The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 21, 1896, Image 1

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fTWMt Wr
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JL I I lie
Coaxing Events
Udns May Comedy Company May 22S
Commencement Exercises Mav 23
Rosebud Indian Dances May 28 and 29
Memorial Day May 30
Jlaceb June loth and 11th
Be publican County Convention June 11
Populist County Convention July 8
Tcachors Institute July 20
Races June 10th and 11th
IL JE Dewey was in town yesterday
W E Haley was in Wood Lake
John 71 Lee was up from Brownlee
P S Rouche of Brownlee was in
town Monday
Mrs J Li Ballard came down from
Cody Tuesday
Gordon is to have a saloon run by
Messrs Stuart Doud
Commencement exercises at M E
church Saturday night
Prof A T Schriber was up from
Wood Lake yesterday
Jas M Wood stockman of Rapid
City was in town Saturday
The Norfolk Independent has in
creased its size to eight pages
Wanted Dining room girl at once
Address White House Valentine
George Dew of Wood Lake made
final proof on his timber claim Mon
Hattie KarJeski cook at the White
House has been quite ill the past
It will soon be time to work out
your poll tax Better go into training
at once
Otto Berger Longpines well known
merchant was in town on business
Dont miss seeing Edna May i
row evening She and her company
are all right
Mrs Cr R Glover entertained the
teachers of the public school at tea
iMt evening
C C Johnson was in from Oasis the
first of the week and gave us a call
while in town
The tail race at the mill was wid
ened and deepened last week and
otherwise repaired
Rdna Mav Dlaved to a good house
at the Post last night and will also
appear there tonight
A 0 Burton is occupying the posi
tion of F E station agent during J
C Northrops absence
J H Jones II M Bullock and P
W Hillbrand of Rushville registered
at the White House Tuesday
There are only thirty five or forty
wagons left at the Indian depot out
of 200 shipped here for issuance
Dr C A Wells and brother went
up to Deadwood Sunday night on
business and will return in a few days
Landlord Welch has been repaint
ing and repairing the City Hotel until
now it looks as neat and homelike as
can be
E Ereuklander and wife are the
proud parents of a new girl baby who
took up her residence with them last
Sunday May 17th
The Port Niobrara ball -club played
a game with Norden on the latters
ground last Saturday and won out on
a score of 32 to 16
The Edna May Comedy Company
numbering eight people arrived in
town yesterday morningand are regis
tered at the City Hotel
Mrs J J King came up from West
Point Tuesday night and went over to
the Agency yesterday morning to visit
her sister Mrs E J DeBell
Ered Whittemore cashier
Brown County Bank
was in town on business Monday af
ternoon returning Tuesday morning
T C Hornby loaded three wagons
this week with goods for the Rosebud
roundup The cattle men appreciate
good goods low prices and fair treat
ment 17
Another nice shower of rain fell
Tuesday eveuiug which freshened
Mother Earth until aHefyooks as pleasant-
aad smilirjir as -a newly made
Jk 5
of thtf
at Longpine
Geo Hands shipped his running
horse Barney McCoy home to
Ainsworth Saturday morning and he
will not be entered in the races here
June 10th
The Palace Saloon is generally the
center of attraction these nights
Music mdst all the time besides a few
songs and dances by jolly John Stetter
tha proprietor
Mrs J W Tucker had what might
have been a serious accident last Fri
day She was thrown from her buggy
on Main street but beyond a shaking
up was uninjured
Hay5prmg3rGordon and Hyannis
papers all speak of the progress made
by the brass bands of their towns
Valentine ought to get in line and
organize a band too
Born Monday morning May 18
to Mr and Mrs A H Henry a boy
baby Dr Evans officiating The boy
has already given signs of possessing
great inventive talent
C V Thorn teacher of Lhe second
intermediate department of the Val
entine schools contemplates attending
the summer session of the Lincoln
Normal University which begins
June 15
J C Northrop and wife went to
Deadwood and the Black Hills last
Saturday where they will visit for a
short time after which they go to
Iowa They will return to Valentine
about June loth
Bill Barnes Strong Burleighs
running stallion will make the season
as follows Tuesday Wednesday and
Thursday of each week at Smyser
Vincencts barn Balance of the time
at Burleighs ranch at Simeon
A A Alsip of Belleville Illinois
brother of the gentleman who has the
Rosebud brick contract is quite ill at
the home of F K Bivens His illness
is not of a serious nature being due
principally to the change of climate
John L Ballard Elmer Holliday and
L G Van Slyke drove down from
Codv Monday The latter gentleman
returned home on train No 27 the
same evening and the others drove
bacK Tuesday afternoon They say
everything at Cody is flourishing
Chas Keith United States stock
inspector was in town Friday night
and went over to the Agency Saturday
morning to inspect the mares sold to
the govern men c for issuance to those
Indians who have taken laud in sever
alty by James M Wood of Rapid
A special train of five coaches and a
baggage car went over the F E
M V west Sundav bearing about 250
South DaKota Odd Fellows wh9 were
on their r to attend the meeting of
the Grand iodge of that order at Hot
Springs The train broke all records
fur fast running on this road Dinner
was eaten at Longpine
supper at H otprhscs
at 130 and
lJ At
Terrible StorniB
During the past week terrific wind
rain and hail storms have been raging
at various points in the central west
Humboldt Pawnee City and Falls
City Nebraska were visited four peo
ple being reported killed at the latter
place It is said that forty persons
were killed on the Pawnee reservation
by the storm Reserve Kansas vas
almost vriped out of existence forty
four buildings being razed and four
people killed outright Sherrard Illi
nois also had a severe storm and sev
eral persons lost their lives Mendota
and Princeton Illinois Mount Vernon
and Valparaiso Indiana were visited
by cyclones A heavy rain and hail
storm struck Springfield Illinois and
south western Iowa was drenched with
six inches of rain causing much dam
age to crops and buildings Sabetha
Kansas lost twenty five houses by
wind and ono person was billed and
fifteen seriously injured
Jleiihant iicnlc
Last Saturday about twenty five of
our young people gave a picnic on the i
G A R grounds west of town in
honor of the public school teachers
who complete their labors in Valen
tine this week and Miss Mabel Barker
who is visiting friends here A very
pleasant time was had and the fun
was fast and furious Games of all
binds were indulged in including a
tug of -war the opposing teams being
headed by Profs Anderson and Thorn
Prof Andersons team had the most
strength and carried off the the
honors of the day Refreshments
were served and the party returned to
town about five oclock
JRaces June lO
Attention is called to the advertise
ment and program for the June races
which appears elsewhere in this paper
Arrangements are being made to have
a ball game between Fort Niobrara
and Chadron or some other town also
a clay pigon shooting tournament
which promises to attract all the crack
shots in the Northwest The race
track will be put in good condition
and excellent sport is promised all
who visit Valentine during the week
of June 10
Conductors IJisli for Trout
Landlord White chaperoned Con
ductors Wymau Wilson and Johnson
on a trout Gshing trip to the Schlagle
the first of the week The boys en
joyed the sport immensely and landed
84 fiue trout Longpine and all other
towns along the F E have to take a
back seat when Valentine commences
telling fish stories Every day parties
catch the speckled beauties in large
quantities and go away singing the
praises of Valentine as a fish center
Our fish are not so large as those at
Longpine but we have more of them
O JS S Election
The regular meetiugs of Northern
Star Chapter No 59 O E S have
been changed to the second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month The annual
election of officers will be held Tues
day evening May 26th It is earnest
ly requested that all members be pres
ent so that a full expression may be
bdd By order of Worthy Matron
fclV -1
a i iZT
V T rSiJWErrtaKJv
Fablislied for Jowffl9irear its
Porter Found Guilty
Gerald A Porter was found guilty
of killing Charles Woodfork the jury
returning a verdict of manslaughter
after being out for twelve hours The
trial va be most hotly contested ever
held itfKeya Paha county and to M
F Harringtons eloquence is due the
verdict of manslaughter instead of
murder icTthefirst degree At Spring
view last Saturday Judge Westover
sentenced the convicted man to ten
years in the penitentiary
Kid Ball Game
The Valentine Kid Nine played a
matched game of ball on the home
grounds Saturday afternoon with the
Fort Niobrara Kids The game was
hotly contested and was to have been
stopped at the sixth inning but the
score being a tie the seventh inning
was played Score 17 to 16 in favor
of Fort Niobrara Battery for the
visitors Willie Brill and Eddie Judge
for the borne team Joe Peterson and
Fred Glover Umpire Ed Clarke
The return game will be played in a
week or so
Republican Convention
The republican county convention is
called to coeet in Valentine on Tues
day June 11 for the purpose of
electing delegates to the state 6th
district congressional 14th district
senatorial and 52nd district represent
ative conventions and nominating a
candidate for county attorney The
delegates from Second commissioner
district will also place in nomination a
candidate for county commissioner
The state convention will be held at
Lincoln July 1 and the congressional
convention at North Platte July 3
Miss Anna Bivens entertained a
number of her friends very pleasantly
Tuesday -evening at a card party
Hearts was the game played and
none of those present failed to enjoy
themselves immensely and all agree
that Miss Anna is a model hostess
Ice cream nd cake were served after
the awarding oi prizes Miss Anna
Connolly received an elegant jewel
box and Frank Brayton a handsome
hand made lamp shade for being the
best players present The boobys
were a pretty crocheted center piece
and a bag of peanuts and were award
ed to Miss Mae OSullivan and Sergt
Cole respectively Joe Veast right
fully won the ladies first piize but he
was ruled out on account of ineligibili
ty More of such parties would
conduce to a pleasanter feeling in tbe
social circles of Valentine
Decoration Iay Program
1 Officer of the day will form the
comrades in line at Cornell Hall at 10
a m
2 March to the cemetery and dec
orate comrades graves
3 Return to hall and adjourn for
dinner at 11 30 a m
4 Assemble at hall at 130 p m
Vocal music
Prayer by Rev O L Ramsey
Oration by Hon M P Kinkaid
Address by Hon J A Carroll
10 Response by Judge Tucker
11 Adjourn for supper
12 Reassemble at the hall at 780
13 Young Patriots Drill songs and
recitations Conducted by Mrs O L
14 Address by F M Walcott on
Sons of Veterans
Both instrumental and vocal music
will be rendered when required Ev
erybody invited Come and bring your
wife and children
By order of Committee
Notice is hereby given that on May
23 1896 at 730 p m the annual
election of officers of Minnechaduza
Lodge No 192 A F A M will be
held All members in good standing
are earnestly requested to be present
F M Walcott M W
W W Thompson Secy
1000 Reicartl
Will be paid for return of my horse
and saddle stolen from Valentine
April 14 Brown horse weight about
900fts 4 or 5 years old heavy mane
and tail white stripe half way doTPn
forehead Had on a new saddle
Visalia tree hand stitched stamped
seat 2 inch stirrup strap No 81
made by Marks Bros Omaha
Cjlls XL Asdeeson Valentine
Sa d
Waited A good girl for light
house work Address W A Light
Rosebud S D
Dont forget the races June 10th
audllth 250 in purses besides a
number of match racss
W S Garcelon of Longpine col
lector for the McCormick Harvesting
Machine Company is working in the
neighborhood of Valentine this week
Butte is preparing for a big turnout
at the races to be hpld there June 20
Eour races are scheduled with purses
aggregating 29
To escape being tried for cattle
stealing John Carberry of Stuart
Holt county shot and killed himself
Tuesday morning
At its meeting last Friday night the
Musical Union adjourned until Sep
teraber when Prof Beatty will be
here to reorganize it
We understand that twenty five
train loads of stock will soon be
hauled over the E E from Superior
Nebraska to the Black Hills
Hay Springs narrowly escaped a
serious fire May 10th The prompt
action of the fire department is all
that saved J P Hams residence
We saw a sight draft drawn on a
cattleman of this locality the other
day for near 10000 and the money
was on hand to pay it too Gordon
Taxes How Collected
G P Crabb has given us for publi
cation the following resume of the
state tax laws which should be read
by everyone and their actions regulat
ed accordingly By so doing much
trouble and expense may be saved
No demand for taxes shall be neces
sary but it shall be the duty of every
person subject t3 taxation under the
laws of the state to attend at the
treasurers ottioe at the county seat
and pay his taxes If any person
neglects to attend and pay his person
al taxes ttxo treasu rer either by him
self or deputy orsleriftif the county
wnen directed oy distress warrant is
sued by the said treasurer is directed
to collect the same together with pen
alty and costs of collection
In case any person having personal
property assessed and upon which the
taxes are unpaid shall in the opinion
of the treasurer be about to remove
out of the county or in any other
manner seek to put his personal prop
erty out of the reach of the treasurer
it shall be the duty of the treasurer to
collect such taxes by distress or attach
ment as the case may require at any
time after the tax has become due
Parties contemplating removing
from the county should at once call at
tae treasurers ollice and pay their
taxes thus saviag unnecessary cost
NO 17
Newest Finest and Most Com
plete line of
In this City
Also Provisions and Vegetables
in season
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking
Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable
rates County depository
This space reserved for
General Merchandise
Valentine Nebraska
Valentine Nebraska
A General Banking Business Transacted
Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York tfirst National Bank Oman
Fish Game Tender Steaks
Jucy Roasts Dry Salt Meats
and the finest line of Smoked
Hams and Breaktast Bacon
ever sold in town
At StettersOld Stand on Main Street
Oi the Choicest Brands