The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, April 23, 1896, Image 7

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f v
Small Bore
The story of a feat of mechanical
skill of wonderful delicacy is told in
Iron Age An expert mechanic Is said
to have taken a common sewing needle
of medium size 1 inches long and
drilled a hole through the entire length
from eye to point the hole being just
large enougli to admit of the passage
of a very line hair
Fair and Fruitful
As the West 1b It Is often malarious But It
Is pleasant to know that a competent safe
guard In the shape of Hostetters Stomach
Bitters exists which absolutely nullifies the
poison of miasma Western bound emigrants
Bhould ber this in mind or should It be
forgotten the Bitters Is a sterling remedy
fpr dyspepsia biliousness constipation kid
ney and nervous complaints and rheumatism
lie that bears himself like a gentle
man is worth to have been born a gen
tleman Chapman
Picos Cure for Consumption is the best
of all cough cures Geore W Lotz Fa
bacher La Aug 20 189o
Like clocks one wheel another on
must drive affairs by diligent labor
onlv thrive Chapman
Freckles tan and all beauty marring
blemishes vanish from the face when
Glenns Sulphur Soap is used
The most certain sign of being born
with great qualities is to be born with
out envy Rochefoucauld
FITS All Fits stopped tree by Ir Klines Greit
Uerv Restorer iO Fits after first days use Mar
i clous cureB Treatise and 1200 trial bottle free to
PitcaBeB Send to Dr Kline 031 Arch StIhilaPa
The fathers of two Presidents of the
United States emigrated from one and
the same small town in the north of
People find just the help they so much
need in Hoods Sarsaparilla It fur
nishes the desired strength by purify
ing vitalizing and enriching the blood
and thus builds up the nerves tones
the stomach and regulates the whole
system Read this
I want to praise Hoods Sarsaparilla
My health run down and I had the grip
After that my heart and nervous system
were badly affected so that I could not
do my own work Our physician gave me
some help but did not cure I decided
to try Hoods Sarsaparilla Soon I could
do all my own housework I have taken
Hoods Pills with Hoods Sarsaparilla
and they have done me much good I
will not be without them I have taken 13
bottles of Hoods Sarsaparilla and
through the blessing of God it has cured
me I worked as hard as ever the past
summer and I am thankful to say I am
well Hoods Pills when taken with
Hoods Sarsaparilla help very much
ilns M 31 3Iessexger Freehold Penn
This and many other cures prove that
Is the One True Blood Purifier All druggists 1
Prepared only by C I Hood Co Lowell Mass
Hnnrl PH15 act easily promptly and
iiUUU a ir ills effectively 25 cents
s a
If you pay S4 to 86 for shoes ex
amine the W L Douglas Shoe and
Ask your dealer for our S5
84 S350 8250 8225 Shoes
S250 S2 and 8175 for boys-
cannot supply you send to fac
tory enclosing price and 36 cents
to pay carriage State kind style
of toe cap or plain sire and
width Our Custom Dept will fill
your order Send for new Illus
see what a good shoe you can buy for
ttKmL jftSSig11
nnd LACE mado in all
kinds of the best Belected
leather by skilled work
men We
make and
Bell more
S3 Shoes
s than any
3c3ElEStW other
manufacturer in the world
None genuine unless name and
price is stamped on the bottom
trated catalogue to Box it
W L DOUGLAS Brockton Mass
The Greatest Medical Discovery
of the Age
Has discovered In one of our common
pasture weeds a remedy that cures every
kind of Humor from the worst Scrofula
down to a common Pimple
He has tried it in over eleven hundred
cases and never failed except in two cases
both thunder humor He has now in his
possession over two hundred certificates
of its value all within twenty miles of
Boston Send postal card for book
A benefit is afwavs experienced from
the first bottle and aperfect cure is war
ranted when the right quantity is taken
When the lungs are affected it causes
shooting pains like needles passing
through them the same with the Liver or
Bowels This is caused by the ducts being
stopped and always disappears in a week
after taking it Read the label
If the stomach Is foul or bilious It will
cause squeamish feelings at first
No change of diet ever necessary Eat
the best you can get and enough of it
Dose one tablespoonfulin water ct bed
time Sold by all Druggists
ULI C I I O By mall 10c Lock Box 78JJ 1ork
Cleaninpr Black Dress Goods
Every one has or wants a black gown
nowadays and such goods as serge
cheviot cashmere Henrietta etc are
easily cleaned First remove the grease
spots with naphtha and remember
that this fluid is very explosive when
exposed to either light or lire Make a
lather of warm soap suds using a good
not strong soap and a teaspoonful of
borax to every two quarts of water
Into this dip the goods up and down
and wash between the hands then
wring gently and pat partly dry hang
in the shade and when nearly dry iron
on the wrong side with a moderately
warm iron Always rinse once in luke
warm water and iron until the materi
al is perfectly dry Never rub a fabric
that is being renovated on the wash
board nor wring it tightly and in
using naphtha remember that it rough
ens the hands and tliat after using it
it is well to put vaseline upon them
and to wear old gloves Wash alpaca
in the same manner as cashmere add
ing a little gum arable to the rinsing
water If the black goods are of a
rusty color restore them by sponging
with ammonia and alcohol Always use
a piece of the same material or one
near to it to sponge with Ladies
Home Journal
Pleasant Gaines
A pleasant variation in an evening ot
games is the drawing of flowers with
colored crayons and then having your
guests guess the names of the flowers
A list of flowers should be made out
each one with a number On separate
slips of paper write the name of one
of the flowers with its corresponding
number until you have used each one
on the list Give each guest one of the
slips or have a draw for them and
provide them with crayons and sheets
of paper Give fifteen minutes for the
making of the flowers then collect the
drawings and pin them up about the
room As the names of the flowers are
read from the list guesses are given
as to which flower among the drawing
represents it Another pleasant game
is called matching quotations Well
known lines are written on slips of pa
per and then divided into bits each
part having three or four words These
fragments are pinned about the room
on furniture curtains and hangings
and each person takes one and starts
out to find the other parts that will
make the quotation complete Some
times the quotations may consist of an
entire line with the second line form
ing the other half to be looked for
New York Post
Gingerbread Pudding
Mix one quarter pound of suet with
one half pound of sifted flour add a
pinch of salt one and one half gills of
molasses either Porto Rico or New Or
leans preferably the former one tea
spoonful of ginger and when thorough
ly mixed one well beaten egg and one
half pint of milk in a part of which
should be dissolved one half a tea
spoonful of soda It may he necessary
to use more liquid It should be pro
portioned to the stiffness of molasses
and flour The original receipt calls
for candied peel but currants sultanas
or all three may be used Turn into a
buttered mold or bowl and boil for
three hours Ladies Home Journal
Blanch and beat half a pound of
sweet almonds in a mortar with a ta
blespoonful of water till quite fine
gradually adding the whites of eight
eggs whipped to a froth then mix in
half a pound of loaf sugar finely pow
dered Spread sheets of white paper
on your baking tin and over that the
proper wafer papers lay the paste on
it in pieces the size of a walnut and
sift fine sugar over it Bake in a mod
erately hot oven
Lobster Timbale
Take three pounds of lobster cooked
Pick meat out of the shell and chop
very fine Add a little thickened cream
and heat all to scalding point Then
line a rice ring mold with a soft cooked
rice and put the prepared lobster in
Turn all out on a dish and pour over
all a white cream sauce
Bolojjna Sausage
Boil bologna from one hour and a
half to two hours Serve with a wall
of mashed potatoes and thick brown
gravy outside the potatoes
Hints to Housekeepers
The instantaneous chocolates and
cocoas are greatly improved by being
brought to the boiling point
To remove a grease spot from wall
paper hold a piece of bloting paper over
the spot with a hot flat iron for a few
Clinkers may be removed from grates
and ranges by throwing half a dozeD
oyster shells into the fire wrhen the coal
is aglow and cover them with fresh
coal The clinkers are made soft by
this means and are easily disposed of
If small branches of lilacs apple or
cherry trees are now brought into the
house and put in a sunny window in
a pitcher of water the buds will soon
swell and blossom The pitcher should
be kept filled as the water evaporates
Fruit is not a complete dietary in ii-
self but it is excellent to accompaiiy
a meat diet The acid contained in the
fruits assists digestion and it is for
this reason that apple sauce should be
served with roast pork or goose the
fat of which is rendered more
No One but a Veteran Can Realize the Suf
fcrings from Army Life
It Often Makes Our Abie Bodied Men
Helpless Invalids The Story of One
Who Suffered for Twenty Years
From the Farmers Voice Chicago 111
Edson A Wood who now lives at 990
Washington boulevard Chicago 111 was
horn on a farm in Wyoming County N
Y fifty years ago As a young man he
suffered two sun strokes in the littjds
When the war broke out he joined the
57th Illinois Volunteers with which he
served two years when sickness forced
his discharge The effects of the sun
strokes and his army life undermined his
health and he soon found his brain heart
and kidneys were affected For eight
years he was with the West Chicago
Street Car Company but was forced to
seek lighter work as the exposure in
creased his bronchial and asthmatic trou
bles His constitution gradually but sure
ly breaking down strange dizzy spells be
coming more frequent he finally sought
relief in Dr Williams Pink Pills
He said to a reporter It was some tunc
about a year ago wnen 1 was very poorij
that my head was giving me a great deal
of trouble dizzy spells aches and queer
feelings and then I also had a strange
feeling of uncertainty in the use of my
lower limbs when walking
Physicians examined my condition
closely and were of the opinion that 1 had
all the first symptoms of locomotor ataxia
and I believe they were right also last
summer I had a very hard time with an
attack of tonsilitis and neuralgia from
which I did not recover for some time It
was then that I commenced to take these
Pink Pills and had only taken a few
boxes when I discovered a remarkable
change for the better in every way The
pills seemed to relieve me of aches and
pains the symptoms of locomotor ataxia
have left me entirely and they have made
me strong and feel like myself
I am going to continue with the use of
the pills for the reason that having re
lieved me of the ailments I thought had
come to stay having been caused thirty
years ago from hardships in the army J
am practically rid of them and will lose
no efforts when I have the remedy at
hand to keep them rid I am only too glad
to tell all my friends what experience I
have had with Dr Williams Pink Pills
and when they see the good physical con
dition I am in now although near sixty
years of age they will come to the same
conclusion as myself
The above is a correct statement of
facts concerning myself
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
2ld dav of January 1S90
Notary Public
Pink Pills are sold by all dealers or will
be sent post paid on receipt of price SO
cents a box or six boxes for 250 by
addressing Dr Williams Medicine Co
Schenectady N Y
An Egyptian Bride
At the marriage in Egypt of rrincess
Minet Hanen sister of tthe Khedive
the bride came in preceded by a woman
musician all dressed in white satin
She was supported by two bridesmaids
Her gown was of white satin but one
could scarcely see the material because
of the heavy gold embroidery Her
neck and arms Avere simply covered
with diamonds and on her head she
wore a -high crown of precious stones
to which was attached her vail of silk
and gold On either side of her head
were ornaments of gold and jewels
with threads of gold reaching to the
ground of such weight that the brides
maids had to carry them She was one
of the most beautiful women ever seen
and when slie was seated on the throne
it was a picture She and her sur
roundings were beautiful ibeyond de
scription When she retired the Khe
diva stood on the throne and threw
newly coined mioney among the ladies
for luck
A Cat Worth Having
One of the greatest successes in the his
tory of this country is that achieved by
Bostons unique 5 cent magazine The
Black Cat In seven months it has reach
ed a sale of owe quarter of a million copie
per issue The chief reason for this i
that daeh number contains half a dozen
of the most original and fascinating
stories that brains and genius can pro
duce and money can buy
The Philadelphia Call aptly says Its
phenomenal success has already earned
for it the title The Marvel of the Maga
zine World and it would certainly be
impossible to find in a single number of
any other publication such Captivating
tales as are published monthly in The
Black Cat And the Boston Post pro
nounces it the most fascinating 5 cents
worth on earth Rochester Post Express
This most fascinating of all the modern
periodicals is issued by The Story Pub
lishing Company Boston Mass at ft
cents a copy or 50 cents a year
Twenty live Pound Pineapples
The pineapple growers of Florida
nre doing a good work Few people
know what a pine at its best really
Is Instead of the wooden hearted
things that pass for pineapples com
monly they are going to popularize the
most delicious species of the tropics
They are experimenting now with
pines from all over the world to dis
cover those best adapted to cultiva
tion in FlOTida One English gentle
man established on the shores of
Lake Worth has some twenty five spe
cies growing and there is as much
difference -among them as among so
many varieties of apples One spe
cies from the East Indies produces ap
ples twenty five pounds in weight and
so luseious that they may be eaten
with a spoon They fill not only a
room but the whole house with their
delicious perfume
DeaJkiess Cant Be Cureil
By local applications as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear Tnero is only one
jvay to cure deafness and that Is by constitu
tional remedies Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube When this tube gets in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper
fect hearing and -when it is entirely closed
Deafness is the result and unless the inflamma
tion can be taken out and this tube restored to
its normal condition hearing -will be destroyed
forever nine cases out of ten are caused by ca
tarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condi
tion of the mucous surfaces
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
caBo of Deafness caused by catarrh that we
cannot cure by taking Halls Catarrh Cure
Send for circulars free
Bold by DruggiBts 75c
A docile disposition will with appli
cation surmount every difficulty-
His eyes have all the seeming of a
demon that is dreaming Poe
Live Amonj the Clouds
The highest inhabitable building in
Europe is die Alpine Club House on
Mount Rosa 12000 fet abovo the sea
level Chicla and Asapalca Indian vil
lages in the Andes are 15000 feet above
the sea and many of the natives who
are supposed to be the last remnants
of the ancient lnca civilization have
never descended to a lower level Euro
pean scientists now propose an interest
ing experiment on Mount Rosa Two
or three generations are to be reared in
that altitude with a view to noting
probable radical structural changes of
anatomy particularly in the heart and
The Output of Copper
Foreign buyers are taking consider
able of our copper over one third of
our total production of 330000000
pounds going abroad Of late there
has been some prospecting as to the
production of some of the large min
ing companies in 189G The Anaconda
mines will probably turn out 85000
000 pounds the Calumet and Hecla
about 80000000 and the Boston and
Montana fully 50000000 pounds Many
of the smaller companies feel confident
of increasing their production consider
ably this year over last so encourag
ing is the outlook Manufacturer
an i
Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use
mtunq bota by amgguita
Milton Shoemaker M D Prest
John P Allison Treasurer
ful business men of Sioux City
Checks Bleeding Reduces
InfIammationQuiets Pain
Is the Bicyclers Necessity
Sores mr Burns
Piles UUfStd Colds
Rheumatism Hoarseness
Sore Throat Chilblains
Catarrh Inflamed Eyes
Wounds Bruises Sprains
Headache Toothache etc
after Shaving No Irritation
after Exercising No Lameness
is a specif icf or Piles socts
An Unjust Charge
A strange story of money recovered
comes from Liverpool A chimney
sweep in cleaning an oven flue found
40 in coin in a bag On telling the
lady of the house she burst into tears
and fainted She had put the money
there herself years ago and having
forgotten the fact had accused her son
who was rather wild of stealing it
with the result that he had left the
house in indignation and had never re
The Evolution
Of medical agents is gradually relegating
the old time herbs pills draughts and veg
etable extracts to the rear and bringing
into General use the pleasant and effective
I liquid laxative Syrup of Figs To get
me true remeuy see uiui 11 is uiuuuiuciuicu
by the California Fig Syrup Co only For
sale by all leading druggists
A Gen nil sets his arm 3 in array in
vain unless he fights and win the day
Everyone who once tries Dobbins Floating Borax
Soip continues to use It for It Is really superior to
even the best of other floating soaps and costs you no
rjore JIade of Borax floats 100 per cent pure
try 1L
Honest designs justly resemble our
devotions which we must pay and wait
for our reward Sir Robert Howard
Mrs Wlnslovrn Sootiiiso Syhup for Children
tee thine sottens the juras reduces inflammation
tllays ram cure wind colic 25 cents a bottle
MVi A Crick A Stitch
AZ3isvo -
Bluo Spots Dead Aches
are all well known of flesh bone 0 f IfarflnS iMl
and muscle ond easily curedby0loJdUJUd UU
Greatest Highest
Quantity Quality
P Hot uT
The only brand of strictly
high grade tobacco ever sold for a
low price Not the large -size of
the piece alone that has made
Battle Ax the most popular
brand on the market for 5 cents
John C Kelly Vice Pres
A D Collier Secretary
The Officers Directors and Stockhold
ers are among the best and most success
Eeferences Any Bank Commercial Agency or any reputable business house in
the city Write for terms circulars statement and information to
lock Box 915 A D COLLIEB Secretary
f vv
You are wasting money
when you buy cheap binding
instead of the best
Remember there is no just
as good when the merchant
urges something else for
Bias Velveteen Skirt Einding
Look for S H M on the Label
and take no other
If your dealer will not supply you
we will
Send for samples showing labels and materials
itheS H MC0 P O Box 699 New York City
April 7 April 21 May 5
To the South and West Ar
izona Arkansas Texas Ne
braska Kansas etc
Call at the local ticket ofllco
and net full information about
rates stop over privileges re
turn limits and territory to
which reductiou will apply
Or better still writo to J
Francis i P A HurlinKtoo
Route Omaha Neb
P S The crop of 1896 Is
coins to be the btecest Ne
braska ever had No question
about it Not in ten vears
have conditions been so favor
able Better figure on setting
hold of a Rood quarter section
before prices advance-
Mr H F Barnes a reporter for
the Sunday Herald published at
Canton O under date of May 27
lS9o writes to the Ripans Chemical
Company that he knows a working
man who has been benefited by
Ripans Tabules after a severe
attack of the Grippe and he ap
pends the following statement
with permission to publish Testi
monial of Thos J Meals of the city
of Canton Stark County O I
had an attack of the grippe four
years ago this spring that left me in
a bad way My nervous system
was broken down and my digestive
apparatus in a condition that made
me miserable for days While able
to work at my trade as shearman
In a rolling mill I suffered more
or less all the time with my stom
ach Bitters and tonics were
literally taken by the gallon and
every variety of pills and potions
that promised relief I derived
some benefit from the use of some
of them if I continued taking them
but if I quit a few days my old
trouble would return Noticing
the advertisement of the Ripans
Tabules for impaired and bad
digestion I concluded to invest
in a few of them which I am
pleased to informyou have proven
all or more than I expected of them
While I have taken but a few of
them they have done me more good 4
than all the other remedies that I
have tried They relieve the
belching and sour stomach almost
at once and I feel better in every
way since I commenced taking
them The distressing headaches
which I always had preceding a fit
of indigestion have entirely left
me I will be glad to recommend
the Tabules to anybody suffering
from stomach troubles
Canton 0r
Ripans Tabules are sold by drugffl3ts or by mall It
Ihe price 50 centa a box Is sent to The Ripans Chemi
cal Company No 10 Spruce Street New York Sampl
vial 10 cents
17 96
WW E Tar w
sumer at wholesale- prtoeau
Ship anywhere for exami
nation berore sale Erery
thliis wrranted 8y10O
styles ot Carriages HO
styles Harnew style
Hiding Saddles Write
for catalogue
Carriage Harness Mtg Co
dikbarf lad
How it looks
to the women who wash with Pearline when
they see a woman washing in the old fashioned
way with soap rubbing the clothes to nieces
N rubbing- away her strength wearing herself
out over the washboard I To these Pearl
o j ine women fresh from easy washing she
v A 7 R
seems xo wear a looi s cap unawares
y rlf V
l very thing s in favor of Pearline
- easier wurK quicKer worK Dettei
work safety economy Theres
jt J not one thing against it Whats
L A the use of washing in the hardest-
f I way when it costs more money m
tfotgihm eiyib
r fc Jii u iir
jt lTJ U jp3l I 15 mW
Bear in Mind that The Gods Help
Those Who Help Themselves Self
Help Should Teach You to Use