The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 14, 1896, Image 4

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GOOD Editor and Publisher
Official Paper of Cherry
iy Xebraiska
100 lev Yenr in Advance
Kntcrcd at t he Post oltici at Valentine Cherry
county Nelirnbka ha ScoikI 1hss matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
lo discontinue is received and -all
rears are paid in full
Advertising rates 50 cents per inch
i per month Hales per column or for
long time ads made known on
cation to this office
Onr Platform
Following is the platfoTtn adopted
by the Democrats of Cherry county in
mass convention assembled Saturday
April 18 1S96
Wp the Democrats of Cherry county in mass
pouvonlion asstinbltddoroaflirai our allegiance
to ttir principles of the Democratic party as
formulated by Jefferson and exemplified by the
illustrious line of Ids successors in Democratic
leadership from Madison to Cleveland
We still denounce the Republican doctrine of
protection ns a fraud a robbery of the great
majority of the American people for the benefit
of the few We slill adhere to and maintain the
Democratic doctrine of a tariff lor revenue
only We believe the interests -of the masses
of our population will be best conserved by the
collection of such taxes as shallbe liinitcdlo the
uecesslties of the government honestly and
economically administered
We express our faith m the time honored doc
trine of theDemocratie party as to international
trade relations an interchange by which the
countries participating shall enjoy reciprocal
advantages We denounce the sham reciprocity
scheme of the Republicans -which juries with
the peoples desire for freer exchanges by pre
tending to establish closer relations while en
acting prohibitive tariff taxes against those
countries of the -worn that stand ready to take
our entire surplus of products in exchange for
i commodities which are necessaries and comforts
f of life among our own people
Appreciating the condition of the public mind
with reference to the financial policy of this
country and recognizing the importance of a
propersohition of tins question we unhesitat
ingly express our unalterable opposition to the
free and unlimited coinage of silver except by
international agreement and until snch agree
ment can be procured we favor the present
standard of value We denounce the action of
the Republican county convention in intention
ally omittinir to state its views on this important
question as a r petition of the cowardly and
uonesL practices oi mat party
Finally we endorse the administration for its
excellent conduct of public affairs its vigorous
foreign policy and its un parallelled management
in maintaining the pnblic credit against foes
from witnout aud foes from within
It is interesting to know that de
the democrats carried Louisiana
by 37000 majority
A number of young ladies of Omaha
have organized a society ana pledged
themselves to never marry men
this leayes a chance - for native dudes
and titled foreigners
If as Colonel Ingersoll says he is
i lecturing in order to put out the fires
of hell his reason for going to Omaha
is explained The Bee and World
Herald are published there
The money question is dominant
McKinley refuses to say yfhat he
thinks on the money question Mc
Kinley is to be the republican candi
date for President Was there ever a
better opportunity for the democracy
rNew Yerlt World
At the municipal elections held
throughout Indiana last week the
democrats made decided gains such
well known cities as Ft Wayne Shel
by ville La Porte Yinceunes and Terre
Haute being among the places where
democratic gains were largest
With concerted action and faithful
adherence to right principles demo
cratic principles a democratic presi
dent will be elected to succeed Grover
Cleveland Bight will triumph in the
end and dining the coming campaign
the democratic party will be right
There are 60000 or more fourth
class postmasterships not yet in the
classified service and according to the
Chicago Post these ought to be placed
there Every federal employee whose
duties in the main are of a clerical
character should be under the civil
service system
We would like to know what tip
Mark Hanna has given the free silver
states about McKinleys ideas in
finance If he is a gold hog as John
Sherman says why are the free jilver
states supporting him We are afraid
they will be disapointed in him in that
issue Delphos O Courant Hep
The Valentine Democrat is im
proving with each issue - It is ably
edited along the line staked out by
Thomas Jefferson with a fidelity to
sound money free trade and low tariff
Its publisher Robert Good is deserv
ing of the federal and local patronage
he seems to be enjoying Rushville
nii man puoxrkjur v
lion was intended lo show that Great
Britain wus enjoying an era of great
prosperity while the United States
was in the throes of financial and in
dustrial depression and the inference
supposed to he drawn was that this
state of affairs was caused by the Wil
son tariff superceding the McKinley
tariff No figures are given in sub
stantiation of the statements made
and the reader is supposed to swallow
the article without attempting to
ascertain its truthfulness According
to the Bee the life of British industry
depends upon the tariff legislation en
acted by the United States By main
taining a high tariff we could kill
British industry and make England a
desert island for England depends
upon her manufactories for her popu
lation and wealth How sad it must
be for England and Englishmen to
know that upon the leniency of the
people of the United States depends
their hope of existence How they
must tremble at the slightest hiut of a
change in the present tariff
The Bee speaks of the present as a
low tariff yet the difference between
that of today and three years ago is
only 4 per cent As a matter of fact
during the last decade Englands ex
ports have decreased 140000000
while those of the United States have
increased in like proportion The
tariff has not caused the hard times
The republican bred monoplists who
are fostered and petted by the g o p
-are responsible The article m ques
tion also infers that the imports of the
United States have increased at a
wonderful rate but statistics do not
say so During the last fiscal year the
imports of this country decreased
111000000 and yet the average tar
iff was 52 per cent lower The Brit
ish scare is being worked to the ut
most by our political opponents but
thinning men do not accept unsub
stantiated statements on the tariff
Ohio papers are advertising the
opening of Buckeye Park which takes
place Saturday May 30 This park is
situated on the line of the C H V
T railroad and the company has ar
ranged for a collision between two
locomotives each pulling three coal
cars -and a caboose while running at
a speed of 50 miles an hour as one of
the -chief attractions of the day Pre
parations are being made to accomo
date from twenty -to forty thousand
people to witness the novel ehxibition
Six months ago the chances for the
success of the national democratic
party were few Three months ago
even we had not much to count upon
Today the prospects are bright and as
McKinleys nomination by the repub
licans is now assured and as it is more
than probable that he will be nomi
nated on a platform which straddles
the finance question they will continue
to grow brighter as election day draws
nearer 2vow is the time for democrats
to wprji in harmony
- i i -
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V tu on he
The Democrat has always regarded J ustjn
this as an unprecedented era of sen
sationalism but never did it expect to
see public taste become so depraved
that a wanton destruction of propeity
would be looked upon as a legitimate
form of amusement To this paper it
seem that the C H V T railroad
is cultivating a very poor trait in
humanity and we may soon hear of
railroads advertising for men who will
remain on the engines during col
lisions of this sort unless the tendency
to indulge in this new amusement
is checked in its infancy
The recent order of President Cleve
land transfering to the civil service
lists nearly 30000 federal employes de
serves to be mentioned in history as
one of the most creditable acts of his
administration Regarding the wis
dom of the principle which divorces
thecivil service from politics there
can be only one sound opiuion Since
the first civil service order was issued
thirteen years ago it has been demon
strated that the efficiency of national
state and municipal official and clerical
labor has been increased in exact ratio
to its detachment from all consider
ations except those of merit Of
course President Clevelands order is
not binding upon his successor but it
is hardly possible that the next presi
dent whoevor he may be will revoke
it He will probably be heartily glad
to not only leave the civil service list
as it is but will extend it thus rid
ding himself of the horde of hungry
office seekers who quadrennially be
siege the White House for appoint
threshold of a
An article which rei eutly appeiireo dcutial campaign The
in I lie Ouialiu Me with the above cap J lhar campaign will affect
results of
iqually the
interests of the women and the men
of the nation and yet by an absurd
restriction women are allowed no
voice in the choice of the candidates
Should the next president he a gen
uine ana earnest advocate of enfran
chisement of women ana have the cour
age of his convictions we would have
every reason Jo hope that during his
adimnistration their cause would be
won Maj Wm McKinley of Ohio
stands first on the list of candidates
and he is the man above all others
whom the women can heartily ap
prove Able witty and gifted with
remarkable power noble character
unimpeachable integrity of honest
life he is personally acceptable and
advocate of woman suffreg He be
lieves that every reason which bestows
the ballot on man is equally applicable
to the proposition to bestow the ballot
upon woman Republican Journal
To say the Democrats are divided
in this state would seem to be a mis
take if told to one who has been at
tending almost every state convention
as a delegate or -visitor for the past
eighteen yeass We have been there
and was also present ou the 29th of
April and in looking over those fam
iliar to such meetings it seemed that
none were missing from the ranks ex
cept those members who in the ordi
nary course of life and business might
have been overtaken by death or mov
ed from the statewhile a few may
have been caught in some other trap
as they are set on all sides and to
those of unstable minds and unsound
democracy the tempting bait may
have lured them in but for the few
of this class that were missed we
found newfaces and energetic work
ers filling their places all standing up
for Nebraska asking for a hundred
cent dollar and upholding the demo
cratic faith with the retirement of
legal tender government notes know
ing that when we are assured of hon
est money a sound financial system
aud a safe currency prosperity will
return and the visions of cheap dol
lars depreciated currency taxing of
many for the benefit of the few will
vanish to be replaced by happiness
prosperity and contentment Hamil
ton County Democrat
A Chicago Tribune corresponaent
who says he wants to fight sends
Away off on the other shore
We hear the British lions roar
For having got his tail in twist
We are In favor of letting you
two fight it out
Three engineers of hign reputation j
have been looking into the project of a
ship canal from the Ohio River at Fitts
burg to Lake Erie and have just sub
mitted an entirely favorable report to
the Fittsburg committee They agree
that the canal can be constructed at
moderate cost and that the water sup
ply Is abundant The traffic between
Pittsburg and the lakes Is now carried
by ten railroads and amounted laBt
year to 53000000 tons chiefly iron ore
coal and lumber Finally the engineers
make the surprising statement that the
PflTinl wnnld nnv fnr H smlf in rn nu
years as the annual saving in freights P Sbility of his being
would be one half It is probable that
Pittsburg will now take hold of the en
terprise with a determination to push
It through In the course of a few years
It may be set down as a rule that one
can never afford not to be a gentleman
It is best to learn this rule early and
practice it late It is not well to say
mean things of another because in
most cases you will have to take it all
back In bitterness of heart when he
does you an unexpected favor It Is
not wise to treat any one brusquely
because you cannot always judge a
bird by the feathers he has on It Is
not well to look down on anybody be
x v ai n b
upon it It is not morality it is not
mere conventional rule it is not simply
a social regulation it is something in
the nature of things that you should al
ways show a delicate regard for others
One who did not fail here was never
known utterly to fail elsewhere
The 140 bankers and members of the
Board Qf Trade in Chicago who about
a year ago subscribed an aggregate of
15305 to be used for the purchase of
seed grain for the sufferers from
drought in Kansas and Nebraska have
had an agreeable surprise The crops
of last year in those States were not
uniformly good so that all of those
who benefited by the subscription are
not yet able to pay but the more for
tunate ones have paid in a total of
about 40 per cent on the amount which
was regarded as a donation by many
of those who subscribed to it The
thirty car loads of wheat and twenty
five car loads of oats that were bought
with the money contributed saved
many a farmer from utter ruin and
the fact is not forgotten by those who
were helped In their time of trouble It
Is to be expected that the greater part
of the remaining 60 per cent will bs
repaid at some time in the future
WHAT SHOULD THV POTiLTC some time in its eoura should pro- tHligi ntly it mest twicfi ti
SCHOOL AOCOXPLFSH I vide tnr industrial trailing vikj njwiuua w viiwit
TTMd hpfnrMliMitrcihii of the General Teach
ers Association at Valentine 3ay 2 Sii by
U O Anderson U A
The Americans are the piost versa
tile of modern peoples and the most
cosmopolitan nation of which history
affords us an example We are the
fortuuate and rightful biers to the
wealth of intellect aud industry the
product and experience of bygone
ages of the nations that have flour
ished aud crumbled in the countless
centuries of the past for nations as
individuals have their periods of vig
orous youth of maturity age and
decay It is not a characteristic of
the American people to engage in
enterprises either public or private
by halves They live and act upon a
broader and more extravagant scale
than any nation in the world And
we are by no means so conservative
as to content ourselves with this herit
age as an all sufficiency for our exist
ence We are because the youngest
the most intensely vigorous active
and original of modern peoples
Nations at such periods in their
development are important factors in
universal history They bring much
to pass Their events are momentous
bearing misery and misfortune or
showering benedictions upon -the race
throughout succeeding time To esti
mate the character of a people it is
only necessary to study its institutions
Let us for this purpose then briefly
examine an institution which is dis
tinctlv American that institution of
which of all institutions America is
most proud the free public school
system What is it and what is the
excuse for its existence this institu
tion for the maintenance of which we
annually -pay 150000000 Does it
yield an adequate return Why do
we support it What should we ex
pect it to accomplish
The American school is the Amer
ican teenple dedicated to what we be
lieve to be the essential condition of
popular government an educated
people The common school is the
cradle of American citizenship the
guardian and bulwark ot American
liberty In a government liite ours
the intelligence of the ballot the pur
ity of manhood and womanhood the
welfare of society and the nation and
the perpetuity of its institutions de
pend upon the efficiency of the com
mon schools
It would seem then that the system
is the creature and servant ot the
stats that it exists primarily for the
From Yankee Doodle Doodles fist BUitR nu j na us urge amy is to ram
Go it brother Go it Poet Laureate ister to the perpetuity of the state-
to train the masses for intelligent citi
zenship and worthy membership iu
society This I hold to bo the first
and sole duty of an educational sys
tem for the support of which every
member of society is taxed The
question then for us to decide or at
least to consider is What education
is necessary to prepare the individual
to the end that -he may be a worthy
member of the state What kind of
men and women should compose the
state What and how must he be
taught that he may reach the highest
The first and most elementary
function of the public school is to cul
tivate in the child a willingness and
desire to make an honest living and
to so train him that he may be able to
do so If Ave would enable him to
earn an honest living we must teach
him the -Three lls and a knowledge
of the world of the natural science
whose laws he must obey and apply
We must train his hands to the use of
tools aud implements and utensils
I know there are those who object to
this latter view as too utilitarian and
cause the time may come when he will- aud common place too base to be dig
look down upon you There is a certain I
nified as rtdu2ation To this objection
selfhood in every one which should ba J
rAKTiPntod Wp h nr rrhf irWnJ 1 will say that no one is more un-
worthy of membership in society than
he who can contribute nothing to its
support who cannot earn his own
living but who is a dependent upon
society and that the most worthy
member of society is he who can and
will contribute most to its welfare
Xow 90 per cent of our people the
percent is larger in many countries
live by manual labor by producing
and manufacturing and transporting
those articles which must supply the
pnysical comforts to the race This
condition in a greater or less measure
will always exist Niggardly as theor
ists would have us believe this position
they must admit the exigency But
says the conservative do you mean
that serving and baking and carpentry
and blacksmithing should have their
respective places upon the daily pro
gram in our country or even our vil
lage schools 2o I would not advo
cate so visionary an idea as that what
E mean to say is that the jublic
school somewhere somehow aud at
may b accessble to anv child high or duty to society It must master to
1 1 - 4- 1
low Prom a financial standing the tne symmetrical ueveioprr or iui
department would be self supporting
or nearly so And even if it wereuot
is there not as good a reason for tax
ing ourselves to support a system that
would benefit 90 per cent of our peo
ple as for supporting our state univer
sity or even our high schools ttie ad
vantage of which only 44 per cent of
the school children ever enjoy Could
we not with as much practicability
establish township or in sparsely pop
ulated districts county industrial
schoola I have in mind a school iu
this state an Adventist school where
I am informed by good authority that
pupils by doing their own cooking and
other work live at an expense includ
ing tuition and everything else except
clothing at an expense of 15 cents a
A second ana higher function of our
system is to instil iu the child princi
ples of patriotism to the end that he
may be a liberty loving home loving
American citizen and capable of cast
ing an intelligent ballot Yes more
than capable The duty of the com
mon school is not yet performed when
it has given him a broad intelligence
For an education is a two edged sword
with which he may slay his fellows or
carve his way to the highest human
service and it is the duty of the com
mon school to see that the right edge
of the sword is sharpened We must
not only enable him to cast an intelli
gent ballot but we must teach him
the moral worth of manhood and the
principles of republican government
to the end that he will cast it We
must teach him the laws ot human
kindiess the duty and brotherhood of
man and the iove of right because it
is right The child is educated in the
public schools not merely that he may
read and write and cipher hut that
the trained power and noble intelli
gence the purity of mind and soul of
thr American citizen may cend con
stantly more and mon to purity and
perpetuate the American republic
That he can add columns keep books
relate battles and enumerate dates
quote poetry and read Greek will not
suffice These suojects are all essen
tial iu their proper order But the
state demands a higher intelligence
It would educate the conscience the
feelings the will It would reach the
hearts of men It would study soci
ology and civics It would study man
through the telescope of history and
i history as a warning experience of
humanity We mut realize that the
most important pages in the -annals of
the race are yet to be written and we
are making chat history with every
breath and every thought What are
we doing What should we do When
future generations look upon its pages
they will say how well or how poorly
we played our part We must know
our present history and our present
history is our present politics politics
today is history tomorrow What
Did I say we should study politics in
school Yes better there than on the
street corner Every teacher should
be a political economist and every
member of society should be a politi
cian not a wire puller nor a political
vampire who robs you of your confi
dence and enslaves you by unjust tax
ation not one who would place his
honor and the liberty of his country
men upon the market for the highest
bidder not a Charybdis nor a Cer
berus not one who would crawl where
they should speak t praise
they should blame to blame
they ought to praise to truckle to
authority to call black white or white
black that position may be secured or
When we look upon the education
of the people as a trust for the faith
ful execution of which we must give
an account and not as a job to be
farmed out to political leeches or to be
paid for with money then will the
province of the teacher become what
it ought to be aud the
school a more potent factor in the for
mation of true character and citizen
This is the duty of the hour The
public school must train the child to
useful and industrious toil must give
him a fair start in the struggle fori
bread It must give him a knowledge
of those branches which will enable
him to labor most efficiently and in- j
whole being must quicken evriry fac
ulty and capability into that activity
intended for it by its maker It must
elevate and strengthen the moral iibe
must teach him practically suwtsa
fully and efficiently toc the lessons of
self denial uncompromising clevotioa
to the right the true and the good
mid a love for his fellow beings kind
red only to that for his God
True this is an awful task Yet if
the public school fails in this it uuful
tils its sacred mission For mark you
there is no friction no sentiment iu
the statement that in the cradle of one
generation lies all the possibility all
the brain and bone and sinew ad the
elements of hope aud grandeur that
will manifest themselves during the
the generation that is to follow the
one to whom the Iulluby is sung to
day in turn will sing the lullaby
tomorrow Sometimes I think of the
long and perilous road over which the
child must travel to strength indepen
dence and usefulness The yare of
strife aud toil of anxiety and longing
the temptations and vice the possibil
ity of failure the panorama of home
and teachers and school days and
bright days and dark days all flit he
fore my mind like the gulls upon an
angry sea and I tremble for tho
youth and the nation that he is to be
come But we must not we dare not
waver The weak and helpless child
the mischievous boy aud girl the friv
olous rollicking youth to say nothing
of the crude material from foreign
-lands must be run through the grist
mill of American citizenship the Pub
lic School must be developed Into the
strength of manhood and womanhood
prepared to minister to the happi
ness and prosperity of a vast and rap
idly multiplying populace ready to
shoulder the responsibility of guiding
the destinies ot this the flower and
fruit of the civilization of the ages
And in this the present generation
the strength of American government
the stability of American institutions
the qualities and virtues of American
civilization and society will be tested
as they have never been tested before
A few more years and we shall see its
triumph or clefeat
A republican form of government is
a good form only so far as it is based
on a broad and liberal intelligence of
the masses For in it the expressed
will of the people is the sovereign
power of the land which makes oi uu
jnakes a nations prosperity whicb
brightens or blights the hopes of thou
sands which casts the sunny gleam of
hope and happiness or the dampen
ing dews of darkness and despair into
the hearts of millions yet to be Well
and widely wa it said that Education
is the chief defence of nations The
ignorant child becomes the dangerous
citizen unfit to exercise his franchise
the most sacred privilege of citizen
ship unfit to perform his duty as an
element of society unlit to property
live unfit to properly die
Teachers the nation is in our hands
How faithfully and how well we din
charge our trust succeeding time will
tell Let us make the most of our op
portunity Let us not dream that we
are on the threshold of the millenium
Eternal vigilance is the price of lib
erty Let us resolve more thorough
ly to consecrate our lives our energies
and our efforts to the cause of human
ity that the world may be lifted to a
he dare aot climb not a shriveled I and nohler
higher purer plane
prejudiced partisan politician but a
broad mioded intelligent man who
has well founded convictions and will
stand by them though the heavens
fall a politician with one face and
one tongue and one aim the elevation
of mankind the amelioration of soci
ety the perfection of human govern
ment When men are teted by this
standard how paltry is that spirit
which leads men to be silent when i
tion and of thought And let us
strive to reach that state of wisdom
intelligence humanitarianism and
obedience to law and right living
which vill insure the perpetuity of
our institutions and our government
as a heritage to posterity
Comparison of the Theories
Eroebel and Herbart next week
The English scientists who hire been
excavating at Alexandria Egypt In
the hope of unearthing some of tba
contents of the old libraries have found
that the subsoil water has risen above
the old Roman level and that even
walls and pavements are in a state
of complete ruin The explorer In
charge favors a search in the dry tip
per valley of the Nile Instead of the
rainy delta for the lost classics and
the missing early Christian literature
The American School of Classical
Studies at Athens Greece holds an ex
clusive right to excavate at Corinth
the wealthiest city in ancient Grfcce
American ami the second in general importance
Its former site is covered with Kruin
fields nnd presents the best opportu
nity in the country to recover treasure
of art and architecture There caa be
no extensive excavations nr Athens bo
cause the present city occupies the an
cient site No great Greek clfcr hss -ret
i been excavated aud as the American
Fchoc expects to perform the -work for
10000 part of trfcich it has on hand
there vcRl not be much delay in begin
ning operations