The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 07, 1896, Image 7

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Few royal personages in Europe de
serve more sympathy than the queen
of the Belgians whose husbands esca
pades with stage celebrities and others
pave nearly driven his wife insane
King Leopold is CO years of age but
shows little sign of abating the scan
dalous behavior which has made his
name a byword for years At one time
mfflssL MfWM fit
I SLcN5r7 i
m yt fi
his excesses in London landed him in a
police court and his most gracious
majesty had considerable difficulty in
escaping the punishment so often 1L J
out to plebeian roysterers a month in
Jail His scandalohs doings have caus
ed untold grief to his wife whose
tastes and habits are of a domesticated
character Her majesty has made ev
ery effort to wean him from his un
seemly ways but has met with little
or no success
J Donts pr the Summer Girl
DonVgigglo twJ
Dont listen to scandal
Dont defy public opinion
Dont play on the hotel piano
Dont believe everything you hear
1 Dont sleep all day and dance all night
Dont form lifelong friendships in
three days
Dont have heart talks with every
man you know
Dont read Harrys letters aloud to
your girl friends
Dont go rowing with the young man
who tips the boat
Dont refuse to marry a good man if
you get the chance 5
Dont tell your admirers all the se
crets of your girl friends
Dont become engaged to more than
two men at the same time
Dont put on your bathing suit unless
youre going into the water
Dont join sailing parties unless you
can stand a little rough weather
Dont snub your mother or maiden
aunt in public It doesnt look well
Dont try to protect your complexion
Give the sun and fresh air an inning
Dont sing unless nature has given
-you a voice which will not cause others
Dont trust the gentleman who has
married unhappily and wishes to tell
you all about it
Dont forget that half an hour of ex
ercise in the open air is worth more
than all the nerve tonics in the market
Dont forget that the summer hotel
veranda is the happy hunting ground
of the most merciless gossips on earth
Dont waste too much sympathy on
poor George working away in the
hot city George is getting along very
Dont make your willing slaves fas
ten your shoestrings more than seven
times in the course of one day The
novelty wears off New York World
Monkey Skin Card Cases
Professor Garner is not the only man
who has found a new use for the mon
key The up-to-date jeweler is fully
equal in this respect The jeweler to
be sure has turned the monkey to dec
orative rather than philological ac
count but the service to the world at
large is still very great This is at
once apparent when it is stated that all
the newest card cases are of monkey
skin They are ornamented with an
applied decoration of enameled silver
patterned after the early spring flow
ers The blooms are life size and as
like the original as possible both in
form and color The effect is very pret
ty as the flowers lie upon their leather
background as gracefully as if a care
less hand had flung them there
One Multi Millionaires Wife
Mrs Krueger wife of President
Krueger of the Transvaal who is an
extremely lioniely woman does nearly
all her own housework cooking meals
making her own bed and always tak
ing a hand in the family washing
When her husband has state guests
to dinner the good lady will trust the
task of waiting on the table to no one
and donning a white apron she per
forms the office of butler Her hus
band has a private fortune of 25000
000 but its Aunty Kruegers boast
that they live on their coffee money
a perquisite of 2000 a year allowed
them by the government
Saved Money and Lost Credit
c An amusing incident occurred at a
fashionable wedding in this city One
jkfriendf who determined to save her
jnoney and credit at the same time
took a broken earring to a famous Jew
eler of State street and ordered the
little stone to be set as a scarf pin for
the groom As she eagerly remarked
It does me no good and coming from
such a famous establishment they are
sure to prize it and think I paid a lot
of money When the package was re
turned from the shop the wedding
guest failed to examine her proposed
present and merely dispatched it with
her card and compliments Imagine
her disgust when strolling through the
rooms where the bridal gifts were dis
played to find a dozen people about her
offering and each one smiling For a
moment she hesitated then pressed
forward and loJ there was the precious
white satin covered box bearing the
prized name it is true but alas below
From the repairing department and
even worse than all resting on the blue
cotton beside the pin was an old broken
bit of earring returned by the con
scientious firm Chicago Chronicle
Japs Reform Their Dress
The Empress of Japan has discarded
the picturesque costume of her coun
try Her majestys wardrobe is made
in Paris and she has a decided prefer
ence for tight fitting small waisted
gowns The royal example is followed
by the ladies of the court and state
functions no longer present their form
er polychromatic appearance It is a
curious coincidence that the discarded
Japanese costume combines all the
latest ideas on dress reform embodied
by its apostles here and in Europe
Parts Her Hair on the Side
Fluffy bangs and even the coquet
tish waves that so graciously conceal
the imperfections of an ugly forehead
are as well as the girl that wears
them out of date The mannish girl
is at the height of the fashion and she
is astounding thousands of her prim
mer sisters by parting her hair at the
Absolute severity and simplicity is
the motto of the new hair dressing
Twist or coil or braid or do whatever
you will with your back hair so long
as the result is modest and
uous but under no circumstances must
you venture to impart a feminine curl
to the front locks
Roj al Wheel women
Nearly all the members of the royal
family of England are cyclists Princess
Victoria of Wales the Duchess of Fife
Princess Louise the Marchioness of
Lome and Princess Henry of Batten
berg all ride and are enthusiasts The
Queen of Italy had her first bicycle
lessons last summer but is already an
expert She required only twelve les
sons to become proficient
What Women Are Doing
During the absence of three months
of Rev Mr Cochrane of the Unitarian
Church at Bar Harbor Maine his wife
will attend to all his ministerial duties
Three different books have recently
been devoted to Joan of Arc and a
fourth is coming Mrs Oliphant is
writing a history of the maid for Tho
Heroes of the Nations series
Mrs Frances Eleanor Trollope has
just published the life and letters of
Mrs Frances Trollope her mother-in-law
who wrote a book on American
customs and manners that gave great
Miss Gladstone daughter of the ex
prdemier who has recently accepted
the presidency of the Cambridge Wom
ens Liberal Club made her first ap
pearance recently at a largely attended
There is a woman dentist in New
York who is fast attaining popularity
and fortuue She is a German by
birth and has a large clientele among
the singers and other musicians of her
own nationality in the city
Late Spring Costume
After Great Annoyance from Sciatic
Rheumatiamt at Last Finds Relief
and To day Is Enjoyinjr Full Use of
Her Once Afflicted Limbs
From the Journal Muscatine Jotca
On the second floor of one of our neat
est business buildings located at No 125
West Front street is the home of Consta
ble and Mrs M C Briggs and it was
risked to day for the purpose of speaking
to Mrs Briggs on a question of considera
ble weight to her The reporter upon
calling found Mrs Briggs a little indis
posed not however with her former com
plaint but nevertheless in a very con
genial mood Upon inquiry as to the ben
efit she derived from the use of Dr Wil
liams Pink Pills for Pale People she
About eighteen months since I was
taken down with sciatic rheumatism in
my lower limbs especially my right leg
and so fierce was the attack that I could
not walk at all After trying various
remedies all without avail a lady neigh
bor of mine Mrs Jolin Yoder who I
think is now living in Eldon mentioned
Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People
and said she had used them for similar
trouble and had found them very benefi
cial I purchased a box of pills at F
Nesper Cos drug store and before I
had taken all of the first box I began to
feel much improved and the pain began to
ease I continued to take them buying
a second box and when I had nearly fin
ished the second box I was able to walk
about as ably as ever and have not had
an attack since
I heartily endorse Dr Williams Pink
Pills for Pale People and feel confident
that anyone afflicted as I was could be
easily restored to their usual health by
their use
Dr Williams Pink Pills contain in a
condensed form all the elements neces
sary to give new life and richness to the
blood and restore shattered nerves They
are an unfailing specific for such diseases
as locomotor ataxia partial paralysis St
Vitus dance sciatica neuralgia rheuma
tism nervous headache the after effect
of la grippe palpitation of the heart pale
and sallow complexions all forms of
weakness either in male or female Pink
Pills are sold by all dealers or will be sent
post paid on receipt of price 50 cents a
box or six boxes for 250 by addressing
Dr Williams Med CoSchenectadyNY
How the Butcher Looks to a Cor
Weyler says Elbert Rapplege the
well known newspaper correspondent
is one of those men who create a first
impression the first sight of whom
never can be effaced from the mind
by whose presence the most careless
observer is impressed instantly and
yet taken all together he is a man in
whom the elements of greatness are
concealed under a cloak of impenetra
ble obscurity Inferior physically un
soldierly in bearing exhibiting no taste
of refined sensibilities nor pleasure in
the gentle associations that others live
for or at least seek as diversions he is
nevertheless the embodiment of mental
acuteness crafty unscrupulous fear
less and of indomitable perseverance
Then Mr Rapplege proceeds to de
scribe the Butcher of Cuba as he ap
peared the first time he saw him
A little man An apparition of
blacks black eyes black hair black
beard dark exceedingly dark com
plexion a plain black attire black
shoes black tie a very dirty shirt and
soiled standing collar with no jewelry
and not a relief from the aspect of dark
ness anywhere on his person He was
alone and was standing facing the
door I entered He had taken a posi
tion in the very center of the room
and seemed lost in its immense depths
It is capable of holding 400 people Its
vast marble floor is vacant of furni
ture and its walls of great height
are covered with portraits larger than
life of the captains general of Cuba
during 120 years Voices echo in the
cavernous chamber and the ancient
personages looked down upon an in
vasion of their quarter almost as if
they too were receiving with the
living picture which will some day
hang among them It was like a stage
setting around this remarkable man
It is not remarkable that I mo
mentarily hesitated to make certain
that this was actually Weyler Doubt
was dispelled with a look at his face
His eyes far apart bright alert and
striking took me in at a glance His
face seemed to run to chin his lower
jaw protruding far beyond asy ordi
nary indication of firmness persist
ence or will power His forehead is
neither high nor receding neither is
it that of a thoughtful or philosophic
man His ears are set far back ana
what is called the region of intellect
in which are those mental attributes
that might be denned as powers of ob
servation calculation judgment and
execution is strongly developed The
conformation of his head however is
not one that is generally accepted as
an indication of any marked possession
of philoprogenitiveness or its kindred
emotions and inclinations His nose is
ncquiline bloodless and obtrusive
When he speaks it is with a high nasal
enunciation that is not disagreeable
because it is not prolonged and his
sentences justify every impression that
has already been formed of the man
They were short crisp emphatic and
A Thoughtful Wire
The young physician was tired when
he returned from his evenings calls
but as he settled back in his easy chair
and his pretty wife of only a month
or two took a seat beside him he ask
ed affectionately
And has my little wife been lonely
Oh no she said animatedly at
least not very Ive found something
to busy myself with
Indeed he said What is it
Oh Im organizing a class A lot
of young girls and married women are
in it and were exchanging experiences
and teaching each other how to cook
What do you do with the things
you cook he asked interestedly
Oh we send them to the neighbors
just to show what we can do Theres
one lodging house gets most of it Its
great Tun
Dear little woman he said lean
ing over and kissing her Always
thoughtful of your husbands practice
Always anxious to extend it Bangor
An Accurate Diagnosis
Children are after all your true im
pressionists with undimmed perspicac
ity in taking original views of things
Small and hungry Julia climbed to her
seat at the tea table the other even
ing and exclaimed in most eager de
lighted caressing tones Oh gelatine
We are going to have gelatine I just
ike gelatine but mamma what makes
it so nervous
Worlds Columbian Exposition
Will be of value to the world by illusra
ting the improvements in the mechanical
arts and eminent physicians will tell you
that the progress in medicinal agents has
been of equal importance and as a strength
ening laxative that Syrup of Figs is far in
advance of all others
In marching soldiers take seventy
five steps per minute quick marching
10S and in charging 150
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally OPnce 75 cents
It is said that at Stevens Point Wis
a local census disclosed a husband of
37 and wife of 35 who had a grandchild
5 years old
Mrs Wlnslowa Soothing Syrup for Children
teething softens the kuiur reduces Inflammation
sllayi rain cureu vind colic 25 ceiita a bottle
mjjytF F2bSGo
Checks Bleeding Reduces
inflammation Quiets Pain
Is the Bicyclers Necessity
Sores jfiffjnjro Burns
Piles UUffitd Colds
Rheumatism Hoarseness
Sore Throat Chilblains
Catarrh Inflamed Eyes
Wounds Bruises Sprains
Headache Toothache die
after Shaving No Irritation
after Exercising No Lameness
is a specif ic for Piles 50 cts
inlOOlilgh gradu
papers lu Illinois
guaranteed circu
lation 100000
or wt cau insert
it TIMKS lu 1450 coun
try papers tor
Clilcago Newspaper XJnioji
93 Souui J eHersou Street Chicago ilL
1Te xll the but TTbrcli at tfto lowest
prltr alio a 1010 other nn fal artlrlea
Including ScaJei Snf 2111 K grwtn
JInrhlnts Hurirt 1Yion lUrnrues
Sniiills Elaebtmllh Fnrm A fnmnfri
Tools Enclnrs Holler Lnllm Statri Wire fVnrc finni llsnos
Orranv alrhei lnli Drawers Letter Vm TnirV Etc
Work for Ajrnts Catslozue f ree UUCAU0 SCALE CO Chicoso
S C N U 19 96
TaTT Smbwhekeail ElSEFAILS fea
Ssm Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Us8 r
Kj In tuna Sold by druggists jgfl
A Trinity of Evils
Biliousness sick headache and Irregularity
of tbe bowels accompany each other To tbe
removal of this trinity of evils Hostetters
Stomach Bitters Is specially adapted It also
cures dyspepsia rheumatism malarial com
plaints biliousness nervousness ami consti
pation The most satisfactory results follow
a fair trial Use It daily
The egg product of this country Is
estimated at 150000000 a year
Pisos Cure for Consumption is the only
cough medicine used in my house D C
Albright Mifflinburg Pa Dec 11 95
The notes of the Bank of England
cost one half penny each
What is more fascinating than a com
plexion tinted like the rarest seashell and
purified by the use of Glenns Sulphur
Soap Of druggists
Blotting paper is made of cotton rags
boiled in soda
Tbe best way to know whether Dobbins Floating
Borax Soap Is the best tor laundry antt bath Is to try It
It dont turn yellow like other floating soaps as It Is
pure Red wrapper Ask your grocer lor Dobbins
iloatlng Borax
Sunflower stalks are now converted
into paper
FITS All FiUbtopped free by Dr Klines Great
Kerr Kestoi er o Fits after first days use Mar
velous cores Treatise and 200 trial bottle free to
Fit cases Send to Dr Kline 031 Arch St Fhila Pa
Tc rr7e fornfM 2n rnnmninn in rTerir rvr4ef Ttrlff w
J mr 4t4MM fcl VUiMMWiWt AAA V WA J VWillWiik VY AkAA
m x
f xxNj
Z4 i MTM
It knocks oat in every round and on its belt is written
Ub 3fr3 tfCOO
Knocks Out All Others
The Large Piece and a High 1
Grade of Battle Ax has injured
the sale of other brands of higher
prices and smaller pieces Dont
allow the dealer to impose on you
by saying they are just as good
as Battle Ax for he is anxious
to work off his unsalable stock
These stopped
who tries to make you believe
some other skirt binding is as
good as jf
Bia3 Velveteen Skirt Binding
should be taught a lesson
buy it elsewhere
Lock for S H M on the Labet
and take no other
If your dealer will not supply you
we will
Send for umslesshowlnelabote and materials
lOtheSH MCOPO Box 699 Now York Cltr
1 JCS SSEtt vtf
i v p -ft i Kt r TV
Send or our Booklet on
using soap long ago
Mrs E F Patterson writing
from Bridgeport Jackson County
Alabama June 3 1895 says Being
a Northerner by birth it is not an
easy thing to eat comfortably food
prepared In Southern style and
consequently one suffers from it
One day feeling great discomfort
from that cause an old negro re
tainer said to me Scuse me
Missey but my old woman knows
something powerfu good for dem
pains I disremeinbers the name
but its Rip sometin and it just
rips the pain out Old Milly ill
tell you bout it To please him
I called on his wife in their little
cabin and will try and give you
her account You know all fall
and winter I was powerfu weak
and couldnt eat nothin and one
day I was a lyin yere in terrible
stress and genman knocked at de
door and says Mammy can I
have some water for myself and
horse Deed you can Marsa
but Ise too sick to get the things
I hab such awf u stress all over
Why Mammy he says Ive
just the thing for you that I bought
in Washington for just such pains
So he gave that medsin and de
stress am all gone and I eats
cberything and I goes eberywherey
so Missey I knows day will help
you So after writing down the
name Ripans Tabules I bade her
good day and went home Millys
name is Mrs John Jackson care
of T B Patterson Bridgeport
Kpaiis TabulC3 are sold hy dmetrlsth or t7 miU If
he n Ico 50 cents a box Is gi nt to The ltlpaus Clieml
i company No 10 Spruce Street New Yoric Saiuplo
val 10 cents
pleaso Bay you saw the advertisement
in this paper
ULUlI HO By mall 10c Lock Box 788 N Yort
sj This one stopped because well well
A have to guess why Perhaps because
WjsJd it gave him too much work to do Thats
Ws Ny what everybody thinks for that matter
vilJV when frhprfs nnfhincr bnt snan at hand
a and theres a good cleal of dirt to be
K removed from anything
m i ut tnis one stopped
UCLdUSC S11C llctU
found something better than soap Pearline
Something easier quicker simpler more
economical No rubbing to speak of no
wear easy work and money saved whether
its washing clothes cleaning house or any
kind of washing and cleaning
Milton Siioemaker M D Prest
Joilx P Allison Treasurer
jCs v
John C Kelly Vice Prefix
A D Collihb Secretary
The Officers Directors and Stockhold I
ers are among the pest and most success
ful business men of Sioux City
Eeferences Any Bank Commercial Agency or anv reputable business house i
the city Write for terms circulars statement and information to
lock Boz 915 A D COLLTEB Secretary
Forbid a Fool a Thing and
That He Will Do
Dont Use