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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1896)
ft sT lv - l1 kw v t1 -v L r 4 V i m 3fc w 3L It -- JK SB A rin it 171 JS L JL -1 A VOL XI THIS AND THAT Vonthty J Jrenfs -Mascot Cornell Hnll Inly Oolah Cornell Hull July IiKlependeiice -July 4 sishool meat uly 7 Populist County Convention Julv S Teachers Institute hily U yCountj Coiimussiotiers July i r Dont Hall - forget -Mascot at Cornell Xow is thetime to build new side walks v N Little Paul White was guile ill ves ierday 7 15 Lord was up from Simeon Tuesday C E Colby was over from Rosebud yesterday A G Shaw is expected home in a day or two 0 us Carlsons -little baby ras quite ill yesterday J C Dihlnian was in town a short time yesterday Fred Brayton of Wood Lake was in town Monday Everybody keeps Fourth of July sup plies this year Lottie Hubbard is having trouble with her eyes again O W llahn is clerking in Daven port Thachers store during E J Davenports absence Mrs Ella Johnson was up from Bas sett one day last week J G Stetter and wife have been vis iting at Chadron this week L G Van Slyke was in town a short time Monday morning from Cody James AV ell ford made a trip to Bose iuud last Saturday and returned Mon 6ay Buy a Seamstress Sewing Machine of T Q Hornby on the installment plan -- J Mrs Chas Sparks and son Laverne -returned from their visit to Lead City Sunday v 42Jx - TT T7Ai fT ntt rrV 1 ii lnn Uefin IMlLiS iVrtLti ilUJJailttlUlU ISilO ucu suffering from erysipelas of the eyes this week - IS E Gardner of Xorden vas in town the latter part of last week on his way to Chadron Mae OSullivan is on the sick list this week but it is hoped her illness Will not prove seribus The Boston Comic Opera Company consisting of seventeen people arrived in town Tuesday night J A Fike was ntituberetl among the ill yesterday Same old story warm cold chill fever Special sale in shoes at T C Horn bys from Julv 4th to Julv 12th to make room for new stock 23 K F Gillaspie tlie only original Arkansaw Bob was up from Ken nedy a few days this week Lew Brownell lias returned to Val entine and is occupying his old posi tion as clerk at the land office Almost everybody went some place Sunday Driving walking and visiting parties were numerous Mogle returned from his trip east Monday to his place at Cody Ouess he likes Cherry county after all- F S Bivens made a trip to St Sterys -Mission last week The teachers at that institution came over withhim D1I Hubbard who has been in town having his eyes treated has gone home very much pleased with Dr Dwyers work Col J H Halloway veteran theatrical manager was in town Sun day and Monday making the dates for the Boston Comic OperaCo - Miss Ferry and Mrs Van Horn school teachers on the reservation were in town last night Miss Forty went to Ainsworth this morning Notice the change in Bergers adver tisement This firm has recently add- j ed a line of gents furnishing goods to their stock of clothing boots shoes j and F M Walcott went to Kearney Mondayr to visit his parents He will -attend the Teptiblican congressional nt Torth Platta before re- burning noma - Davenport Thacher and T C Hornby were awarded the sugar and coffee coutract at Rosebud G Seager was up from his ranch sputh of Cody yesterday on business He informs us that he has about 800 head of sheep now and expects to con tinue raising them as thjgy are money makers A letter received here from Miss Etta Brown at Mt Fleasant Iowa says she is enjoying her vacation very much and thjtfcsbejvill attend the Na tional Educational AssT5tei7ititifit Buf falo next week - Raymond White was bitten on the calf of the left leg Sunday evening by Cicero Thompsons Great Dane do Turk It was purely accidental the dog snapping at another dog which jumped in front of Raymond The White House changed propri etors yesterday and is now being run by Mrs P Donoher and daughters M G Hopkins still smiles at the hotels patrons over the night clerks desk Hop is a whole hotel force in himself Davenport Thacher present ahew advertisement to Tins Democrats readers this week They are making a strong bid for trade these davs and their efforts to keep the best of every thing should be encouraged by libsral patronage Joe Wheeler representing the Green Wheeler shoe factory Fort Dodge Iowa spent Sunday and Monday in town He is a free silver democrat doesnt believe in tariff on wool and would like to go into the sheep busi ness in Cherry county Watson and Quigley both have dec orated their drug stores in elegant and artistic wajs Quigley displays a fine line of candies in his show win dow and one thinks he is in fairyland when visiting Watsons 14U j les decorate tne room C H Cornell E E Sparks Ceo Elliott Henrv Razey J WV Tueker andJS J Davenport went to TiVncoIir Tuesday morning to attend the state republican convention Most of the boys will also go to Platte to at tend tlie congressional convention Through the courtesy of our triend J ID Galvin we are in receipt of a copy of the program of the Fourth of July celebration at Pine Ridge Agency It is artistic in conception and faultless in execution being a fine specimen of printing The program is printed in both Sioux and English Court Reporter John Maher made a flying trip to Valentine the past week and is now getting ready to go to Chicago July 7 John pretends ho is goiugto see the democratic conven tion but there is a little milliner who has a whole lot more to do with it than any of the democratic Montagues and Capulets Chadron Signal Saturday July 18 will be Farm and State day at the Longpine Chatau qua Gov Silas A Holcomb and Sen ator John M Thurston will be present to deliver addresses one in the after noon and one the evening These dis tinguished gentlemen will surely be present With such an auspicious opening the Chautauqua ought surely to be a success this year We ate informed that Trank Whi tecar of Ainsworth has been appoint ed inspector for the government at the Rosebud brick yard The editor of this paper has known Frank for sever al years and congratulates him upon his appointment We know of no bet- man for the position than he and the government showed good judgment in securing him for the situation He vill satisfy all liarties concerned The storm last Friday night was very destructive in some localities In OJSeilf no damage was done worth mentioning but a most singular thing happened here nevertheless Two K freight cars standing on one of the sidetracks of the F E M V rail road were blown on to the main track One Car was found the next mornino at Stafford and the other atr having been carried along by the storm for over twenty miles Scjme boys must have loosened the brakes during the earlier patt of the night and the cars forced the split swich intb position as they were driven forwa wind aaVeSZ Sim i ty the u T V jLjlA JIjJ soldier well liked by his suj licersand So far as known h upon KVk reputation Ha popularpohg the ri ri j naps a try butdthi with MinuJ to li v Pnhliiilunl liv 5Ioth i Yoars as TWO DEAD RESULT OF A SHOOTING AF FRAY AT FT NIOBRARA Irivate WVnvorMlioots Serjeant illusion anil iw in Tnrii fJwU Ivy -ml Strinc The ft lory of Terrible Affair Two men were killed at Fort Nio brara last Saturday morning abont J oclock Sergeant Livington of Co D and Private Weaver of Co C The cause of the tragKlv dates back some two or JUm go when PrivateTlcEivoy of Co D and Weaver of C had some trouble which stirred up bad blood between all the men of the two companies Just what this trouble was is not stated While on a spree a few days later Weaver went over to the D company quarters and tried to pick a quarrel but was unsuc cessful Sergeant Livingston ordering the man to return to his own quarters under penalty of arrest Weaver did not like this but lie obeyed the com mand and the incident was almost-for- gdtten Weaver however continued drinking until the canteen oflicerSj re- fused to sell him anything more to drink naving successfully passed inspec tion Saturday moruing Weaver was or dered to go on guard His sobering up process seemed to have plunged him into a fit of melancholy and he sat on the porch of his coapany quar ters apparently brooding over his real or fancied injuries while waiting for guard mount A s he sat thus Ser geant Livingston came up the street on his way to the postbliice Weaver saw him rose from his seat greeted the- passing soldier with a Good morning sergeant and raising the gun to his shoulder said Im going to shoot you The sergeant started to run but before he had taken more than two or three steps Weaver fired and shot him through the breast The ball entered the body near the right igpie went ifthrQUgha the heart and left lung and passed out of the left side under the arm The sergeant fell and died almost instantly Instantly all was contusion tlte men running out of their quarters all along the line and the officers leaving their residences on the other side 6f the pa rade ground Several of Weavers friends rah forward to disarm him but by this time the man rwas perfectly wild and waving them aside he com menced firing right and left down and across the parade ground as he walked along the street The soldiers gave him plenty of room Corporal of the Guard Cummings ran up but Weaver halted him and told him tostaud back remarking Youre too good a man to kill About this time there was some lively scrambling for places of safety as no one could tell where the next shot was going to strike After every possible effort had been made to disarm the crazy man Lieut Clark ordered one of the guard to fire aiming low Guard Strine obeyed the order and the shot struck the magazine of Weavers rifle bursting it into a dozen or more pieces and sending them into his groin The wounded man fell bleeding to the ground and even after receiving his fatal hurt fired three moreShots using the rifle as a single shdt weapon When from loss of bit od the man became so weak he could no longer work the mechanism of the gun his comrades ran to his aid and made him as comfortable as pos sible the Red Cross ambulance was called and he was taken to the hospital where he died soon after One of the wounds in Weavers groin was as large in diameter as a silver dollar The foregoing is the complete story of the sad affair as learned bv Democrat while on the ground uhours after the tragedy Seargeant Livingston was f im 111 I i Vi I WAJ i m V u JL JLJJ -CHERRY COUNTS INDEPENDENT metVand had many friends among the memnoteonly of his own company but jOlie entire regiment liis action in siootingjSergt Livingston can only be accounted for on theigrouud that he ras temporarily insane This theory has maiiy advocates and is probably the right one his action in shooting into his own company quarters being cited as eviden ce The funeral of Sergeant Livingston rook place at Fort Xiobrara Sunday afternoon at 10 and was witnessed by a large number of people from Val entine and the surrounding country The entire garrison turned out in obed ience to the regulations of the army which require every man of a rank equaPbr inferior to the dead to attend the funeral ltftvas i full dress affair Weaver was given a private burial at 7 oclock Sunday morning Lieutenant Clark and Guard strine are entirely exonerated for the part they played in the tragedy Nothing could be done t disarm the crazy man and for the safety of others it was im perative that he be disabled The shot which killed him was not intended to inflict a fatal wound and it would not have been serious had it not struck the magazine of Weavers gun tftrihe is a member of Weavers company Jfcai Jeiis Picnic Theirls of Valentine are trumps royal good fallows as it were at least that is the unanimous opinion of the bachelors of this progressvie little burg Most people seem tio have forgotten hat this is leap year but the girls of alentine are not among that number Kotnvuch They know that leap year wont come again for eight years and they are determined that the present shalibe made the most of so last Sun day they gave a picnic Kow we are not going to say whether it was right for the girls to do this but the fact re mains that they did do it so of neces sity it must have been right The pic nic was to be held at Thachers grove west of town and the first problem for ctiiVgiilsTtojsvilve was stionA The grounds are only a mile and a quarter from town so of course it would be ridiculous to hire carriages and besides well there were other reasons tooso they secured a great big hay wagon and loaded the boys in to that and there all were just as com fortable as could1 be The cornmissary wagon a double carriage followed af ter We wont attempt to describe the scene at the grounds but there were hammocks galore and good humor and hilarity in abundance Some of the hammocks faded as usual but who cares for a dress or trousers at a pic nic The commissary department pro vided a bountiful dinner and lunch There was ice cream three freezers full and cake and sandwiches and pickles and chickens and peaches and straw berries and lemonade and other things The girls kept the boys out until eight oclock but nobody seemed to care about that Altogether it was a great time and if you dont believe Tile Democrat ask Anna Bivens and Walter Jackson Anna Connolly and Al Thacher Cora Gillette and Joe Yeast Minnie De Woody and Will Kincaid Sadie Dewey and Frank Brayton Nel lie Biillisand Joe Putmecil Mae6Sul livan Delia Sawyer and Charlie Schwalm Edna Dwyer and John Smy ser Edith Stark and Zike Brauer They kriow all about it Following YTeatKfer Itcjtort is a summary of the wtather experienced here during the pa t week and up to 10 oclock this in rmng AY TEMP MAX MIN PRECP T E Si lelontK - l 1 M M l lfe A raTl m H 3 E S 8 J ft SI VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBBASlEA THURSDAY JULY 2 189G f DONT PLUNGE o 64 I a 8Joio I I mr C prl I I I K m trace t gteliters Old Stand on Hain Street Bs and m k m THE PAL AC 8 H WINES t I lVALEOTQSTE tl ii CHARLES SIg SlKS Cashier A NO 23 if Buyers always liave to experiment to a certain extent but pefore buying extensively they slionM not fail to see our goods and get prices They can not be equalled much less excelled Our Summer G oods are especially fine Watch this space in the future and we yill keep you posted on what is latest and best Thmhb WHILE YOU ABE BUYING -GROCERIES CONFECTIONERY m FRUiT Dont forget that W A PETTYCREW is D HERRY JQUNTY Valentine Nebraska E OKI Lot of nice GEORGIA WATERMELONS Just Received T ANK Jiff 3t t - ft I A- 1 Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited atreasonable rates Countv deWitorv W - r mm k is - - E SPARKS President THE RED FRONT CARRIES A COMPLETE LINE OE GENERAL ERCHANDISE JACKSON BBAYTON Props Valentine Nebraska ANK OF VALENTINE WBTjjdnmwmmrmm C Ml COIlXEIjIjrre8ltent x SI F KICHOIjSON Cashier Valentine Nebraska A General Hanliing jBicsivtcfm TvansacteiU JBnys find Sells Domestic and Freign Uksclifmge Correspondents National Bank -New York if lret National Bank Omafex MEAT WrLLSTTKEffSH LT - MARKET more Tender -Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats and the finest line of rSmoksd Hams and Brekiast Bacon ever sold in fem J W STETTER fflOP E SALOON- HEADQUARTERS LiaUOBS and GIGAEB llieiic8st EraI w 5