The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, June 18, 1896, Image 2

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Havana Gets a Fright
Havana was startled and alarmed at 9
oclock the night of the 13th by the uoiso
of two successive exnlosions which shook
the tdhntine gemocrzi
ROBERT B GOOD - JSditok Pbop
Dynamite Explosion Cause Excited
Thrones to Rush to the Streets
Attempt to Cut On the Watr Sup
ply Smallpox and Fever
ground for miles around
prevailed for a time as it was feaiei
at this was a prelude to an attack Ex
cited throngs rushed to the streets while
an armed parly pioceeded m the direction
from which the detonations had been
heard It was soon found that the stone
bridges of Christina and Concha and tlm
acqueduct of Fernando Septiino weie the
points that had suffeied from the dynam
ite The bridges were partially destroyed
and the pipes in the aqueduct upon which
the city is dependent for its water supply
were much damaged It cannot now be
stated how extensive the damage is or
how long it will take to remedy it
The windows in many houses in the
city were shatteied by the reverberations
of the explosion and some structures were
also badly damaged There is -no doubt
that the dynamite which -caused this
wreck was placed by agents of the insur
gents It has been -their determination
announced ome time since -to cut oil the
water supply of Havana and so serve to
make it as nearly uninhabitable as pos
There is much fever and -smallpox -has
broken out and in the unwholsome state
of affairs tineatens to become epidemic
Many are suffering -from -measles and
there is much intestinal trouble among
the inhabitants owing to spoor and in
sufficient food The failure of the -water
supply under these conditions is a dire
Wounded fey at Man Who Took Hira
ibr at Highwayman
At St Louis Charles N Xoze a colored
delegate from Texas was shot by Kobert
W Thiel aged 21 years Loze had been
stopping i the home -of his brother
While on his way there becoming con
fused lie halted a pedestrian and inquired
home Robert W Thiel the
ltleman of whom Loze inquired it is
claimed by the latter drew a pistol and
fired five shots one -of which took effect
in his right shoulder Loze was taken to
the home of his brother When his wound
was dressed it was pronounced a serious
one Thiel is in jail He claims he
thought he was about to be held up and
6red to save himself 4 rom personal injury
A Blow at -the Timher Trust
Judge Burnell atMilwakee on motion oi
Attorney General Mylrea granted an or
der restraining theXational Maufacturing
Company from doing business pending a
hearing on the motion seeking the dissolu
tion of the company The attorney gen
eral charges that the company was not
organized to do a legitimate business but
for the purpose -of controlling the sash
door and blind trade and creating a tim
oor trust in Minnesota Wisconsin Mich
igan Iowa Missouri Illinois Ohio and
Kansas The attorney general asks for a
receiver and that the franchise be re
Rhodes Takes Banishment
A dispatch to the New York World
Irom Cape Town South Africa sajs
Lionel Phillips and George Farrar the
reform leaders released from prison at
Pretoria have arrived at Johannesburg
They paid a line of 125000 eachand all
except lihodes took oath to refrain
frain from taking part in the Transvaal
politics for fifteen years he accepting the
alternative of banishment The Trans
vaal gets a round 1000000 from the fines
imposed upon the sixly7th1ee reformers
More Supplies for Rebels
The New York World says The steam
ship Bermuda was to have left Philadel
phia with another cargo of arms and am
munition for the Cuban insurgents The
expedition consists of fifty men among
them being several physicians who carry
with them a full supply of medicines and
surgical instruments Stowed away in
the hold of the Bermuda are 10000 Mauser
rifles four Hotchkiss guns and a large
number of machetes
Love Sick Girl Suicides
Rendered despondent by disappoint
ment in love Gertrude MeJenheimer 16
years of age committed suicide near
Hillsboro 111 by taking carbolic acid
She left the home of a married sister
ostensibly to visit a neighbor Her body
was found in the public highway the next
Strange Suit Ajjainst Women
Arlington P Mead filed suit for 10008
damages against Itlioda Hoskins and Ella
-Whitehead at Newark Ohio for stealing
his wifes affections Mrs Hoskins is the
plaintiffs mother-in-law
Fatal Pittsburg Fire
jAtfiss in a tenement at Pittsburg re
sulted iin the death f Mrs Garbeis aged
Wi -by jumping from a window and
FrankGajbeis aged 5 by suffocation
Twoother members of the family were
badly burned -
Trades Jvions to Build a Road
At a meeting of the trade unions at Mil
waukee articles jucorporatiag the Mil
waukee Miincip and Suburban Rail
way Company weKjvidopted The capital
vstock iS lMJi rtvidcd into 203000
Treasure of Buccaneer Morgan
Said to Have Been Found
After twenty years spent in organizing
and accompanying expeditions to the un
inhabited Island of Cocos 400 miles south
west of Panama where he believed he
would find the tens of millions of treas
ure which the great pirate Morgan is said
to have buried there Iticliard W Arm
strong of San Francisco has now come
east to sue wealthy New York and Boston
men who he says stole the maps from
him and discovered the treasure He
brought excellent credentials and has en
gaged the best legal talent in the city
While he was sick in San Francisco
Armstrong says an agent of the eastern
syndicate stole from him the map which
located the pirate treasure Then the
eastern men fitted out an expedition
went to Cocos and found the treasure
which was worth more than 20000000
Neither Armstrong nor his lawyer will
give the names of the persons they intend
to sue but say one ofthem is a promi
nent merchant in Pearl Street that city
Civic Federation Take Steps to Stop
the Fitrht
Since the announcement that Corbett
and Sharkey have been matched to fight
San Francisco has been the Mecca toward
which the eyes of all pugilists aie turned
The fistic experts are hastening to San
Francisco from all parts of the country in
expectation of a revival of the glorious
times when there were several prize lights
a week there There is a state law pro
hibiting prize fights but a complacent
board of supervisors has allowed contests
for a limited number of rounds under the
guise of charity entertainments Num
erous fights have been pulled off durmg
the past four months under this ariange
ment but now the Civic Federation has
discovered that prize fights are agaiust
the law and its members will endeavor
to prevent the Corbett Sharkey affair
Twenty five People Hurt and Two
Killed at Wyeth City
A cyclone of unusual severity struck the
town of Wyeth City about thirty miles
from Gadsden in northern Alabama
Thirteen houses were literally blown
from the face of the earth but there were
only two deaths A It has bsen reported
that a hundred or more persons were in
The basket factory where the greater
portion of the inhabitants of the town
work was just out of the storms path
Had it come an hour laterwhen the oper
atives would have been at home the loss
of life would have been heavy A relief
committee is now at work Of five of the
structures nothing could be found The
path of thecyclone was about 100 yards
wide and total devastation followed it
Cuhan Ex Prisoners Arrive
Dr J G Delgado and his son J M
Delgado American citizens reached New
York on the 10th on board the steamer
City of Washington from Havana They
were on their way to Washington to make
formal statements to the Slatp Depart
ment regarding the ill treatment to which
they were subjected in Cuba the elder
Delgado having been shot almost to death
by Spanish soldiers his servants mur
dered and his property destroyed There
was also on board the City of Washington
Felix Cabello an officer in the Spanish
service who is said to be on an important
errand to this country
Peoria Fears No Snake Bites
Repsesentatives of the American Dis
tributing Association the American
Spirits Manufacturing Company and the
independent distillers were in join ses
sion at Peoria 111 on the 10th Peoria
never before held so large a stock of
spirits there being over 10000000 gallons
now in the warehouses There is little
trade but the price of eorn is so low that
it is thought best to keep on with the man
ufacturing of goods The Manhattan dis
tillery which shut down some time ago
will resume soon and the other houses
will not close this month as had been ex
Indiana Bank Fails
John A Thompsons Bank of Edingurg
Ind has closed its doors The property
of the bank and the Thompson flour mill
as well as the property of the individual
members of these firms has been assigned
for the benefit of the creditors Bad in
vestments and a depletion of deposits it
is said caused the failure Liabilities
175000 assets 180000
Roobed Her Parents
Minnie Osborne aged 17 of Oakland
City Ind is under arrest in New York
charged with stealing 500 from her par
ents She was arrested in Believue Hos
pital where she was taken by two men
and a woman who mjsteriously disap
peared after registering her as insane
Quarrymens Strike Spreading-
The quarrymens strike in Ohio is
spreading and there is prospect of serious
trouble 1600 men are out in fourteen of
the quarries of the Cleveland Stone Com
pany at Berea Westover Columbia and
Oimstead Falls and fifty more will strike
at North Amherst
One Killed and Six Hurt
Two hundred cans of dynamite stored
for use by a con trader on the Penns3lva
nia llailroad was set off by the premature
explosion of a blast burying seven men
beneath sand and rock near Johnstown
Pen a
Forbids Blacklisting
Judge Collier of the federal court of Al
buquerque N M has issued an order
forbidding the receiver of the Atlantic
aud PaciCc Railway from blacklisting
members of the A R fJ
Fatal Quarrel of Lovers
At Chillicoche Ohio Thomas White
after a quarrel with Edith McKelvey his
sweetheart hot her fatally and then
killed himself Both were young and
favorably known
Boilers Wert Defective
During the official trfal of the French
ironclad JaureguiberryN at Toulon one
of her boilers exploded badly jnjnrjjjg
1111m men
Country is Waiting for the Two
Great Parties to Declare Them
selves Cecil Rhodes and Barney
Barnato Seek New Fields
Little Change In Trade
R G Dun Cos Weekly Review of
Trade says The speculative reaction has
not in the least changed the business out
look The fictitious prices made for
wheat and cottoiumeant no good except
ior individuals and the change to prices
more nearly in accord with the actual ie
lationsof demand and supply only con
forms to conditions which have been well
known for months
The Government report as to wheat in
dicated a much smaller yield than any
body really expects but that has become
so much the rule that the report had no
real influence and the principal effect was
the serious depression caused by large
sales in anticipation of the report which
seemed to be thoroughly known in ad
vance to some speculators While Atlan
tic exports for the week were 15S8158
bushels flour included against only 809
539 last year the comparison is obviously
exceptional and significant while the re
ceipts at western ports of 2529865 bush
els against 13SG230 last year show the
persistency of the conditions which
have governed the movements dur
ing the whole year The Government
estimate as to cotton was unexpectedly
favorable and has caused a decline of
more than half a cent in a single week
but it is only just to say that some reac
tion from artificial prices would have
come earlier if information much more re
liable than that of the Government had
not been persistently discredited
It is not the time to look for marked
improvement in industries and the best
thing that can be said ofthem is that none
have as yet been seriously disturbed by
threatened labor difficulties Itseems not
improbablethat all such difficulties may
be averted except perhaps the contro
versy about w ages of iron puddlers and
tin plate workers The textile -manufacturers
are making no improvement The
accumulation of notion goods continues
print cloths have declined to the lowest
point ever reached and a general stop
page to relieve the market is expected
The sales of wool in two weeks of June
have been only 5823500 pounds against
12561965 last year and no gain is ex
pected in the manufacture for some time
to come
Failures for the week have been 24G in
the United States against 241 last year
and 27 in Canada against 24 last year
Said He May Go to British Colum
bia with Barney Barnato
The San Francisco Chronicle says
The great South African Mining kings
Cecil Rhodes and Barnej7 Barnato have
tnrned their attention to the newly dis
covered gold fields in the region lying
west and southwest of Lake Kootenai in
British Columbia just north of the inter
national boundary line They have sent
their own expert out to investigate the
pospects and report He declares that
the richness of the Rossland and Trail
Creek mining regions far surpasses any
thing that South Africa could ever have
dreamed of This report will doubtless
be followed by the investment of a large
amount of capital in that section by those
mining magnates and other wealthy En
glishmen who follow their lead in such
A Mysterious Shooting
A mysterious shooting case in which a
Harvard student was the victim took
place at Boston A fellow student ran
into the Cambridge manual training
school with the information that Jerome
Emil Grosh of Toledo Ohio had shot
himself The injured man was taken to
the Cambridge hospital where he lies in
a critical condition It is not known
whether the shooting was accidental or
done with suicidal intent
Need Ferry Boats
The terrible tornado of two weeks ago
destroyed twenty four ferry boats which
plied between St Louis and East St
Louis and left only one boat A repre
sentative of the Wiggins Ferry Company
arrived in the Sioux City to buy all the
boats which are for sale The Vint Sell
ings owned by Selzer Bros was steamed
up and if terms can be agreed upon she
will be allowed to go
Quarter Blood Indians
The Committee on Indian Affairs re
ported to the House a bill confirming the
title of mixed blood Indians 10 land The
measure applies to Indians of quarter
blood whom the committee thinks ought
to be able to assume the responsibilities of
citizenship It is proposed to allow such
Indians to sell their lands or encumber
them and make them pay taxes
Railroad Sold for 3000000
The Grand Rapids and Indiana Rail
way system exclusive of the Muskegon
branch and the land grant was sold at
Grand Rapids Mich on the 10th at auc
tion on an order of the United States
court for 3000000 and interest The
only bid was by a representative of the
Pennsylvania Railway Company
Gen Whitely Dead
Gen K H Kirkmore Whitely of Balti
more is dead aged 88 He was born at
Cambridge Md was a graduate of the
West Point class of 30 and had been a
soldier in three wars He fought in the
Seminole war in Florida the Mexican
and the Civil He was retired in 75 with
the rank of major general
Faithless Lover to Pay 5000
In a breach of promise case in the cir
cuit court at Mexico Mo against James
Lyons Miss Emma Sexton was given a
verdict for 5000 damages
Rides a Mile in 150
W W Hamilton rode a mile on the
race track at Overland Park Denver in
150 breaking alf previous bicycle rec
Woman Shows a Lawyer How She
Assaulted with an Parasol
31 S Hastings attorney for the defense
fn an assault and battery case at Wash
ington Ind was severely belabored in
Squire Kendalls court by the complain
ing witness a woman named McTegart
She was asked to show how she had been
assaulted by the wife of Wesley Rolan a
brakeman Mr Hastings handed her an
umbrella and looked at her in a quizzi
cal manner She obeyed instructions in a
very striking mnnner Firmly seizing the
umbrella she brought it down with a re
sounding whack upon Mr Hastings head
She repeated the blow several times and
then her desire to procure a verdict
prompted her to turn toward the jurors
to impress them with a similar object
lesson She was restrained with difficulty
The incident caused sucli laughter that it
was impossible to proceed with the case
and it was dismissed The original as
sault was committed because Mrs Rolan
saw the plaintiff talking with her hus
Passed by Both Honses and Signed
hy the President
Representative Mercer has at last won
his fight and secured the passage of the
bill making an appropriation of 200000
for the trans Mississippi Exposition at
Omaha in 1897 He took advantage of the
temporary absence from the House of Mr
Bailey of Texas the only member
who was disposed to stand in the way of
its passage called the bill up and secured
its passage under suspension of the rules
There was a slight amendment to which
the Senate agreed and the bill was taken
to the President by Mr Mercer and re
ceived his signature Mr Mercer has
been in receipt of numerous congratula
tions since the bill passed
Postal Swindler Sentenced
J It Landers implicated in the United
States directory swindle pleaded guilty
in the United States court at Oshkosh
Wis to using the mails for fraud and
was sentenced by Judge Seaman to pay a
fine of 100 He has given information
that will lead to the conviction of the
prime movers of the scheme Landers
was collector and claims that the com
pany netted 500000 He wore 4000 worth
of diamonds when arrested
Valuable Horses Burned
Fire destroyed the building of the
Ameiican Horse Exchange at Xew York
It is supposed that 125 valuable horses
perished in the flames and an unconfirmed
rumor has it that one mans life was lost
estimated loss is 900000 Among the
horses burned was Elsie G 219X val
ued at 7500 The exchange has for
years been one of the most famous places
of its kind in America
Bound Gagged and Robbed
Robert B Taylor and Ernest Reinmetz
watchmen in the Cafeteria Cateriug Com
panys restaurant at No 46 Lake Street
Chicago were bound and gagged by four
robbers the other night The thieves then
broke open the vault containing the books
and valuables of the company and took a
satchel which is supposed to have con
tained nearly 1000
Cornelius Vandertnlt jr to Wed
The Xew York World says The en
gagement of Cornelius Vanderbilt jr
and Miss Grace Wilson has been formally
announced by Mr and Mrs R T Wilson
The wedding is to be an event of the near
future Miss Wilson has written to her
numerous friends during the past few days
telling them of her coming marriage
Mean Trick of Burglars
Burglars at Monmouth 111 not only
stole a large sum of money and a watch
from J n Pattee but so effectually con
cealed lus clothing that he could not pur
sue them They escaped
Will Make No Loans to Spain
A special from Havana says Dis
patches from Madrid say the bankers of
Paris and Amsterdam have declined to
advance any further loans to Spain before
next November
Baby Murderess Hanged
Annie Dyer baby farmer was hanged
at Newgate prison London for the mur
der of many infants entrusted to her care
Woman Killed by a Rattlesnake
Mrs John Gittner of Athens Mich
died from the effects of a bite of a rattle
snake received while picking berries
Sioux City
Hogs 2 85 2 95
Cows and Heifers 1
Stockers and Feeders 3
Veal Calves 3
Butchers Steers 3
Yearlings and Calves 8
Sheep 3
Hay 5
Beeves 3
Stockers and Feeders 2
Timothy Seed 3
South Omaha
nogs S2
Steers 3
Cows 1
Feeders 2
Kansas City
Hogs 2
Beeves 3
Feeders 2
Sheep S
Oats -
3 00
3 60
4 50
3 60
3 75
45 47
17 19
13J 14
00 6 00
10 11
7 IX
52 80 3 40
40 4 40
85 3 00
30 3 90
50 3 40
85 3 70
50 3 15
25 4 05
75 86qn
00 5 Iff i
0 55K
n I
Governor Holcomb Asked to Inter
cede in Behalf of the Settlers in
the Matter of Prosecutions lor
Fort Randall Timber Stealing
Appeal to the Governor
Nine residents of Boyd County living
near the town of Gross have joined in a
complaint to Governor Holcomb They
say that during the drouth period two
years ago a large number of Boyd County
citizens went over onto the Fort Randall
reservation in South Dakota and pro
curred some fallen timber for fuel
Within a few weeks a United States
marshall appeared in Gross and arrested
nine of the number and took them to Om
aha where an examination was held and
they were bound over for trial in the fed
eral court They returned home the
trip having cost them 17 apiece and for
which expenses they were obliged to bor
row money from the bank at an exorbit
ant rate of interest Quite a number of
others are now threatened with similar
arrest and they believe it to be simply
nothing but a piece of petty persecution
for the purpose of putting big fees into
the hands of officers of the federal coxrrt
For twenty five years this timber thief
industry has been profitably pursued by
attaches of the federal court with no cou
victions of any moment merely a nomi
nal fine followed by lelease The Gov
ernor is asked to take some steps which
may possibly stop the alleged outrages
Gov Holcomb says he will write to the
judge of the district of South Dakota but
does not appear to have any faith in se
curing any redress He will call atten
tion to the fact that this small quintity of
fuel was taken during a period of great
destitution in Nebraska when every
nerve was strained to keep body and soul
together among settlers of a new county
and that the frivolous punishments meted
out plainly indicate that not only are tiie
settlers being put to ureat expense use
lessly so far as any pretext of sustaining
the majesty of the law is concerned but
the Government is severely taxed with no
practical results
Epworth League Convention
The seventh annual convention of the
Norfolk district Epworth Leaguers closed
its very successful sessions at Wisner on
the 10th m the Methodist Church About
120 were in attendance from abroad and
lepresented 2400 league members
The meeting was one of enthusiasm and
prjfit giving great encouragement lor
luture effort Appropriate papers dis
cussions recitations and music filled the
program of each day
A unanimous vote represented the sen
timents of the convention as approving of
the restrictions of the church discipline
against worldly amusements
Wakefield was chosen for the next place
of meeting and Rev E W Ericson was
sleeted president
Postolfice Looted
The general merchandise store of Ed
Fifield and the postoffice were entered by
burglars at Eldorado They took tools
from a blacksmith shop with which they
twisted the padlocks from the door Five
dollars in pennies were taken from the
cash drawer The safe was blown open
with giant powder Several sacks of
fiour were piled around it to deaden
the sound of the explosion Fifty -five
dollars in stamps were taken from the
safe and a registered letter containing a
small sum was also opened and the money
Burglars Try Several Places
Burglars broke no Smons Andrews
meat market at MuUool Juncliun and tore
the money drawer out but got nothing
They attempted to break in at the froit
and back of E E Lincolns hardware
5torebut as they left brace bit and jimmy
it is supposed they were scared away
They succeeded in stealing a gold watch
out of the vest of R Newman nfght man
on the Kansas City Omaha Rairoad
who was in the engine cab
Pierce Countys Assessed Wealth
The assessed valuation of Pierce
County for 1S is as follows Personal
1GS4551 real estate 110007075
Fremont Elkhorn Missouri Valley
Railroad Company 99210 Pacific Short
Line 76860 Chicago St Paul Minne
apolis Omaha 26600 Western Union
Telesraph Company 244H30 total 1
174605 56
Looking for Counterfeiters I l
United States Detective McDonald was
in Plattsmouth investigating the report of
the circulation of a large number of coun
terfeit 10 bills ne failed to locate more
han one spurious bill and came to the
conclusion that that city was not the head
quarters of a gang of counterfeiters
Otoe Countys Assessed Valuation
The assessors of Otoe County have
sompleted their work and their hooks
Dave been turned over to the board of
equalization Tiie total value of personal
real and railroad property in the county
s 4662914 a decrease of 42354 corn
Dared with last year
Are Doing1 More Farming
The Indians on the Winnebago Reser
ration are taking more to farming this
year than ever before Many have put in
large crops of all kinds At the last pay
day many went to Lyons paid up their old
debts and laid in a big supply of the nec
essaries of life
Creamery lor Vinside
The Harding Creamery Company of
Norfolk has closed a deal for putting in a
creamery at Winside Machinery has
been ordered contracts for building let
and it is expected tojiave the plant run
ning in fifteen days
Child Drowned in a Pool
While Frankie Hewitt aged 6 year3 of
Ord was playing near a pool of water
left by a storm he accidentally slipped
fell in and was drowned
Ex Judge Found Dead
Ex Judge Isaac Maynard of Schoharie
was found dead in a room in the Kenemce
Hotel at Albany the other morning
W ill Not Prosecute Hawkins
The three informations two for embez
zlement and one for forgery pending
against ex Water Commissioner George
E Hawkins of Beatrice were withdrawn
bylCounty AtlorneyveMurphy Hawkins
having some time ago made a settlement
with the city by the payment of 250
Suit for Slander Promised
City Attorney Seymour of Nebraska
City has announced his intention to bring
suit against Councilman Nelson for slan
der on accout of statements made by the
latter during the late stormy session of
the council
Trying to Remove City Attorney
At the meeting of the city council at
Nebraska City the fight between the may
or and the council was continued A few
days ago the council became dissatisfied
with the manner in which City Attorney
Seymour is conducting the case of tHe
Water and Light Company against the
city and attempted to remove him and
appoint E F Warren in his stead to all
ot which Mayor Stahlhut objected Sey
mour is going on with the case and pav
ing no attention to the action of the coun
cil having the assurance of the mayor
that his position is right
Burglars Bound Over
John Brown and John Hansen the men
arrested at Auburn for the burglary of
the store of Charles Bucknell at AivoCass
County May 29 had their preliminary
hearing before Police Judge Archer at
Plattsmouth on the 9th The testimony
was very straight aud clear and a part
of the goods found in the prisoners pos
session were identified by Mr Bucknell as
those stolen from his store Judge Archer
bound the men over to the district court
m 500 bonds each in default of which
they were remanded to jail
Expects a Big- Fair
The Knox County Fair Association has
issued its premium lists for the thirteenth
annual fair to be held at Creighton Sep
tember 8 9 10 and 31 The association is
making great preparations and expects to
have the finest fair ever held in tiiat sec
tion of the state It has extended the
time to four days instead of three which
will be a great deal more satisfactory to
patrons The purees offered in the raco
department are liberal
Will Modify the Proposition
James Furguson of New York City wlio
is one of the capitalists interested in the
proposed distillery at Fremont is in that
city conferring with business men and the
Board of Tnide The proposition recently
submitted to the Board of Trade will
probably be somewhat modified Vr
Furguson expresses himself as well
pleased with that location and consider
it an excellent point for a distillery
Burglars Busy at Hastings
A gold watch and several other articles
were taken from the home of George
Brown and another residence in the north
part of the city of Hastings Burglars
entered A F Bastons house but were
scared out before they could secure auv
thing The homes of George Kirby and
C F Morey were also entered by burg
lars but nothing of any value was car
ried off
3Iortgages in Valley County
Valley Countys mortgage indebtednes
for the month of May is as follows Farm
mortgages filed 783382 satisfied 250
142 chattel mortgages fded1830726
seventeen released 183293 six sheriffs
Army Worms Work Near Fontanelle
Army worms are reported as doing con
siderable damage in the vicinity of Font
anel le Corn and grain have so far fared
the worst Several fields have been
plowed in in attempting to stop then
ravages The damage so f r is confined
to a small tractjof country
Pedestrian Schilling Reaches Omaha
on His Way to Frisco
M Schilling the one mined athleic
who U tramping from Pittsbirr Pa to
San Francisco a d return arrived in
Omaha on the night of the 8th having
been fifty nine days on the road The
distance to be covered is 7500 miles and
he is not allowed to be or spend any
money In addition to these requirements
he is expected to make the trip in ten
months and return home witii 1003 lie
has earned If he can do this he will re
ceive 2500 from the Ellsworth Athletic
Club of Pittsburg He left that city April
20 and arrived in Chicago May 20 where
he remained a week He carries with
him a blank book in which the railroad
ajent leaves his stamp at each place
visited and a morocco bound memoran
dum in which the editors along tiie route
inscribe their autographs
All through Iowa lie was delayed ort
account of the rains but his average is
from forty to fifty miles a day One dog ho
started out with could not stand the strain
and laid down and died He secured an
other which is proving tougher than his
predecessor Schilling is 22 years oldf
and 6 feet 2 inches 111 height
Platte and Eilchoru Rivers Spread-
ing Ovec Adjacent Farms
Tiie Platte and Elkhorn Rivers were 01
a rampage last week as the result of heavy
rains throughout the state Almost the
entire inland at the confluence of the
rivers about two miles from Gretna was
inundated and much damage done to the
crops A four foot head of water ciiAd
uown me river anu swept away every
thing loose The cut oft was partly
washed out and the Platte swept across
into the Elkhorn which was hank full
and broke through tiie new dike erected
this spring and irrigated about 20JO acres
of the bottom lands before the break
could be repaired Had it riot been for
the levee the crops on the entire bottom
would have been destroyed As it is the
damage is but nominal
On the west side of the Platte River the
Saunders County side the entire bottom
was submerged as no levee had been
built to protect it
More Big Washouts
Another terrible rain visited Chadron
and vicinity on the 10th doing untold
damage to railroad interests Near
Smithwick S D on the Elkhorn five
miles of track have been washed out and
no trains have been running west of
Chadron for a week The Elkhorn has
been sending hundreds of men and teams
to the front to put in temporary tracks
where the washouts occurred on the 6tb
but the rain on the 10th again swept away
everything in sight Railroad men say
that no trains can be sent through to Hot
Springs over their line for weeks Pas
sengeis are being transferred to the Bur
lington and Missouri at Crawford and
work trains are being sent from Chadron
over the Uulington and Missouri to Hot
Killed on the Elkhorn Tracks
Peter Johnson was run over aud kiheu
at Omaha by an Elkhorn freight train
Johnson was under the influence of liquor
and and a short time before had been
found by a policeman in a saloon and ad
vised to go to his home in Babcocks Ad
dition to South Omaha The officer got
him in his wagon and saw him safely over
the B M tracks and thinking he coulcK
make the remainder of the journey alone -
left him The horses got safely over the
Elkhorn tracks but the engine strucTc the
wagon smashing it into kindling wood
and Johnson went under the wheels
The body was badly mangled and death
ensued immediately The deceased wii
4S years old and leaves a familv
St 37