Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896, November 14, 1895, Image 2

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jfr U
Gherrg Countg Independent
The Remains of the Men Hanged
for tho Haymarket Riot to Be
Exhumed and Burned The Em
press of Kussia Dying
Report on Postomces
Washington special First Assistant
Postmaster General Frank H Jones has
made his annual report for the year end
ing June 30 1895 Mr Jones says that tho
diyisions under his supervision have saved
during the year 1395577 the principal
items being in the saving in carrier ser
vice by stopping overtime and reduction
of the force amounting to 1800000 The
salaries of all presidential postmasters
amounted to 55897200 and the gross re
ceipts of postoffices to 60538097 The
numbor of presidential postmasters is
8491 of which 159 are first class 700 sec
ond olass and 2632 third class Au esti
mate of 17000000 for all postmasters is
made for the year 1897 an increase over
the present year of 1000000 The total
number of positions brought within the
classified service during the year were
Mr Jones recommends the abolition of
the experimental free delivery unless 10
000000 is appropriated for the purpose
also free rural delivery unless 20000000
is appropriated
An estimate of 12960300 is made for
the free delivery service next year The
money order report shows that there are
19691 domestic money order offices ana
orders to the amount of 1567090S9 issued
ana itioyt8y paia Mr Jones recom
mends legislation requiring clerks hand
ling money order business to give bonds
Concerning the dead letter matter the
report says
The number of pieces of original dead
mail matter received during the year for
treatment was 6319873 a decrease of 781
Mr Jones renews several recommenda
tions made in his last report such as pen
alty for using postmarks for unlawful
purposes to prevent boycotting of post
offices to amend the franking laws more
stringent legislation against obscene mail
matter the power to suspend employes
the employment of temporary and substi
tute clerks care for disabled employes
the better deification of salaries oJ
clerks in i eer ojnees and the employ
I subcarriers
Remains of Men Hanged for the
SayiiuLEkPt liidt foBe filovea
Chicago special The bones of the an
archists hanged for the Haymarket mas
sacre are not to rest in peace The bodies
of August Spies Albert Parsons Louis
Lingg Adolph Fischer and George Engel
now lying in Waldheim Cemetery will be
exhumed and cremated The ashes will
bereinterred somewhere it is not known
where but in a spot to which those who
hold the memery of these men dear may
visit when they will This was the sug
gestion made at a meeting of societies and
trades unions of Chicago at Greifs Hall
and which was cheered with stormy ve
hemence A score of speakers took it up
and each in his turn was greeted witb
jjries of approval There was not a dis
senting voice
The idea of such action was the outcome
of the decision of the officers of Waldheim
cemetery in refusing to permit the annual
demonstration this year at the graves o
the dead anarchists on the anniversary ol
their execuMon The demonstration had
been arranged to take place Monday after
noon At the conclusion of the meeting it
was announced that there would be a
demonstration nevertheless It will be
held in a hall on West Twelfth street
Johann Most and Luoy Parsons will be
the star attractions
Tho Young Czarinas Jjife Hangs
on a Very Slender Thread
New York special A dispatch to a local
paper from London says
The news that comes from St Peters
burg through channels that entitle it to
full belief gives a sad and startling turn
to the recent pleasant gossip about the
coming birth of an heir to the imperial
crown of Russia The physicians of
the palace who have been in consulta
tion with gynecological specialists
advised the Czar that in the natural
course of events neither the mother nor
the child could survive The frightfully
grave operation of Caesarian section was
therefore performed Now the men of
science are no longer able to conceal from
the imperial husband the imminent dan
ger of the Czarina it is understood in
official circles that her recovery is consid
ered impossible and that there is no hope
A letter from St Petersburg dated
wuci iu uiuuuuwju uiiii me czarina was
ill seclusion at Tarskoe Selo and would
remain there until the birth of her child
Weekly Bank Statement
New York special The weekly bank
statement shows a reserve increase of 1
666000 loans decrease 4769000 special
increase 210000 legal tenders increase
973000 deposits derreue 927000 The
banks now hold 19200000 in excess of the
legal requirements
Five Leaders Executed
Foo Chow China special Five lead
ers in the massacre of missionaries at
Hwasand were publicly beheaded The
American and British consular commis
sion and many Americans and Europeans
were present The arrest of persons im
plicated in the massacre continues at Ku
JFunerals on Street Cars
Chicago special The managers of the
electric street railways are preparing to
cater to funeral parties The Calumet
ny vumpanyias a lunerai car in
course of construction Funeral trains in
ordinary cars have been in use on this
jine during the summer but now arrange
ments have been made for the manufac
ture of a funeral car The car above the
trucks will be black Even the trolley pole
will be wound with crepe When the de
ceased is a child the crepe will be white
and the sides of the car will be festooned
with white Inside the car just back of
the motorman the bier will occupy one
Bide Opposite this are to be seats for the
minister and the pall bearers Tho
mourners will sit along the sides of the car
Friends will sit in cars also black which
will take the place of trailers
Maur Woolen Mills Are Closing for
Want of Orders
New York special R G Dun Cos
Weekly Review of Trade says It has
been a broken week and just before and
after elections in the most important
states operations rarely have much signi
ficance Business may be largely affected
in time but as yet there is scarcely an in
dication of what the effect will be The
controlling power at present is the effort
to readjust prices after the remarkable
rise of last summer in important materials
and products with the struggle of great
combinations to prevent a deoline
The purchase of competing interests
how gives the H C Frick Company own
ership of 11686 out of 17934 coke ovens in
Hie Connellsville region and practical con
trol of more than three quarters and an
advance in the price of coke to 2 is ex
pected as the Carnegie Company has been
buying up supplies at low prices for
months in advance The anthracite com
bination seems ready to make higher
Many woolen mills are closing to wait
for orders though the demand is fairly
satisfactory for some dress goods and
worsteds and the Washington mills open
clay worsteds at a 10 cent advance But
prices for these and most qualities of
woolens are still uncertain for manufac
turers do no know yet what they have to
Wheat falls back with great reluctance
from its summer rise of 20 cents but has
declined cents for the week
Situation in Turkey Growing Worse
Every Day
London special The Constantinople
correspondent of the Standard says It
is rumored that decisive European action
is imminent The report is gaining
ground even in diplomatic circles that
the Sultan has ordered the extermination
of the Armenian race The excitement is
spreading to Syria Bagdad and Mosul
JtThe Chronicles correspondent at Con
stantinople in a dispatch makes similar
Statements and adds One of the oldest
Fnglish residents who has business agents
throughout the empire informs me that
the situation is worse than anything he
has known for tire last forty jears The
number of the killed must njv be reckoned
fcj tuo aumirotiiSTiUi ity uiuiSjpliidsJ but by
tens of thousands and reports from Syria
declare that the Armenians have been
massacred under direct ordersvfrom the
The Berlin correspondent of the Times
says of Tewfik Pasha the new Turkish
minister of foreign affairs While here
Tewfik displayed no qualities fitting him
to be a good foreign minister He has
won the Sultans confidence by the timely
detection of Palace plots and is likely to
be a docile Palace instrument It looks
therefore as if the Sultan were thinking
more of his own safety than of the gravity
of the political situation
Cleveland Will Give a Good Deal of
Space to Finance
Washington special The President is
at work on his message to Congress The
chief matter of interest will be the recom
mendations regarding the countrys
finances Mr Clevelands policy on the
money question will cut a prominent
figure in the message and the Senate and
House will be asked to enact such legis
lation as will tend to place the country
on a more substantial financial basis He
will probably strongly advocate the re
tirement of all outstanding green
backs and treasury notes by the is
suance of 500000000 of interest
bearing gold bonds and that the na
tional banks be allowed to increase their
circulation Mr Cleveland has strong
hopes of securing such legislation during
the next Congress and despite the fact
that the llepublicans will predominate in
the House and will have equal weight
with the Democrats in the Senate he is
encouraged to believe that the much
needed legislation will be forthcoming
This proposition will be strongly opposed
however by not only the silver men but
by such eminent leaders as Sherman and
Mills and by leaders of the house of equal
prominence and it will not be without a
hot fight that Mr Clevelands wishes in
the matter of financial legislation will be
acceded to
Broke the Record
Chicago special The money order de
partment of the Chicago postoffice paid
out Thursday more money in cashing
money orders than was ever before paid
out by any similar office on any one day
The total payments for the day aggre
gated over 105000 the exact amount not
being obtainable until late at night This
is the first time in the history of the money
order department that the daily payments
at one office have reached a sum over
100000 In addition to the105000 which
represents the amount that went through
the clearing house there was about 15000
paid ont by the clerks at the postoffice
Cargo Damaged by Fire
Liverpool special The British steamer
Cuban Captain Bertie from New Or
leans October 17 whioh arrived here with
a cargo of 6000 bales of cotton and 80009
bushels of corn reports that fire broke out
in her cargo last Wednesday The amount
of damage done is not yet known
Strnck by an Engine
Chicago special A man whose name is
said to be Becker was instantly killed
Wednesday night by a Chicago Milwau
kee and St Paul train at Grand Avenue
Sioux City Cattle 225 to 310 hogs
330 to 345 sheep 200 to 245 wheat
48c to 44c corn 15c to ISc oats 12c to 13c
r3e20cto 25c flax 74c hay 500 to 650
butter 15c to 17c eggs 15j to 16
Chicago Cattle common tQ prime 29C
to 485 hogs shipping grades 360 tc
870 sheep fair to choice 100 to 330
wheat No 2 red 58e to 61o corn No
2 29c to 29c oats No 2 18c rye No
2 37c
Kansas City Cattle 285 to 490 hogs
345 to 365 sheep 250 to 350J
South Omaha Cattle 230 o 345
hogs 825 to 840 sheep dull I
St Paul Cattle 200 to 245 hogs
310 to 335 sheep 240 to S3aO
Iitional Treasury Deficit Constant
ly Growing Larger
Washington special According to a
Uatement which has recently appeared in
certain administration newspapers it will
not be necessary in the opinion of the offi
cers of the Treasury Department for Con
gress to take steps at tho opening session
to replenish the public revenues and
therefore neither the President in his an
nual message nor the Secretary of the
Treasury in his report to Congress will
recommend such action or submit any
proposition on the subject These state
ments appear to be incredible in view of
the actual condition of the national treas
ury and the prospect that for a consider
able time to come unless some action
shall be taken even under the most
favorable circumstances the cur
rent revenues must continue to fall short
of the current expenditures of the Govern
ment at the rate of 40000000 to 70000000
a year It is easy to assert that the im
provement of business will cause revenue
to flow into the national treasury at a rate
which will not only keep pace with cur
rent expenses but enable the Secretary of
the Treasury soon to amas3 a surplus
But there is no ground for such an asser
tion nothing on which to bap such an
argument It is no secret among men
who are at all familiar with the operation
of the Treasury Department that millions
on millions of arrearages have accumu
lated in the last eighteen months In
round figures the total appropriations for
the fiscal year ended June 80 1895 ex
clusive of postal appropriations exceeded
435000000 and the total expenditures
amounted to 356000000 There was a
difference of 79000000 It is fair to say
that a large proportion of this amount
ought to have been expended before June
SO 1895 It will have to be paid some
time Every month which sees arrear
ages growing adds to the embarassments
Df the situation Since July 1 1894 the
expenditures despite the postponement
Df payments due have exceeded the ordi
nary receipts by the enormous sum of
63000000 and the deficit is steadily
Declares Spain Will Lose Cuba Un
less Autonomy is Granted
New York special The Paris corres
pondent of the World cables the follow
ing lam able to send you the following
authentic translations of copies of official
cable dispatches now on file at Madrid
To Minister Ultramar Madrid Re
ferring to your cablegram of October 30
expressing dissatisfaction at the news
paper interview in which 1 expressed the
opinion that the Unifed States would rec
ognize Cuban belligerency I reit
erate my statement and say further
that if this war is not
brought to a speedy termination by grant
ing home rule to Cuba the United States
vill surely give aid to the insurgents and
espouse their cause sooner or later I
arge that autonomy be granted to tho
Slanrt believing tins To1eSiiitr means
Df ending the struggle without the loss of
many lives and the waste of the immense
wealth of the island
Martinez de Campos
Madrid Nov 2 1895 To Martinez de
Campos Captain General Havana Cuba
The question of autonomy is being con
sidered but we fear the Cubans will not
accept it Ultramar Minister
A Deplorable Cabinet
London special A Constantinople cor
respondent says It would be as diffi
cult to conceive the condition of mind
tvhich brought the Sultan to appoint sucli
a deplorable cabinet as to describe the
consternation it has produced everywhere
The Grand Vizier is perhaps the least
ibjeotionable His intentions are honest
out his capacity is small Tufik Pasha is
i nonentity Abdur Rahman and Mom-
iukh are a couple of fanatics Munirs
aptitude for unclean work has raised him
high in the esteem of the Sultan and
places him facile princeps at the head of
the political spies
Canal Proposition Carries
New York special Tho proposition
that the state shall spend 9000C00 in im
proving canals has been adopted Returns
are coining slowly but accurate figures
received from twenty three counties give
a majority of 111831 voles in its favor
The work done in tins city on behalf of
the proposition met with great success
for out of 117711 cast on the question there
ivere only 15503 against it
Ship Encounters a Severe Storm
Lima Peru special The British ship
Indian Empire Captain Thomson from
New Castle New South Wales for Calao
July 18 via Valpariso Chili and Moilen
lo Peru with a cargo of coal has arrived
it Callao and reports having experience
i severe storm during which 100 tons of
soal were iettisoned and the shin dis
American Actors in Trouble
London special W II Sherwood who
is said to be an American doctor of divin
ity and J A Wilson who is described as
being an American lawyer both actors in
the Old Kentucky Company were re
manded at Blackburn on the charge of
having stabbed a laborer there in a brawl
Ijeadville Bank Will Pay
Leadville Colo special The deposits
In the Leadville Savings and Deposits
Bank which failed amount to 95000 of
which 70000 is county funds It is be
lieved the bank will pay in full
lu Incident in the Life of Queen Vic
Queen Victoria who is one of the
oiost uncompromising of reigning mon
irchs in her intolerance toward those
vho are divorced is herself the
of a princess who was dl
rorced by her husband under singu
larly sensational circumstances The
mother of the prince consort was a
lovely woman it wa from her that he
inherited his good looks and was the
last descendant of the dukes of Gotha
whose dominion may be said to have
constituted her marriage portion since
they were incorporated with those of
Saxe Coburg at the time of her union
to the duke of that petty sovereignty
A drunkard and a profligate of the
most coarse character the duke treated
his young and beautiful wife with dis
graceful brutality so much so indeed
that the imperial diet felt constrained
to interfere in her behalf while the
good people of Coburg showed their
sympathy with their blonde and blue
eyed duchess by smashing every win
dow of the husbands palace and by
almost lynching his Polish favorite
Count Schimbowski
At length the duchess could no longer
bear her treatment and eloped from
Coburg with a young cavalry lieuten
ant of the name of Baron von Hanstein
The duke at once sued for a divorce
which was granted and the young
mother was never permitted to see her
children again until just before the
Prince consorts marriage they being
brought up altogether by their grand
mother Soon after recovering her lib
erty the duchess married the compan
ion of her flight and spent the remain
der of her days partly in Switzerland
and partly in Paris where she died
She bequeathed to her husband for
whom she had previously obtained the
title of Gount of Poelzig a considerable
yearly income from the revenues of the
duchy of Gotha on the one condition
that he would never part with het
corpse not even for a single night and
stipulated that if he spent twenty four
hours under any roof than that where
her embalmed remains happened to be
the pension should cease at once Sc
the unfortunate count carried the mum
my of Queen Victorias mother-in-law
around with him for years long even
after his marriage to another lady un
til one morning at Paris he was horri
fied by the discovery that the casket had
disappeared After much investigation
he foiled that it had been stolen by
emissaries from the court of
with a view of having it
decently laid to rest and as the pen
sion was continued he had no reason
whatsoever to regret the theft
Origin or tho Bell
Thporinginof the religious significance
at die bell f notjriio seek Primeval
man discovered that noise would fright
en off troublesome or dangerous animals
There are plenty of stories of how
bears for example were put to flight
by unearthly yells I have often seen
cattle stampeded in that way in the
West When the noise is unusual few
animals can resist its terrifying powers
especially if they are taken unawares
Trimeval man governed by his imag
ination thus came to regard certain
noises as having a supernatural char
acter and so introduced them into his
worship As he advanced in knowl
edge he improved his means of making
them until he developed the bell He
discovered also that noise is a source
of enthusiasm and for that reason h
employed it in his worship Many i
time at a revival or cam meeting 1
have heard the preacher exhort thost
at the mourners bench and around i
to pray louder and sing louder himseli
giving the example all for the sake oi
enthusiasm The bell in worship Pa
gan as well as Jewish and Christian
is traceable to the effect which nois
has on the mind of man and animalj
if the animal has any mind Pitts
burg Times
Plucking the Ostrich
The ostrich is first picked when abou
seven months old and every seven
months after that The valuable feath
es are found on the wings and tail The
third plucking is usually very good and
one hundred dollars is usually realized
from each bird at a plucking If the
feather is not ripe when plucking
time comes it is cut off with shears A
ripe quill stem drops out of its own ac
cord When the proper time has come
to pluck an ostrich he is cajoled by
means of an orange or other tidbit until
he is headed for a small box like in
closure just large enough to hold him
a man slips in behind him and with a
sudden rush shoves him into the pen
and clasps the door shut Here the bird
has no room to kick and is at the mercy
of the shearers Ostriches cannot get
over or under a railing four feet high
This Is therefore all the fence neces
sary to keep them confined
To Eest the Eyes
A medical journal says that in the
continued use of the eyes in such work
as sewing type setting bookkeeping
reading and studying the saving point
is in breaking off work at short inter
vals and looking around the room This
may be practiced every ten or fifteen
minutes By doing this the muscular
tension is relieved the eyes are rested
and the blood supply becomes bettor-
Why Nothing Happened
Once a careless man went to the
cellar and stuck the candle in what he
thought was a keg of black sand He
sat near it drinking wine until the
candle burned low Nearer it got to
the black sand nearer and nearer un
til the blaze reached the black sand
and as it was nothing but black sand
nothing happened
An old woihans idea of a proper
young man is one who finds bis great
est emovment m ivoi
A Pathetic Scene that Touches
Chords of Human Sympathy
Of the many and shifting scenes of
New Yorks swnrming thownghfareB
i know of none more full of human
pathos none that meets with a quicker
response of human sympathy than the
ambulance call says a metropolitan
writer There i3 the dramatic element
in the reckless speed and the loud gong
of warning and the scattering vvagons
and pedestrians as the ambulance
comes tearing down Broadway that
draws undivided attention But it is
in the character of tho mission Itself
that universal sympathy and specuhv
tion center In a city where human
life Is cheap where a hundred human
souls daily take their flight into the
unknown and where murder and sui
cide and fatal accident are present at
every breakfast table death Itself ex
cites but momentary attention But
there is something that appeals more
powerfully to the sympathies of men
than mere death and that Is human
suffering and there is something that
more readily rouses the slumbering im
agination than actual sight and this
is the uncertainty
When the ambulance rolls by like a
thundering whiiiwindscattering every
thing before it there is at once brought
up in every mind the question of hu
man suffering and the pique of uncer
tainty There instinctively rises in
every brain the mental picture of some
ambulance case witnessed at some
time or another If you never hap
pened to be present on the scene of ac
cident itself perhaps some newspaper
horror of the day repeats Itself in the
wayward imagination in all its sicken
ing details This morning it is the ac
count of a man crushed under an ele
vated engine yesterday it was an in
nocent young girl murdered by her
maniac lover the day before it was a
boy taken maimed and bleeding from
beneath a cable car and so on from
day to day from week to week and
from year to year in the never ending
circle of human suffering and violent
death And to me it is a sweet re
minder of the common bond which
binds all human hearts together be
neath the cloak of sordid life to feel
that within every gentle breast the
blood ebbs and flows with unbidden Ir
regularity at the clang and roar of the
whirling ambulance
Street Car Statistics
Here are some figures relative to the
street car mileage of this country
Nine hundred and seventy six roads
1914 miles of track for horse traction
10363 for electric G32 for cable and G79
for miscellaneous making a total of
135S8 miles 44745 cars averaging S29
per mile of track 748014200 total cap
ital stock averaging 55000 per mile of
track 552129950 total funded debt
or 40600 per mile of track 1300711--000
total capital liabilities or 95600
iper mile of track
When Wrinkles Seam the Brow
And the locks grow scant and silvery In
firmities of age come on apace To retard and
ameliorate these Is one of the benign effects
of Hostetters Stomach Bitters a medicine
to which the aged and Infirm can resort as
a safe solace and invlgorant It counteracts
a cendency to rheumatism and neuralgia
Improves digestion rectifies biliousness and
overcomes malaria A wineglass before re
tiring promotes slumber
Maiilon A Sellers postmaster at Wind
sor Castle Pa has held his appointment
fifty years
fren fwll T tIt -
ervo itetorer jso Jrits after first days ue Mar
velous cures Treatise and 00 trial bottle free to
Fit cases Send to Dr Kline 031 Arch St Phila Pa
THSfe ills
- - A
It Is a Pleasure
To recommend Hoods Sarsaparilla to all
afflicted with blood or skin diseases My
blood was out of order and I suffered for
years from psoriasis I tried several rem
edies without benefit After taking
Hoods Sasapanlia
for two months 1 was restored to my for
mer good health and feel like a differeni
person As a blood purifier I think JlooVi
Sarsaparilla has no equal Chaises
Cockeijeas Irving Illinois
Hnnrlc Pillc act harmoniously with
11UUU 2 flili Hoods
Sarsaparilla iSc
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment wheo
rightly used The many who live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more with
less expenditure by more promptly
adapting the worlds best products to
theneeds of physical being will attest
the value to health of the pure liquiS
laxative principles embraced in th
remedy Syrup of Figs
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the ta3te the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative effectually cleansing the system
dispelling colds headaches and fever
ana permanently curing constipation
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession because it acts on the Kid
neys Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in 50c and 1 bottles but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co only whose name is printed on every
package also the name Syrup of Figs
and being well informed you will nofi
jxcceyit any substitute if offered
Gives relief in FTTE minutes Send
foraFKJiEtrlal Dacliase SolilbTC
Druggists Ona iiox sent postpaid j
on receipt ol iiu mix oonrs cuu
iAddres3 Titos roriiis rniLA rx
Timely Warning
The great success of the chocolate preparations of
the house of Walter Baker Co established
biffs I fiiiS
in 1780 has led to the placing on the market
many misleading and unscrupulous imitations
of their name labels and wrappers Walter
Baker Co are the oldest and largest manu
facturers of pure and high grade Cocoas and
Chocolates on this continent No chemicals are
used in their manufactures
Consumers should ask for and be sure that
they get the genuine Walter Baker Cos goods
jcU fn r i tf n
ljs Lightens j
1 n Labor J
twriiSJ 4jUI1K I
1 TTT T f nl sSreatceanercotnestow0niaiisaid
I feJj 1 rM on wasnay ani every day Makes her ft
jpLTKly4 lJByworig a matter of love instead of g
Wfll17 i1 P everywhere