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About Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1896)
tCLLlbHED JSVEIIX THUItSDA1T J R Farris Publisher v CHERRY GO iNDEPENDEK Official Paper of Cherry Coun subsgbieeioh sates Oie Dollar 2Ecr Yeur iDYESTISIUa RATES Qk6 GcJjurin per month Aftls SSCO 100- Jinterwl at t he Post ofllce Jrt Valentine Cherry sotroty Kebrc ika as Second class matter Societies MENS SOCIAL CLUB MeCts YOUNG Wednesday evening at the rest onoe of Sirs Helen Hornby Charles B Cook Fresident CHAulks H WkllPiu Secretary BULL TRIBE So 22 SETTING Okdkk ok Hkdmen Jleets ever second and fourth Saturday of cchuionth Members or the order m good rtaudinunre cordially and fraternally invited to alien 4 C ll THOM PSON Sacheroy J D WIGGINS C of Records Ilntiulrniliion T nArrn Kn 1Q k Tf Rl A TVT Arrival and departure of SFftilH Mall east and west closes at 8 p m Eosebud leaves at Stio a m daily except Sun tey and arrives at 500 p m Simeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves 5t7e0 a ut Mondays Wednesdays and Fri days and arrives at p Tuesdays and Saturdays Trt Niobrara leaves daily at7Ta m andl 569 p ui arrives at l3ia in and 730 p m Kewanee and Sparks arrives Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at 509 pm and lear is Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at fn iu General delivery open from 760 a m to 700 p m General deifverv open on Sundays from at 10 a w Lock boxes opendaily form t a istaSS0p m W EHALEY Postmaster Official Directory of Cherry Co Treasurer G P rbb Jiorfc Geo Elliott Sheriff SSXi udge FM Walcott Cunty Attorney lid- Clarke County Superintendent Lillian Stoner Surveyor Boyer kroner F Il lugersoU I E W Starr tforomlssloners M Diifcham P Sulhvau 22 ffiflFESSlDNAL AHD BUSINESS CARDS If C DWXEC Ffrysiviatt a3til Sttrgeon Mice at C K Watsons Drug Store rrompt ttntIon glvtn to all professional calls VAtEXTIXE - NKBKASKA Teachers Exaniination Th regular monthly Teachers Examination will be held the tfcHrd Saturday of each month at my office in the Court House LILLIAN STONER Sunt of Schools - TTjD CLARKE Attorney-at-Law AHkinds of lecal business promptly attended to YAuarrixa - Nebbasea TAWSOX TAYLOR Toniioilal Parlor Bair eutting arti Shaving up to date is all the latest stjles Hot and Cold Baths hp oa Main Street Valentine Kebraska H3 The White Ifonse rs been rebuilt and every room fnrnishod with New Suits of Furniture it one ol the most complete and eewtorteblc hotels- 1st the North west Cjample room and goo livery kDtable ALEKTINH lu connection- NEB E BREUKUNDER BLACKSMITH and Repairing a Specialty Hrices Strickly Cash and Low er than ever SHOP on Cherry St opposite Langs old stand 5ff THE ELKHORN RAILROAD ftKorth Western Line is to best to and from tlio - SUGAR BEET FIELDS of NORTH NEBRASKA CITY -BREVITIES About two week inches of snow this will meets iu regular communication Saturday even 1 Pine and Ainsworth Monday on luir ou or ueiore tne inn iiiuuu m uwu lumuw miintfrn nftlin irdnrln irood and recular stand log erdlally ami fraternally invited to attend F M Walcott W M WV7 Thompson Seey Vsdentlne iJbdso No 70 A O U W meets l standard Monday in each month M ChTistsnsen M W L L 3toner Rec Valentine Lod No 205 I O F meets every Thursday evening Visiting brothers cord ially Hvited to attend our meetings J II Ykast NG Wesley IIolsclaw 8eev Col Wood rest No 208 Department of Ne braska recular meethg2d and 4th -Saturdays of each luonil at a i m sharp Comrads from liiw Iosts aro cordlallv invited to attend W W Thompson Conimaudor John Dunn adjt Gel Wood W R C No 179 regular meeting M aad 4th Saturdays of each month Amanda LuDWiGPree Hdlkk Hornby 5ce The County Commissioners meet Tuesday March 17th The snow rekindles the hopes for a crop the coming season Wild geese are northward bound and the hunters are happy base bail fever has struck Valentine early this season II WGraham was a jusinesss caller at this office Wednesday J C Petti John made a business trip to Brown county this week E J Eavenport leturned Tuesday night from a business trip in the east Rev J M Bates conducted ser vices at the Episcopal Church Sunday C It Glover went down to Long ness 3ST S Piowley a prominent stock- man from Kennedy visited Valentine Mondav County Treasurer Crabb wlllmove 1 his family into the Dr Holsclaw resi dence this week t Alex Charboneaux a cattle man from Rosebud spent Monday and Tuesday in town Charles Tait moved his family Monday into the George Beer residence west of the railroad track Earnest Heath was a pleasent caller Tuesda He will depart for sunny south in the sprfrig Xo beauty ever looks her be3t un less with Ayers Hair Vigor dressed her hair chief glory is confessed Wv Hahn was awarded the contract for delivering 500 bushels of seed wheat at Rosebud Agency r Any one in need of wind mills or pumps will save money by seeing me before buying G Carlson We are informed that there is in prospect a prize fight to take place near Valentine in the near future M V jSTicholson departed Tues day morning for Buchanan Wis where he will join his wife and make a short visit John Jones was over from Rose bud Tuesday and Wednesday He making Jiis rounds The spring term of district court for this county has been posponed for one week This will make court con vene on April 20th Married At the M E parsonage Sunday March 1st 1896 at 5 oclock p ra Mr Charles L Latta and Miss Daisy Stilwell both of Simeon The Society of Christian Endeavor at the Presbyterian Church next Sun daj at 645 p m ETerybody cordially invited Subject for next Sunday Heroes of Missions 2Cor 11 23 28 Tfe President Valentine sprotsmen are waiting in happy anticipation for the ducks and geese season Our advantages for this class of sport are hard to beat Rev G W Thorn of Washington la brother of E E Thorn visited here the fore part of the week He preach ed the evening sermon at the M E Church Sunday E H Robertson the tailor has just received a fine line of samples of spring and summer goods Call and examine them and give him your orders Suits from 1850 to 3600 Dr Evans of Valentine was call ed to Xorden today aud since his arri val he has been kept busy getting the vicinity doctored up once more He is a welcome personage in this locality any time Norden Boreallis SSTceth filled with wood Teeth filled with hay For the next sixty days good wood and hay will be taken at the highest market price in exchange for dental work Bn C A WELLS Office over T C Hornbys store Services iu theM E Church net Sunday at 11 a m and 730 p m Subject of morning discourse A Great Theme Revival services at 730 pm Epworth League at 630 p ra Re vival services each evening of the week All are cordially invited to all services O L Ramsey Pastor C W Bennett of Simeon has a flne pnfc of hounds and he together witiihis neighbors n eniovinir the Lvftilf season to the fullest ax- teutapther citizens in the neighbor lnda of Simeou purpose to add - more dogs to the pack and carry forward the work of exterminating the wolves If Sawyer of town tod a v a Weed ILake otes Var Rijiai parks is in It is a treasure to see the ground white with snow again As a blood -purifier Ayers Sarsap rilla surpasses all other remedies Judge Tucker returned from a business trip to Oakdale Monday night Communications for publication must reach this office not- latter than Wednesday W A Wilson is on our streets to day He says lhi3 snow is incourag ing to farmeiSUs it will soak up Hie ground bo it can bo plowed and early crops pufit Frank Prackecwas in from the German settlement Saturday He says the farm land in that neighbor hood is moist down to the depth of ten inches and believes the ground to be in better condition now than at this- time last year All the fanners in that part will farm as extensively this year as ever There is still hopes lor Cherry county to redeem herself Dont be in a hurry to leave this coun try With a reasonable amount of rainfall there is not a batter place in the United States for a poor man than Cherry county Dont be in a hurry to leave your homes and go to a new country where you will have to rent land and pay cash rent Its not what it is represented to be If we have a good crop this year the people who have left our county will be glad to get back There is a general wave of business depression and hard tirn s throughout our land and people here are as well situated as are the people of any other section of the country If only the people of our county or our state were effected by hard times it would be a different question Teachesvs Associativa The Valentine Teachers Association will hold its last meeting of the year in the High School building March 14 1896 Program Child Study Mrs Lizzie Crawford How to avoid seat qtTestions duiing recitations Mia3 Cora Hoer Whites School Management pages 130 to 217 Miss Belle Callen Reading Intermediate and Ad vanced Miss Cilia Vaughn Discussion Miss Girtrude Lincoln Debate Question Resolved Thrtt remembered us with a friendly call in classjfivm or trading the public schools is detrimental to the education of the individual Affirmative W F Morgareidge and C S Reece Negative D H Thurs ton aud II O Tucker Progr am Committee Wood Lake is undergoing the most successful revivals it has ever experienced Thirty three have signi fied a willingness to join and converts coming forward each night We con gratulate Revs Campbell and Taylor and with so many new members we now hope to see a fine church built We are sorry to report Mr Barnes confined to his home and part of the time to his bed by a complication of diseases Many new faces are seen at our meetings and Saturday night a general invitation is extended to the Johns town people to be with us Grandma Handy had aserious fall a few days ago buc last report she was improving W Honey contemplates building a new residence the coming summer The railroad company are haying quite a time puttiug down a well but they must have been successful as th tank was running over today Notwithsland the drouth hunters are here in search of game Mrs Dewey mother of Mrs Livan was taken suddenly ill Snffaf and for a time her life was despaired of She is subject to such attacts but we hope she may live to enjoy many years yet Several ranchmen report loosing stock with blackley and several are loosing cattle and suspect rustling is going on Dr Prices Cream Baking Powder Worlds Fair Highest Award IZeny on Snrecuve to Siojt Drinking Transforms the poverty sifickenand miserable home into a home of plenty and happiness Guaranteed to cure the habit ofdrinking ardent spirits of money refunded It is the greatest tempeamce worker the world has dyer Lgnown 11 creates a desire lor food wlfoh redaugcrous to young Btockinstead of drink It supplies and - k f srsase Avsrded iiigkesi Honors Worlds Fair CREAM VLU KT fiPTC3P THPSJK fffT ry LViKJCf I IC V V ii t A5ud AE cDcnr Mftnn IVl LiVjI IIWLLlt tvxre Grace Cream of Tartar Powder Fret- om Ammonia Alum or any other adulterant AO YEARS THfi STANDARD isfies the desire for liquor without so doing no man could be cured It acts promptly and can be given in tea coffee milk etc without thir knowi edge of taxing it and gradually th medicinal qualities of Kenyons cum will have cured the terrible cravim for drink and they will have a horn at even the thoughts ot that whic they so lately had an unquenchable desire Kenyons cure does for the drinker what the will of man is power less to do It ran do no more Sent by mail no marks to indicate its con tents Pi ice 100 If your druggist does not keen it we will send it on receipt of price Address SURECURE REMEDY CO 358 Dearborn Street Chicago III Mick Criea Works Rev Id It Hicks the celebrated storm prophet of St Louis is now a household name in neurly every home in America His wonderful Alarnamic predicts the weather for a year ahead more correctly and accurately than any other publication or any other system The testimony of a large number of careful observers is that 99 percent of Hicks predictions are ful filled to the letter nis series of an nual Alamasiacs are now well and f v orably known m ill purrs of this c try and in foreign land i Hie Alomanac for 1896 is the mosr p cal ajl instructive- at- well a ll tiest of this splendid series It pager printed on p lt f paper with covers elegantly printed colors Yk mutter scci iic a written i popular styk tajv being nothing difficnic to unstf ahout it Ii is also FuHy iY - Dont confound this with son medicine pamphlet It is nothing the kind but is a line hook vh ch sells at news seauds for Ths fine AJamanac is given as a preniiu to every yearly snhscriber to the R Irl R Hicks well known and des w lv popular papar Word and Works This unique journal is n peerless edu cator of the masses and iavfast becom ing a household guardian and necessity in the homes of America Those who want to keep up with the advance thought of the age in science religion and all social commercial intellectual and domestic subjects should sub scribe for Word and Works Sub scription price only 100 a jear You can send for both direct to Word and Works Publishing Co St Louis Mo Single copies of Word and Works 10 cents Estray Xotioi Taken up by the undersigned Dec 30 1S95 near lire wnlee one light bay mare weight about SOOIbs no brands or marks about 2 years old Ruben Kissell JrNtray Kotice Taken up by the undersigned Xbv ember 20 1895 at Cody Xebr one btiy jinny mule age about 10 yrs weight about 900ibs shod in front no brads to be found v Hook llciinucti Kates Home Seekers ixcursiou March 10 April 7 and 21 and May 5 1896 One fare for the round trip plus 2 Tickets good returning 21 days after date of sale to all points in Nebraska on F E M V 11 11 100 miles or more west of the Missouri river SMYSER VINCENT proprietors of LIVERY FEED AND SALESTABLE Good Higs and Careful Drivers Teams Stablrd AtGeo LHgs old stand VALENTINE - - NEBRASKA Uiuars T bucs cure dyspopsla pjpars Tabids one sives rolwf Dr Prices Cream Baking Powder ilost Perfect Mad Bi13afls Tabules are always rcsSj jfjas3s I lAyvwctrsv aii irr2KKwtM k Ka W I rtrzxypH THE HARNESS MAKER A Carries a fine assortment of Harness and Saddles Harness and Saddles made to order on short notice All kinds of Hepairing Hay and Grain At Lowest Market Prices IVhv navSft tn 0 nredforfnC3 iest wmm mm ms for is w zaeera Kcrseliijnbyt5 strong tgnrrf ontl chioken tJsJit A man and coy csn make rom 4u io t irinR frnted catalosrus Frea ift rfii igaj Ho TKEtS nlrniU t m I KIQKOV1 IC UIUIUiui fS ZaSStK W3 v r - sfesJswijr assmp1 5 si San JlVl W KW rtiSv vr 0tTu cn0 ftjS - kaa n XSl - ra U WITH V0U TMJls 6ti rRFFr M No 37 Surrey Httrnesa 8Q7501 X S Kl V W c No 71SJ6 Top Buggy No 3 Farra Wagon - ShotGuns SP w aWINCHErtR RBPErVTING 15 sss 2o 1 Farm Harness IE Have sold to connmer for 21 yonra saving thorn tfao dealor8 proflt We are tho Oldcwt and Xarcest manufacturers in Amer ica scllln Vehicles and Harness tnis way Bhlp vlthprlvilCEOtooxamine before any money Is paid Wo pay frelcht both wayslf not BatislEC tory Warrant for2 -cars Why pay an agentSlO to 50 to order fnr you Write your own order Boxlngfree Wc talio ull rial of damago in BhipDinff VifHOLESALE PRICES Spring Vacrons S3 io SSO Guaranteed EanioasscllforvoOto3S5 Surreys 365 toSICO same as sell for 6100 to SIC0 Top Cuggieo S3750 as firo aa rold for 85 PhC3tonoS6G to SiOO Farm Vaons VeJgonattea Milk Vaeon Delivery Wagonsand Road Carts KicYCLZs von iev mojie cuildees Oar IlnrnctH arekoldat tureia Prices wnSr fc 2350 l Has Blnglc 90to20 Dotdjlo 1S8S5 Farsa 1C to 2850 BIDING SADDLES cad F1T 3JES C percent off for caoh with order Bead 4c in stomps to pay dosickc en ii piico caiaiusuc LINCOLN NEBRASKA J a V t Cr Is is 3 Sl r o ra tswSr - and Ammunition Best in TJiE IAori o Winchester AveNew Havem ComhI I HF6 CO w No 781 Surrey No 727 Eoad Waffon ElUhartBlcycle 2Slaihe8 pneumatlo tiros weldlaap AddressWB PRATT Secy ELKHART INDe eieei luuing arop lergioss -- frE Go r r -- TIJill I I II ll IWIIIireil - - -- J JrurT rtrnttrmu I31POHTER3 OF Fsaro bsed French Draft Percheron or Gorman AD SCLSSH HIR HORSES nr C il A r Urnents of Man and Beast Akrig t2Sted psin reiis7ti is alticst ur verni br ths Kousewife the Fanner trie Stock iliiv r and by every one reqnirir an elective- t l -- r RC5tvn ctt rc vMh it in eGicacy T - r rrcdy i stood the test of years alhibs - ft f rt Ic ilvzzi h corirIewa without a bottle of Musta Liyixcz - ---- arie f its U32 almost every day V irvsts 2d dgalp r larevt t inn ii mi mill M ii i hen vcucai7aori0 i m gMTHI fVTZT MJ H SSSK i L L iini r ci -a n f nchester cPeatlns FIs K I