The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 02, 1896, Image 2

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ROBERT B GOOD - Editor a Pnor
The Victims Arc Buried Under an
Enormous Pile of Debris and It
Will Probably Be a Week Before
Their Bodies Can Be Recovered
Buried in a Mine
While ninety miners were at work in
the Bed Ash vein of the twin shaft at
PitLston Pa about 3 oclock on the
morning o the2Sth the roof caved in
and it is believed that all of the men
About two weeks ago the surveyors re
ported to General Superintendent Law
that the mine was squeezing and thai
unless -steps were immediately taken to
timber it a cave in orafallmightbe looked
for Superintendent Law lost no time
but at once put a number of timbermen at
work to brace the falling roof
The men were at work propping up the
roof vhen the fall occurred The alarm
was immediately given by the ringing o
lire bells and rescuers were put to work
without delay
More than two thirds of the victims
were married men -and leave families
The concuss ion was so great that it was
heard for miles around The foundations
of nearly every building in Pittston were
shaken and windows and doors rattled as
in a tornado -In the houses near to the
mine people were thrown from their
The first thought was that a great earth
quakehad occurred and the inhabitants
rushed pell niell from their houses The
ringing of thefire bells and the shrieking
of the big mine whistle soon told the
Crowds of people gathered about the
mouth of the shaft and numbered thou
sands by daybreak Stalwart men stood
appalled and frantic women who had
husbands -or sons in the doomed mine
waited in despair v
When it was given out that there was
little or no hope of rescuing the men alive
-women and girls fainted and were borne
away senseless
A conference of prominent mine super
intendents from all over the Wyoming
Talley was held and the situation in the
mine was discussed The conclusion wag
reached that to prevent further loss of life
the work of rescue must proceed with
caTe It is also the unanimous belief of
thessuperintendents that the mine is now
a tomb and that it will be some days be
fore the rescuers reach the bodies
-Mob Attacks
a jot
at a Ball
In theninth inning o a ball game at
StXiOuis on the 2Sth there was almost a
riot It was after a dispute over a decis
ion had been decided that the crowd over
Tan the field A private policeman or
dered a party of three to move on and
they set upon him and began beating him
A police sergeant came to the officers res
cue and hit one of the men on the head
witha bat lie was -carried from the
field a crowd following A number of
officers collected about their sergeant to
protect him Criesof Lynch him and
Kill him were heard on all sides
When the race track was reached a num
ber of men hurled clods of dirt at the
Jealous Wife Attacks a Rival
Mrs AliceGirard jealous of the
tions paid her husband by Mrs Lina
Spurlin waylaid her while en route home
from church at Shelbyville Ind and
jerking her from her buggy almost beat
her to death She was kickedand stamped
almost into insensibility and her condi
tion remains serious Mrs Girard is
Tinder arrest
Said Jt Was JToo Hot to Stive
Because it was too hot to live Joseph
Moore iof Monongahela City iPa com
mitted suicide iBuring the afternoon
while hunting a cool place around the
house he became exasperated and told his
wife it was too hot to live The next
thing she heard of him was whenhis body
was found hanging -to a tree in an or
Qrdist Bird Suspended
B B Bird aft Paul Minn has been
suspended from -all track racing and con
nection with the track affairs for three
months from June20 forcompetinginun
sanctioned races
Killed Has Wife and Suicided
James Romkey red u shot and killed
iswife and con jCie at
New London Conn Lfafaitbiuh im
the part of the wile was given
Fatal Gasoline Explosion
A gasoline explosion at iElainfieia
paused the death of Miss Alice Mor
cum aged 15 Mrs 5ertruds Petersoe
was probably fatally burned
Nev World Bike Record
At theVelodrome Seine Paris Murphy
covered 110 meters in seconds flying
Start establishing a new worlds Bocord
Three Killed toy Lightning
Lightning struck the home of John
r npar avpson to Shilling 3Irs
Lane xnd twochildren
Killed at a Charivari
p B Evans of Utica Ohio shot and
killed Jaiaes Arlington of a party which
of the mar
came to ring bells on ad
riage of Euans daughter
The party had
a wife and two children
the premises but
been ordered off
they would go when e bride and groom
appeared This angered Evans
Bids ov the New Jxttleships
hae W ued ad
TheiSavy Department
for constructing
calling tor propyls
stout 11000
structing three battleships ot
tons displacement
Asks the United States to Secure the
Release of Harrison
A dispatch to the New York Herald
from Washington says British Ambas
sador Pauncefote and Minister Andrade of
Venezuela called separately on Secretary
Olney and conferred with him touching
the arrest by Venezuelan troops of British
Surveyor Harrison on the British Vene
zuelan boundary Jt is understood that
Mr Pauncefote under instructions re
quested the friendly intervention of the
United States to secure Harrisons release
This course was necessary as diplo
matic relations do not exist between
Great Britain and Venezuela The action
is similar to our request to Great Britain
to look after the interests of John Hays
Hammond at Pretoria where we have
no representative It is believed
Olney has already taken steps to com
municate with Venezuela on the subject
Mr Andrades visit in the absence of
official news from Venezuela led to the
expression or opinion by the minister that
theaffairhad been magnified and was
lacking in serious indignity or wrong to
the British
It was the opinion of those best qualified
to judge that the arrest of the crown sur
veyor was not the direct act of the Gov
ernment of Venezuela but was due to the
hasty and iprobably irresponsible act of
some local agents acting underamisap
prehenson and that when proper repre
sentations were made to the Government
at Caracas the latter will apologize
Sheriff -Rogers Slayers Taken After
-an Exciting Chase
The two murderers of Sheriff Rogers of
Glencoe Minn were captured at half
past 2 oclock the afternoon of the 25th
after the posse had scoured Sibley and the
southern part of McCleod counties The
chase lasted nineteen hours and the men
were finally located in Duffs Lake
a gunshot brought them to time and they
surrendered themselves at onoe The men
were much afraid of lynching and when
they reached town an excited crowd of a
thousand people greeted them
The crowd met and listened to hot
lynching and anti lynching speeches and
the authorities telegraphed to Gov Clough
asking for military assistance to guard
the prisoners Company 1 of St Paul
was sent and arrived after midnight and
at once
was put on guard around the
Alice Fleming Acquitted of Poison
ing Her Mother
Mrs Alice Fleming charged with poi
soning her mother by administering the
poison in clan chowder was declared not
guilty at New York City after a trial
lasting into the second day of the eighth
week The trial has been sensational in
the extreme Mrs Fleming and her
mother Mrs Bliss got along badly An
estate of 80000 was coming to Mrs Flem
ing at her mothers death When the
mother was found dead the daughter was
arrested She pionied not guilty On the
trial several disgusting and unprintable
letters from Mrs Fleming to a male ad
were read The crowds at the trial
have been very large and a small panic
resulted from the crush on the last day
Big Robbery Prevented
The boldest attempt at bank robbery
ever made on the Pacific coast has just
come to light at Los Angeles The object
of therattack was the heavy steel vault of
the Constitutional Bank one of the largest
financial institutions of its kind in south
ern California To reach it the robbers
dug a tunnel 102 feet in length extending
from a street adjoining the First National
running thence under the cellars of three
orther -banks This tunnel had progressed
to appoint directly beneath the vault when
the police authorities were appraised of
its existence When the scheme was dis
covered the burglars had begun to remove
the brick masonry supporting the steel
vault Only one suspect has thus far
been arrested
Buffalo Contractors Indicted
Edward I Thayer of the firm of Hast
ings Thayer agents for Brown fc Co
of New York and William N Luther
contractor were indicted by tlie grand
juryatJ3uffalo N Y for manslaughter in
the second degree in connection with the
collapse of the Brown building in that
city a month ago when four people were
killed and many injured
Secrecy of the Confessional Upheld
The superior court at Montreal Que
rendereda decision upholding the secrecy
of theconfessioual Cure Gill had re
fused to answer certain questions put to
him by the court taking the ground that
his knowledge of the facts was imparted
under the seal of the confessional The
court now holds that such communica
tions are privileged
PattOB aSoJlocvv Ware Plant Sold
Judge Gibson at Jeffersonville Ind
has ratified the sale of the Patton Hollow
Ware Company of the prison south by the
receiver to the Jones Manufacturing Com-
hpany of Baljimy The price paid was
n Run v hi - - nn -
iuoy i - c Jul
to woric -
250 cuivicts
TT inffins i Washington
iioga Falls tOhio for the Falls River a
MachiDe Company me naoiuues
375000 and itbs assets 615000
Drouned Dtefld While at Work
Rportre Caldwl residing near Hin
Trvim L Ford a negro was hanged at
Washington D C lor the murder of
Elsie Kreglo a 16-year-old white girl
near there May 4 Ford attempted to as
sault the young girl and when she resist
ed he cut her throat
Cholera Amonjj Troops
Cholera has broken out among the
native at Wady Haifo Egypt As
no previous epidemie ever extended be
yond Lauor officials are niueh alarmed
Failure nt Cayahoga Falls Ohio
A receiver has been appointed at Cay
boro 111 dropped dead while building
fence supposedly frgui heart failure
Teking Gold from the Treasury
Gold withdrawals on the 26th were 119
iOO leaving the true amount of gold xe
serve 101940339 -
Wheat Receipts at Western Points
on the Increase Hay Crop Con
sidered Good Woman Shot by a
Marshal Other Items
Iun Cos AVeekly Review
R G Dun Cos Weekly Review of
Trade says The weakness of wheat
which had declined 210 cents and of cot
ton which is an eighth lower for spot
though less for futures has full explana
tion in decidedly good crop prospects
Returns of harvesting- thus far support
the best estimates as to wheat and the
condition of cotton has been decidedly
improved by rains
Wheat receipts at western points have
been 2090692 bushels against only 787291
last year and for three weeks past 9551
278 bushels against 3954005 last year
and while Atlantic exports have sharply
increased amounting to 78f7527 bushels
flour included against i912iil for three
weeks of June last there is no reason to
doubt regarding the sufficiency of sup
The hay crop has also been exceedingly
good at the west It is not wholly a wel
come but a necessary conclusion that
prices for the great staples are not likely
to be higher
Failures for the week have been 127 in
the United States against 250 last year
and 21 in Canada against 22 last year
She Leveled a Pistol at Him and is
Mrs Leni Johns was killed at Kuttawa
Ky by Marshal McCallum The tragedy
grew out of a feud Eight months ago
McCallum arrested Mrs Boyman mother
of Mrs Johns for resisting him in the
discharge of his duty and she fell dead in
jail from heart disease as a result of ex
citement McCallum was acquitted on
trial for contributing to her death Mrs
Johns hid herself in the cemetery and
sent word by her own child to McCallum
that a man wanted to see him When he
came she arose from behind a gravestone
with a pistol leveled at him McCallum
quickly drew his pistol and fired killing
the woman instantly There is much ex
A Party of Minneapolis Young Peo
ple Drowned at Annandale
The accidental drowning of four Min
neapolis young people who were taking a
sail on Clear Water Lake a beautiful
sheet of water near Annandale Minne
sota was a terrible shock to the parents
of the young people The wind was
blowing quite a gale and the water was
very rough The boat suddenly capsized
in a squall ana all ot its occupants were
drowned at a distance of about 100 rods
from the shore Two of them were seen
clinging to the boat after it had capsized
but they were not able to keep up until
help reached them
Striking Boys Cause a Riot
Seventy small boys at the Hemingway
Flint Glass Works at Muncie Ind struck
for 75 cents a day They have been get
ting 60 cents Others who refused to
quit were caught going or coming from
the factory and assaulted A regular riot
was on for some time and the police had
to be called to disperse the youngsters
some of whom are but 7 years old The
factory will have to fill the places or close
Flesh and the Devil
Rev C E Lee pastor of the Second
Baptist Church at Grand Rapids Mich
was found guilty of taking improper lib
erties with the female members of his
congregation and deposed from the min
istry Rev Lee is the inventor of the
individual communion cup on which he
has a patent
Murderer of Three on Trial
The trial of Romulus Cottell the young
farm hand who murdered Mr and Mrs
Alvin Stone and Ira Stimson at Talmadge
Ohio early in the spring was begun the
other day at Akron
Crowd Fall With the Balcony
During the political excitement atCath
am Out a balcony of the Royal Ex
change Hotel collapsed while a crowd
stood underneath Several were probably
fatally injured
Curious Recovery of a Ring
Five years ago H C NavarroJ of San
Antonio Texas had a valuable dia
mond ring stolen from him If was a
curious ring in this that the gem was
not set in gold or silver but in a circle
of wrought iron of intricate workman
ship Recently the ring was found by
a workman in the Union Oil Companys
mill at Denison Texas whose duty it
is to remove anything like meral that
he can find clinging to the magnet in
the gin room where the linf is removed
from the seed before the crushing of
the seed is begun The manager of
the mill advertised for the ownerjof the
rinff and Mr Xadbia imVbis rase re-
vered it
J a
Fleet in New York Harbor Talcing
on Coal and Supplies
Aspecial from New York says Un
less significant signs fail the squadron of
United States warships just now stationed
in the harbor of New York will be dis
patched soon on important missions
Those who should be in a position to
know say the destination will be the coast
of Cuba During the last week work on
all the vessels has been doubled in re
sponse to a special order received from
the Secretary of the Navy The nature of
this order cannot be ascertained
Every boat of the North Atlantic squad
ron except the New York which is still
in dry dock was taking in coal On the
Newark Mongomery Cincinnati and In
diana there was considerable stir and
bustle From dawn until darkness boats
laden with provisions crowded alongside
The barges were kept busy piling coaj
into the bunkers
Officers admitted that services were
omitted on board the ships on Sunday
but explained it by the necessity of mak
ing repairs so that the ships might be in
condition to take the naval militia on
their annuul cruise early in July
When asked if he expected orders to go
to Cuba Capt Farquhar commndnS
theNewanc am tThat I cant talk
about Only the Admiral
speak on that point
lieved it was a double suicide
Stoekers and Feeders
is authority to
The San Francisco Sailor Gives Cor
bett a Hard Fight
That San Franciscoans have lost none
of their old time interest in Corbett re
ceived ample demonstration on the night
of the 24th when the crowd began to as
semble to witness the four round contest
between the champion and Tom Sharkey
the sailor Ten thousand peoplo were
present when the contest was called
Corbett was favorite at odds of 10 to S
The champion had announced that he
weuld knock the marine out in four
During the last two rounds Sharkey
was the aggressor and Corbett was forced
to clinch to keep the sailor from fighting
It was the opinion of all who saw the
fight that Sharkey more than held his
own and was the freshest of the two at
the end of the contest It is practically a
victory for Sharkey who had to be held
by the police to keep him from going at
Corbett seemed to be greatly exhaustea
The sailor adherents allege that Corbett
himself gae the signal for the police in
terference Vkhen he found he was getting
the worst of it
Affair Between Campos and Borrero
is Settled
All daily papers at Madrid publish trie
letter to Gen Campos from his seconds
Marquis Miranda de Ebro and Marquis
Miranda de Ebro and Marquis Cabrina
quoting one addressed by them to Gen
Borreros seconds in which they state
In view of the measures adopted by
by the Government conformable to the
military and civil law and many other
circumstances deeming the honor and
valor of Marshal Campos fully sustained
they consider any further prolongation of
the situation indefensible by the laws of
honor They therefore withdraw from
the mission intrusted to them by Gen
This puts an end to the affair much to
the satisfaction of everyone
Court Martial for Paymaster
A court martial has been ordered by
the Secretary of the Navy to assemble at
the Mare Island Navy Sard July 2 for the
trial of Past Assistant Paymaster Edwin
B Webster late of the Yorktown on
charges of fraud and scandalous conduct
on the Asiatic station The basis of the
charges is a bond deposited with the offi
cers for the proper conduct of his clerk
which it is asserted he never returned
Frisco Murder and Suicide
George Steutz a marine engineer at
San Francisco shot and killed Mrs Cora
Borden in a lodging house and then killed
himself The cause of the tragedy has
not been learned
Found Dead in Bed
An unknown man and woman were
found dead in a house of auestionahlo
reputation at Wilkesbarre Pa
It is be-
Sioux City
Hogs 2 822 92
Cows and Heifers 1 50
Stoekers and Feeders 3 00
Veal Calves 3 50
Butchers Steers 8 30
Yearlings and Calves 3 00
Sheep 340
Wheat 45
Corn is
Oats 13
Hay 5 00
Butter io
Eggs 8
imothy Seed 2 90
2 90
2 80
3 65
4 00
8 35
3 65
2 80 3 50
xSeed tsi
South Omaha -
2 90- 3 10
4 10
3 35
3 65
50 53 30
4 30
4 00
5 10
Freight Car Blown from a Siding
Out Upon the Main Track of the
B M at Hastings Causes a Bad
Wreck Engine Demolished
Passenger Train Wrecked
Train No of the B M which
reaches Hastings at 4 oclock a in was
badly wrecked the other morning A
heavy wind had been
night and blew
on the main line
the box car with
completely destroy it
blowing during the
a box car down
The engine struck
such force as to
and threw the en
gine and mail clear from the tracK Jne
mail car was not damaged much but the
engine was thrown on its side and is a
complete wreck It is a miracle how
Engineer Noland and his fireman escaped
injury as they remained at their posts
and crawled out without a scratch The
passengers were badly shaken up and
greatly frightened but none hurt
Jail Bird ii -His Escape
duiiiuel Smith who has been confined
in the county jail at York for some time
awaiting his trial in the district court on
the charge of cattle stealing broke jail
the other morning and is still at liberty
Jailer Walsh had just served Smith with
breakfast and had gone out of the cell and
on his return Smith was gone It was
afterward learned that he stole a horse
from a barn near the court house and
started for more congenial climes lie
was pursued by N M George and was
compelled to abandon the horse he had
stolen and hide in the thick brush A
posse surrounded the place where he dis
appeared but he has not been caught
Gets Three Years
Judge Litton at Beatrice overruled the
motion for a new trial in the case of J C
Williams president of the Blue Springs
Bank he having been found guilty of fal
sifying the books of the bank Alter
overruling the motion the court sentenced
Williams to confinement in the peniten
tiary for a term of three years There are
still several charges against the defendant
but which will probably not be taken up
until a later date
Burglar Sentenced
Judge Itanisey opened djstrict court at
Plattsmouth on the 25th to sentence John
Brown charged with robbing a store at
Alvo May 29 for which he was arrested a
couple of weeks ago at Auburn Brown
pleaded guilty stating in extenuation of
his crimethat he was unable to work be
ing a sufferer from nervous prostration
He was sentenced to three and a half
years in the penitentiary
Killed by Lightning
Mrs nenry Benck of Fort Calhoun was
struck by lightning a few days ago and
killed Mrs Benck was m the yard look
ing after some young ducks when the
lightning struck the end of the house
shivering it to pieces and passing out
through the window screen which it
melted and then strnck her burning all
of one side of her body She was uncon
scious up to her death
Secures His Liberty
Charles Mcllugh arrested and held at
Beatrice in jail for a number of weeks
upon ttiG charge oE seduction preferred
against him in Iowa and who was finally
taken to Iowa has returned to Beatrice
the charge having been dismissed lie
says the charge and arrest were made to
get him back to Iowa and force him to re
lease some mortgaged property but the
scheme failed
Harness Thieves Arrested
Constable Boy of Unadilla took two
young men to Syorcuse who were wanted
for stealing harness from two farmers
near Unadilla They were located at
Beatrice and twelve sets of harness found
in their possession Ue has also their
written confession to the theft and the
county attorney has been summoned to
prosecute Both are young men 17 to 20
years of age
Enterprise of Omaha People
Parties from Omaha have been at
Stromsburg endeavoring to secure the
right of way for a telephone line from
Fork to David City the line to pass
through Benedict Stromsburg Osceola
Shelby and Kising City The project
seems to meet with general approval and
it is quite probable the line will be built
May Erect Poles and Wires
The city council of David City passed
an ordinance granting the Nebraska
Telephone Company the right of way for
the erection and maintenance of poles and
wires through the streets of the city also
one providing for the working of tramps
or vagrants on the streets when convicted
of begging in the city
From a Lamp Explosion
Mrs Zabish wife of a farmer living
ten miles west of Grand Island dropped a
lamp seuing me nouse on lire and it was
burned The house was ablaze in a mo
ment and not a thing was saved One of
the children was rescued with difficulty
The loss about 5900 is covered by insur
Engineer Badly Scalded
Engineer C C Smith was badly scalded
at Alliance by the blowing of a plug out
of a boiler He could easily have escaped
injury but instead rushed into the steam
to see what had become of his fireman
The latter was blown off the engine but
escaped injury
Big Consignment of Stock
DA solid trainload of eighteen cars of
stock left Plainview the other night for
Omaha This is the largest consignment
of stock ever sent down the branch from
any one town
Wounded by a Spent Ball
Mrs William Betebener
at Alliance re
ceived a wound from a bullet of a revol
ver which dropped to the floor while she
tvas making a bed
Broke His Leg While Playing Ball
Young Woman Drowned
Stdie Bennett the 16-year-old daughter
Noitli Loup river at St Paul while fish-
A Queer Course
Henry Stehl proprietor of a meav
market at Grand Island is missing A
note has been found addressed by him to
his wife in which he indicated that he
was on his way to New York and would
never return and asked her not to tak6
the matter too hard While his business
was not in the most prosperous condition
he had no such reverses from which he
could not easily extricate himself oi
which would be sufficient grounds foi
such action Neither have there beer
any domestic difficulties as far as can be
learned and Mrs Stehl who is a most
estimable woman is completely prostrat
ed His relatives and friends believe he
will return as soon as lie realizes how
grave a step he has taken
Horticulturists Meet at York
The summer meeting of the State Hor
ticultural Society will be held at York
July 22 and 23 Horticulturists and others
are urgently requested to bring in exhibits
of fruits flowers trees seeds and
tables also horticultural
pickers prunes dry
more especially such
r r
appliance trarwf
ers sprayers etcl
as can and are madek
at home Nebraska peaches won incrhpsh
praise for quality at the Worlds Fair in
1893 L D Stilson of York is in charge
of local arrangements Fruit sent in ad
vance to Stilson will be held safely h
cold storage
Shooting Affray at Lincoln
The patrol wagon was called to a Lin
coln residence where a row was in pro
gress It was discovered that Alfred
Stokenburg had shot F W Bullard twice
one ball passing through his left arm the
other inflicting a glancing wouud in his
back Neither of the wounds are con
sidered dangerous The row occurred
over a woman Both men have been m
the insane asylum and are considered
mentally unsound Seven years ago
Stokenburg fired twenty two shots at
officers who arrested him for a imsde
Freight Train Breaks in Two
There was a wreck in the Missouri Pa
cific yards at Auburn the other morning
whereby T P Gaffney fireman lost his
life and three freight cars were reduced te
kindling wood
The fast freight going west broke into
thiee sections about four miles east of
Auburn and the head section run into the
yard and the engine was taking water v
when the rear sections came up The
crash knocked the fireman from the tender
down between the cars which ran over
him cutting him in two
Will Warmly Welcome BJoters
For the first time in the history of Fort
Calhoun a jail is being built Calhoun is
one of the oldest towns in the state r
never until lately has anything of the kind
v UWMU v wide j uc uiuzens oi mat
place raised nearly 100 by subscription
the rest being paid by the city The jaiRf
is being built in anticipation of the large
crowd on the Fourth of July
Uncle Sam Makes Trouble
Henry Eankin a wealthy farmer living
near Talmage was arrested charged with
violating the revenue laws by manufac
turing beer without a license He was
taken before United States Commissioner
Seymour and placed under 2500 bonds
Piankin admits that he has occasionally
brewed beer for the past twenty five years
urn uenies mat ne ever sold any
Will Be Treated for Hydrophobia
P E Drake a farmer living a few miles
northwest of Ord has gone to Chicago to
take treatment for hydrophobia He was
bitten by a dog some time ago and since
that time has shown symptoms which
have excited the fears of his friends
Robbed by a Sneak Thief
Sneak thieves entered the back door ot
the grocery store of C B Bickel Co at
Nebraska City while Bickel was out on
the sidewalk and robbed the till of S30
was seen in the rear oi the store
after was placed under arrest
Neil Home son of Hon O Home of Caleb Thomas a young colored boy who
ie Bank of Syracuse broke his lo in -
jne leg a
game of ball t i
Corpse Found in the Elkhorn
The body of Frank FraYot who was
drowned in the Elkhorn Biver west of
Sretna was discovered on a sandbar
about 100 yards below the point where
he was last seen The remains were
takfcn in charge by the county authorities
and buried in the county cemetery at
Spnngfield No inquest was held
West Point Boy Drowned
Burt Odell the 10-year-old son of Mrs
Odell was drowned in the Elkhorn at
Elk Point The boy in comnanv with
others was bathing and venturing out
too far was carried out into the current
and drowned Every effort was made to
recover the body but without success
Mad Dog Scare r
A mad dog made things livelv at
vard the other day but was finally killed
after biting three or four other dogs and
two horses The horses and tdogs bitten
were killed v
Mrs HiaiIe Identifies Him as thc
Mnn Who Shot Her
It is now believed that Frank Tobin n
paroled convict is the man who assaulted
and shot Mrs II inkle at Valpariso Mrs
Ilinkle who is still alive identified Tobin
as her assailant It appears that Tobin
was very much smitten with Mrs Hmkle
when she was Miss Addie Edwards but
his attentions were not appreciated One
day when he called and got gaj her
brother sent a couple of loads of buckshot
at him Tobin essayed the society of a
number of girls but they thought he was
tough and would have nothing to do with
him About six years ago he was sent un
for a term for attempting to rob the bank
at Yalpariso When he was released on
parole he attempte I to renew social rela
tions with the young women but as be
fore his attentions were repelled and he
got some grim mental satisfaction in
threatening to shoot the entire female
populat iou in the vicinity of Valpariso
Mrs Ilinkle who is a young woman o
about 18 jears has positively identified
Tobin with the lower part of his face
covered as he was when the nssiult was
made upon her and has also said that she
believed him to have been her assailant
from other circumstances than hib appear
tJcrTurcson CoxuityB Prosperity
The returns made by the ase sors ot
Jefferson Comity show a total valuation
of real and personal property not includ
ing railroad property of 195850149 a
decrease from last years assessment ol
8207521 The reduction is all in per
sonal property farm lands which are
valued at Sl3t594t53 showmir an increase-
of 2784 V
Fairburv realtv is assessed at 250987 V
an increase of 38S9 Number of horses
in the county 9250 mules S12 cattler
12835 sheep 9165 hogs 17103 There
has been considerable falling off m the
number of live stock in the county from
last year caused by the selling off stock
on account of short feed sheep alone
have increased The acreage of the prin
cipal crops is as follows Corn 151481
acres wheat 19902 oats 31217 rye
673 meadow 19260 millet 609 sugar
beets 117 The corr acreage is 9869 and
oats 6100 more than in 1895 A
able area has been planted to
alfalfa and Kaffir corn