The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, April 09, 1896, Image 7

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Important Change of Time on t
Commencing April 5th the Sioux Citj
find Northern morning passenger wil
leave Siou City at 530 a in arriving a
Minneapolis at 5 p in St Paul 0 pi m
This train will run through to St Cloud
making close connections at that poin
with through trains for the Pacific coast
arriving at Seattle at 8 a m Portlanc
830 a m the third day afier leaving
Sioux City This is the shortest and bes
route to the north Pacific coast Nn lay
overs through palace sleepers buffe
cars tourist sleepers only one change
g am k q q
Your blood in Spring is almost certain to
be full of impurities the accumulation
of the winter months Bad ventilation
of sleeping rooms impure air in dwell
ings factories and shops over eating
heavy improper foods lailure of the
kidneys and liver properly to do extra
work thus thrust upon them are tiie
prime causes of this condition It is
of the utmost importance that you
Now as when warmer weather comes and
the tonic effect of cold bracing air is
gone your weak thin impure blood
will not furnish necessary strength
That tired feeling loss of appetite will
open the way for serious disease ruined
health or breaking out of humors and
impurities To make pure rich red
blood Hoods Sarsaparilla stands une
qualled Thousands testify to its mer
its Millions take it as their Spring
Medicine Get Hoods because
Is the One True Blood Purifier All drupgists 1
Prepared only by C L Hood Co Lowell Alass
FTrkoriSc IDUfc are the only pills to take with
IIUUU b It lllis Hoods Sarsaparilla
The Greatest Medical Discovery
of the Age
Has discovered in one of our common
- pasture weeds a remedy that cures every
kind of Humor from the worst Scrofula
down to a common Pimple
He has tried it in over eleven hundred
cases and never failed except in two cases
both thunder humor He has now in his
possession over two hundred certificates
of its value all within twenty miles of
Boston Send postal card for book
A benefit is always experienced from
the first bottle and aperfect cure is war
ranted when the right quantity is taken
When the lungs are affected it causes
shooting pains like needles passing
through them the same with the Liver or
Bowels This is caused by the ducts being
stopped and always disappears in a week
after taking it Read the label
If the stomach is foul or bilious it will
cause squeamish feelings at first
No change of diet ever necessary Eat
the best you can get and enough of it
Dose one tablespoonfulin water at bed
time Sold by all Druggists
cj fvrwa
as another
It is easy to say that
one preparation is as
good as another and it
is easy to waste money
by buying something
you know nothing
about and receiving
no benefit When the
body is weak and you
wanttogiveit strength
when health is failing
what wisdom is there
in experimenting with
a substitute when for
a few cents more you
can buy the original
article For more than
twenty years Scotts
Emulsion has been the
standard Cod liver Oil
emulsion It contains
more pure Norwegian
Cod liver Oil than any
other emulsion in the
world and will stand
the test of time as
being a perfect insep
arable emulsion You
cant afford to take a
substitute for iL
mfm 1r7l
Fijrhtinu Bicycles
Among the latest forms of army bicy
cles is an American invention recently
exhibited at the cycle show in New
York -which might be described as a
fighting wheel A machine gun is
mounted on the head of the bicycle in
such a manner that it can be directed
at any desired angle The gnu is auto
matically fed with cartridges and is in
tended to be operated by the rider with
out stopping the wheel
Electricity from the Sea
At first glance there seems to be no
connection between the breaking of
sea waves and the electrical condition
of the air Recent investigations how
ever show that the shattering of the
waves and the scattering of the spray
have the effect of imparting positive
electricity to the atmosphere Visitors
to the seashore experience a stimulation
from the ozone contained in the air
and the presence of this is ascribed to
the electrifying action of the spray from
the breaking waves
Odd Facts About Rosin
In a recent article describing the proc
esses of obtaining turpentine and rosin
from the sap of the long leaf pine for
which North Carolina is especially cele
brated Mr L J Vance states some
facts about the use of rosin which are
not generally known The finest grades
of rosin he sajs are used in the manu
facture of paper Printers ink contains
rosin Rosin also enters into the com
position of scented toilet soaps of seal
ing wax of putty of sizing and of var
nishes It likewise furnishes a lubricat
ing oil for machinery which competes
oven with petroleum in cheapness
Plants in Bedrooms
Recent experiments in a large Eng
lish conservatory have shown that tak
ing the whole twenty four hours
through plants do not surcharge the air
with carbon dioxide or carbonic acid
gas When the room containing the
plants is closed in the daytime the oxy
gen in the air actually gains in propor
tion upon the carbon dioxide At night
the process is reversed but the gain of
carbon dioxide is then only just suffic
ient to restore the air to its normal con
dition These experiments suggest that
the theory that plants kept in bed rooms
are injurious must be subjected to
further examination before being ac
A Katydid Samson
A correspondent of the Fopular Sci
ence News tells how he harnessed a
katydid to a kind of sled made by fold
ing a piece of ordinary note paper and
then loaded the sled with various arti
cles The insect proved able to draw
in addition to the original paper twelve
paper sheets each three by four and
one half inches a large screw two steel
pens a stone weighing two ounces and
three and a half lead pencils When the
weight became too heavy lo be drawn
otherwise the katydid got its forefeet
over the edge of the table for a better
hold and on the addition of another
weight it increased the adhering power
of its feet by moistening them in its
The New Great Telescope
In reporting the tests made last Octo
ber by himself and Professor Hale of
the object glass of the new forty inch
telescope for the Chicago University
Prof J E Keeler speaks in the Astro
physical Journal of the marvelous ap
pearance presented by the large nebula
in Orion and particularly of the vivid
blue green color which it presented
The Orion nebula although it has been
studied carefully since Herschels day
is still a mysterious object and the new
telescope -when completed may help to
unravel the mystery Referring to evi
dences of a slight bending of the glass
under its own weight Professor Keeler
remarks that here is evidence for the
first time that we are approaching the
limit of size in the construction of great
object glasses for telescopes
The New Photojrraphy
The experiments of Professor Ronr
gen in making photographs of the bones
of the hand and other concealed ob
jects by means of invisible rays issu
ing from a vacuum tube through which
an electric current is passing have now
been repeated so often and by so many
different persons both in this country
and abroad that already efforts are
being -made toward the practical utili
zation of the discovery Mr Edison it
is said has found that the ordinary
pear shaped glass bulbs of incandescent
electric lamps serve better than the
costly Crookes tubes for the production
of the mysterious rays The nature of
these rays is still under discussion Pro
fessor Schuster thinks they may possi
bly be light waves smaller than any
hitherto known to science and capable
of traversing solids but of course in
capable of producing the effect of or
dinary light on the eye But if this be
so the light is different from that which
we know for it can be neither reflected
nor refracted It has been found im
possible to focus the rays even by a
metallic lens Professor Mosetig of
Vienna has by the aid of these rays
photographed a revolver bullet in a
mans hand and the malformed bones
in the foot of a crippled girl
Someone has discovered that the
great thinkers of the world were short
men Some of them could get pretty
high occasionally
Something About Morphine Sulphur
Molasses and Other Things
From the Evening Neics Newark N J
Among the popular society leaders in
East Orange N J Emma L Stoll a
eh arming young maiden stands in the
foremost rank She is of a lovable dispo
sition and the light of the social set in
which she moves For two years she has
been a sick girl from internal troubles
peculiar to women and having recently
recovered has given our reporter the fol
lowing interesting account
Instead of improving under the care of
my physician I became worse For five
weeks I was unable to get out of bed and
about 0 oclock each morning I suffered
horribly My lips were sore and lacerated
from the marks of my teeth for in my
efforts to keep from screaming I sunk my
teeth deep into my lips At such times I
rolled and tossed until the bed shook like
nn aspen lecf and it finally got so serious
that the doctor I wont tell you his name
gave me some morphine pills to take
The very thought of them now makes me
shiver These morphine pills simply put
me to sleep for a while and when I be
came conscious again my agony was re
The pain in my stomach and back was
more than I could stand Your blood is
poor said the doctor take sulphur and
molasses and I did until it was a great
wonder that I was not a molasses cake
It was time wasted in taking it because I
was not benefited in the least my suffer
ing continued but by a mighty effort af
ter being in bed so long I got up Oh
but I was a sad sight then From 112
pounds I had fallen to ninety my cheeks
were pale and sunken and I limped yes
actually hobbled from the extreme pain
in my side Then I read of Dr Williams
Pink Pills for Pale People and the testi
monial in the News inspired me with hope
I got the pills and took them Before
many days I began to improve and before
1 had finished one box I felt as if I could
go out and walk for miles I soon stopped
limping and through the Pink Pills I soon
bid good bye to my headaches while the
pain in my stomach and back slowly but
surely succumbed to the influence of these
pills that seem to be able to persuade all
pain to leave ones body Now I am as I
used to be well and strong light hearted
and merry but never without the pills
See I have got some of them now and
from a nearby desk she handed out one
of the boxes
Dr Williams Tink Pills contain in a
condensed form all the elements neces
sary to give new life and richness to the
blood and restores shattered nerves They
build up the blood and restore Hie glow
of health to pale and sallow cheeks Pink
Pills are sold in boxes at 50 cents a box
or six boxes for 250 and may be had of
all druggists or direct by mail from Dr
Williams Medicine Co SchenectadyNY
Ierhaps Its as Well
Hicks It would be a
thing if the dead could revisit the
earth to tell us about the great beyond
Wicks I dont know about that
Why when a man returns from a few
weeks in Europe he becomes a pesti
lential bore for years afterward Could
one return from heaven or the other
place there would never be an end of
his sab
The Evolution
Of medical agents is gradually relegating
the old time herbs pills draughts and veg
etable extracts to the rear and bringing
into general use the pleasant and effective
liquid laxative Syrup of Figs To get
the true remedy see that it is manufactured
by the California Fig Syrup Co only For
sale by all leading druggists
Live to make somebody happy or you
will never know what the mu meaning
of life is
An exodus of Dunkards irom Indiana
and other states to North Dakota is taking
place the Great Noithern Railway the
other day hauling on one tram from St
Paul 1038 of these people to points on its
line in the North State It is doubtful if
a larger number of actual settlers was
ever before moved at one time by any
railway in this country Their movables
filled eighty one freight c us So far the
Great Northern has taken over 3000
Dunkards to North Dakota and the move
ment seems to be gaining strength every
First get a mans heart and you will
not have to draw a levolver on him to get
his purse
Catarrh Cant Io Cured
With LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they cannot
reach tho seat of the disease Catarrh is a blood
or constitutional disease and in ordor to euro it
you have to take internal remedies Halls Ca
tarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly
on tho blood and mucous surfaces Halls Ca
tarrh Cure is no quack medicine It was pre
Ecribed by one of tho host physicians in this
country for years and is a regular prescription
It is composed of the best tonics known com
bined -with tho best blood purifiers acting di
rectly on tho mucous surfaces Tho perfect
combination of the two ingredients is what
produces such wonderful results in curing ca
tarrh Send for testimonials free
F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo Ohio
Sold by druggists price 75c
A stereotyped prayer may be better than
none but it never brings down any fire
from heaven
Some floating soaps turn yellow and rancid Dob
bins FIoatinit Borax Soap doss neither The Boras iu
It bleaches It with age and the odor is uellghtlul Try
It once use it always Order a trial lot of your grocer
lnslbt ou red wrappers
The preacher who would have the com
mon people hear him gladly must make
himself understood
FITSr AniritsstoppedfreebylrKtiiiopGriit
2Sei re Ketoi er No Fits after first days use Mar
velous cures Treatie and sfy00 trial bottle free to
Fit cases Send to Dr Kline J31 Arch St 1liila Pa
Checks Bleeding Reduces
InfIammationQuiets Pain
Is the Bicyclers Necessity
Sores Pmrc Burns
Piles tfUflLO Colds
Rheumatism Hoarseness
Sore Throat Chilblains
Catarrh Inflamed Eyes
Wounds Bruises Sprains
Headache Toothache etc
after Shaving No Irritation
after Exercising No Lameness
is a specif icf or Piles socts
Savesfl from Destruction
This Is what happens when the kfdneya are
rescued from inactivity by Hostettcrs Stom
ach Bitters If they continue inactive they
are threatened with Brights Disease dia
betes or some other malady which works
their destruction Malarial bllIo5 arrtl rheu
matic ailment and dyspepsia are also con
quered by the Bitters which is thorough and
Is there anything more foolish than for
man to think he can serve the devil all his
life and get away from him on hs death
1isos Cure for Consumption has been
a godsend to me Win B McClellac
Chester Fla Sept 17 1S95
The young woman who advocates the
bloomer costume generally has something
to show for her advocacy
The Great Northern Kail way has an
nounced important changes iu its trans
continental train service Beginning
April 5th the Tacific Coast train will
leave St Paul daly at3p mandtherun
ning time will be considerably reduced to
all points The popular buffet library
car service will be resumed at the same
lime and through cars run via Spokane
to Portland Oregon
A mans capacity for knowledge is gen
erally in inverse ratio to capacity for
Mrs Wlnslows Soothtkg Syrup for Children
teething sottens the cuius reauces iunamiuatloa
allivs pan cureu vind colic 25 cents a bottle
My dear fellow she is an angel How
exquisitely lovely her complexion They
say she uses Glenns Sulphur Soap
If you pay S4 to 8G for shoes ex
amine the V L Douglas Shoe and
see what a good shoe you can buy for
and LACE made In nil
kinds of the best selected
leather by skilled work
men We
ninke and
sell more
3 Shoes
than anv
mannfactnrer In the world
None genuine unless name and
price is stamped on the bottom
Ask your dealer for our S5
84 8350 82no 8225 Shoes
8250 82 and 8175 for boys
cannot supply you send to fac
tory enclosing price and 36 cents
to pay carriage State kind style
of toe cap or plain size and
width Our Custom Dept will fill
your order Send for new illus
trated catalogue to ijox it
W L DOUGLAS Brockton Mass
MENTION THIS PAPER tthxh wbitiko to dttiexu
Ip miiJ BMgMirBMJi g mammmmmmmm w
Tho nervous system is weakened by the lV WWri
J Every nerve is strengthened in the cure of it by Jsl v fl Bflj
The coming Artist who knows enough
to paint a popular subject
You get 5M oz of Battle Ax g
for 10 cents You only get 3 s oz
of other brands of no better quality
for JO cents In other words if you
buy Battle Ax you get 2 oz
more of high grade tobacco for the
same money Can you afford to
resist this fact We say NO
unless you have Money to Burn S
It Was Before the Day of
They Used to Say Womans
Work Is Never Done
ijzi rrj n i ij i
i ra c p O1 ifci i i a i t 6 -a i j
g 3 j f f J Tl
a f up i i an h z a - f -
I 111
- i i i
r II L LIT i
w K
- Y - U V -
n c ri nn
26 33 -42 50 or 58 inches high Quality and workmanship the best
Nothing on the market to compare with it Write for full information
One complaint
that we heard of was from a
woman who said that Pearline
hurt her hands We knew
that this couldnt be But we
looked into the matter and found
that she was using- one of the
poorest and most dangerous of bar
soaps with her Pearline When we
induced her to use Pearline alone
without this soap everything was lovely
Use no soap when you do any wash-
ing or cleaning with Pearline Its
needless and more expensive and it
may do harm 479
take the
law in your own hands ladies
when you ask for
r O
Bias Velveteen Skirt Binding
and dont get it Sentence such a
store to the loss of your trade and
give it to merchants who are will
ing to sell what you demand
Look for S H M on the Label
and take no other
If your dealer will not supply you wj
Send for samples showing- labels and materials
to the S H M Co P O Box 699 New York Ci
April 7 April 21 May 5
h mm ii in
To the South and West Ar
izona Arkansas Texas Ne
braska Kansas etc
Call at the local ticket ofllco
and get full Information about
rates stop over nrlvlletcos re
turn limits and territory to
which reduction will apply
Or better still write to J
Francis G V A Burlington
JJoute Omaha Neb
P S The crop of 189G Is
Rohm to be the biRRest Ne
braska ever had N question
about it Not in ten years
have conditions been so favor
able Better figure on getting
hold of a good miarter section
before prices advance
A reporter called on Wednesday
evening May S lSi at the resi
dence of Mr William MeMalion
No 10SS Pearl street Brooklyn
Village Cleveland O to learn
if possible the cause of the notice
able improvement in his physical
condition over that of a year ago
when he was a sufferer from
indigestion aud various organic
disorders You see began Mr
McMahon to start with my work
that of setting type at the case
allows me little chance for bodily
exercise and is altogether too
confining for anybody who is in the
least subject to indigestion or
dyspepsia Perhaps not more so
than man j another mechanic or
artisan who is constantly indoors
and under severe mental strain
while the physical development is
sadly in need of something to Keep
it in trim Well that has been my
complaint for years and some
months ago I became very bilious
and constipation made life misera
ble for me at times Then it took
a seat in my LIVER which became
noticeably inactive and 1 became
alarmed about it The first thing
I turned my attention to was to
secure a liver regulator which
however failed to regulate next
I sought relief in liver pills which
so pained and griped me that the
cure was I thought worse than
the disease The next thing I did
was to throw away the whole
shooting match and resolve to
take no more proprietary medicines
Iiowever on hearing my tale of
woe on day at the office a fellow
workman offered me a small Tabule
Ripaus he called it which he
said he would guarantee to act
on the liver I took it under
protest expecting to be doubled
up in about fifteen minutes with
the gripes But I was agreeably
surprised in its action It was
very gentle and I resolved to try a
box Since then I have gradually
noted an entire change in the
working of my system and think
that Ripaus Tabules are the best
remedy for liver and stomach
troubles this side of anywhere
They are really a substitute for
physical exercise Have one before
you go And Mr McMahon
produced his box of stand bys
from his inside pocket as the
reporter took his leave
Hlpans Tabnles are sold by drm stlst or by mall If
lie price 50 cents a box Is sent to The Ripaus Chcinl
al Company No 10 Spruce Street New Yuri Sample
lal 10 cents
THE AJTRIVrOTOK CO Goes IiaU the world3
windmill business because It has reduced the cost of
Wind power to lG what It was It has many branch
housed and supplies its goods and repairs
at your door it can ana does Iurolsh a
better article for less money than
others It makes Pumping and
Geared Steel
I Completion Windmills TUUar
and ITxed Steel Towers Steel Buzz Saw
Frames Steel Feed Cutters and Feed
Grinders On application It will name ono
of theso articles that It will furnish until
January 1st at 13 the usual prlcer It also make
Tanks and Pumps of all kinds Send for catalogue
Fcdory I2tb Rockwell end Fillmore Streets Chlcaio
sumer at wholesale prices
Ship anywhere for exami
nation before
warranted PT100
styles of rarriaes 90
styles Harnps 41 et jlfi
Ridinic Saddles Wrlto
for catatozur
Carriage liarntas Alt Co
tiKLart lad
nniUTrnf Should write for our new
1 lllll I LillUsamples The completest ever
issued Sioux City Newspaper Uniong
L2 Pearl Street Sioux City Iowa
please say you saw the advertisement
in this paper
S C N TJ -
uuKts wntnt all use tuis
15 06
uouaa Byrup Tastes Good use
in tuna sola by grogglstt