V AW- rstf fcte6 l J B i iMJ3 TJW JL WS Lr 13 fflC r J L if iS s ni Or tn VOL XI THIS AND THAT Com lit JRtcuts line 7 Baces June lOtu and 11th Republican County Independence Day July 4 Populist County Convention July S Teachers Institute July liO Valentine Will Celebrate At the meeting of citizens last Fri day night called forthe puspose of de ciding whether or not we should cele brate the 4th of July the question was unanimously and enthusiastically decided inthe affirmative J W Tucker was elected president 6f the meeting and Robert Good -secretary Alter discussing the situation the question Shall We Celebrate was put to a vote and carried with a rush not one dissenting voice being heard Committees were elected as follows On general arangements E Breuk lander W S Barker Robert Good O Morey G H Hornby FranK Bray ton and J G Stetter Finance A E Thacher TV E and Yi YlNicholson Speakers 0 L Ramsey F 21 Walcott and C H Cornell To confer with Col Andrews with the object of having the 12th In fantry field day sports take place in Valentine on Tuty 4th E Sparks Y E Haley and A E Thacher These committees will meet this -evening when definite arrangements will be made for the grandest celebra tion ever seen in Xorthwest Uebratka TVatch for further announcements Races June 10th and 11th Wait for the Fourth of July Ed Satterlee was up from Xenzel Monday Some people are already wishing it waswinterV - Cody is preparing- to celebrate the Fourth of July Dr C G Elmore of Gordon wasirr town yesterday C II Cornell spent the first of the week in Omaha C R Glover spent Monday inXoijg pine on business John Steinbrecher was down from Georgia yesterday x W Honeywas up from Wood Lak on business Saturday There are only fifteen of the Indian allotment wagons left Wm Francke returned from Des Moines Monday night P H Mugford was over from St Marys Mission yesterday James Ilollenbeck of Clearwater -arrived in town Tuesday night D A Piercey was up from Kennedy -on business the first of the week Ed Valentine and wife of Wood Lake were m town last Saturday Mrs W A Pettycrew returned from her visit to Creightonlast evening Miss Sadie Dewey of Wood Lake spent Sunday in town with friends Rev A B Clark of the Rosebud Episcopal church was in town Mon day J L Koppack registered at the City Hotel Saturday -from Marshalltown Iowa J A Fike accompanied his wife to Newport and returned Wednesday night The G A R reunion for this district will be hefd at Newport qn -July 2 3 -and 4 - J W Spirk and wife returned -from from their visit to Lead City Sunday -morning Amos Strongs famous stalliou Don was shot last week to eudhis suffering from a broken leg Haeber and Grange send word that the Fourth of July will be celebrated at Kennedy this year Dr J C Dwyer vas called to Rose bud yesterday on account of theilluess of Mrs C Tackett I ir s ir T ik nr w t r phi- nr Chas Reese was up from Arabia last Saturday visiting friends lie will close his school next week John Brown came over from the Agency Monday with Major Wright and returned Thursday morning Ten of our young people picniked at the falls below Ft Xiobrara Sunday -afternoon returning after supper L SSayrcswas in from his farm on Dry Creek north of Crookstou yester day and gate us ashort call while in town Mrs J A Fike accompanied by her little daughter Charlotte and son Edgar is visitingat her old home in Newport -John G LTrich Saginaw Jack passed through town Tuesday on his way to Newcastle Wyoming with a uumber of horses A Carroll has moved his family into the Alills property on Virginia street and is now regarded as a per manent citizen of Valentine Daniel Fowler was over from the artesian well Monday The work is being pushed day and night but the drill is only down 2125 feet Agent Chas E McChesney drove over from Rosebud Tuesday afternoon and returned yesterday His wife and two children accompanied him liemember tlte of fitly celebration ct Valentine Three thousand knights of the grip are attending the national convention of the Travelers Protective Associa tion which is in session at Indianapolis The Owl saloon the post office and the Palace saloon have each placed large pine trees in trout of their build ings which add much to the beauty of Main street Mrs Wetzel arrived from Omaha last week and after visiting with the family of Fred Miller until Monday morning left for her home at Riga south of Crookston Word comes j V TT sojourners mac fropuColpra theywpuld all give alL they have in this world for one good drink of Brown County water Aim wvrtli Star Journal Miss McLaughlin has had a number of evergreeu trees placed in front of her dressmaking establishment on Main street thereby adding much to its appearance and comfort The -railroad -seems to have -great faith inValentine Hard wood ties are being pt in the sidings here and it I is rumored that still more extensive improvements are to be made John Bratt of North Platte was in fcown the first of the week Mr Bratt has the contract for furnishing milch cows required by the government for those Indians who have taken land in severalty Geo Jewett of Arlington secured the contract for furnishing 2000 cords of wood at Fort Niobrara at 5d0 We are told that a gentleman at Craw ford wss awarded the concract for 10JO cords at 515 Three new ambulances with all the latest improvements arrived here Mon day for the Red Cross division at Ft Niobrara These vehicles will take the place of the old ambulanceswhich will be relegated to the rear FredGlover is the latest acquisition to the force in the mechanical depart mental The Demockat and under our tutelage will study the arts of typesetting job printingbooK binding sweeping and patience this summer At the regular meeting of the Odd Fellows on Thursday evening May 2S the following men were elected officers for the coming term J T Keeley N G Frank Bray con V G W T Kmcaid Representative to Grand Lodge Jack Cronins Black Frank and Sam Martins sorrel mare were match- j ed for 25 a side last Saturday half mile single dash A large crowd turn ed out to see the race which was won by Martins sorrel which was the fayorite with the sports JElraer Dillon Frank Thorn John Bllis Albert Elliott aud Perry King have returned from the Alsip brick yard Indians have taken their places under Mr Alsips contract with the government which requires him to i employ Indians wherever practicable casion 32jB3KK1TAIi DAY Was Fittingly Observed in Valentine liiist yamrdny As the years go by and the great civil war of 1861 65 se3ms more like a nightmare that has gone instead of the memory of a terrible reality Deco ration Day or as it is now called Memorial Day is paradoxically being more generally observed Saturday May 30 was an ideal day for the exercises provided for the Flags were flying at -half mast from various flag staffs in town and visitors from the surrounding country -commenced arriving early in the forenoon When the bugle called the people together at 40 oclock sev eral hundred persons responded and joined the procession which went to1 the cemetery Little girls strewed the graves of the dead heroes there in terred with -flowers the buglesounded taps and retreat and the proces sion returned to the hall and disbanded for dinner A committee composed of F M Walcott M G Hopkins and a wagon load of young ladies went to the Post to decorate the graves of the veterans buried there They were met by the 12th Infantry Band and -a battalion of soldiers who escorted them to the cemetery -Cornell Hall was crowded after din ner with an atteutive and appreciative audience After a song by the choir and prayer by -the Rev Holsclaw O L Ramsey delivered the opening ad dress of the day Mr Ramseys ora tion was excellent and his words re ceived the close attention tf all-present He fully sustained his reputation of being a master of language J A Carroll was next to speak and his eloquent address was the admira tion of all Being a southern born gentleman many were curious to hear what he would say and his words were a revelation to all From the opening words to the closing his address con tained nothing but words ofJoye good WJli HUU mwjmse paunuoioui n man of line presence possessing a good voice arid understanding how to use it he could not fail to impress his hear ers that all he said -came from his heart and when he spoke of the hon ored dead to whose memory the day was sacred tears came to many eyes There is no North no South noiEast no West said the speaker The world has produced but one Grant and one Lee As a patriotic American citizen I love the name of Ulysses S Grant as the son of a Confederate soldier -1 have no dearer heritage than the memory of Robert E Lee The address was greeted with loud applause Another song was sung by the choir itnd audience in concert and then Judge Tucker responded to the address of Mr Carroll in his usual easy and graceful manner He said that he heartily echoed the sentiments ex pressed by the former speaker and said that he wished it distinctly under stood that he bore the South and the southerners no -ill will Becoming warmed to his subject the Jndge with that enthusiasm Which is his peculiar characteristic exclaimed I love ev erybody The expression suited the audience and seemed but the echo of the general feeling Another patriotic song Retieat by the bugle andthe meeting adjourned until evening The evening session was largely at tended the hall being uncomfort ably full andvmauy were compelled to stay away The exercises oppnedwith a song followed by prayer A splen did program of songs recitations etc was rendered including the Young Patriots Drill by twenty four little girls each of whom was dressed in white with a red white and blue sash wearing her hair loosely flowing over her shoulders aud carrying a small Unifed States 1kg The figures of the march were marvelously well executed and not an error was made the little Jadies performing their paits with mil itary precision and the ever changing picture evoked numerous rounds of applause from the admiring spectators During the drill Miss Tacey Gollett who represented Columbia sang The Star Spangled Banner Mrs O L Ramsey deserves much credit for the manner in wliioh her pupils acquitted themselves The orator of the evening was Judge F M Walcott who never fails to en NEDEMOCRA PnMisIied for Four Years as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY JUNE 4 18961 tertain and instruct an audience when he is billed for a speech His subject was Sons of Veterans and it was handled in excellent shape Unfortu nately The Democrat did not hear this speech but we are told that it was a patriotic address well worthy highest praise and deserving the attention of every young man regardless of whether or not his father was a soldier A tableau The Soldiers Dream closed the evenings entertainment Special mention should be made and thanks -extended to A A Lynn mu sician of Co G 12th Infantry U S A who sounded the various bugle calls during the day and accompanied the -singers with the violin R S Dennis of Co C who favored the audience with a solo Mrs Wellford for -the organ accompaniment and Mrs Wesley Holsclaw for her excellent rendition of the song Just Before the Battle A Quiet Wedding Last Sunday night Jdhn G Antrim of Traer Tama county Iowa arrived in Valentine and Tuesday evening to the surprise of most our people took unto himself a wife Miss Mary E Ducker the only daughter of our prominent townsman J Wesley Tucker Rev O L Ramsey perform ed the marriage ceremony in the pre sence of a tfew invited guests at the residence of the brides parents on Cherry street The bride was dressed in Japanese cream silk with few ornaments and the groom wore the conventional costume for such occas sifjns Among the presents received were a china vfruit set presented by Mr aud Mrs G H Hornby a silver fruit spoon from Misses Edna and Lottie Dwyer and a set of silver spoons by Mr and Mrs J W Tucker The newly married couple left on the 458 morning train Wednesday for their home at Traer Mr Antrim is a contractor and builder by profession and an energetic young man of bright prospects 9 the editior of The Democrat - consumes his portion of thewedding cake he extends congrat ulations and best wishes to the happy pair and though he has never tasted the sweets of wedded bliss he hopes they may always dwell In that state of beautitude which makes of earth a heaven Jancel the Omnha Fully 4500 Indians were at RDsebud Agency last week to participate in the dance and festivities incident to the retirement of Major Wright as agent besides several hundred whites who were there for amusement The fan commenced Thursday and continued until Saturday the Indians dancing and feasting all the time The red men made a sham attack on the Agency Friday morning at daylight badly scaring some of the tenderfeet who were present Delegations of Indians from Pine Ridge and Ponca were present and the white people came from all over northwest Nebras ka and southern Dakota Weather Statistics Through the courtesy of C R Wat son signal services agent at this place we are enabled to give our readers the following resume of the weather ex perienced here during the month of May We will hereafter publish weekly reports Total precipitation 063 in Normal precipitation 293 in Average temperature 59 deg Maximum temp May 7 91 deg Mininum temp May 15 32 deg Total precipitation since March 1 556 inches Normal precipitation ifor the 3 mo 726 in Slortgage Kecortl Last mouth there were eighty two chattel mortgages Died with the coun ty clerk to secure the payment of a trifle over 60000 and eight farm mortgages for 2200 Eortyseven chattel mortgages for 7200 were sat isfied as ere also five mortgages on real estate for 1200 On one day the 12th of May chattel mort gages to the extent of 32000 were fil ed one of them being for over 16000 895 head of two- and three-year-old steers being given as security for the amount Tbe next largest mortgage given was on the Tth for 9000 Eaces tiext week STILL Newest plete GROCER A Also Pruu Qherry1 Valel livery iaointy extended ci Exchange bought and sold LI rates County depository E SPARKS Presi UNDERTAKE SUPPLIES WehavejiS of Coffins Q s fflER w M CARRIES A GBJNTER MERCH JACKSON b Valentine B ANK OF VALENTI C EL COItNEblifPreaident S - MEAT - MAR NE m vXicnoLsoxczmr Valentine Nebraska A General Hanking Husiness Transacted Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York tflrst National Bank OissEx CITIZEN WILL furnish - Fish Game Tender Steaks Jncy Roasts Dry Salt MB3X andtlie finest line of Srai2E Hams and Breakiast Baeosi ever sold in town At Stetter s Old Stand on Main Street I BBC me J W STETTER Pm THE PALACE SALOO HEADQUARTERS WINES LiaUORS and CIGAES VALENTINE Of the Choicest Brands Nebraska DEMOCRAT - j i -