Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896, December 19, 1895, Image 1

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A Sagar Beet Factory
In a recent i83ue of the Southwest
Magazine Mr V S Burke contribut
ed a lengthy article upon the sugar
beet industry from which we gather
the following facts
About the smallest factory that can
le successfully operated is one with a
capacity of 250 tons per day to run
-about 150 days in the season Tins
would consume during the year about
50000 ton3 of beets The average
yield in this state is 20 tonsr per aoie
Thi would necessitate the cultivation
of 2500 tcres of beets yearly to sup-
plythe demand
One man can attend to abcut 15
acres and the average price paid is
5 per ton This would give each
man as a yearly income from the cul
tivation of 15 acres of beets of 1500
which is beyond a doubt more than
-double the amount of income to most
families today in Cherry county And
further no capital is required by a far
mer to engage in this business
The factory would give work to 300
men and it is estimated that those who
gain employment directly and in
directly together with those depend
ent upon them -would number 6000
These figures are reliable
The population of Valentine now is
about 700while the establishing and
operation of a beet sagar factory here
with capacity of 250 tons per day
would increase the population to sev
al thousand And it would bring from
-abroad and put into circulation in our
midst many times more money
Can any farmer business man or
property owner fail to see where thpy
would derive a great benefit from
such an enterprise
But someone says how would we
get the factory it will cost a great
turn of mone
- Certainly it would
Such a mill as we have described
would cost to exceed 500000
The profits to be derivod from an
-enterprise of this character is sure and
money can be secured for a ny invest
ment that assures a profit aud is safe
Under favorabls conditions with a
guarantee that the beets are forth com
ing a factor can be secured
People hardly realized to what a
great business the sugar beet industry
has grown to be In 1890 only about
-3000000 pounds were grown in the
tllni ted States while in 189 i we pro-
-50000000 pounds
It is fully demonstrated in Mr
Burkes article that beets are best
grown where it can have a warm dry
fall such as we always have here
The moisture is needed in the spring
aad less moisture is required ior to
jrow beets chan most any other crop
Seyeral experiments have been tried
in this county and always with suc
With a factory here at Valentine
-would be a benefit to every property
owner in the county as it would rapid
ly raise the price of land etc For
illustration In the town of Chinu
- Cal in 1890 there was only three or
for housea and land was no more val
iiablo than our land is today But a
fceet factory was put up tLere by a
-company formed for that purpose nd
this has practically been ihe only
enterprise the town has depended up
on but it has grown in three years to
have a population of 6000 and laud in
that vaciuity finds ready sale at 25
per acre This can be repeated in
Thii is an important matter and
commands the serious consideration of
jpeople of all classes
The Creator has supplied us with
the natural resourses and if we fail to
take advantage of them it is our own
If our readers manifest an interest
in this matter we will endeavor to dis
43ussthe subject in the different phasis
and throw all the light possible on it
A lOJMBER of experiments have been
tried in our srate to assertain how the
soil can be tilled to best retain the
moisture A gentleman from Kansas
while in Hastings last year advocated
the idea that it was not so much a lack
of raiufall as an excessive evaporation
which at times causes crop failures in
hlB state Aud he argued that the
ixoason failures have been more frequ
ent late years is from the fact that
the ground is becoming loose from
iilbflf b unaer com scaiKs etc tnus
affording a better opportunity for
evaporation He contended that a
system of cultivation that would pack
the subsoil thus putting it in the best
possible condition for receiving and
retaining the moisture would to a
great degree solve the question The
theory seemed plausable and a
few farmers near Hastings tried it
Inst season and it proved a grand suc
cess A track of land was laid out
and cultivated as follows One half of
the piece was plowed deep while the
other half was subsoiled The seed
was theu plan ted aier which a sur
face packer was used makg the ground
quite solid All the cultivation after
this was shallow This field was com
pared with one just across the road
which was cultivated in the usual
way During the month of July it
was found that the soil on this land
taken one inch deep contained an
average of 19 per cent moisture while
that cultivated in the ordinary way
only contained 11 per cent On the 20
of July the moisture on the former
piece extended down to a depth of
four feet six inches and on the latter
it was dry and haid after 15 inches
deep A good crop was raised on this
place while all around it was a failure
The farmers in that section have faith
in the theory and will try it the com
ing season to a man
Moke money means better times
The Republican national conven
tion is called to meet at St -Louis
June 1G
Oktioloma desires to be number
forty six in this great union of states
Let her in
Senator Allen is a strong candi
date for the nomination for president
bT the populists
An immigration societv is beirg
formed in Omaha for the purpose of
settling up Nebraska With a
thorough system of irrigation and a
heavy immigration to our laud Nebras
ka would become the center of life and
thrift of the nation aud Cherry would
stand in the front with the best coun
ties in the state
The death of ex Congressman
MKeighan will bring sorrow to the
hearts of every Nebraskan Through
true merit he won his way from the
sod farm house to a high place in the
national congress His ability was
conceded by his associates and op
ponents alike Hi heart beat in sym
pathy with the common people and he
continually battled in their behalf His
death is a hard blow to the populist
party in this state
Ten cents a line straight will be
charged for obituary notices to all
business men who didnt advertise in
thb paper while living Delinquent
subscribers will be charged 15 cents
a line for an obituary notice Ad-
vertisers and cash subscribers will
receive as good a send off as we
are capable of writing without any
charge whatever Better send in your
advertisement and pa up your sub
scription as the hog cholera might
strike this section of the land before
many days Ex
Hesolitf ions
Onaltnda Council Xo 7 G S D 404
Pirst Hunting Moon Hunting Ground
Valentine Reservation Nebraska
By the providence of Gad one of our
members has been bereaved of a
mother gone to the Happy Hunting
Ground of our Father and our sincere
sympathy is enlisted for our bereaved
Sister Ogolsvie therefore be it
Kesolved That in the death of
Sister Ogelsvies mother she has lost
her best Counselor and friend that we
tender our sympathy to her in her be
reavement and prayerfully commend
her to Him who comforteth as none
other can and be in further
Hesolved JThat these resolutions
be recorded and a copy be presented
to our beloved Sister and to the papers
i for publication Mrs Irwin
Mrs Hill
Mis Peekie
Highest Honors Worlds Fair
KfrwiWi rwpyfa r
A pure Grape Cream of Tuitar Powder Free
from Ammonia Alum or any other adulterant
The Farm Record of Indianapolis
Ind is a bright hustling wide awake
sixteen page monthly journal publish
ed -at-50 cents a year by O Vincent
formerly with the Xoncomformjst in
Kansas and it is thoroughly alive to
the needs of the farmers and full of
sensible and business like suggestions
as to how the most can be made from
farm life Most farm papers from the
East have little in common with our
western and southern people and
knowing but little of our surroundings
they do not reach the point of making
themselves indispensable to the farm
er This is not the case with tha
Farm Record for its editor was reared
iu the west and spent last summer
here and is fully acquainted with the
peculiar position of the western and
southern farmer He is also familiar
in a general way with the needs of
this class in all parts of the country
having personally visited every agri
cultural state in the union But he
is now engaged in making a fight for
the firmer that should endear him to
every farm home The grain ring has
had in operation a system of weighing
which has docked a veiy large portion
oi your grain forbears past Mr Vin
cent has probed that ulcer and found
a cure for it lie has arranged with a
Chicago firm to handle the farmers
grain without any dockage and all
grain will be weighed understate sup
ervision S Knipe of Arlington
S D acting under the directions of
the Farm Record sent a carload of
wheat to that market and saved ii a
bushel This is only one of hundreds
You can save money too ou any
grain you may have to sell this winter
and if you have not a carload several
can club together You need the
Farm Record to give you full directions
and we will send that paper one year
free to every subscriber that sends or
pays us a dollar on subscription either
old or new during the next few weeks
This is the most valuable gift that we
can give you for it will put you in
the way to save on your crop money
that has been going to the grain ring
You cainot afford to miss a single
copy rnd you should act quickly and
a ail yourselves of this unparalleled
offer before it is withdrawn It is too
good to last long Come along and
get your Christmas gift
The membefs of Northern Star
Chapter No 59 O E S will hold a
Public Religious Service in the M E
Church Sunday morning Dec 29 All
members are requested to meet at Bro
Walcotts ollice at 1030 oclock to
prepare and proceed to the church so
that we may commence the service
promptly at 11 a m
Maggie Walcott Sec
Emma L Yeast W M
Gt A K amp Fire
For the purpose of raising money to
assist worthy and needy Old Soldiers
Col Wood Post No 20S of a A R
will hold a Gump Fire at Cornell Hall
December 17th 1895 at 7 oclock p
Supper consisting of Oyster Soup
Coffee and Sandwiches will be served
in old land ollice room at 25 cents
A good program will be rendered in
the Hull Short speeches essays
declamations etc
Everybody invited to attend and
aid in this chairitable cause
By order of Committee
Tcathcrs Association
Program for the Teachers
day Dec 28 1895
Music by Association
Punctuality TV F Morgareidge
Primary History D H Thurston
Number Work Miss Goldie Petti
How to teach Percentage Miss Mil
lie Miller
Primary Physiology Mrs Austin
Primary Geography J R Fe
Literary Exercises Miss Gertrude
Grammar Miss Kibler
tJrder in the Schoolroom Mrs
The use of Charts in School Miss Isis
Reading in Advanced Grades E
Civil Government Miss Mary
Behavior on School Grounds Mrs
Pi ograna
The following program will be ren
dered at the entertainment given bv
the A O U TV and Degree of Honor
at Cornell Hall Jan 1895 All mem
bers of either older in good standing
together with their families are invited
Praer Bro O L Ramsey
Music A O U W opening Ode
Address Bro F M TValcDtt
Recitation Bro Jesse Brosius
Music Selected
Five minute speeches by the follow
ing members
Brothers J M Bates M Christensen
J C Petlijohn E Breuklander and
Sisters Mrs Walcottand Mrs Ramsey
Closing Ode Degee of Honor
Social time
By Order of Codiittee
2iibtG3ifjjt Tea ahcrs
Eor the Nebraska Teachers Associ
ation at Lincoln Neb excursions
tickets will be sold December 30 1S95
to January 2 1S96 at one and one
third fare for round trip good return
ing after January 4 189G
Xniice to on S5sllenT Oofezidarcf
Daniel J Kirwan Eliza E Kirwan WJ
Bowdun Jacob and Irs Ludwifj livt name un
known and F E Allen Receiver will take notice
that Jerry I Clemens Hied his uefition acrainst
you Ui the district cmirt of Cherry county Ne
birsk i on the 7th day of Oct 1S05 The object
and prayer beiiiK to foreclose a Trust deed x
ecuted and delivere I by Daniel J and Eliza E
Kirwan to K S orinshy Trustee upon tbe fol
lowing premises SEJi Sec 17 Tup 4 Range
3S west in said county to ecure the pavment of
u promiaorj note for 5575 executed anil deliver
ed by the same parties to W L Telford dated
September 14th 18t7 and due December 1st
T jj with ten intiest notes thereto attached lor
SlO iu each The panic having been assigned to
piain till before maturity and prior to the com
auicinent nf thes action Also lor the
ul Tae- to plainciff who has paid sanie
and vu delinquent That there is now due
pUuitnf from defend tut on said noU s and mort
gu0715l and on buiil taxes lMo with in
teiest For which plaintill prays for a decree
of court l en airing the defendant to pa same or
that iu default thereof the said premises be
soM to satisfy said claim
You are required to answer or otherwise plead
to plaintiffs petition on or eeforo the20th day of
January lc9 Jerky D Clemens
42-4-1 By W 11 Brown Attorney
InTifT SWt
BY VIRTUE of an order of sale issued by the
Cleikolthe District Court of Cherry county
Nebraska on a decree of foreclosure wherein
Allreda E Walker is plaintiff and against
Kleen A AriiH Clara E Ailin Nebiaska
Mortgage and Investment Company and J C
Collins Receiver Iw ill sell at public auction to the
highest bidder lor cash at the front door of the
court house in the village of aleutine in
Cherry county Nebraska that being the build
ing wherein the last term os the District Court
in and for Said aounty was held on the
thirtieth 30 day of December 1895 at ten
oclock a m the following descnbe1 lands
and tenements ro satisfy the judgement and
costs in said action judgement for the sum of
hundred fifty eight dollars and liftv cents
515850 and costs taxed at twenty nine dollars
rtim nuy ucuis jov iiuu leorumg costs
I to wit the north half of the north west quarter
NT JSWH section twenty five 25 and the
north halt of the north east quarter N 2 nE1
sejion twenty six 20 township 3U range 2u in
Cherry county Nebraska
Dated this J7th day of Nov 1S95
Kidd and Tucker Plf t Attys
Parlies having final pruot notices In
these columns will receive a marked
copy of the Independent containing
first insertion of same It is the duty
of each claimant to examine their
notice carefully and should there be
any error the fact should be reported
to the land oflice and to this oftico at
oilce for correction
U S Land Oflice at Valentine Nob I
November 12th 1895 f
Notice is hereby irlveft that tho following
named settler lias filed notice of his intention to l
maue liual proof in support of Ins claim and
that said proof will be made before the Reirster
and Receiver at Valentine Neb oa Dec 20th
i63j viz
Marion O Metier of Pullman Neb
HE No J1931 for the se4 b U Sec 20 and swK
BvJ4 Sec 21 and nei ne4 Sec 20 nw nwJi Sec
Sc 28 Tp 20 R 35
lie names the folknvingwitnesses to nrove his
contiuiios residence upon and cultivation cf
said land viz
Willian Pulnian Christian Nelson John Car
penter and Enos Doty all of Pullman Neb Also
Enos Doty of Pullman Xeb
HE No 9033 for lots 2 and 3 seJi nwk and sw
k neln Sec 7 Tp 20 R 35 W
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resh leuea upon and cultivation of
said land yiz
William PmHwm fin-
Jl ri U riii J TIT t X LY i F322 Ts
8 A A ft bA ETA E tr a
M T i r u rj ri hi r I n i f it w r w
2 a m m n i n a u w n
u a a u u 4 ZTS3 a a
W3 Jj g j3 sa 7Srr
Es v EL- S3 lb
NO 44
B J H t r J 3 frj SB O V 3 0 Irm 6 S
Ever Displayed in Town
Special Prices to Cliurclies Schools sgesS
Christmas Entertainments
Fine Line of Mew Groceries Frails
and Provisions on Hand
Having constantly on hand a com
plete line of fresh Groceries 3ky
Goods General Merchandise bs
in fact everything one can wishfe
Dont lail to visit our store wMa
in search of bargains
fr3 r ttlll S PI 9 1 fta k
MHtU 1 LI it
nnMAi n
y a jr b a
ave just beoeiyed a
Valentine Nebrasa
Kjj luA - - a w b b a
rrCTfygfey cJnciI rrnrirrr1 mTrn -V S71 - n
C 13 COKXELJb Fresirtert Jl V XICZSOLSOI CasfiSatr
Valenfciiie Nebraska
A General JSaiaTcSnf Hzteincas Transacted
Hus and Sella JPomestic and Foreign Esccliahgcj
Correspondents National Bank New YorK Lirst National Bank Oraahs
jfC PJ ereozi n tz7
ya I ILn
SB3a r Blip n
m nm fa
ii ra tm g
Liy its L
it i
m h i i s i n
mi a n
a ftE jf
Fish G ame Tender Steate
j Jucy Roasts Dry Salt Mesm
1 1 and tlie fir est line of Smoked
fa I Hams and Breakiast Bacos
1 1 ever sold in town
At StsttersOld Stand on Main Street U W S i ETTERj PHl
i i liu a n