The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 02, 1896, Image 4

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IMg 1 1 1 1 I I I li lilt II lllll HH II li lllMTHIIIIil IIMIII HHMIMi IIIIIIM
m r ioi 10 v
ftOBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher
Official f Viper of
ty Rcbraskn
1MO Jer Year ht Atlrhiee
Entered at i foe rost offlce it Valentine Cherry
couuty Nebraska as Beeohd rlass matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears an pid in ful
Advertising rate3 50 cents per inch
per month Rates per column or for
long time ads made known on appli
cation to this oflice
Onv Siatforsn
Following is the platform adopted
by the Democrats of Cherry county in
mass convention assembled Saturday
April Jg J SOU
1 We Hie of npnv county in mass
convention f oitIedlo rttillirai mir alletiiniitv
to Hit iiriiiMjilfs of the Deniocivitle parly as
lornitilated I leHei son and eeiiiililied hy ihe
llrstiioiii linivf his successors in Democratic
leaileistiin from Madison to Cleveland
We still denounce the Republican doctrine of
pioteeflon s a fraud a rubber of the great
maloiity oft he American people for the benefit
ol the few We siill adhere to and maintain the
Democratic doctrine of a tariff for reenue
only We believe the interests of the masses
of our population will be best conserved by the
collection of such taxes as shall be limited to the
necessities of the government honestly and
ocnnomiualU administered
We express niu Jaith m the time honoied doc
trine or the Democratic paiTvas to international
trade relations -an intci change hy which the
countries paiticinating shall enjoy reciprocal
advantages We denounce the shain reciprocity
scheme V the Itepitblicans which juggles with
the ieopIes desire for freer exchanges by pro
tending to establish closer relations while en
acting prohibitive tariff taxes against those
conntiiesof the worll that Mand ready to take
our entire sin phis of products in exchange for
eommodities which aie necessaries and comlorts
of life among our own people
Appreciating the condition or the public mind
with reference to the financial policy or this
Country and recognizing the importance of a
proper solution of tins cpiestion we unhesitat
ingly express our unalterable opposition to the
tree and unlimited coinage of silver except by
international agreement and litil such agree
ment can tie procured we lavor the present
standard of value We denounce the action of
the Jicpuhlican enmity convention in intention
ally omitting to state its views on tins important
question as a repetition of the cowardly and dis
honest practices ot that parly
Finally we endorse the administration for its
excellent conduct of public allairs its vigorous
foreign policy and its unparallellod management
ijn maintaining the public credit against foes
irom without ami foes Ironi within
Boies rryan Eland Which
McKinleys triumph is democratic
opportunity -New York World
lie written by lrimseloc vvs sponsors
Will the democratic national conven
tion make finance a party question by
declaring for 1G to 1
McKinley and Hobart like Garfield
taught school in their earlier days
says a republican exchange The com
parison is carried uo further which is
a good thing for the reputation of
The republican national ticket and
platform is For President Mark
Haiina For Vice President Gold
Adorer Hobart Platform More
bonds less revenue more monejr for
the rich and greater extravagance by
In a three column letter to -the
World Herald Judge Scott of Omaha
renounces the rejrablican party and
calls upon the shades of Daniel Web
ster Abraham Lincoln James A Gar
field and Jatnes G Blaine to witness
and approve his action There are
more to follow
A man must accept what his em
ployer pays him pay out whai other
men charge him put on the underwear
his wife puts out for him eat what she
spreads before him and sleep in the bed
the way she makes it s And still it is
claimed that man is free and independ
ent RushviUe Democrat
The biggest mortgage ever filed in
Holt county was placed on record Mon
day It was given by the Elkhorn Irri
gation Land company to the State
Trust company of New York City for
50000 payable in ten years The
mortgage covers 4800 acres of land
the twelve miles of irrigation ditch and
ether property of the irrigation com
pany ONeill Sun
u the press dispatches of an Ohio
republican paper we find the following
JIn unison with the sentiment of the
occasion the band itself became an in
strument of anarchy and jumped in
with the jingle of Yankee Doodle
Mark Hanna mounted a chair and de
liberately kissed both hands to Senator
- S - -
i a
Delphos Ohio is a pretty little city
of some 0000 inhabitants and in it
the editor of The Demookat lias
spent many happy days as well as
many which were filled with misery
The people are generally intelligent
as well as educated but they will let
sharpers work them The Herald
of that place a paper with which the
editor of The Democrat was former
ly connected gives a detailed account
of how a stranger fleeced a crowd of
Delphosians recently He drove
around town in a cab to attract atten
tion and finally stopped at the inter
section of two of the principal street
of the town and entertained the assem
bled multitude with a few slight of
hand tricks all the time disclaiming
any intention of trying to sell any
thing saying he was merely an adver
tising agent Finally to advertise
thm he sold a few electric belts at
2Ji cents each throwing the money
I into the crowd after receiving it
J Then he raised the price to a dollar
and the Herald says
After selling all the belts at a dol
lar that the crowd would buy he began
a bolder and more audacious game
lie asked the crowd to make him a
present of a dollar He wanted 10
He said frankly that he wanted this to
do what he liked with it to get drunk
on to give in the contribution basket
or to charity in short to dispose of as
he pleased to have in elfece if he
chose a royal good time Considering
how he had already worked the crowd
and how he had successfully worked
them up to a degree where they would
expect anything it is not remarkable
to tell that lie found ten men to give
him 1 One man gave him 7 be
sides buying two belts
All told the sharper took lfil out
of the crowd and the people just
laughed when he drove away And
yet some folKs talk about hard times
As a contrast between the nature of
the people east and west no greater
could be found that the manner in
which the people of Delphos acted af
ter being fleeced and the way the res
idents of a little town in Nebraska
settled with a fellow who was working
a 10 cent swindling game last week
The latter was rode out of town on a
rail and narrowly escaped being tar
red and feathered
It is the good natured tolerance of
the easterners and their apparent de
light at being swindled that makes the
oilv tongned gentrv nourish in that
part of the country They seldom
stray west of the Missouri river Our
people may uu who and woolly ac
cording to eastern standards but they
have cut their eye teeth and never
buck up against a game unless they
stand an equal show to win or lose
McKinley is nominated and the re
publican party is before the country
The nomination was secured by a
money campaign two years long The
republican party bought with thecash
put up by McKinleys investing back
ers proposes to buy his election with
cash pledged by the financial interests
of New York and New England
Foraker painted Thursday a rhetor
ical picture of what a presidential can
didate should represent
The man he put in nomination for
president and the man nominated for
the vice presidency represent nothing
that the American people love and ad
mire Neither has performed an act
of power or wisdom Money and bar
gains were the burden of the song that
foretold their nomination Plenty of
money for campaign funds plenty of
money to buy Southern States to
soap close Northern States to at
tract avaricious political workers who
remember the pickings of a block-of-five
McKinley represents a repudiated
doctrine and a confessed iniquity of
legislation The most shameless par
ty in the countrys history is not hard
ened enough to ask in its platform for
a vindication of the only measure the
only idea with which he has ever been
publicly associated He is put for
ward with an apology
What McKinley and Hobart repre
sent consists of a few thousand owners
of powerful consolidated moneyed
corporations in a few states on the
Atlantic seaboard This is our
tariff said a Philadelphia manufactu
rer in 1890 we bought and paid for
it This is our ticket the bankers
and tariff barons are saying of McKin
ley and Hobart we have vouchers to
show how much it cost us St
Louis Republic
It is a great campaign that begins
with Kepublicans claiming Democrat
ic states to make up enough electoral
votes to elect their canidate Its the
first time iu history Delphos O
The man of the standing ad pty
ihe exchange is the backbone of the i
t was a democratic
ronirrf50 thi
newspaper and the solid man of the I abandoned the futile attempt to main-
community In winter or summer in
sunshine or rain hs name greets the
people with each issue of the paper
and people come in time to regard him
as well established in a successful
business whether they have been his
patrons or not Nothing succeeds
like success and the public once get
ting the idea that a man is doing well
stand ever ready to patronize him
naturally in his line In this simple
fact lies the whole secret of success of
persistent advertising
As the Washington Star views it
the silver bolt at St Louis makes it
among the probabilities that the
democrats will be in a decided major
ity in the upper house next winter
The short session from December to
inauguration day promises therefore
to be one of the most exciting and in
teresting ever held in the history of
the country The effect of the bolt
however goes further than the coming
winter and appears to jeopardize the
chances of republican success in the
effort that the party has been making
to control both branches of the national
legislature in the fifty -fifth congress
the first congress of the coming admin
istration According to the computa
tion the chances appear to be against
the republicans in this endeavor
We never knew there were so many
crnbi cfmrinrr7 rnnlilinnn nailers in the
-- - -x - -
O jv i
state of Nebraska until since McKin
leys nomination and the adoption of a
gold standard platform by the republi
can national convention Republican
papers were very shy about touching
upon the money question during ante
convention days they well knew their
favorite candidates wabbling position
on the question and like dutiful child
ren they wabbled also Now they are
all for gold nothing but gold Fven
the ultra silver sheets are now crawl
ing under the fence so as to be on the
side with the bosses Free silver and
protection are twiu issues and republi
can papers know this but their renun
ciation of the 10 to 1 proposition only
oes to show that at heart thev favor
thn democratic plan of government
Our free silver contemporaries so
often refer one to Mexicos apparent
prosperity that it is interesting to learn
just how the Mexican government is
supported On investigation we find
that tickets of all descriptions rail
road theater etc must have a stamp
as must each page of the reports of
meetings each leaf of a merchants led
ger day or cash book and every cigar
sold singly which must be delivered
to the buyer iu a stamped wrapper
Sales of imported spirits pay 8 per cent
on the duties levied on their importa
tion and a half of I per cent in addi
tion when retailed Domestic spirits
pay 3 per cent when sold by producers
or dealers at wholesale and a half of 1
per cent additional when sold at retail
Gross receipts of city railroads pay 4
per cent public amusements 2 per
cent upon the amount paid for en
trance playing cards 50 per cent
paid in stamps on the retail price
and manufactured tobacco a variety of
taxes proportioned to quality and val
ue Mercantile drafts are taxed at
1 on everv hundred
The lack of enthusiasm for McKin
ley now that he is nominated is due to
the great display mrtde for him prior
to the meeting ot the convention
Newspapers and men were wild then
and the amount of slush flung out by
them was sickening to those who
were not bowing down to worship
at his shrine Now the reaction has
commenced and the gradual melting
away of the perfumed smoke of the
censers which were swung in honor of
the newly arisen god shows him in all
his imperfections and people realize
that not by his own efforts and ability
was he raised to the exalted position
he now occupies The -power behind
the throne is known and they are not
satisfied This dissatisfaction will
grow greater and become more wide
spread as the campaign progresses
It is a pity that the once great re
publican party should so stultify itself
aVto nominate a man like McKinley
when such men as Reed Morton and
Allison were seeking recognition It
is a blot upon the escutcheon of the par
ty which years of well doing cannot
erase- That the people are not satisfi
ed is shown by the apathetic manner
in which the news of his nomination is
received In our own town of Valen
tine not even a healthy shout of ap
proval is heard Wait for -the demo
cratic nominee
tain a double standard and practically
made gold the standard in 18 14 when
Andrew Jackson was president
That democratic congress changed
the ratio from la to 1 to 1C to 3 The
result was that silver did not circulate
and gold became the standard in fact
In 1353 another democratic congress
confirmed the gold standard act of
1831 ft for the first time in this
country reduced silver to the position
of token money reducing the weight of
the fractional coin making them legal
tender for only 5 in any one payment
and providing that they should be
coined only on government account
When a democratic congress did
this in lSr3 it made no attempt to do
anything for the silver dollar which
was not then and never had been in
circulation It reduced silver to the
position of a subsidiary or token coin
recognizing gold as the sole stand ni
in fact and tliera stopped And the
democratic president vree approv
ed of its act
We have never had any other met
allic standard but the democratic gold
standard from 1S34 to the present
The only other standaid we have
ever had was the republican fiat paper
standard from 18G2 to 1879
The democratic party has always
been for the best the highest and
most stable the most honest standard
It will never be for any other unless in
a freak of temporary aberration
China to Qhvoniole
The organized lie which has been in
session this week in St Louis has ig
nored several important facts
1 It was the republican party rep
resented by the
congress which by extravagant
appropriations looted the treasury
turning a splendid surplus into a great
2 It was the republican party
which passed the McKinley protective
tariff law -a law which demoralized
business impoverished the people en
gendered labor strikes and lockouts
innumerable and oppressed every
legitimate industry in order that po
litical adventurers and
might thrive on the uncertainties
distress that such measures always
3 It was the republican party
which passed the insane Sherman sil
ver purchase law a measure forced
from the tariff plunderers by the free
silver fanatics of the senate as their
portion of the grand divide and a
measure which more than any other
5 In fine it was the grand col
lapse of the republican partys unre
stricted legishition in favor of privil
eged classes of the republican partys
wanton abandonment of the masses in
favor of the classes of the republican
partys rotten financial and economical
doctrines that caused all the ills from
which the country has suffered during
the last three years and from which
an honest arid able democratic admin
istration has done much to rescue it
Chicago Chronicle
More careful calculations of the
cost ot the Morrison case to Dawes
county makes it nearly 6000 iustead
of 4000 This difference arises in
part from the fact that Morrison hav
ing been acquitted all the witness fees
for the defense fall upon the count
The Morrison case is ended now No
good end can perhaps be subserved
by quarreling with either the first or
the last verdict But it seems pos
sible to effect a great deal of public
good by calling attention to a system
of administration of the law which
makes a case of this kind cost six
thousand dollars The highest legal
authorities say that law is chrystalized
common sense If this is true Jthere is
no law in a trial of this kind for there
certainly is no common sense There
is no good reason why such a case
should not be tried and ended within
two months instead of dragging along
for years making cost at every step
Every man knows that without the
ponderous machinery of courts and
bailiffs lawyers continuances bills of
exception etcetera that simple justice
might be done- as near as justice is
ever done by an immediate trial be
fore u jury of men removed from the
prejudices and passion of the locality
at one tenth the cost such a case now
makes Law and its system of admin
istration have been framed by the men
who make their living out of law suits
If the system continues to work as
poorly and expensively as it now does
the mass of people who are n it law
yers -fill take hold and make a new
acem altogether Cncdron Signal
Protection and free silver are
twin ideas In both there is an abso
lute disregard of the great principle of
co oneration and of the fact of the in-
terdependence of nations which are
absolute and unalterable A system of
high protection during the third of a
qentury of republican rule placed in
superable barrier in the way of Amer
ican commerci il supremacy The adop
tion of free coinage by this country
alone would be still further defiance
of the condition upon which our
broadest prosperity depends
A cause worth fighting for is worth
fighting for to the end is one of Pres
ident Clevelands latest and best epi
grams and voices the sentiment of tins
paper Ever since the adoption of a
platform by the Cherry county demo
cracy that platform has been carried
i at the head of this page and there it
will stay until something new is given
us Tin- Democrat has stood up for
the principles contained therein despite
all efforts to turn its course Its ut
terances have all been sincere and not
that thrift might follow fawning
Only one more week unt il the national
convention and then
The tactics of the free silver wing
of the democratic party to detract the
attention of the American people from
the real issue which is tariff is only
going back on the platform of four
years ago The Chicago platform de
clared for the use of both gold and
silver as the standard money of equal
intrinsic and exchangehle value the
maintainance of the parity of the two
metals and demanded the parity of
paper currency with and redeemable
m such coin President Cleveland
has stood by the platform of 02 while
the free silver fellows have been sight
ing apparitions and broke away from
the Jeftersonian fold in a lively canter
lourpine Republican Journal
The republican party is committed
to the gold standard and every man
who retains fellowship in that party
must necessarily advocate that plat
form or get off the dump Under the
foolish system of redeeming and re
issuing the greenbacks the gold re
serve in the treasury can only be
maintained by the issuing of bonds
Those who speak for the republican
party avoid saying anything about re
deeming and canceling the greenbacks
but work on the prejudices of people
by denouncing thi bond isuiug ad
ministration as they term it For
them to advocate the present existing
standard is also to announce that the
republican party would also issue
bonds just the same a democrats have
viously have to do they expect to
catch voles May be they will but
such votes as they catch with this kind
of clap trap aie of a class that do not
know A from Z Alliance Grip
I I 1IK I ll1 PIIM
i pi i iinimiiiwii
Tiie following from the
Daily Tribune contains a
of truth
At lengtli educators
t -- - - n m Tn T
Parlies having final proof notice in J VELZfrnU ALi x ftu au
rhH paper cannor be tO careful in i All tne democratic tfale conventions
f reading them as frequently they their I have been held and the result seems to
attorneys the land otfee or this paper be a victory for the free silver element
make mistakes Only this week we of the party but majorities are some
I have t republish a notice that has timps elusive and it will require the
jreadv been printed four times owing j nnal action of the national convention
to an error bv the partv who made out io convince this paper that the sound
i -
the application
Lead City
good deal
done for the sake of the thing
money forces ate defeated The fight
at Chicago will be between giants and
just what the platform or who the
nominee will be is at this time impos
sibleto predict The Omaha World
Ilerald has it figured this way
Alabama 22
Arkansas - i 10
California 1 1
Colorado S
Connecticut 12
Delaware - 6
Florida S
Georgia 20
l tuino t
Illinois 48
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Vork
West Virginia
Dibt of Columbia
New Mexico
Indian Territory
North Carolina 22
North Dakota 0
Ohio 40
Oregon 8
Pennsylvania 04
Rhode Island 8
South Carolina IS
South Dakota 8
Tennessee 24
Texas 30
Vermont 8
Virginia 24
Washington 8
Gold Silver
10 -
030 334 596
The above table gives the free silver
people n majority of 202 but there are
several facts which must be taken into
consideration which may materially
reduce this majority In the abovet
tame each ol tne territories is given
six votes The representation may be
cut to two reducing th silver major
ity by twenty four votes The unit
rule will lower it some and besides all
thi3 there is a probability that the con
testing sound money delegations from
Nebraska Illinois and other States
may be seated What efiVct this will
have you can figure for yourself as
The Democrat is tired and its time
to go to pTess anyhow
A thi page of the paper goes to
press a rumor wild eyed rumor hatless
and coatless frowzled headed and out
of breath comes into the office and
and in denouncing the democratic confidentially whispers into the ear of
party for doing what they would ob 1 the editor that Moses Flunkett Kin-
kaid has come to die conclusion that
he is too big a man to run for congress
and will wait for the supreme judge
ship Judge Kinkaid is a pretty good
man bat he may pursue those famous
ly in g low tactics of bis until it is ev
erlastingly too late for plum picking
Irtijilfn Jmleitentlenf Iart
fount tf i on rv tit ion
m m I
are beginning The Peonies Indenendent Pnrfv
to see that harm may be done by the j County Convention ts herebv called to-
competition system universal
schools Prizes are offered for the
strongest and most skillful contestant
in athletics for the pupil who can
pass the best examination in this -that
or the other branch of study Ambi
tious children strain every nerve to
win these prizes Hard feeliug envy
disappointment are the lot of these who
lose while the vanity of those who win
is unduly puffed up In physical con
tests the boys often outdo their
strength The benefit to be derived
from physical culture or from the
knowledge contained in text books be
comes quite secondary to the mere
obtaining of the prize The compe
tition is so keen that dishonest meas
ures are resorted to in order to vriii
as though the one thing in life
worth having were that foolish prize
The effect of this on the childs char
acter in after years cairaot help being
unfavorable The same spirit of bit
ter and ungenerous rivalry goes with
him in his business methods
ren sliould be taught to do whatever
is before thea the best that it can be
in j meet at Valentine Neb on Wednes
day July 8 1S00 1 oclock p m for
the electing of delegates to the State
Convention and for the transacting of
such other business as may come up
It has been recommended that de
base our representation on McFad
dens vote for Secy of State in 1894
giving one delegate at large and one
for each ten votes or major fraction
thereof which entitles the several pre
cincts to delegatesas follows
Valentine p
Kewanee i
ftiiiin chaduza u 5
Wood Lake 7
Sharps Kanch a
tr III t a
f I I llLJ v - a m Ad
PiOiHn Springs 4
Pleasant Hill 2
Kennedy 4
Mothers Lake - y
Dewey Lake
Sjiarks 5
Steen - 1
Knlow 1
Cleveland jp
BaiLilo Lake 2
It is recommended that each pre
cinct hold its primary Wednesday July
1 Ifc90 Further that no proxies bo
and ir their own improvement notrfuwtu UL la ueueieSares Preaen5
A oe exipowerea to cast entire vote of
j tie 1 - j -
lor sake or doing it better than thcir 4watio
soaefody else m wtat rr
- ti uuajil il