Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896, December 05, 1895, Image 1

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The Farm Record of Indianapoli3
lid is a bright hustling wide awake
sixteen page monthly journal publish
ed at 50 cents a year by C Vincent
formerly with the Noacomformist ih
Kansas and it is thoroughly alive to
the needs of thef armers and full of
sensible and business like suggestions
as to how the rqpst can be made from
farm life Mostf farm papers from the
East have liltle in common with our
western and southern people and
knowing but little of our surroundings
they do not issch the point of making
themselves indispensable to the farm
er This is not the case with tha
3Taxm Record for its editor was reared
in the west and spent last summer
here and is fully acquainted with the
peculiar position of the western and
southern farmer He is also familiar
5n a general way with the needs of
this class in all parts of the country
Jiaviug personally visited every agri
cultural state in the union But he
5a now engaged in makiug a fight for
the tanner that should endear him- to
tevery farm home The grain ring has
lad in operation a system of weighing
-which has docked a very large portion
of your grain for years p fct Mr Vin
cent has probed that ulcer and found
a cure for it He has arranged with a
Chicago firm to handle the farmers
grain without1 any dockage and all
grain will be weighed understate sup
ervision G S Knipe of Arlington
S D acting under the directions of
the Farm Record sent a carload of
wheat to that market and saved 43 a
bushel This is only one of hundreds
Tou can save money too on any
grain you may have to sell this winter
tmd if you have not a carload several
can club together You need the
Farm Record to give you full directions
and we will send that paper one year
free to every subscriber that sends or
pays us a dollar on subscription either
old or new during the next few weeks
This is the most valuable gift that we-
-can give you for it will put you- in
the way to save on your crop money
that has been going to the grain ring
Tou cannot afford to miss a single
copy and you should act quickly and
a ail yourselves of this unparalleled
offer before it is withdrawn It is too
good to last long Come along and
get your Christmas gift
Try Thisliemeay
There is no aid to digestion no eure
-for the blues no recipe for a- good
nights sleep no quietus- for worried
grains or nerves to match an hour ai
diCSinff once or twice a day
tf Attain Bnpldlty aad Accuracy Do Not
Aim Alone the Sights
Captain J Forman Thirteenth In
fantry says in the St Louis Globe
pemocrat It is a peculiar fact thai
Very tew men even accomplished shots
jfoiow how a revolver ought to bn
handled Nearly all are taught to aint
f revolver as if it were a rifle that is
iy bringing the object aimed and tho
tore and hind sights into line This la
111 well enough for shooting gallery
practice but should never be followed
1 the field In training troops to use
the revolver they are taught in aiming
-co look at tbe weapon at au oui
sd their eves on the object- to be
ick In quick firing and especially
jotvn0 from horseback much oev
felta are obtainaDle in this way
dl fe owiug a stone does not iook
r tond neither does a tuiliar
gK B
mt along ms cue j o
to the use of short weapons-
kT rce men trained to shoot ex-
tljEl a maik when they coula
their nistol sights at all rxece
soard were fastened just In
the cylinders which effectually
ted the men from using their
its arid greatly mcreasea tns
as well as the accuracy 01
tavainJi Nearly any one can signi
jfe toi correctly the inaccuracy oi
se aixnhiosr due to trembling of tho
Jiaod9 bcfcr the trigger is pressed
y hHttairtttfe sight the temptation to
JioVL too l4ny is removed and the first
n fMtaU7 the most accurate i
Id the Train
A ttmm im Ceorgia ws eiQ
Of te MTAmian It had got about
31 t ymciM Jpoja a station when a ae
gOf fnw seen running fran
UfBDj after i The conductor saw
itl Tnttii the bl and the train came
A oolotad rakeman stood
dik fkafftBd reached out his hand
3 beip kar omi Mmfiho ran on by
mtff bjr kuo hin elf out 0
tSzhir ad kieeedner Tho con
irfrm vie mturKy ft DMI0 wralh
6ftHtuN 0a 6h VrcJ him that
tier bay wu gimg efc aoA fcay didnt
tfvn he i tsSl ba Ql bj and
tbB big to cKj K i Efcs Ivq te
ffou Want a Thins Wwll Done Yo
Mtit Do It luunwlf
n old Vermont farmer tails a rathet
jitty story of a missionary who
before setting sail for the iai
of the convertible heathen tool
onto himself a wife In less han two
years hi3 helpmeet died and the- rni
senary board granted hina a vacation
which he improved by returning- home
and marrying again lr Vss than a
ytar wife So 2 had mccunecLto the
rigors of t e pagap dictate but tK
hoard reiused to grant almv second
wthin so abort tin- Ho
lccordiuly deputised a friend to se
xt a brivle vr him and in due time
received the vt elcome information that
the future sharer of his joys and sor
rows yas on the sea haste aing to hire
as fae as wind and steam could earn1
her At last the ship was signale
and the bridegrom efect went dowa to
fleet it accompanied 03 a married
Mend On the rturn of the latter tc
bis house he iras pounced upon by his
fiie who demanded all the particulars
jf the meeting Did Dr Smith seen
vercome when he saw Miss Drown
the first question Well--yes
4 iittle Wasiit he jverinyed
Well ovei joyed is not just tab word
perhaps Why didnt he say hi
vas delighted Well no not ex
actly But at iosl ho seemed
pleased Well I dsrmt crake know
For mercys sake Uv tell me jub
tfhafr hedid say ana do Well
with evidrrt reluctate when he
iaw ker she was at the other end c
the deck sju 1 she was out to
iiim br the frjend she had traveled
with Smitd xked at her for a rnhi
ite and then ne passed his hand over
his eyeu and I heard him- murmur
Red hair for the third time an
after so much prayer
Tho DIro Straits in AYlilcb Poor Cliolly
Found Himself
There are- two young people well
known in St Louis who feel mutually
indigsant at the treatment accorded
ibem by the young ladys chaperon a
few days ago The young man went
Dn the evening in question to call on
the young lady For awhile the
chaperon did not bother them but
about J oclock when the chairs of the
points- on oppositcsaidea of rtKc Tocm tt r ITcv
a point about equauv aistant irom
each near the center of the room the
greater distance having been traversal
by the young man in a ratio of 4 to 1
the chaperon came in The chairs re
treated but the chaperon remained in
the room She said she was looking
for her Bible The young people sent
longlag glances across tbe room but
5ie chaperon kept looking for her
Bible At last she found it ana went
out and the young people were happy
or one minute Then the chaperor
came back Dagg nr glances met her
hut with an angelic smile- she pliced
in arm chair in front of the door and
Boon fell asleep- She snored hard arjd
the young people were happy for a
ame But when 12 oclock came the
young man wticAed to go home but
could not get cut without waking thJ
nhaperon This he was afraid to d
Matters became desperate While tho
young lady held open the window bt
vaulted to the street without hst or
overcoat The girl not being aVe to
f et into the corridor to get thee 1 f m
aim he went home withou r and
sent a messenger after tt Be3i
nanded Her Fall Privllso and soi
Thcin Too
conductor on the Iron Mountain
Southern railroad tells the following
it nt We were whirling alon
other day throughthe granite hills
Vnvnp ennntv behind time and
ning at a furious rate when the
ineer caught sight of an old wo
rn slowly pottering ahead on the
uk Instantly the whistle wa
own No heed however was taken
it Thinking ths venerable dame
get out of danger in due time
the speed was riot slackened though
the screaming of the whistle made the
hills ring Yet still the old woman
kept slowly on turning her head
neither to the right nor to the left
until the engine was almost upon her
Then the brakes were put on with a
will and the train was stopped just in
time to save her life What the devil
is the matter with yon asked the err
giueer as he jumped off and torc thu
ancient dame by the shoulders Guess
you neednt scream so You have made
fuss enough already was the caustic
reply You heard the whistle then
Sartainly I hant deaf Thm
whyin thunder didnt you get off the
track lYou hant goi no right to
run over folkB cs I knowa on and its
rour business to stop when you see
them walking on the track The
bwearing of the array in Flanders was
nothing compared to that of the engi
neer as he pushed her aside sprang
apon the machine and set it going
igain to the tune ci forty- miles at
Or Prices Creasfl Baking Powder
yorlisFolr fllfffaest Mcdai and Diploma
Highest Honors Worlds
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder Free
from Ammonia Alum or any other adulterant
ffo CyclOao and the Anti Cyclone Met ft
However uninteresting the monthl
budget of weather reports furnished to
seamen by the hydrograpnk office ma
ordinarily be to landsmen the data
rjathered by Lieut G C Hanus of tho
United Stutes steamship Enterpriss
regarding- a recent norther at Colon
ell- a picturesque story of a battle
between aerial giants It happened at
certain time that a vait cyclone or
storm area area of low pressure the
report calls it was sweeping along to
the westward just north of the equator
Within a circle nrany hundreds si
niHes in diameter the wind drove
around nod around under lowering
skies and with increasing speed unti
the vortex was reached when tba
hurrying vapors that Jiad boon carrU 0
ftlong were- suddenly released to shof
up in a vafct column and float away h
feathery cioud3 that told the story a
facir origin to practiced eye a thou
sand miles away
As this storm carno whirling with it
fceavy northeast gales in advance
across the Caribbean sea an anti
cyclone or area of high pressuis was
Jsvelopcd over tho broad prairies ci
Testis Its eourdo was easterly and It
pathway Wiiu swept by heavy gaei
rrom the northwest It was inevitable
hat the two giants of the air should
neet Such giants often do and
n tho conflict that follows ships and
young people had meandered frorr j ilor livins thing bencatl
rvd rvi or snow 101
days before one or tho other
Ji vorn t
Kul when these two glr nts met they
or a time joined hands in their effort
o clear the sea of ships Tho gala
nn the northwest met the brcth of
e cyclono coming from the northeaai
y ever the Yucalan strait s bet veer
mIvi and the nininVnd The twe
Zs became one that hoadod dirrutlji
Lh With growing force they drovt
great wavej before them and sem
dogs before their master Tixt
- is in cvory port along the
I 1 coast siipnod from their mooring
1 a hastcnc1 into open water and there
cle everything snug for the
ij tb came dovrn upon thorn a few
ours later For twenty four houra
aoy were tossed about in tho sever
t weuther experienced for years
n ia then the anti cyclone triumphed
thorgh badly woi n by the conflict and
i ugged itself off aci oss the Florida
eiinsula and disappeared
dow some ships failed to get to sea
and so were- driven ashore while
others that got away did not and nSver
friii return is a stojy that will only be
Tsouipletod when the insurnnoa com
panies are finally called ou to pay foi
ihe resrels marked- missing In thiif
uin ual imports
At the
Articles 53
that are in 05
any way o
gerous or of- 0
fensive also g
patent 05
cines nos os
trums and gs
empirical preparations whose o
ingredients are concealed will oi
nob be admitted to the Expo g
eition gi
Why was Ayers Sarsaparllla admit- of
ted Because it is nota patent medicine o
not a nostrum nor a secret preparation 0
not dangerous not an experiment and oj
because it is all that a family medicine gg
should be o
Chicago 1893
Why not get the Best g
UMiar s Tabules cure dyspepsia
Ripaus Talxulos onQgives relieL
ilil LI PIT PIS II i II i
- 3ft
Notice to Xon ISesidciit JTJpfenrtunt
Daniel I Xirwan Elizi E Klrwnn WI
Bowdtsii Jacob and ilrs Ludwifj fn it name 111
known and K Alleu Keceivcrwill takt notio
iliat Jcny DClenuiis tiled his uftitioit auain
vmi in tin district enurl of Iherry county Ne
brnski 011 the 7th day of Oct The objec
and prayer heiiif to foredAse a Trust deed x
ecuted and deliveivrbylaniel 1 and Klhsa E
Kinvan Uj E S Ormsliy Trustee upon the fol
lowing prfMuises SEU sec 17 Twp 34 1angc
2S west insaid county to secure the payment of
a promissory note for o75 executed and deliver
eu by the same parties to W L Telford dated
September 14th 18S7 and due December 1st
1802 with ten interest notes thereto attached for
62012 each The same bavins been assigned to
plalnti IT before maturity and prior to the com
mencment of tlies action Also lor the non-payment
of taxes to plaintiff who has paid same
and were delinquent That there is now due
plaintiff from defendant on said notes and mort
gage si r 84 and on said taxes 51585 with in
teiest Porwliieh plaintiff prays for a decree
of court requiring the defendant to pav sains or
that in default thereof the said premises be
spin to sansiy sam claim
You ie rcciuired to answer or otherwise tilead
on or before the 20th
to plati ITs petition day of
januarj ibuo jkkrv d ilkmrs
By W 11 Brown Attorney
Mhoriff Sale
BY VIRTUE of an order of sale issued bv the
Clerk ol the District Court of Cherry county
Nebraska on a decree of foreclosure wherein
Alfreda E Walker is plaintiff and against
Elecn A ArliH Glarn E Arlin Nebniska
Mortgage and Investment Company and C C
Collinsuecoiver r will sell atjmblic auction to the
highest bidder for cash at tne front door of the
court house in the village of Valentine in
Cherry county Nebraska that being the build
ing wherein the last term os the District Court
111 and for said oounty was held on the
thirtieth 01 day of December laX at ten
oclock a 111 the following describe J lands
and tenements to satisty the judgement and
costs in said action judgement for the sum ot
four hundred iifty eight dollars and iifty cmus
-15850 and costs taxed at twenty nine dollars
and lifty cents 2950 and accruing costs
to wit the north halt of the north west quarter
NVe NWi section twenty live 25 and the
north half of the north east quarter N2 NE
sexton twenty six 2C township M range 20 in
Cherry county Nebraska
Dated this ttfth day of Nov l05
C C 1 A KK Kit Sheriff
Kidd and Tucker rift Attys
Parties having final proof notices In
these columns will receive a marked
copy ofie Independent containing
first insertion of same It is the duty
of each claimant to examine their
notice carefully and should there be
any error the fact should be reported
to the land ofilce and to this office at
once for correction
Jiiul Ofllccat Valentine Neb J
Oct 25th 1805
Notice is herehv given that the following
named settler has Tiled noticoof his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
said proof will be made before Register and Ee
ceiver at Valentine Nebraska on Dec Cth
1S95 viz
Franklin T ISrackett ot Crookston
Neb HE No S59G for the seM Sec 7 Tp 33 It 30
He names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
William Watson Herman Weisflogg William
A Wilson axd Jums U Wilson all of Crooks
ton Neb
Land Otlice at Valentine Nebr
October 30tb 1895
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to
make ttnal nroof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at Valeutine Nebr on Dec
13th 1S05 viz
2Tathan W Conover
of Cody Neb who made TC Entry No 715 for
lots 1 and 2 and S Vi NE Ji Sco 5 Tp 31 It 35
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence on and cultivation of
said landviz
John Bishop Edward S Weed Wallace E7
Nehon Edwin It West all of Cody Neb also
Edward S Weed
of Codv Neb who madp TC Entry No 74G3 for
lots 2 3 4 and SE V SV U Sec 30 Tp 32 R 35
He names thefoliowing witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Nathan W Conover Johtr Bishop Wallace E
Nelson Edwin It West all of Cody Neb also
John Bishop
of Codv Neb who made TC Ent ry No 7461 for
lots3 4 and SE k SW h SW U SE H Sec 31
Tn V It 35 w
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of sifil hind viz
Natnan W Conover Edward S Weed Wallace
Nelson Edwin It West all otuociy iei
C II GLOVER Register
Land Ollice at valentine Nebr
November 6th 1895 1
Notice is hereby given that the following nam
ed settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before ltepister and
Iteeiver at Valentine Nebr on Dec ICtu
1895 viz
Frederick Silberhora of Kilgore 2eb
HE No 9509 for the seW swii sec IS neM mvft
and nw4 neH See 19 Tp 34 It 31
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Frank Hoffman of Kilgore Neb Henry L
Kilgore of Johnstown Neb Urauson Dorrah
and Joseph Wesser of Neii7elNeb
C E GLO VJJlt Itegistcr
U S Laud OfTice at Valentine Neb I
November 12th 1895
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before the Iteg ster
and lteceiver at Valentine Neb on Dec20th
1S95 viz
Marion 0 Metzger of Pullman Iseb
HE No 9934 for the sei se M Sec 20 and swKi
sw4 Sec 21 and nek ne Bee 29 nwJi nwH Sec
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuos residence upon aad cultivation of
said land viz
Wilhan Pullman Christian Nelson John Car
penter and Enos Doty all of Pullman Neb Also
Enos Doty of Pullman JTeb
HE No 9933 for lots 2 and 3 seli nw and sw
M neJi Sec 7 Tp 29 R 35 W
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
William Pullman Christian Nelson John Car
penter and Marlon Metzger all ot Pullman Neb
C 11 GLOVEIt Register
U S Lcsrd Office Valentine Nebraska 1
November 14th 1895 f
Complaint having been made at this office by
James JNoteaaman against oomi riirusuu tor
failure to complv with law as to Timber Culture
entry No 8333 dated June 3 1820 upon the S
SEI4 audSVi SWJ4 Sec 13 Twp 29 R 32 in Cherry
couiuv Nebraska with a view to the cancella
tion orsnid entry contestant alleging that John
Bardson luis failed to break or causo to be
broken ten acres of said truer and has failed to
plant or cause to bo planted ten acres in trees
seeds or cuttings and haa failed to cultivate or
cause to be cultivated auy part of said tract in
the- last four years of entry and that the land
now broken on said tract is grown up in grass
and weeds arid thors are now no living trees on
said tract at this date and claimant has wholly
abandoned said tract and has failed to cure his
laches to this dae the said parties are hereby
summoned to appear at this ofilce on the 23rd
davof December 1895 at 10 oclock a m to re
spond and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged failure
KOI 42
Ivor Displayed in Town
Special Prices to Gliurclles Scojafe wSl
Christmas Entertamments
Fine Line of New GroeeriesrFimts
and Provisions on HandL
And prepared to welcome ail old and new customers witiiiisr
GREATEST BARGAINS ever offered inYalbntiheu
Just price our goods to be convihoedi
ale fresh goods just received
A laTge and carefully selected stocfccrfnESaiia
and Fancy Groceries Sugar DsmsssB
Goods Dried Fruit Tea and CofiB
C Ml COIiXELL President 31 V jeiVIHMaOTfr oUtis
Valentine Nebraska
Al General JSaiilting Business- Transacted
Mays and Sells Domestic and Foreign ZSaceiiaavgm
Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National BaniOOE Efei
Af StettersOld Staad on Main Street
Fisli Game Tender Ses2ss
Jaiey Roasts Dry Salfc Maais
andtlie finest line o STTOfcefl
Hams and Breaktast Bsesa
ever sold in town
OJ the Choicest lirs ars