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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1896)
I I fM3lSBlmiMKMuaM 1 1 f IJ 1 F ry MitmMiamammamm iiUtsiitsprK rsf ttlgcordiallj and fnitcrnallv invited to attend F M Walcott W M Vyv Tnovrsoic Seev ValPiitine Lodge No 70 A O II W meets M and 3rd31onday in each mouthy M Chrisspnen M W L I- stoner Eec Valentine Lodge Xo 205 T O O F meets vry Tluivda mug Visiting brothers cord 1allynTttl toattend our ineetiigb J II Yeast NrG Wkmkv See Col Wood IustNo w Department of Ne braska regular ami ith Sat sudavs of earn month at -2 u m slinru Comrtfls from other Iosts ar cordially invited to attend W W Thomi5 o Coiirvmnder Joiix lUN adjt Col Wood W It C No 179 regular meeting 2d and gatuidays of each month Asiaxda LuWKvPres Hklrx Ilonxm ee Arrival art Departure of ULails Mail east and west closes at 8 p m Rosebud leaves at Sfl a m daily eept Sun day and arrives at 50 p m Simeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves at 700 a m Mondays Wednesdays and Fri day and arrives at 700 p m Tuesdays and Saturdays Ft Niobrara leaves daily at 00 a in and 5 00 p ui arrives at r M p in ivmvanee and Sparics Mondays 11 Wednesdays and rdats at ooJ p in and leaves Tuesdays Thursdays And Saturdays at 7s a ni Genera delivery open from 7P0 a m to 700 p m General deliver open on Sundays from StoJO a ni Lock boxes opendaily torm 0 a -in tO3j3 in W EIIALEY Postmaster Official Directory ofCherry Co Treasurer Jierk Sheriff vJudge Ouuuty Attorney County Superintendent Coroner Commissioners J G P Crabb Geo Elliott C G Parker FMWalcott hd Clarkp Iiliian Stoner Huyrh Boyer F H lncersoll E W Starr I P S Dniiimni Sullivan PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS C DW YER I97yiyiciati tin Surgeon Ottica Jit C K Watsons Drug Store Prompt attention given to all professional calls VALKXTrSE - NKPKAbKA Teachers Extutiiraatsoii The regular monthly Teachers -Examination will be held the third Saturday of each month iat nay office in the Court House LILLIAN STONER Supt of Schools TD CLARKE AH kinds of Jegal business promptly attended to Vaikktikk - Neehaska tO M SAGESER Mn S lo S Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W 117 Moses building hot and gold baths Valentine E Slii AMRC3 ILUB BLACKSMITH am Repairing a Specialty l Prices Strickly Ggh and Low er than ever SHOP on- Cherry St opposite Laug old stand THE 1KHDRN RAILROAD orth Western Line -is to best to and from the -SUGAR BiEfT -FIELD OF NOBra UEBBASKA uMSOSSSSBSSSSBSSSSSSSm KiGSSQ iT the valentine democrat ro was ar M vio d it i - CRRY CUUHfY IKOkPEHDEHT GOOD Editor and Publisher rUflltIJKii EVERY THUKSDAY tuuerm hi tit- J u Ktlt ce at Vak utine Cherry coiytv ViRi ka n si ond class matter Clfiicial JPaper of Cherry Coun ty Nebraska ttte Dollar Per Yetir Societies 70UX MENS SOCIAL CLUR Meets X eury Wednesday evening at the ence or Mrs Helen Horubv Cuajmks H took Presidfent Chakiks lIAVKiir itH Secretary QKTTItt HULL TK1JE xNO S O lUfhOVIIl OltDKM OK RKWiEX Meets every sei ond and fourth Saturday of one1 month Mimiesof the outer in good Mandinjr ireconMallv alul fraternally invited to at tin 1 V 1 1 THOMPSON Sacilem 1 1 WIGGINS C of Kecurds Miiinblcadaia7dge No W2 A F A niectsliirvcuiarpomniunicatioiisaturiiscj even ng on or neioreuie iuninoon ineaou hhiubj nf nnA the order in good and - i Tin ioii K ok aucxtixk and Cniiiitv C ilxtv Creeling We come among you as a stranger rtnd tis no more than right that we should tell von what we aro who we are and what we are here for so that there will be no misunderstanding IMrsfc We are a democrat People say that a democrat nowadays is a cu riosity but wearenot hankeiing after that title so well let that pass as Kipling says We will be on exhibi tion at our office every day from 80U oclock a m to 600 oclock p m Second We are a young man how young we wont say brunette type un married good natured neither re ligious nor irreligious and have a high regard for woersu We think that a good true woman is the noblest work Third Weare here to give you the Lbest paper Cherry county ever had if we can That may sound like conceit but The Autocrat says concept is to human nature what salt is to the sea so well kt that pass too We are not here in the interest 6t any clique ror ring while The Democrat is a party paper we do not intend to let politics blind us to anything which may be to the interest of our town or iuumj t iioiik cici UICIU bU UC UU1 inend and we will be every mans friend in return When you meet us on the street say Hello Bob and it will not offend us We want to get acquainted cant give you a good paper if we dont so consider your self invited to call Youll find us up stairs in the front room of what was once called Democratic Headquarters Robert Good Come m and get acquainted Arbor Day will soon be here 2Tow is the time tosub3eribe Henry Stetter was down from Ghad ron Monday T H Quigley returned trom Cody Monday morning F H Baumgartel was dowu fr6ra Crookston Monday M Y Xiekolson returned harae from Michigan Friday G- n Sawyer of Sparks was in town on business Mondav Wm Morgareidge was up from Simeon on business Jfriday Mr and Mrs C A Johnson were up from yesterday Henry Ormesher - was down fro m Chadron on business Monday Mr -and Mrs Chapon moved from Kansas to Valentine last week Miss Green of Chadron visited Mrs E Sparks the first of the week Miss Mae OSnilivan made a trip to the Agency Saturday returning Sun day X S Kowley was in from Kennedy Monday with a bunch of cattle for J W Stetter llev Bates held Episcopal services at ForfXiobraraiMondayand went to Cody Tuesday Mr Chas Enla and family returned to Cherry county last week -after two years spent in Wisconsin The Indians are depleting Uncle Sams supply of wagons About 100 have been taken out this week A papertdown the road says that Messrs were out shooting at thelakes Wonder if they hit any oE em We have moved into vbhefronb room of the building formerly occupied and now have a ueatlittle ofiice Comean and see us The supper given by the ladies of the Presbyterian church last Saturday evening was well attended and the ladies realized about 27 from their labors C C Tckett of stopped in town over night Sunday on his way to Sioux Falls S D to act as inter preter in a number of cases against Indians Clarence bageser the barber is rap idly making fneuds and winning trade at Browns old stand He believes in newspapers too Xotice his- card in another column W A Selden and if II Bell- came up from Longpine Tuesday and have opened a stock of clothing boots and fcshoes hats and caps- in ilhe Stillwfill building JRcadtlicir ad 1 I Another hunting parfv started fori the lakes this morning to be gone sev eral days Christian Endeavor topic for Sun day is WtlI Our Excuses Stand Acts 26 1928 3FAny one in need of wind mills orpumps will save money by -seeing me1 before buying G Cailsox The mill has good hard life sepd wheat already vtrioled that they will exchange bushel for bushel Tor any other wheat A A Roe formerlyambulance diiv er Bt the post received bis discharge this week and this morning started for Davenport Iowa To protect Jay from the inquiries ot his friends and to satisfy public curiosity we will say that J Il Farris intends to stay in Valentine this sum mer This is authoritative Six wagonloads of emigrants from Fremont county Iowa passed through tdwn Tuesday euroute to Hay Springs and Chadron Gradually the tide of immigration is returning this way Dont forget the Phonograph Social to be given by the Ladies Guild at Cornell Hall Wednesday Apiil 1 5 Supper will be served at G oclock sharp Everyone invited Xo Ad mission fee I Miss Brownlee of Gordon teacher in the public schools of Longpine vis ited with Mrs Lizzie Crawo d Sun day while on her way to ber school af tei a w eeks vacation spent -at her home Bishop Graves of Kearney will be here Sunday April 19 in company with Eev Bates to administer the sa cred rite of confirmation to all those who wish to join the Episcopal church We are informed that a number of confirmations will be made 3 Teeth filled with wood Teeth iilled yvitii haj For the next sixty days good wood and hay will be taken at the highest market price in exchange for dental work DB C A WELLS Ofiice over T C Hornbys store1 Wallace Craigie had anarrow escape from serious injury last iFriday His team became frightened while driving down Main street and ran away throw ing him into the street and badly dam aging the buggy vhich was capsized The horses were captured in the west part of town Following -is the vote cast for village trustees at the election Tuesday E SparksS04 J Burleigh 89 C li Cor nel 86 T C Hornby S2 D S Lud wig 80 J M Carpenter 51 Geo H Hornby 48 O W Morey 34 S W Holsclaw29 H Kazey 27 Thefiist five were elected If a fellow townsman has scheme for the betterment of the town suspected- of having some ulterior mo tive for pushing it DUt let -a long headed smooth talking stranger corae along with a nice littla plan forgetting various kiritis of shekels -and everyone is ready to invest A- party consisting c fiF F Gillman JE Case J A Carroll and mine host White with Mr Hilsingeri to do the driving went out to the lakes about thirty miles south of town Fri day yon a duck hunt They returned Tuesday evening tirdd but happy1 having bagged about 100 of the web footed sougsters The Chicago Lady Quartette and Miss Xettie M Jackson impersonator will give a recital here Tuesday April 28 at Cornell Hall This corapauy is much above those usually heard here and stops in the larger places only as a rule The repertoire of the quartette is extensive and embraces everything from the most difficult classic music to the lightest and airiest popular sopgsV M JR Farsis shipped his- household godds farm machinery and five head of horsesdncluding Colonel Edmond to Lonoke Ark last Friday His I family preceded hirn and he expects to make Lonoke his- home in the fu ture We hope for his sake that he Avill be satisfied irt his southern home but we cannot help thinking he will wish himself in Cherry county ere a year hasigone Theyre Koil Men Wow Sitting iull Tribe To 22 Improved Order of Bed men held a special meet ing Saturday night at their wigwam in the Davenport buildingj and adopted-four new members wiz G IL Q Smitfc A J Hitt A Krueeland and A H Ferguson Several visiting mem bers were present and assisted in the team work The tribe - seems to be increasing in popularity as -four adoptions are billed f on ithQjnext meet ing April 25th besides a couple of candidates fpr degrees omssssBtsxia Awarded Highest Honors WorIds Fair DR wm CREAM BAKE NG POWDfR MOST PERFECT MADE V pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder Free m Ammonia Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD Wanted An Idea Who can think of some simple tuingio iaieiir Protect your lUean they may bring you wealth write JUfiN wjiuKiiuw j ju latent Aicor r iiCT D iiuouiUbWif viui tucu yi w vuv and list of two hundred iuventlons wanted 1 iUnter it the Churrlus Easter was observed at the Metho dist church in a very lilting manner last Sunday In the morning three children and six adults were baptized and Sunday being Um first anniversary of the dedication of the new church a sort of anniversary celebration was in dulged in The pastor llev Uamsey gavea short talk and Bev Holsclaw former pastor spoke to the congrega tion for about 10 minutes The La flies Aid Society Sabbath School Fp worth League and Junior League made their annual reports each of the societies showing a Mattering increase in strength During the past year t9 members have been received into the church on probation and the total membership at present is 119 This is three times as many members as the church had when Bev Bamsey took charge four years ago The church was beautifully decorated with flowers and in the evening an Easter program of songs recitations etc was -rendered by the children Bev J M Bates conducted the beautiful Easter services at the Epis copal church and administered com munion to the members The congre gation was larger than usual and much interest was manifested in the cere mony which lost none of its sublimity through the unacquaintance of the congregation with the form of worship -The -music was good the choir beiog composed of some ot the best voices in j town ZTIiiNicnl Union Organized The Valentine Musical Union organ ized by Prof Bridges held its first meeting at the lesbyterian church last Friday avening adopted consti tution and by laws and elected the following flicers who will serve a term of three months Musical Director Prof Anderson Assistant Miss Lillian Stoner Organist Miss Mae Davenport Secretary V V Thorn Treasurer H O Tucker Executive Committee J A Vin cent -Mrs Crawford and Miss Brown The membership fee -for new mem bers was fixed at one dollar This doesnot include song Meet ings will be held feveryFpiday evening alternating monthly between the Pres byterian and Methodist churches SCHOOL COLUMN EDITOKS j CnARLES CoQKm The Bridges Bros Convention Co has wonderfully improved the singing in our schools We notice that the Thorn will ir ritate the older person as well as the small boy Miss Bessie wasa pleasant vis itor in the school yesterday A couple of young men in the High School received instructions iin the proper manner of ascending and de scending the stair lastlonday The question for debate nextFriday will be Resolved That Lincoln should receive morecredit at from the nation than Washington Miss Callen holds the banner this week The High School should make an effort toehold it at least once -more this year -Seven new scholars have been-ad mitted to the school this wpek iJLaken up Taken upvat my place miles south west of St MarysMissionon the An telope April 1st one light sorrel horse lame in right f ront foot and one dark sorrel horse with white strip iu fore head Weigh about5l100 each both branded on left shoulder with a Wi un der a half circle or it mayifce ishoe with heeLdrawn in CCIACKETT Uw wbud S D -7 - ivV XSe23BZaffi2222aaXi2 m n5o 5 u LL nnnp 7 rri 9 S 8 UiiL Is tiie place to go for jDBTJGS MEDICINES PAINTS- The HVm L E OILS VARNISHES - Valentine i t v 12 QQ u Glens Pants 50c Toe 100 8125 Wool Pants 145 8175 and up Suits 350 8495 8750 S00 9 25 and so on Tailor Made Suits from 81350 mp Boys Knee Pant Suits -100 8125 to 400 75 c Boys Three Piece Suits 8050 8400nnd np A f ew sood Brown Cloth Over- coats worth 81000 to close at 525 Repairing neatly done at reason able prices TVe also have a line of SHOES AjND BATS which Yheiigone -will notbe replaced We arehere to flll a -vacancy in your town and -hope you -will see our goods before buvinir else where Xour s ifor Jow rnices ELDE THE TAILOR TflR THTn I w J 1 A- Bfeiic t 1 1 v 14 ns ft JVt t 1f tM phis Tenn Received Hi NEBiBASKA UNDERTAKERS SUPPLIES We have just Tecervecl a full lise of Coffins Caskets and Cases 9 V M AS 0 ft R fk y7k IFTv twZTm 1 rf w pt VJ nu iyft rm U H n t wnite nous A Ti WHITS Valentine Nebraska aOOD XEXVS AOVT THE FINANCIAL IJEMS of tiff DAW How to save money b judicious J buying at home is of more im portance to you just now than any other problem We are here to Help Solve TJiis Problem Onr Frices Point iJte Way I r Kj - 2 ht K rt l X H H3 3 it 2 X 15 Has been rebuilt and aooras fnrnislied with NEW SUITS OF FURNITURE Making it the most complete and comfortable HOTEL IN THE NORTHWEST SAMPLE ROOM AND LIVERY STABLE IN CONNECTION Valentine Nebraska W E HALEY CQMSUMPTI OlSf J - a WO I SO PKOXOO CEO yfhePbysisiass SEVEKE 1 S2P tfSbk XW ft 4GK fl IB At Kight it ii rtff T k xnmmir mm Given Over by the Doctors I LIFE SAVED BY AYERS GHERBY PEGTBBJH Seven years ago my wife had a 5 scv tc attack of lung trouble piikh o the physicians pronounced consumption Os TJie coush was extremely distrcvsinij espeftialty at night and was frequently o attended with the spitting of blood o Tlie doctors being unable to help her a 1 induced her to try Ayers Cherry oa toral and was surprised at the great o nliff it gave Before using one witole q bottle she was cured so that now she is o quite strong and healthy Tliat this medicine saved inywifei life I have not q the least doubt K Mokijis Mem Q 9 ni r s vs yers uneriy raetorai hest Awards o or AT THE WORLDS -FAIR o ooooooooooocooooooooooo PER BfSONTH lH YOUK OWM LGCALITY uadc easily and honorably without capi tal during your spare hours Any man woman boy or girl can do the work hand ily Avithout experience Talking un necessary Nothing like it for money making ever offered before Our workers always prosper No timo wasted la learning the business Te teach you in a night how to succeed from the first hour Yon can maie a trial without i pense to yourself We start yon fwrntsli cveryth nir needed to carry on tne oasi ness successfully and guarantee yoa asainst failure if you but follow onr simple plain in tiiicrim Keruler If you are in need n rear- money and want to know all about the hest paying business before tiie pulilir send -us your eddre s and we wii wtrl you a docu ment iriviin you al the particulars TR3QQ7 Box 400 Augusta ftflasne Notice - We are sending out a large number of sample copies this week and is you are interested in the growth of the pa- per send in your name aud adoluir for a years subscription r V f A J v yX