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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1896)
Bhe fflnlenfine Bcmocrnt SUCCKSSOK TO CHERRY COUNTY INDEIMJXDKXT HOIJEItT 13 GOOD - Editoh Pkoi VALENTINE NEBRASKA A man or the name of Miser has been appointed iostmaster at the town of Starevout Ore England agreed that in the division of Africa Italy should have Abyssinia and it is probable that Italy is now disposed to ask Why didnt you speak for yourself John Bull That there is music to Americans In the screams of the eagle is shown by the action of the Ohio Legislature which included the national bird in the bill to prevent the killing of the feath ered songsters Mexico grows in proportion more rapidly than Canada the increase in our Southern neighbor in four years having been 900000 or S per cent A republican form of government is the first element of American prosperity A French scientist says lie has dis covered a method of applying the X rays to bombs o as to disclose their contents It would be more to the pur pose to go ahead with brain radio graphy and keep under inspection the man who is thinking bombs Russia once owned a slice of Amer ica but sold it and in the African scramble it has taken no part But when it comes to extending the sphere of influence over adjacent territory Russia is considerably more successful than any other power in Europe England has long pursued the wise policy of fortifying its nobility with fresh blood in every generation by rais ing to the peerage men of eminence in public affairs The granting of Baron ial honors to Prof Roentgen however is somewhat of an innovation in Ger many Speaking of coast fortifications the works that gave the United States the most trouble during the civil war were built of earth at short notice like Fort Fisher Fort Sumter was battered in to a pile of rubbish and then became impregnable Fort Pulaski the defense of Savannah depended upon its Avails of brick and stone and surrendered a few hours after the siege batteries opened upon it United States Consul General Fratt nt Singapore has sent to the Depart ment of Agriculture a quantity of seed of the Sumatra tobacco which he thinks would grow in Southern Cali forniaandalong our Southern seaboard The culture pays big profits in Suma tra the dividends of the principal com pany aggregating for the three years ending with 1S93 about 175 per cent of the entire capital The dividends for 1S93 were 100 per cent and the aver age price of the tobacco for that year was about 54 cents per pound We hope the country has seen the last of those decisions by State Supreme Courts in criminal cases in which re versals and new trials are granted be cause of uiidotted is or Tincrossed ts in indictments or trifling errors in trials The Illinois Supreme Court in the anarchist cases admitted that many errors had been committed by the trial court but that not one of them was prejudicial to the defendants and it therefore affirmed the judgment of the lower court And now the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in passing up on the case of the notorious murderer Holmes is content to say that no sub stantial error has been committed This is good sense and it ought to be good law Xo new trial should be granted unless the accused has been deprived of justice during his trial in the lower court Mr Hall Caine who was recently in the United States says of American women They are superior intellectu ally to the men- This has come about as a consequence of the American mans putting the American woman on a ped estal and worshiping her He has stay ed below the pedestal and worked for lier not having time to cultivate his mind and manners while he so worked 33ut she has had plenty of time and she has made the best use of it I consider that the reverse is the case in England The average Englishman is superior to the average Englishwoman in intelli gence and education In America the women have known their own value and set it rather high for a couple of generations at least This is the result of the pedestal worship of the Ameri can men Do the American women ap preciate the attitude of the American men toward them It is doubtful While horses in the United States show a decrease of only 2 per cent in number in four years their value has decreased within a fraction of 50 per cent To day a good bicycle costs more than an ordinary horse but it is far less expensive to keep Many catises liave combined to lower the value of liorses but the decline has not yet rc ally set in Electricity compressed air and the mineral oils have not fairly be gun their attack upon the equine spe cies Until the motocycle is as com mon as the bicycle the horse need not fear for existence The real struggle is still in the future Inventions thai at the outset threatened man as a work er such as the spinning and weaving machines farm and foundry machin ery and mining devices speedily prov ed to be benefactors of mankind be cause they cheapened production ad vanced wages bettered living and mul tiplied Industries Man is the only ani mal with whom science contends in vain Invention aided by nature is catching up with the horse and in stead of increasing his usefulness and thereby augmenting his value he is being gradually but relentlessly push ed out of his place Man alone not only survives all assaults but triumphs over all assailants and inevitably har nesses his antagonists into his service Thus is evolution confirmed genera tion after generation It is the lis test that survive That long standing nuisance the the ater hat has defied all attempts at regu lation in the United States But light is breaking at last The Tabor Grand Op era House in Denver Col is now con trolled and managed by receivers under the direction of the District Court These receivers have no obligations to ward the public and like receivers who run railroads they share in the opinion of Yanderbilt the public be d d They have issued an order requiring all women attending the opera house to remove bonnets hats and all other head paraphernalia As it is now a woman who wears anything of the kind in the Tabor Grand Opera House is guilty of contempt of court Theatrical managers have always maintained that if they made such a regulation the women would stay away but they are not stay ing away from the Tabor Grand Opera House There has been a shadow of mystery over the split in the American branch of the Salvation Army which state ments of the opposing sides have not cleared away entirely Ostensibly Ballington Booth and his wife resigned because they were transferred against their will to another field of labor The fact that Ballington Booth had raised the standard of the army in this country far beyond his fathers anticipations had doubled its numbers and filled its treasury did not prevent the old General from removing him Gen Booth had demonstrated a sagac ity and genius for organization that made his action in this matter rather inexplicable The American branch of the army was prospering it even was contributing a large sum each year to the English headquarters It was more than self supporting Gen Booth therefore had every reason to leave well enough alone Ballington Booth since his removal has frequently in timated there was more behind the af fair than le cared to tell Respect for his father made him keep silence he said What was this secret history has been a matter of much speculation Gen Booths adherents have stated publicly that Ballington Booths rebel lion was simply a wayward and selfish determination not to abide by well known rules of the organization which prescribed frequent changes in com manding officers If this had been all there was to it Ballington Booth cer tainly was entitled to his present course of action But with the natural affec tion he was known to cherish for his father and the cause in which he was reared it seemed there must be some thing further to the matter Hints thrown out since then have strengthen ed this impression The assertion is now made that the rapture between the General and his son came about through a demand from the former for a fund created and built up solely by the American branch of the army This was the supernumeraries fund a benefit insurance obtained from the profits of sales of the War Cry Gen Booth wanted this sum transferred bodily to him to use elsewhere He demanded it and Ballington Booth re fused to send it He would have been unjust to those who earned it and to whom it rightfully belonged had he done otherwise than refuse Hence his removal the story goes It contains the elements of probability and if veri fied will redound to the credit of that stalwart young American and his wife who already have the sympathy of a large class of the public Too 3Iuci Commission When Bret Harte wrote For ways that are dark and tricks that are vain the heathen Chinee is peculiar he knew what he was talking about remarked a resident of Pacific Heights yesterday For months I have been wondering at the size of my grocers bills and finally I became convinced that there was something wrong The matter bothered me so that I finally gave it up in disgust and em ployed a detective to look it up for me He found that the grocer was paying my Chinese cook a commission on ev erything he ordered and the cook was ordering everything that 1 could pay for What Ave couldnt use he carried down into Chinatown and used to stock a small grocery operated by his cou sin I have since learned that nearly every Chinese cook in the town de mands a commission from the butcher baker grocer etc San Francisco Post Machine for Driving Nails An automatic nail driver is a late invention It is arranged with slides and runways into which the nails drop through fitted courses that necessitate it going in right end first As the nail in proper position slides down through one of these channels a hammer auto matically comes to the attack and drives the nail into place A tack driving machine of the same sort is also made In factories where large numbers of boxes are turned out these may have their uses but for ordinary every day usefulness the old fashioned flat nosed hammer still holds its own even at the risk of an occa sional battered thumb and fractured temper Whats that long piece of writing papa Is it poetry Hastily replacing it in his empty pocketbook Y yes dear it is an owed to your mothers milliner Chicago Tribune A KILLING MACHINE LATEST INVENTION TO EXECUTE CRIMINALS The VictniB Neck Is Broken by a Downward Twisting Motion Death Is Painless and It Does Not Mutilate the Subject AVrincs the Neck Gruesome in the extreme are the man killing machines which the Ohio Leg islature is being called upon to con sider as substitutes for the gallows in the execution of criminals convicted of capital crimes A couple of weeks ago the World described a steel mask designed to crush criminals skulls in vented by an Ohio Legislator Since hen another Ohio inventor George Teremias a young Columbus tin smith has come forward with a death dealing machine more horrible if pos sible than any of the others This new device is designed to break the neck of the murderer on much the same principle employed by a coun try housewife in wringing the neck of a chicken It combines the main fea ture of the Spanish garrote the gal- s OHIOS XEAV KILLING MACHINE to the chair being free to move in upAvard doAvmvard and spiral direc tions under the impulse of the spring acting in the drum on the back of the chair The spring is set free by a lever on the side of the chair At the moment set for the execution the spring is released and the projec tion striking the protruding pin on the strap around the neck imparts a violent doAVUAvard and rotary movu ment to the head This force is Avar ranted to break the neck of any man not more powerful than an ox In a twinkling causing practically instant death The death chair is so constructed that it may be turned into a table When the murderers life is extinguished the back of the chair is lowered and the foot rest raised so that the body is in a horizontal position for post mortem treatment The inventor claims many advantages for his device By it he says the mishaps experienced and the pain and torture suffered from the present mode of executing criminals will be avoided and the body may be delivered to the relatives of the de ceased in a condition differing little from that in which it would be had he died naturally New York World Facts About People The seventy two races inhabiting the world commuicate with each other in 3004 different tongues and confess to about 1000 religions The number of men and women is very nearly equal the average longevity of both sexes be ing only thirty eight years about one thir of the population dying before the age of 17 Moreover according to the most careful computation only one per son in 100000 of both sexes attains the age of 100 years and only six to seven in 100 the age of 00 Generally taking TIIE DEATH CIIAIR lows and the electric chair The vic im sits in a chair of the ordinary hape but very heavy and strong The Dody is tightly strapped as in the elec tric chair and the head is secured ro the head clamp Over the top of the head a heavy metal helmet is lowered being adjusted so as to lit tightly A wide strap is passed around the neck securing it in position against the block On the back of the chair is a drum in which a powerful spring is wound and set The head clamp is not fixed AS A STRETCHER the entire Avorld married people live longer than single and those avIio have to Avork hard for their living longer than those avIio do not Avhile also the aAerage rate of longoAity is higher among civilized than uncivilized races Further people of large physique live longer than those of small but those of middle size beat both New York Medical Record His Liast Pun I perpetrated a pun several years ago Avhen I Avas a struggling young attorney in Humboldt County said George Knight and I have not at tempted another since I Avas riding along a country road Avhen I came to an old acquaintance hoeing in his garden Hello Uncle limrnie Avhat are those Aines I inquired Summer squashes he replied Some are and summer not said I He looked at me pityingly a mo ment and then remarked If you knoAV as little about law as you do about garden truck Im sorry I Aoted for you for District Attorney San Francisco Post Bavarias Mad Kinij King Otto the insane monarch of BaAaria recently celebrated his forty seventh birthday or rather it aats celebrated for him Since his accession to the throne the mad sovereign has never left the Castle of Fuerstenreid Once a year his prime minister pays him an official Aisit in accordance AAith a certain laA His latest report says his majestys physical condition leaves nothing to be desired but that his mental condition is simply pitiable SomehoAV the Avorld cant help pity ing the Avife of a man Avho has a loug beard THE CRIPPLE CREEK MINING CAMP GENERAL YIEW OF THE TOWN BENNETT AVENUE CAPE HATTERAS LIGHT thz Skeleton Tower Planned for Onter Diamond Shoal One of the greatest engineering feats of the day is to be attempted by the Lighthouse Board For years the offi cers in charge of lighthouses have talk ed of a station on Outer Diamond shoal a particularly dangerous point off Cape ilatteras celebrated among mariners for its fearful storms The structure is to stand in about 33 feet of Avater and Avill be supported on disk piles sunk 30 feet In the sand The floor of the Avatch house Avill be 47 feet above high Avater Forged steel will be used in the main structure and the principal joints and connections AA ill be of steel castings The essential parts beloAV the Avater line Avill be of massive dimensions The structure will be of the skeleton style and therefore Avill leave the sea full play The section Avhich Avill be most affected by the force of the waves is that extending from 13 feet beloAV Hie water line to 17 feet above and in this section a system of framing will be used which Avill be at once strong simple and rigid The house for the lonely keepers and the stores and the room for fog signals apparatus are to be of iron or steel and will be fireproof A boat Avill swing from an arm so that Uie keepers may abandon the place if there is likelihood of the structure be ing demolished Whether Hatteras and its dangerous outer shoal are to be guarded by a lighthouse built on the plan of the light house board or simply by an inexpen sive light vessel probably Avill depend 5 THE PKOPOSED STKUCTCRE upon Congress The board has giAen its approval of the proposed light and the plans are complete There is also aAailable about 300000 with Avhich to begin the work and it is expected that the remainder to carry out the project Avill be asked this Avinter If it is se cured or if authority is given to begin the Avork the Government proposes to undertake it alone and not to ask for bids from contractors as it did pre iously to establish the light The light Avill be visible at least 20 nautical miles and in thick weather the most poAverful steam fog siren aaHI be bloAA n at short intervals Three keep ers will be required to manage the light and keep it in order There av311 be room for eight people On account of the dangers attending lighthouse tend ers that come alongside all suppliies Avill have to be hoisted in by an im mense derrick projecting far out from the side of the light There will bo supplies to last six months Epitaph ol an Indian Chief Just below the St Augustine city gates and in the first yard Avest of the corner of Granada street in Orange street is a large stone surmounting a mound commemorating the burial place of Ptolomato an Indian chief Avho lived in ages gone by It is with in a couple of feet of the front fence yet undoubtedly is passed unnoticed by thousands of tourists The inscrip tion carved in the stone tells its OAvn story though interest Avould be added if the Aery peculiar style of lettering could be reproduced if it ft it it a XOTIS This Averry elaborate Pile r is ereckted in mem cry of Tolomato A seminole Iiigin cheef Whoos Wigwam Stuiid Upon This SPOT And sirroundings Wee cherish his memery As He Avas a good hearted cheef He wood knot Take your Skalp without you begged Him to do so or pade him Sum money He always akted More Like a Christshun Gentleman than A Savage Ingine Let Him R I P - iz Springfield Republican Daniel Boones Monument The Kentucky Legislature has been asked to appropriate 9200 for the con struction of an iron cage over and around the monument of Daniel Boone and his wife near Carrollton Ky in order to preserve what is left of the monument from the ravages of the relic hunters What the Princess Needs Amelie Rives new husband Prince Troubetskoi is a composer That is just what the Princess needs Spring field Republican The more fellows a girl has the Sess the chance that she -will land one Ss liitico i To remove warts from the hands soak them Avith acetic acid and apply lunar caustic In cases of profuse nosebleed snuff up extract of witch nazel and cold water An excellent remedy for burns is made by mixing equal parts of lime Avater and riav linseed oil Ten drops of aromatic sulphuric acid taken n AAater at bedtime will help to counteract severe night SAveats The best effects from quinine can oe secured by taking one or two grains in powdered form before each meal Ten grains of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water or a small piece of carbonate of magnesia Avill dispel heartburn When gums are very sensitive audi bleed readily rubbing Avith tincture of myrrh several times u day Avill givo great relief Chronic rheumatism sometimes yieldsj to doses of syrup of hydriodic acid Dose tAvo teaspoonfuls taken in water half an hour before meals Weak eyes may be benefitted by bath ing them every night with a solution composed of one teaspoonful of pure salt and a pint of AAarm Avater A tablespoonful of extract of malt AAith cod liAer oil may be used Avith good effect when a person is anxious to gain flesh Take immediately after meals A lotion composed of ten grains of citric acid one ounce of glycerine and one ounce of rose water comprises a standard preparation for removing freckles or sunburn The 1olloAving is a simple remedy foi headache Citrate of caffeine thirty two grains bromide of soda one ounce elexir of guarana four ounces dose a teaspoonful every three hours Shampooing the scalp Avith green soap and tepid Avater twice a Aveek Avith later daily application of an oint ment containing one dram of tannin and one ounce of A aselino will effectu ally remove dandruff Hives in an adult may be alleviated by a dose of iiAe drops of salicylate of soda taken every three hours The tor menting itching can be lessened by ap plying a lotion composed of one part of AAater of ammonia one part of spirits of camphor and tAvo parts of alcohol as required EXTREMES IN HUMAN NATURE- ilassan AH the Egyptian Giant and- Fritz Christian the Swiss Dwarf The tAvo extremes in human stature are men The tallest man in the Avorld is an Egyptian named Hassan Ali IS years of age S feet in his stocking feet and what is Aery rare in giants as well as in dAAarfs good looking hav ing dark broAvn eyes a full chin smalK nose and prominent ears and lips i I 7 VJ mm mm miTiL iimJ rowr ss MM THE IOXG A2TD SIIOKT OF IT Fritz Christian who is the antithesis of Hassan Ali is a SAAiss and only 1 feet G inches in height Ali is young enough to grow taller but Christian has reached his full statute being now 23 years of age He came to this country from Switzerland Aery recently and has made his home at Stony Creek Ohio Pathos in Congress A very conspicuous and absurdly sentimental member of the House from New England aaIio Ioacs to weep over the wickedness of the Avorld and AA-as-pathetic over pensions gave utterance to this burst of eloquence Avhen the pen sion appropriation bill Avas under con sideration by the House Why did he Aveep Why did he Avoep I say Mr Speaker Avhy did he weep I repeat Mr Speaker why did he Aveep His heart Avas broken Yes Mr Speaker I kneAv this man He died of a broken heart He died of a broken heart I repeat Mr Speaker he died of a broken heart He never smiled again They refused him the pitiful increase of 2 a month on his pension I say Mr Speaker he never smiled again I repeat he neA er smiled again and there Avere tears in the members voice as he closed this outburst of pathos Philadelphia Tele graph I should like to know said one New York sportsman to another tvwhat makes Lord Dunravens apologias so slow in getting here Maybe hes bringing them over on his yacht11 waff the reply Washington Star V k y -