1 i 4 52iEfcELJr3kffl rt - Xi1 A Entered at 1 he 1ost oQlce at Valentine Cherry us Second class matter Societies BULL THIBE ao22 SETTING IMIIIOVH Okdku ok Ekusikx Meets every second and fourth Saturday ol oachmoutli Members of the order in pood standing are cordially and fraternally invited to attend C I i THOMPSON Sachem J D WIGGINS C of Kecords Minnekadusa Lodge Ho J92 A F A M i meets In regular communication Saturday even ing on or before the full moon in each month members of the order in good and rcgularstand lng cordially and fraternally invited to attend F M Walcott W M W Yf Taoiirsox Secy Valentine Lodge No 70 A 0 TJ V7 meets 1 st and 3rd Monday in each month 31 Chrjstnsen M W L L 3touer Bee Valentine Lodpe No 205 T O F meets every Thursday evening Visiting brothers cord ially nvited tottend our meetings D S LUDWJG N G Tuauk Bkaxto Secy Gel Wood Pest No 208 Department of braska regular meeting2d and ith Saturdays of each mouth at J u in sliarn Comrads from other Posts are cordially invited to attend W W TnoMrsor Commander John Dujrx adjt Col Wood W B C No 179 regular meeting 9d and 4th Saturdays of each month Amanda Lcdwig Pres Helux Hornby See Ax rival aud oparture of- 32ails Hail east aud west closes at S p ra Rosebud leaves at Soo a mdaily except Sun day aud arrives at 500 p m BImeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves at 700 a m Mondays Vednesdavs and Fri days and arrives at 700 p m Tuesdays aud Saturdays Ft Niobrara leaves daily at7 00 a m and B00p m arrives at S30a maud 730 p in Kewanee and Sparks arrives Mondavs Wednesdays and Fridavs at 5u9 pm anil Icares Tuesdays Thursdays ind Saturdays at 7o a in General deli very open froin760a m to 70t p ni General delivery open ou Sundays from to 10 am Lock boxes opeudaily form G a m to 330 p m W EIIALEY Postmaster m Official Directory of Cherry Co CJiACl Hi a a w uuc County Attorney Count Superintendent Surveyor - emmlssloners kjtable in i LBNTIKE connection G P Grubb Geo Elliott G C Parker FMWakott Ed Clarke Lillian Stoner Hugh 15oyer F H Ingersoll E W Starr Duthmu I P Sullivan PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS J C DWYER Physician and Surgeon Offiee at C R Watsons Drug Store Prompt attention given to all professional calls VAIKXTIXK - NKIiKASKA ff - Teachers JSxiimitftfttioai Phe regular monthly Teachers -Examination will be held the vthird Saturday of each month t my office in theCourt House LILLIAN STOJSER Supt of Schools TD CLARKE Attorney-at-Law fcllkiads of legal business promptly attended to YaojJUTtixe - Nebraska JjAWSOX TAYLOR ToHHorial Parlor Hair cutting and Shaving up to date ia all the latest styles Hot and Cold Baths Shop on Main Street Valentine Nebraska 7K - Tlie Wbite Mouse been rebuilt and every room furnished Has K ew Suits of Furniture ifakine it one of the most complete and JDri Ocmf ortable hotels Jn the Northwest Q ample room and good livery NEB E BREUKLANDEK BLACKSMITH WAGOHiAKER Repairing done on short notice andrt Reasonable Prices iTAIENTIXE - - NEBRASKA SHOP Corner of Hall and Catharine Streets THE ELKHORN RAILROAD orth Western Line ib to best x to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS or NORTH NLBHAKA 1 vi SSSgg gSC CHERRY 00 INDEPENDENT f UJsLlblieu JSVKJty J R Farris Publisher Official JPaper of Cfaerry SUBSOEIPTIOfl BATES Oic Dollar Per Year ADVERTISING SATES ae Column per month carda - 800 100 i - a 4 rt - flbTi CITY BREVITIES County Clerk Elliott made a busi ness trip up the road last week Buy your Christmas presents at the M E fair December Z0 and 21 Read the new advertisement of Mrs W D Collett carpet weaver in this issue The G A R Camp Fire Tuesday was a grand success both financially and as an entertainment xj McDonald was down from Crookston the fore part of the week looking after business interests and visiting his family The flng that floated at half ma3t from the G A G flag staff Monday was in honor of ex Congressman Miveighan who died at Hasting Sun day lie was a hero of the late war A number of cases of diphtheria are reported in our county People should take every possible percaution to keep this terrible disease from spreading Beware E McDonald is among the oldest and most successful merchants in Valentine and appreciates the bene fits derived from the use of printers ink Read his new ad this week Re offers some very tempting bargains li is money in a farmers pocket to stud wtdtern farm methods Head The Cultivator the best western farm paper Yv get it for you a ear for nearly nothing if you subscribe tor the Independent Both papers one year for 125 Apply at this othce Tveth titled with vrovtl Teeth fiUed wiili bay For the next sixty das good wood and hay will be taken at the highest market price in exchange for dental work DV C A W K L 1 S Arrangements hve been perfect ed for a Christmas entertainment at the Presbyterian Church Christmas eve A short program has been ar ranged and the room will be decorated with two beautiful Christmas trees StfW fMr tllll Vlinltti CtltvAl il i il J and one for- the public in general There will be a special Communi cation of Minnechaduza Lodge 192 A I V A AT O n oi Ton Dr Dwyer informs us that Malg nat D phtheria one of the most dan gerous contageons diseases has brole out in the vacinity of Kewanee Two of Mr Archers children are at a very low stage at this writing but the doctor has hopes of bringing them out safely The A O U W Lodge elecced officers at its meeting on Monday night last as follows viz T C Hornby M W Wesley Holsolaw Foreman- 0W Uahn Overseer Carl Dam us Record er W E Haley Financier Gustave Carlson Receiver U G Dunn Guide C A Collins Inside Watchman R S Morey Outside Watchman Robert Robinson Trustee Gerome Broad returned Sunday from a trip down through the southern states extending over several months in search of a new -location but failed to find anything that suited him He has returned to make this his home and says he knows by experience that it is the best place He says the poor people are better off here than any place he visited and immigration is turning from the south and heading westward Died at the home of his parenra on Monday at the age of twelve years Willie Ashburn son of J T Ashburn The funeral services were conducted at the house and the remains laid to rest in the Kewanee cemetry Willie had suffered with a destructive disease for several days which the skillful efforts of Dr Evans failed to abate and on Monday his spirit went its giver The funeral was conducted under the directions of the A O U W of which Mr Ashburn was a mem ber A grand banquet was given by our townsmen m honor of Col J i Oglesby on the eve of his departure Saturday night The guests assembled at the White House and all were com fortably seated at the great tables at 1030 oclock with O R Glover Master of Toasts A number of masterly and appropriate toasts were given by guests and all present spent a most enjoyable evening Col Oglesby took his departure on the morning train for Okholoma where his services are required in his new posiion He eaves VaWtine 1 he best wishes of our people as was fully demonstrat ed on this occasion his own elsewhere The ice season is near at hand J A Fine is enjoying Newport life this week Always trade with the merchants who advertise S F Gilraan was week for a short time m town last The County Commissioners met in regular session Monday The Ladies of the M E Church will give a bazarr on December 20 and 21 Representative F Rothleutner made a fhiug business trip to this city Aloud ay United States Marshall- Liddiard of Rushville visited this city the fore part of the week BEIPCIasiBese Sac ret JLilies 55yicm22S SKiiya aiad athev IZziihs at liCwis 5rae Stfore See ad for Vox Populi in another column The Independent together with that paper for one year at 1 50 The snow has disappeared and everybody is longing to see mother earth carpeted with the pure white flakes again Oyster supper will be given in connection with the bazarr on Decem ber 2Utli at vjornell Hall Coint and bring our best girl Roland Hunter has opened a tailor shop in the Millar building north of the lied Front Cleaning and re pairing neatly and prompilv done i section of Uncle Sams public domain Fred sls it mikes a man feel better to have a clear title to a place where vou can call home v -- j rSfo0fc spent a few hours in town p m for work in the third degree All j Mndav radinj om inerclmnts members and visiting member in good Tiey coinlleLed i mo ClI1 standing are coidially invited to be J tract for turmsiuug lumbei tr countv nrucunt V IVTnnT n W t Wii bridges V V Thompson secy s is cosmimary with Ihese community buy their goods The annual winter meeting of the Farmers Institute under tlie direction of tke State Board of Agriculture will be held at Lincoln commencing Jan nary 21 1896 The object of this meeting is to discuss matters that are of interest to tillers of th soil and in every way possible proirote the indus try of farming Everybody is invited to atreud this meeting and every farmer who is desirious of becomng familiar with the leading questions that confront men following that 02 cupation cannot afford to mibs this opportunity The sport of rabbit and wolf hunt ing with the aid of hounds- is gaining in popular favor very rapidly in Val entine New dogs are being purchas ed and a large crowd turns om ou each occasion V M Nicholsons dog is the last addition and tie is a line one And the latest addition tothe party- is Charles Sparks ann D E Sherman mounted in a top buggy About 20 gentlemen went out Sunday north to the state line where a number of pretty were witnessed When the nice appeais on levt l grounds and can be seen for miles it is certainly a pretty sight md it is fully appeciatnd Charles Sparks is credited with having captured the only wolf during the day i t -- v v saaasntaiaaa 3 5- -V M - CTfiLX5fes hVMh folWfl 5r - Martin Miemrs was a pleasant business caller Ui3t evening A good appetite and perfect diges tion soon fellow the use of Ayers Sar saprilla Ayers Pills taken in doses of one daily after dinner admirably regulate the digestive and assimilative organs Rinars Tabules cure dyspepsia TVm Steele returned last night from Okholoma where he has been working several months on a govern ment survery A change in the proprietorship ot the Peacock saloon took place this week D Stinard bought the estab lishment and M Cline and Henry Bal lard are running the business There will be a Christmas Tree in the M E Church Tuesdav Dec 24 All who desire may put presents upon the tree In connection with the tree will be given a Cantata The Waif Christmas with the following person- ations Christmas Fairy May A Rich Girl Flossie do Nan A Waif Meddie do Santa Clause Full Chorus Come aud enjoy Exercises begin at 730 Xmis eve with us lUxtiursinns Excursion tickets on sale December 24 25 and 31 1895 and January 1 - Joseph Wisser tin wijh awalce 1896 at one and one third fare for the populist ctninitieeiuan tf Nehzl spent Mondy in town was i wit ness for Fred Silner horn in making final proof James Good fellow of Malvern Ja a heavy stock owner in this couutv Office over T C ttofe Honeys j slnppKl ii our city Tuesday on bust- ness We understand he will put several cars of ua tie on ihe Omaha markets in a few days Fr d biroprhorn came to town j - r Monday and made pi oof on a quarter round trip to any point within 200 miles tickets good leturning until Jan 2 1895 mv ay 3tc Taken up by the uudersigued Nov ember 20 1895 at Nebr one ba jinny mule age about 10 yrs weight about 900Ibs shod in front no i ra ds to be found W M Hook Estray Notice Estrayed from Barney Deniers ranch in Schlagle precinct near Swan Lake on Tuesday Dec 10 one brown James Callaway and George Hen- horse with slit in left ear branded on left shoulder 47 weight about llOOIbs 7 yrs old and one bay mare 8 yrs old some white on front feet brown spot on hip several brands also one black horse weight about OOOlbs white spot gentlemen ttiey remernbeivu the print- 6u nose branded on hip other er and made the IvdgpkxdknT foroe j brands Any information as to the happy by renewing their subscriptions with cash H C Sainerwas a welcome caller at these headquarters last Thursday and helped the hungry editor by apply ing cash on subscription We hVe six or seven hundred subscribers wtio could follow his example with grace uher abouEs of said stock to the ranch or box 49 Valentine Neb will be liberally rewarded nipf ia Notice is hereby given that the Board of Countv Commissioners -will good rHVf im ti 7 IRPR - l Remember a newspaper man I m imlfimr hpe to tut r iitiil Ik i li tit n tr linrwinl K - ion eaiua a iiv mwmcou j hriflrp f n ThP he should not be kept waiting two or three vears for his monev If merchants have holiday goods to sell they shonld inform the public through the cojiimns of a newspaper If home merthants expect citizens to trade at home instead of buying in Omaha they should take a tumble and through the use of nri titers ink let the fact be known that they have goods to sell It is with poor grace that the merchant who never adver tises can coMiplaiu because people in - - ---- W - mater- r ial in the old bridge to be used as far as possible in building said approaches except the plank and railing which shail be piled at the north end of the bridge The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids Geo Elliott Co Clerk Dated Dec 18 1895 rjARPET WEAVING r y - -- - etxnxTS All work intrusted to me will be Promptly and Carefnll y Exe cuted Terms given on appli cation MRS D W COLLETT Valentine Nebraska ETHMA Distressing Cough mi S0EE JOINTS AND USCLES Despaired CUKED BY Some time since I had a severe v attack of asthma accompanied vith a g distressing cough and a general soifness 0s ol the joints and muscles I consulted Os physicians and tried varioi3 remedies hut without getting any relief until I despaired of ever being veH again o Finally I took Ayers Chrry Pectoral 1 and in a veryshort time was entirely j cured T can therefore cordially and qx confidently commend this medicine to 0 j all J IlosELLS Victoria Teas l Jly wife had a very troublesome J3 cough She used Ayers Cherry ol ral and procured immediate relief O G n Podeic k Humphreys Ga j va Ayers Cherry Pectos a gi Received Highest Aivrds AT THE WOULSS 5i FAIR o 01 000000000a o o 000000 00000 s ssssExsmttrm 1 wma v KjmExsnsuam Holliday Offer For cash cash only mwMMn Li j rra rL rmmmmzmmmmBm 17Es Granulated Sugar for 100 5Ibs Good Roasted Coffee 100 x - lib Fine Gunpowder Tea 30 lib Fine Japan Tea 25 - 20Ibs Prunes 100 201bs Rasms 100 1 Hbs Good E Peaches 100 30R3 Oat Meal 100 25 Bars line Laundry Soap 100 Smoking Tobbacco 15 Ginghams at 6 cents per yard Prints 5 cents pet yard Mens fine shoes from 150 up Ladies fine Dongola patent leather tip shoes 200 Prices on flonr on application We will positively not be undersoil by any one The highest market price paid for all farm produce DAVIS BOTHLBUTNER - Georgia eb - Try f a n - CD - - Q S Q O hZZi u w x li r ra - c r 5 S -X R rv r W re C c r n cs ia rrl I y53WCSSICCi 03SICJ - 1rfr tv Z SJt 4 T 1 3 T Si J5S fZbi 7T Tv T Ltsc as Building St LghIs Mo 0 rftJV r - Cl T Z IT t A IV V 31 - C 71YK Yj -vs b 4 f ylz - i r i I feW II j f wr s N ti train mfssa im asf3idi SEB HIM SWAT 5SM BOTM There is no hope of relief from the conditions that cow eurse the American people until both of the eld parties have bsen destroyed They fig are the willing and subservient tools of corporate- power and are utterly unable to perform a single noble and patriotic act This is the sentiment v that is breathed forth by every line and picture in Vox Populi the illustrated Populist paper that is now producing such a political sensation fc throughout the United States and from the columns of which the above cut is taken VOX POPULI is a 16 to 5 e uublication and more than half of each issue E W ic riwn nvpr fn PicfnrfiS anil frrilciriQ CfirfnrtTii The ina rof x9 f each single iminBcr is VCrth more than tha subscription price for an entire Qg fig year xtoo The circulation of VOX POPULI is general tfaroughcut the ws United States Everr leadin Posulist takes it In the campaign of iSq 6 t - j it will appeal to the eye and the intellect of more people than any other journal ca in tnc nation wnezner poor or you cannoc zxioru to do f W xvlt VY PfiPIJLI SipTlft conies a sold at IO cent hnt vnv ci f - - - r I -- J VTMV - V W scribcr to the piper in which this advertisement appears who wishes a sample k cony can get the same by stating that they are subscribers and sending 4 cents S- in stamps to cover postage etc to YOX POPULI St Louis Mo vOA POPULI ana tnis paper mU be sent at reduced rates upon terms tt set forth in another column g c SSr 8agt h Si i ys5SSsf V u 1 H 4 X 1 X