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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1896)
ft V u N 4 a -V RT VOL XT I i Ij 1 i I IT THE VALENTINE DEMQORAT CHERRY COUKTY INDEPENDENT GOOD Editor and Publisher -Official Paper of Cherry Coun ty Kebraslca XOO JPer eer inKA7 nance Stae Csiventi3 t The state conventon r he dcmo raic pnrty of Nebmsln i herevy iid at LiiKoi April ii at the lirur of 4 oVn k j in lr the purpose ol mVi nr li c ir s and i al ternates to atendr1u national con vention H be In4 l m chifico on the Tth lav of Jiilv lJiJ Tin aMvirUonmpnr of dczi s J rum each countv Iii mI on ihevo for th Hon T lrMalioiifV cvn U lor jn lj of tin su lrimi emit at the hisrnva t on and n cludhig dilc iales at large from each comity i as follow Adam r 8 Antelope 4 3laine lnonc 35ox Butte Jtoyd lirown Ihiffajo Jiiirt Pulier Cass Cinlr Cliasi Cfivritf Cheyenne Claw Coilax 7 Cuming tt Custer C Dakota 3ae ri Dawson 4 Deuel Dixon Dodge Dcnijlas s 14 101 Diruly - i Fillmore f Franklin Frontier Furnas r I Oarlield 2 Gosji T 2 Grant 2 Civelev S Hall 8 Hamilton 4 Harlan 4 Hayes 4 Hitchcock t Holt Hooker 2 Tohnson Kearney ICettli Ke a 1aha Kinilnil Knox 3uioster Lincoln Iojan Joup 2 Madison Mellierson z Tlernck r Nance - 2 Nemaha n Nuckolls r otoc 2 3awnee 4 Perkins 2 Jie ee 7 Folk Ifed Willow ltfcimidbon 13 llOCtv Saline K Sarpy 7 Saunders 4 Seotti lluff 2 Seward 7 Sheridan 5 Sherman Sioux 51 Stallion 7 Thaver v S Thomas 2 Thurston Valley 3 Washington 10 Wavne 8 Webster fi Wheeler 2 York 3 Howard 5 Jeflerson T Totals 023 The democratic state central committee Oamks 15 Shkkvn Euoui Maktix Secretary Cluurman A delegate convention of the Democrats of the state of Nebraska is called to meet in Xincoln on Wednesday April 22 1S9G at 2 p m for the purpose of selecting sixteen delegatesto the na tional Democratic convention which meets in -Chicago on the 7th day of July 180 and for the transaction of suh other business as jnay prop The Democrats of Hock county have elected delegates to the state conven tion which is held the 2 th The greatest menace to Democratic success is not found in the republican party but in Democratic dissensions Chairman Holt of Brown county has called the Democrat convention to meet in Ainsworth Saturday the 18th to elect four delegates to attend the State Democratic Contention to be held at Lincoln on April 29th The completion of a 10000 ton job of steel rails for Japan by the Ed gar Thompson Steel Works of Pitts burg is says a large eastern paper an event of extraordinary character in the industrial development of this country It shows that we are at last able to compete with England in the markets of the Orient And all this happens during a Democratic adminis tration The birthday of Thomas Jefferson was fittingly observed in many of the larger cities Mondaj One hundred and fifty three years hare passed since the father of Democracy was born and no name on the American roll of honor shines more brightly than that of Thomas Jefferson no man deserves more honor than he no party has a - sounder basis than that given to ocracy by him Some men allow hero worship to take possession of their souls without fully realizing the fact or knowing the true worth or title of their hero To illustrate At a recent public gather- ing we listened to a fine eulogy on General McKinlev and heard Ma- jor Manderson highly praised The titles had to be used some way or other and as general implies greater honor i than major that titleTTOasy given to jIcKinley WOOL TO SELL Thr imaginative faculties of the calamity howlers are beginning teffiag as is shown by the absurd story that England is importing large numbers of sheep with the view of competing with Australia Argentina Texas Ohio California ilontanaand New Mexico for the control of the American wool market In proof of- this story they say that the British imported last year 10G5 470 sheep of which 308094 were sent from Argentina alone But they fail to state that these sheep were in tended principally for consumption or i that last year the United States ex ported 500171 head of which number 414914 were shipped to Great Britain or that these sheep were sold for over 7 a head invoice price m this market That is quite a contrast to the price at whiclvthey wort sold in Detroit about two years ago 1 per head In ad dition to this last year the United States exported nearly 6000000 pounds of wool While American sheep and wool can freely enter -England and other European countries it is essential that there should be no restoration of the barbarous duties of the McKinlev tariff erly come before it All demoeratia citizens of and nurses under the rules of the U1C SUlie wiuiouL respect iu jkisl jiumicu wau ciations or differences are invited to unite in sending delegates to this convention Cherry and neighboring counties are entitled to -dele-sates as follows Boyd 5 3Tolt 10 Brown 2 KeyaJaha 1 Cierr 2 TJawes 7 Sheridan v- w 7 Lee JXeiuma Secy O J Snrru Ohm Democratic Mass Convention The Democratic voters of Cherry county will meet in mass convention on Saturday April 18th at 2 o1clock p m for the purpose of electing dele gates to state convention and to tran sact such other business as may prop erly come before it M Christeksex Chmn Co Cent Com The Democratic party has always been active in the matterof civil ser vice reform and now another lot of government situations have been put under civil service rules Mr J A Carroll the efficient issue clerk at this place recently received notice that all clerks assistant clerks property and issue clerks store keepers and other clerical positions at Indian agencies have been placed in the classified ser vice and that those now holding the positions named will net be removed by the department except for cause Another order places supervisors of Indian schools day school inspectors assistant teachers industrial teachers assistant matrons civil service law No appointments to the above named positions will be made unless the applicant has passed a satisfactory examination except the applicant be an Indian in which case he may be appointed - without exam ination ftarch 4th a iaw affecting timber rculture entries was approved by the President The law is in substance as follows Be it Enacted That timber culture claimants shall not be required in making final proof to appear at the land office to which proof is to be pre sented or beforean officer with in the county in which the land is sit uated but such claimant may have his or her personal evidence taken by a United States Court Commissioner or Glerk of any court of record The law is in our judgment a good one and will save non resident holders of timber culture entries many hund reds of dollars The testimony of the witnesses will be taken in the same manner as formerly but the testimony of the claimant may be taken before any of the officers named wherever he may happen to be The land office officials here are to -be congratulated on formulating and securing the pas-sage-Of the law The leaders of political parties and menholding public office should at all times be prepared to take a decisive standon one side or 4he other of all public questions When a proposition is new there is some excuse for hesi tancy but when they are approached on the subject of finance we like to hear straightforward answers like the following giveriby Chairman Harrity of the national Democratic committee 1 am in favor of sound money and opposed to the free unlimited and in dependent coinage of silver as pro posed by the tree silver people Furthermore- I believe that those whotfa vor sDundmoney will constitute a ma jority of the next Democratic national convention Compare that answer -with the replies of numerous states men and leaders whose names we will in charity withold The republican leaders find it diffi cult to geta good runningmate for McKinlev This difficulty arises from the fact that they want a first class i marifor second place when they have alhird class man for first place If McRihleyis nominated they will find iit no small task to put a tail on their iiticketthafc is npt larger Sban the head TTrwtnTrttf3niT The Cherry County Independent has been purchased by Bobert Good who has changed the name of the paper to The Valentine Democuat making itihe only paper of any kind in that town which js the -county seat The first isue of the paper reached our ta ble this morning and is bright and newsy If there is anything in a name Mr Good should continue the publica tion of as good a paper as the one just received WymoreDaily Arbor State And they say there is nothing in a name We know from experience that there is We thank the Arbor State for its kind words but cant help ob serving that Dodd must have been looking at the Moon when he said ours is the only paper here We wouldnt say such a harsh thing ot our contem porary The Democratic county convention which meets here Saturday should se lect good sound honest men to attend the state convention men who will represent the county and act according to the will of the people as expressed at the cohventiou regardless of which wing of the party is recognized The j V pIl iS 3 JB cffi -Aw M JBL t - FnIIiNhil Tor Vtiv Years a CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA TRURSDAY APRIL 10 lS9G J jmJCPcna lf finl proof notices U k Land Office Valentine Nebr I y i March th lW 1 Notice hereby given that the followifig nnmed settler has tiled notice oMii5 intention toiimke llnal proof in support of his claiir and that said proot will be made before RcglstfT and1 iieceiver fit Valentine Nebraska ojjfeiy 3th npbert L Quisenbery of OasSfTebr 5 E Nd sum for the eise1 mvseif sec 1 tpiJ K 2p and lot 7 sec ii tp 21V01 28 lie names the following witnesssfto provel HIS couunuuu resilience ttjiun uiuivutu viiuuu of said land viz lzr r Mimsm Jhitler WilJiamL Cftiffiigflesr7Li Howard and Aiicnjiiu Harris an oyaogSAIJnsi Also i MSrS Munson Butler of Oasi8fjf II E No 804 for lots 2 s 4 and pJficffi f p 20 F 23 and lot 1 sec l tp 2it FS2r ft - He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land Viz Kolicrt L Quisenbery William T Cohee Charles R noward and Micajah Harris all of OaIs Nebr C 11 GLOVER Register TJ S Tij OrriCE Valentine bi April 4 lrf9 f Nqtice is hereby given that George Dew of Wfibd Lake Xebraskahas filed notice of In in tention to make llnal proof before Register and 3tebeIveratffceirofiice in Valentine Nebraska on1 Mondav the I8II1 day of RIiyl89B ontimber culture application No Tor the cl2seh swJbuH and sene1 of section No 28 in town ship No 29 range No 20 He names us witnesses Ely D Valentine fTenry L Fischer John Dale and Cyrus 3iagen ail -of Wood Lake Nebraska Apr 0 C 11 GLOVER Register U S Land Office at Valentine Neb Apiii Wth 1S9G f Notice is hereby given that Sophia 1 Jones has filed notice of intention to make final proof convention should not act hastily let jheiore the Register and Receiver at their office i in Valentine Neb on the oth dav of June 1S9U the voters Who compose the body on timber cultuie applicatio No 7G49 lor the maturely consider the questions of vi tal interest to the party which will come before it and not confine its res olutions to the endorsement of candi dates for office The selection of can didates is of secondary importance to the enunciation of principles and the establishment of a sound Democratic platform At this convention steps should also be taken to perfect our county organization and get in shape for hard earnest work during the coming campaign With a long and strong pull all together we will become more than a mere factor in Cherry county politics Tinele am is eiierons Up to date 175 Indians from the Rosebud Agency have received their allotments of wagons etc from the depot here Each Indian receives a wagon complete with top box bows and cover set of harness harrow hoe axe and pitchfork A team of mares one with foal two cows one with calf by her side arid 50 Jn cash will com plete the government gift to those In dians who have taken land in severalty and will give them a good start on their farms The outcome of this ex periment is difficult to determine but we hope twill prove successful General Teachers Association The General Teachers Association will be held in Valentine May 2 1896 This meeting isa union of the three division associations inthe county and closes the work of the year Every subject presented will be of practical benefit to each person present We hope that every earnest teacher will avail himself of this privilege As in the past efforts will be made to lessen the expenses of those who come from a distance Members of school boards and all persons interested in educa tional work are cordially invited Work begins promptly at 10 a m and icloses in the evening with a lecture by State Superintendent H R Cor bett Program FORENOON fell Hbl w Correlation of Lower Grade Studies Miss Etta Brown Cube itoot Mr J W Strong Discussion Miss Nina Longcor Objects and Methods of Punishment Mr U G Stevenson Discussion Mrs Kate Thorn Reviews and How to Conduct Them Miss VanBuskirk Discussion MissTsis Lincoln Comparison of the Theories of Froebel and Herbort Mr C V Thorn AFTERNOON Old and New Education Mr C H Doty History Aside From Mrs Irwin Discussion Mrs llorence Austin The Practicability of Child Study iirs Lizzie Crawford The Influence of the School Board Upon the School Mr J R Fee Discussion Mrs Kittle Crowe Yi What Rvt nnt ia H Prjiptinjihlfttn tute the Teacher for the Text book Mr J C Ballard Discussion 4 Mr C S Reed What Should the Public School Accom plish Prof U O Anderson Prof U O Anderson Lillian U Stoner Program Committee SCHOOL COLUMN PS j EDITQJ Charles Wellfokd Charles Cook Miss Clara Sadler is a new scholar in the Eleventh Grade The General History class is review ing Greece this week Word analysis comes next The books purchased by the school arrived last week They are a fine se lection Mr Gordon and Miss John son were pleasant visitors this week The girls in the Botany Class have found some very fine flowers to an alyze The debate whiGh was announced for last week and did not come off may be expected next Friday nisiie1 tmnw1 of section No 22 in township No 33 N range No 29 W She names as witnesses Abram Johnson John AAdamson Frank G Reese and Alex ander Mosher all of Valentine Nebraska C R GLOVER Register U S La d Office Valentine Neb t April 15th 18 t Notice is hereby given that Crowell L Wem ple of Table Rock Nebraska has filed notice ot intention to make final proot before the Register ami Receiver at their office in Valentine Nebr on Wednesday the 27th day of May 189G on tim ber culture application No 7853 for the ne1 of Seetibn No 20 in township No 28 N Range No 30 W He names as witnesses Stuart Tait of Brown Ice Neb William teadman itobert M Faddis and Charles H Tait of Jass Nebr C R GLOVER Register I U S Land Office Broken Bow Neb i March -Mil 1890 Complaint having been entered at this office bv Hiram R Edgar against Charles Rice for niandoninc hi Homestead Entry No S805 dated Oct 30 1889 upon the e neM Sec 5 To 20 n Range 27 w and s1 selj -Sec 32 Tp 27 n R 27 w in Cherry county Neb with a view to the can cellation of said entry the said parties areheie by summoned to appear at the office ot John Fritz a notary public at Brow nice Neb on the 2nd day of May 1890 at 10 oclock a m to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment Finaf hearing at this office on the 9th day of May 189G at m a in CHARLES H A DAMS Register ilKEF QUARTERMASTERS OFFICK V Omaha Neb March 20 J85MJ Sealed proposals In tripieate will be received here UU 12 oclock m central btandatd time ApriK lKUfi and then onened for luniisliing transportation diavaieond for hsmdiini sioies in Depairinenl of the tlatte dining fiscal vear cammeiiciiir Jnlv 1 IPw TT s reserves leriir l to reject or accept any or all proposals or any pari tnereoi lmormation uiruisiicd oiianiui caoion Ku elopes containing proposals o be marked Pioposals for transportation on Route No aim udiliessed to D D WHEELER Major Q m First publication March 20 FOR FRESHBEEF ANDMUT PROPOSALS ton - Headquarteis Department of the llatte Ollice Chiof Commissary of Subsistence Omaha Neb April 15 1S9G Sealed proposals in triplicate accompanied by written guarantee bonds in duplicate will be received at this of fice until it oclock a in central standard time May 13 1896 at which time and place they will be opened in presence of bidders for fur nishing such quantities of fresh beef and mutton for issues as may be requiredj by the Subsis tence Department U S Army at Omaha Ne braska Forts Crook Omaha Robinson and Ni obrara Nebraska and Forts D A Russell and Washakie and Camp Pilot Butte Wyoming and Fort Meade S D during the period com mencing July 11890 and ending December si 1S9G Iroposals will also be received until 10 oclock a m mountain standard time and opened at the posts of Forts Niobrara Robinson D A Russell Washakie Meade and Camp Pilot Butte bv the respective post commissaries of such posts eacli commissary receiving pro posals for his owu post only Proposals ivill alio 16 received stating Vie price at which the bidder will deliver fresh heef or mutton of the character stated in the specification and to oe J aeuverca of temperature not greater than 50 degrees Fahrenheit Blank proposals and guar antees and circular of instructions to bidders giving full information as to the quality of the beef and mutton required manner of bidding conditions to be observed by bidders and terms of contract and payment will be furnished on application to this ollice or to tho Commissary of any po3t authorized to open proposals The government reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or any part of any proposal En velopes containing proposals should be marked Proposals for Fresh Beef etc and addressed to the Chief C S Dent of the Platte Omaha Nebr or to the respective Post Commissaries authorized to receive proposals as stated above FRANK E NYE Captain and C S U S A Chief Commissary of Subsistence Notice to Non resitlent Defendant Levi Y Anderson will take notice that on the 14th day of March 1896 John Dunn a justice of the peace of Valentine precinct Cherry county Nebraska issued an order of attachment for the sum of 7500 in an action now pending be fore him wherein E McDonald is plaintiff and 3cvi Y Anderson is defendant that the prop erty of the defendant consisting of 2 red and white cows about 8 years old has been attached under said order Said cause was continued to the llth day of May 189C at 10 oclock a m E McDONAID Plaintiff RAILROAD North Western Line is to best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NORTH NEBRASKA Wanted fin Idea Who can think of Eome simple thing to patent Protect your Ideas they may brine you wealth Write JOHN WEDDERBURN CO Patent Attor neys Washington D C for their 1800 prlzo offer and list of two hundred inventions wanted STILL ON gaXvlgaraifjciA3ffrBljl mmri Joif Jiam 5i3Bffis hP1 t u m UiJU LWr JfcJMTCiMK 7 wmvrn mmmtz teSfiav s aEBM tSHBk NO 12 DEC lB P pointer pTO aifBUFHBHMMPP IBM iUli Z7 mM McDONALD i mmmmmmww with the Newest Finest and Most Gom plete line of A GROCERIES CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT r In this City Also Provisions and Vegetables in season - W A PET TYCREV Fxop i i I T- fe At k J LLjT iiVM Lec us give casBsoi TTM1 - yuu ct voonfter f jwwjv HEADQUARTERS for Dry Goods Clothing Motions Boots Shoes Hats Caps and Furnishing GooSsw AXD A COMPLETE LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE Also a large invoice of NAVAJO INDIAN 3LANKBT TLJC I fit pern FRO KIT CARRIES A COMPLETE LINE OF GENERAL M EBCHANDISE JACKSON BRAYTON Pri valentine Nebrrm ANK OF VALENT r Is a1 C H CORN ELL President 31 V NICHOJjSGkraHer Valentine Nebraska A General JBanTHkitj Business Transacted Buys ind Sells Domestic and Foreign Eoccliazz Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York rlrst National Banfc32Sfce At Stetters Old Staiid -on Main Street WILL FURrTISH - Fish Game Tender Stesfe Jncy Roasts Dry -Salt Mssfe andlthe finest line of SmeisslL Hams and Breakiast Bmmsi ever sold in town J W STETTEiV THE PALACE SALO VALENTINE Neb HEADQUARTERS WINES LIQUORS and CIGAES Ot the Choicest Brands