v- X K A femcix T ywii geoatryairiyiT6Ulr tiiiTi 1 1 iihithnw wm a h 1 vi OJ i J kv w -mi j JL J B i V V ft u 1 m M VALENTN w YITii D 1 tLLJ ADDRESS s ENEBR HH5E2i51iWC73tf2 IV AONiiNVTaLS LOT The JLIfe of kMjMi5onoiv m China 3ar from Plctiuif J rot T Uiv JllKhli v u nhri fltfirtieniiUJ tlu MUuuR mlnteUr of flu opel who Vfliuitrs irum U JljfnttMi isiJUk and into imw writ try it ftu from iiiitiftuiu ii a i jivki lia gcrbius rowtlinr for in Hsv grailt ne iv fciJt imfcssrnL thi iinirtwi ile inoKiiJc rkinw hLv b wvp ed by tin iiortH ihv jcti V litiKisilt niid a iioriiuu of flu ihmi Jatiou is ojhjkoj1 to thi jjivh efit oi The Iln ifilnn Ail sorts of stories mo Void of tin cruelties practiced by the tvhiomtrles and Bvory little whily I Jin hatred lao neil to a thui brenks out sewrrtl iiusiouaries and 5u ir Laniiliis per seoul ed Sometimes tlw escape wliA their lives and only their property is dcKtioyvd bin it noi inErcqueiuly pens that there is considerable los of life as in tli recent cases Then there Is a great hre and cry and lie United States government znd other powers are denounced for not sendinp a lieet of warships o the sceue re gardless of the fact hU the scehe of the disturbances are always hundreds of miles inland far from the coast and navigable riveiw viV send a laud ior e would only mean the addition of so many more victims to the already lonj list For the Tn ited States to scad a force of men to the locality where the last massacre occurred would be about as risnaVlo as it would have been for thelvuijrcoi Iraly to have ordered A force to ma rob from Npw 1ork to Colo rado where there weie a number of Italians killed by a mo b u fjv months since The misFion ires are themselves largely to blame for Ixdng in such an exposed position The JhhiPse gov ernment has repeatedly warned them to -work only in partially civilized re gions where they can be properly pro tected But the progressive mission ary does not want Ids field of labor lim ited in the East and the consequences are that many of them have gone into a territory peopled largely by savages who although they are under the rale of the Emperor of China pay him but slight -allegiance These savages are continually breaking out into riotous proceedings and the life of the officials is made very wearisome especially since it means that the viceroy is likely to be shorn of his raiment and also his head should any missionaries be killed and the country from whence they came make a very great noise over the affair LONGEVITY THEIR INHERITANCE Although Their Parents Both Died You up of Consumption Seldom can a family bo found with so remarkable a history for healthful longevity as tiie Wilkinson family -of Mount Holly X J All the members are past three score and ten yet not one 61 them bas ever had a days ill ness although their father and mother died at an early age both victims of consumption The children have never shown any symptoms of the disease and are hearty with clear intellects and understanding Some of them can read fine print without the aid of glasses Their ages Are as fellows Mrs Mar tha Groom 93 years Priscilla Watkin son SS years Margaret F Lamb 84 years Ann Curtis S3 years Mrs lluth R Barton S2 years Lavinia Watkin son 71 years Abel Watkinson 79 years William E Watkinson 77 years Their aggregate ag is 002 yers an average of S2 years This happy band of brothers and sisters have now living 13 children 31 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren All the sisters are members of the First Baptist Church of Mount Holly and Mrs Groom the eldest has been a member of the Baptist denomination for G3 years Their parents died at the age of JS and 52 respectively All were born at the homestead farm near Mount Holly which until recently was in the possession of the family and had been for over 175 years A yueer Funeral Squire Hawley of the villageof Hat field near Doucaster Eng left the whole of his estate to his groom on the condition that his funeral should be conducted in a certain way He died on a Christmas day and was buried in his own garden in the Center of the graves of his cattle which had died dur ing the rinderpest He was laid out in full hunting costume including spurs and whip and was carried from the house to the grave on a coffin board where he was placed in a stone coffin which weighing more than a ton had to be lowered by means of a crane His pony was shot and buried at his feet in bridle and saddle and his dog and an old fox were buried at his head TTomen Growing Taller Women seem to be on tbe increase not numerically but physically They are all so tall that beside them many men seem pigmies Many of the well known beauties are tall Among those of English birth there is the Duchess of Portland she is nearly six feet high Then there is Tady Wolverton daugh ter of Georgina Countess of Dudley Both mother and daughter are but a hairs breadth beneath the six foot measurement Then there is the Duch ess of Newcastle Lady Francis Hopes May Yolies sister-in-law she is also a daughter of Anak And the daugh ters of Lord Londesborough are more than common tall Speaker Heeds Bright Daughter Kittle Reed tbe Speakers bright 19--year-old daughter is becoming a great favorite in Washington society She has the Reed drawd and people like it They think it piquant Miss Reed is simple sincere and without a shadow of affectation She doesnt like society at all but goes everywhere Xor papas sake Tffi ArJD SEPKArT released his hold and retreated to a distant corner and the spectators yell ed with dclichu RUTiD EV ACCIDENTS 1 d by bambuo railing Eye never with eur h i restcl npon a hte i sau their work of skill rrfi -- ihfri come the 11 o lie bCitJed as more splundid nnimn the jrsul of a jurys decision and j j iviju a - - X brilliat1 ccnbit Simultaneously rockets were fired in to the tvo beasts Which set them in J terrible commotion and they ran i around tn inclosuro roaring and bel lowing with fright The elephant was turned squarely around by n second rocket and was brought face to face with his adversary Ho seised the hind legs of the tiger with his trunk and hurled the cat high into the air Again he tried to trample upon the tiger but the latter was too quick and instead gouged out the eyes of the great brute wdsich bellowed with pain The elephant then rushed round the inclosure seeking in vain for his enemy and not iinding it dashed against the bamboo railing demolishing it and in cidentally killing two persons and in juring others Then the maddened ani mal escaped but was pursued and kill ed The tiger too escaped to tbe jun gle Notwithstanding its tragic finale the combat was loudly extolled by the na tives who declared it one of the best they had ever enjoyed A SUMMER RESORT INCIDENT ThiuRS Are Kot Altvays Vhat They Seem They wore spending tbe summer in tbe mountains and men were few The little stout middle aged man seemed to be the life of the hotel He was everywhere attending to everything He had a smile and a joke for every body and had been particularly de voted to the young girl from Chicago -1 hate gloomy men she said I like to see men bright and jolly and cheerful livi you I think a mans bus iness creeps into his manner to a con siderable extent dont you Urn well I dont know he said It may but you cant always tell I can she said cheerfully At least I can generally come pretty close to it Nov you take that funereal solemn looking man that Ave see on the j veranda every night He looks and I acts as if he had lost his last friend and never expected to have another He is somber in his dressing too His man ner sliows how seriously he looks at life and if an observing person cant tell exactly what his business is she ought to be able to getomewhere near it anyway What should you think he was An undertaker or a tombstone man ufacturer or a divorce lawyer or pos sibly a heavy tragedian Well he isnt any one of them Do you know him What is he she asked eagerly He is a professional humorist Dear me how surprising Now I should have thought that might have been your business but certainly not bis What is your business Oh I am an undertaker i Spontaneous Fires Lampblack has been known to take fire spontaneously Oiled or greasy rags have been seen to blaze up in a few minutes after hav ing been thrown on the floor Dried rubbish exposed to the beat of the suns rays has been seen to catch fire under circumstances that rendered any other cause impossible The suns rays focused through a win dow pane on a plank in the floor con taining pine sap have been known to set it on fire Sawdust used for cleaning floors or absorbing spilled oil and varnish should be removed from the building Sawdust accumulations around jour nals of machinery are prolific sources of fires Matches in the pockets of cast off clothing are dangerous Varnish and turpentine cans placed 33 near the stove in cold weather are Sable to explode and catch fire Car Conductors for Charity The women of Rome Ga hit upon a novel and very successful expedient of raising funds for a local church They received tbe use of the cars of an electric railroad company for a day and then upon the occasion of a Ma sonic celebration which attracted thou sands of visitors they acted as conduc tors and raked in the nickels The idea Is spreading with a vengeance Xocomotive engineers get from 1 1 to 45 a month in China Firemen get from 5 to 6 casn conmronuse or j lie leajied to the ground with a suppie ties it is vdl Jaicwn are hardly ever grace ijuTte indewrilwibie and reviewed juurtial to rab oad cornianies when pri j the Hwsombiiifc e with admia ing iwes i vate individuals are suing for injuries lihnself the most admire bio object in sustained or for the loss of immediate sjighl n latives Aniirmens e elepliaut more tliau ten 1 One of Hie most popular and suu teet htgli ut the shoulueis and of nrban raHroads carrying passengers uai length of body 4 then trwdod out of Xew York during the summer by spears nud clubs to enter the place season wont into the hands of a re lic made direeiiy for the tiger and at- jcoiver a few year- ago because tlfere tempted to kneel upon him bnt 1 lie were pending against it damage suits subtle beast moved a way quickly and J to the amount of S100000u arising stood at bay A laiyre iwket to which from an accident on Labor Day an in barb was attached wis lirecl at the accident in wmen a numner oi people j elephant and htrudi him in the ne ok i causing him to bomid forward with a i were killed Not one of these snits has yet come to trial but such is the close- lurch and it seemed he would fail tUess with which railroad earnings and upon the tiger but there was a Hash of expenses nre computed tliat the net something in the air and the tiger nad j earnings ior ivany years to come would fiHon uponliim sinking the Imgo Ijeast i be hopdessly engtdfed if only a part in ibo face ivih two cruelly pronged of tlie suits came to triaL and if only a claws sharner than poniards The ele 1 fraction of ttio damages claimed was phtuit bellowed with pain as the tiger recovered m court Tne amount oi money paui m settle ment of damage suits by American rm umi vA f m rfiii i i j h ii or ii rfiinmnen wmi nnv positivonpos beeatise it varies consid erably from year to year while the con dition of the railroads transporting pas sengers has mtub to do with it When roads are in good condition accidents involving loss of life or serious bodily injury are rare when raids are in poor condition such accidents aro frequent The large systems of the country such as the Xew York Central the Chicago Milwatikee and St raid the Illinois Central and the Southern Pacific spend on an average in tbe settlement of dam age suits about 150000 each ami the smaller railway companies bring up probably the total amount paid to about oC00000 in all Although the American railroads carry collectively in a year G00fi00000 passengersfhonumherof fatal accidents averages but about 300 and of injuries to passengers about 3000 or one killed for every 2000000 carried and one in jured for every 200000 False Teeth in Her lieftrt The most remarkable museum in New York City is that located on the grounds of Bellevue Hospital Tt abounds in anatomical curiosities ne of tbe most interesting being the pre served heart of a woman who died in Bellevue Hospital under very peculiar circumstances The woman suffered from severe pains in the left side and the physicians tried innumerable reme dies without affording the patient any relief whatever Day by day the pa tients suffering increased until finally she died AVhen a post mortem exam ination was held it was found that the woman had swallowed her false teeth and the silver plate to which they were attached They had gone from the oesophagus into tbe pericardium and breakng directly into the heart had imbei led themselves in that organ producing what the physicians termed pericarditis of which she died The organ as preserved -in the museum ex hibits tbe silver plate with the teeth attached bait buried in the heart Indifferent to Smallpox While traveling in India says a writer my attendant came to my room one morning with my earl coffee and toast Master got medicine he asked No was the reply Why Sam my My wife got smallpox sahib He said it in a most cool indifferent manner as if the fact that his wife smallpox was the most-commonplace thing in the world That morn ings lunch went to feed the hundreds of Bensral crows and kites that hover around the hotel If a man never knew how to swear before going to India he will soon learn after a weeks expe rience with Hindoo servants Trepanning Restores Speech The day of the great Johnstown flood May 31 1S89 Horace Tetlow had bis skull crushed by a falling timber Since that time he has been a mute imbecile He met with a slight accident recently and was taken to a hospital The phy sician in charge made a thorough ex amination of the wound in his skull Trepanning was decided on The op eration was successfully performed a bone button about the size of a half dollar being removed He talks now but his mind is a blank as to the hap penings during the last seven years Sousas Income Has Grown A few years ago Sousas entire in come was the 1200 he received as manager of the United States Marine Band Last year his royalties on bis marches amounted to 25000 Mr Sousa is a native of Washington where he bas lived most of his life and he is 40 years of age His father was a mu sician before him and his first appear ance in public as a performer was made when he was 10 years old Remedies for Burns The first thing to do when ones cloth ing catches fire is to smother the flame with a blanket a coat or anj thin made of wool If a person is burned the clothing should be remover by cutting great care being used no to tear off the skin Dress the burn immediately with either carron oil vas eline or olive oil mixed with white oi an egg Old linen cloths saturated with any one of the above remedies must be applied directly to the burned surface r 7 JTuirhilv Cruel tjoit Practiced in a 2Atlviy SiMlV r Severely Sti I t J Ktinn in India i iiiron zli EJjr VniaUtlca Jm llMl lJj At Tynbrtii India h A vfryjKts iIirit scuiclimes -- inn uaivjs enjoy combats between the Wreckajre of the fijlnaces or j f orfi tll blasts somHWiiat after te man ii raltMd company Trheu one reads- i vaV JP haiineior liomans A of i rerrlble ralrnad accident on 1 - - - - ud AtiJCiV an tra veicn thus M rn os i rnlhd line an accident entail- cauihni he v i messed between tl tler m los of life d perlnips serious ou tl fin ilryitHiit Trtuupets souifd ujiry t nc my tieeiriiim tajce ishwt UeSMv ign Utat everytiihiv wts iht tr thr aer tin doctors and i tvidjtft d ifvHfs containing i muv tigr wiA hft4 Uie arena whU h r r 1 whs An ineloauro jrfiurdcd on the outer yvv whim clients are O C G C WORLD of5 S3 aQ Sr Pizzas vv n V l BO NEWmEBLy ROGKy ftOUHTfllN HEWS Denver Colo The srratcat bona fide prize orfar ever 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