Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896, December 19, 1895, Image 4

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    Cherrg Gounitj Independent
France Is still fussing about her
Bourgeois cabinet Well If she isnt
satisfied with Bourgeois why doesnJ
she try small pica
The way in which Lord Dunraven
has joined the class of sportsmen whc
do their contesting on paper leads t
the suspicion that he has been under
the tutelage of a certain Charles Mitch
ell of England
Our railway cars are twice as heavy
as the English and our tracks cost
half as much yet we hold the record
for fast trains The tight little island
Is no match for forty five States all
marching under Old Glory
The total production of grain in the
United States this year Is placed at
8527279600 bushels an increase over
the yield of 1S94 of 1091360G00 bush
els English farmers may well con
clude that their best plan Is to emigrate
to America for competition Is no longer
possible in their occupation
The chateaus and estates of the Count
de Paris will be sold in Paris at a price
not to be less than 1250000 Members
of the family will probably buy them
in and it they require a few millions
more to put them in good shape an
American heiress will supply the means
and also increase the Orleans stock of
Not long ago London papers publish
ed an article claiming for that city the
wickedest woman in the world Now
comes Chicago fired by righteous in
dignation to dispute the assertion and
say that It has the wickedest woman in
the world Chicago hates to be ex
celled and in case this woman shall
not outweigh in the merit of being more
iniquitous than her British rival doubt
less haS ethers in training for the com
In 1SS1 the deaths from consumption
in Philadelphia were in the ratio of
319 to each 10000 of population but
this ratio has gradually decreased and
last year was but 22 in 10000 The phy
sicians say that this result is mainly
due to the improvement in street drain
age whereby the thoroughfares are
kept drier than formerly There is a
lesson here for other cities The con
tinual soaking of streets by sprinkling
is an advantage of course but unless
the drainage is good much harm is also
likely to ensue
The bicycle face has apparently
come to stay but how about the bi
cycle bob Many a lady is surprised
when meeting a man whom she knows
mounted on a wheel to have him bow
curtly to her without touching his hat
Many are inclined rather to resent this
cavalier salutation but if they knew
that it is not discourtesy but merely
the law of gravation which makes their
friend so careless they would forgive
him The average beginner does not
dare to take his hands from the handle
bars Many a young man when riding
a wheel before he had reached expert
ness has instinctively lifted his hand
to doff his hat to a lady and has come
down with a dull crash He never does
It again
Dr Godfrey of the Government
quarantine station at Angel Island has
notified the authorities of San Fran
cisco that the city is in all probability
in danger of a cholera epidemic Three
passengers died on a steamer on the
voyage from Honolulu Their deaths
were reported as due to pneumonia
and heart disease and a hundred steer
age passengers are landed from the
snip Dr Godfrey declares positively
that the deaths were from cholera If
he Is right the San Francisco authori
ties cannot be too diligent in search
ing out these people and placing them
under observation In the present ad
vanced state of sanitary knowledge
the importation of cholera into this
country is impossible except through
culpable carelessness
A magazine reader complains in a
Western newspaper that the maga
zines are ceasing to represent literature
for Its own sake He does not deny
that they often contain well written ar
ticles but he asserts that as a rule
these articles are dictated by the con
sideration of timeliness and are in fact
mere reports or journalistic comments
governed by current events The cliarge
seems to be well founded Whether or
not it Is true as asserted that such es
says as that of Charles Lamb on Roast
Pig or of De Quincey on Murder as
a Fine Art would now be declined if
offered to -any magazine in the United
States it is certainly true that no
American magazine is bidding for es
says of that character The literary
essay In the style of Addison is no
longer sought after Such essays as
are actually published are really news
paper editorials long drawn out and
generally the work of distinguished
amateurs wholiave been flattered with
a request to give their views on some
topic of the day Sometimes they write
well Often they write badly but the
subject is considered of more import
ance than the style and If the topic
treated evokes comment and sells the
magazine the end in view has been at
tained whether the standard of litera
ture has been elevated or lowered
Nothing shows more clearly the
promptness and vigor of business en
terprise in this country than lhe fact
that at the beginning of tho year the
whole of Europe had but 431 miles of
electric railroad while in the United
States 10303 miles were in operation
are also far in advance in supplying
electricity to steam railroads The elec
trical equipment on the Nantasket
Beach branch of the New York New
Haven and Hartford Railroad is re
ported to be a complete success Since
the substitution of the current for
steam on the branch a few weeks ago
the trains have been run more fre
quently and cheaply and the number
of passengers carried has increased 300
per cent A vice president of the road
says that the experiments with electric
motive power in freight traffic have
also been eminently satisfactory and
moan a great deal in the application of
the current to all branches of rail
transportation The time seems to
have arrived when America is allowed
an undisputed leadership in railway
It makes us smile to read that the
new ocean liner St Louis built by the
Cramps has given the crack Cunarder
Campania a brush on the high seas
and made a creditable showing The
Campania and her sister the Lucania
are supposed to be the very finest
ships that float The Campanias horse
power is 10000 more than that of the
St Louis and altogether it was to be
expected that she could easily beat the
latter It seems not The valiant
Americans who man the St Louis
swear by all the oaths that are briny
that the next time they catch the Cam
pania in the middle of the ocean they
are going to beat her out of her boots
Considering the relative power of the
two ships it would seem that the boast
ful Britisher is already beaten In
any event the American merchant ma
rine has no reason to feel ashamed
Those of us who rejoice in the develop
ment of a creditable navy will be com
forted to reflect that the St Louis is
subsidized as an auxiliary cruiser and
may be used by the government to
chase the commerce of the enemy off
the earth should occasion present it
The recent calamity -which befel Chi
cago firemen once more directs the at
tention of the public to the courage
the faithfulness the unwavering hero
Ism of the men of the Chicago fire de
partment In no city of the world are
firemen called upon to face danger
more frequently nowhere do they re
spond with greater alacrity Their
lives are perpetually offered as a sacri
fice for the lives of the people To the
citizen who in the security of Ms home
hears the rattle of wheels and the clang
of gongs they are the ever ready guar
dians of the town The records of the
department bear witness to a thousand
deeds of surpassing valor to lives de
stroyed and limbs maimed in undaunt
ed performance of a great duty To
those brave men whose names have
been added to the long death roll of
the department the people of Chicago
owe their reverence Not one of them
but bore himself with fearless mien Not
one of them of whom it might not have
been written
And thus with eyes that would noi
With knee to man unbent
Unfaltering on its awful brink
To his red grave he went
All honor to the firemen
Ordinary Accidents Cannot Kill Nate
Porter an Ohio Fariner
If ever a man bore a charmed life
Nathan Porter of Cross Creek township
is that man He has met with a num
ber of accidents that would have ended
the life of any ordinary human being
but Nate seems possessed of as many
lives as a cat He is just now going
about after having been kicked square
ly in the forehead by a horse His
ple orchard is on the side of a hill and
he bas fallen out of nearly every tree
on it several times and never was more
than shaken up Some years ago a
log rolled over him as if he had been
made of rubber
Then he went to a picnic and ate ice
cream that poisoned everybody else
but beyond a little sick spell he never
felt any discomfort Several years ago
his physician told him to settle up his
affairs and prepare for the hereafter
as he might live two years and he
might not live more than two days He
came out of the doctors office and
snook hands with his friends telling
them of the good news imparted to
him by the doctor and adding that he
did not believe a word the doctor had
told Mm He lived to see the doctor
burled Porter holds that he could go
through a powder mill explosion with
out even smelling the powder The
minor accidents he lias met with are
Innumerable and he expects to die nat
urally Ohio State Journal
Websters Point of Order
Daniel Webster was once addressing
the Senate on the dry subject of in
ternal improvements when the clock
hands came around to the ihour of 2
But instead of striking twice the clock
continued to strike without cessation
more than forty times till it was run
down All eyes were turned to the
clock and business was suspended Mr
Webster remained silent until about
twenty strokes had sounded when he
thus appealed to the chair Mr Pres
ident the clock ds out of order I have
the floor The staid and august Sen
ate broke Into an uproarious laugh at
timely witticism The joke can
never be repeated in the Senate how
ever for the stiiking part of the clock
is no longer ever wound up
Having a Lively Time
A small and irrepressible boy in Buf
falo who knows what is going on in the
neighborhood and keeps his own family
better informed as to their neighbors
affairs than they wish to be broke out
at the dinner table the other night
with this bit of local news Theyre
having a pretty hard time at the Klr
bys Theyve got the measles croup
and Whooping cough and a skunk in the
front yard
The Money Iroaner Depends Upon the
Farmer to Produce Money for Him
to Loan Tables Will Turn When
Agriculturists Vote Eight
A Pen Picture
The farmer creates wealth
The money loaner destroys wealth
The farmer labors every work day
in the year
The money loaner toils not neither
does he spin
The farmer does not need the money
loaner in his business
The money loaner depends upon the
farmer to produce money for him to
After the farmer has produced the
wealth the money loaner robs him of it
When the money loaner holds up
the farmer and robs him he loans him
the same money at usurious interest
The farmer thinks there is something
wrong and he goes down to town to
see the judge or squire about it
The judge tells the farmer that times
are good everything is lovely but the
trouble is there is an overproduction
of cotton and corn
The farmer goes to the money loan
er and negotiates another loan and en
ters another year of toil
At the end of the season the money
loaner calls on the farmer for his in
terest and as he cannot pay it on ac
count of 4 cent cotton his farm is sold
and bought in by the money loaner
The farmer then becomes a renter
His old home inherited from his fath
er is gone and he finds his lot a hard
one The money loaner lets him have
a little more money on his future crop
At the end of the year the money
loaner calls for his money ande inter
est and as corn is only 15 cents per
bushel the farmer cannot pay it
The money loaner then takes the
crop and in order to make up the de
ficiency levies on a lot of the farm
ers household goods or farming imple
ments and sells them
The next year the farmer finds that
he can only run a one mule farm and
do a very small business at that He
cannot borrow any more money as he
has no security to give His children
are getting ragged and his good wife
has no Sunday dress and but very
shabby ones for other days
Presently election day comes around
and the farmers wife having more
sense than her lord tells the old man
for heavens sake to vote for a change
to stop voting the same old ticket and
vote for home and family vote for the
people vote for honesty and against
robbery vote for something to wear
something to eat and for opportunities
to live decent and comfortable
The farmer promisjs that he will take
the old ladys advice and goes to the
election The old party heelers and
rustlers see him coming on his mule
his body covered all over with Demo
cratic badges and they hail him and
give him a ticket The old farmer re
members Nancy Janes warning and
thinks he ought to vote a peoples
party ticket but the heelers are too
much for him and he votes for more
misery more poverty more usury
more rags and less of everything that
a family needs for comfort and happi
The next year the farmer starts in to
earn bread for his family but before
the year closes he is planted in a pau
pers grave and his wife is permitted
to select a cot in the poor house where
she ends her miserable existence
The monej7 loaner lives in an elegant
suburban mansion at the rise of the
hill overlooking the city His wife
dresses in satin and rides in a gilded
coach behind two prancing horses The
other farmers in the neighborhood fol
low in the footsteps of this unfortunate
farmer and end up in about the same
manner Dallas Mercury
Grovers Message
The Presidents message is a very
commonplace document and contains
little that is remarkable or unexpected
Somewhat significant however is the
fact that over half of it is devoted to
the question of finance This only
serves to add empliasis ta the truths set
forth by the Peoples party declaring
finance to be the vital issue His fre
quent references to the present deplora
ble condition of the country is in strik
ing contrast with the campaign policy
of both old parties in their denuncia
tions of our party as calamity howl
These references also suggest that it
might be well to look ror a remedy in
some other direction than in persistent
ly following the dictates of Wall street
as is done by Cleveland at this time
and has been done through all these
years past while bringing on these de
plorable conditions His recommend
that the greenbacks be retired and that
an equal amount of government inter
est bearing bonds be issued is not a
It has been expected in fact until
very recently there was strong evidence
that the present congress contemplated
that at an early day but now there is
every reason to believe it will be post
poned until after the election next year
That Wall street dictations will govern
congressional action as well as the ex
ecutive suggestions there can be no
doubt and it is only a matter of policy
that will prevent the immediate destruc
tion of the greenback and the subsU
tution of bonds to be used as a basis
for national bank currency In this
connection it will be noticed that the
recommendation is repeated which ad
vocates allowing the national banks to
issue their notes to the full amount of
bonds which they hold and on which
they now draw interest
street policy of placing the government
more effectually and completely In the
hands of the bankers There is this
one sentiment pervading it through
out It Will only serve to add evidence
and will be corroborative proof of the
fact that Cleveland is merely the pliant
tool of the most dangerous power that
ever existed in any country on earth
Chicago Express
Grover the King
When the calamities of defeat and
demoralization fell upon the Demo
cratic party Grover Cleveland sat sto
lid and indifferent He smiled at the
Democratic calamity and mocks when
their fear cometh
The only consolation this ponderous
body of egotism and animosity offers to
the survivors of his fated party is his
consent to become its candidate again
Grover has such lofty ideas of his pop
ularity that he imagines his name alone
can save the party He tells the wound
ed and dying cuckoos that all the deso
lation and destruction that has befall
en the party came from a lack of en
thusiasm in adopting my policy
Coolness for Clevelandism caused the
crash and collapse
What an example of vicarious sacri
fice this man of destiny makes in offer
ing himself upon the altar of his party
as a candidate for a third term I can
save you and only I Nominate me and
the party will triumph and the country
will be saved says GroverI withheld
any support from the party in the re
cent struggle as an object lesson You
thought you could secure a victory with
out my help but you now discover
that your efforts were a failure I am
able and willing to save you if you will
humble yourselves before me and con
fess your sins admitting that I am
mightier than the whole party the
Alpha and Omega of Democracy 1
will save you The cuckoos are worried
that only by and through Grover can
the party be saved I am the way the
truth and the light sayeth Grover
the king
Controlled by Trusts
The financial policy forced upon the
country by Uie English gold power
has so reduced the prices of commodi
ties and manufactured articles that
the production of them on a small scale
is unprofitable Thus the small con
cerns are forced to close up shop and
seek other pursuits The large firms
can manufacture cheaper than the small
snops because they turn out large quan
tities and make a small profit wihich
in the aggregate makes the business
profitable Thus our present financial1
system has produced the trusts and
combines and when once in exiistencet
corner production and commodities and
force prices either way to meet the
requirements of the business Under
the presenta system prices can be forc
ed up without the aid of under-production
or stimulated consumption Ev
erything even the Goddess of Liberty
is controlled by a trust
Snap Shots
Carlisles financial policy is bonds
Democratic revival of business got
lost in the cyclone
The Peoples party ihas nothing what
ever to take back
At every election the Peoples party
doubles its former vote
May as well talk about improving on
the Declaration of Independence as on
the Omaha platform i
It is only a question of time how long
the American people will be robbed
before they shoot
Watch the Republican Congress close
ly and note how it labors for the peo
ples interests
All persons who prefer old party
principles to those proclaimed in the
Omaha platform should jjet into the
old party camp
Carlisle ihas been down to New York
on another Delmonico drunk The
bankers force Carlisle once a year to
come to confession
The Peoples party vote of Iowa a
year ago was thirty six thousand This
year the vote has increased to sixty
thousand Who said the Peoples party
was dying
The Peoples party of Ohio should
make no more mistakes There is a
large reform element materializing in
Ohio and it should display a leader
who can command the full respect of
the people
John Sherman charges Alger with
buying his negro delegates in 18S8 How
did John get -them in the first place
Among Our Exchanges
The next Congress will not try to
save the country its whole effort will
be required to save the parties Pro
gressive Farmer
Though Lewelling Jast year was
fought by the combined old parties his
vote of last year exceeds the Republi
can vote of this year by 8000 Ottawa
Kan Journal
All this talk about a poor mans
dollar is a farce the poor man hasnt
got any dollar If he had the rich man
would be after it before night Current
The man who produces nothing use
ful has no rights which the community
is bound to respect It is always safe
to oppose what the non producing classj
wants Topeka Kan Advocate
Public ownership of the bridge across
the Mississippi is at last recognized by
the conservative business men of St
Louis as a sound business proposition
It is an idea that grows on one St
Louis Evening Journal
A Western train ran eighty miles the
other day in the running time of sixty
minutes The railroads are trying to
beat the time the Democrats made in
their recent retreat Leadville Colo
Clevelands effort to retire the green
backs is not going to win not on your
life But the effort of the people to
retire Mr Cleveland in 1S96 will suc
ceedand you can bet your life on
that Chicago Sentinel
Wl It A r 1
American Federation of La
bor makes public the text of a
bill to restrict the jurisdiction of
the courts of the United States in pro
ceedings for contempt which it will
present to Congress The bill Is the
outgrowth of the Debs case and was
prepared by one of the ablest attor
neys in the United States It is in full
as follows
That the courts of the United States
sitting as courts of equity shall not
have jurisdiction to punish for con
tempt any person charged with the
violation of any order or decree of
court whose acts in the premises con
stitute arise out of or are connected
with the commission of any offense
Indictable under the law of the United
States or of the State In which the
offensive act is committed but in every
such case the offense against the court
shall be deemed merged in the greater
ioffense against the State or the United
iStates as the case may be
i The lawyer who drew the bill accom
panies it with an explanatory argu
ment which is one of the clearest and
ablest ever written on the subject He
shows conclusively and with unerring
logic that in its decision in the Debs
case the Supreme Court had exercised
for the first time in its existence of
over a hundred years a most dangerous
power plainly denied it by the Consti
tution to wit what is defined in that
instrument as executive power and
Which is strictly withheld from the ju
dicial department It is to be hoped
that organized labor if it can agree on
hothing else will agree unanimously
to stand by this bill and urge its adop
tion on Congress by every means and
influence within their reach The issue
Is the mightiest that can ever arise in
any country as it involves nothing less
than the right to life and liberty to
pay nothing of the pursuit of happi
pess Compared to this momentous
matter strikes and boycotts arbitration
or eight hour laws child labor in fac
tories sweat shops and every other
phase of labor reform pale into utter
insignificance Unless the first can be
settled right it is useless to agitate
about the others The same great
question should find a front place in
the reform platform next year as it
is one not confined to organized or un
organized labor or to any one class
Every human being is affected by it
vitally and all other isue3 however
Important look narrow and selfish be
side the tremendous problem as to
whether the courts are to usurp all the
functions of government and legislate
at will by judicial decree Noncon
A Christian Labor Union
The Rev Charles M Starkweather
of Milwaukee is organizing a Work
ingmens Club or Christian Labor Un
ion Long ago says he I was con
vinced there is a gap between the
church and the workingmen The
church was once the leader of the toil
iflg masses but for some years they
iiave been gradually drifting apart
The church has been getting away
from the people and they in turn have
neen gradually losing interest in the
hurch My plan is not to have one
isolated Christian Labor Union but
is to establish a movement among the
laboring classes similar to that which
the Christian Endeavor is among the
young people to have one of these
labor unions in connection with every
church Of course it is hard as yet to
say what character such an organiza
tion would take but it should be a so
ciety for the moral and intellectual ad
vancement of its members It should
meet often the leaders of organized
labor and others should be secured to
lecture and instruct the men on the
social and economic questions of the
day A university extension lecture
course should be estabbshed in connec
tion with it There should be a good
reading room and it should give every
possible opportunity to the members
to improve themselves in every way
The social side should not be neg
lected and good wholesome entertain
ment should be provided
K of I Doings
The general assembly of the Knights
of Labor at Washington endorsed the
boycott of national bank notes ordered
by Mr Sovereign last spring The use
of militia in the settlement of labor
troubles was condemned and the Gov
ernment ownership of xne highways of
commerce was advocated An invita
tion was issued to all the national and
International unions to join the Knigbts
of Labor in a grand labor congress July
41S96 with the purpose of harmon
izing the organization of labor Grand
Master Workman Sovereign was elect
ed a delegate to the international labor
union to meet in London next August
with T J OReilly of Brooklyn as al
ternate The following telegram was
sent to Eugene V Debs The general
assembly K of L hails the celebra
tion of your release from illegal impris
onment as an uprising of the general
public against the introduction of auto
cratic czarism into republican institu
tions Resolutions condemning the
Supreme Court of the United States
the Federal judiciary of California and
Hlinois were adopted and also resolu
tions recommending the election of Fed
eral judges by the people Rochester
N Y was cnosen as the place for hold
ing its next annual meeting The as
sembly after a long discussion adopted
by a large vote vlan limiting tke
service of general officers of the order
the master workman and membera of
the executive board secretary and
treasurer to two successive terms
Too Much for Rent
Workmen in this world are paying too
much of their wages for rent This Is
the opinion of Carroll D Wright Unit
ed States Commissioner of Labor He
comes to this conclusion after making
a recent investigation of the housing
of -the working classes in various coun
tries of the world One fifth of the
wages earned by the -head of a family
ought to be the maximum expenditure
for rent in cities This Commissioner
Wright says is agreed by the most com
petent economists Hence the work
man in the city wiho earns 50 a month
should not pay more than S10 of it each
month to his landlord This is a state
ment which concerns every man in the
world who rents a sheltering for his
head Through the assistance of Dr
E R L Gould late statistical expert
of the Department of Labor Commis
sioner Wright has collected interesting
information concerning houses and
building enterprises for workingmen
in all of the larger countries of the
world From these he has selected
plans with accompanying data as
models These include large tenement
or block buildings and small houses tot
individual families
Dealing with the Unemployed
Sydney New South Wales has hit
upon a practical mernod of dealing
with its unemployed It furnishes a
railway pass and a miners right of
credit to each suitable applicant to en
able him to proceed to me gold fields
of the colony where he may Lave a
chance of earning a living by fossick
ing for the precious metal The num
ber of passes issued lu 1894 was 9572
and since the inauguration of the
scheme the quantity of gold obtained
in the colony has risen from 179288
ounces In 1893 to 324787 ounces in
General Dabor Notes
The machinists have seven local
unions in Chicago
St Paul trade unionists are working
for free text books
Broom makers of Paris 111 won
their fight for an increase of wages j
The granite cutters have voted to
join the American Federation of La
The International Co operative So-
ciety near Pittsburg declared a 10 per
cent dividend
The Ohio State Trade and Labor As
sembly will hold its annual session in
Columbus in January j
Unemployed printers of St Louis
Mo have started an 8 page paper
named the Evening Journal
The strike of the Philadelphia chil
drens jacket makers has been settled
in favor of the employes
German trade unionists of Cincinnati
are discussing the advisability of start
ing a weekly labor paper
By a new arrangement of the board
of directors commercial telegraphers
will be admitted to the American Rail
way Union
The British fraternal delegates to thd
annual session of the American Fed
eration of Labor will be Messrs
Mowdsly and Cowes miners
The International Printing Press
mens Union has joined the American
Federation of Labor with a member
ship of 2500
The National Union of Retail Clerks
has now affiliated with 132 local unions
and the number is steadily and rapidly
Wages in the mills at both Caryville
and North Bellineham Mass have
been increased 15 per cent in six
months The mills are on full time
There is a movement on foot in Cin
cinnati to establish a labor bureau sim
ilar to the one recently founded in New
York City and called the Cooper Union
Labor Bureau
The official headquarters of the Jour
neymen Tailors Union of America will
be removed to Bloomington 111 The
final vote was Bloomington 2446 St
Louis 530
Structural iron workers at Pittsburg
are organizing and will affiliate with
the National Association Cleveland
members of the same craft have had
meetings also with a view of getting
Representatives of the internation
al associations of wood workers and
furniture workers met in St Louis
with a view to arriving at an agree
ment looking to the amalgamation of
the two bodies
A general strike of plumbers was in
augurated in Pittsburg the object be
ing to force a restoration of the 10 per
cent reduction made in wages two
years ago About 400 men are out and
all the shops are idle
After a long and bitter struggle be
tween the wharf workers and steve
dores in New Orleans an agreement
was arrived at to the effect that the
workmens organization allow its mem
bers to be employed by the stevedores
The London Labor Gazette for Octo
ber contains an article on the wages of
the manual labor classes of the United
Kingdom in which he gives the aver
age rate for men at S662 per week
women S304 lads 214 and girls
152 - l