rv F Lr k I T h I Ji i JL J x t lrrYr giarfmcregrg OFFICIAL DIRECTORY sr vn Jounr - lieiitfixiitl tiovt ntor Secret of Slati Tn asttriT Auditor din Libiml Itullilin Altornev Ucncntl Siiit 1itlilic Injlriieiiuit llcjjcnts Unlvcr ity Silas Allulconib UuOirt 15 3Tir loel A riper I S Hartley KujyH Moom HcsitvCllussell Arthur sniiureliill Henry JlCorhett i II on Lincoln I IJiiniliiiii Omtliii JI M Hait Alma j I Holmes 1ierce IT Mallillcu Kearney M 12 J ill Jlilj ir COXGKKSSIONAL Senators Win V Allen AIidioii John S Thurston Oiualm Usiiresentatlves FlrM J Jtai rict Jesse J5 Strode Lineohi Second J fl jMocer Omaha Third eo I3IeikleJohnKuIlertin Fourth B J Hai ner Auront Fifth Win I Andrews Hustings Sixth M Keni BroKcn How JUDICIAL Siircine Court T L JCorval Cliief Justice Harrison and lolk isheiitt Fifteenth Judicial District Id J Kitikaid ONeill VV II Westover Kushvillq LEGISLATIVE lleiireseuletive Fifty second District Fnuik Itothlciitner KJItom Senator Fourteenth District Henry G -Stew-nit Cniwford LAM OFFrCK IJcKlst r C iover Longpii c Receiver J JA Fike Ncuoit COUNTY Treasurer Sheriff lllfVf County Attorney County Superintendent Surveyor Jftroner Commissioners G P Crahh Geo Klhott Aiuos Strong FMWaleott Ed Clarke Lillian Stoner Chas Tait V Lewis I lilax viertel AI Diiiiluun i Sullivan ntFCINCT Overseers of Highways U Hanseji iml J IUiy Constable It Towne Justices of the Peace John Dunn and J AI Caintn Assessor- John Dunn VJLLAGB Town Hoard E E Sparks president C H Cor nell treasurer T C Hornby clerk D S Ludwig und J W JJurleitrii Marshal and Water Coiiinissoner It Towne school District No 1 F Al Walcotr jiresident AI V Nicholson treasurer J C 1ctlijohn secre tary J AV Hurleigh G 1 Cnihh and J TKeeiey Societies VOUNG HENS SOCIAL CLUB Meets 1 every Wednesday evening at the resi encc of Jlrs Helen Hornby John N Kino President FilANtt K Tjicm Secretary Imp 0 11 M Sitting Hull Tribe No i Improved Order of Bed Alen meets every second and fourth Friday evening of reieh month at Davenports Half Visiting brethren are fraternally invited to be present at the council of the tribe J jnVigstns r oflj C Jl Thompson Sachem A F A AL Alinnekadusa Lodge No 192 A F A M ineets in regular communication Saturday even ing on or before the full moon in each month members of the order in good and legularstund ing cordiallv and fraternallv invited to attend F AL A IOOTT W AI WW Tiiou soK See O E c Northern Star Chapter No on Order of the Jiustern Star meets on second and tourth Tues day evenings of eai I month in Hornbys hall w av TJiompson Alvnsnc Waicott Secretary Worthy Matron A O U W Valentine Lodge No 70 A O U W meets 1 st And srd Alonday in each month Carl Danub Bee W Holsclaw AI W - D 0F H Valentine Lodge No Degree of Honor holds regular meetings first and third Wednes day eveninus of each month AI Christensen Bee Airs It llohinsnn C of II I O O F Valentine Lodge No 203 I O O F meets pverv Thursday evening Visiting brothers cord iallvnvited to attend our meetings J II Yeast K G Wkslkv IIoisnAw Secy G A 11 Col Wood Post No 0S Departntent or Ne braska regular meeting M and 4th Saturdays of eacli montl at 2 n m sharp Conirads from other Posts are cordially invited to attend J W Tuckek Commander Jonx Dcxx aitjt W R C Col Wood W li C No 173 regular meeting Ed aud4th Saturdays of each month A jiANiJALumviGPres nninx Hoitxry 3ce M TV A Valentine Camp No 1751 Modern Woodmen of America meets second and fourth Wednesday venintrs of each month at Davenports Hall Visiting neighbors cordially invited to attend PF Sim us Ven Counsel J W Spirk Clerk Iv of P Cherry Lodge No ion Knights ot Pythias meets every Tuesday evening at Uavenpoits Hall J T Keely C C Jos Putmecil K of It and S Arrival and Departure of mails Alail east and west closes at 8 p m Rosebud leaves at SC0 a m daily except Sun day siiul arrives at 500 p in Simeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves at 7 -00 a m Alondays Wednesdays and Fri days and arrives at 700 p m Tuesdays and Saturdays Ft Niobrara leaves daily at7 00 a m and 500 p in arrives at 930a maud 730 p m Kewanee and Sparks arrives Alondays Wednesdays and Fridays at 500 pm and leaves Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at 7c - m General delivery open from7P0 a m to 700 p m General delivery open on Sundays from 8 to 10 a m Lock boxes opendaily tonu 0 a m to S 30 pm W EHALEY Postmaster PRQFESSIOKAL AND BUSINESS CARDS J C DWYER Physician and Surgeon Ollicc at C It Watsons Drug Store Prompt attention given to all professional calls VAIKXTIXK - NKrUASKA Teachers Examination The regular monthly Teachers Examination will be held the third Saturday of each month at my office in the Court House LILLIAN STONER Suot of Schools D CLARKE Attorney atx iaw Conuty CosKKS KViREtii i Snr in Hivril Iii3s anil itedtuf in G it TroeiTcr AUowln Kills Tacs Aalkxtixe reb June 22 18015 JJoard met in session tisj er adjourn ruett Aterabers all present Op mo tion the following clains were audUed and allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the count general fund in payment of the same C C Parker Summoning jury claimed 107 fi5 allowed S2 r5 C G Parker fees State vs lacek and Banks Henry Mieheel fees JvicCov Henry Mieheel fees Dressen State vs State vs D H Thurston G S Ilobbs - House for election School Dist Ko 20 -71 49 31 H F Barker election fees 95 J M Clarkson Oscar Starr TV D Eicketts John Julian Andrew Xelson JI Dunham YV II Wilkinson Martin lleimers Peter Keimers WiJhtim Wtitsou Samuel Lillv D O Baugh C S Johnson t is t a a a u L L Morrill J A Stansbee L L Stoner Logan Barker EdClarke I X Russell D P AVhite V J Peterson AV YV Harvey J A Yarvan Tim Falby Alex Burr James Sweeney Wm Dye H E Dewey C YV Dewey Howard Lock wood II A Daniels u it t it t u c II E Dewey house for election Isaac Loomas election fees 1895 F T Lee Geo Elliott canvassing returns L L Stoner AVE Haley F U Walcott C C Geo Elliott delivering ballots E R Yrandegrift Hiram Cornell house for election W S Barker printing ballots 22 70 174 3 75 DavenportThacher gds for poor 10 00 J li Farris election notices 10 00 DavenportThacher gas for poor 8 00 Frank Fischer Coal 106 46 DavenportTbacher gds for poor 12 00 DavenportThacher gds for poor 3 00 State vs McLaughlin Geo Vauliuren witness Charles Thomas Charles Hoffman constable F Silberhorn justice clmd 8 80 aid S 05 O G Ackiey Juror Oct term 95 0 70 Jasper Wallinglbrd D S Ludwig Daniel Fowler V E Efner F Silberhorn L 1j S toner bailiff State vs Sedlacek Chrles Latta Samuel Seais D Schriner Xels Eawlev Homer Tait Wm Erickson Arm Xime wituess u 2 20 2 20 5 15 10 00 6 00 7 00 6 00 2 00 8 00 0 20 11 50 15 00 10 50 1150 10 50 2 00 J K Farris pub 95 dlqnt tax 1st 125 60 W S Barker ping bar docket etc 46 70 DavenportIhacher gds for poor 5 00 C C Tarker posting election notices clmed 145 10 allowed 125 60 0 C Parker fees in State cases claimed 85 30 allowed Thos Dillon keeping pauper G II Hornby sppls for county C IV Cramer election fees 95- E L Davis Y V Johnson jelloy Leach J D Woodman Ed Satteflee Joseph Jackson J iMoglfc YV r Davis Feler Hem pel u IC u It Gerow Davis u Ed Ormeirher C II Doty u Schl Dist lo 6 house for election Daniel Webster election fees Wm Crane - 13 Hunt Kent Aic Xamee P E Snowuen 82 30 20 00 2140 4 00 4 00 8 GO 4 00 4 00 9 00 A 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 A 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 12 30 Schl dist Xo 70 house for election 2 00 election lees 7 20 4 00 8 30 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 400 4 00 4 00 1180 2 00 4 00 4 00 12 00 S50 6 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 CO 2 0U 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 1150 20 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 1150 4 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 9 00 20 00 2 00 67 50 Geo Elliott elk hip 2 trm Dist crt 27 00 Hiram Cornell llent for Oct 60 00 Lillian Stoner salary 3rd or 228 90 Ed Clarke Bent for Oct 7 50 Omaha Printing Co Supplies 14 25 M F Harrington Atty fees 100 00 State Journal Co supplies 44 10 DavenportThacher gds for poor 9 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 Geo Elliott issng elctn certificates 3S 75 C C Parker Jailors fees etc 57 00 J B Ftvrris printing 1 50 nenry Bazey repairing booths 1 00 Charles lleese keeping pauper 52 00 CONTINUED ON LAST PAGE The Democrat is a good remedy for that tired feeling If its politics suits you the remarks found on theed itorial page will be conducive to rest and good feeling therefore effecting a complete cure If it antagonizes your views one reading of its pager will stir Allklndsof legal business promptly attended to J your bile until you are a well man - iCcEiiASKA Onlv one dollar for liftv twb doses Hbsrib n w i n ymm riww Passf ngHv Icavs OXeill Xb j Hills reaching piotix Cily Notice is hereby given that lleinrich Suuer wein of Crookston Neb has filed notice of in tention to make final proof before Kegrcr and Keceiver at their office in Valentine Neb on Tuesday the 11th day of July tstG on timber culture application No 7f94 tor the seM of se No HO in townshii No SoNT range No 20 W He names as witneses Frederick H Haum gartel MaxE Viertel Heny S Claybaugh and Peter Ait all of Crookston Neb Notice is also herebv given that Samuel X Lee of What Cheer Iowa has filed notice of intention to make final proof before Kegister and Keceiver at their ollice in Valentine Neb on Tuedav the 14th day of July 1S on timber culture applica tion No 7701 for the wVi of section No 52 in township No 35 N range No 20 W He names as witnesses lleinrich Sauetwein Max E Viertel Henry b Claj baugh and Peter Alt all of Crookston Neb Testimony of Samuel K Le the cl dmant will be taken before the cleric of the district court of Keokuk county at his office in Sigournev Iowa July 10 1F9C Notice is also hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final nroof in support of his claim aud that said proof will be made before the Register and Heceiver at Valentine Neb on July 14th 1S30 viz William F Brown of Crookston Xeb II E No for the inji sec 31 tp 35N K SOW He names the followingwituesses to prove ins continuos residence upon and cultivation of said land viz lleinrich Sauerwem Heurv s Cavbaih Poter Alt and Max E Viertel fill of Crookston Nob C 11 GLUVEK Kegister Q S Land Offick Valentine Neb I June 2 1SL 6 f Notice is hereby given that Lizzie K Sawver former Li le K Miite has filed notice of iMitomtke iinal proof before Kegister and Keceiver t their njiice m Valentine Nebr on Monday the 20th dav of Jul v 1S9G on timber culture application No 7VA for tne SAV J4 of section No 2 m Tp U N K 25 Vr He names ng winies03 Aetna Br clibil Jacob Rreehli Trh V Newland Charles V Ne r C K GLOVliit Ktg sicr - vjcyaiiiiiucw 7vj J V P S i r j ttji lii i v W Vehr iwv i iu inn y ifi riire lerritv tliar ih 1 punwi lits filPd notjep ofhpp intent ion to wilp liiinl iioir in suiijior of her claim and tlinl said proof will made hefore tile Pfitter I iikI ircn lver at Vnl ntnip Neb on July nth i vt l at 1005 a m iiumpdiatelv after ar rival of train from Black m at 235 saving three hours time Lowest rates Purchase local ticket to OXeill and rebuv there An Crowil Mucli eiitliusiasm has developed at Lincoln and vicinity over the Nebraska Silver Train which it is proposed shall leave Lincoln Sun day July nth at SC0 a m via the Fremont Eiiihorn Jlissonri Valley It K t Missouri Valley thence by the C fc N W runnius through to Chicago by dayli ht Hon W r llryau ha siniiied Ins intention of join thistraiu The national delegates alternates and all prominent nipu of the paity have aKo arrant to join this train We are authorized to extend a cordial and special invi tation to all demorrnK and believers in it is specially and earnestly deshed that the Nebraska Sib er Train shall excel that of any other state in tiie number of earnest and enlnusiastie it sliall cary into Chi cairo The railroadfare ha1 been reduced to half rates fiom all points and the incidental expen ses will not be Inrgn Every one should make it a point to i et ii as large i lelegation aT jos sible from their vicinity and vo will assure you that all will be accorded a hearty welcome Delegates and their Iriends from points on the F E MV 11 K wishing to join tins train from Lincoln should apply to the nearest agent of the above road for particulars as to the best way to make connection with this train Arrr ngements for special services will be made for large sized parties from branch line points The diicial headquarters wili be ai the Clifton House Chicago C S Joxrs Lincoln A T Black Iui x Atkinson Lkk IlmtDMAX Omaha ym IV o nt 7 Jfcisfaf If you use the Pacific Short from OXeil when vou go east Line JJuv jour tickets to ONeill uni repurchase there Shortest time lowest rate Close connection every day except Sunday FINAL PROOF NOTICES Parties having final proof notices In these columns copy of the will receive a marked auer which contains first insertion of same It is the duty of each claimant to examine then notice carefully and should there be any error the fact should be reported to the land office and to this office at once for correction U H Land Offlce at Valentine Neb - lIay 1Mb 18JH Notice is hereby given that the foiowing named settler his filed notice of her intention to make tlnal proof in support of her claim and that said proet will be made before the llegi iter and Keeeiver at Valentine Neb on June Till lKWviz Alice Ormesher of Valentine Xeb H E No 10031 for the ne1 see 3 twp 32 N ranue 27 W She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Charles 11 Smyth William D Clarkson of Val entine Nebr John Crouuin of Wood Lake Neur and llernard Deuoycr of Arabia br C II J LOVER Register U K Land OHIce Valentine Nebr i May 20th 1800 f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in supnort of his claim and that said prool will be made before Kegister and Jteceiver at Valentine Nebraska on June iith 1S0G viz Uriaii Thompson of Onsis Isehr II E No noto for the s ne1 and ne tsw1 sec 14 tp SO N K 2 W lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud viz Herbert A Daniels Edvard Harris Charles Harris and Isaac N Alderman all of Oasis Neb Also Herbert A Daniels of Oasis Xebr II E No iros for the sec 10 and nw k neM neljuu1 sec 1 tji ho N II 29 W He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Uriah Thompson Edward Harris Charles Harris and Isaac N Alderman all of Oasis Neb C II GLO VEIL Kegister S Land Office at Valentine Neb I Mav Srd ISDG i ar tl r A Thompson formerly Mary A oi Simeon Neb ii utr me r ri 1- rice 11 - VV i N If ------- lie names the fuHowin witnesses to nrove his rnntfnuois rcsi leuiv y n and eulthation of siiil laud iz WiHiam 1 LercJi Aifi L TJoLPrs of Simeon f limes H Bradlev Maad ii Bradlev of Valen tine Nebr C B OLOVER Pegister Land oniee at- Valentine Nebr rune lSOfi f Notice is herebv kIvqu that lohanna Sciineider nf e folr nna Sindcrs of Ron IJnssell Wyo has filed notice of inten tion to make final p oof Keudster and Ifeceiver at their ofliee in Valentine Nebraska on reilnesnay the I th dav of August lstXi on tinihr culture No 7722 for the v4 swJiiicH and se iiiw1 of C No 12 Tp il n i w She iiimes as vitiissps Ely Vnieutine Charles A lomsnii Washington Iionev Andrew Scliatzthauerall of Vjod Lake Vehr testimony of el imnntIrthanna Schneider will be taken before tl1 Clerk ot the District Court at hi- oillce in Ciievenne Wvo on the 8th day of August lSDC C n GLOVER Register Land Olice Valentino Neb lone 24th 189n i Notice is hereby given that vrilliam JI Hook of Cuilv Nelir lias lilel notice of his intention to i iake inai piviof before ReMsfr and Receiver at tin ir olne in Val rlipe Nebr on Friday the fitv nf y ioii on tmlt r culture applica t ri No 720 tor the hv r sec i Tp jii K33 w lie naires ai witnesses 1ilwaid Hanks Andrew I Barnes George M uul John F Hook all of Cody Nebr also Idwiird Ilanls of Cody eIl rCNo7P 0 for lssw j sec O Tp n JJ T4v lie names as w f icsei V11iimi V Honk Andiew J names Georce W rHarupsand John F Inokallof Cody Neb C liULUVISK Kegister U S Land Oiiice Valentine Nebr 1 une 17th iKiW Notice is hereby given tint in pursuance of iasfnt lions from thr Commissioner of the General Land Ollice under authority vested in huii bv section 2ir5 U h Revised Statutes as ciidcd bvtlieactot Congress approved Feb rimry 2i iwr we will nr to oifer at- puhlie ilc on lii24rh djvor fiOv imki at tins oillce Ihe follow Inr tract of land towit Lor l sec U Tn N K t W Any and ail persons claiming adversicy the aboe described lauds are advised to Hie their claims in this otlice on or hfore the day above design itcd for the eommeneenient of said snle otherwise their rights will be forfeited 11 Jlovkr Itegister 1 A Fiiir Receiver U S Laud Office Valentine Nebraska June Jiotb 1S9G Notice is hercb given that in purMiance of insi ructions from the Commissioner of the General Land Oihce under authoiitv visted in liim bvseetini 21 U S Ke vised Statutes as amended by an act or Congress approved Feb- uuy 20 ISO we w ii 1 proceed to oiler -if public sale on the it da or Antrus irOC at this office the follow iinr tract oi land to wit s1 svl sec 11 Tp n K 27 w Aryard all pet sons claiming udvi ey the al oc described lands are advised to iile tbesr claims in this oiie on or before the dnvabo for the eommeucemcut of said sale otherwise thir lights will be forfeited C K Iiovra Regiitev J A Fike Receiver VrUl v OV iiiii A UTKRM ASTERS OF FTC E- eb luie I c lRHi Sealed io s in wu i i ceiveiS Here until oe1 i mi Jny li lyes and then opened tor tiiiiiiviinji 0ts Iren llav and straw re Iliitd m iieparLinentot the Ilattedmiiii fical eiud ig fimeo ii I S rocrvesj right lee- r or accept any or al propnals or any ie -or Informntjou furnisb d on ii -re or at post mid Cit otirlermasters v h ve Mippies ate needed Envelopes contain- Lg ir Kals will le mmJ orse d at- Mi i M and addressed to I Proposals for I SVHKELEit 50 Jeira2d The Western Nebraska ltoclc Grow ers Asocialion will pay 50000 to anvone fuvnishinw the testimony to convict any person or persons of stealing cattle belonging to the mem bers of the Association A S IJeed President J It rANrosKnK Secretary Alliance Nebraska TTe want a correspondent in every precinct in Cherry county who will send ns the news of his or her locality at least once a month oftener if pos sible We offer inducements to Write ns about it THE OMAHA WORLD HERALD Edited by Ex Congressman W xl BRYAN Js the greatest newspaper xoest of the Missouri Jiiver It advocates FREE SILVER at the present ratio of sixteen to one Its news service is the best to be obtainecL Daily 6 00 per year 50 cents per month Weekly 100 per year Subscriptions for the WORLD HERALD received at this office v- uni LI 11 W 1 UIV m 1 1 II II tJ t lf t CAy COPYRIGHTS OBTAIN A PATENT For a nromnt aaswer Jinrt an honeRt oninion RTite to MUNN ifc COwho have Lad nearly fifty years experience in the patent business Communica tions strictly confidential A Handbook of In formation coneeminj Patents and bow to ob tain them Bent free Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific books sent free Patents taken through jiunn Co receive special notice in tho Scientific American and tuus are brought widely before the publicwith ont cost to the inventor This splendid paper issued weekly elegantly illustrated has by far tho largest circulation of any scientific vrorfc in the world 3cycar Sample copies sent free Building Edition monthly Z50 a year Single copies 35 cents Every number contains beau tiful platea in colors and photosrapha of new hou3a with plana esablinjr bullflera to shoTV tho latest la- 6 jo are cortrnrta Atldrc3 iIUiAr CO l OUE 2S1 3K0AU fAT awMwuvmi WIJjL iBEUT BEIOCiTIC DAILY of the Northwest Will bo sent postpaid to any address six days a week for one year for Tho Chroniclo la the most conspicuous newspaper suc cess of the day tho dally cir culation exceeding 75000 copies and the Sunday circu lation exceeding 100000 cop ies it is a first class news paper of 12 and 16 pagos Sun day 40 to 43 page3 and is a stanch supporter of sound democratic principles THT T7D Jm wiiiia tiS Mffi 3aily except Sunday 1 year 400 Daily and Sunday 1 year 600 Daily 6 months campaign edition 200 Diy and Sunday G months 300 Daily 2 months 100 Daily and Sunday 2 monihs 140 Daily 1 month 60 Daily and Sunday 1 month 75 Sunday 1 year 200 Gaior day 1 year 100 Sample copies free on appli cation Address FHE CHICAGO CHRONICLE 164 155 Washington St Chicago Ill fTfliWfclt ffl Wm m jyjrL i fx nw ails you Have you a feel ing of weight in the Stomach Bloating after eating Belch 1 102 of Wind j VomitingofFood n Heartburn Bad Taste in the Mouth in the Morning Palpitation of the Heart due to Distension of Stomach i Cankered Mouth Gas in the Bowels Loss of Flesh Fickle n 1 T n i f i utincsseu lrruaDie conauton oi tnex If I - - r tjiiina dizziness Headache Con stipation or Uiarrhcea Then you hare DYSPEPSIA in one of Its maar forms The one oositiTe i - i core lor tats aistrtssmg complaint is JJcSers Dyspeoa ZM bj moil prepaid on receipt 0135 cctU LHAELES Klierv HnJal Tiirsri JK Vow YorUsavs I suliered from ds 1 pevsm uui 9 taoieis cakcit meajs ndvc cureu me Acter Medicine Co 1O 1S Chambers St f after S T S r The Democrat and the Thrice a week Kew Tork World one year plGv TINE RATE Grand Parade Eloquent Orations 12th Infantry Band Morse Pony Foot Sack Potato and Novelty Racing Jumping and Other Sports A BALL GAME FOE BLOOD Eri n RE Will be given in the BOWERY all Afternoon Excellent Music V ys A Grand Display of p JL JLI JO W 1 J JLA L KJ In the Evening rsgrsnsiiiri c 5i fik uuii i i 3 EH8 B 2 P h W I V H S a S Bod xisy E tJ fci Vat7 BeaSaa THE P F SIMONS PROPRIETOR OF Ki LINE NO Satisfaction guaranteed KeasonaTjle eharges SMYSER Si VINOENT itiETOKS or- LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE Good Hiss and Careful Drivers Teams Stabled At Geo Langs old strnii VALENTINE THE hEBPASTCA ELKHORN RAILROAD Kortli Western Line is to be3t to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD of NORTH NEBRASKA Wanted Rn Idea Who can thik of some simple wing vo paxenif Protect vour Ideas tboy may bring you wealth Write JOHN WEDDEEBX7EN CO Patent At tor cey3 Washington D C for their 1800 prize Offer and list of two hundred laventlous wanted THE THRICE-A-WEEK NEW YORK RLD Is larger than any weekly or semi weekly paper published and is the only important Democratic weekly published in 2sew York City Three times as large as the leading Republi can weekly of Xew York City Ifc will be of especial advantage to you during the Presidential Campaign as it is published every other day except Sun day and has all the freshness and timeliness of a daily It combines all the news with a long list of interesting departments unique features cartoons and graphic illustrations the latter being a pecialty All these improvements have been made without an increase in the costr which remains at one dollar per year We offer this uneqaled newspaper and the Valentine Democrat to gelher one year for 150 The regular suscriptton price of the two papeia is 200