I I 1 I tj V i niniiiiiirriiiiif iir re v Official Directory of Cherry Co Treasurer G P Crabb Jlerk Geo Elliott Sheriff Amos Strong Judge IF MWalcott County Attorney Ed Clarke County Superintendent Lillian Stoner Surveyor Chas Tait Coroner A Lewis E W Starr Commissioners M Dunham J P Sullivan Societies MENS SOCIAL CLUB Meets YOUNG every Wednesday evening at the resi nce of Mrs Helen Hornby John X King President Fkakk E Thohn Secretary BULL TRIBE Ao22 SETTING laifKOVKD Ordeu ok Redmex Meets every second and fourth Saturday of oach month Members of the order in good standing are cordially and fraternally invited to Attend C H THOMPSON Sjichera J D WIGGINS C of Records A P A M Minnekadusa Lodge No 192 A F A M toeets in regular communication Saturday even ing on or before tbo fuil moon in each month members of the order in good and regular stand ing cordially and fraternally invited to attend F M Walcott W M W W Thompson Secy A 0 Valentine LodceNo 70 A O 1 st and 3rd Monday in each month i cnriswnben M w TJ W U W meets L L 3toner Rec I 0 O P Valentine Lodge No 205 I 0 O F meets fcvery Thursday evening Visiting brothers cord ially nvited to attend our meetings J H Yeast NG Wesley Holsclaw Secy G A R Col Wood Pest No 208 Department of Ne braska regular meeting 2d and 4th Saturdays of each montL at 2 d m sharu Comrads from other Posts are cordially invited to attend W W Thompson Commander John Dunn adjt TV E C Col Wood W R C No 179 regular meeting 2d aud 4th Saturdays of each month Amanda Ludwio Pres Helen Hornby 5ce M TV A Valentino Camp No 1751 Modern Woodmen of America meets second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month at Davenports Hall Visitlug neighbors cordially invited to attend P F Simons Ven Counsel J w Snirk Clerk K of P Cherry Lodge No ICO Knights of Pythias meets every luesaay evening at Davenports nan Jos Putmecil K of R and S T j Keely C C J Arrival and Departure of Mails Mall east aud west closes at 8 pm Rosebud leaves at 8 00 a m dally except Sun day and arrives at 500 p m Simeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves at 700 a m Mondays Wednesdays and Fri days and arrives at 700 p m Tuesdays and Saturdays Ft Niobrara leaves daily at700 a m and 600 p m arrives at 930a maud 730 pm Kewanee and Sparks arrives Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at 509 pm and leaves Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at 7o am General delivery open from 769 a m to 700 p m General delivery open on Sundays from 8 to 10 a m Lock boxes opendaily form 6 a in to 830 p m W EHALEY Postmaster PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS 7 C DWYER Physician and Surgeon Olhce at C R Watsons Drug Store Prompt attention given to all professional calls Valentine - Nebkaska i mm Teachers Examination The regular monthly Teachers Examination will be held the third Saturday of each month at my office in the Court House LILLIAN STONER Supt of Schools JD CLARKE Attorney-at-Law Allkinds of legal business promptly attended to VALENTINE - NKBEASKA E BREUKLANDER BLACKSMITH ad WAGONMAKER Repairing a Specialty Prices Strickly Cash and Low er than ever SHOP on Cherry St opposite Langs old staDd SMYSER VINCENT -PROPRIETORS OF- LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE Good Eigs aud Careful Drivers Teams Stabled At Geo Langs old stand VALENTINE - - NEBRASKA P F SIMONS PROPRIETOR OF DRAY LINE NO Satisfaction guaranteed Reasonable charges Wanfed An Idea Protect T oar Ideas the Write JOHN W EDDEBB Who canthlak of some slmpla thing to naicrit tmt brinir ron wealth jj w raTJi - w v Successor to i CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT B0BEET GOOD Editor and Publisher J TV Stetter has returned from his trip east Charley Cook is working on Walter Jacksons sheep ranch H TV Graham and wife are over from Kosebud this week on accouut of the illnpss of Mrs Grahams father A Kneeland Chas E McChesney arrived from Sioux Palls S D Friday night and Saturday drove to Rosebud to assume his duties as Indian agent The finest window display of goods this town has seen for some time is T C Hornbys silk display of all qualities of silk from 82 cents up It will be worth your while to go and see it 17 Edna May and Johnnie Prinejle to morrow night in their three act com edy Little Treasure One of the specialties will be Miss Edna Mays 10000 challenge Kaleidoscopic Dance A hobo was arrested last Saturday night for stealing some small articles from the postoffiee stationery depart ment but was turned loose with directions as to the shortest and quick est way out of town J J Jones new paper The Mail published at Coalville Utah has reached us O H Moore is publisher and J J Jones editor The paper beais the earmarks of our old friend and is a credit to the town The Populist county convention for the purposeof electing delegates to the state convention will be held in Val entine July 8 Another convention will be held latter to nominate a coun ty ticket and delegates to the other conventions E G Weisflogg of Crookston was in town yesterday In company with his family Mr Weisflogg started for the Black Hills this morning for a three months visit He lias 125 acres of small gram planted and will rest this summer Frank Whittecar of Ainsworth in company with a party of gentlemen from Valentine is out today trying to discover a suitable deposit of clay for brick making purposes Should they be successful Mr Whittecar will start a brick yard here M T Rowland ex county clerk and C J Skuse ex county judge of Boyd county have gone to Alaska to dig for gold Butte will soon be depopu lated if the exodus of citizens does not soon stop We are reliably in formed that twenty five people left there one Sunday morning for Cripple Creek and other points Church Mews G A R Memorial service at the M E church next Sunday at 11 a m to which all are cordially invited Regu lar service at 8 p m Epworth League at 7 p m O L Ramsey pastor Topic for Christian Endeavor Sun day night is Christs Widening King dom found in Isaiah 11 1 10 This is a missionary topic and an interest ing meeting should be had Epworth League topic for Sunday evening is Lessons in Social Liberty References in Matt 11 18 19 Luke 15 1 4 One of the most notable things at the M E church services last Sunday morning was the excellent choral singing Christian Endeavor last Sunday was principally a review of the life of David and several interesting points in the life of this most noble warrior king and singer were brought out by the general discussion which dulged in was Mrs Lizzie Crawford was the leader During the absence of Presiding Elder Julian at the General Conference of the M E church Rev P H Eigh my of Lougpine conducted commun ion services at the M E church Sun day morning assisted by Chaplain O J Nave The reverend gentleman preached to large congregations both both morning and evening in his usual terse and vigorous style When you have an item of church news give it to The Democrat It will be appreciated by the editor Two of the points made in the pray er by Chaplain Nave Sunday morning was the prayer for the freedom ot Cuba and the hope that the monarch- ial form of government would soon WeblnRton D C for their S1800 price oJCer cev UB rt thin of the uast adllst or tiro hundred inventions wanted ssmsEsmt1 - 4 r i iw r to jfcMw - j THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT WOOD LAKE DEPARTMENT LbRoy Leach Editor The following verses are respect fully dedicated to C A Johnson Esq in memory of the past WHEN BECKET CAME TO TOWN Twas in the spring of 86 that Becket came to town That from the car steps clad in black he slowly clambeieddown He wasnt much to look at being somewhat an gular And he gazed in innocence around while getting off the car But he early demonstrated in accents Arm and sound That Becket was a talker tbe best for far around He talked of spiritualism politics and home And into Greek mythology with long strides did he roam He didnt seam to realize that there others there Who wanted chances equalized in the oratorial chair At last he spoke of Kansas aud of the flint hills steep And told us how the ranchmen there shod all their little sheep But here the boys objected and votes from all were taken Of which the larger portion said Becket was mistaken He talked from early morning until the shades of eve And even when twas bedtime he seemed to hate to leave But the boys grew rather weary and one night ere seeking rest Resolved to let friend Becket know that he was in the west Accordingly a notice was posted in the stores Which read The Sioux are coming with knives and forty fours And when the shades of night same down and settled oer the swells The quiet air was broken by wild and woolly yells This proved effective Becket stopped and with some chilly thrills He grabbed his hat and large valise and started for the hills Then from behind large bonfires glowed wild yells the air did shake While in the thuudrous roar of guns Becket swam the lake Next day he wandered back again and in a qua vering trill Told how hed finally spied a light from off a high sandhill This proved to be a neighbors house who pity ing Beckets plight Allowed the man to enter and there he spent the night Wed like to see friend Becket now and should he happen down Wed take him round to see the sights in this our little town For oft in dreams we see him oft see his face in pain Just as it looked next morning when ho took the east bound train Friday evening May 15 at 8 p m under the auspices of Hanna brothers the entire adult population of the city met at the Hotel de West and from there proceeded to the home of Mr and Mrs S Gr Barnes It was a com plete surprise and the crowd some fifty or more in number spent the evening very pleasantly The party was given in honor of the sixtieth birthday anniversary of Mr Barnes David Hanna made a humorous speech to the genial host after which he pre sented to Mr Barnes a handsome gold watch the gift of the assembled friends Alter the substantial refresh ments were served delicious ice cream and cake followed At a late hour the guests took their departure after wishing Mr Barnes many happy re turns of his anniversary and a safe journey to him and his wife on their trip to Ohio where they intend going at an early date to spend the summer Another event of importance was a party held the same evening at the Hotel de West in honor of the four teenth birthday of Johnnie West Some thirty or more young people were present including Miss Elsie Sherman and Miss Allie Handy of Valentine After an enjoyable time at games etc refreshments were served The gay crowd did not dis perse until a late hour and everybody expressed themselves as having had a thoroughly good time - Quite an amusing time was had at the races on the Champs Elysees west of town Saturday Dennis Brothers took first prize after which as their horse did not run again a general free-for-all race was run and as a matter of course everybody beat and went away satisfied that he himself possessed the running horse of the town However we all enjoyed our selves immensely as it has een many a long day since our burg has had a good horse race We will have an other next Satnrday Our Eat Mens Club consisting of Chas A Johnson Chas Murphy and Chas Barnes are at present gaily aud daily disporting themselves on their wheels Small boys are hereby fully warned to keep out of the way Judge Walcott was down from Val entiue Tuesday evening Mrs Geo Bakewell closed her term of singing school Tuesday evening withau entertainment the principal 1 - w r feature of which was a siock session of the IT S senate the body having under consideration a bill to extend the right of suffrage to males The senators were all women and the farce was well executed and received The second question Resolved That sociability stnuld be cultivated was presented in all its phases by the fol lowing debaters Affirmative Frank Thorn and Walter Thorn Negative Mae Davenport Carry Dillon and Harry Tucker The following program has been prepared for commencement Piano Duet The Pretty Perfumer Edna McDonald and Mae Davenport Invocation Oration Responsibilities of Citizenship Frank Thorn Song Serenade Edith Pettycrew Mabel Towne Tacy Collett and Edna McDonald Oration They Who Serve Their Country Harry Tucker Vocal Solo Mrs Carroll Oration Nature a mother kind alike to all Grants her bliss at Labot 8 Earnest Call Edith Stark Piano Duet Edna McDonald and Mae Davenport Presentation of Diploma by F M Walcott Pres ident of the Board Song Only a Dream of Home High School Double Quartetto Invocation The general examination for pro motion is about completed in all the departments aud the scholars anxious ly await results This is the last week of the most successful term of school the editors of this department have ever had the fortune co attend and with this our last work on the School Column we wish to heartily thank the patrons of The Democrat for the many kind words they have spoken in token of their appreciation of our efforts We wish also to thank the editor for the interest he has taken in our work and the words of cheer and encouragement given us when our hearts were heavy and we thought the world more dreary than it really is The benefit we have derived from our editorial work in this column has more than repaid us for ihe time and energy spent and we will try to be on hand at the opening of the next term of school with a column that will be not only a credit to ourselves but to the school as well Chas Wellford Chas Cook Georgia The frosts and winds of the past two weeks have materially damaged the wheat oats and potatoes and some farmers are going to plant corn where the wind has blown out the wheat and oats Mr and Mrs Parker teachers in the Springcreek Indian school were in town Saturday They were looking for Mrs Parkers mother from Sioux City Iowa who will spend the summer with them A wagon train loaded with wood for W P Alsips brick yard on the re seive started out Tuesday morning We are informed that 150 cords of wood are to be hauled from here Inquiry discloses he fact that very little corn will be planted in this part of Cherry county Farmers say that it is a losing business and they intend sowing alfalfa as fast as they can pre pare the land and get seed Ihe melancholy days have come when the tramp inquires Can you give me my breakfast and being filled up takes the road How long oh Lord how long A good physician would find a hearty welcome aud a fair practice by locating in Georgia in addition to the lasting gratitude of TJ and I We want a correspondent in every precinct in Cherry county who will Bend us the news of his or her locality at least once a month oftener if pos sible We offer inducements to corre spondents Write as about it 2iTrnit John Footer returned from Richard 1 son county Saturday lie was accom panied by his wife and drove through in a buggy The races at Sparks last Saturday are the country taiK rranK A Schatzenthauer wa sued Mon- burns pom 1ok is a winner day by Frank Smith for a supposed on Audefton nee Gertie infraction of an agreement Ed Lincoln is visiting her aunt Mrs Clarke annearod for the defendant Geo Tracewell who has been on the but the plaintiff failed to show up and the case was dismissed SCHOOL COLUMN EDITORS I Charles Wellfokd Charles Cook The two debates last Friday were a grand success and by far the most interesting of any this season The participants were all well prepared and all points were hotly contested The first question Resolved That the best place to spend ones life is on the farm was debated by the following pupils Affirmative Tacy Collett Alma Carlson Edith Pettycrew Frank Thorn Walter Thorn and Lilly Collet Negative Harry Tucker Charles Cook Mabel Towne and Carry Dillon The discussion of this question consumed the greater portion of the afternoon sick list for a few days Repairing pumps and wells is the fashion now Corn is coming up nicely hereabout Tom Ashburn is having trouble in getting a sufficient fall for the water in his irrigation system Geo Tracewell drives a new team a recent purcluise Scq The editor of a paper at Hasting recently brought suit against one of his delinquent subscribers for a 3 subscription bill The delinquent claimed that he never ordered the pa per but it was proven that he had taken the paper from the postoffiee and the court ordered that he should pay for it and also the costs which were some 15 more The name of the Cherry County In dependent has been changed to The Valentine Democrat STot only has this paper a new name but also a new publisher m the person of Mr Robert Good an allround and newspaper man in every sense of the word Newspaper Union The Democrat and the Thrice-a-week Sew York World one year S175 The 1acijio Short Line Is the only direct line from North ern Nebraska points to Siux City and the East Trains leave ONeill im mediately after arrival of train from Ulack Hills saving two hours time to Sioux City Connections made in New Union Passenger Station Buy local tickets to ONeill and rebuy there Consumjition Cure The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of the Shoemaker Consumption Cure Co of Sioux City Iowa on the inside page of this issue This company was organized less than a year ago for the purpose of giving the world the benefit of the discoveries made by Miltou Shoemak er M D in the cure of consumption and is composed of some of the best known business men and professional men of Sioux City and the state of Iowa The remedy is said to have cured at least eighty cases of consump tion since the company was organized and we would advise any of our read ers who suffer from the dread malady to correspond witn A D Collier sec retary at Sioux City U S Land Office Valentine Nebr May 20th 1836 f Notice is hereby given mat the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make linal proof in support of his claim and that said proot will be made before Register and Receiver at Valentiue Nebraska on June 2Dth 1915 viz Uriah Thompson of Oasis Nebr H E No 9015 for the sJine nwJ4seJ4 and nel4swi sec 14 tp SO N R 29 W lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said laud viz Herbert A Daniels EdAard Harris Charle3 Harris and Isaac N Alderman all of Oasis Neb Also Herbert A Daniels of Oasis Nebr H E No 9033 for the siiseM sec 10 and nw4 neK neMney sec 15 tp 30 N R 29 W He nanws the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upoa and cultivation of said land viz Uriah Thompson Edward Harris Charles Harris aud Isaac N Alderman all of Oasis Neb C R GLOVER Register 1 ilT k At Cornell Hall Tomorrow evening Friday May 22 In the three act Comedy LITTLE TREASUKET And her 10000 IT T Kaleidoscop Dance Seats at Qnigleys U L W Sao tea - - wziii i t irt B km ba tf GOOD 3fSWS ABOUT THE FINANCIAL IjEMS OF1 DAY How to save money by judicious buying at home is of more im portance to you just now than any other problem We are here to HeJji Solve This Jrohtem Our Price Point the lVayt Mens Pants 50c 75c 100 125 Wool Pants 145 S1T5 and- up Suits 350 495 750 800 9 25 and so on Tailor Made Suits from 1850 up S Boys Knee Pant Suits 50c 75c 1 00 125 to 400 Boys Three Piece Suits 350 400 and np A few rood Brown Cloth Over coats worth 100 to close at 525 Repairing neatly done at reason able prices We also have a line of 231 M HATS which when gone will not be replaced We are here to fill a vacancy jfi your town and hope you Tvill see our goods before buying else where Yours for low prices EN THE TAILOR G M SAGESER ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W H Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS Valentine Nebr WILLET NO 17109 Sire of Naboh 4 2 30 Sire Mochester 616 Hecmret Sire of BELLBOY - 224i DINNIE - s2 ORIANIA - 225 MINOT - 226 FLORE3TINE - 2S SENSATION - 234 And many others 1st dam JEANNETTE by H4M BLETONIAN 157 Dam of Willet sire of Nabob 230 and K tana dam of Nornette 225 Hazels Sire of the dams of Ida Belle 223 and Lottie K 227 2nd dam DAUGHTER OF ABDEL LAH 15 Sire of Goldsmith Maid 214 Will stand the season at M E Far ris place one fourth mile south of tbe depot at Valentine Nebraska TEEMS- 1000 to insure foaL Jj TV HANDY Keeper ELKHORN RAILROAD North Western Line is to bet to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD 07 NORTH NEBBASa mi ifc V M