The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, June 04, 1896, Image 6

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had been a royal fire in
THERE Johns cabin and there
was still a great bed of glowing
coals when his daughter Liz called him
to dinner Daddj warmed his thin
blue hands at the fire and the sweet
smell of the corn pone and the fra
grance of the coffee yvcrc very pleas
tut to him Ilis old wizened fate
wrinkled into something meant for a
The doctor womans barl lies come
foe said
I seen It on Jule Fraleys wagon
replied Liz her dark weather beaten
face lighting
Coine an eat diuner dad she add
Im a comjn quavered the old man
tottering forward and pulling along an
Did splint chair
Whaxs thet piece er saddle blan
ket he croaked
I bed it er ridin Pomp declared
You git it mighty quick said his
Butt brought a tattered sheepskin
-which the old man carefully folded in
the chair and then sat down
That part of Daddy Johns apparel
which -came In contact with the sheep
skin was so attenuated as to fabric
that the interposition of the worn fleece
was most comforting
Ive got ter hev some new does
Liz said Daddy presently
She looked at Bud
Bud wants some new cloes powerful
bad too but he eats sech a heap pears
like I caynt never git him noan
Bud kin git erlong said the old
man testily
Dont you reckon the doctor wom
ans got cloes in her barl asked Liz
I reckon But mebby ther aint nary
thing fer me
Ef you should go up thar
I aint er goin interrupted the old
man almost angrily Doctor wom
ans alays been good ter we uns an I
dont aim ter ax her fer ary thing
His feeble hands trembled as he took
up his torn hat
She got plenty of everything said
Liz sullenly
It dont differ I aint goin
Daddy John went out
Dad alays wus er fool mused Liz
as she lit her pipe
You go an help yer grandad pick
up taters she called to Bud
Bud sauntering lazily toward the po
tato bank saw somebody swinging
along the mountain toward the cabin
Thars the doctor womans nigger
er comin atter you grandad he called
Daddy John set his spade down hard
and leaned forward on the handle
Coniin atter me Youse a plum
Id jit Bud
But he stared from under his shaggy
brows and breathed hard as the hand-
some yellow woman came up
Howdy Sally
Howdy Daddy John Bankin up
yer taters
I reckon
He was shaking all over and felt sick
Got some permaters yit daddy Gi
me some I want a permater pie I
YIs yis said the old man shortly
Doctor wants you to come up thar
daddy Shes got sumfin fer youse out
en her barl
Yessum Ill come atter I gits my
taters done banked up
Sally started off with her tomatoes
Tell her Im obleeged to her called
daddys cracked voice
What my missis wants to throw
away good cloes on that pore white
trash fer I dont know grumbled Sal
ly Me and Jake could er make use
o all o them things
Daddy John went on with his work
Aint yer er goin grandad cried
Yis Im er goin right now
He toddled off to the cabin washed
his hands at the porch and dried them
on a bit of burlaps The doctor was
watching for the old man He gave a
queer pull at his tattered hat brim as
he came near
Howdy Daddy John Im
glad to see you Gome in
He stood at the edge of the hearth
gazing at the barrel The doctor smil
Your hat is getting pretty old daddy
The brim is torn and theres such a big
hole in the crown
Yessum Hits plum worn out sure
Never mind said the doctor I
have such a nice cap for you showing
it to him Made of soft fur and with
ear lappets to tie down
The old face altered It lost ten
weary years
Try it on daddy Now is it not
nice You woiit freeze your poor ears
this winter
No maam Thankee maam 1
reckon Id better go new
Wait a bit lou need some shoes
daddy Here are some good ones
Mighty fine shoes mighty Sue
mumbled the old man
Now you need some soft warm
socks Here they are You want to
put them on dont you Come in here
And now I must go go oh yes go to
feed my chickens But theres one thing
jnore Here is a nice pair of trousers
Its all right Daddy They will
Just fit you Im sure
Such a droll figure awaited the doc
return A little gray old man his
small spindle legs rattling around in
the fine black trousers his ragged fad
ed calico shirt abashed in such com
pany He looked at her speechless
his wrinkled face working
She smiled at him
I have a Aest here for you Daddy
and Ill give you a clean white shirt to
take home
Doctor the old man gasped I
Dont worry Daddy Try on the
He put it on tugging weakly at the
Jest what I needed he muttered
You look very nice Daddy Theres
only one thing more and here it is
the finest warmest coat in Buncombe
She held it up by the shoulders and
drew it on
Now is not that a lovely coat
He stroked the soft cloth gently pull
ing at the fronts with his stubby fin
Its lined with silk said the doc
tor Daddy I shouldnt knew you
He looked down at himself in a dazed
way Then he started
Id better go home now he said
hurriedly I never had nary suit o
cloes afore God bless ye doctor
He caught her hand
Im so glad to give them to you
Daddy she said softly with tears
The next day Jule Fraley came up
to mend the roof and while he warmed
himself at the fire he told uie story of
Daddys return home
We wuz a pullin corn me an Liz
an Bud an I see the old man er com
in down the hill an I says Look yon
Liz Is thet yer dad
Naw says Liz Thet aint dad
Looks like ole Preacher Freeman
Sure nuff he did look pint blank
like ole Preacher Freeman An we
watched im tell he crossed the branch
an when he clim up the bank he stag
gered a bit yer know daddys mighty
onstiddy on his legs an I knowed
who hit was an I said
Tis yer daddy Liz An Liz were
plum outdone at she didnt know her
own daddy concluded Jule indulging
in one of those silent laughs peculiar
to his kind He went up on the roof
presently and thj doctor came out to
overlook the work always charmed in
to lingering by the wonderful beauty
of the landscape The house sat upon
one of the foothills of the great Appal
achian range east of the French
Broad Looking west one saw a wood
ed undulating country rolling away to
the valley and there stayed by the mas
sive wall of a great mountain that rose
far into the blue Along the mountain
side the railroad made its way over
high trestles and red clay embank
ments and at times one caught the
sound of the whistle the rumble of
wheels and saw the train rush along
small in the distance like a childs toy
All at once there was a shout and at
the same instant a shot rang out
Thars a convict got off cried Jule
when the doctor appeared I saw him
jump off the train
The doctor shivered
And they didnt stop
Why no but the guard fired on him
Theyll send a party back when they
gits to Biltmore an offer 100 reward
fer him likely Dont I wish I cd git
Will he get caught do you think
I reckon They ginally does Hes
tuk ter the woods now They alays
does when they makes a break But
hell git an outing anyhow Dog goned
ef I blame im
Mr Farley where do they go when
they escape like that
They lays in the woods Mebby
they know niggers thatll feed em and
give em cloes Theyre alays in a
mighty hurry to git shet o their striped
suit an ef they do sometimes they git
away fer good
Daddy John came once to visit the
doctor wearing his new clothes and
then he paid visits to all his kinsfolks
and old neighbors and the queer pa
thetic figure in the fine black suit
weakly climbing over the hills became
a familiar sight
Then one night a terrible calamity
befell and the next morning it was
known all over the settlement that
Daddy Johns new cloes at come in
the doctor womans barl had been
Horsemen riding to town drew rein
and discussed the theft for hours Ev
ery other woman put on her sunbonnet
and called on her next neighbor and
then the two went together to see Dad
dy John So it happened that when the
doctor arrived she found the house so
full that two of the women rose and
sat on the floor to offer her a chair
There was a curious stillness in the
house One of the women whispered
nits just like a buryin only thar
aint no corpse
Daddy John was sitting by the fire
huddled together the picture of mis
Ive lost my new cloes he quaver
Im so sorry Daddy John said the
doctor taking his hard bony hand
I never had no new cloes afore
he croaked piteously
A few frosty tears dropped on his
grizzled cheek Liz took up a corner of
her apron and wiped her eyes All the
other women dipped snuff
They wuz sech fine cloes mused
the old man The coat bed a silk lin
in Doctor said it war silk An the
purtiest buttons
An them cloes could a ben fixed
up fer Bud when dad got done with
em said Liz
The old man paled with sudden pas
I aint er goin ter git done with
em he said in a high voice Bud
shant hev em Doctor woman give
em ter me I never bed no new cloes
afore But I aint got em now Theyre
He broke down into tearless sobs
that shook the old chair
Dont cry Daddy all the women
called in unison and they shed a few
perfunctory tears and passed the snuff
box around
You dont use terbacco in any form
do yer doctor asked one
The doctor admitted that she did
not and they looked steadily at her
trying to realize the phenomenon
Weeks passed and Diddy still crooned
over the fire in utter dejection Old age
poverty and loneliness unhappy trio
were his sole companions It was now
believed that the clothes would never
be recovered
Out in the woods one frosty morning
a heavy foot crushed into the dead
leaves and a big chestnut falling
struck the owner of the foot on the nose
He raised his black face toward the
Hi Deys drappin all de time now
an deys a heap bettern con
He sat down in his tracks and filled
his pockets and shirt front eating vo
raciously the while
Reckon Id better be gwine now he
said presently
Rising he picked his way like a cat
through the underbrush climbing con
stantly till he reached a spot where a
huge bowlder cropped out and over
hung the mountain side Its crest com
manded the whole valley and its shelv
ing underside made a cozy shelter
Thick pines crowded up and concealed
the entrance The convict had been so
sharply hunted that he had been un
able to escape from the neighborhood
and it was in the boldness of despera
tion that he had chosen his retreat so
near the State road that he could hear
the voices of the country folk as they
passed to and from town
He sat down to cogitate Ef I could
git word to Rosy or git to Rosy Id be
all right but Lordy I cant do nary
one on em
The train whizzed out from a cutting
and whistled sharply as it tore along
The negro grinned with pleasure He
was so much a savage that this nomad
ic existence though hunted and tortur
ed by fear was sweet to him
Howdy gemmen he chuckled as
peering through the pine boughs he
recognized some of his fellow convicts
on the train Dont you wish you was
me Plenty grub heap o new cloes
and no work to do Ho ho
He rose and drew out a bundle undid
it viewed its contents with a series of
laughing explosions and then present
ly doffed his striped suit and arrayed
himself anew
Mighty fine cloes fer a fac cost a
heap o money
He softly patted his limbs twisted
his neck to get a glimpse of his back
and creased all his black face into one
big smile A mirror would have made
his rapture perfect
Rosy wont know me in dese yere
Shell tek me fer a preacher jest from
He changed back to his striped suit
and tied up his bundle A sharp wind
sprang up and drove before it icy drops
of rain
Golly muttered the darky xlint
it cold Ill resk a fire arter dark
Down to the doctors farm everybody
was hurrying to get the crops under
shelter The last load had gone in
when Jule Fraley looked up at the sky
The clouds were rolling up like a cur
tain showing the far mountains a deep
intense blue etched with an amber sky
Durned ef its going to storm after
all said Jule
Suddenly he straightened himself
Bud he called sharply Look
yon on the mountain Aint thet
Bud could see as far as an Indian
Yes Thets smoke
Ther aint no house llar
Naw Nary house
Jule walked away briskly
Two hours later five men parted the
umbrageous pines and tip toed cautious
ly toward a small opening under a great
rock on the mountain side A whiff of
warm air stole out to them A great
bed of coals glowed redly and with
his feet to the fire a negro in convict
dress lay sound asleep The men had
their guns ready One pointed his piece
upward and a shot tore through the
tree tops The negro was on his feet in
an instant
Weve got you said one
He looked from qne to the other and
his dark face grew a shade lighter
I surrender gemmen he said
Shortly after this event Daddy John
reappeared in his new clothes He wore
them almost constantly for a few
weeks and then they wrere suddenly re
tired from public observation and Dad
dj went about looking as if the scare
crow in the cornfield had stepped down
from his perch and toddled off to seek
winter quarters The doctor was puz
zled When at last she questioned
Jule Fraley Jule shook his head mys
I reckon I kin tell yer ef yer wont
be put out about it
Well well Do so
I reckon in a hushed voice at
hes keepin of cm ter be buried in
New York Tribune
Insects on Hawaii
Prof Albert Koebele of CaliforriiOt
has made a three years contract with
the Hawaiian Government to destroy
the insect pests of the islands His
method is to get insects harmless tc
man to kill noxious insects
Survivors of the Rebellion Relate Many
Amusing and Startling Incidents of
Marches Camp IAIe -Foraging Experi
ences and Cattle Scenes
Daybreak at Appomattox
Virginias hills at break of day
On arms in fitful slumbers lay
The armies of the blue and gray
Daybreak at Appomattox
The bugles welcome to the morn
Awakes the legions battleworn
And stirs the colors soiled and torn
Daybreak at Appomattox
The troopers to their saddles leap
The gunners from the caissons creep
The bristling rifles forward sweep
Daybreak at Appomattox
The blue are mustered on the hills
The gray beside the valleys rills
And soon the sound of battle thrills
Daybreak at Appomattox
The cannons loud defiance roar
A storm of hail the rifles pour
The dewy grass is red with gore
Daybreak at Appomattox
But see The sunshine cleaves the sky
A glad Stop firing is the cry
A welcome sign is drawing nigh
Daybreak at Appomattox
Then out beyond the fields of green
The waving flag of white is seen
Above the line of battles sheen
Daybreak at Appomattox
Shout shout ye braves The war is past
The dawn of peace has come at last
With love to bind the nation fast
Daybreak at Appomattox
Washington Star
Stopped for Breakfast
Charging is the last resort of brave
but baffled commanders said a critic
of military affairs and it almost al
ways results disastrously
Thirty one years ago the affairs of
the Confederate army of Northern
Virginia were desperate enough to war
rant its brave commander Gen Rob
ert E Lee to resort to charging So
it came to pass on the morning of the
25th day of March 1S65 he made a
break through the Union lines and
opened the way to City Point which
if he could have reached and held
would have prolonged the civil war for
at least another year
The preliminaries were well ar
ranged First of all a hundred men
appeared in front of our picket line
and announced themselves as North
Carolina deserters They were all
armed but the officer in charge of our
pickets welcomed them and told them
to bring in their guns as Gen Grant
had recently issued an order command
ing his quartermasters to pay for all
guns brought in from the rebel ranks
So this hundred of armed men were
graciously invited to march in behind
our pickets When once there they
turned suddenly upon the astonished
Union troops and requested them to
surrender in words too impolite to
print And the picket had no choice
but to obey
In the rear of the picket line stood
Forts Haskell and Stedman garrisoned
by the Fourteenth New York artillery
several of whom belonged in Utica In
the early dawn of that mild March
morning the sleeping members of the
Fourteenth were awakened by the
sharp Yi yi of the rebel troops who
pounced in upon them 10000 strong
or more They were under the com
mand of Gen William Mahone of Vir
ginia After capturing the Fourteenth
they were expected to move forward to
City Point
But here an obstacles arose that
neither Mahone nor Gen Lee had fore
seen That obstacle was our supplies
of food It was utterly impossible to
get the Confederates who were actu
Llly starving beyond our soft bread and
coffee our fresh beef and salt pork
The whole body paused and went to
eating drinking and making merry
without regard to the conculsion of
that well known saying For to-morrow
we die It was all in vain that
Sen Mahone threatened and swore and
coaxed his men They simply would
not stir till they had satisfied their ap
This pause was the salvation of the
Dnion army It enabled not only the
majority of the Fourteenth to escape
from their captors but the other di
visions of the Ninth corps come to
their relief so that when the rebels
were ready to advance they found their
way blocked and they were compe d
to retire from the scene of their vic
tory and their breakfast table back to
Petersburg badly beaten and carrying
with them nothing but full stomachs
The foregoing is a brief but truthful
account of Gen Lees last charge In
a little more than a week from that
day he evacuated Richmond and Pe
tersburg and in less than another week
he surrendered his entire army to Gen
Ulysses S Grant
The Soldiers Mother
One of Lincolns old friends tells
how he once went to Washington dur
ing the war to persuade the President
to take better care of himself I
told him he says that he must take
more rest or he would die I told
him how thin and hollow eyed and
weak he looked and that he couldnt
go on this way long without serious
result I told him to work fourteen
or sixteen hours a day if he must but
to have some definite and regular time
in which to rest when he would be
absolutely alone When I had finished
he smiled wearily and said Yes I
know that all you say about me is
true and it may kill me but it cant
be helped
Now let me tell you what hap
pened only last night and then you
can tell me what you would have done
under the same circumstances I was
worn out and had determined to rest
I gave orders that I would see no one
but a guard told me that there was
an old woman outside who had been
waiting to see me for a long time I
had her brought in and she told me
her story while wringing her hands
and in a voice so full of tears she
could scarcely speak Her son was
a Union soldier He had been South
for several months and had been in
battle His regiment had returned and
was in camp near Washington He
had asked permission to visit his moth
er and had been refused He slipped
away from camp for a day saw his
mother and then tried to get back He
was arrested before he got inside the
lines with the result that he was or
dered to be shot at sunrise She want
ed pardon for the boy and she had
barely time to get to the camp and
save his life And I gave her a writ
ten order that sent her away the hap
piest old woman in the world and I
suppose the boy is alive to night and
his mother is thanking God for his
deliverance And now what would
you have done Would you have re
fused to see the old woman because it
was late and you were worn out or
would you have seen her and sent her
away with a pardon for her sons
Had lices Confidence
At a dinner in Lexington soon after
the wTar Gen Lee said that he had
fixed upon Malone as his successor in
command of the Confederate forces
If I had been killed Lee is reported
to have said Gen Mahone would
have succeeded me in command This
incident is related in an autograph let
ter from J Horace Lacey reproduced
in Ben Butlers autobiography The
truth of the statement has been ques
tioned by Gen Mahones enemies in
Virginia but no one has ever produced
a reasonable denial while every one
even the severest of his enemies has
acknowledged the high esteem in which
Mahone was held by Lee
Mahone was a civil engineer by pro
fession He brought into use in every
engagement the skill he had gained in
this calling at the Virginia Military
Institute from which he had been grad
uated in 1847 He was an organizer
of men Those who fought by his side
say he conducted himself in battle just
as if he were going about an important
piece of engineering He was alwajs
calm and self possessed and the pre
cision and deliberation which he em
ployed were ever successful agencies
in his career
When he first entered the Southern
army he was an almost hopeless dys
peptic He had suffered for many
years the uncertain and untimely ef
fects of that exasperating malady He
thought he should have fresh milk
every day in the field for it had formed
a part of his diet at home so he took
a cow into the army and carried he
beast with him all through the war
Gen Mahone often related the an
noyances the cow caused him One
time Gen Lee came to him after the
cow had been in the way and said
General you will have to leave that
cow behind
I cannot do it sir Mahone replied
If we cannot get along with the cow I
will have to resign
So the cow remained and she was
actually at Gen Mahones camp on the
memorable April day when Lee sur
rendered to Grant at Appomattox Gen
Mahone took the animal home to Pe
tersburg afterward
The General wras noted also in the
army for the complete household out
fit he carried With cooking utensils
he was particularly well supplied and
he afterward often boasted that he
lived as well in the army as he lived in
Washington He had supplied his
camp wagons with a full outfit of bed
ding and household contrivances and
though the war was a perpetual mov
ing day for him he often said that if
he had another war to go through he
would do the same way St Louis Re
Curious Battle Scene
At the battle of Stone River during
the Southern war while the men were
lying waiting behind the crest a brace
of frantic wild turkeys so paralyzed
with fright that they were incapable
of flying ran between the lines and
endeavored to hide among the men
The birds and rabbits were also in
great fright When the roar of battle
rushed through the cedar thickets
flocks of the little birds fluttered and
circled above the field in a state of
utter bewilderment and scores of rab
bits fled for protection xo the soldiers
lying down in line nesting under their
coats and creeping under their legs
in a state of complete distraction They
hopped over the field like toads and
as perfectly tamed by fright as house
hold pets Many officers witnessed it
remarking it as one of the most singu
lar spectacles ever seen on a battle
field It is another of the exceptional
incidents that belong to annals of war
Could Stop His Carving
After the battle of Gettysburg a
corps under the command of a young
physician whose knowledge of sur
gery was very limited was ordered to
collect the wounded Among the dis
abled was a very young man who had
been shot through the leg The dis
ciple of Esculapius proceeded to get
his knife to work and after cutting
for a half hour was interrupted by the
young soldier with Say how much
longer are you going to cut Until I
get the bullet replied the doctor
Why you goshdarned fool if thats
what you want Ive got it in my pock
et Sure enough the bullet had
lodged in the skin of the mans leg after
passing through and he had kept it
as a souvenir
One of the public schools of Mar
mouth Me has thirteen pupils the
oldest being 13 years old and this is
the teachers thirteenth term in the
school All the pupils of the school are
well and doing well and the school is
making a more than usually good rec
ord notwithstanding superstitions
about thirteen
5he Great Explorer Tells of His First
Journey Down the River
The geographical world was anxious
to know what was this mysterious river
the quest of which had occupied Liv
ingstones declinkig years The London
Daily Telegraph joined with the New
York Herald in defraying the cost of
this second expedition The store of
how I set out a second time from
Zanzibar circumnavigated the Victoria
Nyanza discovered Lake Albert Ed
ward voyaged around Lake TanganT
yika and reached Livingstones far
thest point Nyangwe on the banks
of the Lualaba has been told in de
tail in my book Through the Dark
Continent It also relates how after
a tedious land journey parallel with
the river I made ready my English
boat collected about a score of native
canoes embarked my followers and
how after a course of nearly 1S00
miles we reached the Atlantic Ocean
at the mouth of the Congo By this
river voyage the question which had
puzzled Livingstone for eleven years
was solved It is a noticeable fact that
when I began my descent of the Congo
I was the only white man excepting
my companion Frank Tocock to be
found between the Zambesi and the
and between Zanzibar
and the Lower Congo
It may easily be understood why on
returning from the discovery of the
great African waterway I should be
anxious that England should avail her
self of it In 1S1G England had dis
patched a naval expedition under Capt
Tuekey to ascend the Congo but it ter
minated disastrously 200 miles inland
In 1S73 Capt Grandy another English
officer had attempted the task In
1876 Admiral Hewitts expedition had
suppressed the pirates of the Lower
Congo For over sixty years England
had kept watch over the Congo slaves
Half of the expenses of my expedition
had been contributed in England She
was also rich tender and just toward
tne natives and her people were the
best colonizers in the Avorld All these
facts were in my opinion claims that
might justify England in stepping for
ward and taking possession Century
One Phase of City Life
The well fed and prosperous who ac
cept the wine and honey of life as a
matter of course do not comprehend
that many thousands of hard working
active healthy energetic bustling peo
ple live for a whole day upon the price
of a plate of oysters in a fashionable
restaurant Le one man a letter car
rierspeak for himself I have three
meals a day coffee cakes and either
ham or beans or corued beef and beans
at each meal at a cost of not more
than 20 cents a meal They give you
bread and butter with the meat and a
fellow has plenty to eat in three such
meals If hard pushed he can get
along on thirty two cents a day with
two meals with meat beans bread
and coffee at each I have known
chaps who have been idle for a long
time to live upon twenty cents a day
corned beef beans bread and butter
and water for one meal and pie and
coffee at the other in the evening A
fellow could live all winter on those
two meals if he didnt have to juggle
cases and barrels and bales of cotton or
do heavy work Thus it may be seen
that a man need not starve even if he
must depend upon the restaurants for
his meals if he has a dollar and forty
cents a week to spend on food
A Government Monopoly
Salt is a government monopoly in
Italy and its cost is greater than that
of sugar Every one uses it very care
fully therefore It is only for sale in
the tobacco shops and the privilege of
keeping these is greatly coveted being
a sort of sinecure awarded to men who
in other countries would receive a pen
sion for government service The
quantity contained in one of our ten
cent bags of fine table salt would cost
in Italy eighty cents in consequence
of this only very coarse rock salt is
used in cooking The waters of the
Mediterranean being the source of the
supply the government guards them
most jealously and the whole coast is
patrolled by soldiers With the water
of the blue sea at the foot of your gar
den terrace you may not dip from
them so much as a pint You may
bathe in the surf but you may not fill
an ounce vial from which to bath your
tired eyes in your room The Ameri
can tourist finds these restrictions par
ticularly irksome There can be no
villas on the shores of the Mediter
ranean provided with salt water in
their bath rooms as are some of our
luxurious Newport homes
Horse Car Puzzled Her
There is a curious suggestion In this
story of a little Brooklyn girl who
was born about the time trolley cars
came into use and who has just made
a visit to New York with her father
As both started to cross Park row sev
eral horse cars passed Elsies eyes
opened wide and with surprise and
wonder in every word she exclaimed
Oh papa Why do they have horses
to the street cars Why because
er because why these are horse cars
of course El3ie was papas lame ex
planation The situation staggered
iim and he began musing on the swift
ness of times changes as he contem
plated a rising generation that knew
not horse cars He had just become
accustomed to the new fangled horse
less cars and here was some one to
whom horse cars were as novel as a
tage coach would be to him
Easily Removed
Light single railroads on which large
wheelbarrows run are beginning to be
used on French farms The rails are-
fastened to small iron crosspieces tie
ends joined by fish plates and can be
easily put in place and removed The
-trucks can be drawn by horses or menT
and are balanced by a heavy crowbar
1 tell by the man who pushes them
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