r i i I i i i i 1 V3 i t ti ii I hi TKfcrllfflWlHWW3B Commissioners HW Mi Official Directory of Ch6rry Co i ci in cr i HlJ 111 a a V JC Uiinl rtiUjrncy tV nnty Supcnii1eiUiit Surveyor rf t IB fluLI i urauu i co Elliott 0 T Parker PM Walcott fcd Clarke Lillian Stoncr Hugh Woyer P UInLersoll E W Starr I i PS Dunham Sullivan Societies TOUX MENS SOCIAL CLUi Meets JL vveiy Wednesday eveuiiifj at the resi eice of Mrs Helen Hnrnliv lonv X Kino Presitleiit IJitANK K Tiiokn Secretary KTTING IJlLL Till HE xNo22 iMlHOVIU OJIDKH OK tKIMEN fleets every serond and fourth Saturday of oael Hiotith Members of the order in good are cordially and fraternally invited to attend Cll THOMPSON Sachem 1 D WIGGINS C of Records Lodge No 192 A P A M nicetsui regular communication Saturilay even ing on or before the full moon in each mouth iiijMifoers ol the orderln good and regularstand tlng cordially and fraternally invited to attend F M Walcott W M WW TuoMiSOK Seoy Valentine Lodge No 70 A O U TV meets 1 st md rd Monday in each mouth MJliriscnseii M W L L 3toner Rec Valentine Iwdge No 205 T O O F meets every Tlmrsdiv evening Visiting brothers cord fclallynvited to attend our meetings J H Vkast NG vWKim Holsolaw SecY CtfWoort PwstNo 208 Department of Ne brasUMregillar meeting 2d and 4th Saturdays of each niliutl at 2 m sham Commas from -other Posts nre cordially invited to attend V W Thompson Commander John Ton adjt Col Wood V P C No 179 regular meeting -Id and 4th Saturdays of each month Amanda LumvicPre Hklkx IIoknisy See Arrival and departure of Mails Mall east and west closes at 8 p m Kosebud leaves at 800 a m dally except Sun vda and arrives at 500 p in Simeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves -at 700 am Mondays Wednesdays and Fri days and arrives at 7 O0 p m Tuesdays and Saturdays Ft Niobrara leaves daily at too a m and 500 p m arrives at 9G0a maud 730 pm Kowanee and Sparks arrives Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at 500 pihand leaves Tuesdays Thursdays aniuSaturdays at 7o om A 1 General delivery open frdm 7fl0 a m to 700 p in General deiiverv open ou -Sundays from 8 to 10 a m Lock boxes opcuiiaily form u a m to 830 p m W EILAUJEY Postmaster PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS G DWYER lJnjei4im and Surgeon vOl1ice at C It Watsons Urug Store Prompt attention given to all professional calls v Valentine - - ekkask Teachers Examination The regular monthly Teachers Examination -will be held the third Saturday of each month at my office in the Court House LILLIAN STONER Supt off Schools JJB GLARKE All kinds of legal business promptly attended to Valkntink - Nkbkaska C M SAGBSEE TQNS0R1AE ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W II Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS Valentine Nebr EIIKUUUER SBLACKSiVliTH WAGGNMAKER -Repairing a Specialty Prices Striekly Cash and LOw er than ever SHOP on Cherry St opposite laangs old stand WILLET NO I7IQ9 iSire of Xftboh 2 30 Sire Itoelt ester GZG Record -it Sire of BELLBOY - isilU niNNIK - 2J5 Ml NOT JFLOKESTINE - 226 i SENSATION And many others 2C5i list dam JEAXXETTE by II AM BLETOXIAX 157 Dam of Willet sire of Nabob 230 and Ka tana dam of Nornette 225 Hazels Sire of the dams of Tda Belle 223 and Lottie K 227 2nd dam DAUGHTER OF LAH 15 Sire of Goldsmith Maid 2M Will stand the season at Af R Far ms place one fourth mile south of the depot at Valentine Nebraska TERMS- 1000 to msure foal X WJHAXDY Keeper 1 1 V ir THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT SUCCKSSOU TO CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT E0BEET GOOD Editor and Publisher IUJSMtsHKD EVERY THURSDAY Entered attlic lot onipe at Valentine Cherry county Nebraki as SicOnd olass matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers -until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full Advertising rates 50 cents per inch per month Rates per column or for long time ads made known on appli cation to this oflice THURSDAY APRIL 30 1890 THIS AND THAT Coming Events Eastern Star Banquet May I General Teachers Association May 2 Sports at Fort Niobrara May 4 Merchants Carnival May 8 Baces June 2d to Sfh Teachers Association Saturday Build sidewalks J A Carroll went to Omaha Tues day Soda fountains are now in running order Sale bills printed on short notice at this oflice Charley tVellford is -working at the White House W F Denny of Chicago was in our city Saturday An inch and a quarter -of rain fell Tuesday evening Dr C Cr Elmore was down from Gordon yesterday Sheriff Strong returned from Lin coln Tuesday night J H -Quigley spent a couple of days on his ranch the past week The Democrat and the Thrice-a-week New York World one year 175 C M Sagesevour affable tonsorial- ist visited his old home at Bassett last Sunday 25 Blue a staunch Democrat from Ainsworth was in town on business Tuesdav The citv fathers should lose no time in ordering new sidewalks built to the churches and school Remember theraces to be held here commencing Monday June Hst and continuing at least one week Sunday April 26th was the 77th anniversary of the birth of tire of -Odd Fellows Housecleaning time ishere and the housewife will need old papers for all kinds of purposes -We sell them Fort Xiobrara is becoming rather lively The boys had a ball game last Sunday and a sham battle Monday The entertainment at Cornell Hall last Saturday evening was a very en joyable affair and was well patronized The full delegation elected by the Democratic county convention attend ed the state convention at Lincoln yesterday The Longpiue Chautauqua will be held from July 17th to 28lh this year Preparations for the session will soon be begun J J Jones formerly of this place who has been running the Argus at Clyde Kansas has replanted the paper at Coalville Utah We are informed that the Fort Xio brara Dramatic Co will produce the drama Uncle- Josh at Cornell Hall in1 the -near future John Borman has been wadding to the beauty and value of his residence property by planting a number of apple cherry and plum trees There will be a meeting of the Val entine Building and Loan Association in the ofhee of the county judge on Tuesday May 5 at 730 p m II R Bell who has been assisting Selden the tailor returned to his home at Lougpine Sunday This leaves Mr Selden to run the business alone MartinChristensen was elected al ternate to Chicago and M Klein mem ber of the state central committee bv the free silver Democrat convention J W Andrews -civil engineer fin ished the topographical survey for the new Indian school Monday and re turned to his home at Fremont Tues day morning Wanted A boy or young lady to work in printing office and learn the trade Steady employment small wnges to begin with Call at -this of fice for particulars Accordingto the Butte Gazette sev en pairs of twin boys have been born in Boyd county during the past six weeks The real boy must have his headquarters in thatcounty A E Wells of Oakland Nebraska and H E Smieding of Racine Wis consin were in town Tuesday They had been examining some land in Keya Paha and northeastern Cherry county which is held under mortgage by the latter gentleman 3jr mJ ZQmjMZ - - - Dr Evans team run away with him Monday and demolished the buggy Picnic season is here About a dozen of our young people were out Sunday John Pauton sold all his stock and personal property at -public auction last Saturday preparatory to moving to the Black Hills The Musical Union will hold its nxt meeting Friday -livening in the M K church and continue in that edifice ech Friday evening during the month of May Remarkable interest in the Union is being maintained The pension board for this district consisting of Drs Dwyer Lewis and Elmore held a meeting yesterday and examined three applicants foT pen sions We are unable to obtain the names of the parties owing to De partment Tules F E engine Xo 207 went limping down the road yesterday morning on her way to the repair shop She met with an accident while pulling passen ger Monday morning and tore her whole right side off mashing the cyl inder and breaking the driving rods Xobody hurt John II Yaryan vs John S Ilig gins is the title of the contest case which was heard here Monday and Tuesday The land in question is sit uated in the southwestern part of the county Attorney Walcott appeared for the contestant and Ed Clarke for the claimant Mics Xoble took the testimony with her typewriter The Chicago Lady Quartette sang to a delighted audience here Tuesdav evening Each number of the pro gram -of twelve selections was loudly applauded and encores were numerous Miss Xettie Jackson being especially favored The storm prevented large numbers of people coming out and the ladies were prevailed upon to sing at the Fost last evening We are told that in order to com pete with the Burlington for the U S mail the F E i M V will son com mence running trains 5 and 6 to Long pine instead of stopping at Norfolk and that trains 3 and 4 will run lim 1 ited between -Omaha and Longpine If this is done the morning passenger will arrive here later and the night train earlier The change would be a welcome one Xorthern Star Chapter Xo 59 O E S will assemble in regular session Friday evening May 1st -promptly at 7 oclock to meet Associate Grand Ma tron Minnie H Crites All Masons and their familiea are cordially invited to meet at Masonic Hall at 830 p m to meet the associate grand matron and enjoy the literary exercises and banquet to be given by the ladies Emma L Yeast Pres Maggie Walcott Sec Xewly Adopted Red Men At the regular meeting of Sitting Bull Tribe Xo 224 mp O It MJ H Sears and D S Liidwig were given the Adoption and Hunters degrees G H Q Smith A Kneeland J A Hitt and A H Ferguson were ad vanced to the rank of Hunters Con siderable work is billed for the next meeting May 15th It was decided to I hold the meeting ot the tribe on the 2nd and 4th Friday evenings here after instead of Saturdays SedJacek Goes to the Pen At the term of district court held here last week by Judge Kinkaid John Sedlacek Jr was found guilty of lar ceny and sentenced to two years and a half in the penitentiary Sedlacek stole a steer from R M Faddis and the jury fixed thevalue of the animai at 38 thus making the crime grand larceny despite Judge Tuckers efforts to save his client M F Harrington prosecuted the case and stockmen are well pleased with his success Sheriff Strong escorted his prisoner to Lincoln Sunday morning The Indian -School TV P Alsip of Grand Forks X D was in town the first of the week and informed us that machinery for mak ing the brick for the newIndian school will arrive in a few days The clay found on the reservation near the site of the school is equal to any in the country for brick Hiaking and is prac tically inexhaustible in quantity About thirty men will be employed by Messrs Alsip Son for a period of five or six months Coal and wood will be used for fuel and the first kiln of brick will probably be ready for de livery in about two months These gentlemen are also after the contract to furnish the 2000000 briel needed at Pine Ridge the bids for which will be opened Saturday The Real Jtoy The Rev Dr Handier delivered his lecture to a critical and cultivated audience at the ME church Monday evening and pleased everyone Those present have a better idea of what and who the real boy is than before they heard the lecture The real boy is al ways with us the ideal never but the real boy always has an ideal in the person of someone who once was a real boy himself hence we should all be upright lest the boy find the real is not so good as the ideal The motto of the real boy should be Aim High Keep everlastingly at it dont stop have your ideal ancl attain it whatever the cost Dont be satisfied with being just an ordinary man try to be a good man a manly man The sneaker en livened his lecture with stories and cident s from the life of the real boy some humorous some almost pathetic but each one carried a point with it Dr Handier is a good talker and he hould bp greeted by a large audience when he lectures here again the mid dle of May ijsasas LlMiOY Lku ii Kditor 1 i WOOD LAKE OEFABTiEHl Invitations are our fur an to lu lieJtl at the lnir i Mi and Mrs Wiliis liaruard ti A ay V in honor of the t nth niiiiivi rsiiv if lheir wedding Over si hundred tire out ami a gijid tin is e peeted Mr S Ifiri wIjm has 5 ut re cently recovered fn in t n wic t lines intends to lenvc noun on a visit to his old home in Ohio C A Pines ev 4Tasue of Brown cnuntv has rusthvtinj aii one of our picasairtly situated rMciies this week O A Johnson his added anm dwelling hoiine as an addition in the South Side Mr U it Stevenson teacher -ha moved to his farm nwr John-tow- Mr Stevenson has given entire satis faction as a teacher Ex Sheriff W V Johnson wears a contented smile these t Vays lie havini recently engaged in the -sheep businmaSj as his herds roam over the rugged hills in search of bits of green Miss Louisa Fleichrnan intends to leave soon for the home of her pmuL in Oregon Mr and Mrs Chas Tloit of Clinrt ron have been visjtirvg the iast few days at the home of our genial inerch ant C II Bailey W A Parker of the firm of Honey Parker has eomplKed his neat and attractive home on the Xorlh ie which adds greatlv to the aopearance of Main street The writer recentlv naid a visit t I the home of X Uiggs south of town and a neat ace he has Mr Ristrs is one of our stand bv cili zens Undismayed by drouth he has worked right along and as a result has one of the prettiest places m this par of the county Rev J M Hates will hold service in Wood Lake Friday evening May 1 John Hart while on his way home from the Lakes the other day captur ed one of the largest turtles thar we have ever seen in this section It was a forty pounder and fiom the worn appearance of its six inch claws we should judge it had been roaming over the sand hilis of our country for the past two centuries 3ffei liaittM Carnival Final pieparations are being made for the Merchants and Business Mens Carnival to be given May 8th in Cornell Hall Admission 10 cents One free ticket will be given each business firm represented All those who are to take part in the carnival are earnestly requested to meet in the hall next Tuesday evening promptly at 730 oclock The following are te names of those who are to be repre sented and their representatives Davenport Timelier Mac OSullivaii G H Hornby ietta ilktr incent Kmyscr Nollie Hull is T C Hornby JCatie Nonic O W Morey Etta Br vn Mrs O W Murey Fainiie Sadilk y Mrs laxton Edith JVttTev Mrs Harris Alitia Carlson Vliiie Hoiiiiu EnaivtT Citv Hotel Viola Vilietr W S Marker EllaJviestt V Pettvcrew Golihe Heed J W Yvliilhuis Tai y Coliett C It Watson Lizzie Ci awford Dr Lewis Edith htark W A Seidon Clari Saddley r M Sageser Archie Iettycivw Tiik Dkihick vr Anna Hivens J H Qnitley Lottie Hubbard Perry Lawson ITank Thorn MissGillett Edna MeDonald JWr Stetter Adella Sawyer Bank of Valentine Mae Davenport GHHornby Anna IVuiuellv Jackson Brayton Belle Calleu Judge Tucker MabelTowne Slews Miss Stonor will lend the Ep worth League meeting at the AI E cliurch Sunday evening Topic will be the same as last Sunday The Guide lvine iteterences found in Luke 10 25 28 John 539 Matt 119 14 The topics for May vill bear upon tihe one central idea of Christ in social rela tions Y P S C E tppic for Sundav is Be of Goud Cheer John 1622 23 Meeting at G30 in the Presbyterian church Rev J M Bates will hold regular services iu the Episcopal church next Sunday A merchants carnival will be given by the ladies of the Methodist church on Thursday May 7th The A0 TJ W and Degree of Honor will observe next Sunday as Memorial a holding religious ser vice iu the M E Church at 11 a ni Regular services of thp Church at 8 p m Lpworth League at 7 p m All are cordially -invited O L Ramsey pastor SCHOOL COLUMN EDITOItS j Chakles AVEIil I Charles Cooic ILFOKD After hnving such success with the last debate the -scholars have decided to debate some more and have fixed upon the following subject Resov d That the best place to pass ones life is on the farm Miss Downing was a visitor in the Grammar department Monday Harry Tucker is again with us hav ing completed his duties on the term Several of the pupils in the High School have undertaken to make a drawiug of the school lootn Mrs M 1 Jirosius was a vistor in the Grammar department Wednesday II o nt lie 3tifisived The Pacific Short Line train leaves OXeiil aaily except Sunday immedi ately after arrival of train from Black Hills Saving two hours time to Sioux City Connections made vvijluout fail E i VA2LENTINE T S V V n v r K i I t i u i - J Tc tn c pp iC CO ft1 - t HI I II I WJ Msajsefiaeccicrrre U i jill s s - v 5 v i 5 i A rv ft ji s - a K its v J - i tl f H f fA t TJ n TT - 5 ri o x i S 1 UNDERTAKERS SUPPLIES i - Meissxidv IS 15 Kennedy of Omaha is vis itifikis son and familv at KeniK dv II Ta oi Pass vas a visiter rti Kimes ru c while ost his way I fccn e Irom AaUiiitine Sam Hfiiis and wife were up from K NEBItASSA We have just receirecl a fall line4 -of CciSiis Gaskets nCi cases t r k b r r n a r f fl I J5 i en i S a i i Z V t t H i 1 5 i Fire aW liite House A T WSSiSTF PrvjirseJoi r nz7 A M fc EI r xj A fc I V alentine Nebraska NEW SUITS OF FTJENITTJRE MaMns it the most comtjlete saicl cocifoi tabls HOTEL IN THE NORTHWEST SAMPLE mm AND IIYERY SFAEiE IH G0SMEGT13JI Valentine I Tebraska 8 Laai msararsm 0 1 rorr on nrn a Is S w S TJ iUm Cooleyton last week IGMPGR XJVWK ABOUT TilJR J H Shore is moving on the X S Rowlev ranch V E Waite recently arrived frum Chicatjo and with his family is ing on his old ranch Commissioner Dunham had business in Valentine this week to OXeill and rebuy there TIJC ELKHI RAILROAD -of BMU NEBRASKA FIX A ZCIA Ij J It tf Bi JLISMS CfT Till 3A V How to save H1071GV hv itidiclous Ave want a correspondent m every J preciiiT ia Ciierry comity who will buvii at limne h of more send us th news of his or her locality at least once- a oftener if Witnncc to yon just now than iv sible We oifer indncLments to spotidents Write us about it j other prol1rii Wo am Jicrc to Help Solvn Tit iff Pxahtwi Ui oint fh Taken up atiace miles south- WJ west of St Marys Mission on the An- April 1st one light sorrel horse rr - latue in right front foot and one dark sorrel horse with white strip iu fore- Pants Oc T5c 1 00 125 iiead Weigh about 1100 each botn x r - branded left V onl J auts olo and on shoulder with a Vun j up der a half circle or it be a horse- j may o a riA nK rcs Sk00 shoe with heel drawn iu mh - C C Tackett 21 and so on Rosebud S D - rp Ar -- - Tailor Jlacle buite from 1350 np ani8u afi sosa sap uhk xi to too SrtectJour lflen ther may brlngvyou wealth Write JOHN WEDDEREtJRN COlatent rj Tn V nevs Washington D C for their 1800 prize offer 0 JLllIue J ICiQ OitltS OoO aiC llSt of two hundred inventions v intoi acifig Short Line ya00 and n A few good Brown 31otli coats worth l0 00 to close at 525 Eepairinjr neatly done at reason- Passenger leaves OXeill Xeb able prices at iu uo a m immediately after nr nit i J I e also liavea line of rival of train from Black Hills reaching Sioux City at 233 n m saving three hours time Xowest rates Purchase local tickets QHI1E0 not be replaced i CSBSM Lb which wlien jone will here to fill vacancc in your tozu and hope jon will seef j our goods before else- XorLh Western Line 6s to best i where to and from the for taw price SUGAR BEET FIELDS THE TAJ LQR -A-Sr 1