The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 14, 1896, Image 1

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JT fSa
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kviiii0 JEreiif
Edna May Comedy Company May 223
Teachers Institute July 20
Itaoes June 10th and iltn
Edna May at the Post May 20 and 21
John Brown is over from Rosebud
on business
WM Ballard was a Valentine vis
itor Monday
B E B Kennedy and wife were in
town Monday
Wbats the matter with organizing
a base ball club
D Whirrey and wife of Kennedy
were in town Sunday
The White House has replanted the
nvdrant in front of the hotel
m y
- W iwvn TJininorrnnm tnrl at once
Address White House Valentine
J A Fike went to Newport yester
day morning to look after his farm
Special sale of silk at T C Horn
bys All pure silk 32 cents a yard
Ben Roberts and Miss Emino Sar
sen of Irwin were in town Monday
Mrs J A Carroll visited at Rose
bud from Saturday until Wednesday
The Democrat and the Thrice-a-week
New York World one year
Mrs John Nicholson and daughter
Alta have returned to their home in
Munson Butler and Robert Quisen
bery made final proof on their home
steads last Saturday
Dr C A Wells in company with his
brother and wife spent a few days at
the Agency this week
The Porter murder trial is being
conducted this week at Springview
Judge Westaver presiding
The Rushville Democrat is a year
old now and is a newsy bright and
able paper for a youngster
Lewis Spotted Tail grandson of the
famous Sioux chief of the same name
gave us a pleasant call yesterday
MiBS Leona Baumgartel of Crooks
ton visited with Edna Dwyer Sunday
night returning home Monday morn
John Mitchell of Valparaiso is
irking at the White House and will
learn the barbers trade with C M
F M Walcott and wife made a trip
to St Marys Mission last Friday
Mrs Walcott remained several days
Dr McChesney the gentleman who
will succeed Major Wright as Indian
agent at Rosebud will arrive here
Friday night
Mrs Chas Sparks and son Lavergne
went to Lead City Saturday to visit
Mrs Sparks mother Mrs Alice Ray
for a month or six weeks
J J Maher Judge Westovers af
fable court stenographer spent Sun
day night in our city and left for
Springview Monday morning
It has been decided that post can
teens are lawful and now Crawford
wishes she hadnt tried to prevent the
cale of liquor at Fort Robinson
Dr Evans was called to Cody Satur
day night by a telegram announcing
the serious illness of Mrs Stott At
the present writing the lady is getting
along nicely
Fauton Barney and Dunham the
Holt county cattle thieves who were
recently convicted at ONeill were
giTen eight six and two years- respect
ively in the penitentiary
M V Nicholson went to Omaha
last Friday and returned Sunday
bringing his wife with him Mrs
Nicholson is much improved and it is
the hope of her many friends that she
will continue so
Scott Judge Walcotts familiar
old dog recently met with an accident
of some sort which necessitated the
amputation of several inches of his
tail last week C R Watson and Ed
Clarke were the officiating surgeons
find they did a neat job too
f fc ff -
x- 1
Indians at the Agency will give a
farevyell dance to Major Wright June
28th and 29th
Frank Fischer has moved into the
Peaaock saloon building and now has
one of the neatest saloons in town
Davenport Thacher have on ex-
GH Sawyer of Sparks is in town hibition at their store a fine pair of
today mountain sheep horns the property of
C S andJ C Reece were in town Levi Sparks
Harry Layne of Newport was in
town last Friday arid filed homestead
papers on the island in the Niobrara
river near Carues
Guth Hare have planted wild cu
cumber vines in front of their saloon
and will have a nice shady lowpr
neath their veranda this summer
T C Hornby is the only merchant
in town who has sold enough goods to
order a second spring bill Call and
see his large stock and low prices 16
M G Hopkins went to Merriman
Tuesday night not to get married
however but in search of girls to work
at the White House He secured two
At their trial before Judge Walcott
Tuesday James and Horace Walling
ford were acquitted of the charge of
interfering with the county surveyor
in his work
Walter Mosely spent last Friday in
town and- made us pleasant visit He
was on his way from Ainsworth to
St Marys Mission where he goes to
work at his trade that of a carpenter
13H1 Barnes Strong Burleighs
running stallion will make the season
as follows Tuesday Wednesday and
Thursday jot each veek at Smyser
Vincencts barn Balance of the Lime
at Burleighs ranch at Simeon
The Rushville Standard issued a
special edition last week containing
a write up of Pine Ridge Indian
Agency by our old time friend J E
Galvin of Big Springs Omaha and
Chadron which is a credit to both
publisher and writsr
Geo L Barney was convicted of
cattle stealing in Judge Westovers
court at ONeill last week His two
accomplices Dunham andHoltz turn
ed states evidence M F Harring
ton assisted County Attorney Murphy
in the prosecution of the case
Every teacher in Cherry county
should subscribe for Trus Democrat
as we intend to make it of special in
terest to them In addition to the
series of papers read at the Teachers
Association May 2 we intend publish
ing others on various educational sub
An order from F E fe M V head
quarters prohibits chair car porters
renting the smoking compartments of
their cars to individuals This greatly
improves the passenger service but it
robs the porters of the dollars they
formerly secured fcrom travelers as a
rake off
Prof Beatly failed to organize a
musical union here last Saturday ow
ing to the proximity of school com
mencement exercises for which the
pupils are preparing He will return
in the fall at which time we hope he
will meet with better success than he
did at this visit
Martin Christensen met with a ser
ious accident last week while doing
some painting He fell from a step
ladder through a vindow and cut a
gash about nine inches long on his
right arm and hand Dr Dwyer
dressed the wound and Martin will
soon he as good as ever
Walter Rinart came up from Ains
worth Friday with a surrey and team
of horses for Smyser Vincent This
is the roan team owned by W C Kirk
patrick the Ainsworth liverymarn and
are first class roadsters Bv the ad
dition of this team and snrrev to their
outfit Smyser Vincent place their
livery stable on a footing equal to any
other stable in the northwest
W D Sadler special land agent who
has been liere for several months past
received notice last Saturday that ha
had been furlonghed until June 30
and in company with his family start
ed for home Boonville Arkansas on
Tuesday mornings passenger Tiie
Democrat is sorry to see so estimable
a family leave Valentine and hopes
they may return to this place at the
expiration of Mr Sadlers furlough
JLnhliahed for Foir Years asH
The Epworth lengne Entertainment
iiargly Patronized by Business
Men Complete Account with
Samples of the Poetry
Notwithstanding the many difficulties
under which thoae who participated
worked and the short time in which it
was arranged for and executed the
Merchants Carnival given by the
Epworth League at Cornell Hall last
Friday evening was a success socially
financially and artistically and those
who labored so faithfully for its pro
duction are deserving of much credit
An audience of about 225 people list
ened to the poems recited and songs
sung by the representatives of the
various business houses of the city
aud witnessed the marching of the
ladies as they advertised the patrons
of the Carnival The ensemble was a
picturesque scene a marvelous mix
ture of color harmonious yet dazzling
to the eye and the beauty of the var
ious costumes was only excelled by
by that the ladies who wore them
From the grand march with ban
ers to the closing recitation the atten
tion of the audience was closely held
and applause was of frequent and
spontaneous occurrence The music
was furnished by Mrs J C Northrup
and could not have been excelled
Top strong language cannot be used
in praising Miss Stoner aud her eflici
ent assistants for the waybill which
they managed the entertainment and
the Epworth League also wishes to
extend thanks to those outside the
society for the aid given and assure
them that their services were greatly
For the nenefit of our readers who
were not there we give a detailed ac
count of the Carnival and a number
of the poems recited and by the way
as they are all of home manufacture
Valentine has proven herself to be
possessed of considerable poetical abil
ity After a grand inarch around the
hall those on the program seated them
selves on the stage and the business
of the evening commenced Fist came
a chorus Under the Epworths Proud
Banner composed by Dean Efner
and then the various business house3
held the boards as follows
Miss Katie Noble represented this
progressive general merchandise store
carrying a banner trimmed on one side
with laces and hung with various arti
cles carried by the store the top of
the banner staff being surmounted by
two fruit cans The poem recited was
very appropriate and does Mr Horn
by and his store no more thau justice
It follows
T 0 Hornbys is the store
Ill sing Its praises oer and oer
Tis there we buy the best we eat
Tea coffee chocolate and supjar sweet
Fresh groceries of every kind
The best canned fruit that you can find
Crackers flakes and Saratoga chips
Syrup rivaling the nectar Jupiter sips
Gold Dust Pearline and all such things
Soap that would bleach an angels wings
And dry goods of the finest brand
Ribbons and laces on every hand
Handsome dress goods and shimmering silk
Sheerest of lawn as white as milk
In fact whatever you wish to buy
In this stone store will catch your eye
And where will you hnd it
Tis the Hub or the town
Which ad revolve around
Whatever T 0 Hornbys do
The others try to follow too
If he advertises in any way
Then advertise do also they
To prove it see them fall in line
And cry their wares as I have mine
That conservative banking institu
tion The Bank of Valentine was rep
resented by Mae Davenport and it
was well represented too The lady
was dressed in black covered with
gold aud silver buttons and wore a
golden crown Hers was one of the
prettiest costumes of the evening
Mrs Harris restaurant was well ad
vertised by Alma Carlson and Frank
Thorn spoke a lew works for jovial
Perry Lawsons barber shop Frank
was dressed in a white apron and
made a very good looking barber
J H Quigleys claims for the drug
trade of the city were presented by
Lottie Hubbard in an effective man
ner Quigleys banner was one or the
most artistic exhibited and represent
ed a U S flag with the firm name in
Rev P H Efghmy of Long Pine
will preach at the M E Church next
Sunday morning and evening Com
munion services at 11 a m Epworth
League at 7 p m All are cordially
invlied 0 L Ramsey pastor
Notice is hereby given that on May
23 1896 at 730 p m the annual
election of officers of Minnechaduza
Lodge No 192 A F A M will be
held All members in good standing
are earnestly requested to be present
F M Walcott M W
W W Thompson Secy
From private sources we learn that
the same order of the Interior Depart
ment which furloughed W D Sadler
also affected nineteen other special
land agents and also that there is a
probability that this class of govern
ment employes will be placed under
civil service rules in the near future
A complete program of the June
races will be published next week
The program as it now stands provides
for two days racing with purses ag
gregating 25000 The dates have
been fixed for June 10th and 11th
Arrangements are being made to have
races here on the last Saturday of each
A Small Jtfire
Last Sunday morning the building
occupied by W A Pettycrews grocery
store in some unaccountable manner
took fire under the rear stairway and
for a time the blaze threatened to be a
serious one Parties coming from
church assisted in bringing the hose
cart to the scene of the fire and the
devouring element was soon under
control Damage about 200 caused
in a great measure by water and ex
cited parties who broke all the front
An Apology
The Democrat wishes to correct
the statement it made a couple weeks
ago to the effect that M Klein had
been elected state central committee
man by the free silver convention It
transpires that he was not elected but
was promised the position this fall
This is not quite so bad as the joke
played on S P Jamison in Boyd
county The free silver people elected
Price state central committeeman
without his knowledge or consent he
being an active opponent of their
Decoration Iay Program
1 Officer of the day will form the
comrades in line at Cornell Hall at 10
a m
2 March to the cemetery and dec
orate comrades graves
3 Return to hall and adjourn for
dinner at 1130 a ffi
4 Assemble at hall at 130 p m
Vocal music
Prayer by ReV O L Ramsey
Oration by Hon M P Kinkaid
Address by Hon J A Carroll
Song Dixey
10 Response by Judge Tucker
11 Adjourn for supper
12 Reassemble at the hall at 730
13 Young Patriots Drill songs and
recitations Conducted by Mrs O L
14 Address by F M Walcott on
Sons of Veterans
Both instrumental and vocal music
will be rendered when required Ev
erybody invited Come and bring your
wife and children
Bv order of Committee
The JPaciJio Short Line
Is the only direct line from Jforth
ern Nebraska points to Siux City and
the East Trains leave ONeill im
mediately after arrival of train from
isjack Hills saving two hours time to
Sioux City Connections made in New
Union Passenger Station Buy local
tickets to ONeill and rebuy there
SlOGO Itetcard
Will be paid for return of my horse
and saddle stolen from Valentine
April 14 Brown horse weight about
900Ibs 4 or5years old heavy mane
and tail white stripe half way don
forehead Had on a new saddle
Visalia tree hand stitched stamped
seat 21- inch stirrup strap No 81
made by Marks Bros Omaha
Chas E Andekson Valentine
3rttWgBF 45TF
sa v m a- xr - rn
viWjrH - few
NO 16
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking
Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable
rates County depository
Newest Finest and Most Com
plete line of
In this City
Also Provisions and Vegetables
in season
This space reserved for
e Mcdonald
General Merchandise
Valentine Nebraska
C n COIiN ELL President JB V NICUOLBON Cashier
Valentine Nebraska
A General Ratiking Husiness Transacted
Muys anil Sells Domestic and Foreign ExcJiange
Correspondents Chemical National Bank New Yorfc first National Bank Oraafca
At StettersOia Stand on Main Street
Fish Game Tender Steaks
Jucy Roasts Dry Salt Meats
and the fin est line of Smoked
Hams and Breakfast Bacon
ever sold in town
Qi the Choicest Brands
Jlrti V III ifi A