Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896, December 19, 1895, Image 3

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Thar wont lo any Ghrlmns fun
Eroucd oar house this year
Fer Bandy Claws in passln by
Ull jest lean down his ear
An wen he feels the chinibleys cold
HeU grunt Ill put right on
No need o stoppln In to Clays
The chillerns all gone
An ylt Ive seed the time when he
Ud her to hump hissef
To All tho stocklns hangln up
Br bn our chlmbley shef
An uie an mawd be up till twelve
Hr one a poppln con
No use 9 seoh like dolns now
The ohlllorss all gone
I aster feel plump like a boy
To see them young uns sit
An talk Ghrlmus bein nigh
An wonder vvhut theyd git
An flx tholraeres to stay awake
Till Sandy kern aloul
Thars no ne watches fer him now
The chlLloraa all gone
Theyre all jrewd up an married off
Bxceptln little Joe
They spoka for him up yander
An wo had to leaTO him go
Twuz porful rough to lose him
But now were glad thars one
Thefs still a Uttle shaver
Though the chillerns all gone
An settln yero this Ohrlsmus night
I sez to maw it seemed
Ez If I sensed his rosy face
Right whar the firelight gleamed
An maw she lowed that mebbe ho
Had lent ua back our own
Cuz Ghrlmus ant a smeller wen
The chlllorns all gone
It kinder made my bones thaw out
To jedge thet wen we die
Well And our little tad agIn
Not growd a smltch more high
I want him like he uster be
Jst big enough to run
I woit stay up thar ef I find
The chillerns all gone
-New York Ledger
jlMiHi rv win
f Mnmwmt
city editor sat at his table hard
THB work when the green shaded
electric lamp revealed Billy Mc
Guffy tho yonngost reporter approach
ing embarrassed and apologetic in de
Mr Baawell he began could I have
two passes for tho theater to night
Passes for two responded Banwell
staring hard Two Oh Jonesey conio
hero quick Billys gone wrong Ho
wants theater tickets for twol chuckled
the editor throwing out the coveted
pasteboards and Billy blushing like a
giri fled from the office followed by
Jones solemn warning
Billy my sn pauso and roflect
Billy made his way down the street till
he reached a tall building that rose from
a corner entered it took the elevator to
the top floor and paused at the open door
of a great brilliantly lighted room Facing
the wall on high stools sat some dozens
of girls aparently playing games with
pegs on a continuous brass checker board
that extended around the room The
girls had small round discs fastened to I
tneir ears but nanas iree xo piace ine
pegs or ring up a subscriber It was the
crcy telephone exchange
Perhaps it was the free magnetism of
elodricity of the place or Billys hypnotic
glance that made one girl turn her head
smile and gracefully slipping from the tall
Stool come quickly iuto tho hall
Silly narrated how he had just got
theater tickets and exhibited them The
telephone girl took them to look at
Why illy she said after a pause
these tickets are for the 24tb
Of -course Christmas eve thats nil
right isnt it
Im on- duty Why didnt you
phone to me and ask what night I could
go You knew I was at the end of your
wire and you would have done it if you
cared anything for me and down went
the tickets to the floor It was evident
that pretty Sadie had a temper of her
She turned with dignity and left Billy
standing there The quarref had come
on so suddenly that he hardly realized it
was all oyer Then failing as if all the
world had suddenly tured 4g ice and ink
he mournfully regained the street
Sadie sat at her work as the night went
on listening to calls from people who
wished Merry Christmas over the
wires and wondered why hers did not
come Then about 1 oclock a sharp
ring came in No it was not Billys
Give me one-naught-six-four quick
Now it invariably irritates a telephone
girl to be told to be quick She is always
quick The quick aroused Miss Sadies
temper but she said nothing 10G4 was
the number of the Blade editorial rooms
the rival of Billys paper
Hello that you Barker continued
the voice Say theres the biggest thing
on to night and weve got the deadwood
on the Argus if we work it right Theres
been a Christmas eve tragedy in the Ital
ian quarter at 768 Bremer street Two
men are dead and ones so bad hell die
before morning
Whos on that beat for the Argus
came the breathless inquiry
Oh Ive fixed that Billy McGuffy
and Ive got him out the way I had a
fellow tell him there was a frightful
dent out at Bloomfield and he thinks hes
got a scoop on it Take the murder case
heres the details
Sadie had made up her mind what to do
She knew she was wrong but poor
Billy She had been on the newspaper
wires long enough to know the value of
timo to a morning paper She listened
carefully to the message then she rang
up tho Argus
Hello Banwell city editor she said
Take a frightful tragedy in the Italian
quarter Billy Billy McGuffy
All right hurry it along Say Billy
youre scared you talk like a girL
Ifs enough to scare anybody two
men dead and another on tho way
Sadie gavo the full particulars rang
off abruptly and sat back looking scared
herself at what she had dared to do
About 4 oclock a call came from the
Argus office and Sadies answer had a
tremble in it
Hello sounded Billys voice Is
that you Merry Christmas I just got
back from running down a rumor Do
we make up Sadie
Well Ill be free at 6 oclock and then
you may come over and see me home
At the Argus office Billy just arrived
from his bootless errand stayed all alone
till daylight As ho started after Sadiq
the watchman handed him a copy of the
paper damp from the press He read the
startling headlines
Two Men Instantly Killed in a Brawl
and a Third Dies This
Oh dear oh doarl wailed Billy Im
a goner Right in my district too Horo
I was fooling about the suburbs and
Banwell so short handed Well its all
up with Bill McGuffy
He hurried to the telephone exchange
building where he found Sadie at the
door waiting for him
Oh Billy she cried Ive done the
most dreadful thing
So have I
But Ill lose my situation if Im found
Im found out now sighed Billy and
my situation is as good as gone But tell
me about your trouble first and Sadie
told him as they walked along
Yes Billy sho said as Billy accused
himself of being a fool they wore stand
ing in the porch of her homo now yes
Billy youre green You nevor know
enough to do the right thing at tho right
Oh dont I said Billy and he kissed
her as they stood there
Oh Billy she cried catching her
breath I did not think you had the
courage j
All of which shows that a young man
on a daily paper learns many things as J
time noes on which thacht nassed
- i I
- - i
through Billys mind as ho modestly and
silently listened to Mr Banwolls compH
ments that afternoon on his enterprise
and wide awakeness on Christmas eve
Shoe or Stocking
Some little French Canadian children
were discussing a very important mnttej
with some of their Yankee neighbors
from over the line
The French children aro in tho habit
of putting their shoes oh tho hearth in
stead of hanging up their stockings on
the night before Christmas and the little
Vermonters naturally thought this a
strange custom
Any way said one of tho Canadian
girls shoes are a great deal nicer than
stockings to get bottles of perfumery in
because if it breaks and spills it cant
run out
was Christmas eve and the wind
IT blew keen
Across the prairies that He between
Fort Dodge on the Arkansaw under
the hill
And the straggling hamlet of Purdyvllle
Where dwelt Niles Nelson who rode that
From his home to the northward far away
Over the bunch grass bare and brown
Into the bustling frontier town
Tho night was dark not a star on high
And a blizzard browing up there in tho sky
SjIIos Nelson stepped out into the street
The wind was driving a blinding sheet
Of powdery snow right into his face
But Niles was happy he left tho place
With a glow In his heart for little Moll
His baby daughter would get her doll
Tho Christmas gift he had promised long
Niles Nolsou trolling a Christmas song
And facing the north wind sturdily rode
While past him the Storm Fiends coursers
tShe snow grows deeper the night more
When he Hears tho wall of a little child
ec I
jst on tho prairie and doomed to die
1 neavon prove deaf to Its foeble cry
le leaps from his pony he searches long
le feola It he has It within his strong
lough hands he presses It to his breast
A place of shelter a place of rest
Dont cry little honey youll catch more
And he wrapped the child in many a fold
Of his blanket coarse and he hugged It
To his big broad breast but the blizzards
Still strove to wither its tender life
Ho mounted his pony and then the strife
With tho wolfish wind and the blinding
And tho biting cold that the plainsmen
When the Storm Fiend flies began once
And Hndor his breath Niles Nelson swore
Then a silonce fell In tho tumult wild
And h8yhoard the volco of the Httlo child
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
Paten6 New Years Resolves
I will got up and dress when tho break
fast boll rings
I will not complain when everything
goes to suit me
I will treat my wife as politely as
though she was a perfect stranger
I will strive to bo more thoughtful for
my ewn comfort that others seeing me
happy may also endeavor to be con
I will not spend so much money this
iyear on tho useless frivolities of life
1 I will endeavor to impress upon my
family the duty of greeting with cheerful
voices and laughing faces the father of
a family when ho returns home wearied
with the depressing cares and labors of
a long business day
I will go out by myself oftener in
that my family may enjoy the tran
quil and improving pleasure of a long
uninterrupted evening in the quiet sanctity
of n happy home
I must be more unselfish and take bet
ter eare of myself that I may long be
spared to be -the joy and light of the
home which it has pleased an apprecia
tive Providence to bestow upon me
I will pay my pew rent this year if I
have to deny myself a new overcoat and
my ohildren have to go without shoes I
fieel that we have not heretofore suf
ficiently denied ourselves in little luxuries
If I should die before I wake
I pray the Lord my soul to take
Niles Nelson paused at the sound dismayed
And then and then Niles Nelson prayed
Lord save was all he could think of then
Lord save he muttered Lord save
Then staring to northward and Into the
I see Itl he shouted Thank God a light
Twas a beam from a lamp on the window
Of his own scd cabin With right good will
His pony quickened Its lagging pace
And soon In that dear familiar place
His cosy cabin Niles Nelson stands
He kisses his wife and he holds her hands
Wheres Mollle he cries wheres little
Ive brought her a wonderful Christmas
Then he points to the bed where the blanket
In a queer little bundle Thats my surprise
Why dont you answer Youre deadly pale
You tremble and shiver you sob and wall
Answer Wheres Mollle Oh Niles
she said
p1 H
elites Mdxrmifes St Jinnies
CrewnoArhchoKes M6r5iehn
polled Pornpivpo Moulin Rpixpei v
tv PHet eJlmon bJon -
Crp 5cfcndin6Viavn style Smells lMeib
Hothause cucumbers -
Clryd5hSJ Oftves Salted Almonds
Saddle of Mutton Piemontfrlse
rteo1 With Creen Ffose
DiUnj leld rlNn u5uprem lAmeric6ine
Sweetbreads idclistKjus o1Gindi Chicken
L i cte9ptr6 -
Sirds ofwoodcocRAvnonnMs nirt of PwrnBhA
L L fMwie Antoinette T
Uxnb Cutlers cJAChsvJier Terrapin fr tahollwid tjouse
Sorbet Monk cM r r J
-- oast
Rhod Island TjHrKey 3 ruffd with chestnuts
foiled ohlons
SucKJmp Ptosis Eourpeoig wUh Appl is uce
-- Bked Sweet Fbtkf oes -
Doited White fefestoss Sewed Squash SfewoJ Turnip
Celery srewedJncreomtFVidEbPinr Qrzzn Com
npii5hHumFuddifi MjNCzPfe Chwtreuse dOrnQe
MaJfca Grszs Oroes white Mocfvs ceCesm
Nuts 6ndpsi sins Tbsled CrKers thevse
---Coffee- -
My God how can I Oh Niles shes dead
Dead Yes Niles shes lost in the
To day was pleasant and Mollle would go
On the prairie to play and she didnt come
When the night shut down all stormy and
I set the lamp on the window sill
Rushed Into the storm and sought her until
The blizzard drifted me back to the door
That shall open for Mollie our Mollle no
Niles Nelson stood like a statue of stone
Then ho raised his hand and said with a
Is thoio a God that will kill a child
And bring its father across the wild
Of wintry plains to save from death
The child of another He drew his breath
With a savage hiss as he snatched away
The blanket in which tho baby lay
Tho blue eyes open the rose lips call
Oh papa youre home I Now I want my
for the sake of maintaining a good ap
pearance at church
I will be in all things an affectionate
husband a loving father a good provider
and I will rear up a family that will love
and respect me and render to me prompt
and cheerful obedience with perficet de
ference to my comfort or I will bteak
their backs in the attempt Burdette in
Ladies Home Journal
An Ocular Demonstration
If 1 bYjpPltf
Sweetmeats for the Delectation of th6
Boys and Girls
It would not seem Christmas to the lit-
tie people without candy any more than
it would without dolls and even olden
ones would have the same feeling in
something sweet were missing There art
many pretty ways of serving bon bons
with the Christmas dinner Pretty dish
es filled with them can be placed upon
the table Dainty bags of various col
ored silks with sprays of flowers painted
upon them and filled with bon bons either
with dinner card attached or name paint
ed upon them are pleasing souvenirs
The variety of candies that can be madij
at home is infinite as to color shape and
flavor The purity and cheapness of
these manufactures are worthy of con
sideration also Here are a few good
French vanilla cream Break into a
bowl the white of one or more eggs as is
required by the quantity you wish tc
make and add to it an equal quantity oi
cold water then stir in the finest pow
dered or confectioners sugar until it if
stiff enough to mold into shape with the
fingers Flavor with vanilla to taste
After it is formed into balls cubes oi
lozenges place upon plates to diy Can
dies made without cooking are not as good
the first day This cream is the founda
tion of all the French creams
Nut creams Chop almonds hickory
nuts butternuts or English walnuts quite
fine Make the French cream and be
fore adding all the sugar while the cream
is still quite soft stir into it the nuts and
then form into balls bars or squares
Three or four kinds of nuts may be mixed
Maple sugar creams Grate maple su
gar mix it in quantities to suit the taste
with French cream adding enough con
fectioners sugar to mold into any shape
desired Walnut creams are sometimes
made with maple sugar and are deli
Orange drops Orate the rind of one
orange and squeeze the juice taking care
to reject the seeds Add to this a pinch
of tartaric acid stir In confectioners
sugar until it is stiff enough to form into
small balls the size of a small marblej
These are declicious j
Stirred cream walnuts Take two cup
fuls of sugar two thirds of a cupful or
boiling water and one half salt teaspoon
ful of cream of tartar Boil until it hp
gins to thicken Stir in chopped walnuts
and drop on tins
The Day In Richmond
The following extract from the Diary
of a Refugee describing a Christmas
in Bichmond in 18G4 portrays graphically
the meager provision for Christmas fes
tivities it was possible to make in the
capital of the Confederacy
Dec 26 1SG4 The sad Christmas
has passed away J and C were with
us and very cheerful We exerted our
selves to bo so too The church ser
vices in the morning were sweet and
comforting St Pauls was dressed most
elaboratoly and beautifully with ever
greens all looked as usual but there is
much sadness on account of the failure
of the South to keep Sherman back
When we got home our family circle
was small but pleasant We had aspired
to a turkey but finding the prices range
from 50 to 100 in tho market on Sat-
urday wo contented ourselves with roast
beef and the various little dishes Which
Confederate times made us believe are
tolerable substitutes for the viands of bet
ter days
At night I treated our little party to
tea and ginger cakes two very rare in
dulgences and but for tho sorghum
grown in our own fields tho cakes would
have been an impossible indulgence
Nothing but the fact that Christmas
comes but once a year would make such
extravagance at all excusable
Poor fellows how they enjoy our plam
dinners when they come Two meals a
day has become the rule among rofugee3
and many citizens from dire necessity
Tho want of our accustomed tea and
coffee is very much felt by the leaders
The rule with us is only to have tea when
sickness makes it necessary A country
lady from one of the few spots in Vir
ginia where the enemy has never beent
and where they retain -their comforts
asked me gravely- why we did not sub
statute anilk for -tea Shg cpuld hardly
belieyp me wbenfi told her that wp had
no hadjmilk more than twice in eighteen
months and then ifwas sent bj a country
friend it is now a quart
i 1
It Was Tod in the Cabooae of a Cattlo
Train Between Stations What Came
of Holding the Front of Xo G in a
Storm of Sleet
0 N I ISs JL
T f
cr rMJsa0 drifting flakes na
Mr E they fell The soft
Jill llrSJiifiF coal fire spluttered
uiiuny in uie
A Sod Kom itice
i u
L was so quiet out
side that when tho
long freight train
vojild come to a
standstill with an
awkward jerk we
could almost hear
fashioned cast iron
stove Without
iiiiuiYJiig luevisuijr
MCnfyl wu7 wo sat mostly
in silence We wcro
four hoars behind
Sitting in the little
red caboose rum
bling along through a blind fog of snow
with a flying express at onr heels gavo
an uncanny sensation The drummer
who had boarded the train nt Dubuque
sat morosely on a pile of grips A couple
of shippers anxiously discussed the pros
pects for getting their stock to market At
the entrance of Joe the brakeman how
ever the glum little party seemed to
thaw He swung down off the roof in
a cheery sort of fashion
Joe said one of the shippers be
we going to reach Chicago in time for a
New Years dinner
Isnt this good enough for you to lire
in Howd you like to be out braking
to night
Taint no snap thats a fact
No you bet it aint said Joe decis
ively But this aint a patching to what
it is sometimes Somehow to night re
minds me of the night afore New Years
wo years ago That was when we brought
Johnny Haines borne Guess you must
a known Johnny he added turning to
the shipper
Nope Heard of him 3 n Joe
What was the story
Not much of a one Joe replied dep
reciatingly Just a brakemans yarn
Tho first day I ever saw Johnny Haines
I thought he was about the haadsoaiest
lad I ever set eyes on He came up on
No 0 on her first trip and there wasnt a
girl along the road that hadnt a smile for
him as he went by One of the fellows
told us Johnny belonged to a good family
but got kicked out for some reason or
Joe stopped pulled vigorously at his
pipe for a few minutes and finally the
rather husky voice went on
Up the road not very far from here
there is a pretty little farm and right at
the corner of it was a water tank It
happened that on this farm there was a
dark eyed little girl who was the idol of
all the boys along the road To woo was
to win with Johnny and regular as the
train passed the farm Jenny was always
thore to meet him Things ran along
through the summer and fall and we
found out that Johnny had been promised
a raise and along about the holidays he
yas going to get married I used to no
tice though that every once in a while
his brow would cloud up as if he was
thinking of something that hurt him
We had a big train that New Years
Eve and with the snow and sleet and
the cold it gave us no end of trouble She
parted three or four times and it was
dangerous work setting brakes or get
ting down to make couplings Several
times we thought wo were stalled In
drifts We wanted to get through to Chi
cago for the next day was New Years
and all hands had a day eff Johnny
and I fought like beavers against the
cold I was more anxious about him than
myself and was warning him how a sud
den fling might send a man flying down
under the wheels when the whistle sound
ed down brakes Johnny ran ahead tha
car tops being slippery as glass I looked
up and through the snow and the dark I
recognized tho water tank Just at that
moment the train gavo a frightful jerk
and I saw the engine go rearing in the
air a lantern swing wildly and go down
I went flat on the car and hung there
for dear life We stopped in tea r twen
ty yards and I swung off the car like
Something made me feel that Johnny
had gone under the wheels and when I
crawled ahead a few cars there I found
him lying all white and still We picked
him up and started to carry him to the
house where Jenny lived I saw that
the wheels had gone over both legs A
white little face came to the door and
looked at us a moment but Jenny didnt
faint or cry To just carried him in and
put him on th bed and she took charge
of him One o boys rode over to get
a doctor Johnny lay very quiet until
tho doctors examination was finished
land then pulling Jennys hand weakly he
said in a husky voice Little girl I want
to go home And that he insisted on all
the rest of tho night We decided to put
i j i i j i
him on board the morning express All
Jenny would tell us was that his father
lived in Cincinnati- -But she gave the
conductor an address for a wdre0 We
didnt think that he wouhi last
ney and about half way down he sudden
ly clutched Jennys hand hard1 To lit
tle girl threw herself upoih him gobbing
as if her Leart would break
ny was goneA - -
Joe paused -a momenfe and looked iio
the fire - -
I Well lie said Jtqenlfit shortwhen
we got into Chicago Johnnys fntlier was
there I led him to where the Sot lay
He looked very hard at the little gM who
sat there sobbing iind said slowly Is
this Jenny And then he took her very
quietly in his arms and kissed-her-