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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1896)
L tr 4 i ft V Tl ITU O VOL U i maj wyruujcqcaaji 9 xmu M VAUMTI8E DE530GPAT SlCTKSiSnit TO SHERRY G02HY INDEPEK3KI HOBEBT GOOR Editor as Publisher jWLrkk CiEivesititetfi She lenfcratic votnrs ot Cherry jWiowth county will sneet in mass convention on Saturday April 18iS at 2 oclock m for he purposed electing dele gates to stule convention nnd to tran sact such other business as may prop- arlycorae before it M Chuistkxse Chmn To Cent Com SALUTATORY With this the first issuy of t55s pa per under its new name of The J kntixHPiocuat we make our--bow to the reading public of Yalenme and Northwestern Nfbraska andasblheir indulgence while we follow tle time honored journalistic custom ad air our hopes and aspirations intents and purposes and outline the fvilisy -the paper will pursue under our ananage meHt ittelieving that in the success of tlw democrat party lies the only -hope of permanent prosperity for theieople of these United states laborer -farmer merchant and manufacturer alike-we-shall to the best of our- ability uphold and do battle for the principles of that party but in so doing we shall en deavor to treat everyone fairly regard less of political alliliatious vith char ity to all and malice toward none 23eing a democrat we could not dooth erwise without proving traitorous to our party and principles which accord to everyone the fullest social religious j and political liberty and recognize no man as being better than his brother unless by the exercise of bus ability he has proven himself superior The Valentine Democrat -will uphold the cause of every man who is unfairly dealt with regardless of yho the oppressor is or what position he holds In the light of presentvday freedom a tyrant is despicable and de serves the severest condemnation of press and public -To err is human and if at times we make mistakes we will cheerfully rectify them We ac cord to everyone the right taa free ex pression of his views and demand the same right for ourselves and while our opinions may not always be in exact harmony with yours we beg that you give us credit for honesty of conviction and if you criticize let your criticism stop short of condemnation i The democrat party of Nebraska is in au unorganized chaotic state much to theregiet of all who have the inter est of the party at heart and it will be tur aim to assist in unifying the an tagonistic elements in this the Sixth congressional district The party is practically without au organ in this section of the slate and to this fact is ascribable the small vote usually cast for our candidates for olHee With the assistance of democrats all along the line we shall makeTnljEMouiiAT i paper wluph can De read with inter est aud profit all over the northwest 1 to attain thakend we ask the aid ot the -chairmen of the various county central committees The democrat party is not dead as -our republican frtends would have the unsophisticated believe neither is it sleeping the grandest political organ ization ever known cannot die aud its Iocs are too active to permit it to sleep The tide of popular favor has apparently been ebbing from ustbut the reaction has commenced and when the ides of November have come aud gone the democrat party will once more stand alone- supreme victorious y without a peer without a rival ROBEUT GOOD VALE Whitney for president ATiat2 What does the Ohio re pwbhcHu platform mean - 1 ii LnSt aturday the houss of repre sentatives passed a bill -granting ex Coverfcor Thayer a pnsioa of 100 a tjjy ltports from Kansas -say that ernor Morrill republican is to bs turit d down an the coming state coi vertSion lie is to becongratulated Comparing the -condition of tfee IXvoiTien of Frans England aad America Max OMgII says the English woman gives up her freedom when sfte marries the Freaeh woman gains it and the American woman has it iid retains it Treachery daric ami deep has ben unearthed in tho ranks of Iowa repub licans iney ratnseu to elect a n egro -delegate to the xiational convention at rft Louis and now all the colored man have veered Allison and are i shouting for Marse Mclvinley Holler- and ball bearings are being introduced in farm machinerytuchas harvesters and mowers It is said that a mower equipped with these bearings can z drawn by a man while the machine is- cutting a full swath At the present rate of progress among inventors it will be but a few -years until the two horse machines will -be exceptions rather than the rule Another piece of juggler- has bean attempted by this republican congress Inserted into an appropriation bill in such a manner as to almost escape ob servation was a clause which would have compelled the New Mexico terri torial council to meet in May instead of December as is the law at present The deal was engineered by Steve El kins and was a very smooth piece of politics the intention being to defer the sitting of the territorial council until May so that in the event of the inauguration of a republican president next March the council would soon be in session ready to confirm the ap pointment of a republican governor We wish to thank Bro Barker for the words of good will and fellowship given us in the last issue of his paper and we assure him they are appreci ated and accepfeed in the same kindly spirit which prompted them AVe do not believe in newspaper wars and personal abuse is not to our taste it does not add to the dignity of the pa ner or writer nor assist in the advance- vt nn TlVlf 1 nmasMioai TTlgSiBKiljItlilCA SS lipid Their TWieuti rePblican u Kewauee his ment and education of a papers read- giving ers nor promote the public weal and aside from giving the news these are the prime object3 ot a newspaper Bro Barker says he hopes neither of us will be compelled to carry a shotgun or Mx shooter for protection and we suggest that bowie knives and side sticks be added to the list Finance is the leading- question of th3 day5 and both the republican and democratic paries are considerably split up over free silver bimetallism or single gold standard The democrat party is divided on the question un fortunately and much of the energy which should be used the com mon enemy is directed- against each otner Whatever our individual views may be we should be abowe all demo crats The question of finance is not a state question and should not enter into state politics The democratic national convention of 1392 gave us a platform lipon which to stand and un til another is given us we should use at as our basis We have too much faith in the democrat party to think it will adopt a straddle or evasive finance plank at the coming convention in Chicago We are in favor of souitfl money and beiieve in the free coinage of silver if an international agreement can he effected We believe in the use of both gold and silver as money without unjust discrimination against either A single standard is odious to to the majority of the people The platform of the democrat party will be built with the sentiment of the people for a foundation L et us not throw clods at each other but work together in harmony regardless of minor differ- j ences of opinion aud be Democrats first and financiers afterward testimony first after which Judge Waloott covered himself all over with glory by making one of the best re publican speeches it has been our for tune -to hear for -some time C H Cornell followed with a brief testimony given in his usual -vigorous style and Judge Tucker wound up the meeting with a fine tribute to democracy and a plea for republicanism and then the conVSntioiii adjourned All indurtriousvyfliing man of light complection advertises in the Ains worth Home llule for a young lady correspendent We would advise the young man to go to stihool and learn to spell before entering upon a corre spondence with a -view to matri money If our populistfriendsihave any an nouncements ofcancu8esGonventions etc they aro invited to hand them in for publication We bear them no ill will and will gladly polish their notices as news litems if for no other reason The Ohio house of representatives recently passed a bill prohibiting the wearing of high hats in theatres and other public places of amusement It is thus that men continue to eirtail tiie liberties of women Secretary of the treasury JoimG Carlisle positively refuses to allow his name to be presented to the Chicago convention in connection with tiie nomination for president The Womans Christian Temperance Union will Jxld its next convention at St Louis Dawes Dawson Deuel Dixon Dodge Douglas Dirulv Fillnlore Franklin front ier Furnas faje Jartield losper Grant ireelev Hall Ihrjiilcoii Harlau Hays HitcLcock Holt Hooker Howard r DEM Enllihed for Vonv Years a CHERRY COUNTyInDEPENDENT riaue 4 Polk a Tied Willow 8 Richardson 14 Hock 101 Saline 2 Sarpy 5 Saunders 5 Scotts Bluff Seward 5 Sheridan 2 Sherman 2 Sioux 2 Stanton 2 Thayer BBMQgHftMifrfJi 3 April if at the hour of 4 oclock p in for aictitailpy The repsRrtiean county convention TTvas called frydrder at -sue oclock tft urday afternoon by 4 C Pettijhn aid J W Tivcker ws elected chair man Sifter the msual ptemnary skirmishing Free If ills C 15 Watson C H Cornell C S2 ttowring -3 C Petti john Amos Strong Ohas Green and IX S Ludwigwere placed m noni inatitm for delegies to the- State con- I ventien at Omaha April loth before commencing -to ballot each candidate was ailed byname and gave his pres idential preference together with as ruuh of his wn political history as he could reraernber C H Cornell took advantage of the opportunity offered when his name ves dalled to state his views on the Manderson Mc Kinley embroglio in a very decided menrier and made an excellent speech in favor of Mr Manderson calling the attention of the convention to the -manner in which the latter had helped Yalentine nd Cherry county when L S senator but nevertfotess Mr Cor nell said he was in favor of McKintey as long as there was a show for his nomination Judge Trtclcer said that he did no recognize the action of the few nieniu Omaha who effected the so called compromise and declared himself for Bill Mclvinley first last and all - the time C C Jiowring of Merrimtiu said he had received no instructions from the friends who elected him delegate but they had told him that if he did not stick to McKinley they would beat his head off on his return home From this time on ifcwas a wild scramble to see who could say most for Manderson and yet declare himself for Mclvinley After all had had their say the ballot was taken and Messrs Mills Watson Cor nell VPettijohu Bowring and Strong were declared elected delegates to the state convention At this point E J Davenport raised a little storm by asking that the -count be verified pome of the delegates thinking that the request was aariutimation that the bUot box had beenstuffed Judge Walcott becoming especially fiery A resolution endorsing Manderson was passed after which E J Daven port W T Kinkaad D S Ludwig A H Jarguson Ed ClarKe and L L I3ivens were elected delegates to the Bioken Bow convention with instruc tions to use all honorable means to se cure the election of Tug Wilson as delegate to the national convention A love feast vwashen indulged in George Tracewell the third and last J Convention flii state convention tin dem03rti part the purpose ol selecting 10 deleKiitessfc l - tVrnutes to attend tlie democratic nutfonal con vfiitfon to be held in fiiicaKO on the 7th day oi HlylP9C The apportionment of delegates from cjieli county based on the vote for the Hon TJ Mnlioney candidate for judne of the preme court at ihe last general etion auliJn cliuiing delegates at large from each couuty is as follows Adams Antelope ituniier rhiine Ioone rto Butte Bovd Brown Buifalo Burt lUitler ass edur rhase - Cliitfttf ChVveime Clay ColJax Ciriimi S 4 Johnson Kerrney Keith Keya Taha 4 KiinhVn 5 Knov 4 Jane Mer 4 Lincoln Taster i 1helps uaKoiu Jlerce IS 5 Loean 5 IiOUl 11 Madison s 11 RlePherson j 8 Merrick r 2 Nance 5 NVmriha r 4 uekolrs r r Woe j 7 1awnee 4 14 Jerkinv 2 in 13 i 13 Thomas 2 8 Thurston y 4 Valley z 4 Washington to 4 Wayne t Wehster G is Wheeler 2 2 York 5 Jefferson 7 Totals 023 The democratic state central committed Jam ks 15 Shkkav Ktrci n Maktix Secretary Chairman fMUEV QlIAUTETCMASTKirs OFKNK V Omaha eb 20 S9i Sealed proposals hi trrpiioale XvP be received heie uiitil2 oclock p in ecntnil slaiulaid time Apjril 20 iSiiii and then oneiifd for lunushiu transportation drayajre mM or handiin stores in Department of the Platte during fiscal vear commencing hiiy iioi i s reserves- right toTejeef or accept any or oranv part thereof Information furnished on sippli cion Envelopes containing proposals to be niarkejtvPropcnmls fUP transportation on Itoute No and addressed toJi D WHEELKK MajorvJ 3i Uirstpublication March 20 FINAL PRODF NOTICES Parties havingiinalproof notices In these oolurans will receive a marked copy of the paper which contsiins first insertion of same It is the dutv of each claimant to examine their vvtice carefully and suovrld there vbe any error the fact should be reported to the land ofilce and to this office at once for correction U S Lain Office Valentine Nebr I March TJthlS9i f Notice is hereby ghen hat ithe following named settler has Filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proofcill be made before Register aiid Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on May ith lsfttj viz Robert L Quisenbery of Oasis Xebr H E No ss for the c seM nwsei sec l tp 251- 11 2S aiifllot 7 sec 0 tp 20 It 28 He iminvs the following witnesses to wove his coutinuousmddcnce upoKraud cultivation of said laud viz Miuisvn Hutler William L Oohee Charles U Howard antliMicAjah Harris all of Oasis Ncbr Also JMunson lUitler of Oasis Xebr H E No ssfMor lots 2 4 and r secO tp K 2S and lra sec I tp 2D It 2 V He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Robert L Quisenbery WilHam L Cohee Charles K ilowai dand Micajak Harris all of Oa is Nebr C II JLOVEK JJegister U S LaviOfkice Valentine Nel I April 4 1Ni Notice isherebv given that CJeorce Dew of Wood Luke Nebraska has filed notice of hw on Monday the 18th day of May l05 on timber culture application No 71 for the CstjJ swhe1 and seneU of section No 2 in tSwn sliip o 2J range No 2 lie names as witnesses lily D Valentine Henry L Fischer 1ojui Dale and Cyrus Haijen ail of Wood Lake Xrhraski Apr ii lie cf JJ ULOVER Iteyister U S Land OIUoc Broken 15ov Neb i Jtfarch flth 18W Complaintihaving been -entered at this ofilce by Hiram it Kdar iigainst Cliarler liice for abandonincc Iw Homestead Kntrv No v05 dated Oct to 1SS9 upon the ene1 Sec 5 Tn uan Jiiinue 27 w and ss sel4 w 32 Tp 27 n R 27 v in Cherry county Neb ith a view to the can cellation of said entry tiiesaid parties arehere bv summoned to uppearmt the olllce of lohn Fritz a notary publij al Hrow nice Neb on the 2nd day of May 180i 10 oclock a in to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment Kinal hearing iic this office on tlie Dili dav or May 1800 at o a in CHAltLES 1C AfAMS Reuiflter Danger Signal More than half the victims of consump rjion do not know they bovcrt Here is a list tof symptoms by which consumption can certainh be detected Cough one or two sligirt -efforts or rising- occurring- during the day and fre quently during- the night t Short breathing after exertoa Tightness of the chest Quick pulse especially noticeafcfe in th evening and after a full meal B Chilliness in thsevening followed bv Slight fever Perspiration toward morning and Tale face and languid in the morning Loss fif vitality If youhave these symptoms or any of them do not delay There are many preparations which claim to be cures but Dr Kckereaglisb Hewefly for Consumption has the Highest endorsements and na stood the lest of years It will arrest con sumption m its earlier stages and drive away the symptoms named It is factured by the Acker Medicine Co 16 and 18 Chambers -St New York and sold j fby all reputbledruggists VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY APRIL 9 1896 WtwtJSM TILL R T ZENS NO 11 WITH THE Newest Finest and Most Com plete line of GROCERIES CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT- In this City Mso Provisions and Veget in season W A PETTYCREW Prop Let lis give von n VlJU J KJ7F jfVfflBoXiAa mwr mt KSi temwea r 22s32S2iEasira pointer - rf J2 ZiV tCTisrapjffgjy ii t Mc DONALD HE ahq r AKT E US F 11 WILL PITRrTISH THE PALAC Yalentike Buy far casli aEfi keep omsg the hole Dry Goods Clothing Motions Boots Shoes Hats Caps and Furnishing Goods AXD A COMPLETE L1XE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE Also a large invoice of NAVAJO INDIAN BLANKET J a mjjtfm d CARRIES A COMPLETE LlXE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE JACESOM BBAYTOM Prop Valentine Nebraa RANK OF VALENTINE C II COllNELI President JI V XIVIIOIjSOX Cattkjtsr Valentine Nebraska A General Ranlziny JBuainess Transactetl Ruytt find Sells Homeatic iml Foreign Exchange Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York first National Bank Omaiz O HEADQUARTERS WINES XiIQTJOKS and GIGA Of the Clioies Brands Fish Game Tender Steal jzif Jncy Roasts Dry Salt Mess aiiclithe finest line of Smdffl Hams and Breaklast Baea ever sold in town At StettersOld Stand on Main Street J W STEnER PROP Rr3 AL ft