Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896, April 02, 1896, Image 1
It V u -if rr t A p J j iT -v 1 VOL XI A lwrtsij Word With thia issue we sever our con nections with the Independent having fcfld the office complete er with the subscription list toll 15 3ood Mr Good will put out the next Issue of paper under the name of xThc Valentine Democrat1 The Democrat will fill out all unexpired subscriptions and will all money due on subscription It was three years on 28th of last -May since the first issue of the Inde pendent appeared The editcirial management has never changed and we have worked faithfully for the up building of Cherry county and Valen tine and the furthersof the inter ests of the political party which we believe to no advocating the great principles that if enacted into laws would be most beneficial to humanity The Populist Party We have seen this party come up from almost ob- scurity until today iftbas a footing in this county that will stand for years to come And if our efforts have helped to bring about this result we feel sat isfied with our labors We have labor- ed under many disadvantages From the fact that the writer was only seventeen jears old when staiting the paper therefore not commanding the confidence of business men and be cause the political principles that we advocated were not popular with the majority of the people in our territory at that time But through honest work and fair dealing we feel safe to say that we have ned the dence of farmers laborers and ness men alike We are well pleased with4 our deal ings here and could not want a better class of men to do business with We have made a success iu the newspaper arena both financially and politically and have no complaints We have several reasons for disposing of the plant but it is only necessary here to V AAAM VAWM M w - -- vwlth the object of securing the sary means to template our education and having accomplished this we now sell the paper in order to be able to take up this work the coming school year R B Good our successor is former ly of Aiusworth He is an experienc ed newspaper -man and practical print er having been connected with some of the principal offices in Chicago and - other large cities He comes to us well recomended as a young man of steady habits and strict probity and we predict -for him success both socially and journalistically Respectfully yours James- B Farris moving FORWARD Are the Grand Annies of Ue sform THE MOST ENOOUEAGrtfa NEWS Every State and Territory in the Onion Harmony All Along the Line Pehples Pakta Nnws Biirkati Headquarters National Ex Com f H3t Louis Mo April Abundant evidence is already -at hand to indicate that the work undertaken by this Bureau witl not only fill a long felt want but prove a decided success Reports of unrest and general dis satisfaction in the old party ranks are increasing in every quarter from Maino to California and from Florida Co the Lakes Its the aame story of threatened disruption and annihila tion of the old organizations if they refuse to recognize silver From ent indications the country is on the Terge of a political upheaval and the t peoples party will usher in the mil- lenium next year James Dunn of Idaho the peoples party candidate for congress in 1894 writes We are opening the way for a union of populists silver democrats and rer republicans Chief Justice ton of the Supreme Court of this state heretofore an within the last Hhat he would no arplve republican has IJw davs announced longer follow the J among the valuable new recruits to the peoples party Ex Attorney General D W Jones of Arkansns who is canvassing that state as a candidate for Governor sub ject to the decision of the democratic primaries in a recent speech at Arka delphia said I shall bolt the nomi nee of the Chicago Convention if a gold staudard platform is adopted and a gold man put upon it The populist vote of Oklahoma will -be increased nearlv 1000 bv the ad dition of Greer county With only a little more than 3000 votes to over come our friends in that territory should win this year The State Committee of Nebraska will meet at Hastings April 17 to fix the time and place for holding the State convention to seleeV delegates to the Xational Convention P COPYRIGHTS W CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT For a prompt answer and an honest opinion write to flIUNN CO who have had nearly fifty years experience in the patent business Communica ttons strictly confidential A Handbook of In formation concerning Patents and how to ob tain them sent free Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific hooks sent free Patents tafcen through 3Iunn Co recelTO Bpecial notice in tho Scientific American and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the inventor This splendid paper issued weekly elegantly illustrated has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world S3 a year Sample copies sent freo Buildinc Edition monthly 250 a year 8inglo copies 23 cents Every number contains beau tiful plates in colors and photographs of new houses with plans enabling builders to show tho latest designs and secure contracts Addre a MUNN CO NewYouk 361 Buoadjtat THE OMAHA WORLD -HERALD Edited by Ex Congressman W BRYAN Is the greatest newspaper west ofthe Missouri Jiiver It advocates FREE SILVER at the present ratio of sixteen to one Its news service is the best to be obtained Daily 6 00 per year 50 cents per month Weekly 100 per year Subscriptions for ths WORLD HERALD received at this offics IeiTj9iifi Stcreotsre to Stop Transforms the poverty stricken and miserable home into a home of plenty and happiness Guaranteed to cure tie habit of drinking ardent spirits or money Tefunded It is the greatest tempearnce worker the world has ever known It creates a desire for food instead of drink It supplies and sat isfies the desire for liquor without so doing no man could be cured It acts promptly and can be given in tea coffee milk etc without their knowl edge of taKing it and gradually the medicinal qualities of TCest yons curf will have cured the terrible craving for drink and they will have a horror at even the thoughts ot that w they so lately had an unquenchable desire Ivenyons cure does for the drinker what the will of man is power less to do It can -do no more Sent by mail no marks to indicate its cou tents Price 100 If your druggist does not keep it we will send it on receipt of price Address SURECURE REMEDY CO 3o8 Dearborn Street Chicago III Hacks reat IVorks liev Irl It Hicks the celebrated storm prophet of St Louis is now a household name in nearly every home in America His wonderful Alaraanac predicts the weather for a year ahead more correctly aud accurately than any other publication or any other system The testimony of a large number of careful observers is that 99 percent of Hicks predictions are ful filled to the letter His series of an nual Alamanacs are now well and fav orably known in all parts of this conn try and in foreign lands The new Alomanac for 1896 is the most practi cal arid instructive as well as the pret tiest of this splendid series It con tains 100 pages printed on fine book paper with covers elegantly printed in colors The matter although scienti fic is written in popular style there being nothing difficult to understand about it It is also finely illustrated Dont confound this with yoroe parent medicine pamphlet It is nothing of the kind but is a fine book which sells at news seands for 25c This fine Alamanac is given as a premium to every yearly subscriber to the Itev Irl It Hicks well known and deserved ly popular papar Word and Works This unique journal is a peerless edu cator of the masses and is fast becom ing a household guardian and necessity in the homes of America Those who want to keep up with the advance thought of the age in science religion and all social commercial intellectual and domestic subjects should sub scribe for Word and Works Sub scription price only 100 a year You can send for both direct to Word and Works Publishing Co St Louis Mo Single copies of Word and Works 16 cents CHIEF QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE Omalia Neb March 20 1890 Sealed proposals In tripicate will be received here until 2 oclock p m central standaid time April 20 18M5 and then opened for lurnishing transportation drayajreond for handling stores in Department ot the Platte during liscal year commencing July 11896 U S reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof Information furnished on appli cation Envelopes containing proposas to be marked rro03als for transportation on Route No ana addressed to D I WHEELER Major Q jr First publication March 26 FINAL PROOF NOTICES Parties having final proof notices In these columns will receive a marked copy of the Independent containing first insertion of same It is the duty of each claimant to examine their notice carefully and should there be any error the fact should be reported to the laud office and to this office at once for correction U S Land Office Valentine Nebr I March 30th 1S9 Notice is hereby that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in bupport of his claim and that said proof will beanade before Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on May Uth 1890 viz Robert L Quisenbery of Oasis Nebr H E No 8S93 for the eliscU mvUseM sec 1 tp 29 R 29 and lot 7 sccU tp 29 R 23 ne names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Munsen Butler William L Cohee Charles R Howard and Micajah Harris all of Oasis Ncbr Also Munson Butler of Oasis Nebr H E No 8S94 for lots 2 3 42nd 5 sec C tp 29 R 2S and lot 1 sec 1 tp 29 R 29 W He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upoa and cultivation of said land viz Robert L Quisenbery William L Cohee Charles R Howard and Micajah Harris all of Oasis Nebr C It GLOVER Register U B Land Office Broken Bow Neb i March 20th 1893 f Complaint having been entered at this office by Hiram R Edgar against Charles Rice for abandoning his Homestead Entry No 8305 dated Oct 30 lfei upon the e neli Seer Tp 20 n Range 27 w and sV sc- Sec 3J Tp 27 n K 27 w in Cherry county Neb with a view to Uie can cellation of said entry the said parties summoned to appear at the oftice of John Fritz a notary puhlbat Brovnlee Neb on the ind day qf May 13M at 10 oclock a ns to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment Final hearing at tliis Gpice on tlie 9th day of May if 96 at in a m UJJJlui5 Ji ADAMSiiiegister hk r I - it zk YM y m fi 1 19 I ft n m3 mm N d iiX IB PS Ms M VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY APRIL 1896 lead xf his party but would act with the silver forces J M Ballentine Democratic candidate for congress at tho last election has announced him self in similar terms T B Mills our candidate for con gress in Sew Mexico in 1884 also writes The rank and file of both old parties will join any independent movement if their parties fail to declare for bi metallism at the ratio of 16 t3 1 when they nominate their candidates for President Ourterritory will be fully represented at St Louis July 23 Chairman Maxwell of the Illinois peoples party state committee and Dr EmricK chairman of the Illinois silver organization have agreed to call joint State Congressional and local conven tions to unite their forces all along the line Chairman Wardall of the California State Committee will soon open head quarters in San Francisco to organize his State nd assist in the Oregon campaign Several speakers will go from California to Oregon at an early date Up to this time -297 delegates have been elected to the National Conven tion of which number 261 are report ed as favorable to a union of all the forces opposed to the gold standard and present oppresive conditions Francis 2tf Stacy a prominent re publican politician of Minneapolis Minn bus renounced his allegiarce to the republican party and joined the populists Gee 2 Lamphere editor of the Morehead Minn Daily News is More than half the tictims of eottsump tioh do not know they bave it Here is a list of symptoms by which consumption can certainly be detected Cougb one or two slight efforts oi rising occurring during the day and fre quently during the night Short breathing after exertion Tightness of the chest Quick pulse especially noticeable in the evening and after a full meal r LPiutuess in uie evening iouoweu oy Slight fever Perspiration toward moraingand Tale face and languid in the morning Loss of vitality If you have these symptoms or any of them do not delay There are many preparations which claim to be cures but Dr Hctsrs Giglfsb ficnudyfor Consumption has the highest endorsements and has stood the test of years It will arrest con sumption in its earlier stages and drive away the symptoms named It is manu factured by the Acker Medicine Co 16 and tS Chambers St New York and sold by all reputable druggists For particulars address Tiie News Printing Co Derw er Colo CONSUMPTION SO PltOKOUCED - - n bj ins fnysieians lOO SEP ti i r i jk Zr r v fe At Kight Spilling Blood Given Over by ihs Doctors LSFE SAVED BY OYERS GHERBY PEGTOB Seven ycrtrs aso my wife had a severe attack of lung trouble which the physicians pronounced consumption The cnuch was extremely distressing especially at night ami was frequently attended with the spitting of blood phis Tqnn Ayers Glierry rectoral Received Highest Awards AT THE WORLDS jMIIMilUIIlHi tiiiinilillil7ima SLLAHS PER BtTOWTM 11 Your Own Locality I made easily and honorably without capi ffcil dnring your spare hours Any man Twoman boy or girl cai do the work hand ily without experience Talking un necessary Nothing like it for money making ever offered before Our workers always prosper No time wasted in learning the business We teach you in a night how to succeed from the first hour You can ma7ce a trial without ex pense to yourself We start you furnish everything needed to carry on the busi ness successfully and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our simple plain instructions Reader if you are in need of ready money and want to know all about the best paying business before the public send us 3our address aud we will mail you a docu ment giving you all the particulars TOI3E CO Box 4SS a rffr FonoR6 in 0 4 JS ITS y fffrH rriztss GIVEN AWAY INT 55 Separate Prizes ONE PRIZE OF O O Gy rl w W W T118 NEW WEEKLY ROW MOUNTAIN MEWS Denver Colo The greatest bona fiJe prize oiler ever mado in the West or fcouth The News is the representative paper of tho West it is silvers champion it is the pies advocate it leads iu thought as In news t The Weekly has just been enlarged and proved it contains the latest and fullest min- Itik and mining stock news it has special de- partnu nts devoted to the Farm the House hold Women and Children all the brightest cai toons and livest comment o the daily edl j tion are to be found in it it presents in con densed form the doings of all the world it 13 a family pappr without a peer And the Weekly News is determined to have beyond all question the largest circulation of any paper between the Mis3isslppl river and thai Panne coiMt ThPreforf it offers to the per rons rendmsr in the greatest number of 1 year- ly subscriptions beroro September 1st ncxt these unequalled prizes REGULAR AGENTS COMMISSION ALLOWED IN ADDITION CONTEST BEGINS A T ONCE OPEN TO EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE OS OS oa O O OS o3 The doctors being unable to help her q3 I induced her to try Ayers Cherry os toril and was surprised at the great oj relief it gave Before using one whole 0 bottle she was cured so that now she i3 o i quite strong and healthy That this oj medicine saved my wifes life T have not 0 ithe least doubt K Morkis Mem oi o O Or Ol O O O o ra 1 R o O oooooooooooooooooooaooos Motions 3 Good Sr- - - -Wt Willie JLIH i y WE DO NOT ASK SYMPATHY BUT WE DEMAND JUSTICE 4V A Hi1 Q K J t 1 I J I V v ivitil xi Newest Finest Also Provisions In season W A Pi D ry Mm Let ns give yon a pointer i i ti plete line of GROCERIES OONF AND FRUIT ZLO fS 1 Q0S3 WE HAVE JUST Si Si U Jaaa E S Lm BuseP tp n M i A -- n jf ji ji a A- r I M t V Jl V icri j - - iH fi t Lj J M y HEADQUARTER n JACKSOIf BEAY Valentine BHlAMkr AC fh r iwrnr rv i is vz x t w x n J7 fih rll e trx LcV77wJfep rrnnTv Correspondents Chemical JTannaC HaaJi Ifew Yor C27 1 t vjsXV FULL LIME OF OOFI irwnna A P Cjdj JiLVJ 4 F X ft I 5 RTfi f OAERIES A CQJtPLLTr i wuxfubnisii ish Gan Hams and At StettersOld Stand on Main StzaaS I rib rALACL HEADQTJA WINBS LIOTQBS 2 It tiJ Ar ERCHAN ri 1 4 s mgnvmjrraMrffiJMBtii - - VMWlWlij - li iiilllliMilMi Hill X- C JS COUNELLJre8ieaaA Jri VaienBne IvTebrca A General MGzIza Muiiwxx u H fm i jC - Ji - I Jncy Soasts Dr andtlie finest r IT Suys and Sells JDtwjjt4 md Srsjrtfgi f i j ever sold in tOTa VV X4X o X v Hats Caps and Fumsiinr cdi AXD A COMPLETE IiK V GENERAL MER iAlso a lars eisL NAVAJO INDIAN i i XX Of C3 M f ffc ft - v- 3 0 i r r i -- v Si t X - jf N 3 Bi tho v 1 i JiJLSM 11 liLll y - JL J r1 c J