The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 28, 1896, Image 1

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Cvmint Event
Memorial Day 31 ay 30
Joint Memorial services June 7
Races June 10th and lltb
Republican County Convention Jnno 11
Indcpendtuee Day July 4
Populist County Convention Jul S
Teachers Institute Tulj JO
Tctf Celebrate
A meeting of the citizens of
Valentine will be held Friday ev
cuing May 29 at 8 oclock p in
m the office of the county judge
for the purpose of making arrange
ments for celebrating the Fourth
of July Everybody should turn
out and put his shoulder to the
wheel for a good old fashioned
Fourth Valentine has not cele
brated for four rears
Races Juno 10th and 11th
Wait for the Fourth of July
Watch for next weeks Democrat
C G Barnes of Wood Lake was
in town Monday
D A Gorinley was down from
Rushville Monday
C E Bowering drove to Crookston
and back yesterday
Clara Baasford of Alliance is now
the White House chef
C Rust of Chadron registered at
the White house Saturday
F H Baumgartel was down from
Crookston on business yesterday
Wanted Dining room girl at once
Address White House Valentine
Clarence Sageser spent Sunday with
his parents and others in Bassett
The Countv Commissioners will
meet June 9 as a board of equaliza
The Presbyterian ladies of Valentine
recarpeted the church pulpit this
Thos Gates stockman of Merri
man registered at the White House
Walter Moseley returned home to
Ainsworth Saturday from St Francis
John Hasher was in from K ennedy
Monday after a load of merchandise
for his store
Chas Keith of Brookings S D
came over from Rosebud Sunday with
Major Wright
Wanted A good girl for light
house work Address W A Light
Rosebud S D
J R Farris went over to the reser
vation this morning to work on the
Alsip brick yard
Dr A B Wells came down from
Lead City Saturday morning to do
some dental work here
C R Glover and wife and T C
Hornby and wife are among the
sightseers at Rosebud today
Congress last week passed a bill ap
propriating 100000 for a public
building at York Nebraska
J R Farris made a trip to Simeon
Sunday after a bunch of horses for Dr
A Lewis returning Tuesday
The fence around the depot park is
being made cat tight to prevent the
trees from being blown out
Rob Woods son of Capt Woods of
Fort Niobrara is home from the mili
tary school at Faribault Minn on a
Chas Linebrink of Kennedy and
Chas Carver of Pullman were among
those who stopped at the City Hotel
A Anderson representing the
Smith Premier typewriter was in town
last week and sold one of his
CJeo Hornby is having rock hauled
for the new building which rumor
says he intends building on the south
side of the stone block
Four train loads of young Texas
stock went over the F E to White
wood Sunday and four mote train
loads were shipped Monday
As we go to press arumor is afloat
he effect that St Louis was yester
day visited by a cyclone which caused
the Iobs of 2000 lives It is said that
a passenger train was blown from the
bridge into the Mississippi river and
that the citv is now on fire
Dont forget the races June 10th
and 11th 250 in purses besideB a
number of match races
Mrs Goldie Beed went to Battle
Creek this state Monday morning
where she will make her future home
It is probable than an Alummi As
sociation will be formed this summer
by the graduates of the High School
Geo Schwalm has the contract for
furnishing Fort Niobrara with beef at
522 per hundred Frank Gillette
bid was 640
Mext week we will publish an out
line of the work forhe coming ses
sion of the Cherry County Teachers
Mrs Cramer completed her term of
school in the Starr district No 25r
last week and left for her home at
Creighton Monday morning
Prof Medders of the Po3t received
his discharge and left tor the east yes
terday morning He goes from here
to Leavenworth Kansas thence to
Alex Burr was up from Pullman
yesterday to make his returns as as
sessor of Buffalo Lake precinct He
soys stock is looking fine in that part
of the county
E H Dwyer of Omaha is assisting
his brother Dr J C Dwyer to attend
to his large medical practice The
fact that Dr Dwyer needs an assistant
speaks volumes for bis popularity as
a physician
M G Hopkins has been doing the
cooking at the White House during
Hattie Karlesbis illness and he has
demonstrated that he is an artist m
the culinary line But he will let
the pies burn
It will be noticed that a change is
made in the Memorial day program
the name of Rev O L Ramsey being
substituted for that of Judga Kinkaid
who was to have delivered an address
in the afternoon
The Edna May company broke their
engagement as ONeill in order to
play one more night at Fort Niobrara
This is twice in succession troupes
have done this and consequently
ONeill people feel rather sore
Otto Berger is offering some gen
uine bargains in clothing hats shoes
and furnishings We understand that
this enterprising clothier intends put
ting in a 4000 stock of goods H
R Bell will be here the last of the
week to open and arrange the new
Dick Gtooms gave us a call last Sat
urday and talked irrigation for a few
minutes He says his irrigation wheel
on the farm 9 miles southwest of town
is furnishing an abundance of water
for his 3 acre garden and that he in
tends putting in a much larger wheel
next year
Omaha gets worse and worse E
E- Sawrence and Ebba Sward were
married last Saturday in that village
and in the evening a gang of hood
lums almost killed the young man
broke window lights in his house and
made life miserable for all the inmates
They called it a charivari
A murder mystery which equals the
crimes of Durrant and Holmes is being
unearthed at Salt Lake -City Rev
Francis Herman of the Swedish Luth
eran church at that place is accused
of seven murders two of which took
place in the church All of his vic
tims were women with the exception
of two babies
C H Haines of St Chailes
jnois Dr iJryan u d iuacuany
Sheridan Black and J Jos Wright
brother of the Major of Chicago are
visiting J Geo Wright at Rosebud
this week They arrived in Valentine
Sunday night visited Ft Niobrara
Monday and went to Rosebud from
there They will return home after
sseeing the Omaha danced by the
1 Indians at the Agency
3S1nk Edith StarVc Completes the Blgb
School CourNe and Is Given a Dl-
plenm Conraiencoraent Ex-
fiHCH Reported in Fall
The most successful term ot school
ever held in Valentine was closed by
commencement exercises at the M E
church last Saturday evening
The class of 96 consisted of but one
person a young lady bin perhapglifcs
size was more than offseVby itsquah
ty This was the fouTth class to com
plete the course since the schools were
graded by Prof E E Good and Miss
Edith M Stark who composed the
the class is the seventh graduate
The church was beautifully deco
rated with potted plants and the air
was filled with the fragrance of flow
ers At the back of the platform was
a large banner with the motto Know
ledge i Power To the left was the
piano and those who furnihsed the
musical part of the entertainment
occupying the first two rows of seats
were the teachers of departments
members of the school board and their
families and representatives of the
press On the platform were Judge
F M Walcott president of the school
board Prof TJ O Anderson principal
of the school Miss Edith M Stark the
graduate Harry O Tucker member
of the class of 94 Frank Thorn of
the class of 97 and Rev O L Ram
At 820 Prof Anderson in a few
words announced the opening of the
exercises The first number on the
program was a piano duet lThe
Pretty Perfumer by Mioses Edna
McDonald and Mae Davenport two
young ladies of whose musical ability
all Valentine is proud after which
Rev O L Ramsey pronounced an in
vocation Frank Thorn came next
with an oration The Responsibilities
of Citizenship by Prof Anderson
which was well delivered and received
The quartette Serenade by Edith
Pettycrew Mable Towne Tacy Collett
and Edna McDonald was finely done
the voices of the young ladies being
well modulated and the rendition of I
the song showed they had taken much
pains to do themselves credit
They Who Serve Their Country
Harry Tuckers oration was a pro
nounced success being delivered in
the speakers own inimitable style
and contained numerous gems of
thought which would be a credit to
any orator Mr Tucker spoke from
the laboring maus standpoint claim
ing they and not the rich are really the
ones who most truly serve their coun
try He could not however resist the
temptation to give utterance to some
of his pronounced views on republican
ism but as it was all goodnatured and
more humorous than otherwise no
bodys feelings were lacerated
The Flower Girl was sung by Mrs
Carroll in a manner which completely
captivated the audience who expressed
their approval by liberal applause
Mrs Carroll never fails to please with
her singing her voice being marvel
ously rich and clear and possessing
great range and volume Mrs Well
ford played the piano accompanimeut
Miss Stark chose Labors Earnest
Call1 for her subject and handled it
well both iu the thoughts expression
and the mauner of delivery Without
embarrassment easily clearly and
forcefully she spoke her tone being
natural not dramatic her gestures
graceful not mechanical Clad in
white with only a dash of color where
a boquet of flowers rested on her
bosom she made a pretty picture and
held the attention ot everyone in
the large audience At the close of
her oration two little girls mounted
the platform aud each presented her
with a basket of flowers the gifts of
fiiends We publish her oration in
full on the editorial page of this issue
of The Democrat
The Mazurka des Traineux a
difficult composition by Ascher was
rendered as a piano duet by Edna
MacDunald and Mac Davenport and
received merited applause Judge
Walcott on behalf of the school board
presented Miss Stark tfith her diploma
in an eloquent little speech and Prof
Anderson gave the graduate a few
words of encouragement and advice
Published for ur Years a
cherry couffA Dependent
and complimented her upon the dili
gence with which she had worked
urlngher school life Only a
Dpt am of Home by the High School
double quartette and the benediction
bylev Ramsey closed the exercises
NAn informal handshaking reception
was given Miss Stark before she had
time to leave the platform
After the commencement exercises
Mr and Mrs Levi Sparks entertained
tiss Stark Prof IT O Anderson
Miss Etta Brown C V Thorn Miss
Belle Uallen and Mrs Lizzie Craw
ford teachers in the Valentine school
hsii83 Lillian TJ Stoner county super
intendent Dean Etaer Lottie Hub
bard Goldie Befd and Harry O
Tucker formefi graduates of the
school at thofr home on Cherry street-
Etta Brown lteacher of the Gram
mar departmenthas been visiting at
Fort Niobrara this week but will go
to Mt Pleasaut Iowa soon after
which she will attend the State
University summer school at Lincoln
Mrsr Lizzie Crawford of the
Primary department will spend her
vacation at Omega Illinois her home
and attend the Cook County Normal
at Chicago
C V Thorn who taught the Inter
mediate department during the year
just closed will probable attend the
summer school of the Lincoln Normal
Belle Gallen of the second Primary
will go to Fremont aout June 6 to
attend the Fremont Normal this
pEof TJrO Anderson will go to
Lincoln to assume his duties as a
member of the faculty of the Lincoln
Normal University where he will
teach in the science and pedagogy de
Memorial Serinon
Col Wood Post No 208 Grand
Army of the Republic attended the
Methodist church last Sunday morn
ing it body -Rev Ramsey having
announced that lie would preach a
memorial sermon at that time The
attendance spoke volumes small
ones for the patriotism of our citizens
Rev Rjjmsey was assisted in conduct
ing the service by Revs nolsclaw and
Hankins and delivered a powerful and
stirring sermon to the assembled vet
erans His description of the battle
of Gettysburg was a marvel or clear
ness and sent a thrill through all his
hearers as he told of the awful car
nage wrought and the heroic manner
in which thp contending hosts fought
for supremacy The church was nicely
decorated with flowers a large U S
flag hung behind the pulpit and the
choir service was specially arranged
for the occasion After the sermon
Commander Tucker made a speech of
thanks to the pastor and a motion was
carried to the effect that a transcript
of the sermon be published
Dernration Day Program
1 Officer of the day will form the
comrades in line at Cornell Hall at 10
a m
2 March to the cemetery and dec
orate comrades graves
3 Return to hall and adjourn for
dinner at 11 30 a m
4 Assemble at hall at 130 p m
Vocal music
Prayer by Rev Holsclaw
Oration by O L Ramsey
Address by Hon J A Carroll
10 Response by Judge Tucker
11 Adjourn for 3upper
12 Reassemble at the hall at 780
13 Young Patriots Drill songs and
recitations Conducted by Mrs O L
14 Address by P M Walcott on
Sons of Veterans
Roth instrumental and vocal music
will be rendered when required Ev
erybody invited Come and bring your
wife and children
By order of Committee
SWOO Jtcwavd
Will be paid tor return of my horse
and saddle stolen from Valentine
April 14 Brown horse weight about
OOOtfos 4 or 5 years old heavy mane
and tail white stripe half way dovro
forehead Had on a new saddle
Visalia tree hand stitched stamped
seat- 2 inch stirrup strap Ko 81
made by Marks Bros Omaha
Ciias R Aniiekson Valentine
- j
Newest Finest and Most Com
plete line of
In this City
Also Provisions and Vegetables
in season
Qherry Qounty 3ank
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking
Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable
rates County depository t
We have just received a fall line
of Coffins Caskets and cases
Valentine Nebraska
C Jl CORN EIjLi President
At StettersOld Stand on Main Street
Valentine Nebraska
A General Hanking Business Transacted
Buys anil Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York if Irst National Bank Omaha
Fish Game Tender Steaks
Jucy Roasts Dry Salt Meats
and the finest line of Smoked
Hams and Breakiast Bacon
ever sold in town
Ol the Ciioicet Brands
i 4 -4