V K t TANMR AT TEE TOP HEADS THE ILLINOIS REPUBLI CAN TICKET -Clay County Mail Gets a Unanimous Vote Northcott Is Selected for the Second Place Convention Declares for Protection and Sound Money Illinois Republicans John Ililey Tanner was nominated for Governor of Illinois by the Republican State convention at Springfield Will iam Allen Northcott of Bond County was nominated for Lieutenant Governor It was a few minutes past high noon when Dr T N Jamieson chairman of che State Central Committee called the -convention to order Every delegate was in his seat and the galleries and aisles outside the space reserved for the dele gates and alternates were thronged and visitors outside the hall were struggling to get in Aid Martin B Madden of Chicago was named temporary chairman Long before the hour for calling the convention to order the vast auditorium of the building which attracted so much attention at the Worlds Fair was -full There was not much excitement at the beginning only a sort of somber hush Occasionally some enthusiast would break -out with a shout for his favorite but the shouting was not contagious The vast throng seemed to be in a serious mood It seemed to consider that there was se Tious business to be transacted It was not a trivial thing Illinois was to as to whether it would support Will- RUIN BY ROBBERS Cripple Creek Is Again Fhcd and Completely Wiped Would be bank robbers have completed the destructiou of Cripple Creek Colo by fire What was left unravaged by the terrible conflagration of Saturday was consumed Wednesday The fire broke out in four places in the Portland Hotel about 1 oclock ana in a few hours smoking and smoldering ruins were all that was left of the tinder box known as Cripple Creek The incendiaries however so far as now known had their labor for their pains Though the wind again carried the flames to the bank its destruction fol lowed so quckly that avraid could not suc cessfully be made on its treasure boxes Besides a strong guard patrolled the vicinity of the structure until the fire made their further presence unnecessary and thus human and natural agencies baffled the ruinou3 plot of the incendia ries But deplorable and fatal events ac companied in thrilling fashion this latter lurid and criminal visitation As in the Saturday fire dynamite was used to stay the progress of the leaping flames but the utter recklessness with which the deadly explosive was handled resulted in shock ing loss of life Flying debris or the sud den collapse of buildings the inmates of which had not been warned of impend ing crashes have furnished grewsome work for the coroner and have added to the wretchedness and misery of the scores rendered homeless by the Saturday fire The terrible boom of dynamite began at the very first alarm owing to the stern W w JOKST RILEY TAN25EE Repu lican Nominee for Governor o Illinois iam McKinley of Ohio for President pf the United States or whether its del egates should be instructed for Shelby M Oullom Wbile the gubernatorial candi date was being nominated the committee on resolutions framed a platform for the consideration of the convention Two of the most important planks covering the currency and the tariff are given The money plank is as follows The Republicans of Illinois are un yielding and emphatic in their demand for honest money We are opposed as we - ever have been to any and every scheme that will give to this country a currency in any way depreciated or debased or in -any respect inferior to the money of the most advanced and intelligent nations of the earth We favor the use of silver as -currency but to the extent only and such restrictions that parity with gold can be maintained This is what the tariff plank says The Republican party from the time of Lincoln has been devoted irrevocably to the doctrine of protection of home in dustries and we hereby renew and re affirm our faith in this fundamental prin ciple We believe in a tariff that will produce revenue sufficient to meet the wants of the government honestly and economically administered and high pff tSsgs fli WILLIAM A OKTHCOTT Nominee for Lieutenant Governor enough to insure to home labor regular and remunerative employment We ad vocate the unrestricted exchange of non competitive articles We believe in re ciprocity the reciprocity of James G Blaine re enforced by experience and an earnest wish to extend our foreign commerce to the fullest extent consistent with the control of our own market in the sale of articles that can be profitably pro duced at home Mrs Ludwig George of Laramie be came insane over the action of the Wyom ing State Land Board in dispossessing her of a section of leased school land and was captured whil on her way to the State capitol with a revolver to shoot Gov Richards president of the Land Board Soudanese deserters who arrived at f Suakim reported that there is demoraliza ition sickness and famine at the Dervish camp at Horasah Osman Digna with mil his followers has retired it is suppos ed to Adarama lesson of Saturday that taught the miners not to hesitate upon the order of getting rid of the buildings in the path of the fiery cyclone Three special trains of flat cars were ordered over from Victor and they came loaded to the guards with min ers and with dynamite There was no puerile playing of water on the fire but the men at once applied the fuse and used the fearful explosive with the utmost recklessness Observing the progress of the fire In their direction as they reached the out skirts of the city the miners immediately started to the attack with a diligence that caused a loss of life that can only be known after the excitement subsides All the books of the hotels are burned and there is no way of checking up systemati cally The miners inserted charges of giant powder and then without asking about condition of affairs they accept ed the statement that the Palace Hotel had been emptied during the first craze The walls re sponded to the explosive with a crash that could be hearu above the roar of the flames Many of the victims were asleep hav ing been engaged on the night shifts in the mines as superintendents and under bosses and they were forgotten in the excitement Several of the bodies that had been taken out were beyond human relief They were dead The insurance will be fully three times as much as Saturd ys losses One agent estimates it at five times as much and says every agency in town was loaded with risks On million dollars seems a large amount to ascribe to a loss in a hur riedly and cheaply built mining camp but there can be no question that the loss will more than reach these figures The in surance loss of 150000 on Saturday must now be fully 450000 Every in surance office in town is burned and fig ures cannot be obtained The postoffice is involved again and probably 10000 letters will supplement the 50000 pile that went up Saturday The fire was evidently the work of incen diaries and there is not a doubt in the minds of the cooler people that the mis creants were determined to capture the bullion held by the First National for the pay rolls of the camp It seems that the fire broke out in four places at the same time The wind was in the direction of the bank the same as be fore and the plot was carefully laid to arouse the city to a panicky condition and then raid the banks Again it is said that many of the boomers of the camp realizing that the business had been over done were eager to cash in their stock to the insurance companies for what they carried and vacate the district Eight persons were badly injured in a head end collision between two electric street cars at Bay City Mich Both were filled with passengers The motor men say they did not see the ears ap proaching until too late to avoid the acci dent although both cars were provided with headlights Robert Aiello and John Mackey were held up and robbed by two road agents at a small station on the Gulf railway They were carrying the pay roll for the miners employed at Berwind Colo J amounting to between 3000 and 4000 SHAH IS SHOT DOWN PERSIAN RULER THE VICTIM OF AN ASSASSIN Tracic Affair Pregnant -with Serious Consequences Hints at a Dark Con spiracyMan Wlio Fired the FataJ Bullet Placed Under Arrest Deed of a Secret Agent the Shah of Persia has been slain at Teheran and in the diplo matic offices of the principal capitals of Europe there is serious perturbation The tragic affair is pregnant with astonishing results Once again England will surely have to fight a desperate diplomatic battle with Russias czar for Asiatic territory The story of the assassination as tele graphed from Teheran Friday afternoon contained no hint of a widespread con spiracy It simply stated that while the shah was entering the inner court of the shrine of Shah Abdul Azim six miles south of Teheran he was shot through the heart that immediately he was car ried to Ls carriage and in it conveyed to the palace that there he was attended by Dr Tholegan his chief physician and other physicians who were hastily sent for But in spite of their combined efforts his majesty expired about 4 oclock in the afternoon The assassin was arrested At the Persian legation in Loudon the opinion is expressed that the murder was the deed of a fanatic and was not the out come of any especially designed move ment But according to a dispatch which has been received from St Petersburg the assassin was a member of the Babi secret society a criminal association which has hitherto made attempts upon the shahs life with revolvers It is known that the shah was arrang ing for a great celebration of his acces sion and it appears that the conspirators were determined that he should not live to enjoy the event While in a general way was a humane and a progressive monarch as far as Asiatic rulers go still his love for money and for jewels prompted many cruel acts of con fiscation and of barbarous punishment that made him thousands of enemies in all classes of society It is feared that Russian intrigue will bring about disorders in Persia It is known that the dead monarch coveted Herat and made a foray in its direction but a repulse by the British brought him to his senses Should tbe new ruler be tempted to make a similar bellicose essay the results for all concerned would be extremely serious Persia Afghanistan Britain and Russia would speedily be come embroiled and the result Gould not be predicted The killing of the shah has most certainly added to the troubles and the complications of the Salisbury cabi net RICHARD P BLAND Brief Sketcli of Missouris Candidate for the Presidency Richard Parks Bland whose presiden tial boom has been launched by the Mis souri silver Democrats is one of the most picturesque men in American politi cal life He has been called Silver Dick Silver Dollar Bland Bullion aire Bland and other soubriquets indica tive of the interest he has taken in money matters and coin Mr Bland was born in 1S35 hear Hartford Ky in the Green River country When about 20 3IICHAKD T BIA2TD years old Bland went to Missouri where he lived five years and then went to Cali fornia and later to Utah He practiced law among the miners and had ample op portunity to study the mineral interests and the relative output of silver and gold In 1865 he returned to Missouri and set tled in Rolla Phelps County In 1SG9 he removed to Lebanon whic is hispres ent home He was first elected to Con gress in 1S72 He took his seat the fol lowing year after the demonetization of silver As early as 1S77 Bland began to fight for free coinage He was in Con gress for twenty two years and his most noted measure was a bill providing for the free and unlimited coinage of silver restoring 412 grains of standard silver as the dollar and the limit of value The bill passed the House and was amended in the Senate President Hayes vetoed it Since his defeat in 1S94 Mr Bland has cultivated a farm near Lebanon Mo Neighbors Gave Him a New Skin A remarkable case of skin grafting is reported from Kingman County Kan Several weeks ago J H Light was severe ly burned on the hands and face in a prairie fire Physicians despaired of his life and as the only hope the amputation of both arms was agreed upon Dr Buck persuaded the family to prevent amputa tion and try skin grafting The physi cian consumed two days in the prepara tion of the invalids hands and face Eight I citizens agreed to contribute the grafts tev iur xxeuuersiiut lurmsiieu uu pieces of skin from his arms another 150 an other 100 and five others contributed a total of more tnan 200 grafts in all 637 which were placed on the afflicted parts Charles J Bronston of Lexington Ky who became somewhat famous by his re cent leadership of the Blackburn forces in the Kentucky Legislature is to be married to Miss Belle Wilson the second daughter of Paducahs millionaire Clarence Smith a 19-year-old boy living at Elk Mountain near Custer S D was shot and instantly killed by John Sellers The affair was the result of a quarrel between the families to which they belonged Rev Minot J Savage was given a din ner in Boston by a club named after him VICTORIA HAS SHELTER fhe British Queen Owns COO Houses and Many Acres of Land The announcement that Queen Vic toria is to fleave by will Osborne house to one daughter the lease of Abergeldie house ito another and Balmoral the royal residence In ithe Highlands to the Duke of Connaught recalls the fact that the man who would devour this particular widows houses must make an uncommonly full meal says tbe New York Sun It was discovered a few years since that the Queen owned 600 houses in various -parts of England not oidy royal residences but property and that about 6000 bouses had been ibuilt by crown lesseeos on building leaseholds held by the queen She then had also rents from markets and tolls from ferries besides the proceeds of mines and other works upon her property or the crown prop erty She had large estates in Yorkshire Oxfordshire and Berks valuable lands in he Isle of Man and in Alderney Scotland Ireland and Wales Of the Now Forest there are 2000 acres of ab solute and sixty three acres of contin gent crown property Her Majesty en joys income from the forest of Dean from several other foresbs and from rich properties in and about Loudon Osborne on the Isle of Wight and Balmoral in the Highlands are the private property of the Queen and are maintained out of her own income But she has the use of a few royal palaces beside and these are maintained by the naitionaitan annual expenditure ranging from 2500 to 50000 The Queen is in the occupancy of Buckingham pal ace Windsor Castle ttie White lodge ait Richmond Park and part of St Jaimes palace The remainder of the last named palace is occupied by other mem bers of the royal ifainily Other royal palaces maintained as such although not in the occupancy of the Queen are Kensington palace Hampton court which according ito a recent estimate based on the statistics of eight or ten years coats the nation on ine average over 70000 a year Kew palace Pembroke lodge the Thatclied cottage and Sheen cottage Richmond Park Bushy house in Bushy Park and Holyrood palace The Queen when she visits the continent has one great house or another with whatever re pairs and refurnlshings are necessary to fit it for a temporary royal occu pant although for all this she pays out of lier own income Bagshot house Gloucester house and Clarence house are palatial dwellings occupied by va rious members of the royal -family The Queen has four rather old-fashioned yachts on which she makes her sea journey although the oldest of them probably is used seldom or never The four cost originally about 1375 000 The newest is of 1S90 tons dis placement and cost a trifle over 500 000 It costs annually about G5000 Telephone Business Increasing The vogue of ithe bicycle may be marvelous but to us it seems that the popular use of the telephone is something even more remarkable The ratio of calls to -subscribers averages not less than six per day on the other side of the water while the average here may be safely put for more places ait twelve per day per subscriber There is it appears also from recent statis tics a rapid increase in this country in the number of subscribers Seven years ago the ratio of telephones to popula tion in cities numbering from 40000 to 100000 was about one to every 200 Now it is said to reach from 1 to 50 and 1 to 100 averaging 1 to 75 More over this increase ks likely to be more than maintained The recent competi tion in many places -has greatly stim ulated the use of the telephone and a factor for development in places like New York where no competition ex ists is the measured system which en ables everybody who really needs an exchange system to get it cheap ly In this connection while speaking of telephone growth and prosperity it is worthy to note that the Sunset Telephone Com pany is teaching its operators the art of telegraphy This may or may not have some relation to the expira tion of the American Bell Western Union contract next November Mean time the Western Union Company ow ing to the steady reduction of its in come as understood to be reducing its force of operators in the larger cities in some cases to as large an extent as 50 per cent This diminution of in come may also explain the nonissua nce of the companys statement of test office receipts One item of income however ought to be much larger and tihat is the one representing the revenues on the submarine caibles due to war scares and crazes We begin to suspect the cable people and tbe ammunition ven dors of working up a new call to arms whenever the old one peters out Electrical Engineer Horseless Carriages in 1812 Horseless carriages are by no means new as in volume 13 of the Enclyco paedia Brittanica published in Edin burgh in 1S10 there are diagrams and a description of a horseless carnage in vented by Mr Richards a physician in Rochelle The machinery by which the movement was effected was placed in a box in the rear of the carriage Well father exclaimed the prodi gal son as he made his appearance at the family fireside are you ready to kill the fatted calf No replied tha old man grimly I think Ill let you live Seattle Times Bert X cant think of marriage just yet you know Im not rich Angelina What difference does that make Bert None providing you are Ros bury Gazette When a woman gets too fat to be be coming she begins to tell how bloated she is as a result of poor health SENATE AND HOUSE WORK OF OUR NATIONAL LAW MAKERS A Weeks Proceedinse in tbe Halls of Congress Important Measures Dis cussed and Acted Upon An Impar tial Resume of tbe Business Tbe National Solons In the Senate Saturday the sundry civil appropriation bill was completed and pass ed during the day As it passed the House it carried about 30000000 as re ported to the Senate It reached 35000 000 and with amendments added the to tal was raised to 37000000 Most of the time in the House was occupied with the general pension bill The debate vras generally formal in chnracter At half past 2 oclock without concluding debate an the bill the House entered upon the special order the delivery of eulogies on the late Representative William H Crane of Texas Then the House as a further mark of respect to the memory of the de ceased adjourned until 8 oclock The debate on tne adoption of a rule brought in by the Rules Committee in the House Monday for a vote on the Pickler general pension bill was rather sensa tional though nothing was accomplished The minority report on the Pacific Rail road bill was submitted to the House by Representative Hubbard of Missouri It deals exhaustively with the financial con ditions of the companies concerned in the proposed funding plan It argues that the majority bill should not be adopted The Senate did nothing of importance The Senate was plunged into an excit ing financial debata Tuesday after sev eral weeks of serene and formal procedure on appropriation bills The naval appro priation bill was under consideration and the item of four battle ships to cost an aggregate of 15000000 served as a text for a speech by Mr Gorman pointing out that the revenues of the Government are less than the receipts Mr Gormans statements brought on an animated con troversy in which Mr Sherman Mr Hide and Mr Chandler joined issues witn the Maryland Senator as to the responsi bility for the failure of tariff legislation in the present Congress The House pass ed the Pickler general pension bill by a vote of 187 to 54 The section to which the bulk of the opposition was directed provides that persons otherwise entitled to pensions shall no be disqualified on ac count of prior service in the Confederate army provided they joined the Union forces ninety days before Lees surrender Both House and Senate spent Wednes day in debate of various measures Ab solutely nothing of importance was done The general debate on the bankruptcy bill was continued and concluded in the House Thursday Mr Bailey of Texas gave notice that he would offer as a sub stitute his voluntary bankruptcy bill The Senate spent another day on the naval appropriation bill without completing it Mr Gorman further opposed the itom of four battle ships and expressed the opin ion that the appropriations already made would consume the balance in the treas ury A determination of the number of battle ships has not yet been reached Mr Chandler has proposed substituting thirty large and fast torpedo gunboats for two of the battle ships The bill was passed increasing the pension of Brigadier Gen eral William Gross of the volunteer forces to 75 per month The Senate Friday discussed the naval appropriation bill Mr Gormans amend ment reducing from four to two the num ber of battle ships to be constructed was adopted in the Senate by a vote of 31 to 27 The House again devoted the major portion of the day to debate on the bank ruptcy bill Several amendments were offered but none were adopted A bill to provide for a delegate in Congress from the territory of Alaska was defeated by a vote of GO to 44 Items of Interest Englands police army numbers 40 000 men Sunflower stalks are now converted into paper The Cherokees of North Carolina number 2SS5 Blotting paper is made of cotton rags boiled in soda The Russian imperial crown is val ued at 6000000 The notes of the Bank of England cost one half penny each The eggs of a crocodile are scarcely larger than those of a goose The Himalaya Mountains have been seen twenty two miles away Railway travel in Norway is cheaper than in any other country of Europe In Brazil there are said to be 300 languages and dialects spoken by the Indians In the Bermudas accounts are settled but once a year June 30 being the day fixed for payments The commander-in-chief of the Sul tan of Moroccos army is a Scotchman by name Eaid McLain In marching soldiers take seventy five steps per minute quick marching 108 and in charging 150 A healthy man respires 16 to 20 times a minute or over 20000 a day a child 25 or 35 times a minute It is said that a clock has been in vented which requires to be wound only once every hundred years The number of fleeces taken from our sheep in 1889 was 32121S6S which made 165449239 pounds of wool The largest ocean creature now known to exist is the rorqual which often reaches a length of fourteen feet William Strong is the only retired justice of the Supreme Court of the United States now living He is SO years old It is said that at Stevens Point Wis a local census disclosed a husband of 37 and wife of 35 who had a grandchild 5 years old There are 197146420 acres of timber lands in the Southern States and the average yield of these forests is 3000 feet per acre J C Kissinger a successful farmer and banker of Butler County Pa is the father of thirty four children nine teen by his first wife and fifteen by a second One of Uncle Sams Consuls A few months since remarked a recently returned traveler I had occa sion to hunt up the American vice con sul at Luxor on the Nile in Egypt He proved to be an Arab of probably Nubian blood for he is as dark in color as the average colored man He had never been out of Egypt in his life could only speak Arabian and knew no more about the United States than the ordinary hog knows of Christmas I had considerable fun but could trans act no business with him for there was no one about the place who couid talk anything but Arabian and that was beyond me About 20175270 acres In the United States were planted in cotton in 1SS9 and the number of bales raised in that year was 7472511 The New Kxpress Afaat Tftin for Kansas City and SL Louis leaving bioux City daily at 8 p m This is a Northwestern Lino train from Sioux City runs over the Sioux City Pacific Railroad and you should be sure that your ticket reads via this route from Sioux City Time tables information etc cheer fully furnished by addressing H C Cheywey General Agent Security Hank Building Sioux City Iowa The number of fleeces taken from our sheep in 1SS9 was 32121808 which made 1G5449239 pounds of wool HHB3 H s Extreme tired feeling afflicts nearly every body at this season The hustlers ceasa to push the tireless grow weary the en ergetic become enervated You know just what we mean Some men and women ndeavor temporarily to overcome that Tired Peeling by great force of will But this ia unsafe as it pulls powerfully upon the nervous system w hch will not long stand such strain Too many people work on their nerves and Ihe result is seen in un fortunate wrecks marked nervous pros tration in every direction That tired Ing is a positive proof of thin weak impure blood for if the blood is rich red vitalized and vigorous it imparts life and energy to every nerve organ and tissue of the body The necessity of taking Hoods Sarsaparilla for that tired feeling is therefore apparent to every one and the good it will do you is equally beyond question Remember that Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier All druggists 1 Prepared only by C I Hood Co Lowell Mass Hnnrlc PIHc aro eas5 t take easy to liUUU J 1 1112 operate 25 cents ASK YOUR DEALER FOR WW BXJB ar is T SEEK OUGLAS InS tlitin anv C other caanufactnrsr in the -world None genuine unless name and price is stamped on the bottom Ask your dealer for our 85 84 S350 S250 8225 Shoes 6250 82 and S175 for boys TAKE HO SUESTIPJTL If your dealer cannot supply you send to fac tory enclosing price and 36 cents to pay carriage State kind style of toe cap or plain size and width Our Custom Deptvill fill your order Send for new Illus THE BEST IN VI BWtta VVUKLU If you pay 84 to SO for shoes ex amine the W I Douglas Shoe and lee what a good shoe you can buy for 3 OVER IOO STYLES AND WIDTHS CONGRESS BUTTON and LACE made in all kinds of the best selected leather by skilled work men We make and ell more S3 Shoes ml trated Catalogue to Box K W L DOUGLAS Brockton Mass The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age KENNEDYS MEDICAL DISCOVERY DONALD KENNEDY OF ROXBURY MASS Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases and never failed except in two cases both thunder humor He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value all within twenty miles of Boston Send postal card for book A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle and aperfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains like needles passing through them the same with the Liver or Bowels This is caused by the ducts being stopped and always disappears in a week after taking it Read the label If the stomach is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first No change of diet ever necessary Eat the best you can get and enough of it Dose one iablespoonfuljn water ct bed time Sold by all Druggists One of the health giving ele ments of HIRES Rootbeer is sarsaparilla It contains more sarsaparilla than many of the preparations called by that name HIRES the best by any test MmAm only Ths CbuUi E Hues Co FMUdtlpMa