The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 28, 1896, Image 3

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1 1
A Weeks Proceedings In the Halls of
Couffr ess Important Measured Dis
cussed and Acted Upon An Impar
tial Resume of the Business
The National Solons
The Cuban question was revived in the
Senate Saturday when Mr Morgan of
Alabama who reported the original reso
lutions spoke in favor of further and
more decisive action toward the recogni
tion of the Cubans as belligerents The
Senator declared it to be the duty of Con
gress to adopt joint resolutions on bellig
erency which unlike the previous con
current resolutions would require the ap
proval of the President and thus fixing
the responsibility At the close of Mr
Morgans speech the Senate adopted with
out division the resolutions introduced by
him directing the committee on foreign
relations to inquire into and report on the
treaty relations between the United
States and Spain relating to the Ameri
cans now under condemnation at Havana
also requesting the President to submit
the recent diplomatic correspondence with
Spain on this subject The resolutions
have no reference to the recognition of
In the Senate Monday the entire day
lifter 1 p m was given to the bill regu
lating gas rates in the District of Colum
bia The following bills were passed
Authorizing the purchase by the United
States and the making free of toll roads
passing over the Yosemite national park
regulating the pay of non commissioned
officers of artillery cavalry and infantry
-of the army Quite a number of minor
bills and conference reports were adopted
by the House and bills were passed as
follows To allow the bottling of distilled
spirits in bond to expedite the delivery
of imp6rted goods in parcels and pack
ages not exceeding 500 fn value to pro
vide for the registration of trade marks
on bottles barrels corks and other recep
tacles used in interstate and foreign com
merce for the general distribution of con
demned cannon by the Secretary of War
-and Secretary of the Navy to compel the
-attendance of witnesses before the local
land officers Ths conference report on
the bill to improve the merchant marine
-engineer service was adopted
The Senate Tuesday passed the Dis
trict of Columbia appropriation bill car
rying approximately 7300000 A de
bate on the question of appropriations for
sectarian purposes cropped out on the par
agraph making appropriations for chari
ties in the district On a vote the Senate
sustained the committee in providing spe
cific appropriations for numerous private
charitable institutions some of them of a
sectarian character A further provision
was adopted for an investigation Into the
-charity system of the district with a view
to ascertaining what if any part of the
public appropriations are used for church
purposes Mr Bacon Dem of Georgia
offered a resolution which was referred
for the loan of exhibits from the various
Government departments and Smith
sonian institution to the Southern States
exposition at Chicago from August to
November 1S90 The House entered
upon a long debate on the immigration
bills and summoned the county clerks in
the Rinaker Downing contest from Illi
The Senate took another long step to--ward
adjournment Wednesday by dis
posing of the fortifications appropriation
bill at a single sitting Nothing now
remains but the deficiency bill -and the
conference reports on the naval river and
harbor District of Columbia Indian and
fortifications bills The river and harbor
and naval bills are still the most difficult
ones The harbor and river conferees
made a report Wednesday that they were
agreed on everything except Santa Mo
nica It is understood that the House
conferees stand out most strenuously
against that and will only agree to the
appointment of a commissioner to report
on the two harbors and let Congress af
terward act on the subject The most im
portant business transacted in the House
was the passage by the overwhelming
vote of 195 to 2G of the Bartholdt McCall
immigration bill as modified by the Cor
liss amendment The Stone consular in
spection bill offered as a substitute was
defeated 75 to 131
The House Thursday passed the Hoov
er pension bill over the Presidents veto
-by a vote of 196 to 47 The bill was a
private one and grants a pension of 50
per month to Francis E Hoover private
In Ohio volunteers The balance of the
day was spent in discussing the bill to
authorize the President to appoint a non
partisan commission to collect informa
tion and to consider and recommend legis
lation to meet the problems presented by
labor agriculture and capital The Sen
ate did nothing of importance
Pasteur Treatment for Rabies
The latest report issued by the Pas
teur institute in Paris shows many
gratifying results In the year 1S95
1520 persons suffering from rabies or
incipient rabies were Inoculated and
only two died Of the patients 1263
were French 173 English 35 Swiss 20
Anglo Indian 11 Spanish 6 Belgian 6
Tutch 2 Egyptians 2 Greek and 2
Temperature of the Organs
Doctors dArsonval and Charrin of
Paris have been taking the tempera
ture of our internal organs They find
that it is the highest in the normal
liver which is one degree centigrade
hotter than the Intestine then follow
in a decreasing rate the spleen the
heart the kidney the marrow the
brain the muscles and the skin
Canary at a Wedding
A bride in Montreal appeared at the
altar with her pet canary fastened to
her shoulder by a golden chain Dur
ing the marriage ceremony the bird
broke into song
Things Worth Knowing
In Roumania women both study and
practice medicine
Brooklyn has 118S4 more pupils in
her schools than a year ago
California produced gold to the value
of 13923281 during the last year
In Great Britain the yearly loss in
wages through ill health is 11000000
To attack a man with any weapon is
a serious matter in Madagascar It Is
punishable by death
It Was Restored by the Skill of John
Birch the F Street Hermit
The illness of Remenyi the violin
ist out in Iowa and the greatest of
them all after the famous Ole Bull
said a well known local musician to a
Star reporter recalls to my mind a
visit he made to this city some years
ago When performing in Paris his
principal violin and the one on which
he relied the most suddenly became
dumb It flattened out so in sound that
Remenyi could not make its music
heard in the large concert halls in
which he appeared and the loss of the
Instrument seriously interferred with
his business He consulted a number
of artists of renown in violin circles as
to the cause of the trouble and a rem
edy for it but failed to get any valua
ble advice or assistance Ole Bull took
the violin in hand and tried his utmost
to make it speak but it was no use
the violin did not respond even at the
masters touch
Lay it aside for sr months said
Ole Bull and it will cure itself I
have had the same thing happen to me
several times and the rest cure did the
My engagements are such an
swered Remenyi that I cannot spare
it for so long a time Cant I hurry its
cure up any way
The only possible thing I can rec
ommend in the case replied Ole Bull
is that you take it to the United States
and to Washington There is one man
there who can put life into it if any
one can I dont remember his name
but the music stores there will tell you
his name and where you can find him
Remenyi returned to Paris finished
his concerts and started in less than
ten days for this city in search of a
man whose name and address were un
known to him On arriving here he
was directed to the haunt of John
Birch a hermit who had for many
years lived in a tumbledown shanty on
F street two or three doors east from
10th street The rear part of the lot
ran down to the old Fords Theater
The front on F street was a bill board
and was covered up by show bills In
this place Birch and his sister lived for
many years Though the sister Mary
was now and then seen on the streets
John never put in a public appearance
except on Christmas and the Fourth of
July He was generally regarded as
insane though there was not much
evidence of it in his conversation or
manner except that he persisted in liv
ing the life of a hermit
His pastime was music the inven
tion and repair of musical instruments
though his leisure hours were devoted
to the working out a machine for per
petual motion One of his inventions
was a bass instrument in size not much
larger than the ordinary accordeon by
which he thought sounds equal in vol
ume to the bass violin could be pro
Though Birch had lived in the same
house for over forty years there were
but very few persons who had ever
seen or ever heard of him
In an hour after Remenyi had ar
rived in Washington continued the
speaker he was in Birchs shanty and
had produced the dumb violin from its
case Birch looked it over carefully
and said it could be cured
Return in a half hour he said to
Remenyi and Ill have it fixed But
Remenyi declined to allow his violin
to be that long out of his personal con
trol and urged Birch to fix it while he
was present This Birch consented to
do provided Remenyi would not look
at him while he was at work on it In
less than five minutes he handed the
violin to Remenyi with the remark
Now try it and see if it is not as good
as ever Remenyi did try it and to
his great pleasure he found that it wras
as good as ever
He feared to let Birch touch it again
think that possibly he might take
the charm of life out of it but played
several of his best selections for Birch
Though Birch had been repairing vio
lins as well as other instruments nearly
all of his life he had never before
heard a great performer play In the
enthusiasm and excitement of the mo
ment Remenyi packed up his violin
and walked away In talking about
the incident afterward Birch told me
that Remenyi in his indescribable
pleasure had actually forgotten to pay
for his cure
That fellow said Birch is the
wildest fiddler I ever heard of or saw
The only thing the matter with his
fiddle was that the bridge was too
high He had put in a new bridge with
out thinking of it and supposed the
old bridge was in all of the time All
I did was to take it out and sandpaper
it off at the bottom
Thousands of Hens on One Ranch
Some hopeful speculators who have
been counting unhatched chickens are
about to start a poultry ranch near
San Francisco which is to be the larg
est in the world It is to reach its full
capacity in three years when it is to
put on the market annually 2000000
eggs and 90000 chickens for broiling
The plant will include two incubators
with a capacity of 2000 eggs each and
no end of houses and pens which will
be contained in a forty acre ranch
There will be 900 hens laying for the
incubators and 10000 laying for the
Russell Sage Safely Guarded
It is a certainty that not a man alive
will ever get into Russell Sages office
to throw another bomb at him His
outer room is furnitured like a bank
and the visitors card is shoved through
a small hole in the high fence just
such a hole as that through which the
paying teller hands money for an hon
ored check - Outside of the fence
against thewhite plastered wall stands
a long bench upon which visitors sit
It may be poor taste but we Uke
spring onions
Fifty Millions of Dollars Bestowed in
Twenty Yeara Upon Our Educational
Institutions Cheating Normal Stu
dents Are Poor Material for Teachers
Millions for Education
In 1847 Abbot Lawrence gave 50000
to Harvard and it was then said to be
the largest amount ever given at one
time during the lifetime of the donor to
any public institution in America The
reconstruction period so fitly consum
mated at Chicago last year is a mark
ed epoch for college endowments Be
tween the years 1S00 and 1882 the col
leges of the country gained in wealth
an amount larger than their entire val
uation in 1859 More than 50000000
were bestowed in these twenty two
years upon our educational establish
ments and 35000000 of this amount
were donated in the ten years between
1S70 80 Johns Hopkins endowed with
3000000 the university bearing his
name Mrs Valeria G Stone of Mas
sachusetts distributed more than 1
000000 among various institutions of
learning Asa Parker founded Lehigh
University and Ezra Cornell the uni
versity at Ithaca N Y which bears
his name The names of Matthew Yas
sar Sophia Smith and Henry F Du
rand demand more than passing men
tion Each of these pioneers in the
cause of higher education for women
unade their beliefs permanent by found
ing female colleges and Henry W
Sage provided for special instruction
for women in Cornell University But
the ideas of generosity have widened
with the process of the suns and the
last ten years have witnessed a far
more liberal endowment of educational
centers than the period just referred to
Mr Rockefellers original offer of
000000 towards the resuscitation of
the defunct Chicago University was
made in 1SSG and the total sum he
chiefly and others in lesser amounts
since bestowed is more than 7000000
Mr C T Yerkes gave 500000 for the
observatory and telescope Mr Mar
shall Field gave the University lands
and another 500000 was bequeathed
from the estate of William B Ogden for
the school of science the Reynolds es
tate adding 250000 more Here then
and at Palo Alto also is a university
practically made to order Senator
Stanfords gifts to Palo Alto amount
to more than 10000000 By the gi
gantic power of wealth wisely used he
has created the Oxford or Yale of the
Wer upon his fruit ranch The quiet
man of affairs lias put all future civili
zation under bonds of obligation to him
for this singularly noble achievement
the phenomenal gift of all giving Mr
James J Hill of St Paul has given
1000000 for the erection of a Roman
Catholic theological seminary beneath
the superintendence of his friend Arch
bishop Ireland Mr J S Pillsbury
presented the city of Minneapolis with
150000 for a science hall in its univer
sity Mr George A Pillsbury gave an
other 150000 towards the Pillsbury
Academy Mr James Lick provided the
observatory with its mammoth tele
scope situated at Mount Hamilton
Cal and named in honor of the donor
Dr Cogswell bestowed 1000000 for
the San Francisco Polytechnic School
Miss Mary E Garretts check for 350
000 was recently handed to the trus
tees of Johns Hopkins to complete the
sum necessary to open to women the
medical department of that university
The Girard College of Philadelphia
has been too long before the American
public to need any special introduction
here It cost nearly 2000000 to found
this institution The Drexel Institute
is the latest descendant of Girard and
perhaps it is the best and wisest of
Philadelphias many philanthropies
The various departments of Pennsyl
vania University owe a great deal of
their existence and efficiency to promi
nent Philadelphians Mr Lenning for
example gave 750000 to the scientific
school and the late Mr George Pepper
left more than 1000000 to the schools
and charities of the city The Western
Reserve University has founded a med
ical college with 250000 given for that
purpose by Mr J L Wood of Cleve
land Ohio William F Clark followed
with 100000 for the Womens College
of the same institution The Cincin
nati University was the gift of Mr Mc
Micken who bequeathed almost 1000
000 for its support Mr Armour has
given his institute to Chicago a wor
thy peer of the Pratt Institute in Brook
lyn and the Cooper Union in New York
Mr Armours gift will have cost him
about 3000000 by the time it com
pletes its founders purpose Bishop
Hursts scheme for a national univer
sity at Washington is well under way
A donation of 100000 is just report
ed It should be observed that the
monetary estimates of these number
less endowments is only a partial one
the contagion of generosity has caused
a leauing offer such as Mr Rockefel
lers to Chicago to become the precur
sor of far greater sums The timeli
ness the healthy spirit the sanity of
view which has prompted such dona
tions is even more admirable than their
magnitude Exchange
Teaching Children
The first and most important thing
fs to teach the children to observe com
pare and contrast the second is to im
part information and the third is to
re enforce the other two by making
the results of them the basis for instruc
tion in language drawing number
niodeling and other handiwork There
are however other important uses of
good object teaching It makes the
lives of children more happy and in
teresting by opening up an easily ac
cessible and attractive field for the
exercise of the brain hand and eye
It gives the children an opportunity of
learning tfce simplest natural facts
and directs their amotion to external
objects making hem less bookish It
further develops a love of nature and
an interest in living things and cor
rects the tendency which exists in
many children to destructiveness and
thoughtless unkindness to animals and
shows the ignorance and cruelty of
such conduct The value of the serv
ices which many animals render to
man should be dwelt upon and the im
portance of kindly treating them
should he pointed out By these means
and in other ways good object-teaching
may lay the foundation for the
right direction of the activity and in
telligence of the children throughout
thei whole school Education Review
Make Your Own Methods
There is no class of educational jour
nals of so little real use to teachers as
that which gives great prominence to
methods Such journals look upon
teachers as mere parrots with no mind
and originality of their own The
teacher should study herself and the
mind of her pupils and thereby be able
to be a law unto herself and originate
and use methods worth more to her
school than all the methods to be read
in books and journals A well edited
journal with articles that inspire to
study and original work is the one that
causes the teacher who reads it to
grow Exchange
We commend the above text to the
careful consideration of our readers
It is of as much importance to respect
the individuality of the teacher as of
the pupil Make your own methods
from day to day and for each class
and do notjbe guilty of copying those
already made unless you are con
vinced that they are specially adapted
to your school The habit of depend
ing upon educational journals to fur
nish your methods and devices is most
pernicious and is destructive of genu
ine interest in the work at hand
The independent teacher who thinks
out a subject and the best manner of
presenting it to the class has a live in
terest in its success Read study get
all the light you can think the matter
over and note carefully the character
of your school or your class and then
you may select and adopt and invent
to the lasting good of your pupils
If you have any originality about you
cultivate it by all the means in your
power If you are willing to keep
school only the educational journals
with the patent devices will aid you
but if you wish to teach then you
should place no reliance upon the cut
and dried methods of others but make
your own Educational Journal
The Program an Aid to Order
Did it ever occur to j ou young
teacher how your program may assist
you in the government of your school
In ungraded schools it is your duty to
have the entire school recite between
each intermission or in other words
to arrange your program that each
class has a recitation In view of this
your program should provide time for
the preparation of each lesson before
the class is called The dayss first
lesson should be prepared at school
the previous day before the close of
school The writer has never used the
same program twice since he has been
teaching Why Because the pro
gram has been arranged to suit the
school To do this requires some work
and good judgment but As program
will not suit your school Having
your classes arranged to follow each
other regularly each pupil at the close
of a recitation finds the work of the
next class awaiting him Busy pupils
find no time for mischief Having
made your program post it conspicu
ously stating time for each recitation
making sure that you are seldom
late in calling classes This will in
still in pupils a habit of being on
time A slight tap of bell is sufficient
for calling out classes under this ar
Poor Material for Teachers
Report comes through the daily press
that a batch of half a dozen members
of the Indiana State Normal School at
Terre Haute Ind has been expelled
for cheating on examination and that
there are more to follow A normal
school student who will cheat will lie
and is certainly poor material to make
a teacher out of He ought to adopt
some other calling But why do stu
dents in a normal school cheat especial
ly in blocks of six Is there not some
thing out of joint in the conditions
Why He Was Not at School
Teacher William you were not at
school yesterday Have you any ex
cuse to offer
William I was sick maam
When you are sick your parents
usually send an excuse
Parents didnt know it maam
How is that
Wasnt taken sick until after I left
And why didnt you return home
Was afraid to maam
What was the matter with you
Cigarettes maam
This Is Rijfht
The Utah State Legislature has pass
ed a bill which provides that where
females are employed as teachers in
the public schools they shall receive
the same compensation that is allow
ed to male teachers for like service
when holding the same grade certifi
In a recent examination some boys
were asked to define certain words
and to give a sentence illustrating the
meaning Here are a few Frantic is
wild I picked some frantic flowers
Athletic strong the vinegar was too
athletic to use Tandem one behind
another the boys sit tandem at school
And then some single words are funni
ly explained Dust is mud with the
wet squeezed out fins are fishes wings
stars are the moons eggs circum
ference is the distance around the mid
dle of the outside Educational Ga
zette - -
A reraarkable coincidence occurred
In the death of William Crossley and
John Howell two pioneers of Stock
bridge Mich Both died the same
night and a few years ago their wives
passed away the same day
James Buchanan a fisherman living
on the Duwomish River in Washing
ton has recently been bequeathed 15
000 by a Texas cattle raiser Buch
anan was formerly a cowboy on the
cattlemans ranch and saved the lives
of the wife and child of his employer
A 3-year-old son of Jack Anderson of
East Liverpool Ohio met with a pe
culiar accident the other evening The
child fell from a step and bit his
tongue almost in two The wound is
so far back that it cannot be sewed
and the childs speech will be perma
nently affected
The more the battle ship Indiana is
tested the more the opinion of ex
perts is obtained regarding her the
more clearly is the fact demonstrated
that the United States of America
have at this moment the most powerful
instrument of marine warfare on the
terraqueous globe
Dr Pize of Montlinar France has
discovered a new anaesthetic He has
found that by injecting gualacol un
der the skin in small doses operations
can be performed without pain A
committee appointed by the Academy
of Medicine has inquired into the value
of the discovery and has congratula
ted Dr Pize upon his achievement
An immense fissure in the earth has
made its appearance on the top of Iron
Mountain North Carolina and Tennes
see on the Bakersville road This
opening is six to twelve feet wide and
runs along on the summit for the en
tire length of the mountain which is
several miles It is supposed to have
been caused by the recent rains
Spain has a novelty in the way of a
submerged railway It runs through
the surf off Oreton near Bilboa 650
feet out into the ocean The mines of
Oreton are extremely rich in iron but
there is no harbor there and great dif
ficulty has hitherto been experienced
in getting the ore to the ships Now
that the submerged railway has been
built it is a simple matter
The Brooklyn health authorities
after long deliberations have refused
to permit a butcher to place horse meat
on sale The chief argument in favor
of equine steak was the claim that
European immigrants are accustomed
to the use of horse meat in their native
lands The butcher said he could fur
nish choice cuts at 5 cents and stew
pieces at 2 cents a pound
Perhaps the most wonderful feature
of the chronometer is the compensa
tion balance a beautiful contrivance
for counteracting the effect of changes
of temperature which by causing an
ordinary balance to expand and eon
tract brings about variation of time
So beautifully is the balance main
tained that a ship may pass from the
torrid zone to the neighborhood of the
pole itself and the chonometer will not
vary a second
The circus party is the latest in
formal social diversion in New York
Every night several chattering coteries
of young people are landed in front of
the Madison avenue entrance to the
circus With the young people are a
few old persons who are supposed to
perform the duties of chaperons but
as a rule the circus chaperon is as in
formal as her wards It is still popu
lar in social circles to have at least
one good pink lemonade and peanut
racket each season
A widely known dealer in old books
and rare editions and all the other
of bibliomania has in his
New York shop a pack of playing
cards which he values at 75 It was
made he says for George IY at the
time of his succession to the throne in
1820 The four suits represent the four
continents Each suit card has a map
of one country in each continent The
picture cards are all hand painted and
gilt the costumes being artistic and
historically correct
During the past twelve years more
than a hundred persons have been
killed on the main street of the town of
Jackson county seat of Breathitt Coun
ty Kentucky according to the esti
mate of a resident All these people
were shot off on the square nary a
case of bushwhackir The front of
the courthouse and some of the stores
on the street are chipped and scarred
very noticeably where promiscuously
flying bullets have struck Only one
man has ever been hanged in Breathitt
County and he was borrowed from an
other county to be used as an object
Interstate immigration still continues
to a considerable extent and there is a
constant movement of dissatisfied
farmers from one region to another
Last week forty families moved from
the country about Delphi Ind out to
North Dakota At the same time fam
ilies were moving from North Dakota
to the South and the Northwestern pa
pers print frequent paragraphs telling
of persons leaving that region and of
other persons moving there The cir
cumstances appear odd but they seem
only to show that no one place is ev
erybodys paradise despite the elo
quence of the land boomers
The St Louis tand Meramec Railroad
Company which is building a double
track electric railroad from the city of
St Louis to Webster Groves is erect
ing the highest and longest steel elec
tric bridge in the world acrossthe Mis
souri Pacific Railroad right of way and
Rives des Peres valley atEdgebrook
The structure consists of jd steel trestle
000 feet longj resting on concrete piers
The two principal rpans each 135 feet
long will cross the Missouri Paclficl
Railroad at a height of seventy feet
The remainder of the bridge will con-
sst of forty-five-foot spans resting on
steel trestle towers thirty feet square
and sixty fet high
A novel idea is suggested to the
Mayor ci Yancouver by some young
ladies of Eastern Canada It is that
a home be established in that western
section for marriageable young women
of the east who may desire to seek
husbands in the western territory
where there is a large excess of mar
riageable young men The young
men call attention to the fact that in
the northwest territories there are 40
000 more men than women wnile in the
eastern provinces there are fully that
many more women than men If these
women could go to the northwest both
sections would profit thereby
A year or so since a man found a
pocketbook containing 150 In cash on
the sidewalk in Portland Me A card
in the wallet showed that the money
belonged to the bookkeeper of a busi
ness house in that town The man re
turned the money to its owner and as
a reward a bill of 3 which he owed the
house was receipted Last week the
man broke into the bookkeepers house
and stole everything he could lay his
hands on He was caught and held
for trial It is not shown that he hau
any motive in committing the burg
larly other than the ordinary burglar
would have but persons thereabout
are making obvious comments
The crew of a fishiig schooner of
South Thomaston Me got back home
a few days ago after an unusually try
ing experience even for Maine fisher
men Their vessel was driven on a reef
and the crew put off in a boat and for
eight days they were tossed about on
the open sea without food and with
but little water For the first five days
a heavy storm prevailed and they
were soaked through with the waves
that broke over the boat They caught
enough rain water in their caps to
quench their thirst partially On the
sixth day they sighted land but be
fore they could reach it a fresh gala
sprang up and swept them out to sea
again and not until two days later
were they able to reach land They
were barely alive when they got
Water Toboggans
For the biggest water toboggan in
the world you must go to California
Think of a slide of fifty miles without
a halt Such an experience has been
made possible by the completion of
the Pine Ridge lumber flume in Fres
no County from the summit of one
of the spurs of the Sierra Nevada to
the plains beneath fifty miles distant
Flumes for floating lumber are alL
alike in general principle consisting of
boxes shaped like the letter V on tres
tles varying in height from a few
feet to a hundred depending upon the
character of the country traversed
The V shaped trough carries the water
which floats the lumber The Pine
Ridge flume starts at Staphenson
Creek at an elevation of six thousand
feet above the level and terminates
in a vineyard twelve miles out on the
plains The object of the flume is to
float down trees but a number of ven
turesome men have gone down the
great slide for their own amusement
A boat is needed and the construction
is very simple The boats are made the
same shape as the V boxes of the flume
The upper end of the boat is closed
by a board nailed across but the lower
end which points down the stream is
left open to let out the water which
splashes over the sides of the boat
from time to time One two or three
short boards are laid across for seats
depending upon how many are to make
the journey and the boat is complete
The journey is very exciting You are
drenched occasionally and it looks
every minutes as if you were going to
be dashed to pieces but who would
mind little things like that for a thrillr
ing slide of fifty miles
None Will Be Overlooked
There are some persons who have
borne arms in the service of the Uni
ted States in wars before 1S61 who are
not on the pension rolls There are vet
erans and widows of veterans of the
several Indian wars between 1832 and
1842 scattered over the West and
South and there are- five survivors who
took part in the Seminole war in Flor
ida in 1817 1818 Of the Indian wars
later than 1832 down to 1860 there are a
great many survivors so that the total
number of beneficiaries under the act
to pension these veterans and widows
of veterans is probably about 4000
To pension this number will require
about 750000 a year and the Senate
Committee on Pensions has drafted a
bill to this effect
His Curiosity Satisfied
The following is told of an old lad
wno had her hair cut off In a severe ill
ness and wore a wig in its place Sha
was staying in a continental hotel and
one day noticed a gentleman looking
curiously at her hair Soon after on
some excuse he crossed the room to
behind where she sat She calmly got
up turned around and lifting her hah
from her head said Yes sir it la
a wig
Indians Are Rich
The Arapahoes and Cheyennes hava
1000000 in the United States treas
ury They live on the interest of thi3
They have now introduced a bill in
Congress to get this million dollars to
improve their allotments
Anything to Get a 3Ian
Mrs Anna Colligan of Jersey City
who captured a burglar and afterward
rolled down stairs with him didnt cara
if she did violate the- properties a lit
tie Boston Globe
Some people walk sa strateht thai
I they lean backwards