Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896, March 12, 1896, Image 4

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Clisrnj Goiuitu Independent
One Body that of an Old Man and
tho Other that of a Baby Only
One Slight Clew to the Mysterious
Crime Other Items
Two Bodies In a Barrel
Carefully concealed in a barrel and
covered with a mass of old rags and cot
ton the dead bodies of a gray haired man
and a new born babe were found in an
alley in Hyde Park Chicago Only one
clew is in their possession and on the dis
covery of the identity of a woman as yet
unknown to the police depends the pos
sible solution of the mystery
The office in Rollstons Hyde Parle
morgue was rung up by telephone and a
woman asked if the body of a man had
been found in Ilyde Park The office at
tendant replied in the negative and then
questioned tho woman but his best ef
fort failed to get any information of a de
cided character although she told the
clerk she was looking for a man who was
Four hours later the barrel with its
ghastly contents was discovered The
body of the man tallied in almost every
respect with the description furnished
by the mysterious woman over the tele
phone wire and the police unhesitatingly
connected her with the case
In the barrel also was tho body of a boy
not over 10 days old
J A Nurse residing in Prairie Avenue
in the alley at the rear of his house dis
covered a barrel which aroused his curi
osity Breaking open the head of ihe
barrel he was horrified on finding the
hacked body of an old man It was en
tirely nude and frightfully mutilated
The head and trunk gave every evi
dence of foul play the sknll showing
several deep wounds On the left fore
head were tattooed five spots close to
gether After the several pieces of the
body had been lifted from the barrel the
body of the baby was found It was nude
save for a thin flannel shirt and there
were two marks on the side of the head
apparently made with a blunt instru
The body of the elder male was that
of a man between G5 and 70 years of
Didnt Know Olney Gave Out the
Cuban Policy Statement
The Washington correspondent of the
Chicago Times Herald says The Nation
al Capital has had a good laugh at the
expense of President Cleveland in which
the President is said to have joined The
joke on the chief magistrate is that he
committed the blunder of rushing impul
sively into print in such a way that he
afterward found it necessary to apologize
for bis utterances
Fears have been expressed in well in
formed circles that on account of the card
which the President had given lo Ihe
newspapers stating that he knew nothing
of the semi official deliverance on the
Cuban question recently published and
that he was quite able to define his own
position on public questions might lead
to trouble between the President and his
Secretary of State
Secretary Olney was at the White House
for an hour Saturday and after his return
to the State Department was in the best
spirits While he declined to discuss the
affair at all he did not deny there was
any friction between himself and the
It is said on good authority that the
President laughingly expressed his regiet
for the publication and assured Mr
Olney that there was not the slightest in
tention to put an affront upon him This
apology was accepted by the Secietary of
State and peace reigns and the adminis
tration goes on as before
Florida Farmer Gives a Mob a Hot
In a desperate battle with regulators
Bowen Sykes near Plant City Fla shot
four men fatally and wounded six others
more or less seriously
Sykes lives in the Peru neighborhood
and for some cause incurred the enmity
of his neighbors Within the past ten
days he has received notice to leave under
threats of death Sykes determined not
to leave and prepared to defend himself
against the expected attack The attack
came next morning when a mob of fifteen
masked men broke down the door and
entered Sykes home Sykes was ready
and as the regulators entered he opened
fire with a Winchester Sykes fiied as
rapidly as possible and soon four of the
regulators were down and the others fled
in terror Sykes continued to fire at the
fugitives as long as they were in range
and six others were wounded
Admiral Walker Dangerously 111
Hear Admiral Henry Walker TJ S NM
retired is very low with grip at his home
1n Brooklyn and owing to his advanced
age 88 years his death is believed to be
Mmt a matter of a short time
Imitate Spanish Students
The undergraduates of Princeton Uni
rersity burned in effigy the King of Spain
n a demonstration in which several hun
dred took part The flag of Spain was
dragged through the main street and later
was torn -to pieces in the center of the
Jealous Husbands Crime
Andrew Wharton a horse trader at St
Louis 3Io murdered his wife by cutting
her throat with a razor Wharton accused
his wife of infidelity and in a fit of jeal
busy killed her while she was asleep
l t7
-- - v
Plan to Corner the Cuban Armies Is
a Big Failure
Nobody in Cuba has paid much attention
tojtlie reports from the field of operations
lately Washington and Madrid have
been the sole centers of interest Yet
within a few days Gomez and Maceo have
achieved another of their successes in the
face of strong opposing columns which
made the world wonder how it could be
Gen Weyler apparently believing he
had driven them to their stronghold in
the everglades of Clenaga de Sepala has
been hurrying thousands of troops into
Santa Clara by land and sea with
the one purpose of hemming the enemy
in at that point Gen Pando in command
in Santa Clara only waited the arrival of
these troops to strike hard blows But
Gomez and Maceo having left in the
everglade hospitals all their wounded
strengthened forces with new troops
fresh from Puerto Principe and San
Diego and then while tne Spanish bat
talions were enroute to catch them they
unexpectedly turned west again slipping
past all obstructions with only a few
skirmishes Now Gomez is in the heart
of Matanzas and Maceo is once more al
most at the gates or the capital Trains
have been fired on just beyond the city
on the Matanzas road and on Monday
night there was a sharp skirmish only
three miles beyond the suburbs of Jesus
del Monte a little settlement lo which
Havana horse cars and om in i buses make
regular trips There has been no official
report of the affair given out
Big Battleship Will Be Set Afloat
This Month
On Saturday March 28 it is probable
that all the Iowa delegation in Washing
ton Senators and Representatives will
visit Philadelphia The magnet to at
tract them will be the launch of the great
est addition yet made to the American
navy the battleship Iowa the best of her
class ever put upon the stocks jn any
shipyard in the world
When the last inquiry was made of the
Cramps it was stated that the launch would
not occur until some time in May but
owing to the possibility of trouble grow
ing out of the Cuban situation work has
been ordered pushed and now it has pro
gressed so far that the blocks will be cut
from under her keel on the last Saturday
in the present month Gov Drake and
his staff will in all probability be present
and the chances are that the Governors
daughter will christen the ship
Madrid Students Publicly Insult the
Stars and Stripes
There have been renewed disturbances
in Madrid and demonstrations of popular
anger against the United States Govern
ment The students of the university
seem to have been the offenders or the
leaders in the demonstration
In spite of the special prohibition di
rected against them by the Government
tho students and other inhabitants in
dulged in renewed manifestations of their
unfriendly sentiments against the United
States They assembled before the Mad
rid university and there publicly burned
an American flag The police dispersed
the meeting after making sever il arrests
As a result the cabinet council has de
cided to temporarily close the universities
It was also decided to create a special
budget for naval armaments
4he Ninety Days Given by England
to Yield Are Over
The ninety days allowed Venezuela to
answer the demand for indemnity for the
arrest of the English officials Barnes and
Baker on the Uruan River in December
1894 have expired
The Government will not speak of
ficially but the highest authority is given
for the statement that Venezuela has re
fused to pay the indemnity declaring the
question of the arrest and the boundary
dispute cannot be separated To pay the
indemnity would be to recognize British
sovereignty over Venezuelan territory
It is believed that unless Pauncefote and
Minister Andrade can arrange matters
satisfactorily in Washington England will
use force to collect the money treating
the arrests as distinct from the boundary
Fitz Avoids Corbett
It is officially announced that Bob Fitz
simmons has cancelled his date at the
Pittsburg Academy of Music next week
Jim Corbett was to be in that town at the
same time and a report from New York
says that Corbett was to have met Fitz
simmons and punched his face if possible
Hhile there
This stoiy was told Fitz before he went
on with Maher at Madison Square Garden
last Saturday night and he at once pushed
ahead his Pittsburg date until April
Counterfeiters Trapped
Three green goods men and a satchel
filled with new money amounting to 25
000 were captured by postal inspectors at
Chicago There were four men in the
party one of whom escaped in the melee
when the raid was made The names
given by the captured men are Charles
Herd Albert Gray and Frank Smith
Holmes Must Hang
Tho Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
has overruled all the assignments of error
in the case of II H Holmes sentenced
to death for the murder of B F Peitzel
and confirmed the judgement of the court
below It is believed Gov Hastings will
fix an early day for the execution
Coal Miners Settle on a Rate
President Ratchford of the Ohio mine
workers flas issued a circular to the
miners telling them to consider them
selves working for 01 cents per ton There
is every promise that the rate will remain
at this for one year
Mrs Parnell Will Go to Ireland
Mrs Delia T Parnell is at present
atBordentown N J the guest of the
family of J M Steele where she will re
main for a few days to settte some busi
ness and then sail for Ireland
Famous Double Carnation
A New York florist for the sole right to
the famous double carnation known as
Ihe Murella has paid its discoverer
10000 The flower has been raised and
owned entirely by a firm having a large
greenhouse near Grand Kapids Michi
The Murella is one of the most beauti
ful carnations ever seen being large and
of a deep red color The senior member
of the firm has been working on it for
many years and brought it out only last
year After taking several prizes at
floral shows he began to receive offers
from prominent florists
Little Change Noticeable During tho
Past Week
R G Dun Cos Weekly Review ot
Trade says The Cuban resolutions and
the appointment of receivers for the Bal
timore and Ohio were events of sufficient
importance to affect almost any genuine
market especially for securieties It
therefore argues either remarkable
strength of conditions or ah entire want
of life and genuineness in the market that
the prices of the sixty most active railroad
stocks which averaged 4974 per share
February 1 have never fallen since that
date to lower than 4930 nor risen above
S50S5 per share The industries all re
port a slightly lower range of prices
Prices of wool have declined according
to the quotations printed by Coates Bros
of Philadelphia an average of 24 pei
cent within the month of February pre
sumably because of the failure of the pro
posed tariff bill which included duties on
wool There is also a retarding effect
from the further reductions which have
been made in prices of cotton goods al
though it does not appear that the con
cessions have thus far been successful in
calling out new business Reports are
frequent that many of the largest mills
are about to stop production for a time in
order to give the market opportunity to
clear itself
Failures for the week have been 285 in
the United States against 234 last year
and 08 in Canada against 58 last year
United Confederates Commander iiu
Chief on Walkers Action
The decision published by Gen Walker
commander of the G A R in reference
to the proposed joint parade in New York
July4 was called to the attention of Sen
ator Gordon of Georgia who has been
of the United Con
federates ever since its organization ne
was asked if he proposed to take any ac
ction looking to a change in the date of
the next annual meeting of the confeder
ates at Richmond June 30 July 1 and 2
Gen Gordon replied
This date was finally decided upon in
order to permit the confederates who came
from farther south to go to New York im
mediately after the adjournment to take
part in a joint parade but I see no reason
for changing the date of our reunion
which was called to meet at Richmond by
the last annual meeting at Houston Tex
and although the date could legally be
changed by me yet 1 shall not do so un
less I find it the wish of a majority of the
United Confederate Veterans camp and
best suited to the convention
I do not wish however to discuss the
action of Gen Walker It has been my
effort since the war to cultivate most cor
dial relations between the soldiers of the
two armies and between the people of
both sections I am glad to know I have
had the cordial sympathy and approval
of my old comrades in this effort and 1
wish also to add in this connection that I
have had the most cordjal manifestations
of a like sentiment on the part of the great
body of the Union soldiers
Wisconsin Fire Results in the Death
of Seven Persons
The house of G H Oldhouse at Harold
five mile from Alma Wis was destroyed
by fire causing the death of the family of
seven persons father and mother and five
children There was some talk that the
fire was caused by a robber who might
have set fire to the house to cover his
tracks after murdering the family for
money amounting to 500 which Mr Old
house is known to have had in the house
As the money has already been fonnd in
the ruins this theory does not appear prob
able From the position in which the
bodies were found all except Mr Oldhouse
died in their beds from suffocation The
fathers body was found near a window in
a room adjoining the bedroom
Prairie Fires in Oklahoma
r Damaging prairie fires have been raging
for six days in the Ponca Otoo and
Osage Indian countries in the eastern
pert of the Cherokee strip In the Osage
country a white woman was burned to
death and half a dozen houses and much
stock destroyed
Prussian Mine Disaster
Seventy -one bodies of victims of the
Cleophas mine disaster at Cattowitz
Prussia have been Urought to the surface
It is believed fifty are still unaccounted
Committeeman Campbell Dead
W J Campbell of Illinois a member of
the Republican National Committee died
at Chicago of pneumonia
Sioux City Cattle Stockers and feed
ers 300 to 350 Hogs Prices ranging
from 375 to 382 Grain Wheat 49c
to 52c corn 17c to 19c oats 13c to 15c
rye 20c to 25c flax 80c hay 450 to
500 butter 13c to 14c eggs 7c
Chicago Cattle Beef steers 330 to
475 stockers and feeders 280 to 380
IIogsPrices ranging from 825 to 422
Grain Wheat No 2 spring 65c to66c
No 2 red 69c to 69c corn No 2 28c
oats No 2 20c rye No 2 39c flax
No 1 89Kc timothy 350 to 300
Kansas City Cattle Beef steers 315
to 435 stockers and feeders 300 to
390 Hogs Prices ranging from 360
to 375 Sheep 350 to 400
South Omaha Cattle Beef steers 320
to 420 stockers and feeders 275 to
370 Hogs Prices ranging from 385
to 395 J
St Paul Cattle Beef steers 325 to
335 stockers and feeders 200 to 5300
Hogs Prices ranging from 150 to 1382
Minneapolis Grain Wheat May y2c
July 63c No 1 hard on track G2jc
No 1 Northern 61c
heart Vauvenargues
Proceedings of the Senate and House
of Representatives Measures of Im
portance Discussed and Acted Upon
Gist of the Business
Daily Report of the Work
The House spent the entire day on the 4th fix
ing the salaries of the United States district at
torney in the amendment to the legislative ap
propriation 1111 to abolish the fee system T he
salaries for the district attorneys were fixed In
part as follows Illinois northern district
P5000 southern district 1000 Indiana 5000
Iowa northern district and southern district
i000 Michigan eastern district 4000 west
ern district 3000 Minnesota 4000 Missouri
eastern and western districts 4000 each Ne
braska 3500 Ohio northern and southern
districts 4000 South Dakota 3500 Wiscon
sin eastern district 4000 western district
3000 The request of the Senate for a confer
ence on the Cuban resolutions was received but
not acted upon
The Senate on the 4th began the consideration
of the Dnpont election case from Delaware
Senator Mitchell spoke in favor of seating Mr
Dupontbut no action was taken The Cuban
resolution went to conference as a result of a re
port from the Committee on Foreign delations
and Messrs Sherman Morgan Lodge were
named as Senate eonferes A number of bills
were passed and at 3 oclock tho Senate ad
Interest in the debate over the legislative ap
propriation bill in the House on the 5th was com
pletely overshadowed by a sensational attack
made upon President Cleveland by Mr Hartinan
of Montana who felt himself personally ag
grieved by Mr Clevelands utterances at the
Presbyterian Home Mission meeting in 2Tew
York and who seized the opportunity allowed
by the latitude of the debate on appropriation
bills to repel the idea that the western states
were tho home of evil influences The House
then resumed the consideration of the amend
ment to the legislative appropriation bill Debate
was interrupted to allow the Speaker to appoint
as conferees on the Cuban resolutions Messrs
Hitt of Illinois Adams of Pennsylvania and Mc
Creary of Kentucky After the committee rose
without finishing consideration of the bill a bill
was passed appropriating 90000 for the recon
struction of the Eock Island 111 bridge and
then at 520 p m the House adjourned
Far a time on the 5th it looked as though the
Cuban question would be finally disposed of in
the Senate by agreeing to the conference report
accepting the House resolutions At the conclu
sion of Senator Mitchells elaborate argument
on the Dupont case Senator Sherman presented
the report of tho conferees and asked for imme
diate action It was then 3 oclock not more
than a dozen senators were in the hall Senator
Hale suggested that it was undesirable to crowd
through a resolution of this magnitude at a late
hour and with an empty Senate This brought
considerable sharp debate Senator Chandler
who had not before been heard on Cuba de
clared himself in favor of not only recognizing
but of maintaining the independence of Cuba
even if it resulted in war wtth Spain Senator
Hawley expressed sympathy with the public feol
ing against Spain yet he feared the earnestness
and eagerness of the United States would involve
us in war not only with Spain but other Euro
pean countries Senator Sherman concluded to
let the subject go over until Monday the Senate
having agreed to adjourn until then and he gave
notice that ho would call up the report during
tho morning hour
The House on the Gth passed the legislative ap
propriation bill which has been under consider
ation for a week Most of the time however
was consumed in tho consideration of the
amendment to abolish tho fee system This
amendment was perfected and adopted The
House then entered on the consideration of tho
postoflice appropriation bill Mr Loud of Cali
fornia chairma i of the committee who was in
charge of the foul explained its provisions The
bill is tho largest of the annual supply Dills It
sarries 19943757 2874142 less than the esti
mates fout 2377700 more than the cur
rent law carries Mr Quigg of New
JTork asked whether it would foe possifolo
tinder the provisions of the present hill for
ihe Postoflice Department to continue what is
denominated the spy system for suveillance
over carriers etc Mr Loud in reply explained
that the committee did not desire any official of
the Government to embark in new enterprises
and therefore the appropriation used by the first
assistant postmaster general to employ inspect
ors lias been segregated so that money could
not foe used foy him for the purpose But Mr
Loud said he agreed with the first assistant post
master general fully as to the principle of
miato supervision of tho postal service He
thought it would foenefit the whole service font
the committee had decided that it was not desir
able to divide tho inspecting force and had
therefore cut off tho force under the first assist
ant postmaster general and Increased the regular
force under the fourth assistant postmaster gen
eral foy making provision for thirty additional
Inspectors Without completing the general de
bate the committee rose and recess was taken un
til 8 oclock tho evening session to foe devoted
to the consideration of the private pension bills
Prayer in War Time
Editor F W Woolard of the Carmi
111 Times was one of a group who
were swapping stories at the Alhambra
The drift of the conversation was upon
incidents which had impressed the nar
rators while here during and after the
war I once heard a remarkable
prayer from an old negro said Editor
Woolard It was at the time Sher
man had pushed through Georgia and
everybody was cussing him constant
ly The old man had unconsciously ab
sorbed the language of his master al
though his sympathies were all the
other way He was In the midst of
what the irreverent sometimes style a
trash mover a most earnest prayer at
a big mcetln when he lifted his eyes
to heaven and exclaimed as a grand
finale And now Lawd bless dem
what dun freed de po nigger bless de
domn Yankees He was In dead earn
est and saw nothing ludicrous in his
words It was what he always heard
them called Atlanta Journal
It has been estimated says W H
Lamaster that a cannon ball moving
with a velocity of 500 miles an hour
and leaving our earth at a certain time
and traveling in the direction of the
hearest fixed star would not reach it iu
less than 4500000 years and yet there
are stars in the heavens and visible
through telescopes that would require
a cannon ball moving with the same
velocity at least 500000000 years to
reach them
The farms of Arkansas produced in
1889 53128155 worth of cotton and
In 1889 there were 28320677 acre
of oats sown and a yield of S0925066U
All grand th6ughtVTcomerfrbm the
There can be no high civilitywithout
a deep morality Emerson t
Nature Is but a name for jaxLt effect
whose cause Is God CowperC4
Poetry is Itself af thing of God 1 Hj
made His prophets poets Bailey
j All power everithe most despotic
rests ulJtanlyonphnumei
President Trcsidea Over the Presby
terian Ulceting in New York
President Cleveland appeared at Carne
gie Hall New York in the unique roll of
chairman of a meeting held by Presby
ltfi 14 iiii
terians in the inter
est of home missions
In assuming the
chair Mr Cleveland
made an earnest ad
dress in favor of the
movement and gave
a sympathetic lefer
enee to the distress
ing situation in Ar
menia Every avail-
dij TOrxirATX able spot in tne iran
was thronged and an overflow meeting
was held in the lower hall The platform
was crowded with prominent ministers
Mild laymen of the Presbyterian Church
When President Cleveland appeared at S
vclock accompanied by Rev Dr John
TIall of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian
Church he was received with tumultuous
applause the whole audience rising and
waving handkerchiefs When the ap
plause had subsided Dr ITall ivi reduced
President Cleveland as chairman of tho
meeting whereupon the applause was re
newed again and again
It is nut only as your fellow citizen but
as the chief executive officer of your gov
ernment that I desire to speak said
President Cleveland for I am entirely
certain that I serve well our entire peo
ple whose servant I am when I here tes
tify to tlit benefit our country has receiv
ed through home missionary effort and
when I join you in an attempt to extend
and strengthen that effort
At the headquarters of the Presbyte
rian Board of Home Missions it was an
nounced the following day that tho meet
ing at Carnegie Hall netted about 5S00
Recording Secretary Oscar E Boyd stated
that many persons present at the meeting
but who made no contributions at that
- J T
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1 Iliilll
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lllHiW wSBiywttt i1
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m mjnmmm
time have signified their intention ot
sending in contributions within the next
few days Altogether it is expected that
fully 25000 will be realized as a result of
the meeting
This meeting was the opening gun of a
big home mission campaign throughout
the United States It was the precursor
of meetings which are to be held to stim
ulate interest in mission work by the
Presbyteries of Philadelphia the first
formed in the United States of Wash
ington Pittsburg Chicago Kansas City
San Francisco St Louis and other cities
It was the Presbytery of New York the
richest and in some respects the most im
portant of them all though not the oldest
it dates back only to 1S3S which under
took to set the ball rolling and it has cer
tainly succeeded
Massachusetts Executive Snccnmbs
to Illness at Iowell
Gov Frederic T Greenhalge of Massa
chusetts died at Lowell after two weeks
illness of paralysis and acute kidney
troubles Through
out the common
wealth bells were
tolled and the whole
people are ia mourn
Gov Greenhalge
was of English birth
but came with his
parents to this coun
try in his childhood
lie was graduated
from Harvard
versity in 1S03 Two
years later he was
admitted to the bar
at which he took high rank as a counselor
and advocate He was elected to Con
gress from the eighth district in 1S8S
having previous to that time occupied the
offices of City Solicitor of Lowell Mayor
of the city and member of the Legislature
He was elected Governor three successive
times For the first time in over twenty
years the gubernatorial chair is vacant
The Lieutenant Governor will act as Gov
ernor during the unexpired term
W J Campbell
William J Campbell the Republican
national committeeman from Illinois and
for years prominent in the councils of the
Republican party died at his home in a
Chicago suburb of pneumonia after a
short illness The circumstances sur
rounding his death are peculiarly sad as
Ms wife and father are also at the point of
death and it was neglect of himself in
watching them that brought about his
fatal attack He became a member of
the Republican committee in 1891 and in
June 1S92 was unanimously elected
chairman but resigned soon after on ac
count of private business He served as
State Senator from 1S7S to 1S86 and was
one of the most successful lawyers in the
West He was 44 years old
Archbishop Kcnrick
Peter Richard Kenrick who for over
half a century prior to three years ago
was Catholic archbishop of the St Louis
diocese died Wednesday in the 90th year
of his age The old gentleman had been
in very feeble health for several years
and about two and a half years ago
Bishop Kain of Wheeling was elected to
an archbishopric and sent to relieve him
The demonstration at Queens Hall
London in favor of permanent arbitra
tion between the United States and Great
Britain was disappointing from the point
of view of numbers the audience which
was not large being mostly made up of
women Resolutions were adopted favor
ing an international treaty
At Braggs I T Jack Ohewil a des
perado wanted for the murder of Michael
Cusning a peddler slew Gano Adair and
Hiram Stevens Cherokee deputies who
were attempting to arrest him and es
caped x
Menelik II Emperor of Shoa and Abys
fcinia King of Kings in all Africa and
monarch of Ethiopia is the man who is
causing all the trouble to Italy by not
allowing that country to protect him
Menelik has an idea that he is thoroughly
capable of protecting himself and pro
poses to do it on his own ground rather
than trade off all liis real estate for pro
tection of the European kind This irreat
ruler is perhaps the mot interesting
monarcih in all the world He claims to be
a line descendant of the famous Queen of
Sheba and that his realms are the famous
Ophir of t3ie Scriptures Whatever value
may be in that claim it is true that Mene
lik has the old time idea of how to be a
king He has been able to teach a great
European power a lesson which it will
never forget He Jns caused all the hg
ministers of state and potentates in Eu
rope to open their eyes very rwide and to
realize that in him they have a real king
to play with Menelik is certainly a sur
prise to the King of Italy and it is said
that he will be the most important man
in the game of chess wthich the European
powers are ever playing ne was born in
1SJ8 in his fathers kingdom of Shoa His
mother was a beggar whom the king took
a fancy to and married He ruled in Shoa
after having spent his youth in all sorts
of wild adventures and wfoen King Jofan
of Abyssinia died in 1SS9 Menelik march
ed to Abyssinia had himself crowned Em
peror of Abyssinia and Shoa and proclaim
ed fliimself King of Kings He was en
abled to do this with Italian interfer
ence but flie later flung aside this alliance
because as he said Italy desired to ab
sorb his kingdom The country he irales
is very rich in gold luxuriant in vegeta
tion and in every way a desirable place
Its population is 3000000
Woman Who Won a Great Case After
Years of Litigation
The Supreme Court decision in the Stan
ford University case was a splendid vic
tory for education and the noble lady
who has practically sacrificed her life and
iven away a queenly fortune for the
higher good of humanity is well worthy
of the congratulations which no doubt
will be showered upon her from all parts
of the country The case was a singular
one Had it been decided against her she
would have lost more than 13000000
and the very life props of the splendid
university at Palo Alto would have been
swept away and the money turned over tj
the United States Government
The case was started in California To
force the Stanford estate represented by
Stanfords widow lo pay to the United
States some 15000000 as the share oi
Stanford of the debt due the United Statei
by the Central Pacific Railway on the
principle of stockholders liability Mrs
Stanford won in the lower courts and now
the Supreme Court has affirmed their de
cisions which are briefly that the stock
holders of the Central Pacific are not in
dividually liable for their shares of th
i I
Li Hung Chang has left Pekin to attend
the coronation of the czar at Moscow
Dr Buhl who was vice president c
Ithe reidhstag in 1SS9 is dead at Deides
Several churches the postoffice and fifty
buildings were left in aslhes by a fire at
Asperen South Holland
There was no truth in the report Hoax
Prince von Hohenlohe the German
cellor had arrived in London
Losses aggregating 1500000 insure
for only 100000 were caused by the fire
in Guayaquil Ecuador Great distress
exists among the poor in consequence
Seventy one bodies of victims of tihfj
Cleophas coal mine disaster in Prussian
Silesia have been found and it is believed
fifty persons are still unaccounted for
A J Balfour first ilord of the treasury
stated in the House of Commons that he
did not believe anything would be gained
by Great Britain taking tflie initiatSve in
proposing a monetary conference
It is reported in Pekin that the Frencit
Government is supporting the offer of a
syndicate of French financiers to loan
China 100000000 taels
France to guar
antee ithe interest on the security of
tjns and other concessions J
t r
r i