggy and tent besides an ex
tra saddle horse The ladies expect
tt be goiie all summer
w e have just received a copy of
McKiiileys Grand March composed
bV M R Rishell This celebrated
march is hbw being played by all
prominent bands in all parts of the
country The title page contsiins a
correct picture of McKinley Price
40 cents per copy All readers of ottr
psiper will receive a copy at half price
by sending 20 cents in silver or post
age stamps to the Union Mutal Music
Co 265 Sixth Avenue ew York
EnhJifclii for Four Years as
Wha lY5e3jiiimi
WtiH t irnmt Snoots In Every voy
IVJjo Won tlift frizes
The eagle screamed in Valentine oh
the Fourth of July as It never did be
fore The prcud bird of freedom was
pulled and hauled jumped on and lift-
i ed to the skies alternately
The uv was ushered in with a sa 1
lute of 100 guns at daybreak and from
Stutters interest in that time until the city clocks were
striking the hour of midnight the fun
wa fast and furious
Delegations from the country began
ariving at an early hour and at 10
oclock the parade wsis formed on Rail
road street and headed by Marshal of
the Day Haley and 15 pieces of the
12th Infantry band moved through the
principal streets of the town until the
grounds north of the court house were
reached After a short rest the fol
lowing prognira wos reudered each
and every onn of those taking part ac
quitting themselves well
Music by the Band
Song by the Choir
t Invocation -by ivev Ramsey
Reading of Declaration of Independ
ence by Edith M Stark
Song by the Choir
Oration by Hon J W Tucker
Music by the Band
After dinner came the small sports
as per this program
1 50 yard foot race for boys under
12yesirsof age 2 to first lto
second and 50 cents to the third
2 Hop step-and-jump free for all
1 to first and 50 cents to the seconds
3 Potato raee lor boys 21 and
50 cents
4 Half mile horse- race free for all
5 3 and 2
100 yard foot race free for all
3 2 and 81
0 Standing broad jump 1 50c
7 Three legged race 50 yards 1
and 50 cents
8 Sack race 50 yards 1 and 50c
9 Quarter mile- Pony race 5 3
and 2
10 Novelty race 250 yards 3 2
and 1
11 Slow race to cart 1
12 Fat Mans races 75 yardsl50
afid 1- - s
13 Racing backward 50 yards 15J3
14 Quarter mile scrub pony race
2 50 1 50 1
3 p m Ball game between F Com
pany and the Post nine Purse 30
8 p m Fireworks
Free dance in the bowery all the
The first event was the 50 yard foot
race for boys under 12 years of ago
There were about half a dozen entries
for the race and the winners were
Frank Croniu Clyde Petty crew and
Billy Bordeaux - the three crossing the
scratch in the order named
lext came the hop-step-and-jump
free for all with five entries and two
prizes First money was won easily
by E L Boatright of G- company 12 th
infantry Frank Thorn second
The potato race was one of the most
dxciting and interesting events of the
day and those who won prizes earned
them 2Tine boys were entered and
twelve potatoes were laid four feet
apart in the row for each boy At the
word go1 there was scfirie tall hust
ling and the spectators simply went
wild with excitement as the potatoes
-commenced piling In the hats at the
end of ea6h row The judges awarded
George Hilnter the first prize of 2
Jimmy Breuklander second and Fred
Glover third
The free for all half mile iiorse lace
was next oh the prograin ahd in a
field of six or seven horses Tate cross
ed the line first Archer second and
Linderinan bf Fort Niobrara third
- Flickinger 6f the Post won the 100
yard fobt face with Frank Thorn a
close second and Burdette third
No 6 on the program standing broad
jump created considerable interest
when It was announced Boatriglit
was tlie favorite biit he Wasnt in it
when dur harness man J W Whill
ans iet himself out a little bit Say
but ybii ought to see that man junipi
He bnly jumped 9 feet 5 inches but
then he didnt have to exert himself
any farther From the looks of his
lower extremities as he went through
the air one would be willing to wager
he couid go a foot and a half farther
Boatright was seond
The three legged race two men tied
tdgether was won by Becher and Me
jjuavey soldiers with Boatright and
Tate second
At this point the order of events
was changed and the pony races run
so as to uot interfere with the ball
Sin MOiiR ArP
lreitihiiijr sit Presbvteiinr church
T 8tc tiers t hrfMi liMle daughters
nr down from Chadron visiting with
him this week
A M Morrissev a vounir Chadron
attorney was in town vesterdnv look
ing up a locsition lor a law oiUee and
partner a
The Citizens Mesit Market is now
owned by George Schwalin lie having
purchased J r
the same
game the outfield of the ground lying
sicrods the track
The first ponv race was won bv the
tfowier - pour Archer ridins Tate
second and Alex Long Pumpkin third
There werenine entries
Tfie scrub pony race had an extra
ordinary number of ponys entered
and waswonbyGraeff Stump second
and Tale third
Six boys showed their skill at racing
in saoks but none of them could beat
Gharle3 Breuklander who jumped
from start to finish and never made a
fall The rest of the bovs came tumb
ling after with Fred Glover at the
headof the bunch
The fiofelty race was not filled and
was consequently declared off as was
the sIqw race
Some good work was done in the 50
yards running backward race which
was won by Tate with Boatwright
AsH fitting climax to a successful
afternoon of sport the fat mans race
was announced Four entries were
made the distance reduced to 50 yds
I the men pul6d off their shoes collars
necktiesand other heavy articles of
wearing apparel the word was given
and the giants started - Some people
thought it was an earthquake while
others were sure it was an Indian out
break When Thorn fell down a few
declared it was a boiler explosion and
weFe much relieved to learn the true
state of affairs The fall of Thorn
left the race to A B Wade of the
Boston Opera Co and McClain of
liosebud and was won by the farmer
Time steen seconds and two fourths
As so6n as each race and contest was
decided the prizes won by the various
competitors were paid to them in cash
and mudh good feeling was created
While the small sports were going
on large numbers were availing them
selves of the privilege of the free dance
in the bowery while an equally large
number witnessed the ball game be
genE company and the Post nine
JIhe game was hotly contested1 and was
wonby the Post after a hard struggle
on a score of 12 to 10
After supper the crowd had plenty
of amusement There was a dance
by Sioux Indians to whom a couple of
beeves were given an excellent dis
play of fireworks a dance under the
auspices of the Fort Niobrara orches
tra and Olivette by the Boston
Comic Opera Co
The whole celebration was just like
a three ring ciscus and no one could
see all of it They just took their
choice and they wondered what people
on the other part of the grounds were
Great is Valentine ahd great was
her Fourth of July celebration
Benefit Concert
The I2ilt Infautiy Band will give a
concert at Cornell Hall tomorrow
Friday evening July 10 assisted by
Miss Gertrude Iflmberly soprano Mr
Beau Brummel baritone late of the
Boston Comic Opera Co Miss Greis
singer of Fort Niobrara and others
The people of Valentine will thus have
an opportunity to enjoy a rare musical
feast which cannot be excelled Miss
Ivimberly has a wonderful voice- clear
sweet and well modulated and with
the exception of five weeks with the
company which played here has always
done concert and oratorios J work Mr
Brummel has arich baritone voice and
kiiows how to use it while Miss Greis
singes well known ability as a pianist
needs nb extended merition here The
full orchestra from Fort Niobrara will
be present and fender several selec
tions In Addition to solos duets
sketches etc by the first named art
ists they will sing the Miserere from1
Il Tfavatore accompanied by a chorus-
of eight picked male toices All
lovers ofmusic both vocal and instru
mental should be present- as Buch ah
opportunity for hearing sd great a Va
riety of music- popular arid classic
may never agdui be offered therh
iflli yt for d Site
At the School meeting last Tuesday
everiing the committee appointed to
look hp sites forschool house reported
itet five propositions had deen made
add afcer considerable discussion the
meeting adjourned to Tuesday- July
14 when a vote will be taken on the
various propositions submitted- for the
location of the new building
NO 24
Invite you to call
and examine their
Mow is the time to buy your
Summer Goods 25 per cent
off on Mens Childrens and
Ladies Underwear Fine Or
gandies Dimities Lawns etc
that were 20c and 25c all go
now for 15c per yard
Dont forget that W A PETTYCBEW is
Just Received
Qherry Qounty ank
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking
Exchange bought and sold- goodsecurity solicited at reasonable-
rates County depository
E SPARKS President 0HAELES SPAPJC5 Cashier 7
Valentine Nebraska
C II COKNELL President M V tiiCUOLSON Cashier
Valentine Nebraska
L General JBanlzing Susiness Transacted
ituy and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York if lrst National Bank Omaha-
Fish G ame Tender Steaks
Judy Roasts Dry Salt Meats
and tlie finest line of Smoked
Hams and Breakiast Bacon
ever sold in to wn
AtStettersOldStanaonMaingtiraet utO QuHWALIfl rKUl
Ol tlie Choicest Brands