W - u H fcM t 5 v is Attorney Kd Clarke I Comity SupeimieiiUent lilltuu Stoner Surveyor Hugh Hover kroner jr ncersoll ConuaissJHicrs 5 C M SAGS K W Starr - M Duil I PSulliv ever Thursday evening Visiting brot tally nvlted tnattend our meetings UiMdUHlAL mi lb I Hair cuttiag and shaving fci idA llHlll 111 Societies OLWC MENS SOCIAL CLlIi MPftts ivht Vtdetlay c vfuinif at the eiuv of Mrs Hon lombv HMirsr Vioic Chakiks li Vikuiki Secretary - qejtg vvll no 22 k iMlKOVHt OUDKi OK ItKDMKN J iecls every srrrwt mul fourth Saturday of t onfl mouth 31tiniiers of Hit rder in good 6tuuiiiiitrecoini Jx iisd fraternally invited to attfsnl r It THOMPSON Sachem 1 i WirGl Nb C of Records MinieUadusa Lodge No 102 A F A mods in regular comhmnjcalion Saturday even ing on or before the luSlninon in each month iiniiibcrs of the orderin good and regular stand ing cordially and fraternally invited to attend F M A LCOTT W M W W Jjeer Valentine Lodge No 70 A O U VV meets l si and 3rd Monday Jn each month M Chritfi nscii M W L L 3toner Rec Valentine Lodee No 203 I O O F meets lie rs J H Vkast N G Wkslky HorsctAv Secv Col Wood lVstNo 203 Department of Ne biula ruular nieeUng2daud4tli Saturdays of each itiontl at 2 n m sharp Comrads from v oilier Posts are cordially invited to attend W W Th om rsoN Conunauder Johx Dun adjt -- Col Wood V It G No 179 regular meeting 2d and 41h Saturdays or each inmitlr Amanda LudwicPtok Hkeuk Hohnjiy -See Arrival and Departure of flails Mail east and west closes at 8 p m Rosebud leaves at 8 00 a in daily exce fot Sun day and arrives at 500 p in Simeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves Ut700a m Mondays Wednesdays and Fri days and arrives at 700 p in Tuesdays and Saturdays Ft Niobrara leaves daily at700arii and 500 p m arrives at 930a maud 730 pm Kewanee and Sparks arrives Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at 5X 0 p mand leavs Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at 7o a in J eneral delivery open f roin 7M a in to 7 00 p in General deiivery open on Sundays froin 8 to 10 n m -Lock boxes opendaity form li a in toS30p iu Wi KHAIiEyFestniastcr PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS JC DWYER Physician fiiivl Surgeon Oilier at C It Watsons Drug Store Prompt attention given to all professional calls Valkktikk - Nkukaska TeacSiers Examination The regular monthly Teachers Examination will be held the third Saturday of each month at my office in the Court House LILLIAN STONER Supt of Schools - T vJD CLARKE Attorney-at-Law All kinds of legal business promptly attended to VALKNTIKK - NKEBASKA Shop in the W IT Moses building iOT AND GOLD BATHS Valentine Nebr E 1AI BLACKSMITH and WAG9NKIAKER Repairing a Specialty Prices Striekly Cash and Low er than ever SHOP on Cherry St opposite Langs kold stand WILLET NO 17109 Sire dt Nfibolt 23 Sire lloc7iesterGs G Record r 231 Sire of 4BELLTJOY - 224 DINNlE - 225 MINOT 4FLOKESTINP - 22GJi SENSATION And many others 225 22CJ4 229hi 4st dam JEATETTE by HAM BLETONIAN 157 vDamof Wlllet sire of Nabob 230 and Ka tana dam of Nornette 225 Hazels Sire of the dams of Ida Belle223 and Lottie K 227 2nd 3am DAUGHTER OF ABDEL LAH 15 Sire of Goldsmith Maid 24 Will stand the season at AT R Par ris place one fourth mile south of the depot at Valentine Nebraska TERMS- 1000 to insure foal n t - TV -HANDY Keeper V Succkssok to i CHERRY COUKFY INDEPENDENT E0BEET GOOD Editor and Publisher VUbUUIlRD EVERY THURSDAY Entered at t lie 1ost office atV alentine Cherry county Nebraska as Secondass matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full Advertising rates 50 cents per inch per month Ifates per column or for long time ads made known on appli cation to this office THURSDAY ABTtIL 16 1896 THIS AND THAT Cam in fJFJvents Comity Convention April 18 Confirmatibri Service at the Episcopal Chiircli Sunday Morning April 19 Kindergarten Entertainment April 25 Chicago Lady Quartette Aprils Oencral Teachers Association May 2 Races June 2d to 8th 3emoinber JTliiH 2he mail who clieats his paper Oat of a single cent Will nerer reach that heavenly land Where old Elijah went But when at last his race is run This life of toil and woe Hell straightway leave for the fiery land Where Uiey never shovel snow District court next week Democratic county convention Sat urday II F Holiday was down from Cody Tuesday The White House has thirty regular boarders L F Brewster of jSTcrdenr was in town Monday R F Gillaspie was in town Monday from Kennedy J A Vincent made a trip to Ains worth last week The artesian well has reached a depth of 2045 feet J 2S Neiss was over from Rosebud on business Monday C It Glover made a business trip to Lougpine Saturday The republican state convention eaet at Omaha yesterday FH Zamck of Oakdale was in town the first of the weeK 2icelittle shower Saturday accom panied by a few hailstones The nand boys give a drama at the Post Saturday evening the 25th The boys m blue are happy Last Friday was Uncle Sams pay day There were no less than seventeen dog rights on Main street last Monday Fred L Coffey acting cashier of the Bank of Ainsworth spent Sunday in town Messis Pettijohn and Strong went to Lincoln Tuesday to attend the state convention Ernest Cuff stopped in town Tues day night while on his way from -Nor-den to Chadron via the broncho route L W Handy will have charge of the stallion Willet 17109 this season Notice his adveitisement in another column G H Cornell went to Omaha on business Sunday and attended -the state republican convention at Lincoln yesterday The entire garrison at Fort Nio brara was turned out on fatigue duty Monday and gave the post a thorough cleaning up Bishop Graves will confirm those who desire to enter che Episcopal church Sunday Services -morning and evening H arry Hilsinger L L Bivens Geo Cyphers Curtis Gallen Grant Dunn and J It Farris returned from their hunting trip Tuesday evening The ltushville Democrat gave an in teresting account last week of the visit of 1500 Indians who came to town to bid Buffalo Bills warriors good bye -E J Davenport started for Broken Bow via Chadron Crawford end Al liance Saturday night to attend the district republican convention Mon day LewBrowncll who has for so long been clerk at the Land Office here left for Creighton this morning his com mission having expired We hope to have him with us again soon We want a correspondent in every precinct in Cherry county who will send us the news of his or her locality at least once a month of tener if pos sible We offer inducements to corre spondents Write us about it t p T - -in mi imi AVXl D A Crogan of Butte was in town yesterday Frank Wolf of Ainsworth was in town Tuesday night Cliff Larsh returned to his home in Chadron Tuesday night Mrs Frank Flush is open a restaurant on street preparing to South Maiu Dr Evans was called to Springview Tuesday to attend County Treasurer Logans little girl who is quite ill gipAny one in need of wind mills or pumps will save money by seeing me before buying G Carlson Jas Galloway was in town during the past week with a carload of wool and lumber which was cut on the river at McCann Arrangements are being made to hold a series of races here during the first week in June Watch for further announcements ChristiarEndeavor at the Presby terian church Sunday evening T6pic What we Should be Doing to Save the Lost Luke 151 10 Lieut Taylors wife will in a few days return from Ohio where she has been visiting Miss Lacey daughter of Major Lacey of Columbus will ac company her The Phonograph Social given by the Ladies Guild at Cornell Hall last night was a very pleasant affair and a success--financially receipts amount ing to abotit thirty dollars The rain last Sunday was quitegen eral over the northwest as much as 3 inches of water falling in some locali ties This gives encouragement to the farmers and insures a good crop The contest case of Frank Mogle vs Geo W Barnes of Cody was heard -by the land office officials Friday and Saturday Attorneys Tucker and Wal cott appearing for the contestant and Ed Clarke for the claimant The Chadron Banking Company sus pended business last week on orders from the state banking board We understand that the company became burdened with real estate on which it could not realize hence the action of the board C W Goodrich of Eli brought his little child to Valentine Sunday to be treated for a strangulation of the bow els Dr Dwyer opened the abdominal cavity remedied the difficulty and re placed the bowels The child made a rapid recovery Benj R Cowdery state bank exam iner was in toWn last week and looked over the books of the Building and Loan Association He found them in good shape and the institution on a solid foundation Mr Cowdery went from here to Ainsworth Services in the M E church next Sunday at 11 a m and 7 p m Sub ject of morning discourse The Kind of Christians God Wants Evening Adulterers and Adulteresses Ep worth League at 630 p m All are invited O L Ramsey pastor Monday Mrs E J DoBell of Rose bud was called from West Point where she had been visiting her father by a telegram announcing the serious illness of her youngest child Mr DeBell was in St Joe Mo and did not arrive here until Tuesday night A recent issue of Turf Field and Farm states that Bill Barnes the stal lion lately bought by Strong and Bur leigh was foaled in 1886 sire Spend thrift dam imp Constantinople At Linden Beach N J when four years old he ran 6 furlongs in 122 and of a mile in 133 According to the tri yearly state ment of the condition of the banks of Cherry county there was on deposit in the Cherry County Bank Bank of Val entine and Bank of Wood Lake at the close of business March 28 a total of 6791783 The statements show all the banKs to be in good condition sound safe and reliable At the district republican conven tion held at Broken Bow Monday E L Myers ofRock county and B H Goodell of Buffalo were elected dele gates to the national convention and J O Taylor of Custer county and E J Davenport of Valentine alternates Tug Wilson was unceremoniously turned down Goodell and Myers be ing elected on the first ballot Mrs X B Bradford Miss Mary Godwin Cooper a niece of Senator Gray of Delaware and Miss Catherine Wilson daughter of General Wilson arrived from Wilmington Delaware Saturday night and are guests of Colonel and Mrs Andrews at Fort Niobrara Invitations are out for a hop to be given at the post adminis tration building Saturday evening -in honor of the visitors gasacaMffigngTi r yv wyg i Official Directory of Cherry Co Trwrtiirer t Crahb iiyri kWo Elliott MierM r iv PsirkiT i Juige F aiWaleotrl FHE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fato bn IIIfllL J W Collet CREAM BAKING vmm MOST PERFECT MADE V pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder Free om Ammonia Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD Two Cases The Wallingford boys were brought before Judge Walcott Tuesday on a charge of interfering with the county surveyor in tve performance Of his dutv The case was continued until May 11th Three parties are under arrest for stealing 1300 pounds of iiour from an Indian stiuicicle Billy Craven a bachelor on White river tired of his loneliness and last Saturday attempted to blow his brains out by placing the muzzle of a Win chester against his abdomen and pull ing the trigger Ii had the desired ef fect and a colfin for the remains was procured at J C Jordans undertaking rooms last Monday Gordon Journal As a sample of -the laconic st7le of western journalism the above is en titled to honorable mention At Cornell Mall April 8tli The Chicago Lady Quartette which will beheard here on the evening of April 28 one week from next Tuesday is an organization which has received the highest commendation from press and public in all places where they have appeared Their appearance in Valentine is secured only by a guaran tee of a large sum made by our local musical talent arid a crowded house should greet them The quartette is composed of Pearl Hudson soprano Elizabeth Ludwig mezzo soprano Alice Merrill Raymond alto Grace L Dickie contralto Nettie M Jackson impersonator accompanies the quar tette as reciter Reserved seats now on sale at Watsons drug store JRLindersrartcn Entertainment At Cornell Hall Saturday April 25 Door open at 730 p m Admission 25cts children 15cts Proceeds to sro to the Christian Home at Council Bhiffs Iowa This is neither a -state nor denom inational institution ahd is supported wholly by voluntary contributions Homeless ana orphan children and aged people are tenderly cared for un der the best of Christian influences and when whole families of children are received at the Home Dr Lemen the founder and manager never suf fers them to be seperated This rule is highly commendable and surely makes the institution worthy of gen erous patronage Attend the enter tainment and we are sure the little ones will try to please you Hiew Time Card The F E M V Railroad made a change in their time card Sunday in order to reduce tfee time between the Black Hills and Omaha The new card reduces the time for through freight betweeu the points named 16 hours The new cad is as follows EASrOUtfD Passenger 458 am Local i reight -3 30 p m Through Freight 6 -25 a in WEST BOUND Passenger 1222 am Local Freight 1000 am Through Freight 506 phi This makes the east bound passen ger arrive ere 38 minutes later than formerly The local freights carry passengers and thewest bound through freight carries passengers from Long pme to Chadron East bound passen gers can ride on the through freight from Valentine to Longpine Tnryliist District court will convene next Monday April 20th with Judge on the bench iNo - cases of im portance are to be tried except that against John Sedlacek for cattle steal ing The docket contains six or seven state cases among them being those against Collins and Xealey who es caped from the jail here March 21 and about 70 civil oases Xo grand jury will be drawn Following are the names of those who will compose the petit jury to appear Tuesday April 21 Richard Osburn Martin Meeker Chris Nelson E G Malune James Lyons Daniel Webster Julius Heckman James Ballard Geo Hornby G W Sisler F G Reese Jay Cunningham Frank Hook J M Hanna Perry Warren Henry Hoenig r W Henley Egbert BOnuer E J Davenport Geo Spillman A Is Metzger ACRiemensehneider Frank - - i v - f X - sl Is the place to go for DRUGS MEDICINES PAINTS OBjS varnishes BRUSHES ETC Valentine - - - - Nebraska UNDERTAKERS SUPPLIES SLVER GOOD NEWS ABOUT THE FINANCIAL PROD IE HS OF THE DAY How to save money by judicious buying at home is -of more im portance to you just now than any other problem We are here to Help Solve This Problem Our Prices Point the Way Mens Pants 30c 75c 100 8125 Wool Pants 8145 1Y5 and up Suits 8350 895 8750 8800 8925 and so on Tailor Made Suitsfrom 81350 up Boys Knee Pant Suits 50c 75c 8100 8125 to 8400 Boys Three Piece Suits -8350 8400 and np A few good Brown Cloth Over coats worth 81000 to close at 8525 Eepairing neatly done at -reasonable prices We also have a line of SHOES ID HATS which when gone will notibe replaced We are here to fill a vacancv in -your town and hope yon will see our ooods before b living else- where Yours for do w prices LDEN JHEIALLQR We have just received -a full line of Coffins Gaskets and cases Thacher The White House A T WHITE Proprietor Has been reUliilt an rooms furnished with NEW SUITS OF FURNITURE Making it the most complete and comfortable HOTEL IN THE NORTHWEST SAMPLE ROOM AND LIVERY STABLE IN CONNECTION Valentine NebrasMa W E HALEY BSTRACTER Valentine Nebraska Notice Xotice is hereby given that we have filed with the- Clerk of the Board of Village Trustees of the Village of Valentine Nebraska a petition ac companied by a bond duly tested said petition praying that a license may be issued to us to sell malt spiritu ous and vinous liquors in said Village of Valentine Nebraska for the year ending May 1 1897 John J Gtjth Walter Hare Notice Notice is hereby given that I have filed with the Clerk of the Board of Village Trustees of the Village of Valentine Nebraska a petition ac companied bya bond duly tested said petition praying that a license may be issued to me to sell malt spiritu ous and vinous liquors in said Village of Valentine Nebraska for the year ending May 1 1897 Frank Fisctier Notice Notice is hereby given that I have filed with the Clerk of the Board of Village Trustees of the Village of Valentine Nebraska a petition ac companied by a bond duly tested said petition praying that a license may be issued to tne to sell malt spiritu ous and vinous liquors in said Village of Valentine Nebraska for the year ending May 1 1897 John Borjian Notice Notice is hereby given that I havfl filed with the Clerk of the Board of Village Trustees of the Village of Valentine Nebraska a petition ac companied by a bond duly tested said petition praying that a license may be issued to me to sell -malt spiritu ous and vinous liquors in said Village of Valentine Nebraska for the jzax ending May 1 1897 John G Stetter Notice Notice is hereby given that I have filed with the Glerk of the Board of Village Trustees of the Village of Valentine -Nebraska a petition pray ing that a druggists permit may b granted and issued to me to sell malt spirituous and vinous liqudrs formed icinal sacramerital mechanical and chemical purposes in the said Village of Valentine Nebraska for the year ending May 1 1897 II Quigley iltilten up Taken up at my place 1 miles smith west of Ht Marys Mission on the An telope April 1st one light sorrel horse lame in right front foot and one dark sorrel horse with white strip iu fore head Weigh about 1100 each both branded on left shoulder with a W un der a half circle or it may with heel drawn in C f J Tackett Rwebud SD V K V3 tij V L r ml 11 tJL A a a if a iu -TV J 4U